path: root/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgtexture.cpp
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diff --git a/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgtexture.cpp b/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgtexture.cpp
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index 0000000000..c08f900f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/quick/scenegraph/coreapi/qsgtexture.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qsgtexture_p.h"
+#include "qsgtexture_platform.h"
+#include <private/qqmlglobal_p.h>
+#include <private/qsgmaterialshader_p.h>
+#include <private/qsgrenderer_p.h>
+#include <private/qquickitem_p.h> // qquickwindow_p.h cannot be included on its own due to template nonsense
+#include <private/qquickwindow_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/private/qnativeinterface_p.h>
+#include <rhi/qrhi.h>
+#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) && !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && defined(__GLIBC__)
+#if defined(Q_OS_APPLE)
+#if defined(QT_NO_DEBUG)
+#include <execinfo.h>
+#include <QHash>
+#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QSet<QSGTexture *>, qsg_valid_texture_set)
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QMutex, qsg_valid_texture_mutex)
+bool operator==(const QSGSamplerDescription &a, const QSGSamplerDescription &b) noexcept
+ return a.filtering == b.filtering
+ && a.mipmapFiltering == b.mipmapFiltering
+ && a.horizontalWrap == b.horizontalWrap
+ && a.verticalWrap == b.verticalWrap
+ && a.anisotropylevel == b.anisotropylevel;
+bool operator!=(const QSGSamplerDescription &a, const QSGSamplerDescription &b) noexcept
+ return !(a == b);
+size_t qHash(const QSGSamplerDescription &s, size_t seed) noexcept
+ const int f = s.filtering;
+ const int m = s.mipmapFiltering;
+ const int w = s.horizontalWrap;
+ const int a = s.anisotropylevel;
+ return (((f & 7) << 24) | ((m & 7) << 16) | ((w & 7) << 8) | (a & 7)) ^ seed;
+QSGSamplerDescription QSGSamplerDescription::fromTexture(QSGTexture *t)
+ QSGSamplerDescription s;
+ s.filtering = t->filtering();
+ s.mipmapFiltering = t->mipmapFiltering();
+ s.horizontalWrap = t->horizontalWrapMode();
+ s.verticalWrap = t->verticalWrapMode();
+ s.anisotropylevel = t->anisotropyLevel();
+ return s;
+QSGTexturePrivate::QSGTexturePrivate(QSGTexture *t)
+ : wrapChanged(false)
+ , filteringChanged(false)
+ , anisotropyChanged(false)
+ , horizontalWrap(QSGTexture::ClampToEdge)
+ , verticalWrap(QSGTexture::ClampToEdge)
+ , mipmapMode(QSGTexture::None)
+ , filterMode(QSGTexture::Nearest)
+ , anisotropyLevel(QSGTexture::AnisotropyNone)
+#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
+ , m_openglTextureAccessor(t)
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+ , m_d3d11TextureAccessor(t)
+ , m_d3d12TextureAccessor(t)
+#if QT_CONFIG(metal)
+ , m_metalTextureAccessor(t)
+#if QT_CONFIG(vulkan)
+ , m_vulkanTextureAccessor(t)
+#if !QT_CONFIG(opengl)
+ Q_UNUSED(t);
+#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
+static int qt_debug_texture_count = 0;
+#if (defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined (Q_OS_APPLE)) && !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
+#define BACKTRACE_SIZE 20
+class SGTextureTraceItem
+ void *backTrace[BACKTRACE_SIZE];
+ size_t backTraceSize;
+static QHash<QSGTexture*, SGTextureTraceItem*> qt_debug_allocated_textures;
+inline static void qt_debug_print_texture_count()
+ qCDebug(lcQsgLeak, "Number of leaked textures: %i", qt_debug_texture_count);
+ qt_debug_texture_count = -1;
+ if (qmlDebugLeakBacktrace()) {
+ while (!qt_debug_allocated_textures.isEmpty()) {
+ QHash<QSGTexture*, SGTextureTraceItem*>::Iterator it = qt_debug_allocated_textures.begin();
+ QSGTexture* texture = it.key();
+ SGTextureTraceItem* item = it.value();
