path: root/src/imports/builtins.qmltypes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/imports/builtins.qmltypes')
1 files changed, 3968 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/imports/builtins.qmltypes b/src/imports/builtins.qmltypes
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e888ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/imports/builtins.qmltypes
@@ -0,0 +1,3968 @@
+import QtQuick.tooling 1.1
+// This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library.
+// It is used for QML tooling purposes only.
+// This file was auto-generated with the command 'qml1plugindump -builtins'.
+Module {
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Animation 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Loops"
+ values: {
+ "Infinite": -2
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "running"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "paused"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "alwaysRunToEnd"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "loops"; type: "int" }
+ Signal { name: "started" }
+ Signal { name: "completed" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "runningChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "pausedChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "alwaysRunToEndChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "loopCountChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "restart" }
+ Method { name: "start" }
+ Method { name: "pause" }
+ Method { name: "resume" }
+ Method { name: "stop" }
+ Method { name: "complete" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/AnchorAnimation 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "targets"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "duration"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "easing"; type: "QEasingCurve" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "durationChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "easingChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "QEasingCurve" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeAnchorChanges"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeStateOperation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/AnchorChanges 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "target"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "anchors"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorSet"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeAnchorSet"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "left"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "right"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "horizontalCenter"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "top"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "bottom"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "verticalCenter"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "baseline"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeAnchors"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "left"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine" }
+ Property { name: "right"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine" }
+ Property { name: "horizontalCenter"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine" }
+ Property { name: "top"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine" }
+ Property { name: "bottom"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine" }
+ Property { name: "verticalCenter"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine" }
+ Property { name: "baseline"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine" }
+ Property { name: "margins"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "leftMargin"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "rightMargin"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "horizontalCenterOffset"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "topMargin"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "bottomMargin"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "verticalCenterOffset"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "baselineOffset"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "fill"; type: "QGraphicsObject"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "centerIn"; type: "QGraphicsObject"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeAnimatedImage"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeImage"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/AnimatedImage 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "playing"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "paused"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "currentFrame"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "frameCount"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "sourceSize"; type: "QSize"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal { name: "frameChanged" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeAnimationGroup"
+ defaultProperty: "animations"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation"
+ Property {
+ name: "animations"
+ type: "QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation"
+ isList: true
+ isReadonly: true
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeApplication"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Application 1.1"]
+ Property { name: "active"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "layoutDirection"; type: "Qt::LayoutDirection"; isReadonly: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeBasePositioner"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeImplicitSizeItem"
+ Property { name: "spacing"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "move"; type: "QDeclarativeTransition"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "add"; type: "QDeclarativeTransition"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeBehavior"
+ defaultProperty: "animation"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Behavior 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "animation"; type: "QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeBind"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Binding 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "target"; type: "QObject"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "property"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
+ Property { name: "when"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeBorderImage"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeImageBase"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/BorderImage 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "TileMode"
+ values: {
+ "Stretch": 0,
+ "Repeat": 1,
+ "Round": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "border"; type: "QDeclarativeScaleGrid"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "horizontalTileMode"; type: "TileMode" }
+ Property { name: "verticalTileMode"; type: "TileMode" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeColorAnimation"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativePropertyAnimation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/ColorAnimation 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "from"; type: "QColor" }
+ Property { name: "to"; type: "QColor" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeColumn"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeBasePositioner"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Column 1.0"]
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeComponent"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Component 1.0"]
+ attachedType: "QDeclarativeComponentAttached"
+ Enum {
+ name: "Status"
+ values: {
+ "Null": 0,
+ "Ready": 1,
+ "Loading": 2,
+ "Error": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "progress"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "status"; type: "Status"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "url"; type: "QUrl"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal {
+ name: "statusChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "QDeclarativeComponent::Status" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "progressChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "double" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "errorString"; type: "string" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeComponentAttached"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Signal { name: "completed" }
+ Signal { name: "destruction" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeConnections"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Connections 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "target"; type: "QObject"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "ignoreUnknownSignals"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeCurve"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativePathElement"
+ Property { name: "x"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "y"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeDrag"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Drag 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Axis"
+ values: {
+ "XAxis": 1,
+ "YAxis": 2,
+ "XandYAxis": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "target"; type: "QGraphicsObject"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "axis"; type: "Axis" }
+ Property { name: "minimumX"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "maximumX"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "minimumY"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "maximumY"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "active"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "filterChildren"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeEasingValueType"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeValueType"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Easing 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Type"
+ values: {
+ "Linear": 0,
+ "InQuad": 1,
+ "OutQuad": 2,
+ "InOutQuad": 3,
+ "OutInQuad": 4,
+ "InCubic": 5,
+ "OutCubic": 6,
+ "InOutCubic": 7,
+ "OutInCubic": 8,
+ "InQuart": 9,
+ "OutQuart": 10,
+ "InOutQuart": 11,
+ "OutInQuart": 12,
+ "InQuint": 13,
+ "OutQuint": 14,
+ "InOutQuint": 15,
+ "OutInQuint": 16,
+ "InSine": 17,
+ "OutSine": 18,
+ "InOutSine": 19,
+ "OutInSine": 20,
+ "InExpo": 21,
+ "OutExpo": 22,
+ "InOutExpo": 23,
+ "OutInExpo": 24,
+ "InCirc": 25,
+ "OutCirc": 26,
+ "InOutCirc": 27,
+ "OutInCirc": 28,
+ "InElastic": 29,
+ "OutElastic": 30,
+ "InOutElastic": 31,
+ "OutInElastic": 32,
+ "InBack": 33,
+ "OutBack": 34,
+ "InOutBack": 35,
+ "OutInBack": 36,
+ "InBounce": 37,
+ "OutBounce": 38,
+ "InOutBounce": 39,
+ "OutInBounce": 40,
+ "InCurve": 41,
+ "OutCurve": 42,
+ "SineCurve": 43,
+ "CosineCurve": 44
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "type"; type: "Type" }
+ Property { name: "amplitude"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "overshoot"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "period"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeFlickable"
+ defaultProperty: "flickableData"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Flickable 1.0", "QtQuick/Flickable 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ Enum {
+ name: "BoundsBehavior"
+ values: {
+ "StopAtBounds": 0,
+ "DragOverBounds": 1,
+ "DragAndOvershootBounds": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "FlickableDirection"
+ values: {
+ "AutoFlickDirection": 0,
+ "HorizontalFlick": 1,
+ "VerticalFlick": 2,
+ "HorizontalAndVerticalFlick": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "contentWidth"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "contentHeight"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "contentX"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "contentY"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "contentItem"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "horizontalVelocity"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "verticalVelocity"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "boundsBehavior"; type: "BoundsBehavior" }
+ Property { name: "maximumFlickVelocity"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "flickDeceleration"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "moving"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "movingHorizontally"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "movingVertically"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "flicking"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "flickingHorizontally"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "flickingVertically"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "flickableDirection"; type: "FlickableDirection" }
+ Property { name: "interactive"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "pressDelay"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "atXEnd"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "atYEnd"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "atXBeginning"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "atYBeginning"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property {
+ name: "visibleArea"
+ type: "QDeclarativeFlickableVisibleArea"
+ isReadonly: true
+ isPointer: true
+ }
+ Property { name: "flickableData"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "flickableChildren"; type: "QGraphicsObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal { name: "isAtBoundaryChanged" }
+ Signal { name: "movementStarted" }
+ Signal { name: "movementEnded" }
+ Signal { name: "flickStarted" }
+ Signal { name: "flickEnded" }
+ Method {
+ name: "resizeContent"
+ revision: 1
+ Parameter { name: "w"; type: "double" }
+ Parameter { name: "h"; type: "double" }
+ Parameter { name: "center"; type: "QPointF" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "returnToBounds"; revision: 1 }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeFlickableVisibleArea"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "xPosition"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "yPosition"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "widthRatio"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "heightRatio"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal {
+ name: "xPositionChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "xPosition"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "yPositionChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "yPosition"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "widthRatioChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "widthRatio"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "heightRatioChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "heightRatio"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeFlipable"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Flipable 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Side"
+ values: {
+ "Front": 0,
