diff options
authorDominik Holland <dominik.holland@qt.io>2019-10-17 14:52:47 +0200
committerDominik Holland <dominik.holland@qt.io>2019-10-30 12:08:13 +0100
commit30e611e7362cc42831e437aff11aae280e6a996f (patch)
parent25ba2939cace6bfbc065f3c8ea8cfe6d72eb5c17 (diff)
ivigenerator: Split the generator into several files
The generate.py file has been growing a lot over the time, splitting it into several files, should make it easier to maintain and understand the code. Change-Id: I2cdff2c5875c4a3f287002b0cd05ab9094222cbf Reviewed-by: Robert Griebl <robert.griebl@qt.io>
5 files changed, 858 insertions, 708 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/ivigenerator/generate.py b/src/tools/ivigenerator/generate.py
index e2b0b6c..db05e0d 100755
--- a/src/tools/ivigenerator/generate.py
+++ b/src/tools/ivigenerator/generate.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2019 Luxoft Sweden AB
# Copyright (C) 2018 Pelagicore AG
# Copyright (C) 2017 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB)
@@ -43,691 +44,28 @@ import os
import click
import logging.config
import yaml
-import json
import sys
from path import Path
from qface.generator import FileSystem, Generator
-from qface.helper.qtcpp import Filters
from qface.watch import monitor
from qface.idl.domain import Module, Interface, Property, Parameter, Field, Struct
-from qface.helper.generic import upper_first
from jinja2 import TemplateAssertionError
import inspect
+import generator.builtin_config as builtin_config
+from generator.global_functions import register_global_functions
+from generator.filters import register_filters
here = Path(__file__).dirname()
log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
-Filters.classPrefix = ''
currentQFaceSrcFile = ''
-builtin_config = {}
IVI_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES = ['frontend', 'qmlplugin', 'backend_simulator', 'backend_qtro', 'server_qtro', 'server_qtro_simulator', 'test']
-def jinjaTrace():
- """
- Collects all jinja template files and the line numbers from the current calltrace
- """
- frame = inspect.currentframe()
- infos = []
- while frame:
- template = frame.f_globals.get('__jinja_template__')
- if template is not None:
- infos.append((inspect.getsourcefile(frame), template.get_corresponding_lineno(frame.f_lineno)))
- frame = frame.f_back
- return infos
-def jinja_error(msg):
- """
- Throws an error for the current jinja template and the templates this is included from
- This can be used inside a filter to indicate problems with the passed arguments or direclty inside
- an template
- """
- infos = jinjaTrace()
- if len(infos):
- message = msg
- if len(infos) > 1:
- for info in infos[1:]:
- message = message + "\n{0}:{1}: instantiated from here".format(info[0], info[1])
- message = message + "\n{0}: instantiated from here".format(currentQFaceSrcFile)
- raise TemplateAssertionError(message, infos[0][1], "", infos[0][0])
- raise TemplateAssertionError(msg, -1, "", "unknown")
-def jinja_warning(msg):
- """
- Reports an warning in the current jinja template.
- This can be used inside a filter to indicate problems with the passed arguments or direclty inside
- an template
- """
- file, lineno = jinjaTrace()[0]
- if file:
- message = '{0}:{1}: warning: {2}'.format(file, lineno, msg)
- else:
- message = '<unknown-file>: warning: {0}'.format(msg)
- click.secho(message, fg='yellow', err=True)
-def tag_by_path(symbol, path, default_value=False):
- """
- Find the tag given by its full path in the object hierarchy,
- like "property.config_sim.zones.right". If some part of the
- path is missing, return None
- """
- path_parts = path.split(".")
- cur_level_obj = symbol.tags
- for path_part in path_parts:
- if path_part in cur_level_obj:
- cur_level_obj = cur_level_obj[path_part]
- else:
- cur_level_obj = None
- break
- if cur_level_obj is None:
- cur_level_obj = default_value
- return cur_level_obj
-def conf_sim_tag(symbol, path, default_value=False):
- """
- Find tag, given by its path, located under "config_simulator" sub-object.
- Returns None, of any of the path parts is missing
- """
- return tag_by_path(symbol, "config_simulator." + path, default_value)
-def enum_value_to_cppliteral(value, module_name):
- value = value.strip().rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
- return '{0}{1}Module::{2}'.format(Filters.classPrefix, upper_first(module_name), value)
-def enum_value(value, module_name):
- sub_values = value.split('|')
- sub_values = [enum_value_to_cppliteral(v, module_name) for v in sub_values]
- return "|".join(sub_values)
-def default_type_value(symbol):
- """
- Find the default value for the type. Models are initialized as nullptr
- """
- prefix = Filters.classPrefix
- t = symbol.type # type: qface.domain.TypeSymbol
- if t.is_primitive:
- if t.is_int:
- return 'int(0)'
- if t.is_bool:
- return 'bool(false)'
- if t.is_string:
- return 'QString()'
- if t.is_real:
- return 'qreal(0.0)'
- if t.is_var:
- return 'QVariant()'
- elif t.is_void:
- return ''
- elif t.is_enum:
- module_name = t.reference.module.module_name
- value = next(iter(t.reference.members))
- return '{0}{1}Module::{2}'.format(prefix, upper_first(module_name), value)
- elif t.is_flag:
- module_name = t.reference.module.module_name
- return '{0}{1}Module::{2}()'.format(prefix, upper_first(module_name), flag_type(symbol))
- elif symbol.type.is_list:
- nested = Filters.returnType(symbol.type.nested)
- return 'QVariantList()'.format(nested)
- elif symbol.type.is_struct:
- return '{0}{1}()'.format(prefix, symbol.type.reference.name)
- elif symbol.type.is_model:
- return 'nullptr'
- jinja_error('default_type_value: Unknown parameter {0} of type {1}'.format(symbol, symbol.type))
-def test_type_value(symbol):
- """
- Find a value different than the default value for the type. Models are initialized as nullptr
- """
- prefix = Filters.classPrefix
- t = symbol.type # type: qface.domain.TypeSymbol
- if t.is_primitive:
- if t.is_int:
- return '111'
- if t.is_bool:
- return 'true'
- if t.is_string:
- return '"TEST STRING"'
- if t.is_real:
- return '1234.5678'
- if t.is_var:
- return 'QVariant("TEST VARIANT")'
- elif t.is_void:
- return ''
- elif t.is_enum:
- module_name = t.reference.module.module_name
- value = list(iter(t.reference.members))[-1]
- return '{0}{1}Module::{2}'.format(prefix, upper_first(module_name), value)
- elif t.is_flag:
- module_name = t.reference.module.module_name
- value = next(iter(t.reference.members))
- return '{0}{1}Module::{2}'.format(prefix, upper_first(module_name), value)
- elif symbol.type.is_list:
- value = test_type_value(t.nested.type)
- if not (t.nested.type.is_primitive ):
- value = 'QVariant::fromValue({0})'.format(value)
- return 'QVariantList({{{0}}})'.format(value)
- elif symbol.type.is_struct:
- values_string = ', '.join(test_type_value(e) for e in symbol.type.reference.fields)
- return '{0}{1}({2})'.format(prefix, symbol.type.reference.name, values_string)
- elif symbol.type.is_model:
- return 'new QIviPagingModel()'
- jinja_error('test_type_value: Unknown parameter {0} of type {1}'.format(symbol, symbol.type))
-def default_value_helper(symbol, res):
- t = symbol.type
- if t.is_struct:
- if not (isinstance(res, dict) or isinstance(res, list)):
- jinja_error('default_value: value in annotation is supposed to be a dict or list')
- if len(res) != len(t.reference.fields):
- jinja_error('default_value: argument count in annotation and number of struct fields does not match')
