path: root/src/quickcontrols/qtquickcontrols2plugin.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/quickcontrols/qtquickcontrols2plugin.cpp')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/quickcontrols/qtquickcontrols2plugin.cpp b/src/quickcontrols/qtquickcontrols2plugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a29401841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/quickcontrols/qtquickcontrols2plugin.cpp
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+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include <QtCore/private/qfileselector_p.h>
+#include <QtCore/qloggingcategory.h>
+#include <QtQml/qqmlengine.h>
+#include <QtQml/qqmlextensionplugin.h>
+#include <QtQuickTemplates2/private/qquicktheme_p_p.h>
+#include <QtQuickControls2/private/qquickstyle_p.h>
+#include <QtQuickControls2/private/qquickstyleplugin_p.h>
+#include <QtQuickControls2/qquickstyle.h>
+#include <QtQuickControls2/qtquickcontrols2global.h>
+Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcQtQuickControls2Plugin, "qt.quick.controls.qtquickcontrols2plugin")
+class QtQuickControls2Plugin : public QQmlExtensionPlugin
+ Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID QQmlExtensionInterface_iid)
+ QtQuickControls2Plugin(QObject *parent = nullptr);
+ ~QtQuickControls2Plugin();
+ void registerTypes(const char *uri) override;
+ void unregisterTypes() override;
+ // We store these because the style plugins can be unregistered before
+ // QtQuickControls2Plugin, and since QQuickStylePlugin calls QQuickStylePrivate::reset(),
+ // the style information can be lost when it comes time to call qmlUnregisterModuleImport().
+ // It also avoids unnecessarily resolving the style after resetting it just to get the style
+ // name in unregisterTypes().
+ bool customStyle = false;
+ QString registeredStyleUri;
+ QString registeredFallbackStyleUri;
+ QString rawFallbackStyleName;
+static const char *qtQuickControlsUri = "QtQuick.Controls";
+QString styleUri()
+ const QString style = QQuickStyle::name();
+ if (!QQuickStylePrivate::isCustomStyle()) {
+ // The style set is a built-in style.
+ const QString styleName = QQuickStylePrivate::effectiveStyleName(style);
+ return QString::fromLatin1("QtQuick.Controls.%1").arg(styleName);
+ }
+ // This is a custom style, so just use the name as the import uri.
+ QString styleName = style;
+ if (styleName.startsWith(QLatin1String(":/")))
+ styleName.remove(0, 2);
+ return styleName;
+QString fallbackStyleUri()
+ // The fallback style must be a built-in style, so we don't need to check for custom styles here.
+ const QString fallbackStyle = QQuickStylePrivate::fallbackStyle();
+ const QString fallbackStyleName = QQuickStylePrivate::effectiveStyleName(fallbackStyle);
+ return QString::fromLatin1("QtQuick.Controls.%1").arg(fallbackStyleName);
+QtQuickControls2Plugin::QtQuickControls2Plugin(QObject *parent) : QQmlExtensionPlugin(parent)
+ volatile auto registration = &qml_register_types_QtQuick_Controls;
+ Q_UNUSED(registration);
+ // Intentionally empty: we use register/unregisterTypes() to do
+ // initialization and cleanup, as plugins are not unloaded on macOS.
+ \internal
+ If this function is called, it means QtQuick.Controls was imported,
+ and we're doing runtime style selection.
