path: root/src/plugins/multimedia/ffmpeg/qandroidcameraframe.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/multimedia/ffmpeg/qandroidcameraframe.cpp')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/multimedia/ffmpeg/qandroidcameraframe.cpp b/src/plugins/multimedia/ffmpeg/qandroidcameraframe.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e01f9ea7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/multimedia/ffmpeg/qandroidcameraframe.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "qandroidcameraframe_p.h"
+#include <jni.h>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QLoggingCategory>
+Q_DECLARE_JNI_CLASS(AndroidImageFormat, "android/graphics/ImageFormat");
+Q_DECLARE_JNI_TYPE(AndroidImage, "Landroid/media/Image;")
+Q_DECLARE_JNI_TYPE(AndroidImagePlaneArray, "[Landroid/media/Image$Plane;")
+Q_DECLARE_JNI_TYPE(JavaByteBuffer, "Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;")
+static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(qLCAndroidCameraFrame, "");
+bool QAndroidCameraFrame::parse(const QJniObject &frame)
+ QJniEnvironment jniEnv;
+ if (!frame.isValid())
+ return false;
+ auto planes = frame.callMethod<QtJniTypes::AndroidImagePlaneArray>("getPlanes");
+ if (!planes.isValid())
+ return false;
+ int numberPlanes = jniEnv->GetArrayLength(planes.object<jarray>());
+ // create and populate temporary array structure
+ int pixelStrides[numberPlanes];
+ int rowStrides[numberPlanes];
+ int bufferSize[numberPlanes];
+ uint8_t *buffer[numberPlanes];
+ auto resetPlane = [&](int index) {
+ if (index < 0 || index > numberPlanes)
+ return;
+ rowStrides[index] = 0;
+ pixelStrides[index] = 0;
+ bufferSize[index] = 0;
+ buffer[index] = nullptr;
+ };
+ for (int index = 0; index < numberPlanes; index++) {
+ QJniObject plane = jniEnv->GetObjectArrayElement(planes.object<jobjectArray>(), index);
+ if (jniEnv.checkAndClearExceptions() || !plane.isValid()) {
+ resetPlane(index);
+ continue;
+ }
+ rowStrides[index] = plane.callMethod<jint>("getRowStride");
+ pixelStrides[index] = plane.callMethod<jint>("getPixelStride");
+ auto byteBuffer = plane.callMethod<QtJniTypes::JavaByteBuffer>("getBuffer");
+ if (!byteBuffer.isValid()) {
+ resetPlane(index);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Uses direct access which is garanteed by android to work with
+ // ImageReader bytebuffer
+ buffer[index] = static_cast<uint8_t *>(jniEnv->GetDirectBufferAddress(byteBuffer.object()));
+ bufferSize[index] = byteBuffer.callMethod<jint>("remaining");
+ }
+ QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat calculedPixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Invalid;
+ // finding the image format
+ // the ImageFormats that can happen here are stated here:
+ //
+ int format = frame.callMethod<jint>("getFormat");
+ AndroidImageFormat imageFormat = AndroidImageFormat(format);
+ switch (imageFormat) {
+ case AndroidImageFormat::JPEG:
+ calculedPixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Jpeg;
+ break;
+ case AndroidImageFormat::YUV_420_888:
+ if (numberPlanes < 3) {
+ // something went wrong on parsing. YUV_420_888 format must always have 3 planes
+ calculedPixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Invalid;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pixelStrides[1] == 1)
+ calculedPixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::Format_YUV420P;
+ else if (pixelStrides[1] == 2 && abs(buffer[1] - buffer[2]) == 1)
+ // this can be NV21, but it will converted below
+ calculedPixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::Format_NV12;
+ break;
+ case AndroidImageFormat::HEIC:
+ // QImage cannot parse HEIC
+ calculedPixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Invalid;
+ break;
+ case AndroidImageFormat::RAW_PRIVATE:
+ case AndroidImageFormat::RAW_SENSOR:
+ // we cannot know raw formats
+ calculedPixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Invalid;
+ break;
+ case AndroidImageFormat::FLEX_RGBA_8888:
+ case AndroidImageFormat::FLEX_RGB_888:
+ // these formats are only returned by Mediacodec.getOutputImage, they are not used as a
+ // Camera2 Image frame return
+ calculedPixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Invalid;
+ break;
+ case AndroidImageFormat::YUV_422_888:
+ case AndroidImageFormat::YUV_444_888:
+ case AndroidImageFormat::YCBCR_P010:
+ // not dealing with these formats, they require higher API levels than the current Qt min
+ calculedPixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Invalid;
+ break;
+ default:
+ calculedPixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Invalid;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (calculedPixelFormat == QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Invalid) {
+ qCWarning(qLCAndroidCameraFrame) << "Cannot determine image format!";
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto copyPlane = [&](int mapIndex, int arrayIndex) {
+ if (arrayIndex >= numberPlanes)
+ return;
+ m_planes[mapIndex].rowStride = rowStrides[arrayIndex];
+ m_planes[mapIndex].size = bufferSize[arrayIndex];
+ m_planes[mapIndex].data = buffer[arrayIndex];
+ };
+ switch (calculedPixelFormat) {
+ case QVideoFrameFormat::Format_YUV420P:
+ m_numberPlanes = 3;
+ copyPlane(0, 0);
+ copyPlane(1, 1);
+ copyPlane(2, 2);
+ m_pixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::Format_YUV420P;
+ break;
+ case QVideoFrameFormat::Format_NV12:
+ m_numberPlanes = 2;
+ copyPlane(0, 0);
+ copyPlane(1, 1);
+ m_pixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::Format_NV12;
+ break;
+ case QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Jpeg:
+ qCWarning(qLCAndroidCameraFrame)
+ << "FFMpeg HW Mediacodec does not encode other than YCbCr formats";
+ // we still parse it to preview the frame
+ m_image = QImage::fromData(buffer[0], bufferSize[0]);
+ m_planes[0].rowStride = m_image.bytesPerLine();
+ m_planes[0].size = m_image.sizeInBytes();
+ m_planes[0].data = m_image.bits();
+ m_pixelFormat = QVideoFrameFormat::pixelFormatFromImageFormat(m_image.format());
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ long timestamp = frame.callMethod<jlong>("getTimestamp");
+ m_timestamp = timestamp / 1000;
+ int width = frame.callMethod<jint>("getWidth");
+ int height = frame.callMethod<jint>("getHeight");
+ m_size = QSize(width, height);
+ return true;
+QAndroidCameraFrame::QAndroidCameraFrame(QJniObject frame)
+ : m_pixelFormat(QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Invalid), m_parsed(parse(frame))
+ if (isParsed()) {
+ // holding the frame java object
+ QJniEnvironment jniEnv;
+ m_frame = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(frame.object());
+ jniEnv.checkAndClearExceptions();
+ } else if (frame.isValid()) {
+ frame.callMethod<void>("close");
+ }
+ if (!isParsed()) // nothing to clean
+ return;
+ QJniObject qFrame(m_frame);
+ if (qFrame.isValid())
+ qFrame.callMethod<void>("close");
+ QJniEnvironment jniEnv;
+ if (m_frame)
+ jniEnv->DeleteGlobalRef(m_frame);