path: root/tests/auto/qml/qmllint/data/bad_builtins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/qml/qmllint/data/bad_builtins')
1 files changed, 513 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qml/qmllint/data/bad_builtins/builtins.qmltypes b/tests/auto/qml/qmllint/data/bad_builtins/builtins.qmltypes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96f98dd14e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/qml/qmllint/data/bad_builtins/builtins.qmltypes
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+import QtQuick.tooling 1.2
+// This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library.
+// It is used for QML tooling purposes only.
+// This file was auto-generated by:
+// 'qmlplugindump -builtins'
+Module {
+ dependencies: []
+ Component {
+ name: "Qt"
+ Enum {
+ name: "GlobalColor"
+ values: {
+ "color0": 0,
+ "color1": 1,
+ "black": 2,
+ "white": 3,
+ "darkGray": 4,
+ "gray": 5,
+ "lightGray": 6,
+ "red": 7,
+ "green": 8,
+ "blue": 9,
+ "cyan": 10,
+ "magenta": 11,
+ "yellow": 12,
+ "darkRed": 13,
+ "darkGreen": 14,
+ "darkBlue": 15,
+ "darkCyan": 16,
+ "darkMagenta": 17,
+ "darkYellow": 18,
+ "transparent": 19
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "KeyboardModifiers"
+ values: {
+ "NoModifier": 0,
+ "ShiftModifier": 33554432,
+ "ControlModifier": 67108864,
+ "AltModifier": 134217728,
+ "MetaModifier": 268435456,
+ "KeypadModifier": 536870912,
+ "GroupSwitchModifier": 1073741824,
+ "KeyboardModifierMask": -33554432
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "MouseButtons"
+ values: {
+ "NoButton": 0,
+ "LeftButton": 1,
+ "RightButton": 2,
+ "MidButton": 4, // For backwards compatibility
+ "MiddleButton": 4,
+ "BackButton": 8,
+ "XButton1": 8,
+ "ExtraButton1": 8,
+ "ForwardButton": 16,
+ "XButton2": 16,
+ "ExtraButton2": 16,
+ "TaskButton": 32,
+ "ExtraButton3": 32,
+ "ExtraButton4": 64,
+ "ExtraButton5": 128,
+ "ExtraButton6": 256,
+ "ExtraButton7": 512,
+ "ExtraButton8": 1024,
+ "ExtraButton9": 2048,
+ "ExtraButton10": 4096,
+ "ExtraButton11": 8192,
+ "ExtraButton12": 16384,
+ "ExtraButton13": 32768,
+ "ExtraButton14": 65536,
+ "ExtraButton15": 131072,
+ "ExtraButton16": 262144,
+ "ExtraButton17": 524288,
+ "ExtraButton18": 1048576,
+ "ExtraButton19": 2097152,
+ "ExtraButton20": 4194304,
+ "ExtraButton21": 8388608,
+ "ExtraButton22": 16777216,
+ "ExtraButton23": 33554432,
+ "ExtraButton24": 67108864,
+ "AllButtons": 134217727,
+ "MaxMouseButton": 67108864,
+ "MouseButtonMask": -1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "Orientation"
+ values: {
+ "Horizontal": 1,
+ "Vertical": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "Orientations"
+ values: {
+ "Horizontal": 1,
+ "Vertical": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "FocusPolicy"
+ values: {
+ "NoFocus": 0,
+ "TabFocus": 1,
+ "ClickFocus": 2,
+ "StrongFocus": 11,
+ "WheelFocus": 15
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TabFocusBehavior"
+ values: {
+ "NoTabFocus": 0,
+ "TabFocusTextControls": 1,
+ "TabFocusListControls": 2,
+ "TabFocusAllControls": 255
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "SortOrder"
+ values: {
+ "AscendingOrder": 0,
+ "DescendingOrder": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "SplitBehavior"
+ values: {
+ "KeepEmptyParts": 0,
+ "SkipEmptyParts": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "Alignment"
+ values: {
+ "AlignLeft": 1,
+ "AlignLeading": 1,
+ "AlignRight": 2,
+ "AlignTrailing": 2,
+ "AlignHCenter": 4,