- values_string = ', '.join(default_value_helper(list(t.reference.fields)[idx], property) for idx, property in enumerate(res))
- return '{0}({{{1}}})'.format(t.type, values_string)
- if t.is_model or t.is_list:
- if not isinstance(res, list):
- jinja_error('default_value: value in annotation is supposed to be a list')
- row_string = ''
- if t.nested.is_struct and t.is_list:
- row_string = ', '.join(('QVariant::fromValue({0})'.format(default_value_helper(t.nested, row))) for row in res)
- else:
- row_string = ', '.join(default_value_helper(t.nested, row) for row in res)
- return '{{{0}}}'.format(row_string)
- if t.is_enum or t.is_flag:
- module_name = t.reference.module.module_name
- return enum_value(res, module_name)
- # in case it's bool, Python True is sent to the C++ as "True", let's take care of that
- if t.is_bool:
- if res:
- return 'true'
- else:
- return 'false'
- if t.is_string:
- return 'QLatin1String("{0}")'.format(res.replace("\\", "\\\\"))
- if t.is_var:
- if isinstance(res, str):
- res = 'QLatin1String("{0}")'.format(res)
- return 'QVariant({0})'.format(res)
- return '{0}'.format(res)
-def default_value(symbol, zone='='):
- """
- Find the default value used by the simulator backend
- """
- res = default_type_value(symbol)
- if symbol.type.is_model:
- res = '{}';
- if 'config_simulator' in symbol.tags and 'default' in symbol.tags['config_simulator']:
- res = symbol.tags['config_simulator']['default']
- if isinstance(res, dict):
- if zone in res:
- res = res[zone]
- elif '=' in res:
- res = res['=']
- return default_value_helper(symbol, res)
- return res
-def parameter_type_default(symbol):
- """
- Return the parameter declaration for properties, handle camel case module name
- """
- prefix = Filters.classPrefix
- if symbol.type.is_enum or symbol.type.is_flag:
- return '{0}{1}Module::{2} {3}={4}'.format(prefix, upper_first(symbol.type.reference.module.module_name), flag_type(symbol), symbol, default_type_value(symbol))
- if symbol.type.is_void or symbol.type.is_primitive:
- if symbol.type.name == 'string':
- return 'const QString &{0}=QString()'.format(symbol)
- if symbol.type.name == 'var':
- return 'const QVariant &{0}=QVariant()'.format(symbol)
- if symbol.type.name == 'real':
- return 'qreal {0}=qreal()'.format(symbol)
- return '{0} {1}={2}'.format(symbol.type, symbol, default_type_value(symbol))
- elif symbol.type.is_list:
- nested = return_type(symbol.type.nested)
- return 'const QVariantList &{1}=QVariantList()'.format(nested, symbol)
- elif symbol.type.is_model:
- nested = symbol.type.nested
- if nested.is_primitive:
- return '{0}VariantModel *{1}=QVariantModel'.format(prefix, symbol)
- elif nested.is_complex:
- return 'QIviPagingModel *{0}=nullptr'.format(symbol)
- else:
- return 'const {0}{1} &{2}={0}{1}()'.format(prefix, symbol.type.reference.name, symbol)
- jinja_error('parameter_type_default: Unknown parameter {0} of type {1}'.format(symbol, symbol.type))
-def parameter_type(symbol):
- """
- Return the parameter declaration for properties, handle camel case module name
- """
- prefix = Filters.classPrefix
- if symbol.type.is_enum or symbol.type.is_flag:
- return '{0}{1}Module::{2} {3}'.format(prefix, upper_first(symbol.type.reference.module.module_name), flag_type(symbol), symbol)
- if symbol.type.is_void or symbol.type.is_primitive:
- if symbol.type.name == 'string':
- return 'const QString &{0}'.format(symbol)
- if symbol.type.name == 'var':
- return 'const QVariant &{0}'.format(symbol)
- if symbol.type.name == 'real':
- return 'qreal {0}'.format(symbol)
- return '{0} {1}'.format(symbol.type, symbol)
- elif symbol.type.is_list:
- nested = return_type(symbol.type.nested)
- return 'const QVariantList &{1}'.format(nested, symbol)
- elif symbol.type.is_model:
- nested = symbol.type.nested
- if nested.is_primitive:
- return '{0}VariantModel *{1}'.format(prefix, symbol)
- elif nested.is_complex:
- return 'QIviPagingModel *{0}'.format(symbol)
- else:
- return 'const {0}{1} &{2}'.format(prefix, symbol.type.reference.name, symbol)
- jinja_error('parameter_type: Unknown parameter {0} of type {1}'.format(symbol, symbol.type))
-def return_type(symbol):
- """
- Return the type declaration for properties, handle camel case module name
- """
- prefix = Filters.classPrefix
- if symbol.type.is_enum or symbol.type.is_flag:
- return('{0}{1}Module::{2}'.format(prefix, upper_first(symbol.type.reference.module.module_name), flag_type(symbol)))
- if symbol.type.is_void or symbol.type.is_primitive:
- if symbol.type.name == 'string':
- return 'QString'
- if symbol.type.name == 'var':
- return 'QVariant'
- if symbol.type.name == 'real':
- return 'qreal'
- return symbol.type.name
- elif symbol.type.is_list:
- nested = return_type(symbol.type.nested)
- return 'QVariantList'.format(nested)
- elif symbol.type.is_model:
- nested = symbol.type.nested
- if nested.is_primitive:
- return '{0}VariantModel *'.format(prefix)
- elif nested.is_complex:
- return 'QIviPagingModel *'
- else:
- return '{0}{1}'.format(prefix, symbol.type.reference.name)
- jinja_error('return_type: Unknown symbol {0} of type {1}'.format(symbol, symbol.type))
-def flag_type(symbol):
- """
- Return the annotation for the flag type if available, the plural otherwise
- """
- actualType = symbol
- if symbol.type.reference:
- actualType = symbol.type.reference
- if actualType.is_flag:
- if 'config' in actualType.tags and 'type' in actualType.tags['config']:
- return actualType.tags['config']['type']
- return '{0}s'.format(actualType)
- return actualType
-def domain_values(symbol):
- """
- Returns domain values for property (if defined by @domain)
- """
- if type(symbol) is Property:
- if 'config_simulator' in symbol.tags:
- if 'domain' in symbol.tags['config_simulator']:
- return symbol.tags['config_simulator']['domain']
- return None
-def getter_name(symbol):
- """
- Returns the getter name of the property
- """
- if type(symbol) is Property:
- if 'config' in symbol.tags and 'getter_name' in symbol.tags['config']:
- return symbol.tags['config']['getter_name']
- return symbol
-def setter_name(symbol):
- """
- Returns the setter name of the property
- """
- if type(symbol) is Property:
- if 'config' in symbol.tags and 'setter_name' in symbol.tags['config']:
- return symbol.tags['config']['setter_name']
- return 'set' + symbol.name[0].upper() + symbol.name[1:]
-def range_value(symbol, index, key):
- """
- Returns value for property (if defined by @range index or key)
- """
- if type(symbol) is Property and symbol.type.is_int or symbol.type.is_real:
- if 'config_simulator' in symbol.tags:
- if 'range' in symbol.tags['config_simulator']:
- return symbol.tags['config_simulator']['range'][index]
- if key in symbol.tags['config_simulator']:
- return symbol.tags['config_simulator'][key]
- return None
-def range_high(symbol):
- """
- Returns maximum value for property (if defined by @range or @maximum)
- """
- return range_value(symbol, 1, 'maximum')
-def range_low(symbol):
- """
- Returns minimum value for property (if defined by @range or @minimum)
- """
- return range_value(symbol, 0, 'minimum')
-def has_domains(properties):
- """
- Returns true if any property has range or domain tags
- """
- for property in properties:
- if 'config_simulator' in property.tags:
- for p in ['range', 'domain', 'minimum', 'maximum']:
- if p in property.tags['config_simulator']:
- return True
- return False
-def strip_QT(s):
- """
- If the given string starts with QT, stip it away.
