path: root/tools/qmlls/qmlcompletionsupport.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/qmlls/qmlcompletionsupport.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 665 deletions
diff --git a/tools/qmlls/qmlcompletionsupport.cpp b/tools/qmlls/qmlcompletionsupport.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a148bc3935..0000000000
--- a/tools/qmlls/qmlcompletionsupport.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
-#include "qmlcompletionsupport.h"
-#include "qqmllanguageserver.h"
-#include <QtLanguageServer/private/qlanguageserverspectypes_p.h>
-#include <QtCore/qthreadpool.h>
-#include <QtCore/private/qduplicatetracker_p.h>
-#include <QtCore/QRegularExpression>
-#include <QtQmlDom/private/qqmldomexternalitems_p.h>
-#include <QtQmlDom/private/qqmldomtop_p.h>
-using namespace QLspSpecification;
-using namespace QQmlJS::Dom;
-using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
-Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(complLog, "qt.languageserver.completions")
-void QmlCompletionSupport::registerHandlers(QLanguageServer *, QLanguageServerProtocol *protocol)
- protocol->registerCompletionRequestHandler(
- [this](const QByteArray &, const CompletionParams &cParams,
- LSPPartialResponse<
- std::variant<QList<CompletionItem>, CompletionList, std::nullptr_t>,
- std::variant<CompletionList, QList<CompletionItem>>> &&response) {
- QmlLsp::OpenDocument doc = m_codeModel->openDocumentByUrl(
- QmlLsp::lspUriToQmlUrl(cParams.textDocument.uri));
- if (!doc.textDocument) {
- response.sendResponse(QList<CompletionItem>());
- return;
- }
- CompletionRequest *req = new CompletionRequest;
- std::optional<int> targetVersion;
- {
- QMutexLocker l(doc.textDocument->mutex());
- targetVersion = doc.textDocument->version();
- if (!targetVersion) {
- qCWarning(complLog) << "no target version for completions in "
- << QString::fromUtf8(cParams.textDocument.uri);
- }
- req->code = doc.textDocument->toPlainText();
- }
- req->minVersion = (targetVersion ? *targetVersion : 0);
- req->response = std::move(response);
- req->completionParams = cParams;
- {
- QMutexLocker l(&m_mutex);
- m_completions.insert(req->completionParams.textDocument.uri, req);
- }
- if (doc.snapshot.docVersion && *doc.snapshot.docVersion >= req->minVersion)
- updatedSnapshot(QmlLsp::lspUriToQmlUrl(req->completionParams.textDocument.uri));
- });
- protocol->registerCompletionItemResolveRequestHandler(
- [](const QByteArray &, const CompletionItem &cParams,
- LSPResponse<CompletionItem> &&response) { response.sendResponse(cParams); });
-QmlCompletionSupport::QmlCompletionSupport(QmlLsp::QQmlCodeModel *codeModel)
- : m_codeModel(codeModel)
- QObject::connect(m_codeModel, &QmlLsp::QQmlCodeModel::updatedSnapshot, this,
- &QmlCompletionSupport::updatedSnapshot);
- QMutexLocker l(&m_mutex);
- qDeleteAll(m_completions);
- m_completions.clear();
-QString QmlCompletionSupport::name() const
- return u"QmlCompletionSupport"_s;
-void QmlCompletionSupport::setupCapabilities(
- const QLspSpecification::InitializeParams &,
- QLspSpecification::InitializeResult &serverCapabilities)
- QLspSpecification::CompletionOptions cOptions;
- if (serverCapabilities.capabilities.completionProvider)
- cOptions = *serverCapabilities.capabilities.completionProvider;
- cOptions.resolveProvider = false;
- cOptions.triggerCharacters = QList<QByteArray>({ QByteArray(".") });
- serverCapabilities.capabilities.completionProvider = cOptions;
-void QmlCompletionSupport::updatedSnapshot(const QByteArray &url)
- QmlLsp::OpenDocumentSnapshot doc = m_codeModel->snapshotByUrl(url);
- QList<CompletionRequest *> toCompl;
- {
- QMutexLocker l(&m_mutex);
- for (auto [it, end] = m_completions.equal_range(url); it != end; ++it) {
- if (doc.docVersion && it.value()->minVersion <= *doc.docVersion)
- toCompl.append(it.value());
- }
- if (!m_completions.isEmpty())
- qCDebug(complLog) << "updated " << QString::fromUtf8(url) << " v"
- << (doc.docVersion ? (*doc.docVersion) : -1) << ", completing"
- << m_completions.size() << "/" << m_completions.size();
- for (auto req : toCompl)
- m_completions.remove(url, req);
- }
- for (auto it = toCompl.rbegin(), end = toCompl.rend(); it != end; ++it) {
- CompletionRequest *req = *it;
- QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start([req, doc]() mutable {
- req->sendCompletions(doc);
- delete req;
- });
- }
-struct ItemLocation
- int depth = -1;
- DomItem domItem;
- FileLocations::Tree fileLocation;
-QString CompletionRequest::urlAndPos() const
- return QString::fromUtf8(completionParams.textDocument.uri) + u":"
- + QString::number(completionParams.position.line) + u":"
- + QString::number(completionParams.position.character);
-// return the position of 0 based line and char offsets, never goes to the "next" line, but might
-// return the position of the \n or \r that starts the next line (never the one that starts line)
-static qsizetype posAfterLineChar(QString code, int line, int character)
- int targetLine = line;
- qsizetype i = 0;
- while (i != code.size() && targetLine != 0) {
- QChar c = code.at(i++);
- if (c == u'\n') {
- --targetLine;
- }
- if (c == u'\r') {
- if (i != code.size() && code.at(i) == u'\n')
- ++i;
- --targetLine;
- }
- }
- qsizetype leftChars = character;
- while (i != code.size() && leftChars) {
- QChar c = code.at(i);
- if (c == u'\n' || c == u'\r')
- break;
- ++i;
- if (!c.isLowSurrogate())
- --leftChars;
- }
- return i;
-static QList<ItemLocation> findLastItemsContaining(DomItem file, int line, int character)
- QList<ItemLocation> itemsFound;
- std::shared_ptr<QmlFile> filePtr = file.ownerAs<QmlFile>();
- if (!filePtr)
- return itemsFound;
- FileLocations::Tree t = filePtr->fileLocationsTree();
- Q_ASSERT(t);
- QString code = filePtr->code(); // do something more advanced wrt to changes wrt to this->code?
- if (code.isEmpty())
- qCWarning(complLog) << "no code";
- QList<ItemLocation> toDo;
- qsizetype targetPos = posAfterLineChar(code, line, character);
- Q_ASSERT(targetPos >= 0);
- auto containsTarget = [targetPos](QQmlJS::SourceLocation l) {
- if constexpr (sizeof(qsizetype) <= sizeof(quint32)) {
- return l.begin() <= quint32(targetPos) && quint32(targetPos) < l.end();
- } else {
- return l.begin() <= targetPos && targetPos < l.end();
- }
- };
- if (containsTarget(t->info().fullRegion)) {
- ItemLocation loc;
- loc.depth = 0;
- loc.domItem = file;
- loc.fileLocation = t;
- toDo.append(loc);
- }
- while (!toDo.isEmpty()) {
- ItemLocation iLoc = toDo.last();
- toDo.removeLast();
- if (itemsFound.isEmpty() || itemsFound.constFirst().depth <= iLoc.depth) {
- if (!itemsFound.isEmpty() && itemsFound.constFirst().depth < iLoc.depth)
- itemsFound.clear();
- itemsFound.append(iLoc);
- }
- auto subEls = iLoc.fileLocation->subItems();
- for (auto it = subEls.begin(); it != subEls.end(); ++it) {
- auto subLoc = std::static_pointer_cast<AttachedInfoT<FileLocations>>(it.value());
- Q_ASSERT(subLoc);
- if (containsTarget(subLoc->info().fullRegion)) {
- ItemLocation subItem;
- subItem.depth = iLoc.depth + 1;
- subItem.domItem = iLoc.domItem.path(it.key());
- subItem.fileLocation = subLoc;
- toDo.append(subItem);
- }
- }
- }
- return itemsFound;
-// finds the filter string, the base (for fully qualified accesses) and the whole string
-// just before pos in code
-struct CompletionContextStrings
- CompletionContextStrings(QString code, qsizetype pos);
- // line up until pos
- QStringView preLine() const
- {
- return QStringView(m_code).mid(m_lineStart, m_pos - m_lineStart);
- }
- // the part used to filter the completion (normally actual filtering is left to the client)
- QStringView filterChars() const
- {
- return QStringView(m_code).mid(m_filterStart, m_pos - m_filterStart);
- }
- // the base part (qualified access)
- QStringView base() const
- {
- return QStringView(m_code).mid(m_baseStart, m_filterStart - m_baseStart);
- }
- // if we are at line start
- bool atLineStart() const { return m_atLineStart; }
- QString m_code; // the current code
- qsizetype m_pos = {}; // current position of the cursor
- qsizetype m_filterStart = {}; // start of the characters that are used to filter the suggestions
- qsizetype m_lineStart = {}; // start of the current line
- qsizetype m_baseStart = {}; // start of the dotted expression that ends at the cursor position
- bool m_atLineStart = {}; // if there are only spaces before base
-CompletionContextStrings::CompletionContextStrings(QString code, qsizetype pos)
- : m_code(code), m_pos(pos)
- // computes the context just before pos in code.
