path: root/src/qmldom/qqmldomelements_p.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/qmldom/qqmldomelements_p.h')
1 files changed, 1272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qmldom/qqmldomelements_p.h b/src/qmldom/qqmldomelements_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db57da7bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qmldom/qqmldomelements_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1272 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+// W A R N I N G
+// -------------
+// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
+// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
+// version without notice, or even be removed.
+// We mean it.
+#include "qqmldomitem_p.h"
+#include "qqmldomconstants_p.h"
+#include "qqmldomcomments_p.h"
+#include "qqmldomlinewriter_p.h"
+#include <QtQml/private/qqmljsast_p.h>
+#include <QtQml/private/qqmljsengine_p.h>
+#include <QtQml/private/qqmlsignalnames_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/QCborValue>
+#include <QtCore/QCborMap>
+#include <QtCore/QMutexLocker>
+#include <QtCore/QPair>
+#include <memory>
+#include <private/qqmljsscope_p.h>
+#include <functional>
+#include <limits>
+namespace QQmlJS {
+namespace Dom {
+// namespace for utility methods building specific paths
+// using a namespace one can reopen it and add more methods in other places
+namespace Paths {
+Path moduleIndexPath(
+ const QString &uri, int majorVersion, const ErrorHandler &errorHandler = nullptr);
+Path moduleScopePath(
+ const QString &uri, Version version, const ErrorHandler &errorHandler = nullptr);
+Path moduleScopePath(
+ const QString &uri, const QString &version, const ErrorHandler &errorHandler = nullptr);
+inline Path moduleScopePath(
+ const QString &uri, const ErrorHandler &errorHandler = nullptr)
+ return moduleScopePath(uri, QString(), errorHandler);
+inline Path qmlDirInfoPath(const QString &path)
+ return Path::Root(PathRoot::Top).field(Fields::qmldirWithPath).key(path);
+inline Path qmlDirPath(const QString &path)
+ return qmlDirInfoPath(path).field(Fields::currentItem);
+inline Path qmldirFileInfoPath(const QString &path)
+ return Path::Root(PathRoot::Top).field(Fields::qmldirFileWithPath).key(path);
+inline Path qmldirFilePath(const QString &path)
+ return qmldirFileInfoPath(path).field(Fields::currentItem);
+inline Path qmlFileInfoPath(const QString &canonicalFilePath)
+ return Path::Root(PathRoot::Top).field(Fields::qmlFileWithPath).key(canonicalFilePath);
+inline Path qmlFilePath(const QString &canonicalFilePath)
+ return qmlFileInfoPath(canonicalFilePath).field(Fields::currentItem);
+inline Path qmlFileObjectPath(const QString &canonicalFilePath)
+ return qmlFilePath(canonicalFilePath)
+ .field(Fields::components)
+ .key(QString())
+ .index(0)
+ .field(Fields::objects)
+ .index(0);
+inline Path qmltypesFileInfoPath(const QString &path)
+ return Path::Root(PathRoot::Top).field(Fields::qmltypesFileWithPath).key(path);
+inline Path qmltypesFilePath(const QString &path)
+ return qmltypesFileInfoPath(path).field(Fields::currentItem);
+inline Path jsFileInfoPath(const QString &path)
+ return Path::Root(PathRoot::Top).field(Fields::jsFileWithPath).key(path);
+inline Path jsFilePath(const QString &path)
+ return jsFileInfoPath(path).field(Fields::currentItem);
+inline Path qmlDirectoryInfoPath(const QString &path)
+ return Path::Root(PathRoot::Top).field(Fields::qmlDirectoryWithPath).key(path);
+inline Path qmlDirectoryPath(const QString &path)
+ return qmlDirectoryInfoPath(path).field(Fields::currentItem);
+inline Path globalScopeInfoPath(const QString &name)
+ return Path::Root(PathRoot::Top).field(Fields::globalScopeWithName).key(name);
+inline Path globalScopePath(const QString &name)
+ return globalScopeInfoPath(name).field(Fields::currentItem);
+inline Path lookupCppTypePath(const QString &name)
+ return Path::Current(PathCurrent::Lookup).field(Fields::cppType).key(name);
+inline Path lookupPropertyPath(const QString &name)
+ return Path::Current(PathCurrent::Lookup).field(Fields::propertyDef).key(name);
+inline Path lookupSymbolPath(const QString &name)
+ return Path::Current(PathCurrent::Lookup).field(Fields::symbol).key(name);
+inline Path lookupTypePath(const QString &name)
+ return Path::Current(PathCurrent::Lookup).field(Fields::type).key(name);
+inline Path loadInfoPath(const Path &el)
+ return Path::Root(PathRoot::Env).field(Fields::loadInfo).key(el.toString());
+} // end namespace Paths
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT CommentableDomElement : public DomElement
+ CommentableDomElement(const Path &pathFromOwner = Path()) : DomElement(pathFromOwner) { }
+ CommentableDomElement(const CommentableDomElement &o) : DomElement(o), m_comments(o.m_comments)
+ {
+ }
+ CommentableDomElement &operator=(const CommentableDomElement &o) = default;
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor) const override;
+ RegionComments &comments() { return m_comments; }
+ const RegionComments &comments() const { return m_comments; }
+ RegionComments m_comments;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT Version
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::Version;
+ constexpr static qint32 Undefined = -1;
+ constexpr static qint32 Latest = -2;
+ Version(qint32 majorVersion = Undefined, qint32 minorVersion = Undefined);
+ static Version fromString(QStringView v);
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor) const;
+ bool isLatest() const;
+ bool isValid() const;
+ QString stringValue() const;
+ QString majorString() const
+ {
+ if (majorVersion >= 0 || majorVersion == Undefined)
+ return QString::number(majorVersion);
+ return QString();
+ }
+ QString majorSymbolicString() const
+ {
+ if (majorVersion == Version::Latest)
+ return QLatin1String("Latest");
+ if (majorVersion >= 0 || majorVersion == Undefined)
+ return QString::number(majorVersion);
+ return QString();
+ }
+ QString minorString() const
+ {
+ if (minorVersion >= 0 || minorVersion == Undefined)
