path: root/tools/qmltc/qmltcoutputir.h
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1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/qmltc/qmltcoutputir.h b/tools/qmltc/qmltcoutputir.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de531f718d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/qmltc/qmltcoutputir.h
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
+#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
+#include <QtCore/qstringlist.h>
+#include <QtCore/qset.h>
+#include <private/qqmljsmetatypes_p.h>
+#include <optional>
+// Below are the classes that represent compiled QML types in a string data
+// form. These classes are used to generate C++ code.
+// Represents C++ variable
+struct QmltcVariable
+ QString cppType; // C++ type of a variable
+ QString name; // variable name
+ QString defaultValue; // optional initialization value
+ QmltcVariable() = default;
+ // special ctor for QList's emplace back
+ QmltcVariable(const QString &t, const QString &n, const QString &v = QString())
+ : cppType(t), name(n), defaultValue(v)
+ {
+ }
+struct QmltcProperty : QmltcVariable
+ QString containingClass;
+ QString signalName;
+ QmltcProperty() = default;
+ QmltcProperty(const QString t, const QString &n, const QString &c, const QString &s)
+ : QmltcVariable(t, n), containingClass(c), signalName(s)
+ {
+ }
+// Represents QML -> C++ compiled enumeration type
+struct QmltcEnum
+ QString cppType; // C++ type of an enum
+ QStringList keys; // enumerator keys
+ QStringList values; // enumerator values
+ QString ownMocLine; // special MOC line that follows enum declaration
+ QmltcEnum() = default;
+ QmltcEnum(const QString &t, const QStringList &ks, const QStringList &vs, const QString &l)
+ : cppType(t), keys(ks), values(vs), ownMocLine(l)
+ {
+ }
+struct QmltcMethodBase
+ QStringList comments; // C++ comments
+ QString name; // C++ function name
+ QList<QmltcVariable> parameterList; // C++ function parameter list
+ QStringList body; // C++ function code
+ QQmlJSMetaMethod::Access access = QQmlJSMetaMethod::Public; // access specifier
+ QStringList declarationPrefixes;
+ QStringList modifiers; // cv-qualifiers, ref-qualifier, noexcept, attributes
+// Represents QML -> C++ compiled function
+struct QmltcMethod : QmltcMethodBase
+ QString returnType; // C++ return type
+ QQmlJSMetaMethodType type = QQmlJSMetaMethodType::Method; // Qt function type
+ // TODO: should be a better way to handle this
+ bool userVisible = false; // tells if a function is prioritized during the output generation
+// Represents C++ ctor of a type
+struct QmltcCtor : QmltcMethodBase
+ QStringList initializerList; // C++ ctor's initializer list
+// Represents C++ dtor of a type
+struct QmltcDtor : QmltcMethodBase
+// Represents a generated class that knows how to set the public,
+// writable properties of a compiled QML -> C++ type.
+// This is generally intended to be available for the root of the
+// document to allow the user to set the initial values for
+// properties, when creating a component, with support for strong
+// typing.
+struct QmltcPropertyInitializer {
+ QString name;
+ QmltcCtor constructor;
+ // A member containing a reference to the object for which the
+ // properties should be set.
+ QmltcVariable component;
+ // A member containing a cache of properties that were actually
+ // set that can be referenced later..
+ QmltcVariable initializedCache;
+ // Setter methods for each property.
+ QList<QmltcMethod> propertySetters;
+// Represents a generated class that contains a bundle of values to
+// initialize the required properties of a type.
+// This is generally intended to be available for the root component
+// of the document, where it will be used as a constructor argument to
+// force the user to provide initial values for the required
+// properties of the constructed type.
+struct QmltcRequiredPropertiesBundle {
+ QString name;
+ QList<QmltcVariable> members;
+// Represents QML -> C++ compiled type
+struct QmltcType
+ QString cppType; // C++ type of the QML type
+ QStringList baseClasses; // C++ type names of base classes
+ QStringList mocCode; // Qt MOC code
+ QStringList otherCode; // Random code that doesn't fit any category, e.g. friend declarations
+ // member types: enumerations and child types
+ QList<QmltcEnum> enums;
+ QList<QmltcType> children; // these are pretty much always empty
+ // special member functions:
+ QmltcCtor baselineCtor {}; // does basic contruction
+ QmltcCtor externalCtor {}; // calls basicCtor, calls init
+ QmltcMethod init {}; // starts object initialization (context setup), calls finalize
+ QmltcMethod beginClass {}; // calls QQmlParserStatus::classBegin()
+ QmltcMethod endInit {}; // ends object initialization (with "simple" bindings setup)
+ QmltcMethod setComplexBindings {}; // sets up "complex" (e.g. script) bindings
+ QmltcMethod completeComponent {}; // calls QQmlParserStatus::componentComplete()
+ QmltcMethod finalizeComponent {}; // calls QQmlFinalizerHook::componentFinalized()
+ QmltcMethod handleOnCompleted {}; // calls Component.onCompleted
+ std::optional<QmltcDtor> dtor {};
+ // member functions: methods, signals and slots
+ QList<QmltcMethod> functions;
+ // member variables
+ QList<QmltcVariable> variables;
+ QList<QmltcProperty> properties;
+ // QML document root specific:
+ std::optional<QmltcMethod> typeCount; // the number of QML types defined in a document
+ // TODO: only needed for binding callables - should not be needed, generally
+ bool ignoreInit = false; // specifies whether init and externalCtor should be ignored
+ // needed for singletons
+ std::optional<QmltcMethod> staticCreate{};
+ // A proxy class that provides a restricted interface that only
+ // allows setting the properties of the type.
+ QmltcPropertyInitializer propertyInitializer{};
+ std::optional<QmltcRequiredPropertiesBundle> requiredPropertiesBundle{};
+// Represents whole QML program, compiled to C++
+struct QmltcProgram
+ QString url; // QML file url
+ QString cppPath; // C++ output .cpp path
+ QString hPath; // C++ output .h path
+ QString outNamespace;
+ QString exportMacro; // if not empty, the macro that should be used to export the generated
+ // classes
+ QSet<QString> includes; // non-default C++ include files
+ QmltcMethod urlMethod; // returns QUrl of the QML document
+ QList<QmltcType> compiledTypes; // all QML types that are compiled to C++