- """
- s = str(s)
- if s.startswith('QT'):
- return s[2:]
- return s
-def json_domain(properties):
- """
- Returns property domains formated in json
- """
- data = {}
- if len(properties):
- data["iviVersion"] = builtin_config["VERSION"]
- for property in properties:
- if 'config_simulator' in property.tags:
- for p in ['range', 'domain', 'minimum', 'maximum']:
- if property.tags['config_simulator'] is not None and p in property.tags['config_simulator']:
- if not property.name in data:
- data[property.name] = {}
- data[property.name][p] = property.tags['config_simulator'][p]
- return json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'))
-def simulationData(module):
-# if type(module) is not Module:
-# return
- found = False
- data = {}
- for interface in module.interfaces:
- iData = {}
- if 'config_simulator' in interface.tags:
- iData = interface.tags['config_simulator']
- for property in interface.properties:
- if 'config_simulator' in property.tags:
- for p in ['range', 'domain', 'minimum', 'maximum', 'default']:
- if property.tags['config_simulator'] is not None and p in property.tags['config_simulator']:
- if not property.name in iData:
- iData[property.name] = {}
- iData[property.name][p] = symbolToJson(property.tags['config_simulator'][p], property.type)
- data[interface.name] = iData
- return json.dumps(data, indent=' ')
-def symbolToJson(data, symbol):
- if symbol.type.is_struct:
- t = symbol.type
- if not (isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, list)):
- jinja_error('simulationData: value in annotation is supposed to be a dict or list')
- if len(data) != len(t.reference.fields):
- jinja_error('simulationData: argument count in annotation and number of struct fields does not match')
- newList = list(symbolToJson(property, list(t.reference.fields)[idx]) for idx, property in enumerate(data))
- return { "type": symbol.type.name, "value": newList }
- elif symbol.type.is_enum or symbol.type.is_flag:
- module_name = symbol.type.reference.module.module_name
- return { "type": "enum", "value": enum_value(data, module_name) }
- elif symbol.type.is_list or symbol.type.is_model:
- nested = symbol.type.nested
- if nested.is_complex:
- newList = []
- for value in data:
- newList.append(symbolToJson(value, nested))
- return newList
- return data
-def qml_control_properties(symbol, backend_object):
- """
- Returns properties of the QML control matching to this
- IDL type (e.g. min/max properties)
- """
- prop_str = lower_first_filter(symbol) + "Control"
- if isinstance(symbol, Property):
- top = range_high(symbol)
- bottom = range_low(symbol)
- binding = "value: {0}.{1};".format(backend_object, symbol.name)
- if top is not None and bottom is not None:
- return 'id: {0}; from: {1}; to: {2}; {3}'.format(prop_str, bottom, top, binding)
- if top is not None or bottom is not None:
- if top is None:
- return 'id: {0}; from: {1}; to:100000; {2}'.format(prop_str, bottom, binding)
- elif bottom is None:
- return 'id: {0}; from:-100000; to: {1}; {2}'.format(prop_str, top, binding)
- values = domain_values(symbol)
- if values is None and (symbol.type.is_enum or symbol.type.is_flag):
- values_string = ' '.join('ListElement {{ key: "{0}"; value: {1}.{0} }}'.format(e, qml_type(symbol.interface)) for e in symbol.type.reference.members)
- return 'id: {0}; textRole: "key"; {2} model: ListModel {{ {1} }}'.format(prop_str, values_string, binding)
- if values is not None:
- values_string = ','.join('"'+str(e)+'"' for e in values)
- return 'id: {0}; model: [ {1} ]; '.format(prop_str, values_string)
- if symbol.type.is_bool:
- binding = "checked: {0}.{1};".format(backend_object, symbol.name)
- return 'id: {0}; {1}'.format(prop_str, binding)
- if symbol.type.is_real or symbol.type.is_int or symbol.type.is_string:
- binding = "text: {0}.{1};".format(backend_object, symbol.name)
- return 'id: {0}; {1}'.format(prop_str, binding)
- if isinstance(symbol, Parameter):
- return 'id: {1}Param{0}'.format(prop_str, symbol.operation)
- if isinstance(symbol, Field):
- return 'id: {1}_{0}'.format(prop_str, lower_first_filter(symbol.struct))
-def qml_control_signal_parameters(symbol):
- """
- Returns the parameters for calling the signal using the values from the ui controls
- """
- return ', '.join('{0}Param{1}Control.{2}'.format(e.operation, lower_first_filter(e), qml_binding_property(e)) for e in symbol.parameters)
-def qml_meta_control_name(symbol):
- """
- Returns name of the QML control needed to display this type based on the meta
- data of the symbol -- if symbol has some meta data (e.g. value limits or domain)
- then control name is taken based on these constraints. Otherwise returns None.
- """
- top = range_high(symbol)
- bottom = range_low(symbol)
- if top is not None and bottom is not None:
- return 'Slider'
- if top is not None or bottom is not None:
- return 'SpinBox'
- values = domain_values(symbol)
- if values is not None:
- return "ComboBox"
-def qml_type_control_name(symbol):
- """
- Returns name of the QML control inferred based on the type of the symbol.
- """
- t = symbol.type
- if t.is_string or t.is_int or t.is_real:
- return "TextField"
- elif t.is_bool:
- return "CheckBox"
- elif t.is_enum:
- if t.reference.is_enum:
- return "EnumControl"
- elif t.reference.is_flag:
- return "FlagControl"
- elif t.is_flag:
- return "FlagControl"
- return "TextField"
-def qml_control_name(symbol):
- """
- Returns name of the QML control for the symbol. First it checks meta data (as it may
- influence the control type) and if nothing is defined there, it falls back to the
- symbol actual type.
- """
- # First try to calculate control name based on the tags
- control_name = qml_meta_control_name(symbol)
- # If nothing is defined, calculate it based on its type
- if control_name is None:
- control_name = qml_type_control_name(symbol)
- return control_name
-def qml_control(symbol, backend_object):
- """
- Returns QML code for the control (or group of controls) to represent the editing UI for the symbol.
