path: root/src/3rdparty/resonance-audio/resonance_audio/utils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/resonance-audio/resonance_audio/utils/')
1 files changed, 875 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/resonance-audio/resonance_audio/utils/ b/src/3rdparty/resonance-audio/resonance_audio/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abfd31b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rdparty/resonance-audio/resonance_audio/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "utils/planar_interleaved_conversion.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "base/audio_buffer.h"
+#include "base/constants_and_types.h"
+#include "base/misc_math.h"
+namespace vraudio {
+namespace {
+// Epsilon for conversion from int16_t back to float.
+const float kFloatEpsilon = 1e-4f;
+const int16_t kIntEpsilon = 1;
+const int kMemoryAlignmentBytesInt = static_cast<int>(kMemoryAlignmentBytes);
+const size_t kMaxNumFrames = 16;
+const size_t kMaxNumChannels = 8;
+int16_t SingleFloatToInt16(float value) {
+ const float kInt16Min = static_cast<float>(-0x7FFF);
+ const float kInt16Max = static_cast<float>(0x7FFF);
+ const float scaled_value = value * kInt16Max;
+ const float clamped_value =
+ std::min(kInt16Max, std::max(kInt16Min, scaled_value));
+ return static_cast<int16_t>(clamped_value);
+// Creates a trivial channel map, i.e. no mapping.
+std::vector<size_t> GetTrivialChannelMap(size_t size) {
+ std::vector<size_t> channel_map(size);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ channel_map[i] = i;
+ }
+ return channel_map;
+// Fills an interleaved buffer with the channel number / 10, in each frame
+// (converted to integer format).
+void FillInterleaved(size_t num_channels, size_t num_frames, int16_t* buffer) {
+ for (size_t f = 0; f < num_frames; ++f) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ buffer[f * num_channels + c] =
+ SingleFloatToInt16(static_cast<float>(c) * 0.1f);
+ }
+ }
+// Fills an interleaved buffer with the channel number / 10, in each frame.
+void FillInterleaved(size_t num_channels, size_t num_frames, float* buffer) {
+ for (size_t f = 0; f < num_frames; ++f) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ buffer[f * num_channels + c] = static_cast<float>(c) * 0.1f;
+ }
+ }
+// Fills a planar buffer with the channel number / 10, in each frame.
+void FillPlanar(AudioBuffer* buffer) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < buffer->num_channels(); ++c) {
+ std::fill_n(&(*buffer)[c][0], buffer->num_frames(),
+ static_cast<float>(c) * 0.1f);
+ }
+// Fills a planar buffer with the channel number / 10, in each frame.
+void FillPlanar(size_t num_frames, std::vector<float*>* buffer) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < buffer->size(); ++c) {
+ std::fill_n((*buffer)[c], num_frames, static_cast<float>(c) * 0.1f);
+ }
+// Fills a planar buffer with the channel number / 10, in each frame (converted
+// to integer format).
+void FillPlanar(size_t num_frames, int16_t** buffer, size_t num_channels) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ std::fill_n(buffer[c], num_frames,
+ SingleFloatToInt16(static_cast<float>(c) * 0.1f));
+ }
+// Fills a planar buffer with the channel number / 10, in each frame (converted
+// to integer format).
