path: root/src/qmlls/qqmllintsuggestions.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qmlls/qqmllintsuggestions.cpp')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qmlls/qqmllintsuggestions.cpp b/src/qmlls/qqmllintsuggestions.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab12195b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qmlls/qqmllintsuggestions.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qqmllintsuggestions_p.h"
+#include <QtLanguageServer/private/qlanguageserverspec_p.h>
+#include <QtQmlCompiler/private/qqmljslinter_p.h>
+#include <QtQmlCompiler/private/qqmljslogger_p.h>
+#include <QtQmlDom/private/qqmldom_utils_p.h>
+#include <QtQmlDom/private/qqmldomtop_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
+#include <QtCore/qdir.h>
+#include <QtCore/qfileinfo.h>
+#include <QtCore/qlibraryinfo.h>
+#include <QtCore/qtimer.h>
+#include <QtCore/qxpfunctional.h>
+#include <chrono>
+using namespace QLspSpecification;
+using namespace QQmlJS::Dom;
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lintLog, "qt.languageserver.lint")
+namespace QmlLsp {
+static DiagnosticSeverity severityFromMsgType(QtMsgType t)
+ switch (t) {
+ case QtDebugMsg:
+ return DiagnosticSeverity::Hint;
+ case QtInfoMsg:
+ return DiagnosticSeverity::Information;
+ case QtWarningMsg:
+ return DiagnosticSeverity::Warning;
+ case QtCriticalMsg:
+ case QtFatalMsg:
+ break;
+ }
+ return DiagnosticSeverity::Error;
+static void codeActionHandler(
+ const QByteArray &, const CodeActionParams &params,
+ LSPPartialResponse<std::variant<QList<std::variant<Command, CodeAction>>, std::nullptr_t>,
+ QList<std::variant<Command, CodeAction>>> &&response)
+ QList<std::variant<Command, CodeAction>> responseData;
+ for (const Diagnostic &diagnostic : params.context.diagnostics) {
+ if (!diagnostic.data.has_value())
+ continue;
+ const auto &data = diagnostic.data.value();
+ int version = data[u"version"].toInt();
+ QJsonArray suggestions = data[u"suggestions"].toArray();
+ QList<WorkspaceEdit::DocumentChange> edits;
+ QString message;
+ for (const QJsonValue &suggestion : suggestions) {
+ QString replacement = suggestion[u"replacement"].toString();
+ message += suggestion[u"message"].toString() + u"\n";
+ TextEdit textEdit;
+ textEdit.range = { Position { suggestion[u"lspBeginLine"].toInt(),
+ suggestion[u"lspBeginCharacter"].toInt() },
+ Position { suggestion[u"lspEndLine"].toInt(),
+ suggestion[u"lspEndCharacter"].toInt() } };
+ textEdit.newText = replacement.toUtf8();
+ TextDocumentEdit textDocEdit;
+ textDocEdit.textDocument = { params.textDocument, version };
+ textDocEdit.edits.append(textEdit);
+ edits.append(textDocEdit);
+ }
+ message.chop(1);
+ WorkspaceEdit edit;
+ edit.documentChanges = edits;
+ CodeAction action;
+ // VS Code and QtC ignore everything that is not a 'quickfix'.
+ action.kind = u"quickfix"_s.toUtf8();
+ action.edit = edit;
+ action.title = message.toUtf8();
+ responseData.append(action);
+ }
+ response.sendResponse(responseData);
+void QmlLintSuggestions::registerHandlers(QLanguageServer *, QLanguageServerProtocol *protocol)
+ protocol->registerCodeActionRequestHandler(&codeActionHandler);
+void QmlLintSuggestions::setupCapabilities(const QLspSpecification::InitializeParams &,
+ QLspSpecification::InitializeResult &serverInfo)
+ serverInfo.capabilities.codeActionProvider = true;
+QmlLintSuggestions::QmlLintSuggestions(QLanguageServer *server, QmlLsp::QQmlCodeModel *codeModel)
+ : m_server(server), m_codeModel(codeModel)
+ QObject::connect(m_codeModel, &QmlLsp::QQmlCodeModel::updatedSnapshot, this,
+ &QmlLintSuggestions::diagnose, Qt::DirectConnection);
+static void advancePositionPastLocation_helper(const QString &fileContents, const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &location, Position &position) {
+ const int startOffset = location.offset;
+ const int length = location.length;
+ int i = startOffset;
+ int iEnd = i + length;
+ if (iEnd > int(fileContents.size()))
+ iEnd = fileContents.size();
+ while (i < iEnd) {
+ if (fileContents.at(i) == u'\n') {
+ ++position.line;
+ position.character = 0;
