path: root/src/qmlls/qqmllscompletion.cpp
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1 files changed, 1889 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qmlls/qqmllscompletion.cpp b/src/qmlls/qqmllscompletion.cpp
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index 0000000000..5f54597c78
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+++ b/src/qmlls/qqmllscompletion.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qqmllscompletion_p.h"
+Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(QQmlLSCompletionLog, "qt.languageserver.completions")
+using namespace QLspSpecification;
+using namespace QQmlJS::Dom;
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+\class QQmlLSCompletion
+\brief QQmlLSCompletion provides completions for all kinds of QML and JS constructs.
+Use the \l{completions} method to obtain completions at a certain DomItem.
+All the other methods in this class are helper methods: some compute completions for specific QML
+and JS constructs and some are shared between multiple QML or JS constructs to avoid code
+duplication. Most of the helper methods add their completion items via a BackInsertIterator.
+Some helper methods are called "suggest*" and will try to suggest code that does not exist yet. For
+example, any JS statement can be expected inside a Blockstatement so suggestJSStatementCompletion()
+is used to suggest JS statements inside of BlockStatements. Another example might be
+suggestReachableTypes() that will suggest Types for type annotations, attached types or Qml Object
+hierarchies, or suggestCaseAndDefaultStatementCompletion() that will only suggest "case" and
+"default" clauses for switch statements.
+Some helper methods are called "inside*" and will try to suggest code inside an existing structure.
+For example, insideForStatementCompletion() will try to suggest completion for the different code
+pieces initializer, condition, increment and statement that exist inside of:
+for(initializer; condition; increment)
+ statement
+CompletionItem QQmlLSCompletion::makeSnippet(QUtf8StringView qualifier, QUtf8StringView label,
+ QUtf8StringView insertText)
+ CompletionItem res;
+ if (!qualifier.isEmpty()) {
+ res.label = qualifier.data();
+ res.label += '.';
+ }
+ res.label += label.data();
+ res.insertTextFormat = InsertTextFormat::Snippet;
+ if (!qualifier.isEmpty()) {
+ res.insertText = qualifier.data();
+ *res.insertText += '.';
+ *res.insertText += insertText.data();
+ } else {
+ res.insertText = insertText.data();
+ }
+ res.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Snippet);
+ res.insertTextMode = InsertTextMode::AdjustIndentation;
+ return res;
+CompletionItem QQmlLSCompletion::makeSnippet(QUtf8StringView label, QUtf8StringView insertText)
+ return makeSnippet(QByteArray(), label, insertText);
+\brief Compare left and right locations to the position denoted by ctx, see special cases below.
+Statements and expressions need to provide different completions depending on where the cursor is.
+For example, lets take following for-statement:
+for (let i = 0; <here> ; ++i) {}
+We want to provide script expression completion (method names, property names, available JS
+variables names, QML objects ids, and so on) at the place denoted by \c{<here>}.
+The question is: how do we know that the cursor is really at \c{<here>}? In the case of the
+for-loop, we can compare the position of the cursor with the first and the second semicolon of the
+for loop.
+If the first semicolon does not exist, it has an invalid sourcelocation and the cursor is
+definitively \e{not} at \c{<here>}. Therefore, return false when \c{left} is invalid.
+If the second semicolon does not exist, then just ignore it: it might not have been written yet.
+bool QQmlLSCompletion::betweenLocations(QQmlJS::SourceLocation left,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ QQmlJS::SourceLocation right) const
+ if (!left.isValid())
+ return false;
+ // note: left.end() == ctx.offset() means that the cursor lies exactly after left
+ if (!(left.end() <= positionInfo.offset()))
+ return false;
+ if (!right.isValid())
+ return true;
+ // note: ctx.offset() == right.begin() means that the cursor lies exactly before right
+ return positionInfo.offset() <= right.begin();
+Returns true if ctx denotes an offset lying behind left.end(), and false otherwise.
+bool QQmlLSCompletion::afterLocation(QQmlJS::SourceLocation left,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo) const
+ return betweenLocations(left, positionInfo, QQmlJS::SourceLocation{});
+Returns true if ctx denotes an offset lying before right.begin(), and false otherwise.
+bool QQmlLSCompletion::beforeLocation(const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &ctx,
+ QQmlJS::SourceLocation right) const
+ if (!right.isValid())
+ return true;
+ // note: ctx.offset() == right.begin() means that the cursor lies exactly before right
+ if (ctx.offset() <= right.begin())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+bool QQmlLSCompletion::ctxBeforeStatement(const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ FileLocationRegion firstRegion) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const bool result = beforeLocation(positionInfo, regions[firstRegion]);
+ return result;
+QQmlLSCompletion::suggestBindingCompletion(const DomItem &itemAtPosition, BackInsertIterator it) const
+ suggestReachableTypes(itemAtPosition, LocalSymbolsType::AttachedType, CompletionItemKind::Class,
+ it);
+ const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr scope = [&]() {
+ if (!QQmlLSUtils::isFieldMemberAccess(itemAtPosition))
+ return itemAtPosition.qmlObject().semanticScope();
+ const DomItem owner = itemAtPosition.directParent().field(Fields::left);
+ auto expressionType = QQmlLSUtils::resolveExpressionType(
+ owner, QQmlLSUtils::ResolveActualTypeForFieldMemberExpression);
+ return expressionType ? expressionType->semanticScope : QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr{};
+ }();
+ if (!scope)
+ return;
+ propertyCompletion(scope, nullptr, it);
+ signalHandlerCompletion(scope, nullptr, it);
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideImportCompletionHelper(const DomItem &file,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator it) const
+ // returns completions for import statements, ctx is supposed to be in an import statement
+ const CompletionContextStrings &ctx = positionInfo.cursorPosition;
+ ImportCompletionType importCompletionType = ImportCompletionType::None;
+ QRegularExpression spaceRe(uR"(\W+)"_s);
+ QList<QStringView> linePieces = ctx.preLine().split(spaceRe, Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
+ qsizetype effectiveLength = linePieces.size()
+ + ((!ctx.preLine().isEmpty() && ctx.preLine().last().isSpace()) ? 1 : 0);
+ if (effectiveLength < 2) {
+ CompletionItem comp;
+ comp.label = "import";
+ comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
+ it = comp;
+ }
+ if (linePieces.isEmpty() || linePieces.first() != u"import")
+ return;
+ if (effectiveLength == 2) {
+ // the cursor is after the import, possibly in a partial module name
+ importCompletionType = ImportCompletionType::Module;
+ } else if (effectiveLength == 3) {
+ if (linePieces.last() != u"as") {
+ // the cursor is after the module, possibly in a partial version token (or partial as)
+ CompletionItem comp;
+ comp.label = "as";
+ comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
+ it = comp;
+ importCompletionType = ImportCompletionType::Version;
+ }
+ }
