path: root/src/quick/jar/org/qtproject/qt/android/QtQuickView.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+ \page qtquickview-android-class.html
+ \title Qt Quick View Android Class
+ \ingroup qt_android_classes
+ \brief Allows you to add QML content to your Android app as a View.
+ \techpreview
+ \since 6.7
+ The QtQuickView class lets you easily add QML content to your Android app as
+ a \l {Android: View}{View}.
+ \target QtQuickView
+ \table
+ \row
+ \li Class:
+ \li QtQuickView
+ \row
+ \li Package Name:
+ \li org.qtproject.qt.android
+ \row
+ \li Extends:
+ \li org.qtproject.qt.android.QtView
+ – org.qtproject.qt.android.QtLayout
+ –– android.view.ViewGroup
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Detailed description
+ The QtQuickView class lets you easily add QML content to your Android app as
+ a \l {Android: View}{View}. \c QtQuickView instantiates a \l QQuickView with
+ a given QML component source (a local or network file) and embeds it to itself.
+ You can add it to your Android app's layout as with any other View. \c QtQuickView
+ is a good choice when you want to extend your non-Qt Android app with QML content but
+ do not want to make the entire app using the Qt framework. It brings the power
+ of Qt Quick into your Android app, making it possible to use various Qt Quick
+ APIs in Android apps.
+ A typical use of the class:
+ \code
+ @Override
+ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
+ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
+ setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
+ ...
+ QtQuickView qmlView = new QtQuickView(this, "qrc:/qt/qml/target/main.qml", "target");
+ qmlView.setStatusChangeListener(status -> {
+ Log.i(TAG, "QML loading status changed to " + status);
+ });
+ // Add QML to your layout
+ layout.addView(qmlView, params);
+ ...
+ }
+ \endcode
+ For a more detailed example, see \l {QML in Android Studio Projects}.
+ \section1 QtQuickView in an Android Service
+ It is also possible to add a QtQuickView from a Service context by using
+ the Android WindowManager interface:
+ \code
+ @Override
+ public void onCreate() {
+ m_windowManager = getSystemService(WindowManager.class);
+ m_qtView = new QtQuickView(this, "qrc:/qt/qml/target/main.qml", "target");
+ WindowManager.LayoutParams layoutParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(
+ 640, 320,
+ WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY,
+ WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS,
+ PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT);
+ m_windowManager.addView(m_qtView, layoutParams);
+ }
+ \endcode
+ To clean up the QtQuickView and Qt libraries, the onDestroy() lifecycle
+ function can be used:
+ \code
+ @Override
+ public void onDestroy() {
+ super.onDestroy();
+ m_windowManager.removeView(m_qtView);
+ m_qtView = null;
+ }
+ \endcode
+ \note \b {Adding a QtQuickView from a Service context requires your application
+ to be signed with the platform key.}
+ \note QML views embedded within a Service context do not
+ support keyboard input or accessibility features.
+ \section1 Constructors
+ \section2 public QtQuickView(Context parent, String qmlUri, String appName)
+ Creates a QtQuickView to load and render a QML component. Instantiating a
+ QtQuickView will load the Qt libraries, including the app library specified
+ by \e appName. Then, it creates a QQuickView that loads the QML source specified
+ by \e qmlUri.
+ \section3 Parameters
+ \list
+ \li \b context: the parent Context.
+ \li \b qmlUri: the URI of the main QML file.
+ \li \b appName: the name of the Qt app library to load and start.
+ This corresponds to the target name set in the Qt app's CMakeLists.txt.
+ \endlist
+ \section3 Throws
+ Throws a \l {Android: InvalidParameterException}{InvalidParameterException} if
+ a parameter is invalid.
+ \section2 public QtQuickView(Context context, String qmlUri, String appName, String[] qmlImportPaths)
+ Creates a QtQuickView to load and view a QML component. Instantiating a
+ QtQuickView will load the Qt libraries, including the app library specified
+ by \e appName. Then, it creates a QQuickView that loads the QML source specified
+ by \e qmlUri. This overload accepts an array of strings \e qmlImportPaths in the
+ case where the QML application should load QML modules from custom paths.
+ \section3 Parameters
+ \list
+ \li \b context: the parent Context.
+ \li \b qmlUri: the URI of the main QML file.
