path: root/src/3rdparty/resonance-audio/resonance_audio/ambisonics/ambisonic_codec_impl.h
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1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/resonance-audio/resonance_audio/ambisonics/ambisonic_codec_impl.h b/src/3rdparty/resonance-audio/resonance_audio/ambisonics/ambisonic_codec_impl.h
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/resonance-audio/resonance_audio/ambisonics/ambisonic_codec_impl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include <cmath>
+#include <vector>
+#include "Eigen/Dense"
+#include "ambisonics/ambisonic_codec.h"
+#include "ambisonics/associated_legendre_polynomials_generator.h"
+#include "ambisonics/utils.h"
+#include "base/audio_buffer.h"
+#include "base/constants_and_types.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/spherical_angle.h"
+#include "utils/pseudoinverse.h"
+namespace vraudio {
+// An encoder/decoder for ambisonic sound fields. It supports variable ambisonic
+// order, ACN channel sequencing and SN3D normalization.
+// @tparam NumAngles Used to fix the number of angles to be encoded/decoded at
+// compile-time; use |Eigen::Dynamic| to indicate run-time variability.
+// @tparam NumSphericalHarmonics Used to fix the number of spherical harmonic
+// components at compile time; use |Eigen::Dynamic| to indicate run-time
+// variability.
+template <int NumAngles = Eigen::Dynamic,
+ int NumSphericalHarmonics = Eigen::Dynamic>
+class AmbisonicCodecImpl : public AmbisonicCodec {
+ public:
+ // Spherical harmonics encoder matrix.
+ typedef Eigen::Matrix<float, NumSphericalHarmonics, NumAngles> EncoderMatrix;
+ // Spherical harmonics decoder matrix.
+ typedef Eigen::Matrix<float, NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics> DecoderMatrix;
+ // Spherical harmonics encoding of a frame or collection of frames (i.e., a
+ // vector of spherical harmonics).
+ typedef Eigen::Matrix<float, NumSphericalHarmonics, 1> EncodedVector;
+ // Decoded sequence of values for each angle / mono frame (i.e., a vector with
+ // a decoded mono frame for each angle).
+ typedef Eigen::Matrix<float, NumAngles, 1> DecodedVector;
+ // Creates a codec with the given |ambisonic_order| and spherical |angles| to
+ // compute encoder/decoder matrices.
+ AmbisonicCodecImpl(int ambisonic_order,
+ const std::vector<SphericalAngle>& angles);
+ // Implements |AmbisonicCodec|.
+ void EncodeBuffer(const AudioBuffer& input, AudioBuffer* output) override;
+ void DecodeBuffer(const AudioBuffer& input, AudioBuffer* output) override;
+ int ambisonic_order() const override;
+ size_t num_angles() const override;
+ size_t num_spherical_harmonics() const override;
+ const std::vector<SphericalAngle>& angles() const override;
+ void set_angles(const std::vector<SphericalAngle>& angles) override;
+ // Encodes the given vector.
+ void Encode(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXf> decoded_vector,
+ Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXf> encoded_vector);
+ // Decodes the given vector.
+ void Decode(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXf> encoded_vector,
+ Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXf> decoded_vector);
+ // Gets the ambisonic sound field encoder matrix.
+ const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXf> GetEncoderMatrix();
+ // Gets the ambisonic sound field decoder matrix.
+ const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXf> GetDecoderMatrix();
+ // Necessary due to Eigen's alignment requirements on some platforms.
+ private:
+ // Returns the unnormalized spherical harmonic
+ // Y_degree^order(azimuth, elevation).
+ float UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonic(int degree, int order,
+ const SphericalAngle& angle) const;
+ // The maximum-ordered ambisonic sound field handled by this codec. In the
+ // case of a periphonic codec, this is the order of the ambisonic sound field.
+ const int ambisonic_order_;
+ // Spherical angles used to compute spherical harmonics. For example, for a
+ // decoder, virtual loudspeaker positions; for an encoder, the position(s) of
+ // virtual sources relative to the listener.
+ std::vector<SphericalAngle> angles_;
+ // Current spherical harmonics encoder matrix if encoder_matrix_invalid_ is
+ // false.
+ EncoderMatrix encoder_matrix_;
+ // True if encoder_matrix_ needs to be recomputed.
+ bool encoder_matrix_invalid_;
+ // Current spherical harmonics decoder matrix if encoder_matrix_invalid_ is
+ // false.
+ DecoderMatrix decoder_matrix_;
+ // True if decoder_matrix_ needs to be recomputed.
+ bool decoder_matrix_invalid_;
+ // The associated Legendre polynomial generator for this codec.
+ AssociatedLegendrePolynomialsGenerator alp_generator_;
+ // Temporary storage for associated Legendre polynomials generated.