- """
- if symbol.type.is_struct:
- return qml_struct_control(symbol)
- return "{0} {{ {1} }}".format(qml_control_name(symbol), qml_control_properties(symbol, backend_object))
-def qml_binding_property(symbol):
- """
- :param symbol: property which is being bound by the control
- :return: name of the property of the QML control to be bound with
- """
- control_name = qml_control_name(symbol)
- if control_name == "CheckBox":
- return "checked"
- elif control_name == "Slider" or control_name == "SpinBox" or control_name == "FlagControl" or control_name == "EnumControl":
- return "value"
- elif control_name == "TextField":
- return "text"
- elif control_name == "ComboBox":
- return "currentIndex"
-def qml_struct_control(symbol):
- if symbol.type.is_struct and symbol.type.reference.fields:
- result = "Rectangle { ColumnLayout { "
- for field in symbol.type.reference.fields:
- result += qml_control(field)
- result += "}}"
- return result
-def qml_info_type(symbol):
- """
- Returns the correct type for the symbol, to be used inside the qmltype templates
- """
- prefix = Filters.classPrefix
- if symbol.type.is_enum or symbol.type.is_flag:
- return('{0}{1}Module::{2}'.format(prefix, upper_first(symbol.module.module_name), flag_type(symbol)))
- elif symbol.type.is_void or symbol.type.is_primitive:
- if symbol.type.is_real:
- return 'double'
- return symbol.type.name
- elif symbol.type.is_struct:
- return 'QVariant'
- elif symbol.type.is_list:
- return 'QVariantList'
- elif symbol.type.is_model:
- return 'QIviPagingModel'
- else:
- jinja_error('qml_info_type: Unknown symbol {0} of type {1}'.format(symbol, symbol.type))
-def qml_type(symbol):
- """
- :param interface:
- :return: Returns the name of the interface for using in QML. This name is defined in the IDL under
- the "config" tag as "qml_type". This annotation is optional, if not provided, the interface name is
- used.
- """
- result = symbol.name
- if 'qml_type' in symbol.tags['config']:
- result = symbol.tags['config']['qml_type']
- elif 'qml_name' in symbol.tags['config']:
- result = symbol.tags['config']['qml_name']
- return result
-def model_type(symbol):
- if symbol.type.is_model:
- nested = symbol.type.nested
- return '{0}Model'.format(nested)
- return None
-def struct_includes(symbol):
- includesSet = set()
- tpl = '#include \"{0}.h\"'
- if isinstance(symbol, Struct):
- for val in symbol.fields:
- if val.type.is_struct:
- includesSet.add(tpl.format(val.type.reference.name).lower())
- elif isinstance(symbol, Interface):
- for val in symbol.properties:
- if val.type.is_struct:
- includesSet.add(tpl.format(val.type.reference.name).lower())
- for op in symbol.operations:
- for param in op.parameters:
- if param.type.is_struct:
- includesSet.add(tpl.format(param.type.reference.name).lower())
- if op.type.is_struct:
- includesSet.add(tpl.format(op.type.reference.name).lower())
- for op in symbol.signals:
- for param in op.parameters:
- if param.type.is_struct:
- includesSet.add(tpl.format(param.type.reference.name).lower())
- return includesSet
-def comment_text(comment):
- """
- Returns the text of the passed comment without the leading/trailing comment tokens e.g. /**, *
- """
- comment_start = [ '/**', '/*!', '/*']
- processed = []
- isComment = False
- # No comment is NOT a error
- if len(comment) == 0:
- return processed
- for token in comment_start:
- if (comment.startswith(token)):
- isComment = True
- break;
- if isComment:
- comment = comment[3:-2]
- else:
- jinja_error("comment_text: The provided comment needs to be start with one of these strings: {}".format(comment_start))
- for line in comment.splitlines():
- line = line.lstrip(" *")
- processed.append(line)
- return processed
def generate(tplconfig, moduleConfig, annotations, imports, src, dst):
log.debug('run {0} {1}'.format(src, dst))
FileSystem.strict = True
@@ -751,45 +89,16 @@ def generate(tplconfig, moduleConfig, annotations, imports, src, dst):
FileSystem.merge_annotations(system, Path(annotations_file))
generator = Generator(search_path=[tplconfig, here])
generator.env.keep_trailing_newline = True
- generator.register_filter('return_type', return_type)
- generator.register_filter('parameter_type_default', parameter_type_default)
- generator.register_filter('parameter_type', parameter_type)
- generator.register_filter('getter_name', getter_name)
- generator.register_filter('setter_name', setter_name)
- generator.register_filter('test_type_value', test_type_value)
- generator.register_filter('default_type_value', default_type_value)
- generator.register_filter('default_value', default_value)
- generator.register_filter('model_type', model_type)
- generator.register_filter('flag_type', flag_type)
- generator.register_filter('range_low', range_low)
- generator.register_filter('range_high', range_high)
- generator.register_filter('strip_QT', strip_QT)
- generator.register_filter('domain_values', domain_values)
- generator.register_filter("enum_value", enum_value)
- generator.register_filter("tag_by_path", tag_by_path)
- generator.register_filter("conf_sim_tag", conf_sim_tag)
- generator.register_filter('has_domains', has_domains)
- generator.register_filter('simulationData', simulationData)
- generator.register_filter('json_domain', json_domain)
- generator.register_filter('qml_info_type', qml_info_type)
- generator.register_filter('qml_type', qml_type)
- generator.register_filter('qml_control', qml_control)
- generator.register_filter('qml_binding_property', qml_binding_property)
- generator.register_filter('qml_control_signal_parameters', qml_control_signal_parameters)
- generator.register_filter('struct_includes', struct_includes)
- generator.register_filter('comment_text', comment_text)
- #Register global functions
- generator.env.globals["error"] = jinja_error
- generator.env.globals["warning"] = jinja_warning
+ register_global_functions(generator)
+ register_filters(generator)
srcFile = os.path.basename(src[0])
srcBase = os.path.splitext(srcFile)[0]
global currentQFaceSrcFile
currentQFaceSrcFile = src[0]
- ctx = {'dst': dst, 'qtASVersion': builtin_config["VERSION"], 'srcFile':srcFile, 'srcBase':srcBase, 'features': builtin_config["FEATURES"]}
+ ctx = {'dst': dst, 'qtASVersion': builtin_config.config["VERSION"], 'srcFile':srcFile, 'srcBase':srcBase, 'features': builtin_config.config["FEATURES"]}
gen_config = yaml.load(open(os.path.dirname(tplconfig) + '/{0}.yaml'.format(os.path.basename(tplconfig))), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
#Make sure the config tag is available for all our symbols
@@ -892,13 +201,8 @@ def app(src, dst, format, reload, module, force, annotations, imports):
in the given dst directory.
- global builtin_config
- builtin_config_path = here / '.config'
- if 'IVIGENERATOR_CONFIG' in os.environ:
- builtin_config_path = os.environ['IVIGENERATOR_CONFIG']
- builtin_config = yaml.load(open(builtin_config_path), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
- if not 'VERSION' in builtin_config or not 'FEATURES' in builtin_config:
- sys.exit("Invalid builtin config")
+ # Parse the .config file and throw an error in case it doesn't exist or it is invalid
+ builtin_config.parse(here)
if reload:
script = '{0} {1} {2}'.format(Path(__file__).abspath(), ' '.join(src), dst)
diff --git a/src/tools/ivigenerator/generator/builtin_config.py b/src/tools/ivigenerator/generator/builtin_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efa6c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/ivigenerator/generator/builtin_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Luxoft Sweden AB
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Pelagicore AG
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB)
+# Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
+# This file is part of the QtIvi module of the Qt Toolkit.
+# Commercial License Usage
+# Licensees holding valid commercial Qt Automotive Suite licenses may use
+# this file in accordance with the commercial license agreement provided
+# with the Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms
+# contained in a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For
+# licensing terms and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions.