+void FillPlanar(size_t num_frames, std::vector<int16_t*>* buffer) {
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, buffer->data(), buffer->size());
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+void VerifyOutput(size_t num_channels, size_t num_frames,
+ const std::vector<int16_t*>& expected_output,
+ const std::vector<int16_t*>& output) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ for (size_t f = 0; f < num_frames; ++f) {
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expected_output[c][f], output[c][f], kIntEpsilon);
+ }
+ }
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+template <typename InputType, typename OutputType>
+void VerifyOutputFloatTemplated(size_t num_channels, size_t num_frames,
+ const InputType& expected_output,
+ const OutputType& output,
+ const std::vector<size_t>& channel_map,
+ size_t output_offset) {
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ for (size_t f = output_offset; f < output_offset + num_frames; ++f) {
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expected_output[channel_map[c]][f], output[c][f],
+ kFloatEpsilon);
+ }
+ }
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+void VerifyOutput(size_t num_channels, size_t num_frames,
+ const AudioBuffer& expected_output,
+ const AudioBuffer& output) {
+ VerifyOutputFloatTemplated<AudioBuffer, AudioBuffer>(
+ num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output,
+ GetTrivialChannelMap(num_channels), 0);
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+void VerifyOutput(size_t num_channels, size_t num_frames,
+ const std::vector<float*>& expected_output,
+ const AudioBuffer& output) {
+ VerifyOutputFloatTemplated<std::vector<float*>, AudioBuffer>(
+ num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output,
+ GetTrivialChannelMap(num_channels), 0);
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+void VerifyOutput(size_t num_channels, size_t num_frames,
+ const AudioBuffer& expected_output,
+ const std::vector<float*>& output) {
+ VerifyOutputFloatTemplated<AudioBuffer, std::vector<float*>>(
+ num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output,
+ GetTrivialChannelMap(num_channels), 0);
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+void VerifyOutput(size_t num_channels, size_t num_frames,
+ const std::vector<float*>& expected_output,
+ const std::vector<float*>& output) {
+ VerifyOutputFloatTemplated<std::vector<float*>, std::vector<float*>>(
+ num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output,
+ GetTrivialChannelMap(num_channels), 0);
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+void VerifyOutput(size_t num_channels, size_t num_frames,
+ const std::vector<const float*>& expected_output,
+ const std::vector<const float*>& output) {
+ VerifyOutputFloatTemplated<std::vector<const float*>,
+ std::vector<const float*>>(
+ num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output,
+ GetTrivialChannelMap(num_channels), 0);
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+void VerifyOutput(size_t num_channels, size_t num_frames,
+ const AudioBuffer& expected_output, const AudioBuffer& output,
+ const std::vector<size_t>& channel_map) {
+ VerifyOutputFloatTemplated<AudioBuffer, AudioBuffer>(
+ num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output, channel_map, 0);
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+void VerifyOutput(size_t num_channels, size_t num_frames, size_t output_offset,
+ const AudioBuffer& expected_output,
+ const AudioBuffer& output) {
+ VerifyOutputFloatTemplated<AudioBuffer, AudioBuffer>(
+ num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output,
+ GetTrivialChannelMap(num_channels), output_offset);
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+void VerifyOutput(size_t length, const std::vector<float>& expected_output,
+ int16_t* output) {
+ for (size_t f = 0; f < length; ++f) {
+ EXPECT_NEAR(SingleFloatToInt16(expected_output[f]), output[f], kIntEpsilon);
+ }
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+void VerifyOutput(size_t length, const std::vector<float>& expected_output,
+ const std::vector<int16_t>& output) {
+ for (size_t f = 0; f < length; ++f) {
+ EXPECT_NEAR(SingleFloatToInt16(expected_output[f]), output[f], kIntEpsilon);
+ }
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+void VerifyOutput(size_t length, const std::vector<float>& expected_output,
+ float* output) {
+ for (size_t f = 0; f < length; ++f) {
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expected_output[f], output[f], kIntEpsilon);
+ }
+// Verifies that the output and expected output match.
+void VerifyOutput(size_t length, const std::vector<float>& expected_output,
+ const std::vector<float>& output) {
+ for (size_t f = 0; f < length; ++f) {
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expected_output[f], output[f], kIntEpsilon);
+ }
+typedef std::tuple<size_t, size_t> TestParams;
+class PlanarInterleavedConverterTest
+ : public ::testing::Test,
+ public ::testing::WithParamInterface<TestParams> {
+ protected:
+ PlanarInterleavedConverterTest() {}
+ // Virtual methods from ::testing::Test
+ ~PlanarInterleavedConverterTest() override {}
+ void SetUp() override {}
+ void TearDown() override {}
+// Tests that interleaved (float/int16_t) data can be correctly written into
+// vectors of float pointers.
+TEST_P(PlanarInterleavedConverterTest, TestInterleavedIntoVectorFloatPtr) {
+ const size_t num_channels = ::testing::get<0>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_frames = ::testing::get<1>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_interleaved_samples = num_frames * num_channels;
+ AudioBuffer expected_output(kMaxNumChannels, num_frames);
+ FillPlanar(&expected_output);
+ // Create output buffers memory.
+ AudioBuffer aligned_output_buffer(kMaxNumChannels, num_frames);
+ std::vector<float> unaligned_output_memory(num_interleaved_samples);
+ // Create output planar buffers.
+ std::vector<float*> aligned_output(num_channels);
+ std::vector<float*> unaligned_output(num_channels);
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ aligned_output[c] = &aligned_output_buffer[c][0];
+ unaligned_output[c] = &unaligned_output_memory[num_frames * c];
+ }
+ // Integer.
