path: root/src/settingsui/timedate
diff options
authorLassi Lehikoinen <>2020-11-20 10:10:39 +0200
committerLassi Lehikoinen <>2020-12-16 11:49:13 +0200
commit1ace321e373ad19287c41cef9ae17fcfb7ab938d (patch)
treefcaaa1763fc94f77443cb134d9e0a50955f1ad36 /src/settingsui/timedate
parent764eb9529aa163302aac3fec70cdbb3b6589752b (diff)
Remove all device utilities except network settings
Also remove USB ethernet functionality from Qt Network Settings. Task-number: QTBUG-88315 Change-Id: I06c41b61854b57f57c264b3c98940333902222d2 Reviewed-by: Samuli Piippo <> Reviewed-by: Rami Potinkara <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/settingsui/timedate')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 1038 deletions
diff --git a/src/settingsui/timedate/AnalogClock.qml b/src/settingsui/timedate/AnalogClock.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index e9c655e..0000000
--- a/src/settingsui/timedate/AnalogClock.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the Device Utilities module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
-** approved by the KDE Free Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
-import QtQuick 2.6
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
-import QtDeviceUtilities.TimeDateSettings 1.0
-Item {
- property var currentTime: TimeManager.time
- property var newTime: new Date
- property bool editMode: false
- property alias handPressed: mouseArea.pressed
- onEditModeChanged: if (editMode) newTime = new Date
- Rectangle {
- border.color: "#bdbebf"
- border.width: 1
- color: "white"
- anchors.fill: parent
- Connections {
- target: TimeManager
- function onTimeChanged() { if (!mouseArea.pressed) newTime.setSeconds(currentTime.getSeconds()) }
- function onTimeZoneChanged() { Date.timeZoneUpdated() }
- }
- Label {
- id: timeLabel
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.topMargin: 10
- text: currentTime.toTimeString()
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: root
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: 40
- color: "white"
- border.color: editMode ? "#d6d6d6" : "#5caa15"
- border.width: Math.round(root.width * 0.120)
- radius: parent.width / 2
- property int handOffset: Math.round(root.width * 0.040)
- antialiasing: true
- MouseArea {
- id: mouseArea
- anchors.fill: parent
- enabled: editMode
- property var handleItem: undefined
- function findHandle(item, point) {
- if (item.objectName === "handle") {
- var mapped = mouseArea.mapToItem(item, point.x, point.y)
- if (item.contains(mapped)) {
- return item.parent;
- }
- }
- for (var i=0; i < item.children.length; i++) {
- var ret = findHandle(item.children[i], point)
- if (ret)
- return ret;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- onPressed: {
- handleItem = findHandle(root, Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y))
- currentTime.setSeconds(0);
- currentTime.setMilliseconds(0);
- newTime.setSeconds(0);
- newTime.setMilliseconds(0);
- }
- onReleased: {
- handleItem = undefined
- }
- onPositionChanged: {
- if (!handleItem)
- return;
- var angle = (90 + Math.atan2((mouse.y-mouseArea.height/2), (mouse.x-mouseArea.width/2))*180/Math.PI)
- if (handleItem.angle < 60 && handleItem.angle > 0 && angle <= 0) {
- if (handleItem === hours) {
- = !
- } else {
- var a = hours.angle - 30
- if (a > 360) a -= 360
- hours.angle = a
- }
- } else if (handleItem.angle > 300 && handleItem.angle < 360 && angle >= 0) {
- if (handleItem === hours) {
- = !