+ qt_debug_allocated_textures.erase(it);
+ qDebug() << "------";
+ qDebug() << "Leaked" << texture << "backtrace:";
+ char** symbols = backtrace_symbols(item->backTrace, item->backTraceSize);
+ if (symbols) {
+ for (int i=0; i<(int) item->backTraceSize; i++)
+ qDebug("Backtrace <%02d>: %s", i, symbols[i]);
+ free(symbols);
+ }
+ qDebug() << "------";
+ delete item;
+ }
+ }
+inline static void qt_debug_add_texture(QSGTexture* texture)
+ if (qmlDebugLeakBacktrace()) {
+ SGTextureTraceItem* item = new SGTextureTraceItem;
+ item->backTraceSize = backtrace(item->backTrace, BACKTRACE_SIZE);
+ qt_debug_allocated_textures.insert(texture, item);
+ }
+ Q_UNUSED(texture);
+#endif // Q_OS_LINUX
+ ++qt_debug_texture_count;
+ static bool atexit_registered = false;
+ if (!atexit_registered) {
+ atexit(qt_debug_print_texture_count);
+ atexit_registered = true;
+ }
+static void qt_debug_remove_texture(QSGTexture* texture)
+ if (qmlDebugLeakBacktrace()) {
+ SGTextureTraceItem* item = qt_debug_allocated_textures.value(texture, 0);
+ if (item) {
+ qt_debug_allocated_textures.remove(texture);
+ delete item;
+ }
+ }
+ Q_UNUSED(texture);
+ --qt_debug_texture_count;
+ if (qt_debug_texture_count < 0)
+ qDebug("Texture destroyed after qt_debug_print_texture_count() was called.");
+#endif // QT_NO_DEBUG
+ \class QSGTexture
+ \inmodule QtQuick
+ \brief The QSGTexture class is the base class for textures used in
+ the scene graph.
+ Users can freely implement their own texture classes to support arbitrary
+ input textures, such as YUV video frames or 8 bit alpha masks. The scene
+ graph provides a default implementation for RGBA textures.The default
+ implementation is not instantiated directly, rather they are constructed
+ via factory functions, such as QQuickWindow::createTextureFromImage().
+ With the default implementation, each QSGTexture is backed by a
+ QRhiTexture, which in turn contains a native texture object, such as an
+ OpenGL texture or a Vulkan image.
+ The size in pixels is given by textureSize(). hasAlphaChannel() reports if
+ the texture contains opacity values and hasMipmaps() reports if the texture
+ contains mipmap levels.
+ \l{QSGMaterial}{Materials} that work with textures reimplement
+ \l{QSGMaterialShader::updateSampledImage()}{updateSampledImage()} to
+ provide logic that decides which QSGTexture's underlying native texture
+ should be exposed at a given shader resource binding point.
+ QSGTexture does not separate image (texture) and sampler objects. The
+ parameters for filtering and wrapping can be specified with
+ setMipmapFiltering(), setFiltering(), setHorizontalWrapMode() and
+ setVerticalWrapMode(). The scene graph and Qt's graphics abstraction takes
+ care of creating separate sampler objects, when applicable.
+ \section1 Texture Atlases
+ Some scene graph backends use texture atlasses, grouping multiple small
+ textures into one large texture. If this is the case, the function
+ isAtlasTexture() will return true. Atlases are used to aid the rendering
+ algorithm to do better sorting which increases performance. Atlases are
+ also essential for batching (merging together geometry to reduce the number
+ of draw calls), because two instances of the same material using two
+ different QSGTextures are not batchable, whereas if both QSGTextures refer
+ to the same atlas, batching can happen, assuming the materials are
+ otherwise compatible.
+ The location of the texture inside the atlas is given with the
+ normalizedTextureSubRect() function.
+ If the texture is used in such a way that atlas is not preferable, the
+ function removedFromAtlas() can be used to extract a non-atlased copy.
+ \note All classes with QSG prefix should be used solely on the scene graph's
+ rendering thread. See \l {Scene Graph and Rendering} for more information.