+ For example, where:
+ \list
+ \li styleName="Material"
+ \li rawFallbackStyleName=""
+ \li fallbackStyleName="Basic"
+ \li registeredStyleUri="QtQuick.Controls.Material"
+ \li rawFallbackStyleName is empty => parentModule="QtQuick.Controls.Material"
+ \li registeredFallbackStyleUri="QtQuick.Controls.Basic"
+ \endlist
+ The following registrations would be made:
+ qmlRegisterModuleImport("QtQuick.Controls.Material", "QtQuick.Controls.Basic")
+ qmlRegisterModuleImport("QtQuick.Controls", "QtQuick.Controls.Material")
+ As another example, where:
+ \list
+ \li styleName="Material"
+ \li rawFallbackStyleName="Fusion"
+ \li fallbackStyleName="Fusion"
+ \li registeredStyleUri="QtQuick.Controls.Material"
+ \li rawFallbackStyleName is not empty => parentModule="QtQuick.Controls"
+ \li registeredFallbackStyleUri="QtQuick.Controls.Fusion"
+ \endlist
+ The following registrations would be made:
+ qmlRegisterModuleImport("QtQuick.Controls", "QtQuick.Controls.Fusion")
+ qmlRegisterModuleImport("QtQuick.Controls", "QtQuick.Controls.Material")
+ In this case, the Material style imports a fallback (Basic) via the IMPORTS
+ section in its CMakeLists.txt, \e and the user specifies a different fallback
+ using an env var/.conf/C++. We want the user's fallback to take priority,
+ which means we have to place the user-specified fallback at a more immediate place,
+ and that place is as an import of QtQuick.Controls itself rather than as an
+ import of the current style, Material (as we did in the first example).
+ If the style to be imported is a custom style and no specific fallback was
+ selected, we need to indirectly import Basic, but we cannot import Basic through
+ the custom style since the versions don't match. For that case we have a
+ "QtQuick.Controls.IndirectBasic" which does nothing but import
+ QtQuick.Controls.Basic. Instead of QtQuick.Controls.Basic we import that one:
+ qmlRegisterModuleImport("QtQuick.Controls", "Some.Custom.Style")
+ qmlRegisterModuleImport("QtQuick.Controls", "QtQuick.Controls.IndirectBasic")
+void QtQuickControls2Plugin::registerTypes(const char *uri)
+ qCDebug(lcQtQuickControls2Plugin) << "registerTypes() called with uri" << uri;
+ // It's OK that the style is resolved more than once; some accessors like name() cause it to be called, for example.
+ QQuickStylePrivate::init();
+ // The fallback style that was set via env var/.conf/C++.
+ rawFallbackStyleName = QQuickStylePrivate::fallbackStyle();
+ // The style that was set via env var/.conf/C++, or Basic if none was set.
+ const QString styleName = QQuickStylePrivate::effectiveStyleName(QQuickStyle::name());
+ // The effective fallback style: rawFallbackStyleName, or Basic if empty.
+ const QString fallbackStyleName = QQuickStylePrivate::effectiveStyleName(rawFallbackStyleName);
+ qCDebug(lcQtQuickControls2Plugin) << "style:" << QQuickStyle::name() << "effective style:" << styleName
+ << "fallback style:" << rawFallbackStyleName << "effective fallback style:" << fallbackStyleName;
+ customStyle = QQuickStylePrivate::isCustomStyle();
+ // The URI of the current style. For built-in styles, the style name is appended to "QtQuick.Controls.".
+ // For custom styles that are embedded in resources, we need to remove the ":/" prefix.
+ registeredStyleUri = ::styleUri();
+ // If the style is Basic, we don't need to register the fallback because the Basic style
+ // provides all controls. Also, if we didn't return early here, we can get an infinite import loop
+ // when the style is set to Basic.
+ if (styleName != fallbackStyleName && styleName != QLatin1String("Basic")) {
+ // If no specific fallback is given, the fallback is of lower precedence than recursive
+ // imports of the main style (i.e. IMPORTS in a style's CMakeLists.txt).
+ // If a specific fallback is given, it is of higher precedence.
+ QString parentModule;
+ QString fallbackModule;
+ // The fallback style has to be a built-in style, so it will become "QtQuick.Controls.<fallback>".
+ registeredFallbackStyleUri = ::fallbackStyleUri();
+ if (!rawFallbackStyleName.isEmpty()) {
+ parentModule = qtQuickControlsUri;
+ fallbackModule = registeredFallbackStyleUri;
+ } else if (customStyle) {
+ // Since we don't know the versioning scheme of custom styles, but we want the
+ // version of QtQuick.Controls to be propagated, we need to do our own indirection.
