path: root/src/quickvectorimage/generator/qsvgvisitorimpl.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/quickvectorimage/generator/qsvgvisitorimpl.cpp')
1 files changed, 776 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/quickvectorimage/generator/qsvgvisitorimpl.cpp b/src/quickvectorimage/generator/qsvgvisitorimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3aafb65cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/quickvectorimage/generator/qsvgvisitorimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qsvgvisitorimpl_p.h"
+#include "qquickgenerator_p.h"
+#include "qquicknodeinfo_p.h"
+#include <private/qsvgvisitor_p.h>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QTextDocument>
+#include <QTextLayout>
+#include <QMatrix4x4>
+#include <QQuickItem>
+#include <private/qquickshape_p.h>
+#include <private/qquicktext_p.h>
+#include <private/qquicktranslate_p.h>
+#include <private/qquickitem_p.h>
+#include <private/qquickimagebase_p_p.h>
+#include <private/qquickimage_p.h>
+#include <private/qsgcurveprocessor_p.h>
+#include <private/qquadpath_p.h>
+#include "utils_p.h"
+#include <QtCore/qloggingcategory.h>
+using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
+class QSvgStyleResolver
+ QSvgStyleResolver()
+ {
+ m_dummyImage = QImage(1, 1, QImage::Format_RGB32);
+ m_dummyPainter.begin(&m_dummyImage);
+ QPen defaultPen(Qt::NoBrush, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::SvgMiterJoin);
+ defaultPen.setMiterLimit(4);
+ m_dummyPainter.setPen(defaultPen);
+ m_dummyPainter.setBrush(Qt::black);
+ }
+ ~QSvgStyleResolver()
+ {
+ m_dummyPainter.end();
+ }
+ QPainter& painter() { return m_dummyPainter; }
+ QSvgExtraStates& states() { return m_svgState; }
+ QColor currentFillColor() const
+ {
+ if (m_dummyPainter.brush().style() == Qt::NoBrush ||
+ m_dummyPainter.brush().color() == QColorConstants::Transparent) {
+ return QColor(QColorConstants::Transparent);
+ }
+ QColor fillColor;
+ fillColor = m_dummyPainter.brush().color();
+ fillColor.setAlphaF(m_svgState.fillOpacity);
+ return fillColor;
+ }
+ qreal currentFillOpacity() const
+ {
+ return m_svgState.fillOpacity;
+ }
+ const QGradient *currentFillGradient() const
+ {
+ if (m_dummyPainter.brush().style() == Qt::LinearGradientPattern || m_dummyPainter.brush().style() == Qt::RadialGradientPattern || m_dummyPainter.brush().style() == Qt::ConicalGradientPattern )
+ return m_dummyPainter.brush().gradient();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ QColor currentStrokeColor() const
+ {
+ if (m_dummyPainter.pen().brush().style() == Qt::NoBrush ||
+ m_dummyPainter.pen().brush().color() == QColorConstants::Transparent) {
+ return QColor(QColorConstants::Transparent);
+ }
+ QColor strokeColor;
+ strokeColor = m_dummyPainter.pen().brush().color();
+ strokeColor.setAlphaF(m_svgState.strokeOpacity);
+ return strokeColor;
+ }
+ static QGradient applyOpacityToGradient(const QGradient &gradient, float opacity)
+ {
+ QGradient grad = gradient;
+ QGradientStops stops;
+ for (auto &stop : grad.stops()) {
+ stop.second.setAlphaF(stop.second.alphaF() * opacity);
+ stops.append(stop);
