path: root/tests/manual/shared/FontAwesome.qml
diff options
authorGabriel de Dietrich <gabriel.dedietrich@theqtcompany.com>2015-07-20 17:40:25 +0200
committerJ-P Nurmi <jpnurmi@theqtcompany.com>2015-11-14 00:33:00 +0000
commit0a0902b10d3135b0697741cc9b1f5b1b318eeb1f (patch)
tree4e1eb3116bc1caa7e221970349a130864c0d24d8 /tests/manual/shared/FontAwesome.qml
parent4cd3cd7cbec2a6713ba146b7036652f6916cab1e (diff)
Introducing Panel type
This is the base type to implement all sorts of Popups and Dialogs. Its main role is to keep the panel contents stacked on top of the application window contents and to ensure mouse and key events are forwarded or blocked depending on the visible panels modality. Currently, it only works with ApplicationWindow, which holds a QQuickOverlay. This special item is where the Panel contents gets reparented when the Panel becomes visible. It's also responsible for filtering the mouse events. Future developements may include adding a 'level' property instead of relying on the item's z value. This may or may not result into having several overlays per window. Change-Id: I18a4b8905e4d5a4a4697642b0553a1f9e86b669f Reviewed-by: Gabriel de Dietrich <gabriel.dedietrich@theqtcompany.com> Reviewed-by: J-P Nurmi <jpnurmi@theqtcompany.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/manual/shared/FontAwesome.qml')
1 files changed, 736 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/manual/shared/FontAwesome.qml b/tests/manual/shared/FontAwesome.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fa64991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/manual/shared/FontAwesome.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
+** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Toolkit.
+** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows:
+** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+** met:
+** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+** distribution.
+** * Neither the name of The Qt Company Ltd nor the names of its
+** contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+** from this software without specific prior written permission.
+import QtQuick 2.6
+pragma Singleton
+QtObject {
+ // Font Awesome by Dave Gandy - http://fontawesome.io
+ // Font Awesome is licensed under SIL OFL 1.1 (http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
+ property FontLoader fontLoader: FontLoader {
+ source: "FontAwesome.otf"
+ }
+ // Generated from copying the contents of https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/cheatsheet/ and running it through
+ // sed -E 's/([0-9].[0-9])?..fa-([a-zA-Z0-9-]+) (\(alias\) )?\[\&\#x([a-f0-9]+);\]/\2: \"\\\u\4\";/g'
+ // | tr \; "\n"
+ // | awk '{ r="-[a-z0-9]"; while (match($0, r)) sub(r, toupper(substr($0, RSTART + 1, 1))); print "readonly property string" $0 }'
+ // Some icon names have been manually edited either because the symbol is reserved or invalid.
+ // Manually edited. Was "500px"
+ readonly property string i500px: "\uf26e"
+ readonly property string adjust: "\uf042"
+ readonly property string adn: "\uf170"
+ readonly property string alignCenter: "\uf037"
+ readonly property string alignJustify: "\uf039"
+ readonly property string alignLeft: "\uf036"
+ readonly property string alignRight: "\uf038"
+ readonly property string amazon: "\uf270"
+ readonly property string ambulance: "\uf0f9"
+ readonly property string anchor: "\uf13d"
+ readonly property string android: "\uf17b"
+ readonly property string angellist: "\uf209"
+ readonly property string angleDoubleDown: "\uf103"
+ readonly property string angleDoubleLeft: "\uf100"
+ readonly property string angleDoubleRight: "\uf101"
+ readonly property string angleDoubleUp: "\uf102"
+ readonly property string angleDown: "\uf107"
+ readonly property string angleLeft: "\uf104"
+ readonly property string angleRight: "\uf105"
+ readonly property string angleUp: "\uf106"
+ readonly property string apple: "\uf179"
+ readonly property string archive: "\uf187"
+ readonly property string areaChart: "\uf1fe"
+ readonly property string arrowCircleDown: "\uf0ab"
+ readonly property string arrowCircleLeft: "\uf0a8"