- } else {
- var a = hours.angle + 30
- if (a < 0) a += 360
- hours.angle = a
- }
- }
- if (angle < 0) {
- angle += 360
- } else if (angle > 360) {
- angle -= 360
- }
- handleItem.angle = angle
- var newhours = Math.floor(hours.angle / 30);
- if (
- newhours += 12
- newTime.setHours(newhours);
- newTime.setMinutes(Math.round(minutes.angle / 6));
- newTime.setSeconds(0);
- newTime.setMilliseconds(0);
- TimeManager.time = newTime;
- }
- }
- ClockHand {
- id: minutes
- value: currentTime.getMinutes() * 6
- }
- ClockHand {
- id: hours
- height: root.height / 2 * 0.4 + root.handOffset
- value: (currentTime.getHours() * 30) + (currentTime.getMinutes() * 0.5)
- property bool pm: false
- }
- ClockHand {
- id: seconds
- visible: !editMode
- color: "#46a2da"
- width: root.width * 0.0128
- height: root.height / 2 * 0.74
- value: currentTime.getSeconds() * 6
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/settingsui/timedate/ClockHand.qml b/src/settingsui/timedate/ClockHand.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 56fa314..0000000
--- a/src/settingsui/timedate/ClockHand.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the Device Utilities module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
-** approved by the KDE Free Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
-import QtQuick 2.6
-Rectangle {
- id: hand
- objectName: "hand"
- x: root.height / 2 - width / 2
- y: root.height / 2 - height + root.handOffset
- color: editMode ? "#d6d6d6" : "#5caa15"
- width: root.width * 0.080
- height: root.height / 2 * 0.65 + root.handOffset
- antialiasing: true
- property alias angle: handRotation.angle
- property alias value: angleBinding.value
- transform: Rotation {
- id: handRotation
- origin.x: Math.round(hand.width / 2)
- origin.y: Math.round(hand.height - root.handOffset)
- Behavior on angle {
- enabled: !mouseArea.pressed
- SpringAnimation { spring: 2; damping: 0.2; modulus: 360 }
- }
- Binding on angle {
- id: angleBinding
- when: !mouseArea.pressed
- }
- }
- Item {
- objectName: "handle"
- anchors.verticalCenter:
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- height: parent.width * 3
- width: parent.width * 3
- visible: editMode
- Rectangle {
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: parent.width * .1
- radius: width / 2
- color: "#5caa15"
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/settingsui/timedate/CustomCalendar.qml b/src/settingsui/timedate/CustomCalendar.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index a1deff0..0000000
--- a/src/settingsui/timedate/CustomCalendar.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the Device Utilities module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
-** approved by the KDE Free Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
-import QtQuick 2.6
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
-import Qt.labs.calendar 1.0
-import QtQml 2.2
-import QtDeviceUtilities.TimeDateSettings 1.0
-Rectangle {
- id: root
- border.color: "#bdbebf"
- border.width: 1
- color: "white"
- height: cal.height
- function updateDate() {
- var date = new Date()
- grid.month = date.getMonth()
- = date.getDate()
- grid.year = date.getFullYear()
- }
- ColumnLayout {
- id: cal
- width: root.width
- spacing: 10
- enabled: !automatic.checked
- RowLayout {
- spacing: 0
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
- Button {
- id: previousMonth
- Layout.preferredWidth: height
- visible: enabled
- contentItem: Rectangle {
- anchors.fill: parent
- color: "#d6d6d6"
- Image {
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: parent.height * .2
- source: "../icons/Chevron-left_black.png"
- fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
- }
- }
- onClicked: {
- if (grid.month === Calendar.January) {
- grid.year--
- grid.month = Calendar.December
- return;
- }
- grid.month--
- }
- }
- Rectangle {
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- color: enabled ? "#d6d6d6" : "#80c342"
- height: previousMonth.height
- Label {
- id: title
- text: Qt.locale().monthName(grid.month, Locale.LongFormat) + " " + grid.year
- anchors.fill: parent
- horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- }
- }
- Button {
- id: nextMonth
- Layout.preferredWidth: height
- visible: enabled
- contentItem: Rectangle {
- anchors.fill: parent
- color: "#d6d6d6"
- Image {
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: parent.height * .2
- source: "../icons/Chevron-left_black.png"
- mirror: true
- fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
- }
- }
- onClicked: {
- if (grid.month === Calendar.December) {
- grid.year++
- grid.month = Calendar.January
- }
- grid.month++
- }
- }
- }
- DayOfWeekRow {
- locale: grid.locale
- Layout.column: 1
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
- delegate: Text {
- text: model.narrowName.charAt(0)
- font.bold: true
- horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- }
- }
- MonthGrid {
- id: grid
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
- Layout.fillWidth: true
- property int date: -1
- property Item currentItem: null
- delegate: Label {
- id: gridDelegate
- objectName: "gridDelegate"
- text: delegateDay
- opacity: model.month === grid.month ? 1 : .2
- horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- font.bold: delegateDay === && delegateMonth === grid.month
- color: delegateDay === && delegateMonth === grid.month && enabled ? "white" : "black"
- property int delegateDay:
- property int delegateMonth: model.month
- }
- Component.onCompleted: updateDate()
- Rectangle {
- z: -1
- id: highlight
- x: grid.currentItem ? grid.currentItem.x + grid.currentItem.width / 2 - width / 2: 0
- y: grid.currentItem ? grid.currentItem.y + grid.currentItem.height / 2- height / 2: 0
- width: grid.currentItem ? grid.currentItem.width : 0
- visible: grid.currentItem
- height: width
- color: enabled? "#80c342" : "#d6d6d6"
- radius: width / 2
- }
- onMonthChanged: updateHighlightPosition()