+ }
+ grad.setStops(stops);
+ return grad;
+ }
+ float currentStrokeWidth() const
+ {
+ float penWidth = m_dummyPainter.pen().widthF();
+ return penWidth ? penWidth : 1;
+ }
+ QPen currentStroke() const
+ {
+ return m_dummyPainter.pen();
+ }
+ QPainter m_dummyPainter;
+ QImage m_dummyImage;
+ QSvgExtraStates m_svgState;
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QSvgStyleResolver, styleResolver)
+namespace {
+inline bool isPathContainer(const QSvgStructureNode *node)
+ bool foundPath = false;
+ for (const auto *child : node->renderers()) {
+ switch (child->type()) {
+ // nodes that shouldn't go inside Shape{}
+ case QSvgNode::Switch:
+ case QSvgNode::Doc:
+ case QSvgNode::Group:
+ case QSvgNode::Animation:
+ case QSvgNode::Use:
+ case QSvgNode::Video:
+ //qCDebug(lcQuickVectorGraphics) << "NOT path container because" << node->typeName() ;
+ return false;
+ // nodes that could go inside Shape{}
+ case QSvgNode::Defs:
+ case QSvgNode::Image:
+ case QSvgNode::Textarea:
+ case QSvgNode::Text:
+ case QSvgNode::Tspan:
+ break;
+ // nodes that are done as pure ShapePath{}
+ case QSvgNode::Rect:
+ case QSvgNode::Circle:
+ case QSvgNode::Ellipse:
+ case QSvgNode::Line:
+ case QSvgNode::Path:
+ case QSvgNode::Polygon:
+ case QSvgNode::Polyline:
+ if (!child->style().transform.isDefault()) {
+ //qCDebug(lcQuickVectorGraphics) << "NOT path container because local transform";
+ return false;
+ }
+ foundPath = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ qCDebug(lcQuickVectorImage) << "Unhandled type in switch" << child->type();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //qCDebug(lcQuickVectorGraphics) << "Container" << node->nodeId() << node->typeName() << "is" << foundPath;
+ return foundPath;
+void populateStrokeStyle(StrokeStyle &srokeStyle)
+ QPen p = styleResolver->currentStroke();
+ srokeStyle.lineCapStyle = p.capStyle();
+ srokeStyle.lineJoinStyle = p.joinStyle() == Qt::SvgMiterJoin ? Qt::MiterJoin : p.joinStyle(); //TODO support SvgMiterJoin
+ srokeStyle.miterLimit = p.miterLimit();
+ srokeStyle.dashOffset = p.dashOffset();
+ srokeStyle.dashArray = p.dashPattern();
+ srokeStyle.color = styleResolver->currentStrokeColor();
+ srokeStyle.width = p.widthF();
+QSvgVisitorImpl::QSvgVisitorImpl(const QString svgFileName, QQuickGenerator *generator)
+ : m_svgFileName(svgFileName)
+ , m_generator(generator)
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::traverse()
+ if (!m_generator) {
+ qCDebug(lcQuickVectorImage) << "No valid QQuickGenerator is set. Genration will stop";
+ return;
+ }
+ auto *doc = QSvgTinyDocument::load(m_svgFileName);
+ if (!doc) {
+ qCDebug(lcQuickVectorImage) << "Not a valid Svg File : " << m_svgFileName;
+ return;
+ }
+ QSvgVisitor::traverse(doc);
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::visitNode(const QSvgNode *node)
+ handleBaseNodeSetup(node);
+ NodeInfo info;
+ fillCommonNodeInfo(node, info);
+ m_generator->generateNode(info);
+ handleBaseNodeEnd(node);
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::visitImageNode(const QSvgImage *node)
+ // TODO: this requires proper asset management.
