path: root/tests/auto/qml/qqmllanguage/tst_qqmllanguage.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/qml/qqmllanguage/tst_qqmllanguage.cpp')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qml/qqmllanguage/tst_qqmllanguage.cpp b/tests/auto/qml/qqmllanguage/tst_qqmllanguage.cpp
index dae19dee57..65afdb06d2 100644
--- a/tests/auto/qml/qqmllanguage/tst_qqmllanguage.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/qml/qqmllanguage/tst_qqmllanguage.cpp
@@ -193,6 +193,23 @@ private slots:
void deepProperty();
+ void compositeSingletonProperties();
+ void compositeSingletonSameEngine();
+ void compositeSingletonDifferentEngine();
+ void compositeSingletonNonTypeError();
+ void compositeSingletonQualifiedNamespace();
+ void compositeSingletonModule();
+ void compositeSingletonModuleVersioned();
+ void compositeSingletonModuleQualified();
+ void compositeSingletonInstantiateError();
+ void compositeSingletonDynamicPropertyError();
+ void compositeSingletonDynamicSignal();
+ void compositeSingletonQmlRegisterTypeError();
+ void compositeSingletonQmldirNoPragmaError();
+ void compositeSingletonQmlDirError();
+ void compositeSingletonRemote();
+ void compositeSingletonJavaScriptPragma();
QQmlEngine engine;
QStringList defaultImportPathList;
@@ -210,6 +227,9 @@ private:
|| userType == (int) QVariant::UInt
|| userType == (int) QVariant::Double;
+ void getSingletonInstance(QQmlEngine& engine, const char* fileName, const char* propertyName, QObject** result /* out */);
+ void getSingletonInstance(QObject* o, const char* propertyName, QObject** result /* out */);
#define DETERMINE_ERRORS(errorfile,expected,actual)\
@@ -1893,6 +1913,7 @@ void tst_qqmllanguage::reservedWords_data()
QTest::newRow("if") << QByteArray("if");
QTest::newRow("implements") << QByteArray("implements");
QTest::newRow("import") << QByteArray("import");
+ QTest::newRow("pragma") << QByteArray("pragma");
QTest::newRow("in") << QByteArray("in");
QTest::newRow("instanceof") << QByteArray("instanceof");
QTest::newRow("int") << QByteArray("int");
@@ -3194,6 +3215,291 @@ void tst_qqmllanguage::implicitImportsLast()
+void tst_qqmllanguage::getSingletonInstance(QQmlEngine& engine, const char* fileName, const char* propertyName, QObject** result /* out */)
+ QVERIFY(fileName != 0);
+ QVERIFY(propertyName != 0);
+ if (!fileName || !propertyName)
+ return;
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile(fileName));
+ QObject *object = component.create();
+ QVERIFY(object != 0);
+ getSingletonInstance(object, propertyName, result);
+void tst_qqmllanguage::getSingletonInstance(QObject* o, const char* propertyName, QObject** result /* out */)
+ QVERIFY(o != 0);
+ QVERIFY(propertyName != 0);
+ if (!o || !propertyName)
+ return;
+ QVariant variant = o->property(propertyName);
+ QVERIFY(variant.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QObject *>());
+ QObject *singleton = NULL;
+ if (variant.canConvert<QObject*>())
+ singleton = variant.value<QObject*>();
+ QVERIFY(singleton != 0);
+ *result = singleton;
+void verifyCompositeSingletonPropertyValues(QObject* o, const char* n1, int v1, const char* n2, int v2)
+ QCOMPARE(o->property(n1).userType(), (int)QMetaType::Int);
+ QCOMPARE(o->property(n1), QVariant(v1));
+ QCOMPARE(o->property(n2).userType(), (int)QVariant::String);
+ QString numStr;
+ QCOMPARE(o->property(n2), QVariant(QString(QLatin1String("Test value: ")).append(numStr.setNum(v2))));
+// Reads values from a composite singleton type
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonProperties()
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest1.qml"));
+ QObject *o = component.create();
+ QVERIFY(o != 0);
+ verifyCompositeSingletonPropertyValues(o, "value1", 125, "value2", -55);
+// Checks that the addresses of the composite singletons used in the same
+// engine are the same.
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonSameEngine()
+ QObject* s1 = NULL;
+ getSingletonInstance(engine, "singletonTest2.qml", "singleton1", &s1);
+ QVERIFY(s1 != 0);
+ s1->setProperty("testProp2", QVariant(13));
+ QObject* s2 = NULL;
+ getSingletonInstance(engine, "singletonTest3.qml", "singleton2", &s2);
+ QVERIFY(s2 != 0);
+ QCOMPARE(s2->property("testProp2"), QVariant(13));
+ QVERIFY(s1 == s2);
+// Checks that the addresses of the composite singletons used in different
+// engines are different.
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonDifferentEngine()
+ QQmlEngine e2;
+ QObject* s1 = NULL;
+ getSingletonInstance(engine, "singletonTest2.qml", "singleton1", &s1);
+ QVERIFY(s1 != 0);
+ s1->setProperty("testProp2", QVariant(13));
+ QObject* s2 = NULL;
+ getSingletonInstance(e2, "singletonTest3.qml", "singleton2", &s2);
+ QVERIFY(s2 != 0);
+ QCOMPARE(s2->property("testProp2"), QVariant(25));
+ QVERIFY(s1 != s2);
+// pragma Singleton in a non-type qml file fails
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonNonTypeError()
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest4.qml"));
+ VERIFY_ERRORS("singletonTest4.error.txt");
+// Loads the singleton using a namespace qualifier
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonQualifiedNamespace()
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest5.qml"));
+ QObject *o = component.create();
+ QVERIFY(o != 0);
+ verifyCompositeSingletonPropertyValues(o, "value1", 125, "value2", -55);
+ // lets verify that the singleton instance we are using is the same
+ // when loaded through another file (without namespace!)