+ return QString::number(minorVersion);
+ return QString();
+ }
+ int compare(const Version &o) const
+ {
+ int c = majorVersion - o.majorVersion;
+ if (c != 0)
+ return c;
+ return minorVersion - o.minorVersion;
+ }
+ qint32 majorVersion;
+ qint32 minorVersion;
+inline bool operator==(const Version &v1, const Version &v2)
+ return v1.compare(v2) == 0;
+inline bool operator!=(const Version &v1, const Version &v2)
+ return v1.compare(v2) != 0;
+inline bool operator<(const Version &v1, const Version &v2)
+ return v1.compare(v2) < 0;
+inline bool operator<=(const Version &v1, const Version &v2)
+ return v1.compare(v2) <= 0;
+inline bool operator>(const Version &v1, const Version &v2)
+ return v1.compare(v2) > 0;
+inline bool operator>=(const Version &v1, const Version &v2)
+ return v1.compare(v2) >= 0;
+ enum class Kind { Invalid, ModuleUri, DirectoryUrl, RelativePath, AbsolutePath };
+ QmlUri() = default;
+ static QmlUri fromString(const QString &importStr);
+ static QmlUri fromUriString(const QString &importStr);
+ static QmlUri fromDirectoryString(const QString &importStr);
+ bool isValid() const;
+ bool isDirectory() const;
+ bool isModule() const;
+ QString moduleUri() const;
+ QString localPath() const;
+ QString absoluteLocalPath(const QString &basePath = QString()) const;
+ QUrl directoryUrl() const;
+ QString directoryString() const;
+ QString toString() const;
+ Kind kind() const;
+ friend bool operator==(const QmlUri &i1, const QmlUri &i2)
+ {
+ return i1.m_kind == i2.m_kind && i1.m_value == i2.m_value;
+ }
+ friend bool operator!=(const QmlUri &i1, const QmlUri &i2) { return !(i1 == i2); }
+ QmlUri(const QUrl &url) : m_kind(Kind::DirectoryUrl), m_value(url) { }
+ QmlUri(Kind kind, const QString &value) : m_kind(kind), m_value(value) { }
+ Kind m_kind = Kind::Invalid;
+ std::variant<QString, QUrl> m_value;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT Import
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::Import;
+ static Import fromUriString(
+ const QString &importStr, Version v = Version(), const QString &importId = QString(),
+ const ErrorHandler &handler = nullptr);
+ static Import fromFileString(
+ const QString &importStr, const QString &importId = QString(),
+ const ErrorHandler &handler = nullptr);
+ Import(const QmlUri &uri = QmlUri(), Version version = Version(),
+ const QString &importId = QString())
+ : uri(uri), version(version), importId(importId)
+ {
+ }
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor) const;
+ Path importedPath() const
+ {
+ if (uri.isDirectory()) {
+ QString path = uri.absoluteLocalPath();
+ if (!path.isEmpty()) {
+ return Paths::qmlDirPath(path);
+ } else {
+ Q_ASSERT_X(false, "Import", "url imports not supported");
+ return Paths::qmldirFilePath(uri.directoryString());
+ }
+ } else {
+ return Paths::moduleScopePath(uri.moduleUri(), version);
+ }
+ }
+ Import baseImport() const { return Import { uri, version }; }
+ friend bool operator==(const Import &i1, const Import &i2)
+ {
+ return i1.uri == i2.uri && i1.version == i2.version && i1.importId == i2.importId
+ && i1.comments == i2.comments && i1.implicit == i2.implicit;
+ }
+ friend bool operator!=(const Import &i1, const Import &i2) { return !(i1 == i2); }
+ void writeOut(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &ow) const;
+ static QRegularExpression importRe();
+ QmlUri uri;
+ Version version;
+ QString importId;
+ RegionComments comments;
+ bool implicit = false;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT ModuleAutoExport
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::ModuleAutoExport;
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor visitor) const
+ {
+ bool cont = true;
+ cont = cont && self.dvWrapField(visitor, Fields::import, import);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::inheritVersion, inheritVersion);
+ return cont;
+ }
+ friend bool operator==(const ModuleAutoExport &i1, const ModuleAutoExport &i2)
+ {
+ return i1.import == i2.import && i1.inheritVersion == i2.inheritVersion;
+ }
+ friend bool operator!=(const ModuleAutoExport &i1, const ModuleAutoExport &i2)
+ {
+ return !(i1 == i2);
+ }
+ Import import;
+ bool inheritVersion = false;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT Pragma
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::Pragma;
+ Pragma(const QString &pragmaName = QString(), const QStringList &pragmaValues = {})
+ : name(pragmaName), values{ pragmaValues }
+ {
+ }
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor visitor) const
+ {
+ bool cont = self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::name, name);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::values, values);
+ cont = cont && self.dvWrapField(visitor, Fields::comments, comments);
+ return cont;
+ }
+ void writeOut(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &ow) const;
+ QString name;
+ QStringList values;
+ RegionComments comments;
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::Id;
+ Id(const QString &idName = QString(), const Path &referredObject = Path());
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor) const;
+ void updatePathFromOwner(const Path &pathFromOwner);
+ Path addAnnotation(const Path &selfPathFromOwner, const QmlObject &ann, QmlObject **aPtr = nullptr);
+ QString name;
+ Path referredObjectPath;
+ RegionComments comments;
+ QList<QmlObject> annotations;
+ std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> value;
+// TODO: rename? it may contain statements and stuff, not only expressions
+// TODO QTBUG-121933
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT ScriptExpression final : public OwningItem
+ Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(ScriptExpression)
+ enum class ExpressionType {
+ BindingExpression,
+ FunctionBody,
+ ArgInitializer,
+ ArgumentStructure,
+ ReturnType,
+ JSCode, // Used for storing the content of the whole .js file as "one" Expression
+ ESMCode, // Used for storing the content of the whole ECMAScript module (.mjs) as "one"