+ "Back": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "front"; type: "QGraphicsObject"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "back"; type: "QGraphicsObject"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "side"; type: "Side"; isReadonly: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeFlow"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeBasePositioner"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Flow 1.0", "QtQuick/Flow 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Flow"
+ values: {
+ "LeftToRight": 0,
+ "TopToBottom": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "flow"; type: "Flow" }
+ Property { name: "layoutDirection"; revision: 1; type: "Qt::LayoutDirection" }
+ Signal { name: "layoutDirectionChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeFocusPanel"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/FocusPanel 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "active"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeFocusScope"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/FocusScope 1.0"]
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeFontLoader"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/FontLoader 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Status"
+ values: {
+ "Null": 0,
+ "Ready": 1,
+ "Loading": 2,
+ "Error": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "source"; type: "QUrl" }
+ Property { name: "name"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "status"; type: "Status"; isReadonly: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeFontValueType"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeValueType"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Font 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "FontWeight"
+ values: {
+ "Light": 25,
+ "Normal": 50,
+ "DemiBold": 63,
+ "Bold": 75,
+ "Black": 87
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "Capitalization"
+ values: {
+ "MixedCase": 0,
+ "AllUppercase": 1,
+ "AllLowercase": 2,
+ "SmallCaps": 3,
+ "Capitalize": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "family"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "bold"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "weight"; type: "FontWeight" }
+ Property { name: "italic"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "underline"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "overline"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "strikeout"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "pointSize"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "pixelSize"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "capitalization"; type: "Capitalization" }
+ Property { name: "letterSpacing"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "wordSpacing"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeGradient"
+ defaultProperty: "stops"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Gradient 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "stops"; type: "QDeclarativeGradientStop"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal { name: "updated" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeGradientStop"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/GradientStop 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "position"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeGraphicsWidget"
+ defaultProperty: "children"
+ prototype: "QGraphicsWidget"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/QGraphicsWidget 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "anchors"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchors"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "left"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "right"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "horizontalCenter"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "top"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "bottom"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "verticalCenter"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeGrid"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeBasePositioner"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Grid 1.0", "QtQuick/Grid 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Flow"
+ values: {
+ "LeftToRight": 0,
+ "TopToBottom": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "rows"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "columns"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "flow"; type: "Flow" }
+ Property { name: "layoutDirection"; revision: 1; type: "Qt::LayoutDirection" }
+ Signal { name: "layoutDirectionChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeGridView"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeFlickable"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/GridView 1.0", "QtQuick/GridView 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ attachedType: "QDeclarativeGridViewAttached"
+ Enum {
+ name: "HighlightRangeMode"
+ values: {
+ "NoHighlightRange": 0,
+ "ApplyRange": 1,
+ "StrictlyEnforceRange": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "Flow"
+ values: {
+ "LeftToRight": 0,
+ "TopToBottom": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "SnapMode"
+ values: {
+ "NoSnap": 0,
+ "SnapToRow": 1,
+ "SnapOneRow": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "PositionMode"
+ values: {
+ "Beginning": 0,
+ "Center": 1,
+ "End": 2,
+ "Visible": 3,
+ "Contain": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "model"; type: "QVariant" }
+ Property { name: "delegate"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "currentIndex"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "currentItem"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "highlight"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "highlightItem"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "highlightFollowsCurrentItem"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "highlightMoveDuration"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "preferredHighlightBegin"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "preferredHighlightEnd"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "highlightRangeMode"; type: "HighlightRangeMode" }
+ Property { name: "flow"; type: "Flow" }
+ Property { name: "layoutDirection"; revision: 1; type: "Qt::LayoutDirection" }
+ Property { name: "keyNavigationWraps"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "cacheBuffer"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "cellWidth"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "cellHeight"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "snapMode"; type: "SnapMode" }
+ Property { name: "header"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "footer"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Signal { name: "layoutDirectionChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Method { name: "moveCurrentIndexUp" }
+ Method { name: "moveCurrentIndexDown" }
+ Method { name: "moveCurrentIndexLeft" }
+ Method { name: "moveCurrentIndexRight" }
+ Method {
+ name: "positionViewAtIndex"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "indexAt"
+ type: "int"
+ Parameter { name: "x"; type: "double" }
+ Parameter { name: "y"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "positionViewAtBeginning"; revision: 1 }
+ Method { name: "positionViewAtEnd"; revision: 1 }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeGridViewAttached"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "view"; type: "QDeclarativeGridView"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "isCurrentItem"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "delayRemove"; type: "bool" }
+ Signal { name: "currentItemChanged" }
+ Signal { name: "add" }
+ Signal { name: "remove" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeImage"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeImageBase"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Image 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "FillMode"
+ values: {
+ "Stretch": 0,
+ "PreserveAspectFit": 1,
+ "PreserveAspectCrop": 2,
+ "Tile": 3,
+ "TileVertically": 4,
+ "TileHorizontally": 5
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "fillMode"; type: "FillMode" }
+ Property { name: "paintedWidth"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "paintedHeight"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal { name: "paintedGeometryChanged" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeImageBase"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeImplicitSizeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/ 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [1]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Status"
+ values: {
+ "Null": 0,
+ "Ready": 1,
+ "Loading": 2,
+ "Error": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "status"; type: "Status"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "source"; type: "QUrl" }
+ Property { name: "progress"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "asynchronous"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "cache"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "sourceSize"; type: "QSize" }
+ Property { name: "mirror"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "sourceChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "QUrl" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "statusChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "QDeclarativeImageBase::Status" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "progressChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "progress"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Signal { name: "cacheChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Signal { name: "mirrorChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeImplicitSizeItem"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/ 1.0", "QtQuick/ 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ Property { name: "implicitWidth"; revision: 1; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "implicitHeight"; revision: 1; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal { name: "implicitWidthChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Signal { name: "implicitHeightChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeImplicitSizePaintedItem"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativePaintedItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/ 1.0", "QtQuick/ 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ Property { name: "implicitWidth"; revision: 1; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "implicitHeight"; revision: 1; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal { name: "implicitWidthChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Signal { name: "implicitHeightChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QGraphicsObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Item 1.0", "QtQuick/Item 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ Enum {
+ name: "TransformOrigin"
+ values: {
+ "TopLeft": 0,
+ "Top": 1,
+ "TopRight": 2,
+ "Left": 3,
+ "Center": 4,
+ "Right": 5,
+ "BottomLeft": 6,
+ "Bottom": 7,
+ "BottomRight": 8
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "parent"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "data"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "resources"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "states"; type: "QDeclarativeState"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "transitions"; type: "QDeclarativeTransition"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "state"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "childrenRect"; type: "QRectF"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "anchors"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchors"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "left"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "right"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "horizontalCenter"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "top"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "bottom"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "verticalCenter"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "baseline"; type: "QDeclarativeAnchorLine"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "baselineOffset"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "clip"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "focus"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "activeFocus"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "transform"; type: "QGraphicsTransform"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "transformOrigin"; type: "TransformOrigin" }
+ Property { name: "transformOriginPoint"; type: "QPointF"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "smooth"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "implicitWidth"; revision: 1; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "implicitHeight"; revision: 1; type: "double" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "childrenRectChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "QRectF" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "baselineOffsetChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "double" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "stateChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "string" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "focusChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "activeFocusChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "parentChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "transformOriginChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "TransformOrigin" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "smoothChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "clipChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal { name: "implicitWidthChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Signal { name: "implicitHeightChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Method {
+ name: "mapFromItem"
+ type: "QScriptValue"
+ Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QScriptValue" }
+ Parameter { name: "x"; type: "double" }
+ Parameter { name: "y"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "mapToItem"
+ type: "QScriptValue"
+ Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QScriptValue" }
+ Parameter { name: "x"; type: "double" }
+ Parameter { name: "y"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "forceActiveFocus" }
+ Method {
+ name: "childAt"
+ type: "QDeclarativeItem*"
+ Parameter { name: "x"; type: "double" }
+ Parameter { name: "y"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeKeyNavigationAttached"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/KeyNavigation 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Priority"
+ values: {
+ "BeforeItem": 0,
+ "AfterItem": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "left"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "right"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "up"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "down"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "tab"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "backtab"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "priority"; type: "Priority" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeKeysAttached"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Keys 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Priority"