+ AudioBuffer::AlignedInt16Vector interleaved_aligned_int(
+ num_interleaved_samples);
+ std::vector<int16_t> interleaved_unaligned_int(num_interleaved_samples);
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames,;
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames, &interleaved_unaligned_int[0]);
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ aligned_output_buffer.Clear();
+ LOG(INFO) << "aligned_output.size()" << aligned_output.size();
+ LOG(INFO) << "num_frames" << num_frames;
+ PlanarFromInterleaved(, num_frames,
+ num_channels, aligned_output, num_frames);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ aligned_output);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ aligned_output_buffer.Clear();
+ PlanarFromInterleaved(, num_frames,
+ num_channels, aligned_output, num_frames);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ aligned_output);
+ // Aligned Input. Unaligned Output.
+ std::fill(unaligned_output_memory.begin(), unaligned_output_memory.end(),
+ 0.0f);
+ PlanarFromInterleaved(, num_frames,
+ num_channels, unaligned_output, num_frames);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ unaligned_output);
+ // Unligned Input. Unaligned Output.
+ std::fill(unaligned_output_memory.begin(), unaligned_output_memory.end(),
+ 0.0f);
+ PlanarFromInterleaved(&interleaved_unaligned_int[0], num_frames, num_channels,
+ unaligned_output, num_frames);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ unaligned_output);
+ // Floating point.
+ AudioBuffer::AlignedFloatVector interleaved_aligned_float(
+ num_interleaved_samples);
+ std::vector<float> interleaved_plane_float(num_interleaved_samples);
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames,;
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames, &interleaved_plane_float[0]);
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ aligned_output_buffer.Clear();
+ PlanarFromInterleaved(, num_frames,
+ num_channels, aligned_output, num_frames);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ aligned_output);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ aligned_output_buffer.Clear();
+ PlanarFromInterleaved(&interleaved_plane_float[0], num_frames, num_channels,
+ aligned_output, num_frames);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ aligned_output);
+ // Aligned Input. Unaligned Output.
+ std::fill(unaligned_output_memory.begin(), unaligned_output_memory.end(),
+ 0.0f);
+ PlanarFromInterleaved(, num_frames,
+ num_channels, unaligned_output, num_frames);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ unaligned_output);
+ // Unligned Input. Unaligned Output.
+ std::fill(unaligned_output_memory.begin(), unaligned_output_memory.end(),
+ 0.0f);
+ PlanarFromInterleaved(&interleaved_plane_float[0], num_frames, num_channels,
+ unaligned_output, num_frames);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ unaligned_output);
+// Tests that interleaved (float/int16_t) data can be correctly written into
+// |AudioBuffer|s.
+TEST_P(PlanarInterleavedConverterTest, TestInterleavedIntoAudioBuffer) {
+ const size_t num_channels = ::testing::get<0>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_frames = ::testing::get<1>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_interleaved_samples = num_frames * num_channels;
+ AudioBuffer expected_output(num_channels, num_frames);
+ FillPlanar(&expected_output);
+ // Create output buffers memory.
+ AudioBuffer output_buffer(num_channels, num_frames);
+ // Integer.
+ AudioBuffer::AlignedInt16Vector interleaved_aligned_int(
+ num_interleaved_samples);
+ std::vector<int16_t> interleaved_unaligned_int(num_interleaved_samples);
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames,;
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames, &interleaved_unaligned_int[0]);
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBuffer(, num_frames, num_channels,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ output_buffer);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBuffer(&interleaved_unaligned_int[0], num_frames, num_channels,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ output_buffer);
+ // Floating point.
+ AudioBuffer::AlignedFloatVector interleaved_aligned_float(
+ num_interleaved_samples);
+ std::vector<float> interleaved_plane_float(num_interleaved_samples);
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames,;
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames, &interleaved_plane_float[0]);
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBuffer(, num_frames, num_channels,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ output_buffer);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBuffer(&interleaved_plane_float[0], num_frames, num_channels,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ output_buffer);
+// Tests that interleaved (float/int16_t) vectors can be correctly written into
+// |AudioBuffer|s.
+TEST_P(PlanarInterleavedConverterTest, TestInterleavedVectorIntoAudioBuffer) {
+ const size_t num_channels = ::testing::get<0>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_frames = ::testing::get<1>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_interleaved_samples = num_frames * num_channels;
+ AudioBuffer expected_output(num_channels, num_frames);
+ FillPlanar(&expected_output);
+ // Create output buffers memory.