+ // Expression
+ };
+ Q_ENUM(ExpressionType);
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::ScriptExpression;
+ DomType kind() const override { return kindValue; }
+ explicit ScriptExpression(
+ QStringView code, const std::shared_ptr<QQmlJS::Engine> &engine, AST::Node *ast,
+ const std::shared_ptr<AstComments> &comments, ExpressionType expressionType,
+ SourceLocation localOffset = SourceLocation(), int derivedFrom = 0,
+ QStringView preCode = QStringView(), QStringView postCode = QStringView());
+ ScriptExpression()
+ : ScriptExpression(QStringView(), std::shared_ptr<QQmlJS::Engine>(), nullptr,
+ std::shared_ptr<AstComments>(), ExpressionType::BindingExpression,
+ SourceLocation(), 0)
+ {
+ }
+ explicit ScriptExpression(
+ const QString &code, ExpressionType expressionType, int derivedFrom = 0,
+ const QString &preCode = QString(), const QString &postCode = QString())
+ : OwningItem(derivedFrom), m_expressionType(expressionType)
+ {
+ setCode(code, preCode, postCode);
+ }
+ ScriptExpression(const ScriptExpression &e);
+ std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> makeCopy(const DomItem &self) const
+ {
+ return std::static_pointer_cast<ScriptExpression>(doCopy(self));
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> copyWithUpdatedCode(const DomItem &self, const QString &code) const;
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor visitor) const override;
+ Path canonicalPath(const DomItem &self) const override { return self.m_ownerPath; }
+ // parsed and created if not available
+ AST::Node *ast() const { return m_ast; }
+ // dump of the ast (without locations)
+ void astDumper(const Sink &s, AstDumperOptions options) const;
+ QString astRelocatableDump() const;
+ // definedSymbols name, value, from
+ // usedSymbols name, locations
+ QStringView code() const
+ {
+ QMutexLocker l(mutex());
+ return m_code;
+ }
+ ExpressionType expressionType() const
+ {
+ QMutexLocker l(mutex());
+ return m_expressionType;
+ }
+ bool isNull() const
+ {
+ QMutexLocker l(mutex());
+ return m_code.isNull();
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<QQmlJS::Engine> engine() const
+ {
+ QMutexLocker l(mutex());
+ return m_engine;
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<AstComments> astComments() const { return m_astComments; }
+ void writeOut(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &lw) const override;
+ SourceLocation globalLocation(const DomItem &self) const;
+ SourceLocation localOffset() const { return m_localOffset; }
+ QStringView preCode() const { return m_preCode; }
+ QStringView postCode() const { return m_postCode; }
+ void setScriptElement(const ScriptElementVariant &p);
+ ScriptElementVariant scriptElement() { return m_element; }
+ std::shared_ptr<OwningItem> doCopy(const DomItem &) const override
+ {
+ return std::make_shared<ScriptExpression>(*this);
+ }
+ std::function<SourceLocation(SourceLocation)> locationToGlobalF(const DomItem &self) const
+ {
+ SourceLocation loc = globalLocation(self);
+ return [loc, this](SourceLocation x) {
+ return SourceLocation(x.offset - m_localOffset.offset + loc.offset, x.length,
+ x.startLine - m_localOffset.startLine + loc.startLine,
+ ((x.startLine == m_localOffset.startLine) ? x.startColumn
+ - m_localOffset.startColumn + loc.startColumn
+ : x.startColumn));
+ };
+ }
+ SourceLocation locationToLocal(SourceLocation x) const
+ {
+ return SourceLocation(
+ x.offset - m_localOffset.offset, x.length, x.startLine - m_localOffset.startLine,
+ ((x.startLine == m_localOffset.startLine)
+ ? x.startColumn - m_localOffset.startColumn
+ : x.startColumn)); // are line and column 1 based? then we should + 1
+ }
+ std::function<SourceLocation(SourceLocation)> locationToLocalF(const DomItem &) const
+ {
+ return [this](SourceLocation x) { return locationToLocal(x); };
+ }
+ enum class ParseMode {
+ QML,
+ JS,
+ ESM, // ECMAScript module
+ };
+ inline ParseMode resolveParseMode()
+ {
+ switch (m_expressionType) {
+ case ExpressionType::BindingExpression:
+ // unfortunately there are no documentation explaining this resolution
+ // this was just moved from the original implementation
+ return ParseMode::QML;
+ case ExpressionType::ESMCode:
+ return ParseMode::ESM;
+ default:
+ return ParseMode::JS;
+ }
+ }
+ void setCode(const QString &code, const QString &preCode, const QString &postCode);
+ [[nodiscard]] AST::Node *parse(ParseMode mode);
+ ExpressionType m_expressionType;
+ QString m_codeStr;
+ QStringView m_code;
+ QStringView m_preCode;
+ QStringView m_postCode;
+ mutable std::shared_ptr<QQmlJS::Engine> m_engine;
+ mutable AST::Node *m_ast;
+ std::shared_ptr<AstComments> m_astComments;
+ SourceLocation m_localOffset;
+ ScriptElementVariant m_element;
+class BindingValue;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT Binding
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::Binding;
+ Binding(const QString &m_name = QString(),
+ std::unique_ptr<BindingValue> value = std::unique_ptr<BindingValue>(),
+ BindingType bindingType = BindingType::Normal);
+ Binding(const QString &m_name, const std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> &value,
+ BindingType bindingType = BindingType::Normal);
+ Binding(const QString &m_name, const QString &scriptCode,
+ BindingType bindingType = BindingType::Normal);
+ Binding(const QString &m_name, const QmlObject &value,
+ BindingType bindingType = BindingType::Normal);
+ Binding(const QString &m_name, const QList<QmlObject> &value,
+ BindingType bindingType = BindingType::Normal);
+ Binding(const Binding &o);
+ Binding(Binding &&o) = default;
+ ~Binding();
+ Binding &operator=(const Binding &);
+ Binding &operator=(Binding &&) = default;
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor) const;
+ DomItem valueItem(const DomItem &self) const; // ### REVISIT: consider replacing return value with variant
+ BindingValueKind valueKind() const;
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ BindingType bindingType() const { return m_bindingType; }
