path: root/src/quicknativestyle/qstyle/qquickstylehelper.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/quicknativestyle/qstyle/qquickstylehelper.cpp')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/quicknativestyle/qstyle/qquickstylehelper.cpp b/src/quicknativestyle/qstyle/qquickstylehelper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b73a5fcf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/quicknativestyle/qstyle/qquickstylehelper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qquickstylehelper_p.h"
+#include "qquickstyleoption.h"
+#include "qquickstyle_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/qmath.h>
+#include <QtGui/qpainter.h>
+#include <QtGui/qpixmapcache.h>
+#include <QtGui/qwindow.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qhighdpiscaling_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qguiapplication_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qmath_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qhexstring_p.h>
+#include <qmetaobject.h>
+#include <qstringbuilder.h>
+Q_GUI_EXPORT int qt_defaultDpiX();
+namespace QQC2 {
+namespace QStyleHelper {
+QString uniqueName(const QString &key, const QStyleOption *option, const QSize &size)
+ const QStyleOptionComplex *complexOption = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionComplex *>(option);
+ QString tmp = key % HexString<uint>(option->state)
+ % HexString<uint>(option->direction)
+ % HexString<uint>(complexOption ? uint(complexOption->activeSubControls) : 0u)
+ % HexString<quint64>(option->palette.cacheKey())
+ % HexString<uint>(size.width())
+ % HexString<uint>(size.height());
+ if (const QStyleOptionSpinBox *spinBox = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionSpinBox *>(option)) {
+ tmp = tmp % HexString<uint>(spinBox->buttonSymbols)
+ % HexString<uint>(spinBox->stepEnabled)
+ % QLatin1Char(spinBox->frame ? '1' : '0'); ;
+ }
+ return tmp;
+#ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN
+static const qreal qstyleBaseDpi = 72;
+static const qreal qstyleBaseDpi = 96;
+qreal dpi(const QStyleOption *option)
+#ifndef Q_OS_DARWIN
+ // Prioritize the application override, except for on macOS where
+ // we have historically not supported the AA_Use96Dpi flag.
+ if (QCoreApplication::testAttribute(Qt::AA_Use96Dpi))
+ return 96;
+ // Expect that QStyleOption::QFontMetrics::QFont has the correct DPI set
+ if (option)
+ return option->fontMetrics.fontDpi();
+ return qstyleBaseDpi;
+qreal dpiScaled(qreal value, qreal dpi)
+ return value * dpi / qstyleBaseDpi;
+qreal dpiScaled(qreal value, const QPaintDevice *device)
+ return dpiScaled(value, device->logicalDpiX());
+qreal dpiScaled(qreal value, const QStyleOption *option)
+ return dpiScaled(value, dpi(option));
+#if QT_CONFIG(accessibility)
+bool isInstanceOf(QObject *obj, QAccessible::Role role)
+ bool match = false;
+ QAccessibleInterface *iface = QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(obj);
+ match = iface && iface->role() == role;
+ return match;
+// Searches for an ancestor of a particular accessible role
+bool hasAncestor(QObject *obj, QAccessible::Role role)
+ bool found = false;
+ QObject *parent = obj ? obj->parent() : nullptr;
+ while (parent && !found) {
+ if (isInstanceOf(parent, role))
+ found = true;
+ parent = parent->parent();
+ }
+ return found;
+int calcBigLineSize(int radius)
+ int bigLineSize = radius / 6;
+ if (bigLineSize < 4)
+ bigLineSize = 4;
+ if (bigLineSize > radius / 2)
+ bigLineSize = radius / 2;
+ return bigLineSize;
+static QPointF calcRadialPos(const QStyleOptionSlider *dial, qreal offset)
+ const int width = dial->rect.width();
+ const int height = dial->rect.height();
+ const int r = qMin(width, height) / 2;
+ const int currentSliderPosition = dial->upsideDown ? dial->sliderPosition : (dial->maximum - dial->sliderPosition);
+ qreal a = 0;
+ qreal startAngle = (90. - dial->startAngle) * Q_PI / 180.;
+ qreal spanAngle = (dial->endAngle - dial->startAngle) * Q_PI / 180.;
+ if (dial->maximum == dial->minimum)
+ a = Q_PI / 2;
+ else
+ a = (startAngle - (currentSliderPosition - dial->minimum) * spanAngle
+ / (dial->maximum - dial->minimum));
+ qreal xc = width / 2.0;
+ qreal yc = height / 2.0;
+ qreal len = r - QStyleHelper::calcBigLineSize(r) - 3;
+ qreal back = offset * len;
+ QPointF pos(QPointF(xc + back * qCos(a), yc - back * qSin(a)));
+ return pos;
+qreal angle(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)
+ static const qreal rad_factor = 180 / Q_PI;
+ qreal _angle = 0;
+ if (p1.x() == p2.x()) {
+ if (p1.y() < p2.y())
+ _angle = 270;
+ else
+ _angle = 90;
+ } else {
+ qreal x1, x2, y1, y2;
+ if (p1.x() <= p2.x()) {
+ x1 = p1.x(); y1 = p1.y();
+ x2 = p2.x(); y2 = p2.y();
+ } else {
+ x2 = p1.x(); y2 = p1.y();
+ x1 = p2.x(); y1 = p2.y();
+ }
+ qreal m = -(y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
+ _angle = qAtan(m) * rad_factor;
+ if (p1.x() < p2.x())
+ _angle = 180 - _angle;
+ else
+ _angle = -_angle;
+ }
+ return _angle;
+QPolygonF calcLines(const QStyleOptionSlider *dial)
+ QPolygonF poly;
+ int width = dial->rect.width();
+ int height = dial->rect.height();
+ qreal r = qMin(width, height) / 2;
+ int bigLineSize = calcBigLineSize(int(r));
+ qreal xc = width / 2 + 0.5;
+ qreal yc = height / 2 + 0.5;
+ const int ns = dial->tickInterval;
+ if (!ns) // Invalid values may be set by Qt Designer.