+ values: {
+ "BeforeItem": 0,
+ "AfterItem": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "forwardTo"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "priority"; type: "Priority" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "released"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "digit0Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "digit1Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "digit2Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "digit3Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "digit4Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "digit5Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "digit6Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "digit7Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "digit8Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "digit9Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "leftPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "rightPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "upPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "downPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "tabPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "backtabPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "asteriskPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "numberSignPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "escapePressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "returnPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "enterPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "deletePressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "spacePressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "backPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "cancelPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "selectPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "yesPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "noPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "context1Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "context2Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "context3Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "context4Pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "callPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "hangupPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "flipPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "menuPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "volumeUpPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "volumeDownPressed"
+ Parameter { name: "event"; type: "QDeclarativeKeyEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeLayoutItem"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/LayoutItem 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "maximumSize"; type: "QSizeF" }
+ Property { name: "minimumSize"; type: "QSizeF" }
+ Property { name: "preferredSize"; type: "QSizeF" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeLayoutMirroringAttached"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/LayoutMirroring 1.1"]
+ Property { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "childrenInherit"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeListElement"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/ListElement 1.0"]
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeListModel"
+ prototype: "QListModelInterface"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/ListModel 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Method { name: "clear" }
+ Method {
+ name: "remove"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "append"
+ Parameter { type: "QScriptValue" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "insert"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { type: "QScriptValue" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "get"
+ type: "QScriptValue"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "set"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { type: "QScriptValue" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "setProperty"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "property"; type: "string" }
+ Parameter { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "move"
+ Parameter { name: "from"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "to"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "sync" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeListView"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeFlickable"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/ListView 1.0", "QtQuick/ListView 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ attachedType: "QDeclarativeListViewAttached"
+ Enum {
+ name: "HighlightRangeMode"
+ values: {
+ "NoHighlightRange": 0,
+ "ApplyRange": 1,
+ "StrictlyEnforceRange": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "Orientation"
+ values: {
+ "Horizontal": 1,
+ "Vertical": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "SnapMode"
+ values: {
+ "NoSnap": 0,
+ "SnapToItem": 1,
+ "SnapOneItem": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "PositionMode"
+ values: {
+ "Beginning": 0,
+ "Center": 1,
+ "End": 2,
+ "Visible": 3,
+ "Contain": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "model"; type: "QVariant" }
+ Property { name: "delegate"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "currentIndex"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "currentItem"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "highlight"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "highlightItem"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "highlightFollowsCurrentItem"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "highlightMoveSpeed"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "highlightMoveDuration"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "highlightResizeSpeed"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "highlightResizeDuration"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "preferredHighlightBegin"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "preferredHighlightEnd"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "highlightRangeMode"; type: "HighlightRangeMode" }
+ Property { name: "spacing"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "orientation"; type: "Orientation" }
+ Property { name: "layoutDirection"; revision: 1; type: "Qt::LayoutDirection" }
+ Property { name: "keyNavigationWraps"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "cacheBuffer"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "section"; type: "QDeclarativeViewSection"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "currentSection"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "snapMode"; type: "SnapMode" }
+ Property { name: "header"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "footer"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Signal { name: "layoutDirectionChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Method { name: "incrementCurrentIndex" }
+ Method { name: "decrementCurrentIndex" }
+ Method {
+ name: "positionViewAtIndex"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "indexAt"
+ type: "int"
+ Parameter { name: "x"; type: "double" }
+ Parameter { name: "y"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "positionViewAtBeginning"; revision: 1 }
+ Method { name: "positionViewAtEnd"; revision: 1 }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeListViewAttached"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "view"; type: "QDeclarativeListView"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "isCurrentItem"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "previousSection"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "nextSection"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "section"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "delayRemove"; type: "bool" }
+ Signal { name: "currentItemChanged" }
+ Signal { name: "prevSectionChanged" }
+ Signal { name: "add" }
+ Signal { name: "remove" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeLoader"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeImplicitSizeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Loader 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Status"
+ values: {
+ "Null": 0,
+ "Ready": 1,
+ "Loading": 2,
+ "Error": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "source"; type: "QUrl" }
+ Property { name: "sourceComponent"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "item"; type: "QGraphicsObject"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "status"; type: "Status"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "progress"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal { name: "loaded" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeMouseArea"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/MouseArea 1.0", "QtQuick/MouseArea 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ Property { name: "mouseX"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "mouseY"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "containsMouse"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "pressed"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "pressedButtons"; type: "Qt::MouseButtons"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "acceptedButtons"; type: "Qt::MouseButtons" }
+ Property { name: "hoverEnabled"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "drag"; type: "QDeclarativeDrag"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "preventStealing"; revision: 1; type: "bool" }
+ Signal { name: "hoveredChanged" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "positionChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "mouse"; type: "QDeclarativeMouseEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "mousePositionChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "mouse"; type: "QDeclarativeMouseEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal { name: "preventStealingChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Signal {
+ name: "pressed"
+ Parameter { name: "mouse"; type: "QDeclarativeMouseEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "pressAndHold"
+ Parameter { name: "mouse"; type: "QDeclarativeMouseEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "released"
+ Parameter { name: "mouse"; type: "QDeclarativeMouseEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "clicked"
+ Parameter { name: "mouse"; type: "QDeclarativeMouseEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "doubleClicked"
+ Parameter { name: "mouse"; type: "QDeclarativeMouseEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal { name: "entered" }
+ Signal { name: "exited" }
+ Signal { name: "canceled" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeMouseEvent"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "x"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "y"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "button"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "buttons"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "modifiers"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "wasHeld"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "isClick"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "accepted"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeNumberAnimation"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativePropertyAnimation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/NumberAnimation 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "from"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "to"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePackage"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Package 1.0"]
+ attachedType: "QDeclarativePackageAttached"
+ Property { name: "data"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePackageAttached"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "name"; type: "string" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePaintedItem"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ Property { name: "contentsSize"; type: "QSize" }
+ Property { name: "fillColor"; type: "QColor" }
+ Property { name: "pixelCacheSize"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "smoothCache"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "contentsScale"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeParallelAnimation"
+ defaultProperty: "animations"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeAnimationGroup"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/ParallelAnimation 1.0"]
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeParentAnimation"
+ defaultProperty: "animations"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeAnimationGroup"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/ParentAnimation 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "target"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "newParent"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "via"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeParentChange"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeStateOperation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/ParentChange 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "target"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "parent"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "x"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "y"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "width"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "height"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "scale"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "rotation"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePath"
+ defaultProperty: "pathElements"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Path 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "pathElements"; type: "QDeclarativePathElement"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "startX"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "startY"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "closed"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal { name: "changed" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePathAttribute"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativePathElement"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/PathAttribute 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "name"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "value"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePathCubic"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeCurve"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/PathCubic 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "control1X"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "control1Y"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "control2X"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "control2Y"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePathElement"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Signal { name: "changed" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePathLine"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeCurve"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/PathLine 1.0"]
