path: root/scripts/
diff options
authorRohan McGovern <>2011-05-13 16:56:15 +1000
committerRohan McGovern <>2011-05-17 11:23:56 +1000
commit04168264fb6e705de72c3be72708eed910073743 (patch)
tree8f89b3acbe3c13c5f9071aad35f2c952299b9ff9 /scripts/
parent7f88f36441057426111e4887a6632f50570d8933 (diff)
tests: add,, let `make check' run qtqa selftests
The qtqa module contains our test scripts used in CI. It is critical that these scripts themselves have a complete and regularly executed test suite, otherwise there is no safety net preventing the pushing of completely broken test scripts breaking CI for all Qt modules. install all needed perl and python modules for the qtqa test scripts. Should be run as the first part of any test procedure which uses the qtqa scripts. run all selftests for the qtqa test scripts. Called by `make check'. Task: QTQAINFRA-145 Reviewed-by: Sunil Thaha Reviewed-by: Shane Bradley Change-Id: I2b7c5cc23ad3ef4b9b0ecb5aabba04a9aa25dfe3
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..993ff38f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package QtQaTest;
+=head1 NAME
+ - run autotests for the Qt QA scripts
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ ./ [ --clean ] [ --rerun-tests ]
+Run the automated test suite in this repository.
+=head2 Options:
+=item --clean
+Instead of running against the perl and python environment set up
+in the caller's environment, create a new perl and python environment
+in a temporary directory, and delete it after the test completes.
+This is the most accurate way to test that all prerequisites are
+correctly specified in However, it significantly increases
+the test time.
+=item --rerun-tests
+After running all of the autotests, run again any which have failed.
+This is a simple way to quickly show up any tests which are highly
+unstable, and to make it easier to read the output to see which
+tests have failed.
+On a typical clean Linux workstation, this script shouldn't require any
+additional prerequisites other than the perl B<local::lib> dependency
+and the python virtualenv dependency needed by L<>.
+use English qw( -no_match_vars );
+use File::Path qw( rmtree );
+use File::Spec::Functions qw( catfile );
+use File::Temp qw( tempdir );
+use FindBin qw( );
+use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptionsFromArray );
+use Pod::Usage qw( pod2usage );
+sub new
+ my ($class, @args) = @_;
+ my %self = (
+ 'clean' => 0,
+ 'rerun-tests' => 0,
+ );
+ GetOptionsFromArray(\@args,
+ "clean" => \$self{ 'clean' },
+ "rerun-tests" => \$self{ 'rerun-tests' },
+ "help" => sub { pod2usage(1) },
+ ) || pod2usage(2);
+ bless \%self, $class;
+ return \%self;
+sub system_or_die
+ my ($self, @command_with_args) = @_;
+ my $command = join(" ", @command_with_args);
+ print "+ $command\n";
+ system(@command_with_args);
+ if ($? == -1) {
+ die "$command failed to execute: $!\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($? & 127) {
+ die(sprintf "$command died with signal %d\n", ($? & 127));
+ }
+ elsif ($?) {
+ die(sprintf "$command exited with value %d\n", $? >> 8);
+ }
+ return;
+# Use to install prereqs
+sub run_setup_pl
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $setup = catfile($FindBin::Bin, '');
+ my @cmd = ('perl', $setup, '--install');
+ if ($self->{perldir}) {
+ push @cmd, '--prefix', $self->{perldir};
+ }
+ $self->system_or_die(@cmd);
+ return;
+# Run all of the autotests, using prove.
+sub run_prove
+ my $self = shift;
+ # While running the tests, it is good to use a
+ # "temporary temporary directory", because a few things expect to use /tmp
+ # as semi-persistent storage. Ideally nothing would do this, but some third
+ # party modules may do so.
+ #
+ # We clean up the directory before the test if it exists, but we make no
+ # attempt to clean up this directory after the test:
+ #
+ # - if running in CI system, the CI system will clean it
+ # - if running locally, and a test fails, the user might like to look at
+ # some of the data left behind
+ #
+ my $tmpdir = catfile($FindBin::Bin, 'test_pl_tmp');
+ if (-e $tmpdir) {
+ rmtree($tmpdir, 0, 0) || die "rmtree $tmpdir: $OS_ERROR";
+ }
+ mkdir($tmpdir) || die "mkdir $tmpdir: $OS_ERROR";
+ local $ENV{TMPDIR} = $tmpdir;
+ my @prove = (
+ 'prove',
+ # Use `--merge' because we have some tests which are expected to output a
+ # lot of stderr which look like errors (e.g. test for the Pulse::x handling
+ # of transient errors). Having these visible by default is rather
+ # confusing to e.g. the CI system, which will extract these "errors" into
+ # report emails.
+ #
+ # If we are re-running the tests later, we won't use `--merge', so failing
+ # tests will still have all the details available.
+ '--merge',
+ # Use `--state=save' so, if running manually, the user can easily
+ # re-run only the failed tests if desired; and to support the rerun-tests
+ # option.
+ #
+ '--state=save',
+ # Run all tests under the directory in which is located
+ '--recurse',
+ $FindBin::Bin
+ );
+ if (!$self->{'rerun-tests'}) {
+ $self->system_or_die(@prove);
+ }
+ else {
+ eval { $self->system_or_die(@prove) };
+ my $error = $@;
+ if ($error) {
+ print "\n\nI'm going to run only the failed tests again:\n";
+ $self->system_or_die(
+ 'prove',
+ # This will run only the tests which were marked as failing ...
+ '--state=failed,save',
+ # ...and this will be quite verbose, to aid in
+ # figuring out the problem.
+ '--verbose',
+ );
+ # The second attempt may have passed, in the case of unstable
+ # tests, but we still should consider this a fatal error.
+ die $error;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub make_clean_prefix
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $cleandir = tempdir( 'qt-qa-test-pl.XXXXXX', CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1 );
+ print "Using $cleandir as perl and python prefix.\n";
+ # perl: local::lib creates the dirs and sets environment in the current process.
+ # Unsetting PERL5LIB first ensures that this is the only local::lib in the
+ # environment.
+ $ENV{PERL5LIB} = q{}; ## no critic - localized by caller
+ my $perl_dir = "$cleandir/perl";
+ require local::lib;
+ local::lib->import($perl_dir);
+ $self->{perldir} = $perl_dir;
+ # python: virtualenv creates the dirs. It does not set env,
+ # so we do it manually.
+ my $virtualenv_dir = "$cleandir/python";
+ $self->system_or_die('virtualenv', '--clear', $virtualenv_dir);
+ $ENV{VIRTUAL_ENV} = $virtualenv_dir; ## no critic - localized by caller
+ $ENV{PATH} = "$virtualenv_dir/bin:".$ENV{PATH}; ## no critic - localized by caller
+ return;
+sub run
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ if ($OSNAME =~ m{win32}i) {
+ print "SKIP: sorry, this script does not yet support Windows :(\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # localize in case we modify these in the below block.
+ local $ENV{PATH} = $ENV{PATH};
+ local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ if ($self->{clean}) {
+ $self->make_clean_prefix;
+ }
+ $self->run_setup_pl;
+ $self->run_prove;
+ return;
+QtQaTest->new(@ARGV)->run if (!caller);