+ if (i + 1 < iEnd && fileContents.at(i) == u'\r')
+ ++i;
+ } else {
+ ++position.character;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+static Diagnostic createMissingBuildDirDiagnostic()
+ Diagnostic diagnostic;
+ diagnostic.severity = DiagnosticSeverity::Warning;
+ Range &range = diagnostic.range;
+ Position &position = range.start;
+ position.line = 0;
+ position.character = 0;
+ Position &positionEnd = range.end;
+ positionEnd.line = 1;
+ diagnostic.message =
+ "qmlls could not find a build directory, without a build directory "
+ "containing a current build there could be spurious warnings, you might "
+ "want to pass the --build-dir <buildDir> option to qmlls, or set the "
+ "environment variable QMLLS_BUILD_DIRS.";
+ diagnostic.source = QByteArray("qmllint");
+ return diagnostic;
+using AdvanceFunc = qxp::function_ref<void(const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &, Position &)>;
+static Diagnostic messageToDiagnostic_helper(AdvanceFunc advancePositionPastLocation,
+ std::optional<int> version, const Message &message)
+ Diagnostic diagnostic;
+ diagnostic.severity = severityFromMsgType(message.type);
+ Range &range = diagnostic.range;
+ Position &position = range.start;
+ QQmlJS::SourceLocation srcLoc = message.loc;
+ if (srcLoc.isValid()) {
+ position.line = srcLoc.startLine - 1;
+ position.character = srcLoc.startColumn - 1;
+ range.end = position;
+ advancePositionPastLocation(message.loc, range.end);
+ }
+ if (message.fixSuggestion && !message.fixSuggestion->fixDescription().isEmpty()) {
+ diagnostic.message = QString(message.message)
+ .append(u": "_s)
+ .append(message.fixSuggestion->fixDescription())
+ .simplified()
+ .toUtf8();
+ } else {
+ diagnostic.message = message.message.toUtf8();
+ }
+ diagnostic.source = QByteArray("qmllint");
+ auto suggestion = message.fixSuggestion;
+ if (!suggestion.has_value())
+ return diagnostic;
+ // We need to interject the information about where the fix suggestions end
+ // here since we don't have access to the textDocument to calculate it later.
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation cut = suggestion->location();
+ const int line = cut.isValid() ? cut.startLine - 1 : 0;
+ const int column = cut.isValid() ? cut.startColumn - 1 : 0;
+ QJsonObject object;
+ object.insert("lspBeginLine"_L1, line);
+ object.insert("lspBeginCharacter"_L1, column);
+ Position end = { line, column };
+ if (srcLoc.isValid())
+ advancePositionPastLocation(cut, end);
+ object.insert("lspEndLine"_L1, end.line);
+ object.insert("lspEndCharacter"_L1, end.character);
+ object.insert("message"_L1, suggestion->fixDescription());
+ object.insert("replacement"_L1, suggestion->replacement());
+ QJsonArray fixedSuggestions;
+ fixedSuggestions.append(object);
+ QJsonObject data;
+ data[u"suggestions"] = fixedSuggestions;
+ Q_ASSERT(version.has_value());
+ data[u"version"] = version.value();
+ diagnostic.data = data;
+ return diagnostic;
+static bool isSnapshotNew(std::optional<int> snapshotVersion, std::optional<int> processedVersion)
+ if (!snapshotVersion)
+ return false;
+ if (!processedVersion || *snapshotVersion > *processedVersion)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+using namespace std::chrono_literals;
+QmlLintSuggestions::chooseVersionToDiagnoseHelper(const QByteArray &url)
+ const std::chrono::milliseconds maxInvalidTime = 400ms;
+ QmlLsp::OpenDocumentSnapshot snapshot = m_codeModel->snapshotByUrl(url);
+ LastLintUpdate &lastUpdate = m_lastUpdate[url];
+ // ignore updates when already processed
+ if (lastUpdate.version && *lastUpdate.version == snapshot.docVersion) {
+ qCDebug(lspServerLog) << "skipped update of " << url << "unchanged valid doc";
+ return NoDocumentAvailable{};
+ }
+ // try out a valid version, if there is one
+ if (isSnapshotNew(snapshot.validDocVersion, lastUpdate.version))
+ return VersionedDocument{ snapshot.validDocVersion, snapshot.validDoc };
+ // try out an invalid version, if there is one
+ if (isSnapshotNew(snapshot.docVersion, lastUpdate.version)) {
+ if (auto since = lastUpdate.invalidUpdatesSince) {
+ // did we wait enough to get a valid document?