+ return poly;
+ int notches = (dial->maximum + ns - 1 - dial->minimum) / ns;
+ if (notches <= 0)
+ return poly;
+ if (dial->maximum < dial->minimum || dial->maximum - dial->minimum > 1000) {
+ int maximum = dial->minimum + 1000;
+ notches = (maximum + ns - 1 - dial->minimum) / ns;
+ }
+ poly.resize(2 + 2 * notches);
+ int smallLineSize = bigLineSize / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= notches; ++i) {
+ qreal angle = dial->dialWrapping ? Q_PI * 3 / 2 - i * 2 * Q_PI / notches
+ : (Q_PI * 8 - i * 10 * Q_PI / notches) / 6;
+ qreal s = qSin(angle);
+ qreal c = qCos(angle);
+ if (i == 0 || (((ns * i) % (dial->pageStep ? dial->pageStep : 1)) == 0)) {
+ poly[2 * i] = QPointF(xc + (r - bigLineSize) * c,
+ yc - (r - bigLineSize) * s);
+ poly[2 * i + 1] = QPointF(xc + r * c, yc - r * s);
+ } else {
+ poly[2 * i] = QPointF(xc + (r - 1 - smallLineSize) * c,
+ yc - (r - 1 - smallLineSize) * s);
+ poly[2 * i + 1] = QPointF(xc + (r - 1) * c, yc -(r - 1) * s);
+ }
+ }
+ return poly;
+// This will draw a nice and shiny QDial for us. We don't want
+// all the shinyness in QWindowsStyle, hence we place it here
+void drawDial(const QStyleOptionSlider *option, QPainter *painter)
+ QPalette pal = option->palette;
+ const int width = option->rect.width();
+ const int height = option->rect.height();
+ const bool enabled = option->state & QStyle::State_Enabled;
+ qreal r = qMin(width, height) / 2;
+ r -= r/50;
+ const qreal penSize = r/20.0;
+ painter->save();
+ painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+ // Draw notches
+ if (option->subControls & QStyle::SC_DialTickmarks) {
+ painter->setPen(option->palette.dark().color().darker(120));
+ painter->drawLines(QStyleHelper::calcLines(option));
+ }
+ // setting color before BEGIN_STYLE_PIXMAPCACHE since
+ // otherwise it is not set when the image is in the cache
+ QColor buttonColor = pal.button().color().toHsv();
+ buttonColor.setHsv(buttonColor .hue(),
+ qMin(140, buttonColor .saturation()),
+ qMax(180, buttonColor.value()));
+ // Cache dial background
+ BEGIN_STYLE_PIXMAPCACHE(QString::fromLatin1("qdial"))
+ p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+ const qreal d_ = r / 6;
+ const qreal dx = option->rect.x() + d_ + (width - 2 * r) / 2 + 1;
+ const qreal dy = option->rect.y() + d_ + (height - 2 * r) / 2 + 1;
+ QRectF br = QRectF(dx + 0.5, dy + 0.5,
+ int(r * 2 - 2 * d_ - 2),
+ int(r * 2 - 2 * d_ - 2));
+ if (enabled) {
+ // Drop shadow
+ qreal shadowSize = qMax(1.0, penSize/2.0);
+ QRectF shadowRect= br.adjusted(-2*shadowSize, -2*shadowSize,
+ 2*shadowSize, 2*shadowSize);
+ QRadialGradient shadowGradient(shadowRect.center().x(),
+ shadowRect.center().y(), shadowRect.width()/2.0,
+ shadowRect.center().x(), shadowRect.center().y());
+ shadowGradient.setColorAt(qreal(0.91), QColor(0, 0, 0, 40));
+ shadowGradient.setColorAt(qreal(1.0), Qt::transparent);
+ p->setBrush(shadowGradient);
+ p->setPen(Qt::NoPen);
+ p->translate(shadowSize, shadowSize);
+ p->drawEllipse(shadowRect);
+ p->translate(-shadowSize, -shadowSize);
+ // Main gradient
+ QRadialGradient gradient(br.center().x() - br.width()/3, dy,
+ br.width()*1.3, br.center().x(),
+ br.center().y() - br.height()/2);
+ gradient.setColorAt(0, buttonColor.lighter(110));
+ gradient.setColorAt(qreal(0.5), buttonColor);
+ gradient.setColorAt(qreal(0.501), buttonColor.darker(102));
+ gradient.setColorAt(1, buttonColor.darker(115));
+ p->setBrush(gradient);
+ } else {
+ p->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ }
+ p->setPen(QPen(buttonColor.darker(280)));
+ p->drawEllipse(br);
+ p->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ p->setPen(buttonColor.lighter(110));
+ p->drawEllipse(br.adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1));
+ if (option->state & QStyle::State_HasFocus) {
+ QColor highlight = pal.highlight().color().toHsv();
+ highlight.setHsv(highlight.hue(),
+ qMin(160, highlight.saturation()),
+ qMax(230, highlight.value()));
+ highlight.setAlpha(127);
+ p->setPen(QPen(highlight, 2.0));