+ readonly property string arrowCircleODown: "\uf01a"
+ readonly property string arrowCircleOLeft: "\uf190"
+ readonly property string arrowCircleORight: "\uf18e"
+ readonly property string arrowCircleOUp: "\uf01b"
+ readonly property string arrowCircleRight: "\uf0a9"
+ readonly property string arrowCircleUp: "\uf0aa"
+ readonly property string arrowDown: "\uf063"
+ readonly property string arrowLeft: "\uf060"
+ readonly property string arrowRight: "\uf061"
+ readonly property string arrowUp: "\uf062"
+ readonly property string arrows: "\uf047"
+ readonly property string arrowsAlt: "\uf0b2"
+ readonly property string arrowsH: "\uf07e"
+ readonly property string arrowsV: "\uf07d"
+ readonly property string asterisk: "\uf069"
+ readonly property string at: "\uf1fa"
+ readonly property string automobile: "\uf1b9"
+ readonly property string backward: "\uf04a"
+ readonly property string balanceScale: "\uf24e"
+ readonly property string ban: "\uf05e"
+ readonly property string bank: "\uf19c"
+ readonly property string barChart: "\uf080"
+ readonly property string barChartO: "\uf080"
+ readonly property string barcode: "\uf02a"
+ readonly property string bars: "\uf0c9"
+ readonly property string battery0: "\uf244"
+ readonly property string battery1: "\uf243"
+ readonly property string battery2: "\uf242"
+ readonly property string battery3: "\uf241"
+ readonly property string battery4: "\uf240"
+ readonly property string batteryEmpty: "\uf244"
+ readonly property string batteryFull: "\uf240"
+ readonly property string batteryHalf: "\uf242"
+ readonly property string batteryQuarter: "\uf243"
+ readonly property string batteryThreeQuarters: "\uf241"
+ readonly property string bed: "\uf236"
+ readonly property string beer: "\uf0fc"
+ readonly property string behance: "\uf1b4"
+ readonly property string behanceSquare: "\uf1b5"
+ readonly property string bell: "\uf0f3"
+ readonly property string bellO: "\uf0a2"
+ readonly property string bellSlash: "\uf1f6"
+ readonly property string bellSlashO: "\uf1f7"
+ readonly property string bicycle: "\uf206"
+ readonly property string binoculars: "\uf1e5"
+ readonly property string birthdayCake: "\uf1fd"
+ readonly property string bitbucket: "\uf171"
+ readonly property string bitbucketSquare: "\uf172"
+ readonly property string bitcoin: "\uf15a"
+ readonly property string blackTie: "\uf27e"
+ readonly property string bold: "\uf032"
+ readonly property string bolt: "\uf0e7"
+ readonly property string bomb: "\uf1e2"
+ readonly property string book: "\uf02d"
+ readonly property string bookmark: "\uf02e"
+ readonly property string bookmarkO: "\uf097"
+ readonly property string briefcase: "\uf0b1"
+ readonly property string btc: "\uf15a"
+ readonly property string bug: "\uf188"
+ readonly property string building: "\uf1ad"
+ readonly property string buildingO: "\uf0f7"
+ readonly property string bullhorn: "\uf0a1"
+ readonly property string bullseye: "\uf140"
+ readonly property string bus: "\uf207"
+ readonly property string buysellads: "\uf20d"
+ readonly property string cab: "\uf1ba"
+ readonly property string calculator: "\uf1ec"
+ readonly property string calendar: "\uf073"
+ readonly property string calendarCheckO: "\uf274"
+ readonly property string calendarMinusO: "\uf272"
+ readonly property string calendarO: "\uf133"
+ readonly property string calendarPlusO: "\uf271"
+ readonly property string calendarTimesO: "\uf273"
+ readonly property string camera: "\uf030"
+ readonly property string cameraRetro: "\uf083"
+ readonly property string car: "\uf1b9"
+ readonly property string caretDown: "\uf0d7"
+ readonly property string caretLeft: "\uf0d9"
+ readonly property string caretRight: "\uf0da"
+ readonly property string caretSquareODown: "\uf150"
+ readonly property string caretSquareOLeft: "\uf191"
+ readonly property string caretSquareORight: "\uf152"
+ readonly property string caretSquareOUp: "\uf151"
+ readonly property string caretUp: "\uf0d8"
+ readonly property string cartArrowDown: "\uf218"
+ readonly property string cartPlus: "\uf217"
+ readonly property string cc: "\uf20a"
+ readonly property string ccAmex: "\uf1f3"