+ AudioBuffer output_buffer(num_channels, num_frames);
+ // Integer.
+ std::vector<int16_t> interleaved_unaligned_int(num_interleaved_samples);
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames, &interleaved_unaligned_int[0]);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBuffer(&interleaved_unaligned_int[0], num_frames, num_channels,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ output_buffer);
+ // Floating point.
+ std::vector<float> interleaved_plane_float(num_interleaved_samples);
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames, &interleaved_plane_float[0]);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBuffer(&interleaved_plane_float[0], num_frames, num_channels,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ output_buffer);
+// Tests that vectors of planar (float/int16_t) pointers can be correctly
+// written into |AudioBuffer|s.
+TEST_P(PlanarInterleavedConverterTest, TestPlanarPtrsIntoAudioBuffer) {
+ const size_t num_channels = ::testing::get<0>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_frames = ::testing::get<1>(GetParam());
+ AudioBuffer expected_output(kMaxNumChannels, num_frames);
+ FillPlanar(&expected_output);
+ // Create output buffers memory.
+ AudioBuffer output_buffer(num_channels, num_frames);
+ // Integer.
+ std::vector<AudioBuffer::AlignedInt16Vector> planar_aligned_channels_int_buf(
+ num_channels, AudioBuffer::AlignedInt16Vector(num_frames));
+ std::vector<std::vector<int16_t>> planar_unaligned_channels_int_buffers(
+ num_channels, std::vector<int16_t>(num_frames));
+ std::vector<int16_t*> planar_aligned_channels_int(num_channels);
+ std::vector<int16_t*> planar_unaligned_channels_int(num_channels);
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ planar_aligned_channels_int[c] = planar_aligned_channels_int_buf[c].data();
+ planar_unaligned_channels_int[c] =
+ planar_unaligned_channels_int_buffers[c].data();
+ }
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, &planar_aligned_channels_int);
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, &planar_unaligned_channels_int);
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBuffer(&planar_aligned_channels_int[0], num_frames, num_channels,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ output_buffer);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBuffer(&planar_unaligned_channels_int[0], num_frames, num_channels,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ output_buffer);
+ // Floating point.
+ std::vector<AudioBuffer::AlignedFloatVector>
+ planar_aligned_channels_float_buf(
+ num_channels, AudioBuffer::AlignedFloatVector(num_frames));
+ std::vector<std::vector<float>> planar_unaligned_channels_float_buffers(
+ num_channels, std::vector<float>(num_frames));
+ std::vector<float*> planar_aligned_channels_float(num_channels);
+ std::vector<float*> planar_unaligned_channels_float(num_channels);
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ planar_aligned_channels_float[c] =
+ planar_aligned_channels_float_buf[c].data();
+ planar_unaligned_channels_float[c] =
+ planar_unaligned_channels_float_buffers[c].data();
+ }
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, &planar_aligned_channels_float);
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, &planar_unaligned_channels_float);
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBuffer(&planar_aligned_channels_float[0], num_frames, num_channels,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ output_buffer);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBuffer(&planar_unaligned_channels_float[0], num_frames, num_channels,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, std::min(num_frames, num_frames), expected_output,
+ output_buffer);
+// Tests that interleaved (float/int16_t) data can be correctly written into
+// |AudioBuffer|s, with offsets into both the input and output data.
+ TestInterleavedIntoAudioBufferWithOffset) {
+ const size_t num_channels = ::testing::get<0>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_frames = ::testing::get<1>(GetParam());
+ AudioBuffer expected_output(kMaxNumChannels, num_frames);
+ FillPlanar(&expected_output);
+ const size_t num_interleaved_samples = num_frames * num_channels;
+ // Create output buffers memory.
+ AudioBuffer output_buffer(num_channels, num_frames);
+ AudioBuffer::AlignedInt16Vector interleaved_aligned_int(
+ num_interleaved_samples);
+ std::vector<int16_t> interleaved_unaligned_int(num_interleaved_samples);
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames,;
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames, &interleaved_unaligned_int[0]);
+ AudioBuffer::AlignedFloatVector interleaved_aligned_float(
+ num_interleaved_samples);
+ std::vector<float> interleaved_plane_float(num_interleaved_samples);
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames,;
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames, &interleaved_plane_float[0]);
+ for (size_t output_offset = 1; output_offset <= 4; ++output_offset) {
+ for (size_t input_offset = 1; input_offset <= 4; ++input_offset) {
+ const size_t num_frames_to_copy =
+ std::min(num_frames - input_offset, num_frames - output_offset);
+ // Integer.