+ */
+ \enum QSGTexture::WrapMode
+ Specifies how the sampler should treat texture coordinates.
+ \value Repeat Only the fractional part of the texture coordinate is
+ used, causing values above 1 and below 0 to repeat.
+ \value ClampToEdge Values above 1 are clamped to 1 and values
+ below 0 are clamped to 0.
+ \value MirroredRepeat When the texture coordinate is even, only the
+ fractional part is used. When odd, the texture coordinate is set to
+ \c{1 - fractional part}. This value has been introduced in Qt 5.10.
+ */
+ \enum QSGTexture::Filtering
+ Specifies how sampling of texels should filter when texture
+ coordinates are not pixel aligned.
+ \value None No filtering should occur. This value is only used
+ together with setMipmapFiltering().
+ \value Nearest Sampling returns the nearest texel.
+ \value Linear Sampling returns a linear interpolation of the
+ neighboring texels.
+ \enum QSGTexture::AnisotropyLevel
+ Specifies the anisotropic filtering level to be used when
+ the texture is not screen aligned.
+ \value AnisotropyNone No anisotropic filtering.
+ \value Anisotropy2x 2x anisotropic filtering.
+ \value Anisotropy4x 4x anisotropic filtering.
+ \value Anisotropy8x 8x anisotropic filtering.
+ \value Anisotropy16x 16x anisotropic filtering.
+ \since 5.9
+ Constructs the QSGTexture base class.
+ */
+ : QObject(*(new QSGTexturePrivate(this)))
+#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
+ if (lcQsgLeak().isDebugEnabled())
+ qt_debug_add_texture(this);
+ QMutexLocker locker(qsg_valid_texture_mutex());
+ qsg_valid_texture_set()->insert(this);
+ \internal
+ */
+QSGTexture::QSGTexture(QSGTexturePrivate &dd)
+ : QObject(dd)
+#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
+ if (lcQsgLeak().isDebugEnabled())
+ qt_debug_add_texture(this);
+ QMutexLocker locker(qsg_valid_texture_mutex());
+ qsg_valid_texture_set()->insert(this);
+ Destroys the QSGTexture.
+ */
+#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
+ if (lcQsgLeak().isDebugEnabled())
+ qt_debug_remove_texture(this);
+ QMutexLocker locker(qsg_valid_texture_mutex());
+ qsg_valid_texture_set()->remove(this);
+ \fn QRectF QSGTexture::convertToNormalizedSourceRect(const QRectF &rect) const
+ Returns \a rect converted to normalized coordinates.
+ \sa normalizedTextureSubRect()
+ */
+ This function returns a copy of the current texture which is removed
+ from its atlas.
+ The current texture remains unchanged, so texture coordinates do not
+ need to be updated.
+ Removing a texture from an atlas is primarily useful when passing
+ it to a shader that operates on the texture coordinates 0-1 instead
+ of the texture subrect inside the atlas.
+ If the texture is not part of a texture atlas, this function returns 0.
+ Implementations of this function are recommended to return the same instance
+ for multiple calls to limit memory usage.
+ \a resourceUpdates is an optional resource update batch, on which texture
+ operations, if any, are enqueued. Materials can retrieve an instance from
+ QSGMaterialShader::RenderState. When null, the removedFromAtlas()
+ implementation creates its own batch and submit it right away. However,
+ when a valid instance is specified, this function will not submit the
+ update batch.
+ \warning This function can only be called from the rendering thread.
+ */
+QSGTexture *QSGTexture::removedFromAtlas(QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *resourceUpdates) const
+ Q_UNUSED(resourceUpdates);
+ Q_ASSERT_X(!isAtlasTexture(), "QSGTexture::removedFromAtlas()", "Called on a non-atlas texture");
+ return nullptr;
+ Returns whether this texture is part of an atlas or not.
+ The default implementation returns false.
+ */
+bool QSGTexture::isAtlasTexture() const
+ return false;
+ \fn qint64 QSGTexture::comparisonKey() const
+ Returns a key suitable for comparing textures. Typically used in
+ QSGMaterial::compare() implementations.