+ QmlObject const *objectValue() const;
+ QList<QmlObject> const *arrayValue() const;
+ std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> scriptExpressionValue() const;
+ QmlObject *objectValue();
+ QList<QmlObject> *arrayValue();
+ std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> scriptExpressionValue();
+ QList<QmlObject> annotations() const { return m_annotations; }
+ void setAnnotations(const QList<QmlObject> &annotations) { m_annotations = annotations; }
+ void setValue(std::unique_ptr<BindingValue> &&value) { m_value = std::move(value); }
+ Path addAnnotation(const Path &selfPathFromOwner, const QmlObject &a, QmlObject **aPtr = nullptr);
+ const RegionComments &comments() const { return m_comments; }
+ RegionComments &comments() { return m_comments; }
+ void updatePathFromOwner(const Path &newPath);
+ void writeOut(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &lw) const;
+ void writeOutValue(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &lw) const;
+ bool isSignalHandler() const
+ {
+ QString baseName = m_name.split(QLatin1Char('.')).last();
+ return QQmlSignalNames::isHandlerName(baseName);
+ }
+ static QString preCodeForName(QStringView n)
+ {
+ return QStringLiteral(u"QtObject{\n %1: ").arg(n.split(u'.').last());
+ }
+ static QString postCodeForName(QStringView) { return QStringLiteral(u"\n}\n"); }
+ QString preCode() const { return preCodeForName(m_name); }
+ QString postCode() const { return postCodeForName(m_name); }
+ ScriptElementVariant bindingIdentifiers() const { return m_bindingIdentifiers; }
+ void setBindingIdentifiers(const ScriptElementVariant &bindingIdentifiers) { m_bindingIdentifiers = bindingIdentifiers; }
+ friend class QQmlDomAstCreator;
+ BindingType m_bindingType;
+ QString m_name;
+ std::unique_ptr<BindingValue> m_value;
+ QList<QmlObject> m_annotations;
+ RegionComments m_comments;
+ ScriptElementVariant m_bindingIdentifiers;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT AttributeInfo
+ enum Access { Private, Protected, Public };
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor visitor) const;
+ Path addAnnotation(const Path &selfPathFromOwner, const QmlObject &annotation,
+ QmlObject **aPtr = nullptr);
+ void updatePathFromOwner(const Path &newPath);
+ QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr semanticScope() const { return m_semanticScope; }
+ void setSemanticScope(const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope) { m_semanticScope = scope; }
+ QString name;
+ Access access = Access::Public;
+ QString typeName;
+ bool isReadonly = false;
+ bool isList = false;
+ QList<QmlObject> annotations;
+ RegionComments comments;
+ QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr m_semanticScope;
+struct QMLDOM_EXPORT LocallyResolvedAlias
+ enum class Status { Invalid, ResolvedProperty, ResolvedObject, Loop, TooDeep };
+ bool valid()
+ {
+ switch (status) {
+ case Status::ResolvedProperty:
+ case Status::ResolvedObject:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ DomItem baseObject;
+ DomItem localPropertyDef;
+ QString typeName;
+ QStringList accessedPath;
+ Status status = Status::Invalid;
+ int nAliases = 0;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT PropertyDefinition : public AttributeInfo
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::PropertyDefinition;
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor visitor) const
+ {
+ bool cont = AttributeInfo::iterateDirectSubpaths(self, visitor);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::isPointer, isPointer);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::isFinal, isFinal);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::isAlias, isAlias());
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::isDefaultMember, isDefaultMember);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::isRequired, isRequired);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::read, read);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::write, write);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::bindable, bindable);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::notify, notify);
+ cont = cont && self.dvReferenceField(visitor, Fields::type, typePath());
+ if (m_nameIdentifiers) {
+ cont = cont && self.dvItemField(visitor, Fields::nameIdentifiers, [this, &self]() {
+ return self.subScriptElementWrapperItem(m_nameIdentifiers);
+ });
+ }
+ return cont;
+ }
+ Path typePath() const { return Paths::lookupTypePath(typeName); }
+ bool isAlias() const { return typeName == u"alias"; }
+ bool isParametricType() const;
+ void writeOut(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &lw) const;
+ ScriptElementVariant nameIdentifiers() const { return m_nameIdentifiers; }
+ void setNameIdentifiers(const ScriptElementVariant &name) { m_nameIdentifiers = name; }
+ QString read;
+ QString write;
+ QString bindable;
+ QString notify;
+ bool isFinal = false;
+ bool isPointer = false;
+ bool isDefaultMember = false;
+ bool isRequired = false;
+ ScriptElementVariant m_nameIdentifiers;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT PropertyInfo
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::PropertyInfo; // used to get the correct kind in ObjectWrapper
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor visitor) const;
+ QList<DomItem> propertyDefs;
+ QList<DomItem> bindings;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT MethodParameter
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::MethodParameter;
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor visitor) const;
+ void writeOut(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &ow) const;
+ void writeOutSignal(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &ow) const;
+ QString name;
+ QString typeName;
+ bool isPointer = false;
+ bool isReadonly = false;
+ bool isList = false;
+ bool isRestElement = false;
+ std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> defaultValue;
+ /*!