+ DomItem env = file.environment();
+ if (std::shared_ptr<DomEnvironment> envPtr = env.ownerAs<DomEnvironment>()) {
+ switch (importCompletionType) {
+ case ImportCompletionType::None:
+ break;
+ case ImportCompletionType::Module: {
+ QDuplicateTracker<QString> modulesSeen;
+ for (const QString &uri : envPtr->moduleIndexUris(env)) {
+ QStringView base = ctx.base(); // if we allow spaces we should get rid of them
+ if (uri.startsWith(base)) {
+ QStringList rest = uri.mid(base.size()).split(u'.');
+ if (rest.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ const QString label = rest.first();
+ if (!modulesSeen.hasSeen(label)) {
+ CompletionItem comp;
+ comp.label = label.toUtf8();
+ comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Module);
+ it = comp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ImportCompletionType::Version:
+ if (ctx.base().isEmpty()) {
+ for (int majorV :
+ envPtr->moduleIndexMajorVersions(env, linePieces.at(1).toString())) {
+ CompletionItem comp;
+ comp.label = QString::number(majorV).toUtf8();
+ comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Constant);
+ it = comp;
+ }
+ } else {
+ bool hasMajorVersion = ctx.base().endsWith(u'.');
+ int majorV = -1;
+ if (hasMajorVersion)
+ majorV = ctx.base().mid(0, ctx.base().size() - 1).toInt(&hasMajorVersion);
+ if (!hasMajorVersion)
+ break;
+ if (std::shared_ptr<ModuleIndex> mIndex =
+ envPtr->moduleIndexWithUri(env, linePieces.at(1).toString(), majorV)) {
+ for (int minorV : mIndex->minorVersions()) {
+ CompletionItem comp;
+ comp.label = QString::number(minorV).toUtf8();
+ comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Constant);
+ it = comp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::idsCompletions(const DomItem &component, BackInsertIterator it) const
+ qCDebug(QQmlLSCompletionLog) << "adding ids completions";
+ for (const QString &k : component.field(Fields::ids).keys()) {
+ CompletionItem comp;
+ comp.label = k.toUtf8();
+ comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Value);
+ it = comp;
+ }
+static bool testScopeSymbol(const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope, LocalSymbolsTypes options,
+ CompletionItemKind kind)
+ const bool currentIsSingleton = scope->isSingleton();
+ const bool currentIsAttached = !scope->attachedType().isNull();
+ if ((options & LocalSymbolsType::Singleton) && currentIsSingleton) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ((options & LocalSymbolsType::AttachedType) && currentIsAttached) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const bool isObjectType = scope->isReferenceType();
+ if (options & LocalSymbolsType::ObjectType && !currentIsSingleton && isObjectType) {
+ return kind != CompletionItemKind::Constructor || scope->isCreatable();
+ }
+ if (options & LocalSymbolsType::ValueType && !currentIsSingleton && !isObjectType) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+Obtain the types reachable from \c{el} as a CompletionItems.
+void QQmlLSCompletion::suggestReachableTypes(const DomItem &el, LocalSymbolsTypes options,
+ CompletionItemKind kind, BackInsertIterator it) const
+ auto file = el.containingFile().as<QmlFile>();
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ auto resolver = file->typeResolver();
+ if (!resolver)
+ return;
+ const QString requiredQualifiers = QQmlLSUtils::qualifiersFrom(el);
+ const auto keyValueRange = resolver->importedTypes().asKeyValueRange();
+ for (const auto &type : keyValueRange) {
+ // ignore special QQmlJSImporterMarkers
+ const bool isMarkerType = type.first.contains(u"$internal$.")
+ || type.first.contains(u"$anonymous$.") || type.first.contains(u"$module$.");
+ if (isMarkerType || !type.first.startsWith(requiredQualifiers))
+ continue;
+ auto &scope = type.second.scope;
+ if (!scope)
+ continue;
+ if (!testScopeSymbol(scope, options, kind))
+ continue;
+ CompletionItem completion;
+ completion.label = QStringView(type.first).sliced(requiredQualifiers.size()).toUtf8();
+ completion.kind = int(kind);
+ it = completion;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::jsIdentifierCompletion(const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope,
+ QDuplicateTracker<QString> *usedNames,
+ BackInsertIterator it) const
+ for (const auto &[name, jsIdentifier] : scope->ownJSIdentifiers().asKeyValueRange()) {
+ CompletionItem completion;
+ if (usedNames && usedNames->hasSeen(name)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ completion.label = name.toUtf8();
+ completion.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Variable);
+ QString detail = u"has type "_s;
+ if (jsIdentifier.typeName) {
+ if (jsIdentifier.isConst) {
+ detail.append(u"const ");
+ }
+ detail.append(*jsIdentifier.typeName);
+ } else {
+ detail.append(jsIdentifier.isConst ? u"const"_s : u"var"_s);
+ }
+ completion.detail = detail.toUtf8();
+ it = completion;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::methodCompletion(const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope,
+ QDuplicateTracker<QString> *usedNames,
+ BackInsertIterator it) const
+ // JS functions in current and base scopes
+ for (const auto &[name, method] : scope->methods().asKeyValueRange()) {
+ if (method.access() != QQmlJSMetaMethod::Public)
+ continue;
+ if (usedNames && usedNames->hasSeen(name)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ CompletionItem completion;
+ completion.label = name.toUtf8();
+ completion.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Method);
+ it = completion;
+ // TODO: QQmlLSUtils::reachableSymbols seems to be able to do documentation and detail
+ // and co, it should also be done here if possible.
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::propertyCompletion(const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope,
+ QDuplicateTracker<QString> *usedNames,
+ BackInsertIterator it) const
+ for (const auto &[name, property] : scope->properties().asKeyValueRange()) {
+ if (usedNames && usedNames->hasSeen(name)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ CompletionItem completion;
+ completion.label = name.toUtf8();
+ completion.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Property);
+ QString detail{ u"has type "_s };
+ if (!property.isWritable())
+ detail.append(u"readonly "_s);
+ detail.append(property.typeName().isEmpty() ? u"var"_s : property.typeName());
+ completion.detail = detail.toUtf8();
+ it = completion;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::enumerationCompletion(const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope,
+ QDuplicateTracker<QString> *usedNames,
+ BackInsertIterator it) const
+ for (const QQmlJSMetaEnum &enumerator : scope->enumerations()) {
+ if (usedNames && usedNames->hasSeen(enumerator.name())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ CompletionItem completion;
+ completion.label = enumerator.name().toUtf8();
+ completion.kind = static_cast<int>(CompletionItemKind::Enum);
+ it = completion;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::enumerationValueCompletionHelper(const QStringList &enumeratorKeys,
+ BackInsertIterator it) const
+ for (const QString &enumeratorKey : enumeratorKeys) {
+ CompletionItem completion;
+ completion.label = enumeratorKey.toUtf8();
+ completion.kind = static_cast<int>(CompletionItemKind::EnumMember);
+ it = completion;
+ }
+Creates completion items for enumerationvalues.
+If enumeratorName is a valid enumerator then only do completion for the requested enumerator, and
+otherwise do completion for \b{all other possible} enumerators.