- onYearChanged: updateHighlightPosition()
- onDateChanged: updateHighlightPosition()
- function updateHighlightPosition() {
- var date = new Date()
- date.setFullYear(grid.year)
- date.setMonth(grid.month)
- date.setDate(
- var index = grid.source.indexOf(date)
- var delegate = grid.contentItem.children[index]
- if (delegate)
- grid.currentItem = delegate
- }
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: {
- var item = grid.contentItem.childAt(mouse.x, mouse.y)
- if (item) {
- if (item.objectName !== "gridDelegate")
- item = grid.contentItem.children[0]
- if (!item)
- return;
- grid.currentItem = item
- = item.delegateDay
- grid.month = item.delegateMonth
- var currentTime = TimeManager.time;
- var newDate = new Date();
- newDate.setFullYear(grid.year)
- newDate.setMonth(grid.month)
- newDate.setDate(
- newDate.setHours(currentTime.getHours());
- newDate.setMinutes(currentTime.getMinutes());
- newDate.setSeconds(currentTime.getSeconds());
- TimeManager.time = newDate;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/settingsui/timedate/CustomComboBox.qml b/src/settingsui/timedate/CustomComboBox.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 66c3559..0000000
--- a/src/settingsui/timedate/CustomComboBox.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the Device Utilities module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
-** approved by the KDE Free Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
-import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
-ComboBox {
- id: comboBox
- property int itemsVisible: 5
- indicator: Image {
- id: indicatorImage
- height: comboBox.height * 0.4
- anchors.right: comboBox.right
- anchors.rightMargin: pluginMain.margin
- anchors.verticalCenter: comboBox.verticalCenter
- fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
- rotation: -90
- source: "../newIcons/back_icon.svg"
- }
- ColorOverlay {
- id: indicatorOverlay
- source: indicatorImage
- anchors.fill: indicatorImage
- color: viewSettings.buttonGreenColor
- visible: false
- rotation: -90
- }
- contentItem: Text {
- anchors.left: comboBox.left
- anchors.leftMargin: pluginMain.margin
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.valueFontSize
- appFont
- font.styleName: "SemiBold"
- color: "white"
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- text: comboBox.displayText
- }
- background: Rectangle {
- color: "transparent"
- border.color: viewSettings.borderColor
- border.width: comboBox.visualFocus ? 2 : 1
- }
- popup: Popup {
- y: comboBox.height -1
- width: comboBox.width
- height: comboBox.height * comboBox.itemsVisible
- padding: 1
- contentItem: ListView {
- id: listView
- clip: true
- model: comboBox.popup.visible ? comboBox.delegateModel : null
- currentIndex: comboBox.currentIndex
- onCurrentIndexChanged: positionViewAtIndex(listView.currentIndex, ListView.beginning)
- }
- onOpened: {
- listView.currentIndex = comboBox.currentIndex
- indicatorImage.visible = false
- indicatorOverlay.visible = true
- }
- onClosed: {
- indicatorImage.visible = true
- indicatorOverlay.visible = false
- }
- background: Rectangle {
- border.color: viewSettings.borderColor
- color: viewSettings.backgroundColor
- opacity: 0.95
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/settingsui/timedate/ManualTime.qml b/src/settingsui/timedate/ManualTime.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 87e0f7e..0000000
--- a/src/settingsui/timedate/ManualTime.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the Device Utilities module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
-** approved by the KDE Free Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
-import QtQuick 2.6
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
-import QtDeviceUtilities.QtButtonImageProvider 1.0
-import QtDeviceUtilities.TimeDateSettings 1.0
-Item {
- id: root
- property int margin: root.width * 0.05
- property var selectedDate: new Date()
- property int firstYear: 2017
- function zeroPadTime(timeToPad) {
- return timeToPad < 10 ? "0" + timeToPad : timeToPad
- }
- Column {
- spacing: pluginMain.spacing
- Text {
- color: "white"
- text: qsTr("Set Date")
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.subTitleFontSize
- appFont
- }
- // Row of date comboboxes
- Row {
- spacing: pluginMain.spacing
- leftPadding: pluginMain.margin
- CustomComboBox {
- id: dayBox
- width: root.width * 0.15
- height: pluginMain.buttonHeight
- displayText: currentIndex + 1
- model: 31
- itemsVisible: 10
- currentIndex: selectedDate.getDate() - 1
- delegate: ItemDelegate {
- id: dayDelegate
- height: dayBox.height
- width: dayBox.width
- contentItem: Text {
- anchors.left: dayDelegate.left
- anchors.leftMargin: pluginMain.margin
- text: modelData + 1
- color: dayBox.currentIndex == index ? viewSettings.buttonGreenColor : "white"
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.valueFontSize
- appFont
- font.styleName: "Regular"
- }
- }
- onCurrentIndexChanged: selectedDate.setDate(currentIndex + 1)
- }
- CustomComboBox {
- id: monthBox
- width: root.width * 0.35
- height: pluginMain.buttonHeight
- model: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
- currentIndex: selectedDate.getMonth()
- itemsVisible: 12
- delegate: ItemDelegate {
- id: monthDelegate
- height: monthBox.height
- width: monthBox.width
- contentItem: Text {
- anchors.left: monthDelegate.left
- anchors.leftMargin: pluginMain.margin
- color: monthBox.currentIndex == index ? viewSettings.buttonGreenColor : "white"
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- text: modelData
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.valueFontSize
- appFont
- font.styleName: "Regular"
- }
- }
- onCurrentIndexChanged: selectedDate.setMonth(currentIndex)
- }
- CustomComboBox {
- id: yearBox
- width: root.width * 0.2
- height: pluginMain.buttonHeight
- displayText: currentIndex + firstYear
- model: 50
- itemsVisible: 8
- currentIndex: (selectedDate.getFullYear() >= firstYear) ?