+ std::vector<float> associated_legendre_polynomials_temp_;
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::AmbisonicCodecImpl(
+ int ambisonic_order, const std::vector<SphericalAngle>& angles)
+ : ambisonic_order_(ambisonic_order),
+ alp_generator_(ambisonic_order, false, false) {
+ DCHECK_GE(ambisonic_order_, 0);
+ set_angles(angles);
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+void AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::Encode(
+ const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXf> decoded_vector,
+ Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXf> encoded_vector) {
+ encoded_vector.noalias() = GetEncoderMatrix() * decoded_vector;
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+void AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::Decode(
+ const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXf> encoded_vector,
+ Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXf> decoded_vector) {
+ decoded_vector.noalias() = GetDecoderMatrix() * encoded_vector;
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+void AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::EncodeBuffer(
+ const AudioBuffer& input, AudioBuffer* output) {
+ CHECK(output);
+ CHECK_EQ(input.num_channels(), num_angles());
+ CHECK_EQ(output->num_channels(), num_spherical_harmonics());
+ CHECK_EQ(input.num_frames(), output->num_frames());
+ Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic,
+ Eigen::RowMajor>,
+ Eigen::Aligned>
+ unencoded_buffer(&input[0][0], num_angles(), output->GetChannelStride());
+ Eigen::Map<
+ Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>,
+ Eigen::Aligned>
+ encoded_buffer(&(*output)[0][0], num_spherical_harmonics(),
+ input.GetChannelStride());
+ encoded_buffer.noalias() = GetEncoderMatrix() * unencoded_buffer;
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+void AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::DecodeBuffer(
+ const AudioBuffer& input, AudioBuffer* output) {
+ CHECK(output);
+ CHECK_EQ(input.num_channels(), num_spherical_harmonics());
+ CHECK_EQ(output->num_channels(), num_angles());
+ CHECK_EQ(input.num_frames(), output->num_frames());
+ Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic,
+ Eigen::RowMajor>,
+ Eigen::Aligned>
+ encoded_buffer(&input[0][0], num_spherical_harmonics(),
+ input.GetChannelStride());
+ Eigen::Map<
+ Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>,
+ Eigen::Aligned>
+ decoded_buffer(&(*output)[0][0], num_angles(),
+ output->GetChannelStride());
+ decoded_buffer.noalias() = GetDecoderMatrix() * encoded_buffer;
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXf>
+AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::GetEncoderMatrix() {
+ if (encoder_matrix_invalid_) {
+ encoder_matrix_ = EncoderMatrix(
+ GetNumPeriphonicComponents(ambisonic_order_), angles_.size());
+ for (int col = 0; col < encoder_matrix_.cols(); col++) {
+ const SphericalAngle& angle = angles_[col];
+ associated_legendre_polynomials_temp_ =
+ alp_generator_.Generate(std::sin(angle.elevation()));
+ // Compute the actual spherical harmonics using the generated polynomials.
+ for (int degree = 0; degree <= ambisonic_order_; degree++) {
+ for (int order = -degree; order <= degree; order++) {
+ const int row = AcnSequence(degree, order);
+ if (row == -1) {
+ // Skip this spherical harmonic.
+ continue;
+ }
+ encoder_matrix_(row, col) =
+ Sn3dNormalization(degree, order) *
+ UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonic(degree, order, angle);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ encoder_matrix_invalid_ = false;
+ }
+ return encoder_matrix_;
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXf>
+AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::GetDecoderMatrix() {
+ if (decoder_matrix_invalid_) {
+ decoder_matrix_ = Pseudoinverse<Eigen::MatrixXf>(GetEncoderMatrix());
+ // Condition number of the encoding/decoding matrices. We use the fact that
+ // the decoding matrix is already a (pseudo)-inverse of the encoding matrix.
+ const float condition_number =
+ static_cast<float>(GetEncoderMatrix().norm() * decoder_matrix_.norm());
+ const float num_rows = static_cast<float>(GetEncoderMatrix().rows());
+ const float num_cols = static_cast<float>(GetEncoderMatrix().cols());
+ if (condition_number >
+ 1.0f / (std::max(num_rows, num_cols) * kEpsilonFloat)) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Ambisonic decoding matrix is ill-conditioned. Results "
+ << "may be inaccurate.";
+ }
+ decoder_matrix_invalid_ = false;
+ }
+ return decoder_matrix_;
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+int AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::ambisonic_order()
+ const {
+ return ambisonic_order_;
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+size_t AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::num_angles()
+ const {
+ return angles_.size();
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+size_t AmbisonicCodecImpl<
+ NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::num_spherical_harmonics() const {
+ // Return the worst-case scenario (the number of coefficients for a
+ // periphonic sound field).
+ return GetNumPeriphonicComponents(ambisonic_order_);
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+const std::vector<SphericalAngle>&
+AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::angles() const {
+ return angles_;
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+void AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::set_angles(
+ const std::vector<SphericalAngle>& angles) {
+ CHECK_GT(angles.size(), 0);
+ angles_ = angles;
+ encoder_matrix_invalid_ = decoder_matrix_invalid_ = true;
+template <int NumAngles, int NumSphericalHarmonics>
+float AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, NumSphericalHarmonics>::
+ UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonic(int degree, int order,
+ const SphericalAngle& angle) const {
+ const float last_term =
+ (order >= 0) ? std::cos(static_cast<float>(order) * angle.azimuth())
+ : std::sin(static_cast<float>(-order) * angle.azimuth());
+ return associated_legendre_polynomials_temp_[alp_generator_.GetIndex(
+ degree, std::abs(order))] *
+ last_term;
+// Codec for a single source.
+template <int NumSphericalHarmonics = Eigen::Dynamic>
+using MonoAmbisonicCodec = AmbisonicCodecImpl<1, NumSphericalHarmonics>;
+// Codec for a N-speaker first-order periphonic setup.
+template <int NumAngles>
+using FirstOrderPeriphonicAmbisonicCodec =
+ AmbisonicCodecImpl<NumAngles, GetNumPeriphonicComponentsStatic<1>::value>;
+} // namespace vraudio