+ Just comparing QSGTexture pointers is not always sufficient because two
+ QSGTexture instances that refer to the same native texture object
+ underneath should also be considered equal. Hence the need for this function.
+ Implementations of this function are not expected to, and should not create
+ any graphics resources (native texture objects) in case there are none yet.
+ A QSGTexture that does not have a native texture object underneath is
+ typically \b not equal to any other QSGTexture, so the return value has to
+ be crafted accordingly. There are exceptions to this, in particular when
+ atlasing is used (where multiple textures share the same atlas texture
+ under the hood), that is then up to the subclass implementations to deal
+ with as appropriate.
+ \warning This function can only be called from the rendering thread.
+ \since 5.14
+ */
+ \fn QSize QSGTexture::textureSize() const
+ Returns the size of the texture in pixels.
+ */
+ Returns the rectangle inside textureSize() that this texture
+ represents in normalized coordinates.
+ The default implementation returns a rect at position (0, 0) with
+ width and height of 1.
+ */
+QRectF QSGTexture::normalizedTextureSubRect() const
+ return QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ \fn bool QSGTexture::hasAlphaChannel() const
+ Returns true if the texture data contains an alpha channel.
+ */
+ \fn bool QSGTexture::hasMipmaps() const
+ Returns true if the texture data contains mipmap levels.
+ */
+ Sets the mipmap sampling mode to \a filter.
+ Setting the mipmap filtering has no effect it the texture does not have mipmaps.
+ \sa hasMipmaps()
+ */
+void QSGTexture::setMipmapFiltering(Filtering filter)
+ Q_D(QSGTexture);
+ if (d->mipmapMode != (uint) filter) {
+ d->mipmapMode = filter;
+ d->filteringChanged = true;
+ }
+ Returns whether mipmapping should be used when sampling from this texture.
+ */
+QSGTexture::Filtering QSGTexture::mipmapFiltering() const
+ return (QSGTexture::Filtering) d_func()->mipmapMode;
+ Sets the sampling mode to \a filter.
+ */
+void QSGTexture::setFiltering(QSGTexture::Filtering filter)
+ Q_D(QSGTexture);
+ if (d->filterMode != (uint) filter) {
+ d->filterMode = filter;
+ d->filteringChanged = true;
+ }
+ Returns the sampling mode to be used for this texture.
+ */
+QSGTexture::Filtering QSGTexture::filtering() const
+ return (QSGTexture::Filtering) d_func()->filterMode;
+ Sets the level of anisotropic filtering to \a level. The default value is
+ QSGTexture::AnisotropyNone, which means no anisotropic filtering is
+ enabled.
+ \note The request may be ignored depending on the graphics API in use.
+ There is no guarantee anisotropic filtering is supported at run time.
+ \since 5.9
+ */
+void QSGTexture::setAnisotropyLevel(AnisotropyLevel level)
+ Q_D(QSGTexture);
+ if (d->anisotropyLevel != (uint) level) {
+ d->anisotropyLevel = level;
+ d->anisotropyChanged = true;
+ }
+ Returns the anisotropy level in use for filtering this texture.
+ \since 5.9
+ */
+QSGTexture::AnisotropyLevel QSGTexture::anisotropyLevel() const
+ return (QSGTexture::AnisotropyLevel) d_func()->anisotropyLevel;
+ Sets the horizontal wrap mode to \a hwrap
+ */
+void QSGTexture::setHorizontalWrapMode(WrapMode hwrap)
+ Q_D(QSGTexture);
+ if ((uint) hwrap != d->horizontalWrap) {
+ d->horizontalWrap = hwrap;
+ d->wrapChanged = true;
+ }
+ Returns the horizontal wrap mode to be used for this texture.
