path: root/tools/qmltc/qmltccodewriter.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/qmltc/qmltccodewriter.cpp')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/tools/qmltc/qmltccodewriter.cpp b/tools/qmltc/qmltccodewriter.cpp
index 6c2c018833..67e3c7f06b 100644
--- a/tools/qmltc/qmltccodewriter.cpp
+++ b/tools/qmltc/qmltccodewriter.cpp
@@ -74,6 +74,20 @@ static QString getFunctionCategory(const QmltcMethod &method)
return category;
+static QString appendSpace(const QString &s)
+ if (s.isEmpty())
+ return s;
+ return s + u" ";
+static QString prependSpace(const QString &s)
+ if (s.isEmpty())
+ return s;
+ return u" " + s;
static std::pair<QString, QString> functionSignatures(const QmltcMethodBase &method)
const QString name = method.name;
@@ -89,11 +103,18 @@ static std::pair<QString, QString> functionSignatures(const QmltcMethodBase &met
headerParamList.back() += u" = " + variable.defaultValue;
- const QString headerSignature = name + u"(" + headerParamList.join(u", "_qs) + u")";
- const QString cppSignature = name + u"(" + cppParamList.join(u", "_qs) + u")";
+ const QString headerSignature = name + u"(" + headerParamList.join(u", "_qs) + u")"
+ + prependSpace(method.modifiers.join(u" "));
+ const QString cppSignature = name + u"(" + cppParamList.join(u", "_qs) + u")"
+ + prependSpace(method.modifiers.join(u" "));
return { headerSignature, cppSignature };
+static QString functionReturnType(const QmltcMethod &m)
+ return appendSpace(m.declarationPrefixes.join(u" "_qs)) + m.returnType;
void QmltcCodeWriter::writeGlobalHeader(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QString &sourcePath,
const QString &hPath, const QString &cppPath,
const QString &outNamespace,
@@ -129,14 +150,18 @@ void QmltcCodeWriter::writeGlobalHeader(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QString
for (const auto &requiredInclude : requiredCppIncludes)
code.rawAppendToHeader(u"#include \"" + requiredInclude + u"\"");
code.rawAppendToHeader(u"// END(custom_cpp_includes)");
- code.rawAppendToHeader(u"// qmltc support library:");
- code.rawAppendToHeader(u"#include <private/qqmltcobjectcreationhelper_p.h>");
code.rawAppendToCpp(u"#include \"" + hPath + u"\""); // include own .h file
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(u"// qmltc support library:");
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(u"#include <private/qqmlcppbinding_p.h>"); // QmltcSupportLib
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(u"#include <private/qqmlcpponassignment_p.h>"); // QmltcSupportLib
- code.rawAppendToCpp(u""); // blank line
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(u"#include <private/qqmlobjectcreator_p.h>"); // createComponent()
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(u"#include <private/qqmlcomponent_p.h>"); // QQmlComponentPrivate::get()
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(u"");
code.rawAppendToCpp(u"#include <private/qobject_p.h>"); // NB: for private properties
- code.rawAppendToCpp(u"#include <private/qqmlglobal_p.h>"); // QQml_setParent_noEvent()
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(u"#include <private/qqmlobjectcreator_p.h>"); // for finalize callbacks
code.rawAppendToCpp(u""); // blank line
code.rawAppendToCpp(u"QT_USE_NAMESPACE // avoid issues with QT_NAMESPACE");
@@ -187,10 +212,6 @@ void QmltcCodeWriter::write(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcProgram &progra
writeGlobalHeader(code, program.url, program.hPath, program.cppPath, program.outNamespace,
- // TODO: keep the "NOT IMPLEMENTED" as long as we don't actually compile
- // useful code
- code.rawAppendToHeader(u"/* QMLTC: NOT IMPLEMENTED */");
- code.rawAppendToCpp(u"/* QMLTC: NOT IMPLEMENTED */");
// url method comes first
writeUrl(code, program.urlMethod);
@@ -207,12 +228,36 @@ void QmltcCodeWriter::write(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcProgram &progra
writeToFile(program.cppPath, code.code().cpp.toUtf8());
+template<typename Predicate>
+static void dumpFunctions(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QList<QmltcMethod> &functions,
+ Predicate pred)
+ // functions are _ordered_ by access and kind. ordering is important to
+ // provide consistent output
+ QMap<QString, QList<const QmltcMethod *>> orderedFunctions;
+ for (const auto &function : functions) {
+ if (pred(function))
+ orderedFunctions[getFunctionCategory(function)].append(std::addressof(function));
+ }
+ for (auto it = orderedFunctions.cbegin(); it != orderedFunctions.cend(); ++it) {
+ code.rawAppendToHeader(it.key() + u":", -1);
+ for (const QmltcMethod *function : qAsConst(it.value()))
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, *function);