+ readonly property string ccDinersClub: "\uf24c"
+ readonly property string ccDiscover: "\uf1f2"
+ readonly property string ccJcb: "\uf24b"
+ readonly property string ccMastercard: "\uf1f1"
+ readonly property string ccPaypal: "\uf1f4"
+ readonly property string ccStripe: "\uf1f5"
+ readonly property string ccVisa: "\uf1f0"
+ readonly property string certificate: "\uf0a3"
+ readonly property string chain: "\uf0c1"
+ readonly property string chainBroken: "\uf127"
+ readonly property string check: "\uf00c"
+ readonly property string checkCircle: "\uf058"
+ readonly property string checkCircleO: "\uf05d"
+ readonly property string checkSquare: "\uf14a"
+ readonly property string checkSquareO: "\uf046"
+ readonly property string chevronCircleDown: "\uf13a"
+ readonly property string chevronCircleLeft: "\uf137"
+ readonly property string chevronCircleRight: "\uf138"
+ readonly property string chevronCircleUp: "\uf139"
+ readonly property string chevronDown: "\uf078"
+ readonly property string chevronLeft: "\uf053"
+ readonly property string chevronRight: "\uf054"
+ readonly property string chevronUp: "\uf077"
+ readonly property string child: "\uf1ae"
+ readonly property string chrome: "\uf268"
+ readonly property string circle: "\uf111"
+ readonly property string circleO: "\uf10c"
+ readonly property string circleONotch: "\uf1ce"
+ readonly property string circleThin: "\uf1db"
+ readonly property string clipboard: "\uf0ea"
+ readonly property string clockO: "\uf017"
+ readonly property string clone: "\uf24d"
+ readonly property string close: "\uf00d"
+ readonly property string cloud: "\uf0c2"
+ readonly property string cloudDownload: "\uf0ed"
+ readonly property string cloudUpload: "\uf0ee"
+ readonly property string cny: "\uf157"
+ readonly property string code: "\uf121"
+ readonly property string codeFork: "\uf126"
+ readonly property string codepen: "\uf1cb"
+ readonly property string coffee: "\uf0f4"
+ readonly property string cog: "\uf013"
+ readonly property string cogs: "\uf085"
+ readonly property string columns: "\uf0db"
+ readonly property string comment: "\uf075"
+ readonly property string commentO: "\uf0e5"
+ readonly property string commenting: "\uf27a"
+ readonly property string commentingO: "\uf27b"
+ readonly property string comments: "\uf086"
+ readonly property string commentsO: "\uf0e6"
+ readonly property string compass: "\uf14e"
+ readonly property string compress: "\uf066"
+ readonly property string connectdevelop: "\uf20e"
+ readonly property string contao: "\uf26d"
+ readonly property string copy: "\uf0c5"
+ readonly property string copyright: "\uf1f9"
+ readonly property string creativeCommons: "\uf25e"
+ readonly property string creditCard: "\uf09d"
+ readonly property string crop: "\uf125"
+ readonly property string crosshairs: "\uf05b"
+ readonly property string css3: "\uf13c"
+ readonly property string cube: "\uf1b2"
+ readonly property string cubes: "\uf1b3"
+ readonly property string cut: "\uf0c4"
+ readonly property string cutlery: "\uf0f5"
+ readonly property string dashboard: "\uf0e4"
+ readonly property string dashcube: "\uf210"
+ readonly property string database: "\uf1c0"
+ readonly property string dedent: "\uf03b"
+ readonly property string delicious: "\uf1a5"
+ readonly property string desktop: "\uf108"
+ readonly property string deviantart: "\uf1bd"
+ readonly property string diamond: "\uf219"
+ readonly property string digg: "\uf1a6"
+ readonly property string dollar: "\uf155"
+ readonly property string dotCircleO: "\uf192"
+ readonly property string download: "\uf019"
+ readonly property string dribbble: "\uf17d"
+ readonly property string dropbox: "\uf16b"
+ readonly property string drupal: "\uf1a9"
+ readonly property string edit: "\uf044"
+ readonly property string eject: "\uf052"
+ readonly property string ellipsisH: "\uf141"
+ readonly property string ellipsisV: "\uf142"
+ readonly property string empire: "\uf1d1"
+ readonly property string envelope: "\uf0e0"
+ readonly property string envelopeO: "\uf003"
+ readonly property string envelopeSquare: "\uf199"
+ readonly property string eraser: "\uf12d"