+ handleBaseNodeSetup(node);
+ ImageNodeInfo info;
+ fillCommonNodeInfo(node, info);
+ info.image = node->image();
+ info.rect = node->rect();
+ info.externalFileReference = node->filename();
+ m_generator->generateImageNode(info);
+ handleBaseNodeEnd(node);
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::visitRectNode(const QSvgRect *node)
+ QRectF rect = node->rect();
+ QPointF rads = node->radius();
+ // This is using Qt::RelativeSize semantics: percentage of half rect size
+ qreal x1 = rect.left();
+ qreal x2 = rect.right();
+ qreal y1 = rect.top();
+ qreal y2 = rect.bottom();
+ qreal rx = rads.x() * rect.width() / 200;
+ qreal ry = rads.y() * rect.height() / 200;
+ QPainterPath p;
+ p.moveTo(x1 + rx, y1);
+ p.lineTo(x2 - rx, y1);
+ // qCDebug(lcQuickVectorGraphics) << "Line1" << x2 - rx << y1;
+ p.arcTo(x2 - rx * 2, y1, rx * 2, ry * 2, 90, -90); // ARC to x2, y1 + ry
+ // qCDebug(lcQuickVectorGraphics) << "p1" << p;
+ p.lineTo(x2, y2 - ry);
+ p.arcTo(x2 - rx * 2, y2 - ry * 2, rx * 2, ry * 2, 0, -90); // ARC to x2 - rx, y2
+ p.lineTo(x1 + rx, y2);
+ p.arcTo(x1, y2 - ry * 2, rx * 2, ry * 2, 270, -90); // ARC to x1, y2 - ry
+ p.lineTo(x1, y1 + ry);
+ p.arcTo(x1, y1, rx * 2, ry * 2, 180, -90); // ARC to x1 + rx, y1
+ handlePathNode(node, p);
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::visitEllipseNode(const QSvgEllipse *node)
+ QRectF rect = node->rect();
+ QPainterPath p;
+ p.addEllipse(rect);
+ handlePathNode(node, p);
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::visitPathNode(const QSvgPath *node)
+ handlePathNode(node, node->path());
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::visitLineNode(const QSvgLine *node)
+ QPainterPath p;
+ p.moveTo(node->line().p1());
+ p.lineTo(node->line().p2());
+ handlePathNode(node, p);
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::visitPolygonNode(const QSvgPolygon *node)
+ QPainterPath p = QQuickVectorImageGenerator::Utils::polygonToPath(node->polygon(), true);
+ handlePathNode(node, p);
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::visitPolylineNode(const QSvgPolyline *node)
+ QPainterPath p = QQuickVectorImageGenerator::Utils::polygonToPath(node->polygon(), false);
+ handlePathNode(node, p);
+QString QSvgVisitorImpl::gradientCssDescription(const QGradient *gradient)
+ QString cssDescription;
+ if (gradient->type() == QGradient::LinearGradient) {
+ const QLinearGradient *linearGradient = static_cast<const QLinearGradient *>(gradient);
+ cssDescription += " -qt-foreground: qlineargradient("_L1;
+ cssDescription += "x1:"_L1 + QString::number(linearGradient->start().x()) + u',';
+ cssDescription += "y1:"_L1 + QString::number(linearGradient->start().y()) + u',';
+ cssDescription += "x2:"_L1 + QString::number(linearGradient->finalStop().x()) + u',';
+ cssDescription += "y2:"_L1 + QString::number(linearGradient->finalStop().y()) + u',';
+ } else if (gradient->type() == QGradient::RadialGradient) {
+ const QRadialGradient *radialGradient = static_cast<const QRadialGradient *>(gradient);
+ cssDescription += " -qt-foreground: qradialgradient("_L1;
+ cssDescription += "cx:"_L1 + QString::number(radialGradient->center().x()) + u',';
+ cssDescription += "cy:"_L1 + QString::number(radialGradient->center().y()) + u',';
+ cssDescription += "fx:"_L1 + QString::number(radialGradient->focalPoint().x()) + u',';
+ cssDescription += "fy:"_L1 + QString::number(radialGradient->focalPoint().y()) + u',';
+ cssDescription += "radius:"_L1 + QString::number(radialGradient->radius()) + u',';
+ } else {
+ const QConicalGradient *conicalGradient = static_cast<const QConicalGradient *>(gradient);
+ cssDescription += " -qt-foreground: qconicalgradient("_L1;
+ cssDescription += "cx:"_L1 + QString::number(conicalGradient->center().x()) + u',';
