path: root/tests/auto/integration/qwindowcapturebackend/fixture.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/integration/qwindowcapturebackend/fixture.h')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/integration/qwindowcapturebackend/fixture.h b/tests/auto/integration/qwindowcapturebackend/fixture.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f72c3468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/integration/qwindowcapturebackend/fixture.h
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+// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only
+#include "grabber.h"
+#include "widget.h"
+#include <chrono>
+#include <qmediacapturesession.h>
+#include <qmediarecorder.h>
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qsignalspy.h>
+#include <qtest.h>
+#include <qvideoframe.h>
+#include <qwindowcapture.h>
+#include <qprocess.h>
+constexpr inline std::chrono::milliseconds s_testTimeout = std::chrono::seconds(60);
+ Utility used to hide application cursor for image comparison tests.
+ On Windows, the mouse cursor is captured as part of the window capture.
+ This and can cause differences when comparing captured images with images
+ from QWindow::grab() which is used as a reference.
+struct DisableCursor final
+ DisableCursor();
+ ~DisableCursor();
+ DisableCursor(const DisableCursor &) = delete;
+ DisableCursor &operator=(const DisableCursor &) = delete;
+ Fixture class that orchestrates setup/teardown of window capturing
+class WindowCaptureFixture : public QObject
+ WindowCaptureFixture();
+ /*!
+ Compare two images, ignoring format.
+ If images differ, diagnostic output is logged and images are saved to file.
+ */
+ static bool compareImages(QImage actual, const QImage &expected,
+ const QString &fileSuffix = "");
+ QMediaCaptureSession m_session;
+ QWindowCapture m_capture;
+ FrameGrabber m_grabber;
+ QSignalSpy m_errors{ &m_capture, &QWindowCapture::errorOccurred };
+ QSignalSpy m_activations{ &m_capture, &QWindowCapture::activeChanged };
+ /*!
+ Calculate a result path based upon a single filename.
+ On CI, the file will be located in COIN_CTEST_RESULTSDIR, and on developer
+ computers, the file will be located in TEMP.
+ The file name is on the form "testCase_testFunction_[dataTag_]fileName"
+ */
+ static QString getResultsPath(const QString &fileName);
+ Fixture class that extends window capture fixture with a capturable widget
+class WindowCaptureWithWidgetFixture : public WindowCaptureFixture
+ /*!
+ Starts capturing and returns true if successful.
+ Two phase initialization is used to be able to detect
+ failure to find widget window as a capturable window.
+ */
+ bool start(QSize size = { 60, 40 });
+ /*!
+ Waits until the a captured frame is received and returns it
+ */
+ QVideoFrame waitForFrame(qint64 noOlderThanTime = 0);
+ DisableCursor m_cursorDisabled; // Avoid mouse cursor causing image differences
+ TestWidget m_widget;
+ QCapturableWindow m_captureWindow;
+ static QCapturableWindow findCaptureWindow(const QString &windowTitle);
+class WindowCaptureWithWidgetInOtherProcessFixture : public WindowCaptureWithWidgetFixture
+ ~WindowCaptureWithWidgetInOtherProcessFixture() { m_windowProcess.close(); }
+ /*!
+ Create widget in separate process and start capturing its content
+ */
+ bool start();
+ QProcess m_windowProcess;
+class WindowCaptureWithWidgetAndRecorderFixture : public WindowCaptureWithWidgetFixture
+ void start(QSize size = { 60, 40 }, bool togglePattern = true);
+ /*!
+ Stop recording.
+ Since recorder finalizes the file asynchronously, even after destructors are called,
+ we need to explicitly wait for the stopped state before ending the test. If we don't
+ do this, the media file can not be deleted by the QTemporaryDir at destruction.
+ */
+ bool stop();
+ bool testVideoFilePlayback(const QString& fileName);
+public slots:
+ void recorderStateChanged(QMediaRecorder::RecorderState state);
+ QTemporaryDir m_tempDir;
+ const QString m_mediaFile = m_tempDir.filePath("test.mp4");
+ QMediaRecorder m_recorder;
+ QMediaRecorder::RecorderState m_recorderState = QMediaRecorder::StoppedState;
+ QSignalSpy m_recorderErrors{ &m_recorder, &QMediaRecorder::errorOccurred };