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePathPercent"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativePathElement"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/PathPercent 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "value"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePathQuad"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeCurve"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/PathQuad 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "controlX"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "controlY"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePathView"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/PathView 1.0"]
+ attachedType: "QDeclarativePathViewAttached"
+ Enum {
+ name: "HighlightRangeMode"
+ values: {
+ "NoHighlightRange": 0,
+ "ApplyRange": 1,
+ "StrictlyEnforceRange": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "model"; type: "QVariant" }
+ Property { name: "path"; type: "QDeclarativePath"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "currentIndex"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "offset"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "highlight"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "highlightItem"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "preferredHighlightBegin"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "preferredHighlightEnd"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "highlightRangeMode"; type: "HighlightRangeMode" }
+ Property { name: "highlightMoveDuration"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "dragMargin"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "flickDeceleration"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "interactive"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "moving"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "flicking"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "delegate"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "pathItemCount"; type: "int" }
+ Signal { name: "snapPositionChanged" }
+ Signal { name: "movementStarted" }
+ Signal { name: "movementEnded" }
+ Signal { name: "flickStarted" }
+ Signal { name: "flickEnded" }
+ Method { name: "incrementCurrentIndex" }
+ Method { name: "decrementCurrentIndex" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePathViewAttached"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "view"; type: "QDeclarativePathView"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "isCurrentItem"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "onPath"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal { name: "currentItemChanged" }
+ Signal { name: "pathChanged" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePauseAnimation"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/PauseAnimation 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "duration"; type: "int" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "durationChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "int" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePen"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "width"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ Signal { name: "penChanged" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePinch"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Pinch 1.1"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Axis"
+ values: {
+ "NoDrag": 0,
+ "XAxis": 1,
+ "YAxis": 2,
+ "XandYAxis": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "target"; type: "QGraphicsObject"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "minimumScale"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "maximumScale"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "minimumRotation"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "maximumRotation"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "dragAxis"; type: "Axis" }
+ Property { name: "minimumX"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "maximumX"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "minimumY"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "maximumY"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "active"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePinchArea"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/PinchArea 1.1"]
+ Property { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "pinch"; type: "QDeclarativePinch"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Signal {
+ name: "pinchStarted"
+ Parameter { name: "pinch"; type: "QDeclarativePinchEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "pinchUpdated"
+ Parameter { name: "pinch"; type: "QDeclarativePinchEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "pinchFinished"
+ Parameter { name: "pinch"; type: "QDeclarativePinchEvent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePropertyAction"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/PropertyAction 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "target"; type: "QObject"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "property"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "properties"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "targets"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "exclude"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "value"; type: "QVariant" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "valueChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "QVariant" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "propertiesChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "string" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePropertyAnimation"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/PropertyAnimation 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "duration"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "from"; type: "QVariant" }
+ Property { name: "to"; type: "QVariant" }
+ Property { name: "easing"; type: "QEasingCurve" }
+ Property { name: "target"; type: "QObject"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "property"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "properties"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "targets"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "exclude"; type: "QObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal {
+ name: "durationChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "fromChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "QVariant" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "toChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "QVariant" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "easingChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "QEasingCurve" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "propertiesChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "string" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativePropertyChanges"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeStateOperation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/PropertyChanges 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "target"; type: "QObject"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "restoreEntryValues"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "explicit"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeRectangle"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Rectangle 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ Property { name: "gradient"; type: "QDeclarativeGradient"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "border"; type: "QDeclarativePen"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "radius"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeRepeater"
+ defaultProperty: "delegate"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Repeater 1.0", "QtQuick/Repeater 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ Property { name: "model"; type: "QVariant" }
+ Property { name: "delegate"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal {
+ name: "itemAdded"
+ revision: 1
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "itemRemoved"
+ revision: 1
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "itemAt"
+ revision: 1
+ type: "QDeclarativeItem*"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeRotationAnimation"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativePropertyAnimation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/RotationAnimation 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "RotationDirection"
+ values: {
+ "Numerical": 0,
+ "Shortest": 1,
+ "Clockwise": 2,
+ "Counterclockwise": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "from"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "to"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "direction"; type: "RotationDirection" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeRow"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeBasePositioner"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Row 1.0", "QtQuick/Row 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ Property { name: "layoutDirection"; revision: 1; type: "Qt::LayoutDirection" }
+ Signal { name: "layoutDirectionChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeScaleGrid"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "left"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "top"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "right"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "bottom"; type: "int" }
+ Signal { name: "borderChanged" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeScriptAction"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/ScriptAction 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "script"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "scriptName"; type: "string" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeSequentialAnimation"
+ defaultProperty: "animations"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeAnimationGroup"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/SequentialAnimation 1.0"]
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeNumberAnimation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/SmoothedAnimation 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "ReversingMode"
+ values: {
+ "Eased": 0,
+ "Immediate": 1,
+ "Sync": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "velocity"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "reversingMode"; type: "ReversingMode" }
+ Property { name: "maximumEasingTime"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeSpringAnimation"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeNumberAnimation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/SpringAnimation 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "velocity"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "spring"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "damping"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "epsilon"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "modulus"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "mass"; type: "double" }
+ Signal { name: "syncChanged" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeState"
+ defaultProperty: "changes"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/State 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "name"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "when"; type: "QDeclarativeBinding"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "extend"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "changes"; type: "QDeclarativeStateOperation"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal { name: "completed" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeStateChangeScript"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeStateOperation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/StateChangeScript 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "script"; type: "QDeclarativeScriptString" }
+ Property { name: "name"; type: "string" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeStateGroup"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/StateGroup 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "state"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "states"; type: "QDeclarativeState"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "transitions"; type: "QDeclarativeTransition"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal {
+ name: "stateChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "string" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component { name: "QDeclarativeStateOperation"; prototype: "QObject" }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeSystemPalette"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/SystemPalette 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "ColorGroup"
+ values: {
+ "Active": 0,
+ "Inactive": 2,
+ "Disabled": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "colorGroup"; type: "QDeclarativeSystemPalette::ColorGroup" }
+ Property { name: "window"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "windowText"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "base"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "text"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "alternateBase"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "button"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "buttonText"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "light"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "midlight"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "dark"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "mid"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "shadow"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "highlight"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "highlightedText"; type: "QColor"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal { name: "paletteChanged" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeText"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeImplicitSizeItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Text 1.0", "QtQuick/Text 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ Enum {
+ name: "HAlignment"
+ values: {
+ "AlignLeft": 1,
+ "AlignRight": 2,
+ "AlignHCenter": 4,
+ "AlignJustify": 8
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "VAlignment"
+ values: {
+ "AlignTop": 32,
+ "AlignBottom": 64,
+ "AlignVCenter": 128
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TextStyle"
+ values: {
+ "Normal": 0,
+ "Outline": 1,
+ "Raised": 2,
+ "Sunken": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TextFormat"