+ cssDescription += "cy:"_L1 + QString::number(conicalGradient->center().y()) + u',';
+ cssDescription += "angle:"_L1 + QString::number(conicalGradient->angle()) + u',';
+ }
+ const QStringList coordinateModes = { "logical"_L1, "stretchtodevice"_L1, "objectbounding"_L1, "object"_L1 };
+ cssDescription += "coordinatemode:"_L1;
+ cssDescription += coordinateModes.at(int(gradient->coordinateMode()));
+ cssDescription += u',';
+ const QStringList spreads = { "pad"_L1, "reflect"_L1, "repeat"_L1 };
+ cssDescription += "spread:"_L1;
+ cssDescription += spreads.at(int(gradient->spread()));
+ for (const QGradientStop &stop : gradient->stops()) {
+ cssDescription += ",stop:"_L1;
+ cssDescription += QString::number(stop.first);
+ cssDescription += u' ';
+ cssDescription += stop.second.name(QColor::HexArgb);
+ }
+ cssDescription += ");"_L1;
+ return cssDescription;
+QString QSvgVisitorImpl::colorCssDescription(QColor color)
+ QString cssDescription;
+ cssDescription += QStringLiteral("rgba(");
+ cssDescription += QString::number(color.red()) + QStringLiteral(",");
+ cssDescription += QString::number(color.green()) + QStringLiteral(",");
+ cssDescription += QString::number(color.blue()) + QStringLiteral(",");
+ cssDescription += QString::number(color.alphaF()) + QStringLiteral(")");
+ return cssDescription;
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::visitTextNode(const QSvgText *node)
+ handleBaseNodeSetup(node);
+ const bool isTextArea = node->type() == QSvgNode::Textarea;
+ QString text;
+ bool needsRichText = false;
+ bool preserveWhiteSpace = node->whitespaceMode() == QSvgText::Preserve;
+ const QGradient *mainGradient = styleResolver->currentFillGradient();
+#if QT_CONFIG(texthtmlparser)
+ bool needsPathNode = mainGradient != nullptr;
+ for (const auto *tspan : node->tspans()) {
+ if (!tspan) {
+ text += QStringLiteral("<br>");
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Note: We cannot get the font directly from the style, since this does
+ // not apply the weight, since this is relative and depends on current state.
+ handleBaseNodeSetup(tspan);
+ QFont font = styleResolver->painter().font();
+ QString styleTagContent;
+ if ((font.resolveMask() & QFont::FamilyResolved)
+ || (font.resolveMask() & QFont::FamiliesResolved)) {
+ styleTagContent += QStringLiteral("font-family: %1;").arg(font.family());
+ }
+ if (font.resolveMask() & QFont::WeightResolved
+ && font.weight() != QFont::Normal
+ && font.weight() != QFont::Bold) {
+ styleTagContent += QStringLiteral("font-weight: %1;").arg(int(font.weight()));
+ }
+ if (font.resolveMask() & QFont::SizeResolved) {
+ // Pixel size stored as point size in SVG parser
+ styleTagContent += QStringLiteral("font-size: %1px;").arg(int(font.pointSizeF()));
+ }
+ if (font.resolveMask() & QFont::CapitalizationResolved
+ && font.capitalization() == QFont::SmallCaps) {
+ styleTagContent += QStringLiteral("font-variant: small-caps;");
+ }
+ if (styleResolver->currentFillGradient() != nullptr
+ && styleResolver->currentFillGradient() != mainGradient) {
+ const QGradient grad = styleResolver->applyOpacityToGradient(*styleResolver->currentFillGradient(), styleResolver->currentFillOpacity());
+ styleTagContent += gradientCssDescription(&grad) + u';';
+#if QT_CONFIG(texthtmlparser)
+ needsPathNode = true;
+ }
+ QString strokeColor = colorCssDescription(styleResolver->currentStrokeColor());
+ if (!strokeColor.isEmpty()) {
+ styleTagContent += QStringLiteral("-qt-stroke-color:%1;").arg(strokeColor);
+ styleTagContent += QStringLiteral("-qt-stroke-width:%1px;").arg(styleResolver->currentStrokeWidth());
+#if QT_CONFIG(texthtmlparser)
+ needsPathNode = true;
+ }
+ if (tspan->whitespaceMode() == QSvgText::Preserve && !preserveWhiteSpace)