+ if (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - *since > maxInvalidTime) {
+ return VersionedDocument{ snapshot.docVersion, snapshot.doc };
+ }
+ } else {
+ // first time hitting the invalid document:
+ lastUpdate.invalidUpdatesSince = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ }
+ // wait some time for extra keystrokes before diagnose
+ return TryAgainLater{ maxInvalidTime };
+ }
+ return NoDocumentAvailable{};
+QmlLintSuggestions::chooseVersionToDiagnose(const QByteArray &url)
+ QMutexLocker l(&m_mutex);
+ auto versionToDiagnose = chooseVersionToDiagnoseHelper(url);
+ if (auto versionedDocument = std::get_if<VersionedDocument>(&versionToDiagnose)) {
+ // update immediately, and do not keep track of sent version, thus in extreme cases sent
+ // updates could be out of sync
+ LastLintUpdate &lastUpdate = m_lastUpdate[url];
+ lastUpdate.version = versionedDocument->version;
+ lastUpdate.invalidUpdatesSince.reset();
+ }
+ return versionToDiagnose;
+void QmlLintSuggestions::diagnose(const QByteArray &url)
+ auto versionedDocument = chooseVersionToDiagnose(url);
+ std::visit(qOverloadedVisitor{
+ [](NoDocumentAvailable) {},
+ [this, &url](const TryAgainLater &tryAgainLater) {
+ QTimer::singleShot(tryAgainLater.time, Qt::VeryCoarseTimer, this,
+ [this, url]() { diagnose(url); });
+ },
+ [this, &url](const VersionedDocument &versionedDocument) {
+ diagnoseHelper(url, versionedDocument);
+ },
+ },
+ versionedDocument);
+void QmlLintSuggestions::diagnoseHelper(const QByteArray &url,
+ const VersionedDocument &versionedDocument)
+ auto [version, doc] = versionedDocument;
+ PublishDiagnosticsParams diagnosticParams;
+ diagnosticParams.uri = url;
+ diagnosticParams.version = version;
+ qCDebug(lintLog) << "has doc, do real lint";
+ QStringList imports = m_codeModel->buildPathsForFileUrl(url);
+ imports.append(m_codeModel->importPaths());
+ const QString filename = doc.canonicalFilePath();
+ // add source directory as last import as fallback in case there is no qmldir in the build
+ // folder this mimics qmllint behaviors
+ imports.append(QFileInfo(filename).dir().absolutePath());
+ // add m_server->clientInfo().rootUri & co?
+ bool silent = true;
+ const QString fileContents = doc.field(Fields::code).value().toString();
+ const QStringList qmltypesFiles;
+ const QStringList resourceFiles = resourceFilesFromBuildFolders(imports);
+ QList<QQmlJS::LoggerCategory> categories;
+ QQmlJSLinter linter(imports);
+ linter.lintFile(filename, &fileContents, silent, nullptr, imports, qmltypesFiles,
+ resourceFiles, categories);
+ // ### TODO: C++20 replace with bind_front
+ auto advancePositionPastLocation = [&fileContents](const QQmlJS::SourceLocation &location, Position &position)
+ {
+ advancePositionPastLocation_helper(fileContents, location, position);
+ };
+ auto messageToDiagnostic = [&advancePositionPastLocation,
+ versionedDocument](const Message &message) {
+ return messageToDiagnostic_helper(advancePositionPastLocation, versionedDocument.version,
+ message);
+ };
+ QList<Diagnostic> diagnostics;
+ doc.iterateErrors(
+ [&diagnostics, &advancePositionPastLocation](const DomItem &, const ErrorMessage &msg) {
+ Diagnostic diagnostic;
+ diagnostic.severity = severityFromMsgType(QtMsgType(int(msg.level)));
+ // do something with msg.errorGroups ?
+ auto &location = msg.location;
+ Range &range = diagnostic.range;
+ range.start.line = location.startLine - 1;
+ range.start.character = location.startColumn - 1;
+ range.end = range.start;
+ advancePositionPastLocation(location, range.end);
+ diagnostic.code = QByteArray(msg.errorId.data(), msg.errorId.size());
+ diagnostic.source = "domParsing";
+ diagnostic.message = msg.message.toUtf8();
+ diagnostics.append(diagnostic);
+ return true;
+ },
+ true);
+ if (const QQmlJSLogger *logger = linter.logger()) {
+ qsizetype nDiagnostics = diagnostics.size();
+ for (const auto &messages : { logger->infos(), logger->warnings(), logger->errors() })
+ for (const Message &message : messages)
+ diagnostics.append(messageToDiagnostic(message));
+ if (diagnostics.size() != nDiagnostics && imports.size() == 1)
+ diagnostics.append(createMissingBuildDirDiagnostic());
+ }
+ diagnosticParams.diagnostics = diagnostics;
+ m_server->protocol()->notifyPublishDiagnostics(diagnosticParams);
+ qCDebug(lintLog) << "lint" << QString::fromUtf8(url) << "found"
+ << diagnosticParams.diagnostics.size() << "issues"
+ << QTypedJson::toJsonValue(diagnosticParams);
+} // namespace QmlLsp