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithOffset(, num_frames,
+ num_channels, input_offset, output_offset,
+ num_frames_to_copy, &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames_to_copy, output_offset,
+ expected_output, output_buffer);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithOffset(&interleaved_unaligned_int[0], num_frames,
+ num_channels, input_offset, output_offset,
+ num_frames_to_copy, &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames_to_copy, output_offset,
+ expected_output, output_buffer);
+ // Floating point.
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithOffset(, num_frames,
+ num_channels, input_offset, output_offset,
+ num_frames_to_copy, &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames_to_copy, output_offset,
+ expected_output, output_buffer);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithOffset(&interleaved_plane_float[0], num_frames,
+ num_channels, input_offset, output_offset,
+ num_frames_to_copy, &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames_to_copy, output_offset,
+ expected_output, output_buffer);
+ }
+ }
+// Tests that planar (float/int16_t) data can be correctly written into
+// |AudioBuffer|s, with offsets into both the input and output data.
+ TestPlanarPtrsIntoAudioBufferWithOffset) {
+ const size_t num_channels = ::testing::get<0>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_frames = ::testing::get<1>(GetParam());
+ AudioBuffer expected_output(num_channels, num_frames);
+ FillPlanar(&expected_output);
+ // Create output buffers memory.
+ AudioBuffer output_buffer(num_channels, num_frames);
+ std::vector<AudioBuffer::AlignedInt16Vector>
+ planar_aligned_channels_int_buffers(
+ num_channels, AudioBuffer::AlignedInt16Vector(num_frames));
+ std::vector<std::vector<int16_t>> planar_unaligned_channels_int_buffers(
+ num_channels, std::vector<int16_t>(num_frames));
+ std::vector<int16_t*> planar_aligned_channels_int(num_channels);
+ std::vector<int16_t*> planar_unaligned_channels_int(num_channels);
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ planar_aligned_channels_int[c] =
+ planar_aligned_channels_int_buffers[c].data();
+ planar_unaligned_channels_int[c] =
+ planar_unaligned_channels_int_buffers[c].data();
+ }
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, &planar_aligned_channels_int);
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, &planar_unaligned_channels_int);
+ std::vector<AudioBuffer::AlignedFloatVector>
+ planar_aligned_channels_float_buffer(
+ num_channels, AudioBuffer::AlignedFloatVector(num_frames));
+ std::vector<std::vector<float>> planar_unaligned_channels_float_buffers(
+ num_channels, std::vector<float>(num_frames));
+ std::vector<float*> planar_aligned_channels_float(num_channels);
+ std::vector<float*> planar_unaligned_channels_float(num_channels);
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ planar_aligned_channels_float[c] =
+ planar_aligned_channels_float_buffer[c].data();
+ planar_unaligned_channels_float[c] =
+ planar_unaligned_channels_float_buffers[c].data();
+ }
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, &planar_aligned_channels_float);
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, &planar_unaligned_channels_float);
+ for (size_t output_offset = 1; output_offset <= 4; ++output_offset) {
+ for (size_t input_offset = 1; input_offset <= 4; ++input_offset) {
+ const size_t num_frames_to_copy =
+ std::min(num_frames - input_offset, num_frames - output_offset);
+ // Integer.
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithOffset(&planar_aligned_channels_int[0], num_frames,
+ num_channels, input_offset, output_offset,
+ num_frames_to_copy, &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames_to_copy, output_offset,
+ expected_output, output_buffer);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithOffset(&planar_unaligned_channels_int[0], num_frames,
+ num_channels, input_offset, output_offset,
+ num_frames_to_copy, &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames_to_copy, output_offset,
+ expected_output, output_buffer);
+ // Floating point.
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithOffset(&planar_aligned_channels_float[0], num_frames,
+ num_channels, input_offset, output_offset,
+ num_frames_to_copy, &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames_to_copy, output_offset,
+ expected_output, output_buffer);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithOffset(&planar_unaligned_channels_float[0], num_frames,
+ num_channels, input_offset, output_offset,
+ num_frames_to_copy, &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames_to_copy, output_offset,
+ expected_output, output_buffer);
+ }
+ }
+// Tests that interleaved (float/int16_t) data can be correctly written into
+// |AudioBuffer|s, with remapping of channels.