- selectedDate.getFullYear() - firstYear : 0
- delegate: ItemDelegate {
- id: yearDelegate
- height: yearBox.height
- width: yearBox.width
- contentItem: Text {
- anchors.left: yearDelegate.left
- anchors.leftMargin: pluginMain.margin
- text: index + firstYear
- color: yearBox.currentIndex == index ? viewSettings.buttonGreenColor : "white"
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.valueFontSize
- appFont
- font.styleName: "Regular"
- }
- }
- onCurrentIndexChanged: selectedDate.setFullYear(currentIndex + firstYear)
- }
- } // Row of date comboboxes
- Text {
- color: "white"
- text: qsTr("Set Time")
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.subTitleFontSize
- appFont
- }
- // Row of time comboboxes
- Row {
- spacing: pluginMain.spacing
- leftPadding: pluginMain.margin
- CustomComboBox {
- id: hourBox
- width: root.width * 0.15
- height: pluginMain.buttonHeight
- displayText: zeroPadTime(currentIndex)
- model: 24
- itemsVisible: 8
- currentIndex: selectedDate.getHours()
- delegate: ItemDelegate {
- id: hourDelegate
- height: hourBox.height
- width: hourBox.width
- contentItem: Text {
- anchors.left: hourDelegate.left
- anchors.leftMargin: pluginMain.margin
- text: zeroPadTime(parseInt(modelData))
- color: hourBox.currentIndex == index ? viewSettings.buttonGreenColor : "white"
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.valueFontSize
- appFont
- font.styleName: "Regular"
- }
- }
- onCurrentIndexChanged: selectedDate.setHours(currentIndex)
- }
- CustomComboBox {
- id: minuteBox
- width: root.width * 0.15
- height: pluginMain.buttonHeight
- displayText: zeroPadTime(currentIndex)
- model: 60
- itemsVisible: 8
- currentIndex: selectedDate.getMinutes()
- delegate: ItemDelegate {
- id: minuteDelegate
- height: minuteBox.height
- width: minuteBox.width
- contentItem: Text {
- anchors.left: minuteDelegate.left
- anchors.leftMargin: pluginMain.margin
- text: zeroPadTime(parseInt(modelData))
- color: minuteBox.currentIndex == index ? viewSettings.buttonGreenColor : "white"
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.valueFontSize
- appFont
- font.styleName: "Regular"
- }
- }
- onCurrentIndexChanged: selectedDate.setMinutes(currentIndex)
- }
- } // Row of time comboboxes
- // Row of set/cancel buttons
- Row {
- spacing: pluginMain.spacing
- QtButton {
- id: dateSetButton
- height: pluginMain.buttonHeight
- text: qsTr("SET")
- onClicked: {
- selectedDate.setSeconds(0);
- TimeManager.ntp = false
- TimeManager.time = selectedDate;
- console.log("Set date to: " + selectedDate)
- console.log("TimeManager.time: " + TimeManager.time)
- settingsLoader.source = "qrc:/timedate/TimeDate.qml"
- }
- }
- QtButton {
- id: dateCancelButton
- height: pluginMain.buttonHeight
- fillColor: viewSettings.buttonGrayColor
- borderColor: "transparent"
- text: qsTr("CANCEL")
- onClicked: {
- settingsLoader.source = "qrc:/timedate/TimeDate.qml"
- }
- }
- } // Row of set/cancel buttons
- } // Main column
diff --git a/src/settingsui/timedate/TimeDate.qml b/src/settingsui/timedate/TimeDate.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index f6f75f1..0000000
--- a/src/settingsui/timedate/TimeDate.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the Device Utilities module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
-** approved by the KDE Free Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
-import QtQuick 2.6
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
-import QtDeviceUtilities.TimeDateSettings 1.0
-import QtDeviceUtilities.LocaleSettings 1.0
-import QtDeviceUtilities.QtButtonImageProvider 1.0
-Item {
- id: root
- property int margin: root.width * 0.05
- Column {
- spacing: pluginMain.spacing
- // Display current date
- Text {
- color: "white"
- text: qsTr("Current date")
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.subTitleFontSize
- appFont
- }
- Text {