+ readonly property string eur: "\uf153"
+ readonly property string euro: "\uf153"
+ readonly property string exchange: "\uf0ec"
+ readonly property string exclamation: "\uf12a"
+ readonly property string exclamationCircle: "\uf06a"
+ readonly property string exclamationTriangle: "\uf071"
+ readonly property string expand: "\uf065"
+ readonly property string expeditedssl: "\uf23e"
+ readonly property string externalLink: "\uf08e"
+ readonly property string externalLinkSquare: "\uf14c"
+ readonly property string eye: "\uf06e"
+ readonly property string eyeSlash: "\uf070"
+ readonly property string eyedropper: "\uf1fb"
+ readonly property string facebook: "\uf09a"
+ readonly property string facebookF: "\uf09a"
+ readonly property string facebookOfficial: "\uf230"
+ readonly property string facebookSquare: "\uf082"
+ readonly property string fastBackward: "\uf049"
+ readonly property string fastForward: "\uf050"
+ readonly property string fax: "\uf1ac"
+ readonly property string feed: "\uf09e"
+ readonly property string female: "\uf182"
+ readonly property string fighterJet: "\uf0fb"
+ readonly property string file: "\uf15b"
+ readonly property string fileArchiveO: "\uf1c6"
+ readonly property string fileAudioO: "\uf1c7"
+ readonly property string fileCodeO: "\uf1c9"
+ readonly property string fileExcelO: "\uf1c3"
+ readonly property string fileImageO: "\uf1c5"
+ readonly property string fileMovieO: "\uf1c8"
+ readonly property string fileO: "\uf016"
+ readonly property string filePdfO: "\uf1c1"
+ readonly property string filePhotoO: "\uf1c5"
+ readonly property string filePictureO: "\uf1c5"
+ readonly property string filePowerpointO: "\uf1c4"
+ readonly property string fileSoundO: "\uf1c7"
+ readonly property string fileText: "\uf15c"
+ readonly property string fileTextO: "\uf0f6"
+ readonly property string fileVideoO: "\uf1c8"
+ readonly property string fileWordO: "\uf1c2"
+ readonly property string fileZipO: "\uf1c6"
+ readonly property string filesO: "\uf0c5"
+ readonly property string film: "\uf008"
+ readonly property string filter: "\uf0b0"
+ readonly property string fire: "\uf06d"
+ readonly property string fireExtinguisher: "\uf134"
+ readonly property string firefox: "\uf269"
+ readonly property string flag: "\uf024"
+ readonly property string flagCheckered: "\uf11e"
+ readonly property string flagO: "\uf11d"
+ readonly property string flash: "\uf0e7"
+ readonly property string flask: "\uf0c3"
+ readonly property string flickr: "\uf16e"
+ readonly property string floppyO: "\uf0c7"
+ readonly property string folder: "\uf07b"
+ readonly property string folderO: "\uf114"
+ readonly property string folderOpen: "\uf07c"
+ readonly property string folderOpenO: "\uf115"
+ readonly property string font: "\uf031"
+ readonly property string fonticons: "\uf280"
+ readonly property string forumbee: "\uf211"
+ readonly property string forward: "\uf04e"
+ readonly property string foursquare: "\uf180"
+ readonly property string frownO: "\uf119"
+ readonly property string futbolO: "\uf1e3"
+ readonly property string gamepad: "\uf11b"
+ readonly property string gavel: "\uf0e3"
+ readonly property string gbp: "\uf154"
+ readonly property string ge: "\uf1d1"
+ readonly property string gear: "\uf013"
+ readonly property string gears: "\uf085"
+ readonly property string genderless: "\uf22d"
+ readonly property string getPocket: "\uf265"
+ readonly property string gg: "\uf260"
+ readonly property string ggCircle: "\uf261"
+ readonly property string gift: "\uf06b"
+ readonly property string git: "\uf1d3"
+ readonly property string gitSquare: "\uf1d2"
+ readonly property string github: "\uf09b"
+ readonly property string githubAlt: "\uf113"
+ readonly property string githubSquare: "\uf092"
+ readonly property string gittip: "\uf184"
+ readonly property string glass: "\uf000"
+ readonly property string globe: "\uf0ac"
+ readonly property string google: "\uf1a0"
+ readonly property string googlePlus: "\uf0d5"
+ readonly property string googlePlusSquare: "\uf0d4"
+ readonly property string googleWallet: "\uf1ee"
+ readonly property string graduationCap: "\uf19d"