+For example:
+id: someItem
+enum Hello { World }
+enum MyEnum { ValueOne, ValueTwo }
+// Hello does refer to a enumerator:
+property var a: Hello.<complete only World here>
+// someItem does not refer to a enumerator:
+property var b: someItem.<complete World, ValueOne and ValueTwo here>
+void QQmlLSCompletion::enumerationValueCompletion(const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope,
+ const QString &enumeratorName,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ auto enumerator = scope->enumeration(enumeratorName);
+ if (enumerator.isValid()) {
+ enumerationValueCompletionHelper(enumerator.keys(), result);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const QQmlJSMetaEnum &enumerator : scope->enumerations()) {
+ enumerationValueCompletionHelper(enumerator.keys(), result);
+ }
+Calls F on all JavaScript-parents of scope. For example, you can use this method to
+collect all the JavaScript Identifiers from following code:
+{ // this block statement contains only 'x'
+ let x = 3;
+ { // this block statement contains only 'y', and 'x' has to be retrieved via its parent.
+ let y = 4;
+ }
+template<typename F>
+void collectFromAllJavaScriptParents(const F &&f, const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope)
+ for (QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr current = scope; current; current = current->parentScope()) {
+ f(current);
+ if (current->scopeType() == QQmlSA::ScopeType::QMLScope)
+ return;
+ }
+Generate autocompletions for JS expressions, suggest possible properties, methods, etc.
+If scriptIdentifier is inside a Field Member Expression, like \c{onCompleted} in
+\c{Component.onCompleted} for example, then this method will only suggest properties, methods, etc
+from the correct type. For the previous example that would be properties, methods, etc. from the
+Component attached type.
+void QQmlLSCompletion::suggestJSExpressionCompletion(const DomItem &scriptIdentifier,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ QDuplicateTracker<QString> usedNames;
+ QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr nearestScope;
+ // note: there is an edge case, where the user asks for completion right after the dot
+ // of some qualified expression like `root.hello`. In this case, scriptIdentifier is actually
+ // the BinaryExpression instead of the left-hand-side that has not be written down yet.
+ const bool askForCompletionOnDot = QQmlLSUtils::isFieldMemberExpression(scriptIdentifier);
+ const bool hasQualifier =
+ QQmlLSUtils::isFieldMemberAccess(scriptIdentifier) || askForCompletionOnDot;
+ if (!hasQualifier) {
+ for (QUtf8StringView view : std::array<QUtf8StringView, 3>{ "null", "false", "true" }) {
+ CompletionItem completion;
+ completion.label = view.data();
+ completion.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Value);
+ result = completion;
+ }
+ idsCompletions(scriptIdentifier.component(), result);
+ suggestReachableTypes(scriptIdentifier,
+ LocalSymbolsType::Singleton | LocalSymbolsType::AttachedType,
+ CompletionItemKind::Class, result);
+ auto scope = scriptIdentifier.nearestSemanticScope();
+ if (!scope)
+ return;
+ nearestScope = scope;
+ enumerationCompletion(nearestScope, &usedNames, result);
+ } else {
+ const DomItem owner =
+ (askForCompletionOnDot ? scriptIdentifier : scriptIdentifier.directParent())
+ .field(Fields::left);
+ auto expressionType = QQmlLSUtils::resolveExpressionType(
+ owner, QQmlLSUtils::ResolveActualTypeForFieldMemberExpression);
+ if (!expressionType || !expressionType->semanticScope)
+ return;
+ nearestScope = expressionType->semanticScope;
+ // Use root element scope to use find the enumerations
+ // This should be changed when we support usages in external files
+ if (expressionType->type == QQmlLSUtils::QmlComponentIdentifier)
+ nearestScope = owner.rootQmlObject(GoTo::MostLikely).semanticScope();
+ if (expressionType->name) {
+ // note: you only get enumeration values in qualified expressions, never alone
+ enumerationValueCompletion(nearestScope, *expressionType->name, result);
+ // skip enumeration types if already inside an enumeration type
+ if (auto enumerator = nearestScope->enumeration(*expressionType->name);
+ !enumerator.isValid()) {
+ enumerationCompletion(nearestScope, &usedNames, result);
+ }
+ if (expressionType->type == QQmlLSUtils::EnumeratorIdentifier)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(nearestScope);
+ methodCompletion(nearestScope, &usedNames, result);
+ propertyCompletion(nearestScope, &usedNames, result);
+ if (!hasQualifier) {
+ // collect all of the stuff from parents
+ collectFromAllJavaScriptParents(
+ [this, &usedNames, result](const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope) {
+ jsIdentifierCompletion(scope, &usedNames, result);
+ },
+ nearestScope);
+ collectFromAllJavaScriptParents(
+ [this, &usedNames, result](const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope) {
+ methodCompletion(scope, &usedNames, result);
+ },
+ nearestScope);
+ collectFromAllJavaScriptParents(
+ [this, &usedNames, result](const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope) {
+ propertyCompletion(scope, &usedNames, result);
+ },
+ nearestScope);
+ auto file = scriptIdentifier.containingFile().as<QmlFile>();
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ auto resolver = file->typeResolver();
+ if (!resolver)
+ return;
+ const auto globals = resolver->jsGlobalObject();
+ methodCompletion(globals, &usedNames, result);
+ propertyCompletion(globals, &usedNames, result);
+ }
+static const QQmlJSScope *resolve(const QQmlJSScope *current, const QStringList &names)
+ for (const QString &name : names) {
+ if (auto property = current->property(name); property.isValid()) {
+ if (auto propertyType = property.type().get()) {
+ current = propertyType;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return {};
+ }
+ return current;
+bool QQmlLSCompletion::cursorInFrontOfItem(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo)
+ auto fileLocations = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().fullRegion;
+ return positionInfo.offset() <= fileLocations.offset;
+bool QQmlLSCompletion::cursorAfterColon(const DomItem &currentItem,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo)
+ auto location = FileLocations::treeOf(currentItem)->info();
+ auto region = location.regions.constFind(ColonTokenRegion);
+ if (region == location.regions.constEnd())
+ return false;
+ if (region.value().isValid() && region.value().offset < positionInfo.offset()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+\brief Mapping from pragma names to allowed pragma values.
+This mapping of pragma names to pragma values is not complete. In fact, it only contains the
+pragma names and values that one should see autocompletion for.
+Some pragmas like FunctionSignatureBehavior or Strict or the Reference/Value of ValueTypeBehavior,
+for example, should currently not be proposed as completion items by qmlls.
+An empty QList-value in the QMap means that the pragma does not accept pragma values.