+# For further information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
+# GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+# General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+# packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+# ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+# will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
+# GNU General Public License Usage
+# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+# General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+# Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+# Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+# included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+# information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+# be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html and
+# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+import yaml
+import os
+config = {}
+def parse(here):
+ global config
+ builtin_config_path = here / '.config'
+ if 'IVIGENERATOR_CONFIG' in os.environ:
+ builtin_config_path = os.environ['IVIGENERATOR_CONFIG']
+ config = yaml.load(open(builtin_config_path), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
+ if not 'VERSION' in config or not 'FEATURES' in config:
+ sys.exit("Invalid builtin config")
diff --git a/src/tools/ivigenerator/generator/filters.py b/src/tools/ivigenerator/generator/filters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd4a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/ivigenerator/generator/filters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Luxoft Sweden AB
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Pelagicore AG
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB)
+# Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
+# This file is part of the QtIvi module of the Qt Toolkit.
+# Commercial License Usage
+# Licensees holding valid commercial Qt Automotive Suite licenses may use
+# this file in accordance with the commercial license agreement provided
+# with the Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms
+# contained in a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For
+# licensing terms and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions.
+# For further information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
+# GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+# General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+# packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+# ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+# will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
+# GNU General Public License Usage
+# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+# General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+# Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+# Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+# included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+# information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+# be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html and
+# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+import json
+from qface.idl.domain import Module, Interface, Property, Parameter, Field, Struct
+from qface.helper.generic import upper_first
+from qface.helper.qtcpp import Filters
+from .global_functions import jinja_error, jinja_warning
+from . import builtin_config
+def tag_by_path(symbol, path, default_value=False):
+ """
+ Find the tag given by its full path in the object hierarchy,
+ like "property.config_sim.zones.right". If some part of the
+ path is missing, return None
+ """
+ path_parts = path.split(".")
+ cur_level_obj = symbol.tags
+ for path_part in path_parts:
+ if path_part in cur_level_obj:
+ cur_level_obj = cur_level_obj[path_part]
+ else:
+ cur_level_obj = None
+ break
+ if cur_level_obj is None:
+ cur_level_obj = default_value
+ return cur_level_obj
+def conf_sim_tag(symbol, path, default_value=False):
+ """
+ Find tag, given by its path, located under "config_simulator" sub-object.
+ Returns None, of any of the path parts is missing
+ """
+ return tag_by_path(symbol, "config_simulator." + path, default_value)
+def enum_value_to_cppliteral(value, module_name):
+ value = value.strip().rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
+ return '{0}{1}Module::{2}'.format(Filters.classPrefix, upper_first(module_name), value)
+def enum_value(value, module_name):
+ sub_values = value.split('|')
+ sub_values = [enum_value_to_cppliteral(v, module_name) for v in sub_values]
+ return "|".join(sub_values)
+def default_type_value(symbol):
+ """
+ Find the default value for the type. Models are initialized as nullptr
+ """
+ prefix = Filters.classPrefix
+ t = symbol.type # type: qface.domain.TypeSymbol
+ if t.is_primitive:
+ if t.is_int:
+ return 'int(0)'
+ if t.is_bool:
+ return 'bool(false)'
+ if t.is_string:
+ return 'QString()'
+ if t.is_real:
+ return 'qreal(0.0)'
+ if t.is_var:
+ return 'QVariant()'
+ elif t.is_void:
+ return ''
+ elif t.is_enum:
+ module_name = t.reference.module.module_name
+ value = next(iter(t.reference.members))
+ return '{0}{1}Module::{2}'.format(prefix, upper_first(module_name), value)
+ elif t.is_flag:
+ module_name = t.reference.module.module_name
+ return '{0}{1}Module::{2}()'.format(prefix, upper_first(module_name), flag_type(symbol))
+ elif symbol.type.is_list:
+ nested = Filters.returnType(symbol.type.nested)
+ return 'QVariantList()'.format(nested)
+ elif symbol.type.is_struct:
+ return '{0}{1}()'.format(prefix, symbol.type.reference.name)
+ elif symbol.type.is_model:
+ return 'nullptr'
+ jinja_error('default_type_value: Unknown parameter {0} of type {1}'.format(symbol, symbol.type))
+def test_type_value(symbol):
+ """
+ Find a value different than the default value for the type. Models are initialized as nullptr
+ """
+ prefix = Filters.classPrefix
+ t = symbol.type # type: qface.domain.TypeSymbol
+ if t.is_primitive:
+ if t.is_int:
+ return '111'
+ if t.is_bool:
+ return 'true'
+ if t.is_string:
+ return '"TEST STRING"'
+ if t.is_real:
+ return '1234.5678'
+ if t.is_var:
+ return 'QVariant("TEST VARIANT")'
+ elif t.is_void:
+ return ''
+ elif t.is_enum:
+ module_name = t.reference.module.module_name
+ value = list(iter(t.reference.members))[-1]
+ return '{0}{1}Module::{2}'.format(prefix, upper_first(module_name), value)
+ elif t.is_flag:
+ module_name = t.reference.module.module_name
+ value = next(iter(t.reference.members))
+ return '{0}{1}Module::{2}'.format(prefix, upper_first(module_name), value)
+ elif symbol.type.is_list:
+ value = test_type_value(t.nested.type)
+ if not (t.nested.type.is_primitive ):
+ value = 'QVariant::fromValue({0})'.format(value)
+ return 'QVariantList({{{0}}})'.format(value)
+ elif symbol.type.is_struct:
+ values_string = ', '.join(test_type_value(e) for e in symbol.type.reference.fields)
+ return '{0}{1}({2})'.format(prefix, symbol.type.reference.name, values_string)
+ elif symbol.type.is_model:
+ return 'new QIviPagingModel()'
+ jinja_error('test_type_value: Unknown parameter {0} of type {1}'.format(symbol, symbol.type))
+def default_value_helper(symbol, res):
+ t = symbol.type
+ if t.is_struct:
+ if not (isinstance(res, dict) or isinstance(res, list)):
+ jinja_error('default_value: value in annotation is supposed to be a dict or list')
+ if len(res) != len(t.reference.fields):
+ jinja_error('default_value: argument count in annotation and number of struct fields does not match')