+ readonly property string gratipay: "\uf184"
+ readonly property string group: "\uf0c0"
+ readonly property string hSquare: "\uf0fd"
+ readonly property string hackerNews: "\uf1d4"
+ readonly property string handGrabO: "\uf255"
+ readonly property string handLizardO: "\uf258"
+ readonly property string handODown: "\uf0a7"
+ readonly property string handOLeft: "\uf0a5"
+ readonly property string handORight: "\uf0a4"
+ readonly property string handOUp: "\uf0a6"
+ readonly property string handPaperO: "\uf256"
+ readonly property string handPeaceO: "\uf25b"
+ readonly property string handPointerO: "\uf25a"
+ readonly property string handRockO: "\uf255"
+ readonly property string handScissorsO: "\uf257"
+ readonly property string handSpockO: "\uf259"
+ readonly property string handStopO: "\uf256"
+ readonly property string hddO: "\uf0a0"
+ readonly property string header: "\uf1dc"
+ readonly property string headphones: "\uf025"
+ readonly property string heart: "\uf004"
+ readonly property string heartO: "\uf08a"
+ readonly property string heartbeat: "\uf21e"
+ readonly property string history: "\uf1da"
+ readonly property string home: "\uf015"
+ readonly property string hospitalO: "\uf0f8"
+ readonly property string hotel: "\uf236"
+ readonly property string hourglass: "\uf254"
+ readonly property string hourglass1: "\uf251"
+ readonly property string hourglass2: "\uf252"
+ readonly property string hourglass3: "\uf253"
+ readonly property string hourglassEnd: "\uf253"
+ readonly property string hourglassHalf: "\uf252"
+ readonly property string hourglassO: "\uf250"
+ readonly property string hourglassStart: "\uf251"
+ readonly property string houzz: "\uf27c"
+ readonly property string html5: "\uf13b"
+ readonly property string iCursor: "\uf246"
+ readonly property string ils: "\uf20b"
+ readonly property string image: "\uf03e"
+ readonly property string inbox: "\uf01c"
+ readonly property string indent: "\uf03c"
+ readonly property string industry: "\uf275"
+ readonly property string info: "\uf129"
+ readonly property string infoCircle: "\uf05a"
+ readonly property string inr: "\uf156"
+ readonly property string instagram: "\uf16d"
+ readonly property string institution: "\uf19c"
+ readonly property string internetExplorer: "\uf26b"
+ readonly property string intersex: "\uf224"
+ readonly property string ioxhost: "\uf208"
+ readonly property string italic: "\uf033"
+ readonly property string joomla: "\uf1aa"
+ readonly property string jpy: "\uf157"
+ readonly property string jsfiddle: "\uf1cc"
+ readonly property string key: "\uf084"
+ readonly property string keyboardO: "\uf11c"
+ readonly property string krw: "\uf159"
+ readonly property string language: "\uf1ab"
+ readonly property string laptop: "\uf109"
+ readonly property string lastfm: "\uf202"
+ readonly property string lastfmSquare: "\uf203"
+ readonly property string leaf: "\uf06c"
+ readonly property string leanpub: "\uf212"
+ readonly property string legal: "\uf0e3"
+ readonly property string lemonO: "\uf094"
+ readonly property string levelDown: "\uf149"
+ readonly property string levelUp: "\uf148"
+ readonly property string lifeBouy: "\uf1cd"
+ readonly property string lifeBuoy: "\uf1cd"
+ readonly property string lifeRing: "\uf1cd"
+ readonly property string lifeSaver: "\uf1cd"
+ readonly property string lightbulbO: "\uf0eb"
+ readonly property string lineChart: "\uf201"
+ readonly property string link: "\uf0c1"
+ readonly property string linkedin: "\uf0e1"
+ readonly property string linkedinSquare: "\uf08c"
+ readonly property string linux: "\uf17c"
+ readonly property string list: "\uf03a"
+ readonly property string listAlt: "\uf022"
+ readonly property string listOl: "\uf0cb"
+ readonly property string listUl: "\uf0ca"
+ readonly property string locationArrow: "\uf124"
+ readonly property string lock: "\uf023"
+ readonly property string longArrowDown: "\uf175"
+ readonly property string longArrowLeft: "\uf177"
+ readonly property string longArrowRight: "\uf178"
+ readonly property string longArrowUp: "\uf176"
+ readonly property string magic: "\uf0d0"
+ readonly property string magnet: "\uf076"