+static const QMap<QString, QList<QString>> valuesForPragmas{
+ { u"ComponentBehavior"_s, { u"Unbound"_s, u"Bound"_s } },
+ { u"NativeMethodBehavior"_s, { u"AcceptThisObject"_s, u"RejectThisObject"_s } },
+ { u"ListPropertyAssignBehavior"_s, { u"Append"_s, u"Replace"_s, u"ReplaceIfNotDefault"_s } },
+ { u"Singleton"_s, {} },
+ { u"ValueTypeBehavior"_s, { u"Addressable"_s, u"Inaddressable"_s } },
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insidePragmaCompletion(QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem currentItem,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ if (cursorAfterColon(currentItem, positionInfo)) {
+ const QString name = currentItem.field(Fields::name).value().toString();
+ auto values = valuesForPragmas.constFind(name);
+ if (values == valuesForPragmas.constEnd())
+ return;
+ for (const auto &value : *values) {
+ CompletionItem comp;
+ comp.label = value.toUtf8();
+ comp.kind = static_cast<int>(CompletionItemKind::Value);
+ result = comp;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const auto &pragma : valuesForPragmas.asKeyValueRange()) {
+ CompletionItem comp;
+ comp.label = pragma.first.toUtf8();
+ if (!pragma.second.isEmpty()) {
+ comp.insertText = QString(pragma.first).append(u": ").toUtf8();
+ }
+ comp.kind = static_cast<int>(CompletionItemKind::Value);
+ result = comp;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideQmlObjectCompletion(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation leftBrace = regions[LeftBraceRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation rightBrace = regions[RightBraceRegion];
+ if (beforeLocation(positionInfo, leftBrace)) {
+ LocalSymbolsTypes options;
+ options.setFlag(LocalSymbolsType::ObjectType);
+ suggestReachableTypes(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, options, CompletionItemKind::Constructor,
+ result);
+ suggestSnippetsForLeftHandSideOfBinding(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ if (QQmlLSUtils::isFieldMemberExpression(positionInfo.itemAtPosition)) {
+ /*!
+ \internal
+ In the case that a missing identifier is followed by an assignment to the default
+ property, the parser will create a QmlObject out of both binding and default
+ binding. For example, in \code property int x: root. Item {} \endcode the parser will
+ create one binding containing one QmlObject of type `root.Item`, instead of two
+ bindings (one for `x` and one for the default property). For this special case, if
+ completion is requested inside `root.Item`, then try to also suggest JS expressions.
+ Note: suggestJSExpressionCompletion() will suggest nothing if the
+ fieldMemberExpression starts with the name of a qualified module or a filename, so
+ this only adds invalid suggestions in the case that there is something shadowing the
+ qualified module name or filename, like a property name for example.
+ Note 2: This does not happen for field member accesses. For example, in
+ \code
+ property int x: root.x
+ Item {}
+ \endcode
+ The parser will create both bindings correctly.
+ */
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (betweenLocations(leftBrace, positionInfo, rightBrace)) {
+ // default/required property completion
+ for (QUtf8StringView view :
+ std::array<QUtf8StringView, 6>{ "", "readonly ", "default ", "default required ",
+ "required default ", "required " }) {
+ // readonly properties require an initializer
+ if (view != QUtf8StringView("readonly ")) {
+ result = makeSnippet(
+ QByteArray(view.data()).append("property type name;"),
+ QByteArray(view.data()).append("property ${1:type} ${0:name};"));
+ }
+ result = makeSnippet(
+ QByteArray(view.data()).append("property type name: value;"),
+ QByteArray(view.data()).append("property ${1:type} ${2:name}: ${0:value};"));
+ }
+ // signal
+ result = makeSnippet("signal name(arg1:type1, ...)", "signal ${1:name}($0)");
+ // signal without parameters
+ result = makeSnippet("signal name;", "signal ${0:name};");
+ // make already existing property required
+ result = makeSnippet("required name;", "required ${0:name};");
+ // function
+ result = makeSnippet("function name(args...): returnType { statements...}",
+ "function ${1:name}($2): ${3:returnType} {\n\t$0\n}");
+ // enum
+ result = makeSnippet("enum name { Values...}", "enum ${1:name} {\n\t${0:values}\n}");
+ // inline component
+ result = makeSnippet("component Name: BaseType { ... }",
+ "component ${1:name}: ${2:baseType} {\n\t$0\n}");
+ // add bindings
+ const DomItem containingObject = parentForContext.qmlObject();
+ suggestBindingCompletion(containingObject, result);
+ // add Qml Types for default binding
+ const DomItem containingFile = parentForContext.containingFile();
+ suggestReachableTypes(containingFile, LocalSymbolsType::ObjectType,
+ CompletionItemKind::Constructor, result);
+ suggestSnippetsForLeftHandSideOfBinding(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insidePropertyDefinitionCompletion(
+ const DomItem &currentItem, const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ auto info = FileLocations::treeOf(currentItem)->info();
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation propertyKeyword = info.regions[PropertyKeywordRegion];
+ // do completions for the keywords
+ if (positionInfo.offset() < propertyKeyword.offset + propertyKeyword.length) {
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation readonlyKeyword = info.regions[ReadonlyKeywordRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation defaultKeyword = info.regions[DefaultKeywordRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation requiredKeyword = info.regions[RequiredKeywordRegion];
+ bool completeReadonly = true;
+ bool completeRequired = true;
+ bool completeDefault = true;
+ // if there is already a readonly keyword before the cursor: do not auto complete it again
+ if (readonlyKeyword.isValid() && readonlyKeyword.offset < positionInfo.offset()) {
+ completeReadonly = false;
+ // also, required keywords do not like readonly keywords
+ completeRequired = false;
+ }
+ // same for required
+ if (requiredKeyword.isValid() && requiredKeyword.offset < positionInfo.offset()) {
+ completeRequired = false;
+ // also, required keywords do not like readonly keywords
+ completeReadonly = false;
+ }
+ // same for default
+ if (defaultKeyword.isValid() && defaultKeyword.offset < positionInfo.offset()) {
+ completeDefault = false;
+ }
+ auto addCompletionKeyword = [&result](QUtf8StringView view, bool complete) {
+ if (!complete)
+ return;
+ CompletionItem item;
+ item.label = view.data();
+ item.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
+ result = item;
+ };
+ addCompletionKeyword(u8"readonly", completeReadonly);
+ addCompletionKeyword(u8"required", completeRequired);
+ addCompletionKeyword(u8"default", completeDefault);
+ addCompletionKeyword(u8"property", true);
+ return;
+ }
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation propertyIdentifier = info.regions[IdentifierRegion];
+ if (propertyKeyword.end() <= positionInfo.offset()
+ && positionInfo.offset() < propertyIdentifier.offset) {
+ suggestReachableTypes(currentItem,
+ LocalSymbolsType::ObjectType | LocalSymbolsType::ValueType,
+ CompletionItemKind::Class, result);
+ }
+ // do not autocomplete the rest
+ return;
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideBindingCompletion(const DomItem &currentItem,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const DomItem containingBinding = currentItem.filterUp(
+ [](DomType type, const QQmlJS::Dom::DomItem &) { return type == DomType::Binding; },
+ FilterUpOptions::ReturnOuter);
+ // do scriptidentifiercompletion after the ':' of a binding
+ if (cursorAfterColon(containingBinding, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ if (auto type = QQmlLSUtils::resolveExpressionType(currentItem,
+ QQmlLSUtils::ResolveOwnerType)) {
+ const QStringList names = currentItem.field(Fields::name).toString().split(u'.');
+ const QQmlJSScope *current = resolve(type->semanticScope.get(), names);
+ // add type names when binding to an object type or a property with var type
+ if (!current || current->accessSemantics() == QQmlSA::AccessSemantics::Reference) {
+ LocalSymbolsTypes options;
+ options.setFlag(LocalSymbolsType::ObjectType);
+ suggestReachableTypes(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, options,
+ CompletionItemKind::Constructor, result);
+ suggestSnippetsForRightHandSideOfBinding(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // ignore the binding if asking for completion in front of the binding
+ if (cursorInFrontOfItem(containingBinding, positionInfo)) {
+ insideQmlObjectCompletion(currentItem.containingObject(), positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ const DomItem containingObject = currentItem.qmlObject();
+ suggestBindingCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ // add Qml Types for default binding
+ suggestReachableTypes(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, LocalSymbolsType::ObjectType,
+ CompletionItemKind::Constructor, result);
+ suggestSnippetsForLeftHandSideOfBinding(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideImportCompletion(const DomItem &currentItem,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const DomItem containingFile = currentItem.containingFile();
+ insideImportCompletionHelper(containingFile, positionInfo, result);
+ // when in front of the import statement: propose types for root Qml Object completion
+ if (cursorInFrontOfItem(currentItem, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestReachableTypes(containingFile, LocalSymbolsType::ObjectType,
+ CompletionItemKind::Constructor, result);
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideQmlFileCompletion(const DomItem &currentItem,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const DomItem containingFile = currentItem.containingFile();
+ // completions for code outside the root Qml Object
+ // global completions
+ if (positionInfo.cursorPosition.atLineStart()) {
+ if (positionInfo.cursorPosition.base().isEmpty()) {
+ for (const QStringView &s : std::array<QStringView, 2>({ u"pragma", u"import" })) {
+ CompletionItem comp;
+ comp.label = s.toUtf8();
+ comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
+ result = comp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Types for root Qml Object completion
+ suggestReachableTypes(containingFile, LocalSymbolsType::ObjectType,
+ CompletionItemKind::Constructor, result);
+Generate the snippets for let, var and const variable declarations.