+ */
+QSGTexture::WrapMode QSGTexture::horizontalWrapMode() const
+ return (QSGTexture::WrapMode) d_func()->horizontalWrap;
+ Sets the vertical wrap mode to \a vwrap
+ */
+void QSGTexture::setVerticalWrapMode(WrapMode vwrap)
+ Q_D(QSGTexture);
+ if ((uint) vwrap != d->verticalWrap) {
+ d->verticalWrap = vwrap;
+ d->wrapChanged = true;
+ }
+ Returns the vertical wrap mode to be used for this texture.
+ */
+QSGTexture::WrapMode QSGTexture::verticalWrapMode() const
+ return (QSGTexture::WrapMode) d_func()->verticalWrap;
+ \return the QRhiTexture for this QSGTexture or null if there is none (either
+ because a valid texture has not been created internally yet, or because the
+ concept is not applicable to the scenegraph backend in use).
+ This function is not expected to create a new QRhiTexture in case there is
+ none. It should return null in that case. The expectation towards the
+ renderer is that a null texture leads to using a transparent, dummy texture
+ instead.
+ \warning This function can only be called from the rendering thread.
+ \since 6.0
+ */
+QRhiTexture *QSGTexture::rhiTexture() const
+ return nullptr;
+ Call this function to enqueue image upload operations to \a
+ resourceUpdates, in case there are any pending ones. When there is no new
+ data (for example, because there was no setImage() since the last call to
+ this function), the function does nothing.
+ Materials involving \a rhi textures are expected to call this function from
+ their \l{QSGMaterialShader::updateSampledImage()}{updateSampledImage()}
+ implementation, typically without any conditions, passing \c{state.rhi()}
+ and \c{state.resourceUpdateBatch()} from the QSGMaterialShader::RenderState.
+ \warning This function can only be called from the rendering thread.
+ \since 6.0
+ */
+void QSGTexture::commitTextureOperations(QRhi *rhi, QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *resourceUpdates)
+ Q_UNUSED(rhi);
+ Q_UNUSED(resourceUpdates);
+bool QSGTexturePrivate::hasDirtySamplerOptions() const
+ return wrapChanged || filteringChanged || anisotropyChanged;
+void QSGTexturePrivate::resetDirtySamplerOptions()
+ wrapChanged = filteringChanged = anisotropyChanged = false;
+ \class QSGDynamicTexture
+ \brief The QSGDynamicTexture class serves as a baseclass for dynamically changing textures,
+ such as content that is rendered to FBO's.
+ \inmodule QtQuick
+ To update the content of the texture, call updateTexture() explicitly.
+ \note All classes with QSG prefix should be used solely on the scene graph's
+ rendering thread. See \l {Scene Graph and Rendering} for more information.
+ */
+ \fn bool QSGDynamicTexture::updateTexture()
+ Call this function to explicitly update the dynamic texture.
+ The function returns true if the texture was changed as a resul of the update; otherwise
+ returns false.
+ \note This function is typically called from QQuickItem::updatePaintNode()
+ or QSGNode::preprocess(), meaning during the \c{synchronization} or the
+ \c{node preprocessing} phases of the scenegraph. Calling it at other times
+ is discouraged and can lead to unexpected behavior.
+ */
+ \internal
+ */
+QSGDynamicTexture::QSGDynamicTexture(QSGTexturePrivate &dd)
+ : QSGTexture(dd)
+ \internal
+ */
+ = default;
+ \fn template <typename QNativeInterface> NativeInterface *QSGTexture::nativeInterface() const
+ Returns a native interface of the given type for the texture.
+ This function provides access to platform specific functionality of
+ QSGTexture, as declared in the QNativeInterface namespace:
+ \annotatedlist native-interfaces-qsgtexture
+ This allows accessing the underlying native texture object, such as, the \c GLuint
+ texture ID with OpenGL, or the \c VkImage handle with Vulkan.
+ If the requested interface is not available a \nullptr is returned.
+ */
+#if QT_CONFIG(opengl) || defined(Q_QDOC)
+namespace QNativeInterface {
+ \class QNativeInterface::QSGOpenGLTexture
+ \inmodule QtQuick
+ \ingroup native-interfaces
+ \ingroup native-interfaces-qsgtexture
+ \inheaderfile QSGTexture
+ \brief Provides access to and enables adopting OpenGL texture objects.