+ styleTagContent += QStringLiteral("white-space: pre-wrap;");
+ QString content = tspan->text().toHtmlEscaped();
+ content.replace(QLatin1Char('\t'), QLatin1Char(' '));
+ content.replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QLatin1Char(' '));
+ bool fontTag = false;
+ if (!tspan->style().fill.isDefault()) {
+ auto &b = tspan->style().fill->qbrush();
+ qCDebug(lcQuickVectorImage) << "tspan FILL:" << b;
+ if (b.style() != Qt::NoBrush)
+ {
+ if (qFuzzyCompare(b.color().alphaF() + 1.0, 2.0))
+ {
+ QString spanColor = b.color().name();
+ fontTag = !spanColor.isEmpty();
+ if (fontTag)
+ text += QStringLiteral("<font color=\"%1\">").arg(spanColor);
+ } else {
+ QString spanColor = colorCssDescription(b.color());
+ styleTagContent += QStringLiteral("color:%1").arg(spanColor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ needsRichText = needsRichText || !styleTagContent.isEmpty();
+ if (!styleTagContent.isEmpty())
+ text += QStringLiteral("<span style=\"%1\">").arg(styleTagContent);
+ if (font.resolveMask() & QFont::WeightResolved && font.bold())
+ text += QStringLiteral("<b>");
+ if (font.resolveMask() & QFont::StyleResolved && font.italic())
+ text += QStringLiteral("<i>");
+ if (font.resolveMask() & QFont::CapitalizationResolved) {
+ switch (font.capitalization()) {
+ case QFont::AllLowercase:
+ content = content.toLower();
+ break;
+ case QFont::AllUppercase:
+ content = content.toUpper();
+ break;
+ case QFont::Capitalize:
+ // ### We need to iterate over the string and do the title case conversion,
+ // since this is not part of QString.
+ qCWarning(lcQuickVectorImage) << "Title case not implemented for tspan";
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ text += content;
+ if (fontTag)
+ text += QStringLiteral("</font>");
+ if (font.resolveMask() & QFont::StyleResolved && font.italic())
+ text += QStringLiteral("</i>");
+ if (font.resolveMask() & QFont::WeightResolved && font.bold())
+ text += QStringLiteral("</b>");
+ if (!styleTagContent.isEmpty())
+ text += QStringLiteral("</span>");
+ handleBaseNodeEnd(tspan);
+ }
+ if (preserveWhiteSpace && (needsRichText || styleResolver->currentFillGradient() != nullptr))
+ text = QStringLiteral("<span style=\"white-space: pre-wrap\">") + text + QStringLiteral("</span>");
+ QFont font = styleResolver->painter().font();
+ if (font.pixelSize() <= 0 && font.pointSize() > 0)
+ font.setPixelSize(font.pointSize()); // Pixel size stored as point size by SVG parser
+#if QT_CONFIG(texthtmlparser)
+ if (needsPathNode) {
+ QTextDocument document;
+ document.setHtml(text);
+ if (isTextArea && node->size().width() > 0)
+ document.setTextWidth(node->size().width());
+ document.setDefaultFont(font);
+ document.pageCount(); // Force layout
+ QTextBlock block = document.firstBlock();
+ while (block.isValid()) {
+ QTextLayout *lout = block.layout();
+ if (lout != nullptr) {
+ auto addPathForFormat = [&](QPainterPath p, QTextCharFormat fmt) {
+ PathNodeInfo info;
+ fillCommonNodeInfo(node, info);
+ auto fillStyle = node->style().fill;
+ if (fillStyle)
+ info.fillRule = fillStyle->fillRule();
+ if (fmt.hasProperty(QTextCharFormat::ForegroundBrush)) {
+ info.fillColor = fmt.foreground().color();
+ if (fmt.foreground().gradient() != nullptr && fmt.foreground().gradient()->type() != QGradient::NoGradient)
+ info.grad = *fmt.foreground().gradient();
+ } else {
+ info.fillColor = styleResolver->currentFillColor();
+ }
+ info.painterPath = p;
+ if (fmt.hasProperty(QTextCharFormat::TextOutline)) {
+ info.strokeStyle.width = fmt.textOutline().widthF();
+ info.strokeStyle.color = fmt.textOutline().color();
+ } else {
+ info.strokeStyle.color = styleResolver->currentStrokeColor();
+ info.strokeStyle.width = styleResolver->currentStrokeWidth();