+ p->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+ p->drawEllipse(br.adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1));
+ }
+ QPointF dp = calcRadialPos(option, qreal(0.70));
+ buttonColor = buttonColor.lighter(104);
+ buttonColor.setAlphaF(0.8f);
+ const qreal ds = r/qreal(7.0);
+ QRectF dialRect(dp.x() - ds, dp.y() - ds, 2*ds, 2*ds);
+ QRadialGradient dialGradient(dialRect.center().x() + dialRect.width()/2,
+ dialRect.center().y() + dialRect.width(),
+ dialRect.width()*2,
+ dialRect.center().x(), dialRect.center().y());
+ dialGradient.setColorAt(1, buttonColor.darker(140));
+ dialGradient.setColorAt(qreal(0.4), buttonColor.darker(120));
+ dialGradient.setColorAt(0, buttonColor.darker(110));
+ if (penSize > 3.0) {
+ painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 25), penSize));
+ painter->drawLine(calcRadialPos(option, qreal(0.90)), calcRadialPos(option, qreal(0.96)));
+ }
+ painter->setBrush(dialGradient);
+ painter->setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 150));
+ painter->drawEllipse(dialRect.adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1));
+ painter->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 80));
+ painter->drawEllipse(dialRect);
+ painter->restore();
+void drawBorderPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap, QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect,
+ int left, int top, int right,
+ int bottom)
+ QSize size = pixmap.size();
+ //painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);
+ //top
+ if (top > 0) {
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left() + left, rect.top(), rect.width() -right - left, top), pixmap,
+ QRect(left, 0, size.width() -right - left, top));
+ //top-left
+ if(left > 0)
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left(), rect.top(), left, top), pixmap,
+ QRect(0, 0, left, top));
+ //top-right
+ if (right > 0)
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left() + rect.width() - right, rect.top(), right, top), pixmap,
+ QRect(size.width() - right, 0, right, top));
+ }
+ //left
+ if (left > 0)
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left(), rect.top()+top, left, rect.height() - top - bottom), pixmap,
+ QRect(0, top, left, size.height() - bottom - top));
+ //center
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left() + left, rect.top()+top, rect.width() -right - left,
+ rect.height() - bottom - top), pixmap,
+ QRect(left, top, size.width() -right -left,
+ size.height() - bottom - top));
+ //right
+ if (right > 0)
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left() +rect.width() - right, rect.top()+top, right, rect.height() - top - bottom), pixmap,
+ QRect(size.width() - right, top, right, size.height() - bottom - top));
+ //bottom
+ if (bottom > 0) {
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left() +left, rect.top() + rect.height() - bottom,
+ rect.width() - right - left, bottom), pixmap,
+ QRect(left, size.height() - bottom,
+ size.width() - right - left, bottom));
+ //bottom-left
+ if (left > 0)
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left(), rect.top() + rect.height() - bottom, left, bottom), pixmap,
+ QRect(0, size.height() - bottom, left, bottom));
+ //bottom-right
+ if (right > 0)
+ painter->drawPixmap(QRect(rect.left() + rect.width() - right, rect.top() + rect.height() - bottom, right, bottom), pixmap,
+ QRect(size.width() - right, size.height() - bottom, right, bottom));
+ }
+WidgetSizePolicy widgetSizePolicy(const QStyleOption *opt)
+ if (opt && opt->state & QStyle::State_Mini)
+ return SizeMini;
+ else if (opt && opt->state & QStyle::State_Small)
+ return SizeSmall;
+ return SizeDefault;
+QColor backgroundColor(const QPalette &pal)
+// if (qobject_cast<const QScrollBar *>(widget) && widget->parent() &&
+// qobject_cast<const QAbstractScrollArea *>(widget->parent()->parent()))
+// return widget->parentWidget()->parentWidget()->palette().color(QPalette::Base);
+ return pal.color(QPalette::Base);
+} // namespace QQC2