+void QQmlLSCompletion::suggestVariableDeclarationStatementCompletion(
+ BackInsertIterator result, AppendOption option) const
+ // let/var/const statement
+ for (auto view : std::array<QUtf8StringView, 3>{ "let", "var", "const" }) {
+ auto snippet = makeSnippet(QByteArray(view.data()).append(" variable = value"),
+ QByteArray(view.data()).append(" ${1:variable} = $0"));
+ if (option == AppendSemicolon) {
+ snippet.insertText->append(";");
+ snippet.label.append(";");
+ }
+ result = snippet;
+ }
+Generate the snippets for case and default statements.
+void QQmlLSCompletion::suggestCaseAndDefaultStatementCompletion(BackInsertIterator result) const
+ // case snippet
+ result = makeSnippet("case value: statements...", "case ${1:value}:\n\t$0");
+ // case + brackets snippet
+ result = makeSnippet("case value: { statements... }", "case ${1:value}: {\n\t$0\n}");
+ // default snippet
+ result = makeSnippet("default: statements...", "default:\n\t$0");
+ // default + brackets snippet
+ result = makeSnippet("default: { statements... }", "default: {\n\t$0\n}");
+Break and continue can be inserted only in following situations:
+ \li Break and continue inside a loop.
+ \li Break inside a (nested) LabelledStatement
+ \li Break inside a (nested) SwitchStatement
+void QQmlLSCompletion::suggestContinueAndBreakStatementIfNeeded(const DomItem &itemAtPosition,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ bool alreadyInLabel = false;
+ bool alreadyInSwitch = false;
+ for (DomItem current = itemAtPosition; current; current = current.directParent()) {
+ switch (current.internalKind()) {
+ case DomType::ScriptExpression:
+ // reached end of script expression
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptForStatement:
+ case DomType::ScriptForEachStatement:
+ case DomType::ScriptWhileStatement:
+ case DomType::ScriptDoWhileStatement: {
+ CompletionItem continueKeyword;
+ continueKeyword.label = "continue";
+ continueKeyword.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
+ result = continueKeyword;
+ // do not add break twice
+ if (!alreadyInSwitch && !alreadyInLabel) {
+ CompletionItem breakKeyword;
+ breakKeyword.label = "break";
+ breakKeyword.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
+ result = breakKeyword;
+ }
+ // early exit: cannot suggest more completions
+ return;
+ }
+ case DomType::ScriptSwitchStatement: {
+ // check if break was already inserted
+ if (alreadyInSwitch || alreadyInLabel)
+ break;
+ alreadyInSwitch = true;
+ CompletionItem breakKeyword;
+ breakKeyword.label = "break";
+ breakKeyword.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
+ result = breakKeyword;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DomType::ScriptLabelledStatement: {
+ // check if break was already inserted because of switch or loop
+ if (alreadyInSwitch || alreadyInLabel)
+ break;
+ alreadyInLabel = true;
+ CompletionItem breakKeyword;
+ breakKeyword.label = "break";
+ breakKeyword.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
+ result = breakKeyword;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+Generates snippets or keywords for all possible JS statements where it makes sense. To use whenever
+any JS statement can be expected, but when no JS statement is there yet.
+Only generates JS expression completions when itemAtPosition is a qualified name.
+Here is a list of statements that do \e{not} get any snippets:
+ \li BlockStatement does not need a code snippet, editors automatically include the closing
+bracket anyway. \li EmptyStatement completion would only generate a single \c{;} \li
+ExpressionStatement completion cannot generate any snippet, only identifiers \li WithStatement
+completion is not recommended: qmllint will warn about usage of with statements \li
+LabelledStatement completion might need to propose labels (TODO?) \li DebuggerStatement completion
+does not strike as being very useful \endlist
+void QQmlLSCompletion::suggestJSStatementCompletion(const DomItem &itemAtPosition,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(itemAtPosition, result);
+ if (QQmlLSUtils::isFieldMemberAccess(itemAtPosition))
+ return;
+ // expression statements
+ suggestVariableDeclarationStatementCompletion(result);
+ // block statement
+ result = makeSnippet("{ statements... }", "{\n\t$0\n}");
+ // if + brackets statement
+ result = makeSnippet("if (condition) { statements }", "if ($1) {\n\t$0\n}");
+ // do statement
+ result = makeSnippet("do { statements } while (condition);", "do {\n\t$1\n} while ($0);");
+ // while + brackets statement
+ result = makeSnippet("while (condition) { statements...}", "while ($1) {\n\t$0\n}");
+ // for + brackets loop statement
+ result = makeSnippet("for (initializer; condition; increment) { statements... }",
+ "for ($1;$2;$3) {\n\t$0\n}");
+ // for ... in + brackets loop statement
+ result = makeSnippet("for (property in object) { statements... }", "for ($1 in $2) {\n\t$0\n}");
+ // for ... of + brackets loop statement
+ result = makeSnippet("for (element of array) { statements... }", "for ($1 of $2) {\n\t$0\n}");
+ // try + catch statement
+ result = makeSnippet("try { statements... } catch(error) { statements... }",
+ "try {\n\t$1\n} catch($2) {\n\t$0\n}");
+ // try + finally statement
+ result = makeSnippet("try { statements... } finally { statements... }",
+ "try {\n\t$1\n} finally {\n\t$0\n}");
+ // try + catch + finally statement
+ result = makeSnippet(
+ "try { statements... } catch(error) { statements... } finally { statements... }",
+ "try {\n\t$1\n} catch($2) {\n\t$3\n} finally {\n\t$0\n}");
+ // one can always assume that JS code in QML is inside a function, so always propose `return`
+ for (auto &&view : { "return"_ba, "throw"_ba }) {
+ CompletionItem item;
+ item.label = std::move(view);
+ item.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
+ result = item;
+ }
+ // rules for case+default statements:
+ // 1) when inside a CaseBlock, or
+ // 2) inside a CaseClause, as an (non-nested) element of the CaseClause statementlist.