+ TestInterleavedIntoAudioBufferRemapping) {
+ const size_t num_channels = ::testing::get<0>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_frames = ::testing::get<1>(GetParam());
+ AudioBuffer expected_output(num_channels, num_frames);
+ FillPlanar(&expected_output);
+ std::vector<size_t> channel_map(num_channels);
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ channel_map[c] = c;
+ }
+ // Permute the channel map.
+ std::next_permutation(channel_map.begin(), channel_map.end());
+ const size_t num_interleaved_samples = num_frames * num_channels;
+ // Create output buffers memory.
+ AudioBuffer output_buffer(num_channels, num_frames);
+ // Integer.
+ AudioBuffer::AlignedInt16Vector interleaved_aligned_int(
+ num_interleaved_samples);
+ std::vector<int16_t> interleaved_unaligned_int(num_interleaved_samples);
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames,;
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames, &interleaved_unaligned_int[0]);
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithChannelRemapping(,
+ num_frames, num_channels, channel_map,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output_buffer,
+ channel_map);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithChannelRemapping(&interleaved_unaligned_int[0], num_frames,
+ num_channels, channel_map,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output_buffer,
+ channel_map);
+ // Floating point.
+ AudioBuffer::AlignedFloatVector interleaved_aligned_float(
+ num_interleaved_samples);
+ std::vector<float> interleaved_plane_float(num_interleaved_samples);
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames,;
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames, &interleaved_plane_float[0]);
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithChannelRemapping(,
+ num_frames, num_channels, channel_map,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output_buffer,
+ channel_map);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithChannelRemapping(&interleaved_plane_float[0], num_frames,
+ num_channels, channel_map,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output_buffer,
+ channel_map);
+// Tests that planar (float/int16_t) data can be correctly written into
+// |AudioBuffer|s, with remapping of channels.
+TEST_P(PlanarInterleavedConverterTest, TestPlanarPtrsIntoAudioBufferRemapping) {
+ const size_t num_channels = ::testing::get<0>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_frames = ::testing::get<1>(GetParam());
+ AudioBuffer expected_output(num_channels, num_frames);
+ FillPlanar(&expected_output);
+ std::vector<size_t> channel_map(num_channels);
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ channel_map[c] = c;
+ }
+ // Permute the channel map.
+ std::next_permutation(channel_map.begin(), channel_map.end());
+ // Create output buffers memory.
+ AudioBuffer output_buffer(num_channels, num_frames);
+ // Integer.
+ std::vector<AudioBuffer::AlignedInt16Vector>
+ planar_aligned_channels_int_bufferss(
+ num_channels, AudioBuffer::AlignedInt16Vector(num_frames));
+ std::vector<std::vector<int16_t>> planar_unaligned_channels_int_buffers(
+ num_channels, std::vector<int16_t>(num_frames));
+ std::vector<int16_t*> planar_aligned_channels_int(num_channels);
+ std::vector<int16_t*> planar_unaligned_channels_int(num_channels);
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ planar_aligned_channels_int[c] =
+ planar_aligned_channels_int_bufferss[c].data();
+ planar_unaligned_channels_int[c] =
+ planar_unaligned_channels_int_buffers[c].data();
+ }
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, &planar_aligned_channels_int);
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, &planar_unaligned_channels_int);
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithChannelRemapping(&planar_aligned_channels_int[0],
+ num_frames, num_channels, channel_map,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output_buffer,
+ channel_map);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithChannelRemapping(&planar_unaligned_channels_int[0],
+ num_frames, num_channels, channel_map,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output_buffer,
+ channel_map);
+ // Floating point.