+ }
+ if (info.grad.type() == QGradient::NoGradient && styleResolver->currentFillGradient() != nullptr)
+ info.grad = styleResolver->applyOpacityToGradient(*styleResolver->currentFillGradient(), styleResolver->currentFillOpacity());
+ m_generator->generatePath(info);
+ };
+ qreal baselineOffset = -QFontMetricsF(font).ascent();
+ if (lout->lineCount() > 0 && lout->lineAt(0).isValid())
+ baselineOffset = -lout->lineAt(0).ascent();
+ const QPointF baselineTranslation(0.0, baselineOffset);
+ auto glyphsToPath = [&](QList<QGlyphRun> glyphRuns) {
+ QPainterPath path;
+ path.setFillRule(Qt::WindingFill);
+ for (const QGlyphRun &glyphRun : glyphRuns) {
+ QRawFont font = glyphRun.rawFont();
+ QList<quint32> glyphIndexes = glyphRun.glyphIndexes();
+ QList<QPointF> positions = glyphRun.positions();
+ for (qsizetype j = 0; j < glyphIndexes.size(); ++j) {
+ quint32 glyphIndex = glyphIndexes.at(j);
+ const QPointF &pos = positions.at(j);
+ QPainterPath p = font.pathForGlyph(glyphIndex);
+ p.translate(pos + node->position() + baselineTranslation);
+ path.addPath(p);
+ }
+ }
+ return path;
+ };
+ QList<QTextLayout::FormatRange> formats = block.textFormats();
+ for (int i = 0; i < formats.size(); ++i) {
+ QTextLayout::FormatRange range = formats.at(i);
+ // If we hit a "multi" anchor, it means we have additional formats to apply
+ // for both this and the subsequent range, so we merge them.
+ if (!range.format.anchorNames().isEmpty()
+ && range.format.anchorNames().first().startsWith(QStringLiteral("multi"))
+ && i < formats.size() - 1) {
+ QTextLayout::FormatRange nextRange = formats.at(++i);
+ range.length += nextRange.length;
+ range.format.merge(nextRange.format);
+ }
+ QList<QGlyphRun> glyphRuns = lout->glyphRuns(range.start, range.length);
+ QPainterPath path = glyphsToPath(glyphRuns);
+ addPathForFormat(path, range.format);
+ }
+ }
+ block = block.next();
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ TextNodeInfo info;
+ fillCommonNodeInfo(node, info);
+ info.position = node->position();
+ info.size = node->size();
+ info.font = font;
+ info.text = text;
+ info.isTextArea = isTextArea;
+ info.needsRichText = needsRichText;
+ info.fillColor = styleResolver->currentFillColor();
+ info.alignment = styleResolver->states().textAnchor;
+ info.strokeColor = styleResolver->currentStrokeColor();
+ m_generator->generateTextNode(info);
+ }
+ handleBaseNodeEnd(node);
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::visitUseNode(const QSvgUse *node)
+ QSvgNode *link = node->link();
+ if (!link)
+ return;
+ handleBaseNodeSetup(node);
+ UseNodeInfo info;
+ fillCommonNodeInfo(node, info);
+ info.stage = StructureNodeStage::Start;
+ info.startPos = node->start();
+ m_generator->generateUseNode(info);
+ QSvgVisitor::traverse(link);
+ info.stage = StructureNodeStage::End;
+ m_generator->generateUseNode(info);
+ handleBaseNodeEnd(node);
+bool QSvgVisitorImpl::visitDefsNodeStart(const QSvgDefs *node)
+ Q_UNUSED(node)
+ return m_generator->generateDefsNode(NodeInfo{});
+bool QSvgVisitorImpl::visitStructureNodeStart(const QSvgStructureNode *node)
+ constexpr bool forceSeparatePaths = false;
+ handleBaseNodeSetup(node);
+ StructureNodeInfo info;
+ fillCommonNodeInfo(node, info);
+ info.forceSeparatePaths = forceSeparatePaths;
+ info.isPathContainer = isPathContainer(node);
+ info.stage = StructureNodeStage::Start;
+ return m_generator->generateStructureNode(info);;
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::visitStructureNodeEnd(const QSvgStructureNode *node)
+ handleBaseNodeEnd(node);
+ // qCDebug(lcQuickVectorGraphics) << "REVERT" << node->nodeId() << node->type() << (m_styleResolver->painter().pen().style() != Qt::NoPen) << m_styleResolver->painter().pen().color().name()