+ \internal
+ Contains the scriptElement representing this argument, inclusive default value,
+ deconstruction, etc.
+ */
+ std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> value;
+ QList<QmlObject> annotations;
+ RegionComments comments;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT MethodInfo : public AttributeInfo
+ enum MethodType { Signal, Method };
+ Q_ENUM(MethodType)
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::MethodInfo;
+ Path typePath(const DomItem &) const
+ {
+ return (typeName.isEmpty() ? Path() : Paths::lookupTypePath(typeName));
+ }
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor visitor) const;
+ QString preCode(const DomItem &) const; // ### REVISIT, might be simplified by using different toplevel production rules at usage site
+ QString postCode(const DomItem &) const;
+ void writePre(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &ow) const;
+ void writeOut(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &ow) const;
+ void setCode(const QString &code)
+ {
+ body = std::make_shared<ScriptExpression>(
+ code, ScriptExpression::ExpressionType::FunctionBody, 0,
+ QLatin1String("function foo(){\n"), QLatin1String("\n}\n"));
+ }
+ MethodInfo() = default;
+ // TODO: make private + add getters/setters
+ QList<MethodParameter> parameters;
+ MethodType methodType = Method;
+ std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> body;
+ std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> returnType;
+ bool isConstructor = false;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT EnumItem
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::EnumItem;
+ EnumItem(const QString &name = QString(), int value = 0) : m_name(name), m_value(value) { }
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor visitor) const;
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ double value() const { return m_value; }
+ RegionComments &comments() { return m_comments; }
+ const RegionComments &comments() const { return m_comments; }
+ void writeOut(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &lw) const;
+ QString m_name;
+ double m_value;
+ RegionComments m_comments;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT EnumDecl final : public CommentableDomElement
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::EnumDecl;
+ DomType kind() const override { return kindValue; }
+ EnumDecl(const QString &name = QString(), QList<EnumItem> values = QList<EnumItem>(),
+ Path pathFromOwner = Path())
+ : CommentableDomElement(pathFromOwner), m_name(name), m_values(values)
+ {
+ }
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor visitor) const override;
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
+ const QList<EnumItem> &values() const & { return m_values; }
+ bool isFlag() const { return m_isFlag; }
+ void setIsFlag(bool flag) { m_isFlag = flag; }
+ QString alias() const { return m_alias; }
+ void setAlias(const QString &aliasName) { m_alias = aliasName; }
+ void setValues(QList<EnumItem> values) { m_values = values; }
+ Path addValue(EnumItem value)
+ {
+ m_values.append(value);
+ return Path::Field(Fields::values).index(index_type(m_values.size() - 1));
+ }
+ void updatePathFromOwner(const Path &newP) override;
+ const QList<QmlObject> &annotations() const & { return m_annotations; }
+ void setAnnotations(const QList<QmlObject> &annotations);
+ Path addAnnotation(const QmlObject &child, QmlObject **cPtr = nullptr);
+ void writeOut(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &lw) const override;
+ QString m_name;
+ bool m_isFlag = false;
+ QString m_alias;
+ QList<EnumItem> m_values;
+ QList<QmlObject> m_annotations;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT QmlObject final : public CommentableDomElement
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::QmlObject;
+ DomType kind() const override { return kindValue; }
+ QmlObject(const Path &pathFromOwner = Path());
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor) const override;
+ bool iterateBaseDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor) const;
+ QList<QString> fields() const;
+ QList<QString> fields(const DomItem &) const override { return fields(); }
+ DomItem field(const DomItem &self, QStringView name) const override;
+ void updatePathFromOwner(const Path &newPath) override;
+ QString localDefaultPropertyName() const;
+ QString defaultPropertyName(const DomItem &self) const;
+ virtual bool iterateSubOwners(const DomItem &self, function_ref<bool(const DomItem &owner)> visitor) const;
+ QString idStr() const { return m_idStr; }
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ const QList<Path> &prototypePaths() const & { return m_prototypePaths; }
+ Path nextScopePath() const { return m_nextScopePath; }
+ const QMultiMap<QString, PropertyDefinition> &propertyDefs() const & { return m_propertyDefs; }
+ const QMultiMap<QString, Binding> &bindings() const & { return m_bindings; }
+ const QMultiMap<QString, MethodInfo> &methods() const & { return m_methods; }
+ QList<QmlObject> children() const { return m_children; }