+ }
void QmltcCodeWriter::write(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcType &type)
const auto constructClassString = [&]() {
QString str = u"class " + type.cppType;
- if (!type.baseClasses.isEmpty())
- str += u" : public " + type.baseClasses.join(u", public "_qs);
+ QStringList nonEmptyBaseClasses;
+ nonEmptyBaseClasses.reserve(type.baseClasses.size());
+ std::copy_if(type.baseClasses.cbegin(), type.baseClasses.cend(),
+ std::back_inserter(nonEmptyBaseClasses),
+ [](const QString &entry) { return !entry.isEmpty(); });
+ if (!nonEmptyBaseClasses.isEmpty())
+ str += u" : public " + nonEmptyBaseClasses.join(u", public "_qs);
return str;
@@ -233,42 +278,70 @@ void QmltcCodeWriter::write(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcType &type)
QmltcOutputWrapper::HeaderIndentationScope headerIndent(&code);
- // special member functions
- code.rawAppendToHeader(u"protected:", -1);
- write(code, type.basicCtor);
- write(code, type.init);
- write(code, type.finalize);
- // NB: externalCtor might not be public when the type is QML singleton
- code.rawAppendToHeader(getFunctionCategory(type.fullCtor) + u":", -1);
- write(code, type.fullCtor);
+ // first, write user-visible code, then everything else. someone might
+ // want to look at the generated code, so let's make an effort when
+ // writing it down
- // enums
- if (!type.enums.isEmpty()) {
- code.rawAppendToHeader(u""); // blank line
- code.rawAppendToHeader(u"public:", -1);
+ code.rawAppendToHeader(u"/* ----------------- */");
+ code.rawAppendToHeader(u"/* External C++ API */");
+ code.rawAppendToHeader(u"public:", -1);
+ // NB: when non-document root, the externalCtor won't be public - but we
+ // really don't care about the output format of such types
+ if (!type.ignoreInit && type.externalCtor.access == QQmlJSMetaMethod::Public) {
+ // TODO: ignoreInit must be eliminated
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, type.externalCtor);
+ // dtor
+ if (type.dtor)
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, *type.dtor);
+ // enums
for (const auto &enumeration : qAsConst(type.enums))
- write(code, enumeration);
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, enumeration);
- // child types
- if (!type.children.isEmpty())
- code.rawAppendToHeader(u""); // blank line
- for (const auto &child : qAsConst(type.children))
- write(code, child);
+ // visible functions
+ const auto isUserVisibleFunction = [](const QmltcMethod &function) {
+ return function.userVisible;
+ };
+ dumpFunctions(code, type.functions, isUserVisibleFunction);
- // functions (special case due to functions/signals/slots, etc.)
- QHash<QString, QList<const QmltcMethod *>> functionsByCategory;
- for (const auto &function : qAsConst(type.functions))
- functionsByCategory[getFunctionCategory(function)].append(&function);
+ code.rawAppendToHeader(u"/* ----------------- */");
+ code.rawAppendToHeader(u""); // blank line
+ code.rawAppendToHeader(u"/* Internal functionality (do NOT use it!) */");
- if (!functionsByCategory.isEmpty())
- code.rawAppendToHeader(u""); // blank line
- for (auto it = functionsByCategory.cbegin(); it != functionsByCategory.cend(); ++it) {
- code.rawAppendToHeader(it.key() + u":", -1);
- for (const QmltcMethod *function : qAsConst(it.value()))
- write(code, *function);
+ // below are the hidden parts of the type
+ // (rest of the) ctors
+ if (type.ignoreInit) { // TODO: this branch should be eliminated
+ Q_ASSERT(type.baselineCtor.access == QQmlJSMetaMethod::Public);
+ code.rawAppendToHeader(u"public:", -1);
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, type.baselineCtor);
+ } else {
+ code.rawAppendToHeader(u"protected:", -1);
+ if (type.externalCtor.access != QQmlJSMetaMethod::Public) {
+ Q_ASSERT(type.externalCtor.access == QQmlJSMetaMethod::Protected);
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, type.externalCtor);
+ }
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, type.baselineCtor);
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, type.init);
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, type.endInit);
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, type.completeComponent);
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, type.finalizeComponent);
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, type.handleOnCompleted);
+ // code.rawAppendToHeader(u"public:", -1);
+ // children
+ for (const auto &child : qAsConst(type.children))
+ QmltcCodeWriter::write(code, child);
+ // (non-visible) functions
+ dumpFunctions(code, type.functions, std::not_fn(isUserVisibleFunction));
// variables and properties