+ values: {
+ "PlainText": 0,
+ "RichText": 1,
+ "AutoText": 2,
+ "StyledText": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TextElideMode"
+ values: {
+ "ElideLeft": 0,
+ "ElideRight": 1,
+ "ElideMiddle": 2,
+ "ElideNone": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WrapMode"
+ values: {
+ "NoWrap": 0,
+ "WordWrap": 1,
+ "WrapAnywhere": 3,
+ "WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere": 4,
+ "Wrap": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "LineHeightMode"
+ values: {
+ "ProportionalHeight": 0,
+ "FixedHeight": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "text"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
+ Property { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ Property { name: "style"; type: "TextStyle" }
+ Property { name: "styleColor"; type: "QColor" }
+ Property { name: "horizontalAlignment"; type: "HAlignment" }
+ Property { name: "verticalAlignment"; type: "VAlignment" }
+ Property { name: "wrapMode"; type: "WrapMode" }
+ Property { name: "lineCount"; revision: 1; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "truncated"; revision: 1; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "maximumLineCount"; revision: 1; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "textFormat"; type: "TextFormat" }
+ Property { name: "elide"; type: "TextElideMode" }
+ Property { name: "paintedWidth"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "paintedHeight"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "lineHeight"; revision: 1; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "lineHeightMode"; revision: 1; type: "LineHeightMode" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "textChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "text"; type: "string" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "linkActivated"
+ Parameter { name: "link"; type: "string" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "fontChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "colorChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "styleChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "style"; type: "TextStyle" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "styleColorChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "horizontalAlignmentChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "alignment"; type: "HAlignment" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "verticalAlignmentChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "alignment"; type: "VAlignment" }
+ }
+ Signal { name: "lineCountChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Signal { name: "truncatedChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Signal { name: "maximumLineCountChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Signal {
+ name: "textFormatChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "textFormat"; type: "TextFormat" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "elideModeChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "TextElideMode" }
+ }
+ Signal { name: "paintedSizeChanged" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "lineHeightChanged"
+ revision: 1
+ Parameter { name: "lineHeight"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "lineHeightModeChanged"
+ revision: 1
+ Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "LineHeightMode" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeTextEdit"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeImplicitSizePaintedItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/TextEdit 1.0", "QtQuick/TextEdit 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ Enum {
+ name: "HAlignment"
+ values: {
+ "AlignLeft": 1,
+ "AlignRight": 2,
+ "AlignHCenter": 4,
+ "AlignJustify": 8
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "VAlignment"
+ values: {
+ "AlignTop": 32,
+ "AlignBottom": 64,
+ "AlignVCenter": 128
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TextFormat"
+ values: {
+ "PlainText": 0,
+ "RichText": 1,
+ "AutoText": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WrapMode"
+ values: {
+ "NoWrap": 0,
+ "WordWrap": 1,
+ "WrapAnywhere": 3,
+ "WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere": 4,
+ "Wrap": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "SelectionMode"
+ values: {
+ "SelectCharacters": 0,
+ "SelectWords": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "text"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ Property { name: "selectionColor"; type: "QColor" }
+ Property { name: "selectedTextColor"; type: "QColor" }
+ Property { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
+ Property { name: "horizontalAlignment"; type: "HAlignment" }
+ Property { name: "verticalAlignment"; type: "VAlignment" }
+ Property { name: "wrapMode"; type: "WrapMode" }
+ Property { name: "lineCount"; revision: 1; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "paintedWidth"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "paintedHeight"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "textFormat"; type: "TextFormat" }
+ Property { name: "readOnly"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "cursorVisible"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "cursorPosition"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "cursorRectangle"; type: "QRect"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "cursorDelegate"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "selectionStart"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "selectionEnd"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "selectedText"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "activeFocusOnPress"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "persistentSelection"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "textMargin"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "inputMethodHints"; type: "Qt::InputMethodHints" }
+ Property { name: "selectByMouse"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "mouseSelectionMode"; revision: 1; type: "SelectionMode" }
+ Property { name: "canPaste"; revision: 1; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "inputMethodComposing"; revision: 1; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal {
+ name: "textChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "string" }
+ }
+ Signal { name: "paintedSizeChanged" }
+ Signal { name: "selectionChanged" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "colorChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "selectionColorChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "selectedTextColorChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "fontChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "horizontalAlignmentChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "alignment"; type: "HAlignment" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "verticalAlignmentChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "alignment"; type: "VAlignment" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "textFormatChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "textFormat"; type: "TextFormat" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "readOnlyChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "isReadOnly"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "cursorVisibleChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "isCursorVisible"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "activeFocusOnPressChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "activeFocusOnPressed"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "persistentSelectionChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "isPersistentSelection"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "textMarginChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "textMargin"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "selectByMouseChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "selectByMouse"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "mouseSelectionModeChanged"
+ revision: 1
+ Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "SelectionMode" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "linkActivated"
+ revision: 1
+ Parameter { name: "link"; type: "string" }
+ }
+ Signal { name: "canPasteChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Signal { name: "inputMethodComposingChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Method { name: "selectAll" }
+ Method { name: "selectWord" }
+ Method {
+ name: "select"
+ Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "deselect"; revision: 1 }
+ Method {
+ name: "isRightToLeft"
+ revision: 1
+ type: "bool"
+ Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "cut" }
+ Method { name: "copy" }
+ Method { name: "paste" }
+ Method { name: "openSoftwareInputPanel" }
+ Method { name: "closeSoftwareInputPanel" }
+ Method {
+ name: "positionToRectangle"
+ type: "QRectF"
+ Parameter { type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "positionAt"
+ type: "int"
+ Parameter { name: "x"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "y"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "moveCursorSelection"
+ Parameter { name: "pos"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "moveCursorSelection"
+ revision: 1
+ Parameter { name: "pos"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "SelectionMode" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeTextInput"
+ defaultProperty: "data"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeImplicitSizePaintedItem"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/TextInput 1.0", "QtQuick/TextInput 1.1"]
+ exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0, 1]
+ Enum {
+ name: "EchoMode"
+ values: {
+ "Normal": 0,
+ "NoEcho": 1,
+ "Password": 2,
+ "PasswordEchoOnEdit": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "HAlignment"
+ values: {
+ "AlignLeft": 1,
+ "AlignRight": 2,
+ "AlignHCenter": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "SelectionMode"
+ values: {
+ "SelectCharacters": 0,
+ "SelectWords": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "text"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ Property { name: "selectionColor"; type: "QColor" }
+ Property { name: "selectedTextColor"; type: "QColor" }
+ Property { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
+ Property { name: "horizontalAlignment"; type: "HAlignment" }
+ Property { name: "readOnly"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "cursorVisible"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "cursorPosition"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "cursorRectangle"; type: "QRect"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "cursorDelegate"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "selectionStart"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "selectionEnd"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "selectedText"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "maximumLength"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "validator"; type: "QValidator"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "inputMask"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "inputMethodHints"; type: "Qt::InputMethodHints" }
+ Property { name: "acceptableInput"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "echoMode"; type: "EchoMode" }
+ Property { name: "activeFocusOnPress"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "passwordCharacter"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "displayText"; type: "string"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "autoScroll"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "selectByMouse"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "mouseSelectionMode"; revision: 1; type: "SelectionMode" }
+ Property { name: "canPaste"; revision: 1; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "inputMethodComposing"; revision: 1; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal { name: "accepted" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "colorChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "selectionColorChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "selectedTextColorChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "color"; type: "QColor" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "fontChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "horizontalAlignmentChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "alignment"; type: "HAlignment" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "readOnlyChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "isReadOnly"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "cursorVisibleChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "isCursorVisible"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "maximumLengthChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "maximumLength"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "inputMaskChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "inputMask"; type: "string" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "echoModeChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "echoMode"; type: "EchoMode" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "activeFocusOnPressChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "activeFocusOnPress"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "autoScrollChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "autoScroll"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "selectByMouseChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "selectByMouse"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "mouseSelectionModeChanged"
+ revision: 1
+ Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "SelectionMode" }
+ }
+ Signal { name: "canPasteChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Signal { name: "inputMethodComposingChanged"; revision: 1 }
+ Method { name: "selectAll" }
+ Method { name: "selectWord" }
+ Method {
+ name: "select"
+ Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "deselect"; revision: 1 }
+ Method {
+ name: "isRightToLeft"
+ revision: 1
+ type: "bool"
+ Parameter { name: "start"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "end"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "cut" }
+ Method { name: "copy" }
+ Method { name: "paste" }
+ Method {
+ name: "positionAt"
+ type: "int"
+ Parameter { name: "x"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "positionAt"
+ revision: 1
+ type: "int"
+ Parameter { name: "x"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "position"; type: "CursorPosition" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "positionToRectangle"
+ type: "QRectF"
+ Parameter { name: "pos"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "moveCursorSelection"
+ Parameter { name: "pos"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "moveCursorSelection"
+ revision: 1
+ Parameter { name: "pos"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "mode"; type: "SelectionMode" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "openSoftwareInputPanel" }