+ QList<QmlObject> annotations() const { return m_annotations; }
+ void setIdStr(const QString &id) { m_idStr = id; }
+ void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
+ void setDefaultPropertyName(const QString &name) { m_defaultPropertyName = name; }
+ void setPrototypePaths(QList<Path> prototypePaths) { m_prototypePaths = prototypePaths; }
+ Path addPrototypePath(const Path &prototypePath)
+ {
+ index_type idx = index_type(m_prototypePaths.indexOf(prototypePath));
+ if (idx == -1) {
+ idx = index_type(m_prototypePaths.size());
+ m_prototypePaths.append(prototypePath);
+ }
+ return Path::Field(Fields::prototypes).index(idx);
+ }
+ void setNextScopePath(const Path &nextScopePath) { m_nextScopePath = nextScopePath; }
+ void setPropertyDefs(QMultiMap<QString, PropertyDefinition> propertyDefs)
+ {
+ m_propertyDefs = propertyDefs;
+ }
+ void setBindings(QMultiMap<QString, Binding> bindings) { m_bindings = bindings; }
+ void setMethods(QMultiMap<QString, MethodInfo> functionDefs) { m_methods = functionDefs; }
+ void setChildren(const QList<QmlObject> &children)
+ {
+ m_children = children;
+ if (pathFromOwner())
+ updatePathFromOwner(pathFromOwner());
+ }
+ void setAnnotations(const QList<QmlObject> &annotations)
+ {
+ m_annotations = annotations;
+ if (pathFromOwner())
+ updatePathFromOwner(pathFromOwner());
+ }
+ Path addPropertyDef(const PropertyDefinition &propertyDef, AddOption option,
+ PropertyDefinition **pDef = nullptr)
+ {
+ return insertUpdatableElementInMultiMap(pathFromOwner().field(Fields::propertyDefs),
+ m_propertyDefs, propertyDef.name, propertyDef,
+ option, pDef);
+ }
+ MutableDomItem addPropertyDef(MutableDomItem &self, const PropertyDefinition &propertyDef,
+ AddOption option);
+ Path addBinding(Binding binding, AddOption option, Binding **bPtr = nullptr)
+ {
+ return insertUpdatableElementInMultiMap(pathFromOwner().field(Fields::bindings), m_bindings,
+ binding.name(), binding, option, bPtr);
+ }
+ MutableDomItem addBinding(MutableDomItem &self, Binding binding, AddOption option);
+ Path addMethod(const MethodInfo &functionDef, AddOption option, MethodInfo **mPtr = nullptr)
+ {
+ return insertUpdatableElementInMultiMap(pathFromOwner().field(Fields::methods), m_methods,
+ functionDef.name, functionDef, option, mPtr);
+ }
+ MutableDomItem addMethod(MutableDomItem &self, const MethodInfo &functionDef, AddOption option);
+ Path addChild(QmlObject child, QmlObject **cPtr = nullptr)
+ {
+ return appendUpdatableElementInQList(pathFromOwner().field(Fields::children), m_children,
+ child, cPtr);
+ }
+ MutableDomItem addChild(MutableDomItem &self, QmlObject child)
+ {
+ Path p = addChild(child);
+ return MutableDomItem(self.owner().item(), p);
+ }
+ Path addAnnotation(const QmlObject &annotation, QmlObject **aPtr = nullptr)
+ {
+ return appendUpdatableElementInQList(pathFromOwner().field(Fields::annotations),
+ m_annotations, annotation, aPtr);
+ }
+ void writeOut(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &ow, const QString &onTarget) const;
+ void writeOut(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &lw) const override { writeOut(self, lw, QString()); }
+ LocallyResolvedAlias resolveAlias(const DomItem &self,
+ std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> accessSequence) const;
+ LocallyResolvedAlias resolveAlias(const DomItem &self, const QStringList &accessSequence) const;
+ QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr semanticScope() const { return m_scope; }
+ void setSemanticScope(const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope) { m_scope = scope; }
+ ScriptElementVariant nameIdentifiers() const { return m_nameIdentifiers; }
+ void setNameIdentifiers(const ScriptElementVariant &name) { m_nameIdentifiers = name; }
+ friend class QQmlDomAstCreator;
+ QString m_idStr;
+ QString m_name;
+ QList<Path> m_prototypePaths;
+ Path m_nextScopePath;
+ QString m_defaultPropertyName;
+ QMultiMap<QString, PropertyDefinition> m_propertyDefs;
+ QMultiMap<QString, Binding> m_bindings;
+ QMultiMap<QString, MethodInfo> m_methods;
+ QList<QmlObject> m_children;
+ QList<QmlObject> m_annotations;
+ QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr m_scope;
+ ScriptElementVariant m_nameIdentifiers;
+class Export
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::Export;
+ static Export fromString(
+ const Path &source, QStringView exp, const Path &typePath, const ErrorHandler &h);
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor visitor) const
+ {
+ bool cont = true;
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::uri, uri);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::typeName, typeName);
+ cont = cont && self.dvWrapField(visitor, Fields::version, version);
+ if (typePath)
+ cont = cont && self.dvReferenceField(visitor, Fields::type, typePath);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::isInternal, isInternal);
+ cont = cont && self.dvValueField(visitor, Fields::isSingleton, isSingleton);
+ if (exportSourcePath)
+ cont = cont && self.dvReferenceField(visitor, Fields::exportSource, exportSourcePath);
