path: root/src/quick/scenegraph/shaders_ng/shapecurve.frag
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/quick/scenegraph/shaders_ng/shapecurve.frag')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/quick/scenegraph/shaders_ng/shapecurve.frag b/src/quick/scenegraph/shaders_ng/shapecurve.frag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc97f375ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/quick/scenegraph/shaders_ng/shapecurve.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#version 440
+layout(location = 0) in vec4 qt_TexCoord;
+layout(location = 1) in vec4 gradient;
+#if defined(LINEARGRADIENT)
+layout(location = 2) in float gradTabIndex;
+#elif defined(RADIALGRADIENT) || defined(CONICALGRADIENT)
+layout(location = 2) in vec2 coord;
+#elif defined(TEXTUREFILL)
+layout(location = 2) in vec2 textureCoord;
+layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
+layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform buf {
+ mat4 qt_Matrix[QSHADER_VIEW_COUNT];
+ mat4 qt_Matrix;
+ float matrixScale;
+ float opacity;
+ float debug;
+ float reserved3;
+ mat4 gradientMatrix;
+#if defined(LINEARGRADIENT)
+ vec2 gradientStart;
+ vec2 gradientEnd;
+#elif defined(RADIALGRADIENT)
+ vec2 translationPoint;
+ vec2 focalToCenter;
+ float centerRadius;
+ float focalRadius;
+#elif defined(CONICALGRADIENT)
+ vec2 translationPoint;
+ float angle;
+#elif defined(TEXTUREFILL)
+ vec2 boundsSize;
+ vec4 color;
+} ubuf;
+#define INVERSE_2PI 0.1591549430918953358
+layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D gradTabTexture;
+#elif defined(TEXTUREFILL)
+layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D sourceTexture;
+vec4 baseColor()
+#if defined(LINEARGRADIENT)
+ return texture(gradTabTexture, vec2(gradTabIndex, 0.5));
+#elif defined(RADIALGRADIENT)
+ float rd = ubuf.centerRadius - ubuf.focalRadius;
+ float b = 2.0 * (rd * ubuf.focalRadius + dot(coord, ubuf.focalToCenter));
+ float fmp2_m_radius2 = -ubuf.focalToCenter.x * ubuf.focalToCenter.x - ubuf.focalToCenter.y * ubuf.focalToCenter.y + rd * rd;
+ float inverse_2_fmp2_m_radius2 = 1.0 / (2.0 * fmp2_m_radius2);
+ float det = b * b - 4.0 * fmp2_m_radius2 * ((ubuf.focalRadius * ubuf.focalRadius) - dot(coord, coord));
+ vec4 result = vec4(0.0);
+ if (det >= 0.0) {
+ float detSqrt = sqrt(det);
+ float w = max((-b - detSqrt) * inverse_2_fmp2_m_radius2, (-b + detSqrt) * inverse_2_fmp2_m_radius2);
+ if (ubuf.focalRadius + w * (ubuf.centerRadius - ubuf.focalRadius) >= 0.0)
+ result = texture(gradTabTexture, vec2(w, 0.5));
+ }
+ return result;
+#elif defined(CONICALGRADIENT)
+ float t;
+ if (abs(coord.y) == abs(coord.x))
+ t = (atan(-coord.y + 0.002, coord.x) + ubuf.angle) * INVERSE_2PI;
+ else
+ t = (atan(-coord.y, coord.x) + ubuf.angle) * INVERSE_2PI;
+ return texture(gradTabTexture, vec2(t - floor(t), 0.5));
+#elif defined(TEXTUREFILL)
+ return texture(sourceTexture, textureCoord);
+ return vec4(ubuf.color.rgb, 1.0) * ubuf.color.a;
+void main()
+ float f = qt_TexCoord.z * (qt_TexCoord.x * qt_TexCoord.x - qt_TexCoord.y) // curve
+ + (1.0 - abs(qt_TexCoord.z)) * (qt_TexCoord.x - qt_TexCoord.y); // line
+#if defined(USE_DERIVATIVES)
+ float _ddx = dFdx(f);
+ float _ddy = dFdy(f);
+ float df = length(vec2(_ddx, _ddy));
+ // We calculate the partial derivatives for f'(x, y) based on knowing the partial derivatives
+ // for the texture coordinates (u, v).
+ // So for curves:
+ // f(x,y) = u(x, y) * u(x, y) - v(x, y)
+ // f(x,y) = p(u(x,y)) - v(x, y) where p(u) = u^2
+ // So f'(x, y) = p'(u(x, y)) * u'(x, y) - v'(x, y)
+ // (by chain rule and sum rule)
+ // f'(x, y) = 2 * u(x, y) * u'(x, y) - v'(x, y)
+ // And so:
+ // df/dx = 2 * u(x, y) * du/dx - dv/dx
+ // df/dy = 2 * u(x, y) * du/dy - dv/dy
+ //
+ // and similarly for straight lines:
+ // f(x, y) = u(x, y) - v(x, y)
+ // f'(x, y) = dudx - dvdx
+ float dudx = gradient.x;
+ float dvdx = gradient.y;
+ float dudy = gradient.z;
+ float dvdy = gradient.w;
+ // Test with analytic derivatives
+// dudx = dFdx(qt_TexCoord.x);
+// dvdx = dFdx(qt_TexCoord.y);
+// dudy = dFdy(qt_TexCoord.x);
+// dvdy = dFdy(qt_TexCoord.y);
+ float dfx_curve = 2.0f * qt_TexCoord.x * dudx - dvdx;
+ float dfy_curve = 2.0f * qt_TexCoord.x * dudy - dvdy;
+ float dfx_line = dudx - dvdx;
+ float dfy_line = dudy - dvdy;
+ float dfx = qt_TexCoord.z * dfx_curve + (1.0 - abs(qt_TexCoord.z)) * dfx_line;
+ float dfy = qt_TexCoord.z * dfy_curve + (1.0 - abs(qt_TexCoord.z)) * dfy_line;
+ float df = length(vec2(dfx, dfy));
+ float isLine = 1.0 - abs(qt_TexCoord.z);
+ float isCurve = 1.0 - isLine;
+ float debugR = isCurve * min(1.0, 1.0 - qt_TexCoord.z);
+ float debugG = isLine;
+ float debugB = isCurve * min(1.0, 1.0 - qt_TexCoord.z * -1.0) + debugG;
+ vec3 debugColor = vec3(debugR, debugG, debugB);
+ // Special case: mask out concave curve in "negative space".
+ int specialCaseMask = 1 - int(qt_TexCoord.w != 0.0) * (int(qt_TexCoord.x < 0.0) + int(qt_TexCoord.x > 1.0));
+ float fillCoverage = clamp(0.5 + f / df, 0.0, 1.0) * float(specialCaseMask);
+ fragColor = mix(baseColor() * fillCoverage, vec4(debugColor, 1.0), ubuf.debug) * ubuf.opacity;