- // After this code all the values of all the attributes should be correct (see above)
- // handle also letter or numbers represented a surrogate pairs?
- m_filterStart = m_pos;
- while (m_filterStart != 0) {
- QChar c = code.at(m_filterStart - 1);
- if (!c.isLetterOrNumber() && c != u'_')
- break;
- else
- --m_filterStart;
- }
- // handle spaces?
- m_baseStart = m_filterStart;
- while (m_baseStart != 0) {
- QChar c = code.at(m_baseStart - 1);
- if (c != u'.' || m_baseStart == 1)
- break;
- c = code.at(m_baseStart - 2);
- if (!c.isLetterOrNumber() && c != u'_')
- break;
- qsizetype baseEnd = --m_baseStart;
- while (m_baseStart != 0) {
- QChar c = code.at(m_baseStart - 1);
- if (!c.isLetterOrNumber() && c != u'_')
- break;
- else
- --m_baseStart;
- }
- if (m_baseStart == baseEnd)
- break;
- }
- m_atLineStart = true;
- m_lineStart = m_baseStart;
- while (m_lineStart != 0) {
- QChar c = code.at(m_lineStart - 1);
- if (c == u'\n' || c == '\r')
- break;
- if (!c.isSpace())
- m_atLineStart = false;
- --m_lineStart;
- }
-enum class TypeCompletionsType { None, Types, TypesAndAttributes };
-enum class FunctionCompletion { None, Declaration };
-enum class ImportCompletionType { None, Module, Version };
-void CompletionRequest::sendCompletions(QmlLsp::OpenDocumentSnapshot &doc)
- QList<CompletionItem> res = completions(doc);
- response.sendResponse(res);
-static QList<CompletionItem> importCompletions(DomItem &file, const CompletionContextStrings &ctx)
- // returns completions for import statements, ctx is supposed to be in an import statement
- QList<CompletionItem> res;
- ImportCompletionType importCompletionType = ImportCompletionType::None;
- QRegularExpression spaceRe(uR"(\W+)"_s);
- QList<QStringView> linePieces = ctx.preLine().split(spaceRe, Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
- qsizetype effectiveLength = linePieces.size()
- + ((!ctx.preLine().isEmpty() && ctx.preLine().last().isSpace()) ? 1 : 0);
- if (effectiveLength < 2) {
- CompletionItem comp;
- comp.label = "import";
- comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
- res.append(comp);
- }
- if (linePieces.isEmpty() || linePieces.first() != u"import")
- return res;
- if (effectiveLength == 2) {
- // the cursor is after the import, possibly in a partial module name
- importCompletionType = ImportCompletionType::Module;
- } else if (effectiveLength == 3) {
- if (linePieces.last() != u"as") {
- // the cursor is after the module, possibly in a partial version token (or partial as)
- CompletionItem comp;
- comp.label = "as";
- comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
- res.append(comp);
- importCompletionType = ImportCompletionType::Version;
- }
- }
- DomItem env = file.environment();
- if (std::shared_ptr<DomEnvironment> envPtr = env.ownerAs<DomEnvironment>()) {
- switch (importCompletionType) {
- case ImportCompletionType::None:
- break;
- case ImportCompletionType::Module: {
- QDuplicateTracker<QString> modulesSeen;
- for (const QString &uri : envPtr->moduleIndexUris(env)) {
- QStringView base = ctx.base(); // if we allow spaces we should get rid of them
- if (uri.startsWith(base)) {
- QStringList rest = uri.mid(base.size()).split(u'.');
- if (rest.isEmpty())
- continue;
- const QString label = rest.first();
- if (!modulesSeen.hasSeen(label)) {
- CompletionItem comp;
- comp.label = label.toUtf8();
- comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Module);
- res.append(comp);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case ImportCompletionType::Version:
- if (ctx.base().isEmpty()) {
- for (int majorV :
- envPtr->moduleIndexMajorVersions(env, linePieces.at(1).toString())) {
- CompletionItem comp;
- comp.label = QString::number(majorV).toUtf8();
- comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Constant);
- res.append(comp);
- }
- } else {
- bool hasMajorVersion = ctx.base().endsWith(u'.');
- int majorV = -1;
- if (hasMajorVersion)
- majorV = ctx.base().mid(0, ctx.base().size() - 1).toInt(&hasMajorVersion);
- if (!hasMajorVersion)
- break;
- if (std::shared_ptr<ModuleIndex> mIndex =
- envPtr->moduleIndexWithUri(env, linePieces.at(1).toString(), majorV)) {
- for (int minorV : mIndex->minorVersions()) {
- CompletionItem comp;
- comp.label = QString::number(minorV).toUtf8();
- comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Constant);
- res.append(comp);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return res;
-static QList<CompletionItem> idsCompletions(DomItem component)
- qCDebug(complLog) << "adding ids completions";
- QList<CompletionItem> res;
- for (const QString &k : component.field(Fields::ids).keys()) {
- CompletionItem comp;
- comp.label = k.toUtf8();
- comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Value);
- res.append(comp);
- }
- return res;
-static QList<CompletionItem> bindingsCompletions(DomItem &containingObject)
- // returns valid bindings completions (i.e. reachable properties and signal handlers)
- QList<CompletionItem> res;
- qCDebug(complLog) << "binding completions";
- containingObject.visitPrototypeChain(
- [&res](DomItem &it) {
- qCDebug(complLog) << "prototypeChain" << it.internalKindStr() << it.canonicalPath();
- if (const QmlObject *itPtr = it.as<QmlObject>()) {
- // signal handlers
- auto methods = itPtr->methods();
- auto it = methods.cbegin();
- while (it != methods.cend()) {
- if (it.value().methodType == MethodInfo::MethodType::Signal) {
- CompletionItem comp;
- QString signal = it.key();
- comp.label =
- (u"on"_s + signal.at(0).toUpper() + signal.mid(1)).toUtf8();
- res.append(comp);
- }
- ++it;
- }
- // properties that can be bound
- auto pDefs = itPtr->propertyDefs();
- for (auto it2 = pDefs.keyBegin(); it2 != pDefs.keyEnd(); ++it2) {
- qCDebug(complLog) << "adding property" << *it2;
- CompletionItem comp;
- comp.label = it2->toUtf8();
- comp.insertText = (*it2 + u": "_s).toUtf8();
- comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Property);
- res.append(comp);
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- VisitPrototypesOption::Normal);
- return res;
-static QList<CompletionItem> reachableSymbols(DomItem &context, const CompletionContextStrings &ctx,
- TypeCompletionsType typeCompletionType,
- FunctionCompletion completeMethodCalls)
- // returns completions for the reachable types or attributes from context
- QList<CompletionItem> res;
- QMap<CompletionItemKind, QSet<QString>> symbols;
- QSet<quintptr> visited;
- QList<Path> visitedRefs;
- auto addLocalSymbols = [&res, typeCompletionType, completeMethodCalls, &symbols](DomItem &el) {
- switch (typeCompletionType) {
- case TypeCompletionsType::None:
- return false;
- case TypeCompletionsType::Types:
- switch (el.internalKind()) {
- case DomType::ImportScope: {
- const QSet<QString> localSymbols = el.localSymbolNames(
- LocalSymbolsType::QmlTypes | LocalSymbolsType::Namespaces);
- qCDebug(complLog) << "adding local symbols of:" << el.internalKindStr()
- << el.canonicalPath() << localSymbols;
- symbols[CompletionItemKind::Class] += localSymbols;
- break;
- }
- default: {
- qCDebug(complLog) << "skipping local symbols for non type" << el.internalKindStr()
- << el.canonicalPath();
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case TypeCompletionsType::TypesAndAttributes:
- auto localSymbols = el.localSymbolNames(LocalSymbolsType::All);
- if (const QmlObject *elPtr = el.as<QmlObject>()) {
- auto methods = elPtr->methods();
- auto it = methods.cbegin();
- while (it != methods.cend()) {
- localSymbols.remove(it.key());
- if (completeMethodCalls == FunctionCompletion::Declaration) {
- QStringList parameters;
- for (const MethodParameter &pInfo : std::as_const(it->parameters)) {
- QStringList param;
- if (!pInfo.typeName.isEmpty())
- param << pInfo.typeName;
- if (!pInfo.name.isEmpty())
- param << pInfo.name;
- if (pInfo.defaultValue) {
- param << u"= " + pInfo.defaultValue->code();
- }
- parameters.append(param.join(' '));
- }
- QString commentsStr;
- if (!it->comments.regionComments.isEmpty()) {
- for (const Comment &c : it->comments.regionComments[0].preComments) {
- commentsStr += c.rawComment().toString().trimmed() + '\n';
- }
- }
- CompletionItem comp;
- comp.documentation =
- u"%1%2(%3)"_s.arg(commentsStr, it.key(), parameters.join(u", "))
- .toUtf8();
- comp.label = (it.key() + u"()").toUtf8();
- comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Function);
- if (it->typeName.isEmpty())
- comp.detail = "returns void";
- else
- comp.detail = (u"returns "_s + it->typeName).toUtf8();
- // Only append full bracket if there are no parameters
- if (it->parameters.isEmpty())
- comp.insertText = comp.label;
- else
- // add snippet support?
- comp.insertText = (it.key() + u"(").toUtf8();
- res.append(comp);
- }
- ++it;
- }
- }
- qCDebug(complLog) << "adding local symbols of:" << el.internalKindStr()
- << el.canonicalPath() << localSymbols;
- symbols[CompletionItemKind::Field] += localSymbols;
- break;
- }
- return true;
- };
- if (ctx.base().isEmpty()) {
- if (typeCompletionType != TypeCompletionsType::None) {
- qCDebug(complLog) << "adding symbols reachable from:" << context.internalKindStr()
- << context.canonicalPath();
- DomItem it = context.proceedToScope();
- it.visitScopeChain(addLocalSymbols, LookupOption::Normal, &defaultErrorHandler,
- &visited, &visitedRefs);
- }
- } else {
- QList<QStringView> baseItems = ctx.base().split(u'.', Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
- Q_ASSERT(!baseItems.isEmpty());
- auto addReachableSymbols = [&visited, &visitedRefs, &addLocalSymbols](Path,
- DomItem &it) -> bool {
- qCDebug(complLog) << "adding directly accessible symbols of" << it.internalKindStr()
- << it.canonicalPath();
- it.visitDirectAccessibleScopes(addLocalSymbols, VisitPrototypesOption::Normal,
- &defaultErrorHandler, &visited, &visitedRefs);
- return true;
- };
- Path toSearch = Paths::lookupSymbolPath(ctx.base().toString().chopped(1));
- context.resolve(toSearch, addReachableSymbols, &defaultErrorHandler);
- // add attached types? technically we should...