+ values_string = ', '.join(default_value_helper(list(t.reference.fields)[idx], property) for idx, property in enumerate(res))
+ return '{0}({{{1}}})'.format(t.type, values_string)
+ if t.is_model or t.is_list:
+ if not isinstance(res, list):
+ jinja_error('default_value: value in annotation is supposed to be a list')
+ row_string = ''
+ if t.nested.is_struct and t.is_list:
+ row_string = ', '.join(('QVariant::fromValue({0})'.format(default_value_helper(t.nested, row))) for row in res)
+ else:
+ row_string = ', '.join(default_value_helper(t.nested, row) for row in res)
+ return '{{{0}}}'.format(row_string)
+ if t.is_enum or t.is_flag:
+ module_name = t.reference.module.module_name
+ return enum_value(res, module_name)
+ # in case it's bool, Python True is sent to the C++ as "True", let's take care of that
+ if t.is_bool:
+ if res:
+ return 'true'
+ else:
+ return 'false'
+ if t.is_string:
+ return 'QLatin1String("{0}")'.format(res.replace("\\", "\\\\"))
+ if t.is_var:
+ if isinstance(res, str):
+ res = 'QLatin1String("{0}")'.format(res)
+ return 'QVariant({0})'.format(res)
+ return '{0}'.format(res)
+def default_value(symbol, zone='='):
+ """
+ Find the default value used by the simulator backend
+ """
+ res = default_type_value(symbol)
+ if symbol.type.is_model:
+ res = '{}';
+ if 'config_simulator' in symbol.tags and 'default' in symbol.tags['config_simulator']:
+ res = symbol.tags['config_simulator']['default']
+ if isinstance(res, dict):
+ if zone in res:
+ res = res[zone]
+ elif '=' in res:
+ res = res['=']
+ return default_value_helper(symbol, res)
+ return res
+def parameter_type_default(symbol):
+ """
+ Return the parameter declaration for properties, handle camel case module name
+ """
+ prefix = Filters.classPrefix
+ if symbol.type.is_enum or symbol.type.is_flag:
+ return '{0}{1}Module::{2} {3}={4}'.format(prefix, upper_first(symbol.type.reference.module.module_name), flag_type(symbol), symbol, default_type_value(symbol))
+ if symbol.type.is_void or symbol.type.is_primitive:
+ if symbol.type.name == 'string':
+ return 'const QString &{0}=QString()'.format(symbol)
+ if symbol.type.name == 'var':
+ return 'const QVariant &{0}=QVariant()'.format(symbol)
+ if symbol.type.name == 'real':
+ return 'qreal {0}=qreal()'.format(symbol)
+ return '{0} {1}={2}'.format(symbol.type, symbol, default_type_value(symbol))
+ elif symbol.type.is_list:
+ nested = return_type(symbol.type.nested)
+ return 'const QVariantList &{1}=QVariantList()'.format(nested, symbol)
+ elif symbol.type.is_model:
+ nested = symbol.type.nested
+ if nested.is_primitive:
+ return '{0}VariantModel *{1}=QVariantModel'.format(prefix, symbol)
+ elif nested.is_complex:
+ return 'QIviPagingModel *{0}=nullptr'.format(symbol)
+ else:
+ return 'const {0}{1} &{2}={0}{1}()'.format(prefix, symbol.type.reference.name, symbol)
+ jinja_error('parameter_type_default: Unknown parameter {0} of type {1}'.format(symbol, symbol.type))
+def parameter_type(symbol):
+ """
+ Return the parameter declaration for properties, handle camel case module name
+ """
+ prefix = Filters.classPrefix
+ if symbol.type.is_enum or symbol.type.is_flag:
+ return '{0}{1}Module::{2} {3}'.format(prefix, upper_first(symbol.type.reference.module.module_name), flag_type(symbol), symbol)
+ if symbol.type.is_void or symbol.type.is_primitive:
+ if symbol.type.name == 'string':
+ return 'const QString &{0}'.format(symbol)
+ if symbol.type.name == 'var':
+ return 'const QVariant &{0}'.format(symbol)
+ if symbol.type.name == 'real':
+ return 'qreal {0}'.format(symbol)
+ return '{0} {1}'.format(symbol.type, symbol)
+ elif symbol.type.is_list:
+ nested = return_type(symbol.type.nested)
+ return 'const QVariantList &{1}'.format(nested, symbol)
+ elif symbol.type.is_model:
+ nested = symbol.type.nested
+ if nested.is_primitive:
+ return '{0}VariantModel *{1}'.format(prefix, symbol)
+ elif nested.is_complex:
+ return 'QIviPagingModel *{0}'.format(symbol)
+ else:
+ return 'const {0}{1} &{2}'.format(prefix, symbol.type.reference.name, symbol)
+ jinja_error('parameter_type: Unknown parameter {0} of type {1}'.format(symbol, symbol.type))
+def return_type(symbol):
+ """
+ Return the type declaration for properties, handle camel case module name
+ """
+ prefix = Filters.classPrefix
+ if symbol.type.is_enum or symbol.type.is_flag:
+ return('{0}{1}Module::{2}'.format(prefix, upper_first(symbol.type.reference.module.module_name), flag_type(symbol)))
+ if symbol.type.is_void or symbol.type.is_primitive:
+ if symbol.type.name == 'string':
+ return 'QString'
+ if symbol.type.name == 'var':
+ return 'QVariant'
+ if symbol.type.name == 'real':
+ return 'qreal'
+ return symbol.type.name
+ elif symbol.type.is_list:
+ nested = return_type(symbol.type.nested)
+ return 'QVariantList'.format(nested)
+ elif symbol.type.is_model:
+ nested = symbol.type.nested
+ if nested.is_primitive:
+ return '{0}VariantModel *'.format(prefix)
+ elif nested.is_complex:
+ return 'QIviPagingModel *'
+ else:
+ return '{0}{1}'.format(prefix, symbol.type.reference.name)
+ jinja_error('return_type: Unknown symbol {0} of type {1}'.format(symbol, symbol.type))
+def flag_type(symbol):
+ """
+ Return the annotation for the flag type if available, the plural otherwise
+ """
+ actualType = symbol
+ if symbol.type.reference:
+ actualType = symbol.type.reference
+ if actualType.is_flag:
+ if 'config' in actualType.tags and 'type' in actualType.tags['config']:
+ return actualType.tags['config']['type']
+ return '{0}s'.format(actualType)
+ return actualType
+def domain_values(symbol):
+ """
+ Returns domain values for property (if defined by @domain)
+ """
+ if type(symbol) is Property:
+ if 'config_simulator' in symbol.tags:
+ if 'domain' in symbol.tags['config_simulator']:
+ return symbol.tags['config_simulator']['domain']
+ return None
+def getter_name(symbol):
+ """
+ Returns the getter name of the property
+ """
+ if type(symbol) is Property:
+ if 'config' in symbol.tags and 'getter_name' in symbol.tags['config']:
+ return symbol.tags['config']['getter_name']
+ return symbol
+def setter_name(symbol):
+ """
+ Returns the setter name of the property
+ """
+ if type(symbol) is Property:
+ if 'config' in symbol.tags and 'setter_name' in symbol.tags['config']:
+ return symbol.tags['config']['setter_name']
+ return 'set' + symbol.name[0].upper() + symbol.name[1:]
+def range_value(symbol, index, key):
+ """
+ Returns value for property (if defined by @range index or key)
+ """
+ if type(symbol) is Property and symbol.type.is_int or symbol.type.is_real:
+ if 'config_simulator' in symbol.tags:
+ if 'range' in symbol.tags['config_simulator']:
+ return symbol.tags['config_simulator']['range'][index]
+ if key in symbol.tags['config_simulator']:
+ return symbol.tags['config_simulator'][key]
+ return None
+def range_high(symbol):
+ """
+ Returns maximum value for property (if defined by @range or @maximum)
+ """
+ return range_value(symbol, 1, 'maximum')
+def range_low(symbol):
+ """
+ Returns minimum value for property (if defined by @range or @minimum)
+ """
+ return range_value(symbol, 0, 'minimum')
+def has_domains(properties):
+ """
+ Returns true if any property has range or domain tags
+ """
+ for property in properties:
+ if 'config_simulator' in property.tags:
+ for p in ['range', 'domain', 'minimum', 'maximum']:
+ if p in property.tags['config_simulator']:
+ return True
+ return False
+def strip_QT(s):
+ """
+ If the given string starts with QT, stip it away.