+ // << (m_styleResolver->painter().pen().brush().style() != Qt::NoBrush) << m_styleResolver->painter().pen().brush().color().name();
+ StructureNodeInfo info;
+ fillCommonNodeInfo(node, info);
+ info.stage = StructureNodeStage::End;
+ m_generator->generateStructureNode(info);
+bool QSvgVisitorImpl::visitDocumentNodeStart(const QSvgTinyDocument *node)
+ handleBaseNodeSetup(node);
+ StructureNodeInfo info;
+ fillCommonNodeInfo(node, info);
+ const QSvgTinyDocument *doc = static_cast<const QSvgTinyDocument *>(node);
+ info.size = doc->size();
+ info.viewBox = doc->viewBox();
+ info.isPathContainer = isPathContainer(node);
+ info.stage = StructureNodeStage::Start;
+ return m_generator->generateRootNode(info);;
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::visitDocumentNodeEnd(const QSvgTinyDocument *node)
+ handleBaseNodeEnd(node);
+ qCDebug(lcQuickVectorImage) << "REVERT" << node->nodeId() << node->type() << (styleResolver->painter().pen().style() != Qt::NoPen)
+ << styleResolver->painter().pen().color().name() << (styleResolver->painter().pen().brush().style() != Qt::NoBrush)
+ << styleResolver->painter().pen().brush().color().name();
+ StructureNodeInfo info;
+ fillCommonNodeInfo(node, info);
+ info.stage = StructureNodeStage::End;
+ m_generator->generateRootNode(info);
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::fillCommonNodeInfo(const QSvgNode *node, NodeInfo &info)
+ info.nodeId = node->nodeId();
+ info.typeName = node->typeName();
+ info.isDefaultTransform = node->style().transform.isDefault();
+ info.transform = !info.isDefaultTransform ? node->style().transform->qtransform() : QTransform();
+ info.isDefaultOpacity = node->style().opacity.isDefault();
+ info.opacity = !info.isDefaultOpacity ? node->style().opacity->opacity() : 1.0;
+ info.isVisible = node->isVisible();
+ info.isDisplayed = node->displayMode() != QSvgNode::DisplayMode::NoneMode;
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::handleBaseNodeSetup(const QSvgNode *node)
+ qCDebug(lcQuickVectorImage) << "Before SETUP" << node << "fill" << styleResolver->currentFillColor()
+ << "stroke" << styleResolver->currentStrokeColor() << styleResolver->currentStrokeWidth()
+ << node->nodeId() << " type: " << node->typeName() << " " << node->type();
+ node->applyStyle(&styleResolver->painter(), styleResolver->states());
+ qCDebug(lcQuickVectorImage) << "After SETUP" << node << "fill" << styleResolver->currentFillColor()
+ << "stroke" << styleResolver->currentStrokeColor()
+ << styleResolver->currentStrokeWidth() << node->nodeId();
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::handleBaseNode(const QSvgNode *node)
+ NodeInfo info;
+ fillCommonNodeInfo(node, info);
+ m_generator->generateNodeBase(info);
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::handleBaseNodeEnd(const QSvgNode *node)
+ node->revertStyle(&styleResolver->painter(), styleResolver->states());
+ qCDebug(lcQuickVectorImage) << "After END" << node << "fill" << styleResolver->currentFillColor()
+ << "stroke" << styleResolver->currentStrokeColor() << styleResolver->currentStrokeWidth()
+ << node->nodeId();
+void QSvgVisitorImpl::handlePathNode(const QSvgNode *node, const QPainterPath &path)
+ handleBaseNodeSetup(node);
+ PathNodeInfo info;
+ fillCommonNodeInfo(node, info);
+ auto fillStyle = node->style().fill;
+ if (fillStyle)
+ info.fillRule = fillStyle->fillRule();
+ info.painterPath = path;
+ info.fillColor = styleResolver->currentFillColor();
+ populateStrokeStyle(info.strokeStyle);
+ if (styleResolver->currentFillGradient() != nullptr)
+ info.grad = styleResolver->applyOpacityToGradient(*styleResolver->currentFillGradient(), styleResolver->currentFillOpacity());
+ m_generator->generatePath(info);
+ handleBaseNodeEnd(node);