path: root/src/quick/doc/src/qtquick-how-tos.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+ \page qtquick-how-tos.html
+ \title Qt Quick How-tos
+ This page aims to provide an easily discoverable, useful reference that
+ shows the simplest and best way of performing specific tasks in Qt Quick.
+ Each solution provides QML and/or C++ code snippets where applicable, and
+ every snippet is automatically tested by Qt to ensure they remain
+ functional.
+ How do I:
+ \list
+ \li \l {Call a C++ function from QML when a Button is clicked}
+ \li \l {See which item has active focus}
+ \li \l {Create a time picker like Android's TimePickerDialog}
+ \li \l {Use a C++ enum in JavaScript}
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Call a C++ function from QML when a Button is clicked
+ Assuming that the C++ type should be globally available to the QML
+ files in the application, the simplest way is to make it a QML singleton
+ with \l QML_SINGLETON. For example, in the header file, \c backend.h:
+ \snippet how-tos/how-to-cpp-button/backend.h file
+ \c backend.cpp:
+ \snippet how-tos/how-to-cpp-button/backend.cpp file
+ You can then call that function from any QML file:
+ \snippet how-tos/how-to-cpp-button/Main.qml file
+ If the C++ type only needs to be available to a small set of QML files,
+ consider using \l QML_ELEMENT. For more ways of exposing C++ types to QML,
+ see \l {Choosing the Correct Integration Method Between C++ and QML}.
+ This example assumes that the \c Backend type is available in a QML module.
+ With CMake, this is done via \l qt_add_qml_module. For an example that
+ demonstrates this in detail, see \l {Building a QML application}.
+ \section1 See which item has active focus
+ Write a \l {Property change signal handlers}{property change signal handler}
+ for the window's \l {Window::}{activeFocusItem} property:
+ \snippet how-tos/how-to-qml/active-focus-debugging/ActiveFocusDebuggingMain.qml file
+ This will print the item which currently has active focus to the console.
+ To ensure that the output is useful, give each item a descriptive
+ \l {QtObject::}{objectName}.
+ \section1 Create a time picker like Android's TimePickerDialog
+ We've prepared an example that consists of a few
+ \l {https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtdeclarative.git/tree/tests/auto/quick/doc/how-tos/how-to-qml/time-picker/TimeComponentLabel.qml?h=\QtMajorVersion.\QtMinorVersion}
+ {QML files} which demonstrate how to do this. They can be used
+ in your application in the following manner:
+ \snippet how-tos/how-to-qml/time-picker/TimePickerMain.qml file
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li \image how-to-time-picker-light.png
+ \caption TimePickerDialog in its light theme.
+ \li \image how-to-time-picker-dark.png
+ \caption TimePickerDialog in its dark theme.
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Use a C++ enum in JavaScript
+ To expose a C++ enum to JavaScript (that is, \l QJSEngine, not
+ \l QQmlEngine or \l QQmlApplicationEngine), use
+ \l QJSEngine::newQMetaObject():
+ \quotefromfile how-tos/how-to-cpp-enum-js/tst_how-to-cpp-enum-js.cpp
+ \skipto QJSEngine engine
+ \printuntil setProperty
+ \skipto Backend backend
+ \printuntil backend.load()
+ The enum can then be used from JavaScript:
+ \snippet how-tos/how-to-cpp-enum-js/script.mjs file
+ When using \l QQmlEngine or \l QQmlApplicationEngine, there are easier
+ options; see
+ \l {Choosing the Correct Integration Method Between C++ and QML}
+ for more information.
+ \c backend.h:
+ \snippet how-tos/how-to-cpp-enum-js/backend.h file
+ \c backend.cpp:
+ \snippet how-tos/how-to-cpp-enum-js/backend.cpp file
+ For more information, see \l {QObject Integration}.