+ return cont;
+ }
+ Path exportSourcePath;
+ QString uri;
+ QString typeName;
+ Version version;
+ Path typePath;
+ bool isInternal = false;
+ bool isSingleton = false;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT Component : public CommentableDomElement
+ Component(const QString &name);
+ Component(const Path &pathFromOwner = Path());
+ Component(const Component &o) = default;
+ Component &operator=(const Component &) = default;
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &, DirectVisitor) const override;
+ void updatePathFromOwner(const Path &newPath) override;
+ DomItem field(const DomItem &self, QStringView name) const override;
+ QString name() const { return m_name; }
+ const QMultiMap<QString, EnumDecl> &enumerations() const & { return m_enumerations; }
+ const QList<QmlObject> &objects() const & { return m_objects; }
+ bool isSingleton() const { return m_isSingleton; }
+ bool isCreatable() const { return m_isCreatable; }
+ bool isComposite() const { return m_isComposite; }
+ QString attachedTypeName() const { return m_attachedTypeName; }
+ Path attachedTypePath(const DomItem &) const { return m_attachedTypePath; }
+ void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
+ void setEnumerations(QMultiMap<QString, EnumDecl> enumerations)
+ {
+ m_enumerations = enumerations;
+ }
+ Path addEnumeration(const EnumDecl &enumeration, AddOption option = AddOption::Overwrite,
+ EnumDecl **ePtr = nullptr)
+ {
+ return insertUpdatableElementInMultiMap(pathFromOwner().field(Fields::enumerations),
+ m_enumerations, enumeration.name(), enumeration,
+ option, ePtr);
+ }
+ void setObjects(const QList<QmlObject> &objects) { m_objects = objects; }
+ Path addObject(const QmlObject &object, QmlObject **oPtr = nullptr);
+ void setIsSingleton(bool isSingleton) { m_isSingleton = isSingleton; }
+ void setIsCreatable(bool isCreatable) { m_isCreatable = isCreatable; }
+ void setIsComposite(bool isComposite) { m_isComposite = isComposite; }
+ void setAttachedTypeName(const QString &name) { m_attachedTypeName = name; }
+ void setAttachedTypePath(const Path &p) { m_attachedTypePath = p; }
+ friend class QQmlDomAstCreator;
+ QString m_name;
+ QMultiMap<QString, EnumDecl> m_enumerations;
+ QList<QmlObject> m_objects;
+ bool m_isSingleton = false;
+ bool m_isCreatable = true;
+ bool m_isComposite = true;
+ QString m_attachedTypeName;
+ Path m_attachedTypePath;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT JsResource final : public Component
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::JsResource;
+ DomType kind() const override { return kindValue; }
+ JsResource(const Path &pathFromOwner = Path()) : Component(pathFromOwner) { }
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &, DirectVisitor) const override
+ { // to do: complete
+ return true;
+ }
+ // globalSymbols defined/exported, required/used
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT QmltypesComponent final : public Component
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::QmltypesComponent;
+ DomType kind() const override { return kindValue; }
+ QmltypesComponent(const Path &pathFromOwner = Path()) : Component(pathFromOwner) { }
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &, DirectVisitor) const override;
+ const QList<Export> &exports() const & { return m_exports; }
+ QString fileName() const { return m_fileName; }
+ void setExports(QList<Export> exports) { m_exports = exports; }
+ void addExport(const Export &exportedEntry) { m_exports.append(exportedEntry); }
+ void setFileName(const QString &fileName) { m_fileName = fileName; }
+ const QList<int> &metaRevisions() const & { return m_metaRevisions; }
+ void setMetaRevisions(QList<int> metaRevisions) { m_metaRevisions = metaRevisions; }
+ void setInterfaceNames(const QStringList& interfaces) { m_interfaceNames = interfaces; }
+ const QStringList &interfaceNames() const & { return m_interfaceNames; }
+ QString extensionTypeName() const { return m_extensionTypeName; }
+ void setExtensionTypeName(const QString &name) { m_extensionTypeName = name; }
+ QString valueTypeName() const { return m_valueTypeName; }
+ void setValueTypeName(const QString &name) { m_valueTypeName = name; }
+ bool hasCustomParser() const { return m_hasCustomParser; }
+ void setHasCustomParser(bool v) { m_hasCustomParser = v; }
+ bool extensionIsJavaScript() const { return m_extensionIsJavaScript; }
+ void setExtensionIsJavaScript(bool v) { m_extensionIsJavaScript = v; }
+ bool extensionIsNamespace() const { return m_extensionIsNamespace; }
+ void setExtensionIsNamespace(bool v) { m_extensionIsNamespace = v; }
+ QQmlJSScope::AccessSemantics accessSemantics() const { return m_accessSemantics; }
+ void setAccessSemantics(QQmlJSScope::AccessSemantics v) { m_accessSemantics = v; }
+ void setSemanticScope(const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope) { m_semanticScope = scope; }
+ QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr semanticScope() const { return m_semanticScope; }
+ QList<Export> m_exports;
+ QList<int> m_metaRevisions;
+ QString m_fileName; // remove?