- }
- for (auto symbolKinds = symbols.constBegin(); symbolKinds != symbols.constEnd();
- ++symbolKinds) {
- for (auto symbol = symbolKinds.value().constBegin();
- symbol != symbolKinds.value().constEnd(); ++symbol) {
- CompletionItem comp;
- comp.label = symbol->toUtf8();
- comp.kind = int(symbolKinds.key());
- res.append(comp);
- }
- }
- return res;
-QList<CompletionItem> CompletionRequest::completions(QmlLsp::OpenDocumentSnapshot &doc) const
- QList<CompletionItem> res;
- if (!doc.validDoc) {
- qCWarning(complLog) << "No valid document for completions for "
- << QString::fromUtf8(completionParams.textDocument.uri);
- // try to add some import and global completions?
- return res;
- }
- if (!doc.docVersion || *doc.docVersion < minVersion) {
- qCWarning(complLog) << "sendCompletions on older doc version";
- } else if (!doc.validDocVersion || *doc.validDocVersion < minVersion) {
- qCWarning(complLog) << "using outdated valid doc, position might be incorrect";
- }
- DomItem file = doc.validDoc.fileObject(QQmlJS::Dom::GoTo::MostLikely);
- // clear reference cache to resolve latest versions (use a local env instead?)
- if (std::shared_ptr<DomEnvironment> envPtr = file.environment().ownerAs<DomEnvironment>())
- envPtr->clearReferenceCache();
- qsizetype pos = posAfterLineChar(code, completionParams.position.line,
- completionParams.position.character);
- CompletionContextStrings ctx(code, pos);
- QList<ItemLocation> itemsFound =
- findLastItemsContaining(file, completionParams.position.line,
- completionParams.position.character - ctx.filterChars().size());
- if (itemsFound.size() > 1) {
- QStringList paths;
- for (auto &it : itemsFound)
- paths.append(it.domItem.canonicalPath().toString());
- qCWarning(complLog) << "Multiple elements of " << urlAndPos()
- << " at the same depth:" << paths << "(using first)";
- }
- DomItem currentItem;
- if (!itemsFound.isEmpty())
- currentItem = itemsFound.first().domItem;
- qCDebug(complLog) << "Completion at " << urlAndPos() << " " << completionParams.position.line
- << ":" << completionParams.position.character << "offset:" << pos
- << "base:" << ctx.base() << "filter:" << ctx.filterChars()
- << "lastVersion:" << (doc.docVersion ? (*doc.docVersion) : -1)
- << "validVersion:" << (doc.validDocVersion ? (*doc.validDocVersion) : -1)
- << "in" << currentItem.internalKindStr() << currentItem.canonicalPath();
- DomItem containingObject = currentItem.qmlObject();
- TypeCompletionsType typeCompletionType = TypeCompletionsType::None;
- FunctionCompletion methodCompletion = FunctionCompletion::Declaration;
- if (!containingObject) {
- methodCompletion = FunctionCompletion::None;
- // global completions
- if (ctx.atLineStart()) {
- if (ctx.base().isEmpty()) {
- {
- CompletionItem comp;
- comp.label = "pragma";
- comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
- res.append(comp);
- }
- }
- typeCompletionType = TypeCompletionsType::Types;
- }
- // Import completion
- res += importCompletions(file, ctx);
- } else {
- methodCompletion = FunctionCompletion::Declaration;
- bool addIds = false;
- if (ctx.atLineStart() && currentItem.internalKind() != DomType::ScriptExpression
- && currentItem.internalKind() != DomType::List) {
- // add bindings
- methodCompletion = FunctionCompletion::None;
- if (ctx.base().isEmpty()) {
- for (const QStringView &s : std::array<QStringView, 5>(
- { u"property", u"readonly", u"default", u"signal", u"function" })) {
- CompletionItem comp;
- comp.label = s.toUtf8();
- comp.kind = int(CompletionItemKind::Keyword);
- res.append(comp);
- }
- res += bindingsCompletions(containingObject);
- typeCompletionType = TypeCompletionsType::Types;
- } else {
- // handle value types later with type expansion
- typeCompletionType = TypeCompletionsType::TypesAndAttributes;
- }
- } else {
- addIds = true;
- typeCompletionType = TypeCompletionsType::TypesAndAttributes;
- }
- if (addIds) {
- res += idsCompletions(containingObject.component());
- }
- }
- DomItem context = containingObject;
- if (!context)
- context = file;
- // adds types and attributes
- res += reachableSymbols(context, ctx, typeCompletionType, methodCompletion);
- return res;