- id: dateText
- leftPadding: pluginMain.margin
- color: "white"
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.valueFontSize
- appFont
- Timer {
- id: dateTimer
- interval: 1000
- running: true
- repeat: true
- triggeredOnStart: true
- onTriggered: {
- var date = new Date();
- dateText.text = date.toLocaleString(Qt.locale(LocaleManager.locale), Locale.LongFormat)
- }
- }
- }
- // Set date automatically / manually
- Text {
- color: "white"
- text: qsTr("Set Date & Time")
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.subTitleFontSize
- appFont
- }
- Row {
- spacing: pluginMain.spacing
- leftPadding: pluginMain.margin
- QtButton {
- id: automaticButton
- height: pluginMain.buttonHeight
- text: qsTr("AUTOMATICALLY")
- onClicked: TimeManager.ntp = true
- }
- QtButton {
- id: manualButton
- height: pluginMain.buttonHeight
- fillColor: viewSettings.buttonGrayColor
- borderColor: "transparent"
- text: qsTr("MANUALLY")
- onClicked: {
- settingsLoader.source = "qrc:/timedate/ManualTime.qml"
- }
- }
- }
- // Select timezone
- Text {
- color: "white"
- text: qsTr("Time Zone")
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.subTitleFontSize
- appFont
- }
- Row {
- leftPadding: pluginMain.margin
- CustomComboBox {
- id: timeZoneBox
- width: automaticButton.width + manualButton.width + pluginMain.spacing
- height: pluginMain.buttonHeight
- textRole: "id"
- itemsVisible: 7
- currentIndex: -1
- model: TimezonesFilter
- delegate: ItemDelegate {
- id: timeZoneDelegate
- height: timeZoneBox.height
- width: timeZoneBox.width
- contentItem: Text {
- anchors.left: timeZoneDelegate.left
- anchors.leftMargin: pluginMain.margin
- text: modelData["id"]
- color: timeZoneBox.currentIndex == index ? viewSettings.buttonGreenColor : "white"
- elide: Text.ElideRight
- verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
- font.pixelSize: pluginMain.valueFontSize
- appFont
- font.styleName: "Regular"
- }
- }
- Component.onCompleted: {
- var n = TimezonesFilter.indexForTimezone(TimeManager.timeZone)
- timeZoneBox.currentIndex = n
- }
- Connections {
- target: TimezonesFilter.sourceModel
- function onReady() {
- var n = TimezonesFilter.indexForTimezone(TimeManager.timeZone)
- timeZoneBox.currentIndex = n
- }
- }
- onCurrentIndexChanged: {
- var val = TimezonesFilter.itemFromRow(currentIndex);
- if (val && val !== "") {
- TimeManager.timeZone = val
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Component {
- id: zoneselect
- TimezonesView {}
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/settingsui/timedate/TimezonesView.qml b/src/settingsui/timedate/TimezonesView.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index bbcffe4..0000000
--- a/src/settingsui/timedate/TimezonesView.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of the Device Utilities module of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
-** approved by the KDE Free Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
-import QtQuick 2.6
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
-import QtDeviceUtilities.TimeDateSettings 1.0
-import "../common"
-Item {
- id: root
- property string title: qsTr("Timezone settings")
- Component.onCompleted: timezone.text = TimezonesFilter.filter
- ColumnLayout {
- id: content
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: 20
- spacing: 10
- RowLayout {
- spacing: 10
- Label {
- text: qsTr("Search area: ")
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- }
- TextField {
- id: timezone
- text: ""
- onTextChanged: TimezonesFilter.filter = timezone.text
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
- }
- }
- CustomTableView {
- headerTexts: [qsTr("Timezone"), qsTr("Country")]
- roleNames: ["id", "country"]
- model: TimezonesFilter
- onClicked: {
- var val = model.itemFromRow(index);
- if (val !== "") {
- TimeManager.timeZone = val;
- stackView.pop();
- }
- }
- }
- }