+ \since 6.0
+ \fn VkImage QNativeInterface::QSGOpenGLTexture::nativeTexture() const
+ \return the OpenGL texture ID.
+ */
+ Creates a new QSGTexture wrapping an existing OpenGL texture object for
+ \a window.
+ The native object specified in \a textureId is wrapped, but not owned, by
+ the resulting QSGTexture. The caller of the function is responsible for
+ deleting the returned QSGTexture, but that will not destroy the underlying
+ native object.
+ This function is currently suitable for 2D RGBA textures only.
+ \warning This function will return null if the scenegraph has not yet been
+ initialized.
+ Use \a options to customize the texture attributes. Only the
+ TextureHasAlphaChannel and TextureHasMipmaps are taken into account here.
+ \a size specifies the size in pixels.
+ \note This function must be called on the scenegraph rendering thread.
+ \sa QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInitialized(), QSGTexture,
+ {Scene Graph - Metal Texture Import}, {Scene Graph - Vulkan Texture Import}
+ \since 6.0
+ */
+QSGTexture *QSGOpenGLTexture::fromNative(GLuint textureId,
+ QQuickWindow *window,
+ const QSize &size,
+ QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options)
+ return QQuickWindowPrivate::get(window)->createTextureFromNativeTexture(quint64(textureId), 0, size, options);
+ Creates a new QSGTexture wrapping an existing OpenGL ES texture object for
+ \a window.
+ The native object specified in \a textureId is wrapped, but not owned, by
+ the resulting QSGTexture. The caller of the function is responsible for
+ deleting the returned QSGTexture, but that will not destroy the underlying
+ native object.
+ This function is suitable only for textures that are meant to be
+ used with the \c{GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES} target: usually textures
+ to which another device (such as a camera) writes data.
+ \warning This function will return null if the scenegraph has not yet been
+ initialized.
+ Use \a options to customize the texture attributes. Only the
+ TextureHasAlphaChannel and TextureHasMipmaps are taken into account here.
+ \a size specifies the size in pixels.
+ \note This function must be called on the scenegraph rendering thread.
+ \since 6.1
+ \sa fromNative()
+ */
+QSGTexture *QSGOpenGLTexture::fromNativeExternalOES(GLuint textureId,
+ QQuickWindow *window,
+ const QSize &size,
+ QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options)
+ return QQuickWindowPrivate::get(window)->createTextureFromNativeTexture(quint64(textureId),
+ 0,
+ size,
+ options,
+ QQuickWindowPrivate::NativeTextureIsExternalOES);
+} // QNativeInterface
+GLuint QSGTexturePlatformOpenGL::nativeTexture() const
+ if (auto *tex = m_texture->rhiTexture())
+ return GLuint(tex->nativeTexture().object);
+ return 0;
+#endif // opengl
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_QDOC)
+namespace QNativeInterface {
+ \class QNativeInterface::QSGD3D11Texture
+ \inmodule QtQuick
+ \ingroup native-interfaces
+ \ingroup native-interfaces-qsgtexture
+ \inheaderfile QSGTexture
+ \brief Provides access to and enables adopting Direct3D 11 texture objects.
+ \since 6.0
+ \fn void *QNativeInterface::QSGD3D11Texture::nativeTexture() const
+ \return the ID3D11Texture2D object.
+ */
+ Creates a new QSGTexture wrapping an existing Direct 3D 11 \a texture object
+ for \a window.
+ The native object is wrapped, but not owned, by the resulting QSGTexture.
+ The caller of the function is responsible for deleting the returned
+ QSGTexture, but that will not destroy the underlying native object.
+ This function is currently suitable for 2D RGBA textures only.
+ \warning This function will return null if the scene graph has not yet been
+ initialized.
+ Use \a options to customize the texture attributes. Only the
+ TextureHasAlphaChannel and TextureHasMipmaps are taken into account here.
+ \a size specifies the size in pixels.
+ \note This function must be called on the scene graph rendering thread.