+ "AlignJustify": 8,
+ "AlignAbsolute": 16,
+ "AlignHorizontal_Mask": 31,
+ "AlignTop": 32,
+ "AlignBottom": 64,
+ "AlignVCenter": 128,
+ "AlignBaseline": 256,
+ "AlignVertical_Mask": 480,
+ "AlignCenter": 132
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TextFlag"
+ values: {
+ "TextSingleLine": 256,
+ "TextDontClip": 512,
+ "TextExpandTabs": 1024,
+ "TextShowMnemonic": 2048,
+ "TextWordWrap": 4096,
+ "TextWrapAnywhere": 8192,
+ "TextDontPrint": 16384,
+ "TextIncludeTrailingSpaces": 134217728,
+ "TextHideMnemonic": 32768,
+ "TextJustificationForced": 65536,
+ "TextForceLeftToRight": 131072,
+ "TextForceRightToLeft": 262144,
+ "TextLongestVariant": 524288,
+ "TextBypassShaping": 1048576
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TextElideMode"
+ values: {
+ "ElideLeft": 0,
+ "ElideRight": 1,
+ "ElideMiddle": 2,
+ "ElideNone": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WindowType"
+ values: {
+ "Widget": 0,
+ "Window": 1,
+ "Dialog": 3,
+ "Sheet": 5,
+ "Drawer": 7,
+ "Popup": 9,
+ "Tool": 11,
+ "ToolTip": 13,
+ "SplashScreen": 15,
+ "Desktop": 17,
+ "SubWindow": 18,
+ "ForeignWindow": 33,
+ "CoverWindow": 65,
+ "WindowType_Mask": 255,
+ "MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint": 256,
+ "MSWindowsOwnDC": 512,
+ "BypassWindowManagerHint": 1024,
+ "X11BypassWindowManagerHint": 1024,
+ "FramelessWindowHint": 2048,
+ "WindowTitleHint": 4096,
+ "WindowSystemMenuHint": 8192,
+ "WindowMinimizeButtonHint": 16384,
+ "WindowMaximizeButtonHint": 32768,
+ "WindowMinMaxButtonsHint": 49152,
+ "WindowContextHelpButtonHint": 65536,
+ "WindowShadeButtonHint": 131072,
+ "WindowStaysOnTopHint": 262144,
+ "WindowTransparentForInput": 524288,
+ "WindowOverridesSystemGestures": 1048576,
+ "WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus": 2097152,
+ "MaximizeUsingFullscreenGeometryHint": 4194304,
+ "CustomizeWindowHint": 33554432,
+ "WindowStaysOnBottomHint": 67108864,
+ "WindowCloseButtonHint": 134217728,
+ "MacWindowToolBarButtonHint": 268435456,
+ "BypassGraphicsProxyWidget": 536870912,
+ "NoDropShadowWindowHint": 1073741824,
+ "WindowFullscreenButtonHint": -2147483648
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WindowFlags"
+ values: {
+ "Widget": 0,
+ "Window": 1,
+ "Dialog": 3,
+ "Sheet": 5,
+ "Drawer": 7,
+ "Popup": 9,
+ "Tool": 11,
+ "ToolTip": 13,
+ "SplashScreen": 15,
+ "Desktop": 17,
+ "SubWindow": 18,
+ "ForeignWindow": 33,
+ "CoverWindow": 65,
+ "WindowType_Mask": 255,
+ "MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint": 256,
+ "MSWindowsOwnDC": 512,
+ "BypassWindowManagerHint": 1024,
+ "X11BypassWindowManagerHint": 1024,
+ "FramelessWindowHint": 2048,
+ "WindowTitleHint": 4096,
+ "WindowSystemMenuHint": 8192,
+ "WindowMinimizeButtonHint": 16384,
+ "WindowMaximizeButtonHint": 32768,
+ "WindowMinMaxButtonsHint": 49152,
+ "WindowContextHelpButtonHint": 65536,
+ "WindowShadeButtonHint": 131072,
+ "WindowStaysOnTopHint": 262144,
+ "WindowTransparentForInput": 524288,
+ "WindowOverridesSystemGestures": 1048576,
+ "WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus": 2097152,
+ "MaximizeUsingFullscreenGeometryHint": 4194304,
+ "CustomizeWindowHint": 33554432,
+ "WindowStaysOnBottomHint": 67108864,
+ "WindowCloseButtonHint": 134217728,
+ "MacWindowToolBarButtonHint": 268435456,
+ "BypassGraphicsProxyWidget": 536870912,
+ "NoDropShadowWindowHint": 1073741824,
+ "WindowFullscreenButtonHint": -2147483648
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WindowState"
+ values: {