+ std::vector<AudioBuffer::AlignedFloatVector>
+ planar_aligned_channels_float_buffers(
+ num_channels, AudioBuffer::AlignedFloatVector(num_frames));
+ std::vector<std::vector<float>> planar_unaligned_channels_float_buffers(
+ num_channels, std::vector<float>(num_frames));
+ std::vector<float*> planar_aligned_channels_float(num_channels);
+ std::vector<float*> planar_unaligned_channels_float(num_channels);
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
+ planar_aligned_channels_float[c] =
+ planar_aligned_channels_float_buffers[c].data();
+ planar_unaligned_channels_float[c] =
+ planar_unaligned_channels_float_buffers[c].data();
+ }
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, &planar_aligned_channels_float);
+ FillPlanar(num_frames, &planar_unaligned_channels_float);
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithChannelRemapping(&planar_aligned_channels_float[0],
+ num_frames, num_channels, channel_map,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output_buffer,
+ channel_map);
+ // Unaligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ output_buffer.Clear();
+ FillAudioBufferWithChannelRemapping(&planar_unaligned_channels_float[0],
+ num_frames, num_channels, channel_map,
+ &output_buffer);
+ VerifyOutput(num_channels, num_frames, expected_output, output_buffer,
+ channel_map);
+// Tests that an |AudioBuffer| can be correctly written into an interleaved
+// vector of (float/int16_t) data.
+TEST_P(PlanarInterleavedConverterTest, TestAudioBufferIntoInterleavedVector) {
+ const size_t num_channels = ::testing::get<0>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_frames = ::testing::get<1>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_interleaved_samples = num_frames * num_channels;
+ std::vector<float> expected_output(num_interleaved_samples);
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames, &expected_output[0]);
+ // Floating point.
+ AudioBuffer planar_input(num_channels, num_frames);
+ FillPlanar(&planar_input);
+ // Aligned Input, Unaligned Output.
+ std::vector<float> interleaved_output;
+ FillExternalBuffer(planar_input, &interleaved_output);
+ VerifyOutput(num_frames * num_channels, expected_output, interleaved_output);
+// Tests that an |AudioBuffer| can be correctly written into an interleaved
+// (float/int16_t) array.
+TEST_P(PlanarInterleavedConverterTest, TestAudioBufferIntoInterleavedPtr) {
+ const size_t num_channels = ::testing::get<0>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_frames = ::testing::get<1>(GetParam());
+ const size_t num_interleaved_samples = num_frames * num_channels;
+ std::vector<float> expected_output(num_interleaved_samples);
+ FillInterleaved(num_channels, num_frames, &expected_output[0]);
+ AudioBuffer planar_input(num_channels, num_frames);
+ FillPlanar(&planar_input);
+ // Integer.
+ AudioBuffer::AlignedInt16Vector interleaved_aligned_int(
+ num_interleaved_samples);
+ std::vector<int16_t> interleaved_unaligned_int(num_interleaved_samples);
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ DCHECK_EQ(interleaved_aligned_int.size(),
+ planar_input.num_frames() * planar_input.num_channels());
+ FillExternalBuffer(planar_input,,
+ planar_input.num_frames(), planar_input.num_channels());
+ VerifyOutput(num_frames * num_channels, expected_output,
+ // Aligned Input, Unaligned Output.
+ DCHECK_EQ(interleaved_unaligned_int.size(),
+ planar_input.num_frames() * planar_input.num_channels());
+ FillExternalBuffer(planar_input,,
+ planar_input.num_frames(), planar_input.num_channels());
+ VerifyOutput(num_frames * num_channels, expected_output,
+ interleaved_unaligned_int);
+ // Floating point.
+ AudioBuffer::AlignedFloatVector interleaved_aligned_float(
+ num_interleaved_samples);
+ std::vector<float> interleaved_plane_float(num_interleaved_samples);
+ // Aligned Input, Aligned Output.
+ DCHECK_EQ(interleaved_aligned_float.size(),
+ planar_input.num_frames() * planar_input.num_channels());
+ FillExternalBuffer(planar_input,,
+ planar_input.num_frames(), planar_input.num_channels());
+ VerifyOutput(num_frames * num_channels, expected_output,
+ // Aligned Input, Unaligned Output.
+ FillExternalBuffer(planar_input, &interleaved_plane_float[0],
+ planar_input.num_frames(), planar_input.num_channels());
+ VerifyOutput(num_frames * num_channels, expected_output,
+ interleaved_plane_float);
+// Test Params define: channels, frames
+ TestParameters, PlanarInterleavedConverterTest,
+ testing::Values(
+ TestParams(2, 8), TestParams(2, 13), TestParams(2, kMaxNumFrames),
+ TestParams(4, 8), TestParams(4, 13), TestParams(4, kMaxNumFrames),
+ TestParams(5, 8), TestParams(5, 13), TestParams(5, kMaxNumFrames),
+ TestParams(kMaxNumChannels, 8), TestParams(kMaxNumChannels, 13),
+ TestParams(kMaxNumChannels, kMaxNumFrames)));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace vraudio