+ // 3) inside a DefaultClause, as an (non-nested) element of the DefaultClause statementlist,
+ //
+ // switch (x) {
+ // // (1)
+ // case 1:
+ // myProperty = 5;
+ // // (2) -> could be another statement of current case, but also a new case or default!
+ // default:
+ // myProperty = 5;
+ // // (3) -> could be another statement of current default, but also a new case or default!
+ // }
+ const DomType currentKind = itemAtPosition.internalKind();
+ const DomType parentKind = itemAtPosition.directParent().internalKind();
+ if (currentKind == DomType::ScriptCaseBlock || currentKind == DomType::ScriptCaseClause
+ || currentKind == DomType::ScriptDefaultClause
+ || (currentKind == DomType::List
+ && (parentKind == DomType::ScriptCaseClause
+ || parentKind == DomType::ScriptDefaultClause))) {
+ suggestCaseAndDefaultStatementCompletion(result);
+ }
+ suggestContinueAndBreakStatementIfNeeded(itemAtPosition, result);
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideForStatementCompletion(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation leftParenthesis = regions[LeftParenthesisRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation firstSemicolon = regions[FirstSemicolonTokenRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation secondSemicolon = regions[SecondSemicolonRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation rightParenthesis = regions[RightParenthesisRegion];
+ if (betweenLocations(leftParenthesis, positionInfo, firstSemicolon)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ suggestVariableDeclarationStatementCompletion(result,
+ AppendOption::AppendNothing);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (betweenLocations(firstSemicolon, positionInfo, secondSemicolon)
+ || betweenLocations(secondSemicolon, positionInfo, rightParenthesis)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (afterLocation(rightParenthesis, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSStatementCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideScriptLiteralCompletion(const DomItem &currentItem,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ Q_UNUSED(currentItem);
+ if (positionInfo.cursorPosition.base().isEmpty()) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideCallExpression(const DomItem &currentItem,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(currentItem)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation leftParenthesis = regions[LeftParenthesisRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation rightParenthesis = regions[RightParenthesisRegion];
+ if (beforeLocation(positionInfo, leftParenthesis)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (betweenLocations(leftParenthesis, positionInfo, rightParenthesis)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideIfStatement(const DomItem &currentItem,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(currentItem)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation leftParenthesis = regions[LeftParenthesisRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation rightParenthesis = regions[RightParenthesisRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation elseKeyword = regions[ElseKeywordRegion];
+ if (betweenLocations(leftParenthesis, positionInfo, rightParenthesis)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (betweenLocations(rightParenthesis, positionInfo, elseKeyword)) {
+ suggestJSStatementCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (afterLocation(elseKeyword, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSStatementCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideReturnStatement(const DomItem &currentItem,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(currentItem)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation returnKeyword = regions[ReturnKeywordRegion];
+ if (afterLocation(returnKeyword, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideWhileStatement(const DomItem &currentItem,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(currentItem)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation leftParenthesis = regions[LeftParenthesisRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation rightParenthesis = regions[RightParenthesisRegion];
+ if (betweenLocations(leftParenthesis, positionInfo, rightParenthesis)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (afterLocation(rightParenthesis, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSStatementCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideDoWhileStatement(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation doKeyword = regions[DoKeywordRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation whileKeyword = regions[WhileKeywordRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation leftParenthesis = regions[LeftParenthesisRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation rightParenthesis = regions[RightParenthesisRegion];
+ if (betweenLocations(doKeyword, positionInfo, whileKeyword)) {
+ suggestJSStatementCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (betweenLocations(leftParenthesis, positionInfo, rightParenthesis)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideForEachStatement(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation inOf = regions[InOfTokenRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation leftParenthesis = regions[LeftParenthesisRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation rightParenthesis = regions[RightParenthesisRegion];
+ if (betweenLocations(leftParenthesis, positionInfo, inOf)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ suggestVariableDeclarationStatementCompletion(result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (betweenLocations(inOf, positionInfo, rightParenthesis)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (afterLocation(rightParenthesis, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSStatementCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideSwitchStatement(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation leftParenthesis = regions[LeftParenthesisRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation rightParenthesis = regions[RightParenthesisRegion];
+ if (betweenLocations(leftParenthesis, positionInfo, rightParenthesis)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideCaseClause(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation caseKeyword = regions[CaseKeywordRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation colonToken = regions[ColonTokenRegion];
+ if (betweenLocations(caseKeyword, positionInfo, colonToken)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (afterLocation(colonToken, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSStatementCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+Checks if a case or default clause does happen before ctx in the code.
+bool QQmlLSCompletion::isCaseOrDefaultBeforeCtx(const DomItem &currentClause,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ FileLocationRegion keywordRegion) const
+ Q_ASSERT(keywordRegion == QQmlJS::Dom::CaseKeywordRegion
+ || keywordRegion == QQmlJS::Dom::DefaultKeywordRegion);
+ if (!currentClause)
+ return false;
+ const auto token = FileLocations::treeOf(currentClause)->info().regions[keywordRegion];
+ if (afterLocation(token, positionInfo))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+Search for a `case ...:` or a `default: ` clause happening before ctx, and return the
+corresponding DomItem of type DomType::CaseClauses or DomType::DefaultClause.
+Return an empty DomItem if neither case nor default was found.