if (!type.variables.isEmpty() || !type.properties.isEmpty()) {
code.rawAppendToHeader(u""); // blank line
@@ -314,10 +387,7 @@ void QmltcCodeWriter::write(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcMethod &method)
const auto [hSignature, cppSignature] = functionSignatures(method);
// Note: augment return type with preambles in declaration
- QString prefix = method.declarationPrefixes.join(u' ');
- if (!prefix.isEmpty())
- prefix.append(u' ');
- code.rawAppendToHeader(prefix + method.returnType + u" " + hSignature + u";");
+ code.rawAppendToHeader(functionReturnType(method) + u" " + hSignature + u";");
// do not generate method implementation if it is a signal
const auto methodType = method.type;
@@ -329,39 +399,65 @@ void QmltcCodeWriter::write(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcMethod &method)
QmltcOutputWrapper::CppIndentationScope cppIndent(&code);
+ for (const QString &line : qAsConst(method.firstLines))
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(line);
for (const QString &line : qAsConst(method.body))
+ for (const QString &line : qAsConst(method.lastLines))
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(line);
-void QmltcCodeWriter::write(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcCtor &ctor)
+template<typename WriteInitialization>
+static void writeSpecialMethod(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcMethodBase &specialMethod,
+ WriteInitialization writeInit)
- const auto [hSignature, cppSignature] = functionSignatures(ctor);
- QString prefix = ctor.declarationPrefixes.join(u' ');
- if (!prefix.isEmpty())
- prefix.append(u' ');
- code.rawAppendToHeader(prefix + hSignature + u";");
+ const auto [hSignature, cppSignature] = functionSignatures(specialMethod);
+ code.rawAppendToHeader(hSignature + u";");
code.rawAppendToCpp(u""); // blank line
- if (!ctor.initializerList.isEmpty()) {
- code.rawAppendToCpp(u":", 1);
- // double \n to make separate initializer list lines stand out more
- code.rawAppendToCpp(
- ctor.initializerList.join(u",\n\n" + u" "_qs.repeated(code.cppIndent + 1)), 1);
- }
+ writeInit(specialMethod);
QmltcOutputWrapper::CppIndentationScope cppIndent(&code);
- for (const QString &line : qAsConst(ctor.body))
+ for (const QString &line : qAsConst(specialMethod.firstLines))
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(line);
+ for (const QString &line : qAsConst(specialMethod.body))
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(line);
+ for (const QString &line : qAsConst(specialMethod.lastLines))
+void QmltcCodeWriter::write(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcCtor &ctor)
+ const auto writeInitializerList = [&](const QmltcMethodBase &ctorBase) {
+ auto ctor = static_cast<const QmltcCtor &>(ctorBase);
+ if (!ctor.initializerList.isEmpty()) {
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(u":", 1);
+ // double \n to make separate initializer list lines stand out more
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(
+ ctor.initializerList.join(u",\n\n" + u" "_qs.repeated(code.cppIndent + 1)),
+ 1);
+ }
+ };
+ writeSpecialMethod(code, ctor, writeInitializerList);
+void QmltcCodeWriter::write(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcDtor &dtor)
+ const auto noop = [](const QmltcMethodBase &) {};
+ writeSpecialMethod(code, dtor, noop);
void QmltcCodeWriter::write(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcVariable &var)
const QString optionalPart = var.defaultValue.isEmpty() ? u""_qs : u" = " + var.defaultValue;
@@ -370,7 +466,7 @@ void QmltcCodeWriter::write(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcVariable &var)
void QmltcCodeWriter::write(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcProperty &prop)
- Q_ASSERT(prop.defaultValue.isEmpty()); // we don't support it yet
+ Q_ASSERT(prop.defaultValue.isEmpty()); // we don't support it yet (or at all?)
code.rawAppendToHeader(u"Q_OBJECT_BINDABLE_PROPERTY(%1, %2, %3, &%1::%4)"_qs.arg(
prop.containingClass, prop.cppType, prop.name, prop.signalName));
@@ -382,14 +478,12 @@ void QmltcCodeWriter::writeUrl(QmltcOutputWrapper &code, const QmltcMethod &urlM
const auto [hSignature, _] = functionSignatures(urlMethod);
// Note: augment return type with preambles in declaration
- QString prefix = urlMethod.declarationPrefixes.join(u' ');
- if (!prefix.isEmpty())
- prefix.append(u' ');
- code.rawAppendToCpp(prefix + urlMethod.returnType + u" " + hSignature);
+ code.rawAppendToCpp(functionReturnType(urlMethod) + hSignature);
QmltcOutputWrapper::CppIndentationScope cppIndent(&code);
+ Q_ASSERT(urlMethod.firstLines.isEmpty() && urlMethod.lastLines.isEmpty());
for (const QString &line : qAsConst(urlMethod.body))