+ "WindowNoState": 0,
+ "WindowMinimized": 1,
+ "WindowMaximized": 2,
+ "WindowFullScreen": 4,
+ "WindowActive": 8
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WindowStates"
+ values: {
+ "WindowNoState": 0,
+ "WindowMinimized": 1,
+ "WindowMaximized": 2,
+ "WindowFullScreen": 4,
+ "WindowActive": 8
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ApplicationState"
+ values: {
+ "ApplicationSuspended": 0,
+ "ApplicationHidden": 1,
+ "ApplicationInactive": 2,
+ "ApplicationActive": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ScreenOrientation"
+ values: {
+ "PrimaryOrientation": 0,
+ "PortraitOrientation": 1,
+ "LandscapeOrientation": 2,
+ "InvertedPortraitOrientation": 4,
+ "InvertedLandscapeOrientation": 8
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ScreenOrientations"
+ values: {
+ "PrimaryOrientation": 0,
+ "PortraitOrientation": 1,
+ "LandscapeOrientation": 2,
+ "InvertedPortraitOrientation": 4,
+ "InvertedLandscapeOrientation": 8
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WidgetAttribute"
+ values: {
+ "WA_Disabled": 0,
+ "WA_UnderMouse": 1,
+ "WA_MouseTracking": 2,
+ "WA_ContentsPropagated": 3,
+ "WA_OpaquePaintEvent": 4,
+ "WA_NoBackground": 4,
+ "WA_StaticContents": 5,
+ "WA_LaidOut": 7,
+ "WA_PaintOnScreen": 8,
+ "WA_NoSystemBackground": 9,
+ "WA_UpdatesDisabled": 10,
+ "WA_Mapped": 11,
+ "WA_MacNoClickThrough": 12,
+ "WA_InputMethodEnabled": 14,
+ "WA_WState_Visible": 15,
+ "WA_WState_Hidden": 16,
+ "WA_ForceDisabled": 32,
+ "WA_KeyCompression": 33,
+ "WA_PendingMoveEvent": 34,
+ "WA_PendingResizeEvent": 35,
+ "WA_SetPalette": 36,
+ "WA_SetFont": 37,
+ "WA_SetCursor": 38,
+ "WA_NoChildEventsFromChildren": 39,
+ "WA_WindowModified": 41,
+ "WA_Resized": 42,
+ "WA_Moved": 43,
+ "WA_PendingUpdate": 44,
+ "WA_InvalidSize": 45,
+ "WA_MacBrushedMetal": 46,
+ "WA_MacMetalStyle": 46,
+ "WA_CustomWhatsThis": 47,
+ "WA_LayoutOnEntireRect": 48,
+ "WA_OutsideWSRange": 49,
+ "WA_GrabbedShortcut": 50,
+ "WA_TransparentForMouseEvents": 51,
+ "WA_PaintUnclipped": 52,
+ "WA_SetWindowIcon": 53,
+ "WA_NoMouseReplay": 54,
+ "WA_DeleteOnClose": 55,
+ "WA_RightToLeft": 56,
+ "WA_SetLayoutDirection": 57,
+ "WA_NoChildEventsForParent": 58,
+ "WA_ForceUpdatesDisabled": 59,
+ "WA_WState_Created": 60,
+ "WA_WState_CompressKeys": 61,
+ "WA_WState_InPaintEvent": 62,
+ "WA_WState_Reparented": 63,
+ "WA_WState_ConfigPending": 64,
+ "WA_WState_Polished": 66,
+ "WA_WState_DND": 67,
+ "WA_WState_OwnSizePolicy": 68,
+ "WA_WState_ExplicitShowHide": 69,
+ "WA_ShowModal": 70,
+ "WA_MouseNoMask": 71,
+ "WA_GroupLeader": 72,
+ "WA_NoMousePropagation": 73,
+ "WA_Hover": 74,
+ "WA_InputMethodTransparent": 75,
+ "WA_QuitOnClose": 76,
+ "WA_KeyboardFocusChange": 77,
+ "WA_AcceptDrops": 78,
+ "WA_DropSiteRegistered": 79,
+ "WA_ForceAcceptDrops": 79,
+ "WA_WindowPropagation": 80,
+ "WA_NoX11EventCompression": 81,
+ "WA_TintedBackground": 82,
+ "WA_X11OpenGLOverlay": 83,
+ "WA_AlwaysShowToolTips": 84,
+ "WA_MacOpaqueSizeGrip": 85,
+ "WA_SetStyle": 86,
+ "WA_SetLocale": 87,
+ "WA_MacShowFocusRect": 88,
+ "WA_MacNormalSize": 89,
+ "WA_MacSmallSize": 90,
+ "WA_MacMiniSize": 91,
+ "WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect": 92,
+ "WA_StyledBackground": 93,
+ "WA_MSWindowsUseDirect3D": 94,
+ "WA_CanHostQMdiSubWindowTitleBar": 95,
+ "WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow": 96,
+ "WA_StyleSheet": 97,
+ "WA_ShowWithoutActivating": 98,
+ "WA_X11BypassTransientForHint": 99,
+ "WA_NativeWindow": 100,
+ "WA_DontCreateNativeAncestors": 101,