+ """
+ s = str(s)
+ if s.startswith('QT'):
+ return s[2:]
+ return s
+def json_domain(properties):
+ """
+ Returns property domains formated in json
+ """
+ data = {}
+ if len(properties):
+ data["iviVersion"] = builtin_config.config["VERSION"]
+ for property in properties:
+ if 'config_simulator' in property.tags:
+ for p in ['range', 'domain', 'minimum', 'maximum']:
+ if property.tags['config_simulator'] is not None and p in property.tags['config_simulator']:
+ if not property.name in data:
+ data[property.name] = {}
+ data[property.name][p] = property.tags['config_simulator'][p]
+ return json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'))
+def simulationData(module):
+ found = False
+ data = {}
+ for interface in module.interfaces:
+ iData = {}
+ if 'config_simulator' in interface.tags:
+ iData = interface.tags['config_simulator']
+ for property in interface.properties:
+ if 'config_simulator' in property.tags:
+ for p in ['range', 'domain', 'minimum', 'maximum', 'default']:
+ if property.tags['config_simulator'] is not None and p in property.tags['config_simulator']:
+ if not property.name in iData:
+ iData[property.name] = {}
+ iData[property.name][p] = symbolToJson(property.tags['config_simulator'][p], property.type)
+ data[interface.name] = iData
+ return json.dumps(data, indent=' ')
+def symbolToJson(data, symbol):
+ if symbol.type.is_struct:
+ t = symbol.type
+ if not (isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, list)):
+ jinja_error('simulationData: value in annotation is supposed to be a dict or list')
+ if len(data) != len(t.reference.fields):
+ jinja_error('simulationData: argument count in annotation and number of struct fields does not match')
+ newList = list(symbolToJson(property, list(t.reference.fields)[idx]) for idx, property in enumerate(data))
+ return { "type": symbol.type.name, "value": newList }
+ elif symbol.type.is_enum or symbol.type.is_flag:
+ module_name = symbol.type.reference.module.module_name
+ return { "type": "enum", "value": enum_value(data, module_name) }
+ elif symbol.type.is_list or symbol.type.is_model:
+ nested = symbol.type.nested
+ if nested.is_complex:
+ newList = []
+ for value in data:
+ newList.append(symbolToJson(value, nested))
+ return newList
+ return data
+def qml_control_properties(symbol, backend_object):
+ """
+ Returns properties of the QML control matching to this
+ IDL type (e.g. min/max properties)
+ """
+ prop_str = lower_first_filter(symbol) + "Control"
+ if isinstance(symbol, Property):
+ top = range_high(symbol)
+ bottom = range_low(symbol)
+ binding = "value: {0}.{1};".format(backend_object, symbol.name)
+ if top is not None and bottom is not None:
+ return 'id: {0}; from: {1}; to: {2}; {3}'.format(prop_str, bottom, top, binding)
+ if top is not None or bottom is not None:
+ if top is None:
+ return 'id: {0}; from: {1}; to:100000; {2}'.format(prop_str, bottom, binding)
+ elif bottom is None:
+ return 'id: {0}; from:-100000; to: {1}; {2}'.format(prop_str, top, binding)
+ values = domain_values(symbol)
+ if values is None and (symbol.type.is_enum or symbol.type.is_flag):
+ values_string = ' '.join('ListElement {{ key: "{0}"; value: {1}.{0} }}'.format(e, qml_type(symbol.interface)) for e in symbol.type.reference.members)
+ return 'id: {0}; textRole: "key"; {2} model: ListModel {{ {1} }}'.format(prop_str, values_string, binding)
+ if values is not None:
+ values_string = ','.join('"'+str(e)+'"' for e in values)
+ return 'id: {0}; model: [ {1} ]; '.format(prop_str, values_string)
+ if symbol.type.is_bool:
+ binding = "checked: {0}.{1};".format(backend_object, symbol.name)
+ return 'id: {0}; {1}'.format(prop_str, binding)
+ if symbol.type.is_real or symbol.type.is_int or symbol.type.is_string:
+ binding = "text: {0}.{1};".format(backend_object, symbol.name)
+ return 'id: {0}; {1}'.format(prop_str, binding)
+ if isinstance(symbol, Parameter):
+ return 'id: {1}Param{0}'.format(prop_str, symbol.operation)
+ if isinstance(symbol, Field):
+ return 'id: {1}_{0}'.format(prop_str, lower_first_filter(symbol.struct))
+def qml_control_signal_parameters(symbol):
+ """
+ Returns the parameters for calling the signal using the values from the ui controls
+ """
+ return ', '.join('{0}Param{1}Control.{2}'.format(e.operation, lower_first_filter(e), qml_binding_property(e)) for e in symbol.parameters)
+def qml_meta_control_name(symbol):
+ """
+ Returns name of the QML control needed to display this type based on the meta
+ data of the symbol -- if symbol has some meta data (e.g. value limits or domain)
+ then control name is taken based on these constraints. Otherwise returns None.
+ """
+ top = range_high(symbol)
+ bottom = range_low(symbol)
+ if top is not None and bottom is not None:
+ return 'Slider'
+ if top is not None or bottom is not None:
+ return 'SpinBox'
+ values = domain_values(symbol)
+ if values is not None:
+ return "ComboBox"
+def qml_type_control_name(symbol):
+ """
+ Returns name of the QML control inferred based on the type of the symbol.
+ """
+ t = symbol.type
+ if t.is_string or t.is_int or t.is_real:
+ return "TextField"
+ elif t.is_bool:
+ return "CheckBox"
+ elif t.is_enum:
+ if t.reference.is_enum:
+ return "EnumControl"
+ elif t.reference.is_flag:
+ return "FlagControl"
+ elif t.is_flag:
+ return "FlagControl"
+ return "TextField"
+def qml_control_name(symbol):
+ """
+ Returns name of the QML control for the symbol. First it checks meta data (as it may
+ influence the control type) and if nothing is defined there, it falls back to the
+ symbol actual type.
+ """
+ # First try to calculate control name based on the tags
+ control_name = qml_meta_control_name(symbol)
+ # If nothing is defined, calculate it based on its type
+ if control_name is None:
+ control_name = qml_type_control_name(symbol)
+ return control_name
+def qml_control(symbol, backend_object):
+ """
+ Returns QML code for the control (or group of controls) to represent the editing UI for the symbol.
+ """
+ if symbol.type.is_struct:
+ return qml_struct_control(symbol)
+ return "{0} {{ {1} }}".format(qml_control_name(symbol), qml_control_properties(symbol, backend_object))
+def qml_binding_property(symbol):
+ """
+ :param symbol: property which is being bound by the control
+ :return: name of the property of the QML control to be bound with
+ """
+ control_name = qml_control_name(symbol)
+ if control_name == "CheckBox":
+ return "checked"
+ elif control_name == "Slider" or control_name == "SpinBox" or control_name == "FlagControl" or control_name == "EnumControl":
+ return "value"
+ elif control_name == "TextField":
+ return "text"
+ elif control_name == "ComboBox":
+ return "currentIndex"
+def qml_struct_control(symbol):
+ if symbol.type.is_struct and symbol.type.reference.fields:
+ result = "Rectangle { ColumnLayout { "
+ for field in symbol.type.reference.fields:
+ result += qml_control(field)
+ result += "}}"
+ return result
+def qml_info_type(symbol):
+ """
+ Returns the correct type for the symbol, to be used inside the qmltype templates
+ """
+ prefix = Filters.classPrefix
+ if symbol.type.is_enum or symbol.type.is_flag:
+ return('{0}{1}Module::{2}'.format(prefix, upper_first(symbol.module.module_name), flag_type(symbol)))
+ elif symbol.type.is_void or symbol.type.is_primitive:
+ if symbol.type.is_real:
+ return 'double'
+ return symbol.type.name
+ elif symbol.type.is_struct:
+ return 'QVariant'
+ elif symbol.type.is_list:
+ return 'QVariantList'
+ elif symbol.type.is_model:
+ return 'QIviPagingModel'
+ else:
+ jinja_error('qml_info_type: Unknown symbol {0} of type {1}'.format(symbol, symbol.type))
+def qml_type(symbol):
+ """
+ :param interface:
+ :return: Returns the name of the interface for using in QML. This name is defined in the IDL under
+ the "config" tag as "qml_type". This annotation is optional, if not provided, the interface name is
+ used.