+ // QtQuick.Controls.IndirectBasic indirectly imports QtQuick.Controls.Basic
+ Q_ASSERT(registeredFallbackStyleUri == QLatin1String("QtQuick.Controls.Basic"));
+ parentModule = qtQuickControlsUri;
+ fallbackModule = QLatin1String("QtQuick.Controls.IndirectBasic");
+ } else {
+ parentModule = registeredStyleUri;
+ fallbackModule = registeredFallbackStyleUri;
+ }
+ qCDebug(lcQtQuickControls2Plugin)
+ << "calling qmlRegisterModuleImport() to register fallback style with"
+ << " uri \"" << parentModule << "\" moduleMajor" << QQmlModuleImportModuleAny
+ << "import" << fallbackModule << "importMajor" << QQmlModuleImportAuto;
+ // Whenever parentModule is imported, registeredFallbackStyleUri will be imported too.
+ // The fallback style must be a built-in style, so we match the version number.
+ qmlRegisterModuleImport(parentModule.toUtf8().constData(), QQmlModuleImportModuleAny,
+ fallbackModule.toUtf8().constData(),
+ QQmlModuleImportAuto, QQmlModuleImportAuto);
+ }
+ // If the user imports QtQuick.Controls 2.15, and they're using the Material style, we should import version 2.15.
+ // However, if they import QtQuick.Controls 2.15, but are using a custom style, we want to use the latest version
+ // number of their style.
+ const int importMajor = customStyle ? QQmlModuleImportLatest : QQmlModuleImportAuto;
+ qCDebug(lcQtQuickControls2Plugin).nospace()
+ << "calling qmlRegisterModuleImport() to register primary style with"
+ << " uri \"" << qtQuickControlsUri << "\" moduleMajor " << importMajor
+ << " import " << registeredStyleUri << " importMajor " << importMajor;
+ // When QtQuick.Controls is imported, the selected style will be imported too.
+ qmlRegisterModuleImport(qtQuickControlsUri, QQmlModuleImportModuleAny,
+ registeredStyleUri.toUtf8().constData(), importMajor);
+ if (customStyle)
+ QFileSelectorPrivate::addStatics(QStringList() << styleName);
+void QtQuickControls2Plugin::unregisterTypes()
+ qCDebug(lcQtQuickControls2Plugin) << "unregisterTypes() called";
+ const int importMajor = customStyle ? QQmlModuleImportLatest : QQmlModuleImportAuto;
+ qCDebug(lcQtQuickControls2Plugin).nospace()
+ << "calling qmlUnregisterModuleImport() to unregister primary style with"
+ << " uri \"" << qtQuickControlsUri << "\" moduleMajor " << importMajor
+ << " import " << registeredStyleUri << " importMajor " << importMajor;
+ qmlUnregisterModuleImport(qtQuickControlsUri, QQmlModuleImportModuleAny,
+ registeredStyleUri.toUtf8().constData(), importMajor);
+ if (!registeredFallbackStyleUri.isEmpty()) {
+ QString parentModule;
+ QString fallbackModule;
+ if (!rawFallbackStyleName.isEmpty()) {
+ parentModule = qtQuickControlsUri;
+ fallbackModule = registeredFallbackStyleUri;
+ rawFallbackStyleName.clear();
+ } else if (customStyle) {
+ parentModule = qtQuickControlsUri;
+ fallbackModule = QLatin1String("QtQuick.Controls.IndirectBasic");
+ } else {
+ parentModule = registeredStyleUri;
+ fallbackModule = registeredFallbackStyleUri;
+ }
+ qCDebug(lcQtQuickControls2Plugin)
+ << "calling qmlUnregisterModuleImport() to unregister fallback style with"
+ << " uri \"" << parentModule << "\" moduleMajor" << QQmlModuleImportModuleAny
+ << "import" << fallbackModule << "importMajor" << QQmlModuleImportAuto;
+ qmlUnregisterModuleImport(parentModule.toUtf8().constData(), QQmlModuleImportModuleAny,
+ fallbackModule.toUtf8().constData(),
+ QQmlModuleImportAuto, QQmlModuleImportAuto);
+ registeredFallbackStyleUri.clear();
+ }
+ customStyle = false;
+ registeredStyleUri.clear();
+#include "qtquickcontrols2plugin.moc"