+ \li \b appName: the name of the Qt app library to load and start.
+ This corresponds to the target name set in the Qt app's CMakeLists.txt.
+ \li \b qmlImportPaths: an array of strings for additional import paths to
+ be passed to.
+ \endlist
+ \section3 Throws
+ Throws a \l {Android: InvalidParameterException}{InvalidParameterException} if
+ a parameter is invalid.
+ \section1 Interfaces
+ \section2 public interface SignalListener<T>
+ \target SignalListener
+ Invoked on the Android UI thread when the signal has been emitted.
+ \section3 Parameters
+ \list
+ \li \b signalName: literal signal name
+ \li \b value: the value delivered by the signal or null if the signal is
+ without a parameter.
+ \endlist
+ \section2 public interface StatusChangeListener
+ \target StatusChangeListener
+ Invoked on the Android UI thread when the QML component status has changed.
+ \section3 Parameters
+ \list
+ \li \b status: The current status.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Fields
+ \section2 Status values
+ \target Status values
+ The status can be \e STATUS_NULL, \e STATUS_READY, \e STATUS_LOADING or
+ \e STATUS_ERROR. For more information, see \l {QQuickView::Status}.
+ \section1 Methods
+ \section2 public void setProperty(String propertyName, Object value)
+ \target setProperty()
+ Sets the value of an existing property on the QML root object. The supported
+ types are \c Integer, \c Double, \c Float, \c Boolean, and \c String. These
+ types get converted to their corresponding QML types int, double/float, bool,
+ and string. This function does not add properties to the QML root object if
+ they do not exist.
+ \section3 Parameters
+ \list
+ \li \b propertyName: the name of the existing root object property to set its value
+ \li \b value: the value of the property
+ \endlist
+ \section2 public <T extends Object> T getProperty(String propertyName)
+ \target getProperty()
+ Gets the value of an existing property of the QML root object. The supported
+ return types are \e Integer, \e Double, \e Float, \e Boolean, and \e String.
+ These types get converted from their corresponding QML types int, double/float,
+ bool, and string.
+ \section3 Parameters
+ \list
+ \li \b propertyName: the name of the existing root object property.
+ \endlist
+ \section3 Returns
+ If the property does not exist or the status of the QML component is
+ anything other than \l {Status values}{STATUS_READY}, this function will return null.
+ \section3 Throws
+ Throws a \l {Android: ClassCastException}{ClassCastException} if type casting fails.
+ \section2 public <T> int addSignalListener(String signalName, Class<T> argType, SignalListener<T> listener)
+ \target addSignalListener()
+ Associates a \l {SignalListener} with a signal of the QML root object.
+ \section3 Parameters
+ \list
+ \li \b signalName: the name of the root object signal.
+ \li \b argType: the Class type of the signal argument.
+ \li \b listener: an instance of the SignalListener interface.
+ \endlist
+ \section3 Returns
+ A \c {Connection ID} between signal and listener or the existing connection
+ ID if there is an existing connection between the same signal and listener.
+ Returns a negative value if the signal does not exist on the QML root object.
+ \section2 public boolean removeSignalListener(int signalListenerId)
+ Stops a \l {SignalListener} with a given id obtained from \l addSignalListener()
+ call, from listening to a signal.
+ \section3 Parameters
+ \list
+ \li \b signalListenerId: the connection ID.
+ \endlist
+ \section3 Returns
+ \e True if the connection ID is valid and has been successfully removed,
+ otherwise returns false.
+ \section2 public int getStatus()
+ \target getStatus()
+ Gets the \l {Status values}{status} of the QML component.
+ \section3 Returns
+ \e STATUS_READY when the QML is ready. Invoking methods that operate on the QML
+ root object, such as \l {setProperty()}, \l {getProperty()}, and
+ \l {addSignalListener()}, would succeed \b only if the current status is
+ \c STATUS_READY. It can also return other \l {Status values}{status} values
+ representing the status of the underlying QQuickView instance.
+ \section2 public void setStatusChangeListener(StatusChangeListener listener)
+ Sets a \l {StatusChangeListener} to listen to status changes.
+ \section3 Parameters
+ \list
+ \li \b listener: an instance of a \l {StatusChangeListener} interface.
+ \endlist