+ """
+ result = symbol.name
+ if 'qml_type' in symbol.tags['config']:
+ result = symbol.tags['config']['qml_type']
+ elif 'qml_name' in symbol.tags['config']:
+ result = symbol.tags['config']['qml_name']
+ return result
+def model_type(symbol):
+ if symbol.type.is_model:
+ nested = symbol.type.nested
+ return '{0}Model'.format(nested)
+ return None
+def struct_includes(symbol):
+ includesSet = set()
+ tpl = '#include \"{0}.h\"'
+ module = symbol.module
+ if isinstance(symbol, Struct):
+ for val in symbol.fields:
+ if val.type.is_struct:
+ includesSet.add(tpl.format(val.type.reference.name).lower())
+ elif isinstance(symbol, Interface):
+ for val in symbol.properties:
+ if val.type.is_struct:
+ includesSet.add(tpl.format(val.type.reference.name).lower())
+ for op in symbol.operations:
+ for param in op.parameters:
+ if param.type.is_struct:
+ includesSet.add(tpl.format(param.type.reference.name).lower())
+ if op.type.is_struct:
+ includesSet.add(tpl.format(op.type.reference.name).lower())
+ for op in symbol.signals:
+ for param in op.parameters:
+ if param.type.is_struct:
+ includesSet.add(tpl.format(param.type.reference.name).lower())
+ return includesSet
+def comment_text(comment):
+ """
+ Returns the text of the passed comment without the leading/trailing comment tokens e.g. /**, *
+ """
+ comment_start = [ '/**', '/*!', '/*']
+ processed = []
+ isComment = False
+ # No comment is NOT a error
+ if len(comment) == 0:
+ return processed
+ for token in comment_start:
+ if (comment.startswith(token)):
+ isComment = True
+ break;
+ if isComment:
+ comment = comment[3:-2]
+ else:
+ jinja_error("comment_text: The provided comment needs to be start with one of these strings: {}".format(comment_start))
+ for line in comment.splitlines():
+ line = line.lstrip(" *")
+ processed.append(line)
+ return processed
+def register_filters(generator):
+ generator.env.keep_trailing_newline = True
+ generator.register_filter('return_type', return_type)
+ generator.register_filter('parameter_type_default', parameter_type_default)
+ generator.register_filter('parameter_type', parameter_type)
+ generator.register_filter('getter_name', getter_name)
+ generator.register_filter('setter_name', setter_name)
+ generator.register_filter('test_type_value', test_type_value)
+ generator.register_filter('default_type_value', default_type_value)
+ generator.register_filter('default_value', default_value)
+ generator.register_filter('model_type', model_type)
+ generator.register_filter('flag_type', flag_type)
+ generator.register_filter('range_low', range_low)
+ generator.register_filter('range_high', range_high)
+ generator.register_filter('strip_QT', strip_QT)
+ generator.register_filter('domain_values', domain_values)
+ generator.register_filter("enum_value", enum_value)
+ generator.register_filter("tag_by_path", tag_by_path)
+ generator.register_filter("conf_sim_tag", conf_sim_tag)
+ generator.register_filter('has_domains', has_domains)
+ generator.register_filter('simulationData', simulationData)
+ generator.register_filter('json_domain', json_domain)
+ generator.register_filter('qml_info_type', qml_info_type)
+ generator.register_filter('qml_type', qml_type)
+ generator.register_filter('qml_control', qml_control)
+ generator.register_filter('qml_binding_property', qml_binding_property)
+ generator.register_filter('qml_control_signal_parameters', qml_control_signal_parameters)
+ generator.register_filter('struct_includes', struct_includes)
+ generator.register_filter('comment_text', comment_text)
diff --git a/src/tools/ivigenerator/generator/global_functions.py b/src/tools/ivigenerator/generator/global_functions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6794fc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/ivigenerator/generator/global_functions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Luxoft Sweden AB
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Pelagicore AG
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB)
+# Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
+# This file is part of the QtIvi module of the Qt Toolkit.
+# Commercial License Usage
+# Licensees holding valid commercial Qt Automotive Suite licenses may use
+# this file in accordance with the commercial license agreement provided
+# with the Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms
+# contained in a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For
+# licensing terms and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions.
+# For further information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
+# GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+# General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+# packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+# ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+# will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
+# GNU General Public License Usage
+# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+# General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+# Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+# Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+# included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+# information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+# be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html and
+# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+def jinjaTrace():
+ """
+ Collects all jinja template files and the line numbers from the current calltrace
+ """
+ frame = inspect.currentframe()
+ infos = []
+ while frame:
+ template = frame.f_globals.get('__jinja_template__')
+ if template is not None:
+ infos.append((inspect.getsourcefile(frame), template.get_corresponding_lineno(frame.f_lineno)))
+ frame = frame.f_back
+ return infos
+def jinja_error(msg):
+ """
+ Throws an error for the current jinja template and the templates this is included from
+ This can be used inside a filter to indicate problems with the passed arguments or direclty inside
+ an template
+ """
+ infos = jinjaTrace()
+ if len(infos):
+ message = msg
+ if len(infos) > 1:
+ for info in infos[1:]:
+ message = message + "\n{0}:{1}: instantiated from here".format(info[0], info[1])
+ message = message + "\n{0}: instantiated from here".format(currentQFaceSrcFile)
+ raise TemplateAssertionError(message, infos[0][1], "", infos[0][0])
+ raise TemplateAssertionError(msg, -1, "", "unknown")
+def jinja_warning(msg):
+ """
+ Reports an warning in the current jinja template.
+ This can be used inside a filter to indicate problems with the passed arguments or direclty inside
+ an template
+ """
+ file, lineno = jinjaTrace()[0]
+ if file:
+ message = '{0}:{1}: warning: {2}'.format(file, lineno, msg)
+ else:
+ message = '<unknown-file>: warning: {0}'.format(msg)
+ click.secho(message, fg='yellow', err=True)
+def register_global_functions(generator):
+ generator.env.globals["error"] = jinja_error
+ generator.env.globals["warning"] = jinja_warning
diff --git a/src/tools/ivigenerator/ivigenerator.pro b/src/tools/ivigenerator/ivigenerator.pro
index d9dc54d..00a71a1 100644
--- a/src/tools/ivigenerator/ivigenerator.pro
+++ b/src/tools/ivigenerator/ivigenerator.pro
@@ -93,14 +93,19 @@ templates_test.files += \
templates_test.path = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]/ivigenerator/templates_test
+generator_module.files += \
+ generator/global_functions.py \
+ generator/builtin_config.py \
+ generator/filters.py
+generator_module.path = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]/ivigenerator/generator
generator.files += \
generate.py \
$$OUT_PWD/.config \
templates_frontend.yaml \
templates_qmlplugin.yaml \
templates_backend_simulator.yaml \
- templates_test.yaml \
+ templates_test.yaml
generator.path = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]/ivigenerator
qtConfig(remoteobjects) {
@@ -115,6 +120,7 @@ qtConfig(remoteobjects) {
INSTALLS += generator \
+ generator_module \
common \
templates_frontend \
templates_qmlplugin \