+ Method { name: "closeSoftwareInputPanel" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeTimer"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Timer 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "interval"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "running"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "repeat"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "triggeredOnStart"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "parent"; type: "QObject"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Signal { name: "triggered" }
+ Method { name: "start" }
+ Method { name: "stop" }
+ Method { name: "restart" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeTransition"
+ defaultProperty: "animations"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Transition 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "from"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "to"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "reversible"; type: "bool" }
+ Property {
+ name: "animations"
+ type: "QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation"
+ isList: true
+ isReadonly: true
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeTranslate"
+ prototype: "QGraphicsTransform"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Translate 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "x"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "y"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component { name: "QDeclarativeValueType"; prototype: "QObject" }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeVector3dAnimation"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativePropertyAnimation"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Vector3dAnimation 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "from"; type: "QVector3D" }
+ Property { name: "to"; type: "QVector3D" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeViewSection"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/ViewSection 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "SectionCriteria"
+ values: {
+ "FullString": 0,
+ "FirstCharacter": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "property"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "criteria"; type: "SectionCriteria" }
+ Property { name: "delegate"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeVisualDataModel"
+ defaultProperty: "delegate"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeVisualModel"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/VisualDataModel 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "model"; type: "QVariant" }
+ Property { name: "delegate"; type: "QDeclarativeComponent"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "part"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "parts"; type: "QObject"; isReadonly: true; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "rootIndex"; type: "QVariant" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "createdPackage"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "package"; type: "QDeclarativePackage"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "destroyingPackage"
+ Parameter { name: "package"; type: "QDeclarativePackage"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "modelIndex"
+ type: "QVariant"
+ Parameter { name: "idx"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "parentModelIndex"; type: "QVariant" }
+ }
+ Component { name: "QDeclarativeVisualDataModelParts"; prototype: "QObject" }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeVisualItemModel"
+ defaultProperty: "children"
+ prototype: "QDeclarativeVisualModel"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/VisualItemModel 1.0"]
+ attachedType: "QDeclarativeVisualItemModelAttached"
+ Property { name: "children"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeVisualItemModelAttached"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "index"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeVisualModel"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal {
+ name: "itemsInserted"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "itemsRemoved"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "itemsMoved"
+ Parameter { name: "from"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "to"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "itemsChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal { name: "modelReset" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "createdItem"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "destroyingItem"
+ Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QDeclarativeItem"; isPointer: true }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeWorkerScript"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/WorkerScript 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "source"; type: "QUrl" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "message"
+ Parameter { name: "messageObject"; type: "QScriptValue" }
+ }
+ Method {
+ name: "sendMessage"
+ Parameter { type: "QScriptValue" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeXmlListModel"
+ defaultProperty: "roles"
+ prototype: "QListModelInterface"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/XmlListModel 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Status"
+ values: {
+ "Null": 0,
+ "Ready": 1,
+ "Loading": 2,
+ "Error": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "status"; type: "Status"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "progress"; type: "double"; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "source"; type: "QUrl" }
+ Property { name: "xml"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "query"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "namespaceDeclarations"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "roles"; type: "QDeclarativeXmlListModelRole"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+ Signal {
+ name: "statusChanged"
+ Parameter { type: "QDeclarativeXmlListModel::Status" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "progressChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "progress"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "reload" }
+ Method {
+ name: "get"
+ type: "QScriptValue"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "errorString"; type: "string" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDeclarativeXmlListModelRole"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/XmlRole 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "name"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "query"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "isKey"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QDoubleValidator"
+ prototype: "QValidator"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/DoubleValidator 1.0"]
+ Enum {
+ name: "Notation"
+ values: {
+ "StandardNotation": 0,
+ "ScientificNotation": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Property { name: "bottom"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "top"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "decimals"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "notation"; type: "Notation" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "bottomChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "bottom"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "topChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "top"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "decimalsChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "decimals"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "notationChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "notation"; type: "QDoubleValidator::Notation" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QGraphicsObject"
+ defaultProperty: "children"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Property { name: "parent"; type: "QGraphicsObject"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "opacity"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "enabled"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "visible"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "pos"; type: "QPointF" }
+ Property { name: "x"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "y"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "z"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "rotation"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "scale"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "transformOriginPoint"; type: "QPointF" }
+ Property { name: "effect"; type: "QGraphicsEffect"; isPointer: true }
+ Property { name: "children"; type: "QGraphicsObject"; isList: true; isReadonly: true }
+ Property { name: "width"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "height"; type: "double" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QGraphicsRotation"
+ prototype: "QGraphicsTransform"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Rotation 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "origin"; type: "QVector3D" }
+ Property { name: "angle"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "axis"; type: "QVector3D" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QGraphicsScale"
+ prototype: "QGraphicsTransform"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/Scale 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "origin"; type: "QVector3D" }
+ Property { name: "xScale"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "yScale"; type: "double" }
+ Property { name: "zScale"; type: "double" }
+ Signal { name: "scaleChanged" }
+ }
+ Component { name: "QGraphicsTransform"; prototype: "QObject" }
+ Component {
+ name: "QGraphicsWidget"
+ defaultProperty: "children"
+ prototype: "QGraphicsObject"
+ Property { name: "palette"; type: "QPalette" }
+ Property { name: "font"; type: "QFont" }
+ Property { name: "layoutDirection"; type: "Qt::LayoutDirection" }
+ Property { name: "size"; type: "QSizeF" }
+ Property { name: "minimumSize"; type: "QSizeF" }
+ Property { name: "preferredSize"; type: "QSizeF" }
+ Property { name: "maximumSize"; type: "QSizeF" }
+ Property { name: "sizePolicy"; type: "QSizePolicy" }
+ Property { name: "focusPolicy"; type: "Qt::FocusPolicy" }
+ Property { name: "windowFlags"; type: "Qt::WindowFlags" }
+ Property { name: "windowTitle"; type: "string" }
+ Property { name: "geometry"; type: "QRectF" }
+ Property { name: "autoFillBackground"; type: "bool" }
+ Property { name: "layout"; type: "QGraphicsLayout"; isPointer: true }
+ Method { name: "close"; type: "bool" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QIntValidator"
+ prototype: "QValidator"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/IntValidator 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "bottom"; type: "int" }
+ Property { name: "top"; type: "int" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "bottomChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "bottom"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "topChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "top"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QListModelInterface"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Signal {
+ name: "itemsInserted"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "itemsRemoved"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "itemsMoved"
+ Parameter { name: "from"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "to"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ Signal {
+ name: "itemsChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "index"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "count"; type: "int" }
+ Parameter { name: "roles"; type: "QList<int>" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QObject"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/QtObject 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "objectName"; type: "string" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "objectNameChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "objectName"; type: "string" }
+ }
+ Method { name: "toString" }
+ Method { name: "destroy" }
+ Method {
+ name: "destroy"
+ Parameter { name: "delay"; type: "int" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QRegExpValidator"
+ prototype: "QValidator"
+ exports: ["QtQuick/RegExpValidator 1.0"]
+ Property { name: "regExp"; type: "QRegExp" }
+ Signal {
+ name: "regExpChanged"
+ Parameter { name: "regExp"; type: "QRegExp" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "QValidator"
+ prototype: "QObject"
+ Signal { name: "changed" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ name: "Qt"
+ Enum {
+ name: "GlobalColor"
+ values: {
+ "color0": 0,
+ "color1": 1,
+ "black": 2,
+ "white": 3,
+ "darkGray": 4,
+ "gray": 5,
+ "lightGray": 6,
+ "red": 7,
+ "green": 8,
+ "blue": 9,
+ "cyan": 10,
+ "magenta": 11,
+ "yellow": 12,
+ "darkRed": 13,
+ "darkGreen": 14,
+ "darkBlue": 15,
+ "darkCyan": 16,
+ "darkMagenta": 17,
+ "darkYellow": 18,
+ "transparent": 19
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "KeyboardModifiers"
+ values: {
+ "NoModifier": 0,
+ "ShiftModifier": 33554432,
+ "ControlModifier": 67108864,
+ "AltModifier": 134217728,
+ "MetaModifier": 268435456,
+ "KeypadModifier": 536870912,
+ "GroupSwitchModifier": 1073741824,
+ "KeyboardModifierMask": -33554432
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "MouseButtons"
+ values: {
+ "NoButton": 0,
+ "LeftButton": 1,
+ "RightButton": 2,
+ "MidButton": 4,
+ "MiddleButton": 4,
+ "BackButton": 8,
+ "XButton1": 8,
+ "ExtraButton1": 8,
+ "ForwardButton": 16,
+ "XButton2": 16,
+ "ExtraButton2": 16,
+ "TaskButton": 32,
+ "ExtraButton3": 32,
+ "ExtraButton4": 64,
+ "ExtraButton5": 128,
+ "ExtraButton6": 256,
+ "ExtraButton7": 512,
+ "ExtraButton8": 1024,
+ "ExtraButton9": 2048,
+ "ExtraButton10": 4096,
+ "ExtraButton11": 8192,
+ "ExtraButton12": 16384,
+ "ExtraButton13": 32768,
+ "ExtraButton14": 65536,
+ "ExtraButton15": 131072,
+ "ExtraButton16": 262144,
+ "ExtraButton17": 524288,
+ "ExtraButton18": 1048576,
+ "ExtraButton19": 2097152,
+ "ExtraButton20": 4194304,
+ "ExtraButton21": 8388608,
+ "ExtraButton22": 16777216,
+ "ExtraButton23": 33554432,
+ "ExtraButton24": 67108864,
+ "AllButtons": 134217727,
+ "MaxMouseButton": 67108864,
+ "MouseButtonMask": -1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "Orientation"
+ values: {
+ "Horizontal": 1,
+ "Vertical": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "Orientations"
+ values: {
+ "Horizontal": 1,
+ "Vertical": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "FocusPolicy"
+ values: {
+ "NoFocus": 0,
+ "TabFocus": 1,
+ "ClickFocus": 2,
+ "StrongFocus": 11,
+ "WheelFocus": 15
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "SortOrder"
+ values: {
+ "AscendingOrder": 0,
+ "DescendingOrder": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "Alignment"
+ values: {
+ "AlignLeft": 1,
+ "AlignLeading": 1,
+ "AlignRight": 2,
+ "AlignTrailing": 2,
+ "AlignHCenter": 4,
+ "AlignJustify": 8,
+ "AlignAbsolute": 16,
+ "AlignHorizontal_Mask": 31,
+ "AlignTop": 32,
+ "AlignBottom": 64,
+ "AlignVCenter": 128,
+ "AlignVertical_Mask": 224,
+ "AlignCenter": 132