+ QStringList m_interfaceNames;
+ bool m_hasCustomParser = false;
+ bool m_extensionIsJavaScript = false;
+ bool m_extensionIsNamespace = false;
+ QString m_valueTypeName;
+ QString m_extensionTypeName;
+ QQmlJSScope::AccessSemantics m_accessSemantics = QQmlJSScope::AccessSemantics::None;
+ QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr m_semanticScope;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT QmlComponent final : public Component
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::QmlComponent;
+ DomType kind() const override { return kindValue; }
+ QmlComponent(const QString &name = QString()) : Component(name)
+ {
+ setIsComposite(true);
+ setIsCreatable(true);
+ }
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor) const override;
+ const QMultiMap<QString, Id> &ids() const & { return m_ids; }
+ Path nextComponentPath() const { return m_nextComponentPath; }
+ void setIds(QMultiMap<QString, Id> ids) { m_ids = ids; }
+ void setNextComponentPath(const Path &p) { m_nextComponentPath = p; }
+ void updatePathFromOwner(const Path &newPath) override;
+ Path addId(const Id &id, AddOption option = AddOption::Overwrite, Id **idPtr = nullptr)
+ {
+ // warning does nor remove old idStr when overwriting...
+ return insertUpdatableElementInMultiMap(pathFromOwner().field(Fields::ids), m_ids, id.name,
+ id, option, idPtr);
+ }
+ void writeOut(const DomItem &self, OutWriter &) const override;
+ QList<QString> subComponentsNames(const DomItem &self) const;
+ QList<DomItem> subComponents(const DomItem &self) const;
+ void setSemanticScope(const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope) { m_semanticScope = scope; }
+ QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr semanticScope() const { return m_semanticScope; }
+ ScriptElementVariant nameIdentifiers() const { return m_nameIdentifiers; }
+ void setNameIdentifiers(const ScriptElementVariant &name) { m_nameIdentifiers = name; }
+ friend class QQmlDomAstCreator;
+ Path m_nextComponentPath;
+ QMultiMap<QString, Id> m_ids;
+ QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr m_semanticScope;
+ // m_nameIdentifiers contains the name of the component as FieldMemberExpression, and therefore
+ // only exists in inline components!
+ ScriptElementVariant m_nameIdentifiers;
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT GlobalComponent final : public Component
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::GlobalComponent;
+ DomType kind() const override { return kindValue; }
+ GlobalComponent(const Path &pathFromOwner = Path()) : Component(pathFromOwner) { }
+static ErrorGroups importErrors = { { DomItem::domErrorGroup, NewErrorGroup("importError") } };
+class QMLDOM_EXPORT ImportScope
+ constexpr static DomType kindValue = DomType::ImportScope;
+ ImportScope() = default;
+ ~ImportScope() = default;
+ const QList<Path> &importSourcePaths() const & { return m_importSourcePaths; }
+ const QMap<QString, ImportScope> &subImports() const & { return m_subImports; }
+ QList<Path> allSources(const DomItem &self) const;
+ QSet<QString> importedNames(const DomItem &self) const
+ {
+ QSet<QString> res;
+ const auto sources = allSources(self);
+ for (const Path &p : sources) {
+ QSet<QString> ks = self.path(p.field(Fields::exports), self.errorHandler()).keys();
+ res += ks;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ QList<DomItem> importedItemsWithName(const DomItem &self, const QString &name) const
+ {
+ QList<DomItem> res;
+ const auto sources = allSources(self);
+ for (const Path &p : sources) {
+ DomItem source = self.path(p.field(Fields::exports), self.errorHandler());
+ DomItem els = source.key(name);
+ int nEls = els.indexes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < nEls; ++i)
+ res.append(els.index(i));
+ if (nEls == 0 && els) {
+ self.addError(importErrors.warning(
+ tr("Looking up '%1' expected a list of exports, not %2")
+ .arg(name, els.toString())));
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ QList<Export> importedExportsWithName(const DomItem &self, const QString &name) const
+ {
+ QList<Export> res;
+ for (const DomItem &i : importedItemsWithName(self, name))
+ if (const Export *e = i.as<Export>())
+ res.append(*e);
+ else
+ self.addError(importErrors.warning(
+ tr("Expected Export looking up '%1', not %2").arg(name, i.toString())));
+ return res;
+ }
+ bool iterateDirectSubpaths(const DomItem &self, DirectVisitor visitor) const;
+ void addImport(QStringList p, const Path &targetExports)
+ {
+ if (!p.isEmpty()) {
+ const QString current = p.takeFirst();
+ m_subImports[current].addImport(std::move(p), targetExports);
+ } else if (!m_importSourcePaths.contains(targetExports)) {
+ m_importSourcePaths.append(targetExports);
+ }
+ }
+ QList<Path> m_importSourcePaths;
+ QMap<QString, ImportScope> m_subImports;
+class BindingValue
+ BindingValue();
+ BindingValue(const QmlObject &o);
+ BindingValue(const std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> &o);
+ BindingValue(const QList<QmlObject> &l);
+ ~BindingValue();
+ BindingValue(const BindingValue &o);
+ BindingValue &operator=(const BindingValue &o);
+ DomItem value(const DomItem &binding) const;
+ void updatePathFromOwner(const Path &newPath);
+ friend class Binding;
+ void clearValue();
+ BindingValueKind kind;
+ union {
+ int dummy;
+ QmlObject object;
+ std::shared_ptr<ScriptExpression> scriptExpression;
+ QList<QmlObject> array;
+ };
+} // end namespace Dom
+} // end namespace QQmlJS