+ QObject *s1 = NULL;
+ getSingletonInstance(o, "singletonInstance", &s1);
+ QVERIFY(s1 != 0);
+ QObject* s2 = NULL;
+ getSingletonInstance(engine, "singletonTest5a.qml", "singletonInstance", &s2);
+ QVERIFY(s2 != 0);
+ QVERIFY(s1 == s2);
+// Loads a singleton from a module
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonModule()
+ engine.addImportPath(testFile("singleton/module"));
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest6.qml"));
+ QObject *o = component.create();
+ QVERIFY(o != 0);
+ verifyCompositeSingletonPropertyValues(o, "value1", 125, "value2", -55);
+ verifyCompositeSingletonPropertyValues(o, "value3", 125, "value4", -55);
+ // lets verify that the singleton instance we are using is the same
+ // when loaded through another file
+ QObject *s1 = NULL;
+ getSingletonInstance(o, "singletonInstance", &s1);
+ QVERIFY(s1 != 0);
+ QObject* s2 = NULL;
+ getSingletonInstance(engine, "singletonTest6a.qml", "singletonInstance", &s2);
+ QVERIFY(s2 != 0);
+ QVERIFY(s1 == s2);
+// Loads a singleton from a module with a higher version
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonModuleVersioned()
+ engine.addImportPath(testFile("singleton/module"));
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest7.qml"));
+ QObject *o = component.create();
+ QVERIFY(o != 0);
+ verifyCompositeSingletonPropertyValues(o, "value1", 225, "value2", 55);
+ verifyCompositeSingletonPropertyValues(o, "value3", 225, "value4", 55);
+ // lets verify that the singleton instance we are using is the same
+ // when loaded through another file
+ QObject *s1 = NULL;
+ getSingletonInstance(o, "singletonInstance", &s1);
+ QVERIFY(s1 != 0);
+ QObject* s2 = NULL;
+ getSingletonInstance(engine, "singletonTest7a.qml", "singletonInstance", &s2);
+ QVERIFY(s2 != 0);
+ QVERIFY(s1 == s2);
+// Loads a singleton from a module with a qualified namespace
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonModuleQualified()
+ engine.addImportPath(testFile("singleton/module"));
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest8.qml"));
+ QObject *o = component.create();
+ QVERIFY(o != 0);
+ verifyCompositeSingletonPropertyValues(o, "value1", 225, "value2", 55);
+ verifyCompositeSingletonPropertyValues(o, "value3", 225, "value4", 55);
+ // lets verify that the singleton instance we are using is the same
+ // when loaded through another file
+ QObject *s1 = NULL;
+ getSingletonInstance(o, "singletonInstance", &s1);
+ QVERIFY(s1 != 0);
+ QObject* s2 = NULL;
+ getSingletonInstance(engine, "singletonTest8a.qml", "singletonInstance", &s2);
+ QVERIFY(s2 != 0);
+ QVERIFY(s1 == s2);
+// Tries to instantiate a type with a pragma Singleton and fails
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonInstantiateError()
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest9.qml"));
+ VERIFY_ERRORS("singletonTest9.error.txt");
+// Having a composite singleton type as dynamic property type fails
+// (like C++ singleton)
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonDynamicPropertyError()
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest10.qml"));
+ VERIFY_ERRORS("singletonTest10.error.txt");
+// Having a composite singleton type as dynamic signal parameter succeeds
+// (like C++ singleton)
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonDynamicSignal()
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest11.qml"));
+ QObject *o = component.create();
+ QVERIFY(o != 0);
+ verifyCompositeSingletonPropertyValues(o, "value1", 99, "value2", -55);
+// Use qmlRegisterType to register a qml composite type with pragma Singleton defined in it.
+// This will fail as qmlRegisterType will only instantiate CompositeTypes.
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonQmlRegisterTypeError()
+ qmlRegisterType(testFileUrl("singleton/registeredComposite/CompositeType.qml"),
+ "CompositeSingletonTest", 1, 0, "RegisteredCompositeType");
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest12.qml"));
+ VERIFY_ERRORS("singletonTest12.error.txt");
+// Qmldir defines a type as a singleton, but the qml file does not have a pragma Singleton.
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonQmldirNoPragmaError()
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest13.qml"));
+ VERIFY_ERRORS("singletonTest13.error.txt");
+// Invalid singleton definition in the qmldir file results in an error
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonQmlDirError()
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest14.qml"));
+ VERIFY_ERRORS("singletonTest14.error.txt");
+// Load a remote composite singleton type via qmldir that defines the type as a singleton
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonRemote()
+ TestHTTPServer server(14447);
+ server.serveDirectory(dataDirectory());
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest15.qml"));
+ while (component.isLoading())
+ QCoreApplication::processEvents( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents | QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents, 50);
+ QObject *o = component.create();
+ QVERIFY(o != 0);
+ verifyCompositeSingletonPropertyValues(o, "value1", 525, "value2", 355);
+// Load a composite singleton type and a javascript file that has .pragma library
+// in it. This will make sure that the javascript .pragma does not get mixed with
+// the pragma Singleton changes.
+void tst_qqmllanguage::compositeSingletonJavaScriptPragma()
+ QQmlComponent component(&engine, testFile("singletonTest16.qml"));
+ QObject *o = component.create();
+ QVERIFY(o != 0);
+ // The value1 that is read from the SingletonType was changed from 125 to 99
+ // in compositeSingletonDynamicSignal() above. As the type is a singleton and
+ // the engine has not been destroyed, we just retrieve the old instance and
+ // the value is still 99.
+ verifyCompositeSingletonPropertyValues(o, "value1", 99, "value2", 333);