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TextElideMode"
+ values: {
+ "ElideLeft": 0,
+ "ElideRight": 1,
+ "ElideMiddle": 2,
+ "ElideNone": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WindowType"
+ values: {
+ "Widget": 0,
+ "Window": 1,
+ "Dialog": 3,
+ "Sheet": 5,
+ "Drawer": 7,
+ "Popup": 9,
+ "Tool": 11,
+ "ToolTip": 13,
+ "SplashScreen": 15,
+ "Desktop": 17,
+ "SubWindow": 18,
+ "WindowType_Mask": 255,
+ "MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint": 256,
+ "MSWindowsOwnDC": 512,
+ "X11BypassWindowManagerHint": 1024,
+ "FramelessWindowHint": 2048,
+ "WindowTitleHint": 4096,
+ "WindowSystemMenuHint": 8192,
+ "WindowMinimizeButtonHint": 16384,
+ "WindowMaximizeButtonHint": 32768,
+ "WindowMinMaxButtonsHint": 49152,
+ "WindowContextHelpButtonHint": 65536,
+ "WindowShadeButtonHint": 131072,
+ "WindowStaysOnTopHint": 262144,
+ "WindowTransparentForInput": 524288,
+ "WindowOverridesSystemGestures": 1048576,
+ "WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus": 2097152,
+ "CustomizeWindowHint": 33554432,
+ "WindowStaysOnBottomHint": 67108864,
+ "WindowCloseButtonHint": 134217728,
+ "MacWindowToolBarButtonHint": 268435456,
+ "BypassGraphicsProxyWidget": 536870912,
+ "WindowOkButtonHint": 524288,
+ "WindowCancelButtonHint": 1048576,
+ "NoDropShadowWindowHint": 1073741824,
+ "WindowFullscreenButtonHint": -2147483648
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WindowFlags"
+ values: {
+ "Widget": 0,
+ "Window": 1,
+ "Dialog": 3,
+ "Sheet": 5,
+ "Drawer": 7,
+ "Popup": 9,
+ "Tool": 11,
+ "ToolTip": 13,
+ "SplashScreen": 15,
+ "Desktop": 17,
+ "SubWindow": 18,
+ "WindowType_Mask": 255,
+ "MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint": 256,
+ "MSWindowsOwnDC": 512,
+ "X11BypassWindowManagerHint": 1024,
+ "FramelessWindowHint": 2048,
+ "WindowTitleHint": 4096,
+ "WindowSystemMenuHint": 8192,
+ "WindowMinimizeButtonHint": 16384,
+ "WindowMaximizeButtonHint": 32768,
+ "WindowMinMaxButtonsHint": 49152,
+ "WindowContextHelpButtonHint": 65536,
+ "WindowShadeButtonHint": 131072,
+ "WindowStaysOnTopHint": 262144,
+ "WindowTransparentForInput": 524288,
+ "WindowOverridesSystemGestures": 1048576,
+ "WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus": 2097152,
+ "CustomizeWindowHint": 33554432,
+ "WindowStaysOnBottomHint": 67108864,
+ "WindowCloseButtonHint": 134217728,
+ "MacWindowToolBarButtonHint": 268435456,
+ "BypassGraphicsProxyWidget": 536870912,
+ "WindowOkButtonHint": 524288,
+ "WindowCancelButtonHint": 1048576,
+ "NoDropShadowWindowHint": 1073741824,
+ "WindowFullscreenButtonHint": -2147483648
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WindowState"
+ values: {
+ "WindowNoState": 0,
+ "WindowMinimized": 1,
+ "WindowMaximized": 2,
+ "WindowFullScreen": 4,
+ "WindowActive": 8
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WindowStates"
+ values: {
+ "WindowNoState": 0,
+ "WindowMinimized": 1,
+ "WindowMaximized": 2,
+ "WindowFullScreen": 4,
+ "WindowActive": 8
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ScreenOrientation"
+ values: {
+ "PrimaryOrientation": 0,
+ "PortraitOrientation": 1,
+ "LandscapeOrientation": 2,
+ "InvertedPortraitOrientation": 4,
+ "InvertedLandscapeOrientation": 8
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ScreenOrientations"
+ values: {
+ "PrimaryOrientation": 0,
+ "PortraitOrientation": 1,
+ "LandscapeOrientation": 2,
+ "InvertedPortraitOrientation": 4,
+ "InvertedLandscapeOrientation": 8
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WidgetAttribute"
+ values: {
+ "WA_Disabled": 0,
+ "WA_UnderMouse": 1,
+ "WA_MouseTracking": 2,
+ "WA_ContentsPropagated": 3,
+ "WA_OpaquePaintEvent": 4,
+ "WA_NoBackground": 4,
+ "WA_StaticContents": 5,
+ "WA_LaidOut": 7,
+ "WA_PaintOnScreen": 8,
+ "WA_NoSystemBackground": 9,
+ "WA_UpdatesDisabled": 10,
+ "WA_Mapped": 11,
+ "WA_MacNoClickThrough": 12,
+ "WA_InputMethodEnabled": 14,
+ "WA_WState_Visible": 15,
+ "WA_WState_Hidden": 16,
+ "WA_ForceDisabled": 32,
+ "WA_KeyCompression": 33,
+ "WA_PendingMoveEvent": 34,
+ "WA_PendingResizeEvent": 35,
+ "WA_SetPalette": 36,
+ "WA_SetFont": 37,
+ "WA_SetCursor": 38,
+ "WA_NoChildEventsFromChildren": 39,
+ "WA_WindowModified": 41,
+ "WA_Resized": 42,
+ "WA_Moved": 43,
+ "WA_PendingUpdate": 44,
+ "WA_InvalidSize": 45,
+ "WA_MacBrushedMetal": 46,
+ "WA_MacMetalStyle": 46,
+ "WA_CustomWhatsThis": 47,
+ "WA_LayoutOnEntireRect": 48,
+ "WA_OutsideWSRange": 49,
+ "WA_GrabbedShortcut": 50,
+ "WA_TransparentForMouseEvents": 51,
+ "WA_PaintUnclipped": 52,
+ "WA_SetWindowIcon": 53,
+ "WA_NoMouseReplay": 54,
+ "WA_DeleteOnClose": 55,
+ "WA_RightToLeft": 56,
+ "WA_SetLayoutDirection": 57,
+ "WA_NoChildEventsForParent": 58,
+ "WA_ForceUpdatesDisabled": 59,
+ "WA_WState_Created": 60,
+ "WA_WState_CompressKeys": 61,
+ "WA_WState_InPaintEvent": 62,
+ "WA_WState_Reparented": 63,
+ "WA_WState_ConfigPending": 64,
+ "WA_WState_Polished": 66,
+ "WA_WState_DND": 67,
+ "WA_WState_OwnSizePolicy": 68,
+ "WA_WState_ExplicitShowHide": 69,
+ "WA_ShowModal": 70,
+ "WA_MouseNoMask": 71,
+ "WA_GroupLeader": 72,
+ "WA_NoMousePropagation": 73,
+ "WA_Hover": 74,
+ "WA_InputMethodTransparent": 75,
+ "WA_QuitOnClose": 76,
+ "WA_KeyboardFocusChange": 77,
+ "WA_AcceptDrops": 78,
+ "WA_DropSiteRegistered": 79,
+ "WA_ForceAcceptDrops": 79,
+ "WA_WindowPropagation": 80,
+ "WA_NoX11EventCompression": 81,
+ "WA_TintedBackground": 82,
+ "WA_X11OpenGLOverlay": 83,
+ "WA_AlwaysShowToolTips": 84,
+ "WA_MacOpaqueSizeGrip": 85,
+ "WA_SetStyle": 86,
+ "WA_SetLocale": 87,
+ "WA_MacShowFocusRect": 88,
+ "WA_MacNormalSize": 89,
+ "WA_MacSmallSize": 90,
+ "WA_MacMiniSize": 91,
+ "WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect": 92,
+ "WA_StyledBackground": 93,
+ "WA_MSWindowsUseDirect3D": 94,
+ "WA_CanHostQMdiSubWindowTitleBar": 95,
+ "WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow": 96,
+ "WA_StyleSheet": 97,
+ "WA_ShowWithoutActivating": 98,
+ "WA_X11BypassTransientForHint": 99,
+ "WA_NativeWindow": 100,
+ "WA_DontCreateNativeAncestors": 101,
+ "WA_MacVariableSize": 102,
+ "WA_DontShowOnScreen": 103,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDesktop": 104,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDock": 105,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeToolBar": 106,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeMenu": 107,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeUtility": 108,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeSplash": 109,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDialog": 110,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDropDownMenu": 111,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypePopupMenu": 112,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeToolTip": 113,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeNotification": 114,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeCombo": 115,
+ "WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDND": 116,
+ "WA_MacFrameworkScaled": 117,
+ "WA_SetWindowModality": 118,
+ "WA_WState_WindowOpacitySet": 119,
+ "WA_TranslucentBackground": 120,
+ "WA_AcceptTouchEvents": 121,
+ "WA_WState_AcceptedTouchBeginEvent": 122,
+ "WA_TouchPadAcceptSingleTouchEvents": 123,
+ "WA_X11DoNotAcceptFocus": 126,
+ "WA_MacNoShadow": 127,
+ "WA_AttributeCount": 128
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ApplicationAttribute"
+ values: {
+ "AA_ImmediateWidgetCreation": 0,
+ "AA_MSWindowsUseDirect3DByDefault": 1,
+ "AA_DontShowIconsInMenus": 2,
+ "AA_NativeWindows": 3,
+ "AA_DontCreateNativeWidgetSiblings": 4,
+ "AA_MacPluginApplication": 5,
+ "AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar": 6,
+ "AA_MacDontSwapCtrlAndMeta": 7,
+ "AA_Use96Dpi": 8,
+ "AA_X11InitThreads": 10,
+ "AA_SynthesizeTouchForUnhandledMouseEvents": 11,
+ "AA_SynthesizeMouseForUnhandledTouchEvents": 12,
+ "AA_AttributeCount": 13
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ImageConversionFlags"
+ values: {
+ "ColorMode_Mask": 3,
+ "AutoColor": 0,
+ "ColorOnly": 3,
+ "MonoOnly": 2,
+ "AlphaDither_Mask": 12,
+ "ThresholdAlphaDither": 0,
+ "OrderedAlphaDither": 4,
+ "DiffuseAlphaDither": 8,
+ "NoAlpha": 12,
+ "Dither_Mask": 48,
+ "DiffuseDither": 0,
+ "OrderedDither": 16,
+ "ThresholdDither": 32,
+ "DitherMode_Mask": 192,
+ "AutoDither": 0,
+ "PreferDither": 64,
+ "AvoidDither": 128,
+ "NoOpaqueDetection": 256,
+ "NoFormatConversion": 512
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "BGMode"
+ values: {
+ "TransparentMode": 0,
+ "OpaqueMode": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "Key"
+ values: {
+ "Key_Escape": 16777216,
+ "Key_Tab": 16777217,
+ "Key_Backtab": 16777218,
+ "Key_Backspace": 16777219,
+ "Key_Return": 16777220,
+ "Key_Enter": 16777221,
+ "Key_Insert": 16777222,
+ "Key_Delete": 16777223,
+ "Key_Pause": 16777224,
+ "Key_Print": 16777225,
+ "Key_SysReq": 16777226,
+ "Key_Clear": 16777227,
+ "Key_Home": 16777232,
+ "Key_End": 16777233,
+ "Key_Left": 16777234,
+ "Key_Up": 16777235,
+ "Key_Right": 16777236,
+ "Key_Down": 16777237,
+ "Key_PageUp": 16777238,
+ "Key_PageDown": 16777239,
+ "Key_Shift": 16777248,
+ "Key_Control": 16777249,
+ "Key_Meta": 16777250,
+ "Key_Alt": 16777251,
+ "Key_CapsLock": 16777252,
+ "Key_NumLock": 16777253,
+ "Key_ScrollLock": 16777254,
+ "Key_F1": 16777264,
+ "Key_F2": 16777265,
+ "Key_F3": 16777266,
+ "Key_F4": 16777267,
+ "Key_F5": 16777268,
+ "Key_F6": 16777269,
+ "Key_F7": 16777270,
+ "Key_F8": 16777271,
+ "Key_F9": 16777272,
+ "Key_F10": 16777273,
+ "Key_F11": 16777274,
+ "Key_F12": 16777275,
+ "Key_F13": 16777276,
+ "Key_F14": 16777277,
+ "Key_F15": 16777278,
+ "Key_F16": 16777279,
+ "Key_F17": 16777280,
+ "Key_F18": 16777281,
+ "Key_F19": 16777282,
+ "Key_F20": 16777283,
+ "Key_F21": 16777284,
+ "Key_F22": 16777285,
+ "Key_F23": 16777286,
+ "Key_F24": 16777287,
+ "Key_F25": 16777288,
+ "Key_F26": 16777289,
+ "Key_F27": 16777290,
+ "Key_F28": 16777291,
+ "Key_F29": 16777292,
+ "Key_F30": 16777293,
+ "Key_F31": 16777294,
+ "Key_F32": 16777295,
+ "Key_F33": 16777296,
+ "Key_F34": 16777297,
+ "Key_F35": 16777298,
+ "Key_Super_L": 16777299,
+ "Key_Super_R": 16777300,
+ "Key_Menu": 16777301,
+ "Key_Hyper_L": 16777302,
+ "Key_Hyper_R": 16777303,
+ "Key_Help": 16777304,
+ "Key_Direction_L": 16777305,
+ "Key_Direction_R": 16777312,
+ "Key_Space": 32,
+ "Key_Any": 32,
+ "Key_Exclam": 33,
+ "Key_QuoteDbl": 34,
+ "Key_NumberSign": 35,
+ "Key_Dollar": 36,
+ "Key_Percent": 37,
+ "Key_Ampersand": 38,
+ "Key_Apostrophe": 39,
+ "Key_ParenLeft": 40,
+ "Key_ParenRight": 41,
+ "Key_Asterisk": 42,
+ "Key_Plus": 43,
+ "Key_Comma": 44,
+ "Key_Minus": 45,
+ "Key_Period": 46,
+ "Key_Slash": 47,
+ "Key_0": 48,
+ "Key_1": 49,
+ "Key_2": 50,
+ "Key_3": 51,
+ "Key_4": 52,
+ "Key_5": 53,
+ "Key_6": 54,
+ "Key_7": 55,
+ "Key_8": 56,
+ "Key_9": 57,
+ "Key_Colon": 58,
+ "Key_Semicolon": 59,
+ "Key_Less": 60,
+ "Key_Equal": 61,
+ "Key_Greater": 62,
+ "Key_Question": 63,
+ "Key_At": 64,
+ "Key_A": 65,
+ "Key_B": 66,
+ "Key_C": 67,
+ "Key_D": 68,
+ "Key_E": 69,
+ "Key_F": 70,
+ "Key_G": 71,
+ "Key_H": 72,
+ "Key_I": 73,
+ "Key_J": 74,
+ "Key_K": 75,
+ "Key_L": 76,
+ "Key_M": 77,
+ "Key_N": 78,
+ "Key_O": 79,
+ "Key_P": 80,
+ "Key_Q": 81,
+ "Key_R": 82,
+ "Key_S": 83,
+ "Key_T": 84,
+ "Key_U": 85,
+ "Key_V": 86,
+ "Key_W": 87,
+ "Key_X": 88,
+ "Key_Y": 89,
+ "Key_Z": 90,
+ "Key_BracketLeft": 91,
+ "Key_Backslash": 92,
+ "Key_BracketRight": 93,
+ "Key_AsciiCircum": 94,
+ "Key_Underscore": 95,
+ "Key_QuoteLeft": 96,
+ "Key_BraceLeft": 123,
+ "Key_Bar": 124,
+ "Key_BraceRight": 125,
+ "Key_AsciiTilde": 126,
+ "Key_nobreakspace": 160,
+ "Key_exclamdown": 161,
+ "Key_cent": 162,
+ "Key_sterling": 163,
+ "Key_currency": 164,
+ "Key_yen": 165,
+ "Key_brokenbar": 166,
+ "Key_section": 167,
+ "Key_diaeresis": 168,
+ "Key_copyright": 169,
+ "Key_ordfeminine": 170,
+ "Key_guillemotleft": 171,
+ "Key_notsign": 172,
+ "Key_hyphen": 173,
+ "Key_registered": 174,
+ "Key_macron": 175,
+ "Key_degree": 176,
+ "Key_plusminus": 177,
+ "Key_twosuperior": 178,
+ "Key_threesuperior": 179,
+ "Key_acute": 180,
+ "Key_mu": 181,
+ "Key_paragraph": 182,
+ "Key_periodcentered": 183,
+ "Key_cedilla": 184,
+ "Key_onesuperior": 185,
+ "Key_masculine": 186,
+ "Key_guillemotright": 187,
+ "Key_onequarter": 188,
+ "Key_onehalf": 189,
+ "Key_threequarters": 190,
+ "Key_questiondown": 191,
+ "Key_Agrave": 192,
+ "Key_Aacute": 193,
+ "Key_Acircumflex": 194,
+ "Key_Atilde": 195,
+ "Key_Adiaeresis": 196,
+ "Key_Aring": 197,
+ "Key_AE": 198,
+ "Key_Ccedilla": 199,
+ "Key_Egrave": 200,
+ "Key_Eacute": 201,
+ "Key_Ecircumflex": 202,
+ "Key_Ediaeresis": 203,
+ "Key_Igrave": 204,
+ "Key_Iacute": 205,
+ "Key_Icircumflex": 206,
+ "Key_Idiaeresis": 207,
+ "Key_ETH": 208,
+ "Key_Ntilde": 209,
+ "Key_Ograve": 210,
+ "Key_Oacute": 211,
+ "Key_Ocircumflex": 212,
+ "Key_Otilde": 213,
+ "Key_Odiaeresis": 214,
+ "Key_multiply": 215,
+ "Key_Ooblique": 216,
+ "Key_Ugrave": 217,
+ "Key_Uacute": 218,
+ "Key_Ucircumflex": 219,
+ "Key_Udiaeresis": 220,
+ "Key_Yacute": 221,
+ "Key_THORN": 222,
+ "Key_ssharp": 223,
+ "Key_division": 247,
+ "Key_ydiaeresis": 255,
+ "Key_AltGr": 16781571,
+ "Key_Multi_key": 16781600,
+ "Key_Codeinput": 16781623,
+ "Key_SingleCandidate": 16781628,
+ "Key_MultipleCandidate": 16781629,
+ "Key_PreviousCandidate": 16781630,
+ "Key_Mode_switch": 16781694,
+ "Key_Kanji": 16781601,
+ "Key_Muhenkan": 16781602,
+ "Key_Henkan": 16781603,
+ "Key_Romaji": 16781604,
+ "Key_Hiragana": 16781605,
+ "Key_Katakana": 16781606,
+ "Key_Hiragana_Katakana": 16781607,
+ "Key_Zenkaku": 16781608,
+ "Key_Hankaku": 16781609,
+ "Key_Zenkaku_Hankaku": 16781610,
+ "Key_Touroku": 16781611,
+ "Key_Massyo": 16781612,
+ "Key_Kana_Lock": 16781613,
+ "Key_Kana_Shift": 16781614,
+ "Key_Eisu_Shift": 16781615,
+ "Key_Eisu_toggle": 16781616,
+ "Key_Hangul": 16781617,
+ "Key_Hangul_Start": 16781618,
+ "Key_Hangul_End": 16781619,
+ "Key_Hangul_Hanja": 16781620,
+ "Key_Hangul_Jamo": 16781621,
+ "Key_Hangul_Romaja": 16781622,
+ "Key_Hangul_Jeonja": 16781624,
+ "Key_Hangul_Banja": 16781625,
+ "Key_Hangul_PreHanja": 16781626,
+ "Key_Hangul_PostHanja": 16781627,
+ "Key_Hangul_Special": 16781631,
+ "Key_Dead_Grave": 16781904,
+ "Key_Dead_Acute": 16781905,
+ "Key_Dead_Circumflex": 16781906,
+ "Key_Dead_Tilde": 16781907,
+ "Key_Dead_Macron": 16781908,
+ "Key_Dead_Breve": 16781909,
+ "Key_Dead_Abovedot": 16781910,
+ "Key_Dead_Diaeresis": 16781911,
+ "Key_Dead_Abovering": 16781912,
+ "Key_Dead_Doubleacute": 16781913,
+ "Key_Dead_Caron": 16781914,
+ "Key_Dead_Cedilla": 16781915,
+ "Key_Dead_Ogonek": 16781916,
+ "Key_Dead_Iota": 16781917,
+ "Key_Dead_Voiced_Sound": 16781918,
+ "Key_Dead_Semivoiced_Sound": 16781919,
+ "Key_Dead_Belowdot": 16781920,
+ "Key_Dead_Hook": 16781921,
+ "Key_Dead_Horn": 16781922,
+ "Key_Back": 16777313,
+ "Key_Forward": 16777314,
+ "Key_Stop": 16777315,
+ "Key_Refresh": 16777316,
+ "Key_VolumeDown": 16777328,
+ "Key_VolumeMute": 16777329,
+ "Key_VolumeUp": 16777330,
+ "Key_BassBoost": 16777331,
+ "Key_BassUp": 16777332,
+ "Key_BassDown": 16777333,
+ "Key_TrebleUp": 16777334,
+ "Key_TrebleDown": 16777335,
+ "Key_MediaPlay": 16777344,
+ "Key_MediaStop": 16777345,
+ "Key_MediaPrevious": 16777346,
+ "Key_MediaNext": 16777347,
+ "Key_MediaRecord": 16777348,