+ "WA_MacVariableSize": 102,
+ "WA_DontShowOnScreen": 103,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDesktop": 104,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDock": 105,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeToolBar": 106,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeMenu": 107,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeUtility": 108,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeSplash": 109,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDialog": 110,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDropDownMenu": 111,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypePopupMenu": 112,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeToolTip": 113,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeNotification": 114,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeCombo": 115,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDND": 116,
+ "WA_MacFrameworkScaled": 117,
+ "WA_SetWindowModality": 118,
+ "WA_WState_WindowOpacitySet": 119,
+ "WA_TranslucentBackground": 120,
+ "WA_AcceptTouchEvents": 121,
+ "WA_WState_AcceptedTouchBeginEvent": 122,
+ "WA_TouchPadAcceptSingleTouchEvents": 123,
+ "WA_X11DoNotAcceptFocus": 126,
+ "WA_MacNoShadow": 127,
+ "WA_AlwaysStackOnTop": 128,
+ "WA_TabletTracking": 129,
+ "WA_ContentsMarginsRespectsSafeArea": 130,
+ "WA_StyleSheetTarget": 131,
+ "WA_AttributeCount": 132
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ApplicationAttribute"
+ values: {
+ "AA_ImmediateWidgetCreation": 0,
+ "AA_MSWindowsUseDirect3DByDefault": 1,
+ "AA_DontShowIconsInMenus": 2,
+ "AA_NativeWindows": 3,
+ "AA_DontCreateNativeWidgetSiblings": 4,
+ "AA_PluginApplication": 5,
+ "AA_MacPluginApplication": 5,
+ "AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar": 6,
+ "AA_MacDontSwapCtrlAndMeta": 7,
+ "AA_Use96Dpi": 8,
+ "AA_X11InitThreads": 10,
+ "AA_SynthesizeTouchForUnhandledMouseEvents": 11,
+ "AA_SynthesizeMouseForUnhandledTouchEvents": 12,
+ "AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps": 13,
+ "AA_ForceRasterWidgets": 14,
+ "AA_UseDesktopOpenGL": 15,
+ "AA_UseOpenGLES": 16,
+ "AA_UseSoftwareOpenGL": 17,
+ "AA_ShareOpenGLContexts": 18,
+ "AA_SetPalette": 19,
+ "AA_EnableHighDpiScaling": 20,
+ "AA_DisableHighDpiScaling": 21,
+ "AA_UseStyleSheetPropagationInWidgetStyles": 22,
+ "AA_DontUseNativeDialogs": 23,
+ "AA_SynthesizeMouseForUnhandledTabletEvents": 24,
+ "AA_CompressHighFrequencyEvents": 25,
+ "AA_DontCheckOpenGLContextThreadAffinity": 26,
+ "AA_DisableShaderDiskCache": 27,
+ "AA_DontShowShortcutsInContextMenus": 28,
+ "AA_CompressTabletEvents": 29,
+ "AA_DisableWindowContextHelpButton": 30,
+ "AA_DisableSessionManager": 31,
+ "AA_AttributeCount": 32
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ImageConversionFlags"
+ values: {
+ "ColorMode_Mask": 3,
+ "AutoColor": 0,
+ "ColorOnly": 3,
+ "MonoOnly": 2,
+ "AlphaDither_Mask": 12,
+ "ThresholdAlphaDither": 0,
+ "OrderedAlphaDither": 4,
+ "DiffuseAlphaDither": 8,
+ "NoAlpha": 12,
+ "Dither_Mask": 48,
+ "DiffuseDither": 0,
+ "OrderedDither": 16,
+ "ThresholdDither": 32,
+ "DitherMode_Mask": 192,
+ "AutoDither": 0,
+ "PreferDither": 64,
+ "AvoidDither": 128,
+ "NoOpaqueDetection": 256,
+ "NoFormatConversion": 512
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "BGMode"
+ values: {
+ "TransparentMode": 0,
+ "OpaqueMode": 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component { name: "QEasingCurve"; prototype: "QQmlEasingValueType" }