+ \sa QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInitialized(), QSGTexture,
+ {Scene Graph - Metal Texture Import}, {Scene Graph - Vulkan Texture Import}
+ \since 6.0
+ */
+QSGTexture *QSGD3D11Texture::fromNative(void *texture,
+ QQuickWindow *window,
+ const QSize &size,
+ QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options)
+ return QQuickWindowPrivate::get(window)->createTextureFromNativeTexture(quint64(texture), 0, size, options);
+} // QNativeInterface
+void *QSGTexturePlatformD3D11::nativeTexture() const
+ if (auto *tex = m_texture->rhiTexture())
+ return reinterpret_cast<void *>(quintptr(tex->nativeTexture().object));
+ return 0;
+namespace QNativeInterface {
+ \class QNativeInterface::QSGD3D12Texture
+ \inmodule QtQuick
+ \ingroup native-interfaces
+ \ingroup native-interfaces-qsgtexture
+ \inheaderfile QSGTexture
+ \brief Provides access to and enables adopting Direct3D 12 texture objects.
+ \since 6.6
+ \fn void *QNativeInterface::QSGD3D12Texture::nativeTexture() const
+ \return the ID3D12Texture object.
+ */
+ Creates a new QSGTexture wrapping an existing Direct 3D 12 \a texture object
+ for \a window.
+ The native object is wrapped, but not owned, by the resulting QSGTexture.
+ The caller of the function is responsible for deleting the returned
+ QSGTexture, but that will not destroy the underlying native object.
+ This function is currently suitable for 2D RGBA textures only.
+ \warning This function will return null if the scene graph has not yet been
+ initialized.
+ Use \a options to customize the texture attributes. Only the
+ TextureHasAlphaChannel and TextureHasMipmaps are taken into account here.
+ \a size specifies the size in pixels.
+ \a resourceState must specify the
+ \l{https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d3d12/ne-d3d12-d3d12_resource_states}{current state}
+ of the texture resource.
+ \note This function must be called on the scene graph rendering thread.
+ \sa QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInitialized(), QSGTexture,
+ {Scene Graph - Metal Texture Import}, {Scene Graph - Vulkan Texture Import}
+ \since 6.6
+ */
+QSGTexture *QSGD3D12Texture::fromNative(void *texture,
+ int resourceState,
+ QQuickWindow *window,
+ const QSize &size,
+ QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options)
+ return QQuickWindowPrivate::get(window)->createTextureFromNativeTexture(quint64(texture), resourceState, size, options);
+} // QNativeInterface
+int QSGTexturePlatformD3D12::nativeResourceState() const
+ if (auto *tex = m_texture->rhiTexture())
+ return tex->nativeTexture().layout;
+ return 0;
+void *QSGTexturePlatformD3D12::nativeTexture() const
+ if (auto *tex = m_texture->rhiTexture())
+ return reinterpret_cast<void *>(quintptr(tex->nativeTexture().object));
+ return 0;
+#endif // win
+#if defined(__OBJC__) || defined(Q_QDOC)
+namespace QNativeInterface {
+ \class QNativeInterface::QSGMetalTexture
+ \inmodule QtQuick
+ \ingroup native-interfaces
+ \ingroup native-interfaces-qsgtexture
+ \inheaderfile QSGTexture
+ \brief Provides access to and enables adopting Metal texture objects.
+ \since 6.0
+ \fn id<MTLTexture> QNativeInterface::QSGMetalTexture::nativeTexture() const
+ \return the Metal texture object.
+ */
+ \fn QSGTexture *QNativeInterface::QSGMetalTexture::fromNative(id<MTLTexture> texture, QQuickWindow *window, const QSize &size, QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options)
+ Creates a new QSGTexture wrapping an existing Metal \a texture object for
+ \a window.
+ The native object is wrapped, but not owned, by the resulting QSGTexture.
+ The caller of the function is responsible for deleting the returned
+ QSGTexture, but that will not destroy the underlying native object.
+ This function is currently suitable for 2D RGBA textures only.
+ \warning This function will return null if the scene graph has not yet been
+ initialized.