+QQmlLSCompletion::previousCaseOfCaseBlock(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo) const
+ const DomItem caseClauses = parentForContext.field(Fields::caseClauses);
+ for (int i = 0; i < caseClauses.indexes(); ++i) {
+ const DomItem currentClause = caseClauses.index(i);
+ if (isCaseOrDefaultBeforeCtx(currentClause, positionInfo, QQmlJS::Dom::CaseKeywordRegion)) {
+ return currentClause;
+ }
+ }
+ const DomItem defaultClause = parentForContext.field(Fields::defaultClause);
+ if (isCaseOrDefaultBeforeCtx(defaultClause, positionInfo, QQmlJS::Dom::DefaultKeywordRegion))
+ return parentForContext.field(Fields::defaultClause);
+ const DomItem moreCaseClauses = parentForContext.field(Fields::moreCaseClauses);
+ for (int i = 0; i < moreCaseClauses.indexes(); ++i) {
+ const DomItem currentClause = moreCaseClauses.index(i);
+ if (isCaseOrDefaultBeforeCtx(currentClause, positionInfo, QQmlJS::Dom::CaseKeywordRegion)) {
+ return currentClause;
+ }
+ }
+ return {};
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideCaseBlock(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation leftBrace = regions[LeftBraceRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation rightBrace = regions[RightBraceRegion];
+ if (!betweenLocations(leftBrace, positionInfo, rightBrace))
+ return;
+ // TODO: looks fishy
+ // if there is a previous case or default clause, you can still add statements to it
+ if (const auto previousCase = previousCaseOfCaseBlock(parentForContext, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSStatementCompletion(previousCase, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ // otherwise, only complete case and default
+ suggestCaseAndDefaultStatementCompletion(result);
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideDefaultClause(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation colonToken = regions[ColonTokenRegion];
+ if (afterLocation(colonToken, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSStatementCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return ;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideBinaryExpressionCompletion(
+ const DomItem &parentForContext, const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation operatorLocation = regions[OperatorTokenRegion];
+ if (beforeLocation(positionInfo, operatorLocation)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (afterLocation(operatorLocation, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+Doing completion in variable declarations requires taking a look at all different cases:
+ \li Normal variable names, like \c{let helloWorld = 123;}
+ In this case, only autocomplete scriptexpressionidentifiers after the '=' token.
+ Do not propose existing names for the variable name, because the variable name needs to be
+ an identifier that is not used anywhere (to avoid shadowing and confusing code),
+ \li Deconstructed arrays, like \c{let [ helloWorld, ] = [ 123, ];}
+ In this case, only autocomplete scriptexpressionidentifiers after the '=' token.
+ Do not propose already existing identifiers inside the left hand side array.
+ \li Deconstructed arrays with initializers, like \c{let [ helloWorld = someVar, ] = [ 123, ];}
+ Note: this assigns the value of someVar to helloWorld if the right hand side's first element
+ is undefined or does not exist.
+ In this case, only autocomplete scriptexpressionidentifiers after the '=' tokens.
+ Only propose already existing identifiers inside the left hand side array when behind a '='
+ token.
+ \li Deconstructed Objects, like \c{let { helloWorld, } = { helloWorld: 123, };}
+ In this case, only autocomplete scriptexpressionidentifiers after the '=' token.
+ Do not propose already existing identifiers inside the left hand side object.
+ \li Deconstructed Objects with initializers, like \c{let { helloWorld = someVar, } = {};}
+ Note: this assigns the value of someVar to helloWorld if the right hand side's object does
+ not have a property called 'helloWorld'.
+ In this case, only autocomplete scriptexpressionidentifiers after the '=' token.
+ Only propose already existing identifiers inside the left hand side object when behind a '='
+ token.
+ \li Finally, you are allowed to nest and combine all above possibilities together for all your
+ deconstruction needs, so the exact same completion needs to be done for
+ DomType::ScriptPatternElement too.
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideScriptPattern(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation equal = regions[EqualTokenRegion];
+ if (!afterLocation(equal, positionInfo))
+ return;
+ // otherwise, only complete case and default
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+See comment on insideScriptPattern().
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideVariableDeclarationEntry(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ insideScriptPattern(parentForContext, positionInfo, result);
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideThrowStatement(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation throwKeyword = regions[ThrowKeywordRegion];
+ if (afterLocation(throwKeyword, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideLabelledStatement(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation colon = regions[ColonTokenRegion];
+ if (afterLocation(colon, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSStatementCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ // note: the case "beforeLocation(ctx, colon)" probably never happens:
+ // this is because without the colon, the parser will probably not parse this as a
+ // labelledstatement but as a normal expression statement.
+ // So this case only happens when the colon already exists, and the user goes back to the
+ // label name and requests completion for that label.
+Collect the current set of labels that some DomItem can jump to.
+static void collectLabels(const DomItem &context, QQmlLSCompletion::BackInsertIterator result)
+ for (DomItem current = context; current; current = current.directParent()) {
+ if (current.internalKind() == DomType::ScriptLabelledStatement) {
+ const QString label = current.field(Fields::label).value().toString();
+ if (label.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ CompletionItem item;
+ item.label = label.toUtf8();
+ item.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Value); // variable?
+ // TODO: more stuff here?
+ result = item;
+ } else if (current.internalKind() == DomType::ScriptExpression) {
+ // quick exit when leaving the JS part
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideContinueStatement(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation continueKeyword = regions[ContinueKeywordRegion];
+ if (afterLocation(continueKeyword, positionInfo)) {
+ collectLabels(parentForContext, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideBreakStatement(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation breakKeyword = regions[BreakKeywordRegion];
+ if (afterLocation(breakKeyword, positionInfo)) {
+ collectLabels(parentForContext, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideConditionalExpression(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation questionMark = regions[QuestionMarkTokenRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation colon = regions[ColonTokenRegion];
+ if (beforeLocation(positionInfo, questionMark)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (betweenLocations(questionMark, positionInfo, colon)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (afterLocation(colon, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideUnaryExpression(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation operatorToken = regions[OperatorTokenRegion];
+ if (afterLocation(operatorToken, positionInfo)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insidePostExpression(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation operatorToken = regions[OperatorTokenRegion];
+ if (beforeLocation(positionInfo, operatorToken)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::insideParenthesizedExpression(const DomItem &parentForContext,
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition &positionInfo,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto regions = FileLocations::treeOf(parentForContext)->info().regions;
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation leftParenthesis = regions[LeftParenthesisRegion];
+ const QQmlJS::SourceLocation rightParenthesis = regions[RightParenthesisRegion];
+ if (betweenLocations(leftParenthesis, positionInfo, rightParenthesis)) {
+ suggestJSExpressionCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::signalHandlerCompletion(const QQmlJSScope::ConstPtr &scope,
+ QDuplicateTracker<QString> *usedNames,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ const auto keyValues = scope->methods().asKeyValueRange();
+ for (const auto &[name, method] : keyValues) {
+ if (method.access() != QQmlJSMetaMethod::Public
+ || method.methodType() != QQmlJSMetaMethodType::Signal) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (usedNames && usedNames->hasSeen(name)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ CompletionItem completion;
+ completion.label = QQmlSignalNames::signalNameToHandlerName(name).toUtf8();
+ completion.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Method);
+ result = completion;
+ }
+Decide which completions can be used at currentItem and compute them.
+QQmlLSCompletion::completions(const DomItem &currentItem,
+ const CompletionContextStrings &contextStrings) const
+ QList<CompletionItem> result;
+ collectCompletions(currentItem, contextStrings, std::back_inserter(result));
+ return result;
+void QQmlLSCompletion::collectCompletions(const DomItem &currentItem,
+ const CompletionContextStrings &contextStrings,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ /*!