+ "Key_MediaPause": 16777349,
+ "Key_MediaTogglePlayPause": 16777350,
+ "Key_HomePage": 16777360,
+ "Key_Favorites": 16777361,
+ "Key_Search": 16777362,
+ "Key_Standby": 16777363,
+ "Key_OpenUrl": 16777364,
+ "Key_LaunchMail": 16777376,
+ "Key_LaunchMedia": 16777377,
+ "Key_Launch0": 16777378,
+ "Key_Launch1": 16777379,
+ "Key_Launch2": 16777380,
+ "Key_Launch3": 16777381,
+ "Key_Launch4": 16777382,
+ "Key_Launch5": 16777383,
+ "Key_Launch6": 16777384,
+ "Key_Launch7": 16777385,
+ "Key_Launch8": 16777386,
+ "Key_Launch9": 16777387,
+ "Key_LaunchA": 16777388,
+ "Key_LaunchB": 16777389,
+ "Key_LaunchC": 16777390,
+ "Key_LaunchD": 16777391,
+ "Key_LaunchE": 16777392,
+ "Key_LaunchF": 16777393,
+ "Key_MonBrightnessUp": 16777394,
+ "Key_MonBrightnessDown": 16777395,
+ "Key_KeyboardLightOnOff": 16777396,
+ "Key_KeyboardBrightnessUp": 16777397,
+ "Key_KeyboardBrightnessDown": 16777398,
+ "Key_PowerOff": 16777399,
+ "Key_WakeUp": 16777400,
+ "Key_Eject": 16777401,
+ "Key_ScreenSaver": 16777402,
+ "Key_WWW": 16777403,
+ "Key_Memo": 16777404,
+ "Key_LightBulb": 16777405,
+ "Key_Shop": 16777406,
+ "Key_History": 16777407,
+ "Key_AddFavorite": 16777408,
+ "Key_HotLinks": 16777409,
+ "Key_BrightnessAdjust": 16777410,
+ "Key_Finance": 16777411,
+ "Key_Community": 16777412,
+ "Key_AudioRewind": 16777413,
+ "Key_BackForward": 16777414,
+ "Key_ApplicationLeft": 16777415,
+ "Key_ApplicationRight": 16777416,
+ "Key_Book": 16777417,
+ "Key_CD": 16777418,
+ "Key_Calculator": 16777419,
+ "Key_ToDoList": 16777420,
+ "Key_ClearGrab": 16777421,
+ "Key_Close": 16777422,
+ "Key_Copy": 16777423,
+ "Key_Cut": 16777424,
+ "Key_Display": 16777425,
+ "Key_DOS": 16777426,
+ "Key_Documents": 16777427,
+ "Key_Excel": 16777428,
+ "Key_Explorer": 16777429,
+ "Key_Game": 16777430,
+ "Key_Go": 16777431,
+ "Key_iTouch": 16777432,
+ "Key_LogOff": 16777433,
+ "Key_Market": 16777434,
+ "Key_Meeting": 16777435,
+ "Key_MenuKB": 16777436,
+ "Key_MenuPB": 16777437,
+ "Key_MySites": 16777438,
+ "Key_News": 16777439,
+ "Key_OfficeHome": 16777440,
+ "Key_Option": 16777441,
+ "Key_Paste": 16777442,
+ "Key_Phone": 16777443,
+ "Key_Calendar": 16777444,
+ "Key_Reply": 16777445,
+ "Key_Reload": 16777446,
+ "Key_RotateWindows": 16777447,
+ "Key_RotationPB": 16777448,
+ "Key_RotationKB": 16777449,
+ "Key_Save": 16777450,
+ "Key_Send": 16777451,
+ "Key_Spell": 16777452,
+ "Key_SplitScreen": 16777453,
+ "Key_Support": 16777454,
+ "Key_TaskPane": 16777455,
+ "Key_Terminal": 16777456,
+ "Key_Tools": 16777457,
+ "Key_Travel": 16777458,
+ "Key_Video": 16777459,
+ "Key_Word": 16777460,
+ "Key_Xfer": 16777461,
+ "Key_ZoomIn": 16777462,
+ "Key_ZoomOut": 16777463,
+ "Key_Away": 16777464,
+ "Key_Messenger": 16777465,
+ "Key_WebCam": 16777466,
+ "Key_MailForward": 16777467,
+ "Key_Pictures": 16777468,
+ "Key_Music": 16777469,
+ "Key_Battery": 16777470,
+ "Key_Bluetooth": 16777471,
+ "Key_WLAN": 16777472,
+ "Key_UWB": 16777473,
+ "Key_AudioForward": 16777474,
+ "Key_AudioRepeat": 16777475,
+ "Key_AudioRandomPlay": 16777476,
+ "Key_Subtitle": 16777477,
+ "Key_AudioCycleTrack": 16777478,
+ "Key_Time": 16777479,
+ "Key_Hibernate": 16777480,
+ "Key_View": 16777481,
+ "Key_TopMenu": 16777482,
+ "Key_PowerDown": 16777483,
+ "Key_Suspend": 16777484,
+ "Key_ContrastAdjust": 16777485,
+ "Key_LaunchG": 16777486,
+ "Key_LaunchH": 16777487,
+ "Key_TouchpadToggle": 16777488,
+ "Key_TouchpadOn": 16777489,
+ "Key_TouchpadOff": 16777490,
+ "Key_MediaLast": 16842751,
+ "Key_Select": 16842752,
+ "Key_Yes": 16842753,
+ "Key_No": 16842754,
+ "Key_Cancel": 16908289,
+ "Key_Printer": 16908290,
+ "Key_Execute": 16908291,
+ "Key_Sleep": 16908292,
+ "Key_Play": 16908293,
+ "Key_Zoom": 16908294,
+ "Key_Context1": 17825792,
+ "Key_Context2": 17825793,
+ "Key_Context3": 17825794,
+ "Key_Context4": 17825795,
+ "Key_Call": 17825796,
+ "Key_Hangup": 17825797,
+ "Key_Flip": 17825798,
+ "Key_ToggleCallHangup": 17825799,
+ "Key_VoiceDial": 17825800,
+ "Key_LastNumberRedial": 17825801,
+ "Key_Camera": 17825824,
+ "Key_CameraFocus": 17825825,
+ "Key_unknown": 33554431
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ArrowType"
+ values: {
+ "NoArrow": 0,
+ "UpArrow": 1,
+ "DownArrow": 2,
+ "LeftArrow": 3,
+ "RightArrow": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "PenStyle"
+ values: {
+ "NoPen": 0,
+ "SolidLine": 1,
+ "DashLine": 2,
+ "DotLine": 3,
+ "DashDotLine": 4,
+ "DashDotDotLine": 5,
+ "CustomDashLine": 6
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "PenCapStyle"
+ values: {
+ "FlatCap": 0,
+ "SquareCap": 16,
+ "RoundCap": 32,
+ "MPenCapStyle": 48
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "PenJoinStyle"
+ values: {
+ "MiterJoin": 0,
+ "BevelJoin": 64,
+ "RoundJoin": 128,
+ "SvgMiterJoin": 256,
+ "MPenJoinStyle": 448
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "BrushStyle"
+ values: {
+ "NoBrush": 0,
+ "SolidPattern": 1,
+ "Dense1Pattern": 2,
+ "Dense2Pattern": 3,
+ "Dense3Pattern": 4,
+ "Dense4Pattern": 5,
+ "Dense5Pattern": 6,
+ "Dense6Pattern": 7,
+ "Dense7Pattern": 8,
+ "HorPattern": 9,
+ "VerPattern": 10,
+ "CrossPattern": 11,
+ "BDiagPattern": 12,
+ "FDiagPattern": 13,
+ "DiagCrossPattern": 14,
+ "LinearGradientPattern": 15,
+ "RadialGradientPattern": 16,
+ "ConicalGradientPattern": 17,
+ "TexturePattern": 24
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "SizeMode"
+ values: {
+ "AbsoluteSize": 0,
+ "RelativeSize": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "CursorShape"
+ values: {
+ "ArrowCursor": 0,
+ "UpArrowCursor": 1,
+ "CrossCursor": 2,
+ "WaitCursor": 3,
+ "IBeamCursor": 4,
+ "SizeVerCursor": 5,
+ "SizeHorCursor": 6,
+ "SizeBDiagCursor": 7,
+ "SizeFDiagCursor": 8,
+ "SizeAllCursor": 9,
+ "BlankCursor": 10,
+ "SplitVCursor": 11,
+ "SplitHCursor": 12,
+ "PointingHandCursor": 13,
+ "ForbiddenCursor": 14,
+ "WhatsThisCursor": 15,
+ "BusyCursor": 16,
+ "OpenHandCursor": 17,
+ "ClosedHandCursor": 18,
+ "DragCopyCursor": 19,
+ "DragMoveCursor": 20,
+ "DragLinkCursor": 21,
+ "LastCursor": 21,
+ "BitmapCursor": 24,
+ "CustomCursor": 25
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TextFormat"
+ values: {
+ "PlainText": 0,
+ "RichText": 1,
+ "AutoText": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "AspectRatioMode"
+ values: {
+ "IgnoreAspectRatio": 0,
+ "KeepAspectRatio": 1,
+ "KeepAspectRatioByExpanding": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "DockWidgetArea"
+ values: {
+ "LeftDockWidgetArea": 1,
+ "RightDockWidgetArea": 2,
+ "TopDockWidgetArea": 4,
+ "BottomDockWidgetArea": 8,
+ "DockWidgetArea_Mask": 15,
+ "AllDockWidgetAreas": 15,
+ "NoDockWidgetArea": 0
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "DockWidgetAreas"
+ values: {
+ "LeftDockWidgetArea": 1,
+ "RightDockWidgetArea": 2,
+ "TopDockWidgetArea": 4,
+ "BottomDockWidgetArea": 8,
+ "DockWidgetArea_Mask": 15,
+ "AllDockWidgetAreas": 15,
+ "NoDockWidgetArea": 0
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ToolBarArea"
+ values: {
+ "LeftToolBarArea": 1,
+ "RightToolBarArea": 2,
+ "TopToolBarArea": 4,
+ "BottomToolBarArea": 8,
+ "ToolBarArea_Mask": 15,
+ "AllToolBarAreas": 15,
+ "NoToolBarArea": 0
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ToolBarAreas"
+ values: {
+ "LeftToolBarArea": 1,
+ "RightToolBarArea": 2,
+ "TopToolBarArea": 4,
+ "BottomToolBarArea": 8,
+ "ToolBarArea_Mask": 15,
+ "AllToolBarAreas": 15,
+ "NoToolBarArea": 0
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "DateFormat"
+ values: {
+ "TextDate": 0,
+ "ISODate": 1,
+ "SystemLocaleDate": 2,
+ "LocalDate": 2,
+ "LocaleDate": 3,
+ "SystemLocaleShortDate": 4,
+ "SystemLocaleLongDate": 5,
+ "DefaultLocaleShortDate": 6,
+ "DefaultLocaleLongDate": 7
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TimeSpec"
+ values: {
+ "LocalTime": 0,
+ "UTC": 1,
+ "OffsetFromUTC": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "DayOfWeek"
+ values: {
+ "Monday": 1,
+ "Tuesday": 2,
+ "Wednesday": 3,
+ "Thursday": 4,
+ "Friday": 5,
+ "Saturday": 6,
+ "Sunday": 7
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ScrollBarPolicy"
+ values: {
+ "ScrollBarAsNeeded": 0,
+ "ScrollBarAlwaysOff": 1,
+ "ScrollBarAlwaysOn": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "CaseSensitivity"
+ values: {
+ "CaseInsensitive": 0,
+ "CaseSensitive": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "Corner"
+ values: {
+ "TopLeftCorner": 0,
+ "TopRightCorner": 1,
+ "BottomLeftCorner": 2,
+ "BottomRightCorner": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ConnectionType"
+ values: {
+ "AutoConnection": 0,
+ "DirectConnection": 1,
+ "QueuedConnection": 2,
+ "BlockingQueuedConnection": 3,
+ "UniqueConnection": 128
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ShortcutContext"
+ values: {
+ "WidgetShortcut": 0,
+ "WindowShortcut": 1,
+ "ApplicationShortcut": 2,
+ "WidgetWithChildrenShortcut": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "FillRule"
+ values: {
+ "OddEvenFill": 0,
+ "WindingFill": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "MaskMode"
+ values: {
+ "MaskInColor": 0,
+ "MaskOutColor": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ClipOperation"
+ values: {
+ "NoClip": 0,
+ "ReplaceClip": 1,
+ "IntersectClip": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ItemSelectionMode"
+ values: {
+ "ContainsItemShape": 0,
+ "IntersectsItemShape": 1,
+ "ContainsItemBoundingRect": 2,
+ "IntersectsItemBoundingRect": 3
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TransformationMode"
+ values: {
+ "FastTransformation": 0,
+ "SmoothTransformation": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "Axis"
+ values: {
+ "XAxis": 0,
+ "YAxis": 1,
+ "ZAxis": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ContextMenuPolicy"
+ values: {
+ "NoContextMenu": 0,
+ "DefaultContextMenu": 1,
+ "ActionsContextMenu": 2,
+ "CustomContextMenu": 3,
+ "PreventContextMenu": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "InputMethodQuery"
+ values: {
+ "ImEnabled": 1,
+ "ImCursorRectangle": 2,
+ "ImMicroFocus": 2,
+ "ImFont": 4,
+ "ImCursorPosition": 8,
+ "ImSurroundingText": 16,
+ "ImCurrentSelection": 32,
+ "ImMaximumTextLength": 64,
+ "ImAnchorPosition": 128,
+ "ImHints": 256,
+ "ImPreferredLanguage": 512,
+ "ImPlatformData": -2147483648,
+ "ImQueryInput": 186,
+ "ImQueryAll": -1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "InputMethodQueries"
+ values: {
+ "ImEnabled": 1,
+ "ImCursorRectangle": 2,
+ "ImMicroFocus": 2,
+ "ImFont": 4,
+ "ImCursorPosition": 8,
+ "ImSurroundingText": 16,
+ "ImCurrentSelection": 32,
+ "ImMaximumTextLength": 64,
+ "ImAnchorPosition": 128,
+ "ImHints": 256,
+ "ImPreferredLanguage": 512,
+ "ImPlatformData": -2147483648,
+ "ImQueryInput": 186,
+ "ImQueryAll": -1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "InputMethodHint"
+ values: {
+ "ImhNone": 0,
+ "ImhHiddenText": 1,
+ "ImhSensitiveData": 2,
+ "ImhNoAutoUppercase": 4,
+ "ImhPreferNumbers": 8,
+ "ImhPreferUppercase": 16,
+ "ImhPreferLowercase": 32,
+ "ImhNoPredictiveText": 64,
+ "ImhDate": 128,
+ "ImhTime": 256,
+ "ImhPreferLatin": 512,
+ "ImhDigitsOnly": 65536,
+ "ImhFormattedNumbersOnly": 131072,
+ "ImhUppercaseOnly": 262144,
+ "ImhLowercaseOnly": 524288,
+ "ImhDialableCharactersOnly": 1048576,
+ "ImhEmailCharactersOnly": 2097152,
+ "ImhUrlCharactersOnly": 4194304,
+ "ImhLatinOnly": 8388608,
+ "ImhExclusiveInputMask": -65536
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "InputMethodHints"
+ values: {
+ "ImhNone": 0,
+ "ImhHiddenText": 1,
+ "ImhSensitiveData": 2,
+ "ImhNoAutoUppercase": 4,
+ "ImhPreferNumbers": 8,
+ "ImhPreferUppercase": 16,
+ "ImhPreferLowercase": 32,
+ "ImhNoPredictiveText": 64,
+ "ImhDate": 128,
+ "ImhTime": 256,
+ "ImhPreferLatin": 512,
+ "ImhDigitsOnly": 65536,
+ "ImhFormattedNumbersOnly": 131072,
+ "ImhUppercaseOnly": 262144,
+ "ImhLowercaseOnly": 524288,
+ "ImhDialableCharactersOnly": 1048576,
+ "ImhEmailCharactersOnly": 2097152,
+ "ImhUrlCharactersOnly": 4194304,
+ "ImhLatinOnly": 8388608,
+ "ImhExclusiveInputMask": -65536
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ToolButtonStyle"
+ values: {
+ "ToolButtonIconOnly": 0,
+ "ToolButtonTextOnly": 1,
+ "ToolButtonTextBesideIcon": 2,
+ "ToolButtonTextUnderIcon": 3,
+ "ToolButtonFollowStyle": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "LayoutDirection"
+ values: {
+ "LeftToRight": 0,
+ "RightToLeft": 1,
+ "LayoutDirectionAuto": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "DropAction"
+ values: {
+ "CopyAction": 1,
+ "MoveAction": 2,
+ "LinkAction": 4,
+ "ActionMask": 255,
+ "TargetMoveAction": 32770,
+ "IgnoreAction": 0
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "DropActions"
+ values: {
+ "CopyAction": 1,
+ "MoveAction": 2,
+ "LinkAction": 4,
+ "ActionMask": 255,
+ "TargetMoveAction": 32770,
+ "IgnoreAction": 0
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "CheckState"
+ values: {
+ "Unchecked": 0,
+ "PartiallyChecked": 1,
+ "Checked": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "ItemFlags"
+ values: {
+ "NoItemFlags": 0,
+ "ItemIsSelectable": 1,
+ "ItemIsEditable": 2,
+ "ItemIsDragEnabled": 4,
+ "ItemIsDropEnabled": 8,
+ "ItemIsUserCheckable": 16,
+ "ItemIsEnabled": 32,
+ "ItemIsTristate": 64
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "MatchFlags"
+ values: {
+ "MatchExactly": 0,
+ "MatchContains": 1,
+ "MatchStartsWith": 2,
+ "MatchEndsWith": 3,
+ "MatchRegExp": 4,
+ "MatchWildcard": 5,
+ "MatchFixedString": 8,
+ "MatchCaseSensitive": 16,
+ "MatchWrap": 32,
+ "MatchRecursive": 64
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "WindowModality"
+ values: {
+ "NonModal": 0,
+ "WindowModal": 1,
+ "ApplicationModal": 2
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TextInteractionFlag"
+ values: {
+ "NoTextInteraction": 0,
+ "TextSelectableByMouse": 1,
+ "TextSelectableByKeyboard": 2,
+ "LinksAccessibleByMouse": 4,
+ "LinksAccessibleByKeyboard": 8,
+ "TextEditable": 16,
+ "TextEditorInteraction": 19,
+ "TextBrowserInteraction": 13
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TextInteractionFlags"
+ values: {
+ "NoTextInteraction": 0,
+ "TextSelectableByMouse": 1,
+ "TextSelectableByKeyboard": 2,
+ "LinksAccessibleByMouse": 4,
+ "LinksAccessibleByKeyboard": 8,
+ "TextEditable": 16,
+ "TextEditorInteraction": 19,
+ "TextBrowserInteraction": 13
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "SizeHint"
+ values: {
+ "MinimumSize": 0,
+ "PreferredSize": 1,
+ "MaximumSize": 2,
+ "MinimumDescent": 3,
+ "NSizeHints": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "GestureState"
+ values: {
+ "NoGesture": 0,
+ "GestureStarted": 1,
+ "GestureUpdated": 2,
+ "GestureFinished": 3,
+ "GestureCanceled": 4
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "GestureType"
+ values: {
+ "TapGesture": 1,
+ "TapAndHoldGesture": 2,
+ "PanGesture": 3,
+ "PinchGesture": 4,
+ "SwipeGesture": 5,
+ "CustomGesture": 256,
+ "LastGestureType": -1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "CursorMoveStyle"
+ values: {
+ "LogicalMoveStyle": 0,
+ "VisualMoveStyle": 1
+ }
+ }
+ Enum {
+ name: "TimerType"
+ values: {
+ "PreciseTimer": 0,
+ "CoarseTimer": 1,
+ "VeryCoarseTimer": 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component { name: "QEasingCurve"; prototype: "QDeclarativeEasingValueType" }