+ Use \a options to customize the texture attributes. Only the
+ TextureHasAlphaChannel and TextureHasMipmaps are taken into account here.
+ \a size specifies the size in pixels.
+ \note This function must be called on the scene graph rendering thread.
+ \sa QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInitialized(), QSGTexture,
+ {Scene Graph - Metal Texture Import}, {Scene Graph - Vulkan Texture Import}
+ \since 6.0
+ */
+} // QNativeInterface
+#endif // OBJC
+#if QT_CONFIG(vulkan) || defined(Q_QDOC)
+namespace QNativeInterface {
+ \class QNativeInterface::QSGVulkanTexture
+ \inmodule QtQuick
+ \ingroup native-interfaces
+ \ingroup native-interfaces-qsgtexture
+ \inheaderfile QSGTexture
+ \brief Provides access to and enables adopting Vulkan image objects.
+ \since 6.0
+ \fn VkImage QNativeInterface::QSGVulkanTexture::nativeImage() const
+ \return the VkImage handle.
+ */
+ \fn VkImageLayout QNativeInterface::QSGVulkanTexture::nativeImageLayout() const
+ \return the image layout.
+ */
+ Creates a new QSGTexture wrapping an existing Vulkan \a image object for
+ \a window.
+ The native object is wrapped, but not owned, by the resulting QSGTexture.
+ The caller of the function is responsible for deleting the returned
+ QSGTexture, but that will not destroy the underlying native object.
+ This function is currently suitable for 2D RGBA textures only.
+ \warning This function will return null if the scene graph has not yet been
+ initialized.
+ \a layout must specify the current layout of the image.
+ Use \a options to customize the texture attributes. Only the
+ TextureHasAlphaChannel and TextureHasMipmaps are taken into account here.
+ \a size specifies the size in pixels.
+ \note This function must be called on the scene graph rendering thread.
+ \sa QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInitialized(), QSGTexture,
+ {Scene Graph - Metal Texture Import}, {Scene Graph - Vulkan Texture Import}
+ \since 6.0
+ */
+QSGTexture *QSGVulkanTexture::fromNative(VkImage image,
+ VkImageLayout layout,
+ QQuickWindow *window,
+ const QSize &size,
+ QQuickWindow::CreateTextureOptions options)
+ return QQuickWindowPrivate::get(window)->createTextureFromNativeTexture(quint64(image), layout, size, options);
+} // QNativeInterface
+VkImage QSGTexturePlatformVulkan::nativeImage() const
+ if (auto *tex = m_texture->rhiTexture())
+ return VkImage(tex->nativeTexture().object);
+ return VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+VkImageLayout QSGTexturePlatformVulkan::nativeImageLayout() const
+ if (auto *tex = m_texture->rhiTexture())
+ return VkImageLayout(tex->nativeTexture().layout);
+#endif // vulkan
+void *QSGTexture::resolveInterface(const char *name, int revision) const
+ using namespace QNativeInterface;
+ Q_UNUSED(name);
+ Q_UNUSED(revision);
+ Q_D(const QSGTexture);
+ auto *dd = const_cast<QSGTexturePrivate *>(d);
+ Q_UNUSED(dd);
+#if QT_CONFIG(vulkan)
+ QT_NATIVE_INTERFACE_RETURN_IF(QSGVulkanTexture, &dd->m_vulkanTextureAccessor);
+#if QT_CONFIG(metal)
+ QT_NATIVE_INTERFACE_RETURN_IF(QSGMetalTexture, &dd->m_metalTextureAccessor);
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+ QT_NATIVE_INTERFACE_RETURN_IF(QSGD3D11Texture, &dd->m_d3d11TextureAccessor);
+ QT_NATIVE_INTERFACE_RETURN_IF(QSGD3D12Texture, &dd->m_d3d12TextureAccessor);
+#if QT_CONFIG(opengl)
+ QT_NATIVE_INTERFACE_RETURN_IF(QSGOpenGLTexture, &dd->m_openglTextureAccessor);
+ return nullptr;
+#include "moc_qsgtexture.cpp"