+ Completion is not provided on a script identifier expression because script identifier
+ expressions lack context information. Instead, find the first parent that has enough
+ context information and provide completion for this one.
+ For example, a script identifier expression \c{le} in
+ \badcode
+ for (;le;) { ... }
+ \endcode
+ will get completion for a property called \c{leProperty}, while the same script identifier
+ expression in
+ \badcode
+ for (le;;) { ... }
+ \endcode
+ will, in addition to \c{leProperty}, also get completion for the \c{let} statement snippet.
+ In this example, the parent used for the completion is the for-statement, of type
+ DomType::ScriptForStatement.
+ In addition of the parent for the context, use positionInfo to have exact information on where
+ the cursor is (to compare with the SourceLocations of tokens) and which item is at this position
+ (required to provide completion at the correct position, for example for attached properties).
+ */
+ const QQmlLSCompletionPosition positionInfo{ currentItem, contextStrings };
+ for (DomItem currentParent = currentItem; currentParent;
+ currentParent = currentParent.directParent()) {
+ const DomType currentType = currentParent.internalKind();
+ switch (currentType) {
+ case DomType::Id:
+ // suppress completions for ids
+ return;
+ case DomType::Pragma:
+ insidePragmaCompletion(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptType: {
+ if (currentParent.directParent().internalKind() == DomType::QmlObject) {
+ insideQmlObjectCompletion(currentParent.directParent(), positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ LocalSymbolsTypes options;
+ options.setFlag(LocalSymbolsType::ObjectType);
+ options.setFlag(LocalSymbolsType::ValueType);
+ suggestReachableTypes(currentItem, options, CompletionItemKind::Class, result);
+ return;
+ }
+ case DomType::ScriptFormalParameter:
+ // no autocompletion inside of function parameter definition
+ return;
+ case DomType::Binding:
+ insideBindingCompletion(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::Import:
+ insideImportCompletion(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptForStatement:
+ insideForStatementCompletion(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptBlockStatement:
+ suggestJSStatementCompletion(positionInfo.itemAtPosition, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::QmlFile:
+ insideQmlFileCompletion(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::QmlObject:
+ insideQmlObjectCompletion(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::MethodInfo:
+ // suppress completions
+ return;
+ case DomType::PropertyDefinition:
+ insidePropertyDefinitionCompletion(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptBinaryExpression:
+ // ignore field member expressions: these need additional context from its parents
+ if (QQmlLSUtils::isFieldMemberExpression(currentParent))
+ continue;
+ insideBinaryExpressionCompletion(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptLiteral:
+ insideScriptLiteralCompletion(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptCallExpression:
+ insideCallExpression(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptIfStatement:
+ insideIfStatement(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptReturnStatement:
+ insideReturnStatement(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptWhileStatement:
+ insideWhileStatement(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptDoWhileStatement:
+ insideDoWhileStatement(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptForEachStatement:
+ insideForEachStatement(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptTryCatchStatement:
+ /*!
+ \internal
+ The Ecmascript standard specifies that there can only be a block statement between \c
+ try and \c catch(...), \c try and \c finally and \c catch(...) and \c finally, so all of
+ these completions are already handled by the DomType::ScriptBlockStatement completion.
+ The only place in the try statement where there is no BlockStatement and therefore needs
+ its own completion is inside the catch parameter, but that is
+ \quotation
+ An optional identifier or pattern to hold the caught exception for the associated catch
+ block.
+ \endquotation
+ citing
+ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/try...catch?retiredLocale=de#exceptionvar.
+ This means that no completion is needed inside a catch-expression, as it should contain
+ an identifier that is not yet used anywhere.
+ Therefore, no completion is required at all when inside a try-statement but outside a
+ block-statement.
+ */
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptSwitchStatement:
+ insideSwitchStatement(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptCaseClause:
+ insideCaseClause(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptDefaultClause:
+ if (ctxBeforeStatement(positionInfo, currentParent, QQmlJS::Dom::DefaultKeywordRegion))
+ continue;
+ insideDefaultClause(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptCaseBlock:
+ insideCaseBlock(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptVariableDeclaration:
+ // not needed: thats a list of ScriptVariableDeclarationEntry, and those entries cannot
+ // be suggested because they all start with `{`, `[` or an identifier that should not be
+ // in use yet.
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptVariableDeclarationEntry:
+ insideVariableDeclarationEntry(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptProperty:
+ // fallthrough: a ScriptProperty is a ScriptPattern but inside a JS Object. It gets the
+ // same completions as a ScriptPattern.
+ case DomType::ScriptPattern:
+ insideScriptPattern(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptThrowStatement:
+ insideThrowStatement(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptLabelledStatement:
+ insideLabelledStatement(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptContinueStatement:
+ insideContinueStatement(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptBreakStatement:
+ insideBreakStatement(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptConditionalExpression:
+ insideConditionalExpression(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptUnaryExpression:
+ insideUnaryExpression(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptPostExpression:
+ insidePostExpression(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ case DomType::ScriptParenthesizedExpression:
+ insideParenthesizedExpression(currentParent, positionInfo, result);
+ return;
+ // TODO: Implement those statements.
+ // In the meanwhile, suppress completions to avoid weird behaviors.
+ case DomType::ScriptArray:
+ case DomType::ScriptObject:
+ case DomType::ScriptElision:
+ case DomType::ScriptArrayEntry:
+ return;
+ default:
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // no completion could be found
+ qCDebug(QQmlLSUtilsLog) << "No completion was found for current request.";
+ return;
+QQmlLSCompletion::QQmlLSCompletion(const QFactoryLoader &pluginLoader)
+ const auto keys = pluginLoader.metaDataKeys();
+ for (qsizetype i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) {
+ auto instance = std::unique_ptr<QQmlLSPlugin>(
+ qobject_cast<QQmlLSPlugin *>(pluginLoader.instance(i)));
+ if (!instance)
+ continue;
+ if (auto completionInstance = instance->createCompletionPlugin())
+ m_plugins.push_back(std::move(completionInstance));
+ }
+Helper method to call a method on all loaded plugins.
+void QQmlLSCompletion::collectFromPlugins(qxp::function_ref<CompletionFromPluginFunction> f,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ for (const auto &plugin : m_plugins) {
+ Q_ASSERT(plugin);
+ f(plugin.get(), result);
+ }
+void QQmlLSCompletion::suggestSnippetsForLeftHandSideOfBinding(const DomItem &itemAtPosition,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ collectFromPlugins(
+ [&itemAtPosition](QQmlLSCompletionPlugin *p, BackInsertIterator result) {
+ p->suggestSnippetsForLeftHandSideOfBinding(itemAtPosition, result);
+ },
+ result);
+void QQmlLSCompletion::suggestSnippetsForRightHandSideOfBinding(const DomItem &itemAtPosition,
+ BackInsertIterator result) const
+ collectFromPlugins(
+ [&itemAtPosition](QQmlLSCompletionPlugin *p, BackInsertIterator result) {
+ p->suggestSnippetsForRightHandSideOfBinding(itemAtPosition, result);
+ },
+ result);