+ readonly property string mailForward: "\uf064"
+ readonly property string mailReply: "\uf112"
+ readonly property string mailReplyAll: "\uf122"
+ readonly property string male: "\uf183"
+ readonly property string map: "\uf279"
+ readonly property string mapMarker: "\uf041"
+ readonly property string mapO: "\uf278"
+ readonly property string mapPin: "\uf276"
+ readonly property string mapSigns: "\uf277"
+ readonly property string mars: "\uf222"
+ readonly property string marsDouble: "\uf227"
+ readonly property string marsStroke: "\uf229"
+ readonly property string marsStrokeH: "\uf22b"
+ readonly property string marsStrokeV: "\uf22a"
+ readonly property string maxcdn: "\uf136"
+ readonly property string meanpath: "\uf20c"
+ readonly property string medium: "\uf23a"
+ readonly property string medkit: "\uf0fa"
+ readonly property string mehO: "\uf11a"
+ readonly property string mercury: "\uf223"
+ readonly property string microphone: "\uf130"
+ readonly property string microphoneSlash: "\uf131"
+ readonly property string minus: "\uf068"
+ readonly property string minusCircle: "\uf056"
+ readonly property string minusSquare: "\uf146"
+ readonly property string minusSquareO: "\uf147"
+ readonly property string mobile: "\uf10b"
+ readonly property string mobilePhone: "\uf10b"
+ readonly property string money: "\uf0d6"
+ readonly property string moonO: "\uf186"
+ readonly property string mortarBoard: "\uf19d"
+ readonly property string motorcycle: "\uf21c"
+ readonly property string mousePointer: "\uf245"
+ readonly property string music: "\uf001"
+ readonly property string navicon: "\uf0c9"
+ readonly property string neuter: "\uf22c"
+ readonly property string newspaperO: "\uf1ea"
+ readonly property string objectGroup: "\uf247"
+ readonly property string objectUngroup: "\uf248"
+ readonly property string odnoklassniki: "\uf263"
+ readonly property string odnoklassnikiSquare: "\uf264"
+ readonly property string opencart: "\uf23d"
+ readonly property string openid: "\uf19b"
+ readonly property string opera: "\uf26a"
+ readonly property string optinMonster: "\uf23c"
+ readonly property string outdent: "\uf03b"
+ readonly property string pagelines: "\uf18c"
+ readonly property string paintBrush: "\uf1fc"
+ readonly property string paperPlane: "\uf1d8"
+ readonly property string paperPlaneO: "\uf1d9"
+ readonly property string paperclip: "\uf0c6"
+ readonly property string paragraph: "\uf1dd"
+ readonly property string paste: "\uf0ea"
+ readonly property string pause: "\uf04c"
+ readonly property string paw: "\uf1b0"
+ readonly property string paypal: "\uf1ed"
+ readonly property string pencil: "\uf040"
+ readonly property string pencilSquare: "\uf14b"
+ readonly property string pencilSquareO: "\uf044"
+ readonly property string phone: "\uf095"
+ readonly property string phoneSquare: "\uf098"
+ readonly property string photo: "\uf03e"
+ readonly property string pictureO: "\uf03e"
+ readonly property string pieChart: "\uf200"
+ readonly property string piedPiper: "\uf1a7"
+ readonly property string piedPiperAlt: "\uf1a8"
+ readonly property string pinterest: "\uf0d2"
+ readonly property string pinterestP: "\uf231"
+ readonly property string pinterestSquare: "\uf0d3"
+ readonly property string plane: "\uf072"
+ readonly property string play: "\uf04b"
+ readonly property string playCircle: "\uf144"
+ readonly property string playCircleO: "\uf01d"
+ readonly property string plug: "\uf1e6"
+ readonly property string plus: "\uf067"
+ readonly property string plusCircle: "\uf055"
+ readonly property string plusSquare: "\uf0fe"
+ readonly property string plusSquareO: "\uf196"
+ readonly property string powerOff: "\uf011"
+ // Manually edited. Was "print"
+ readonly property string printer: "\uf02f"
+ readonly property string puzzlePiece: "\uf12e"
+ readonly property string qq: "\uf1d6"
+ readonly property string qrcode: "\uf029"
+ readonly property string question: "\uf128"
+ readonly property string questionCircle: "\uf059"
+ readonly property string quoteLeft: "\uf10d"
+ readonly property string quoteRight: "\uf10e"
+ readonly property string ra: "\uf1d0"
+ readonly property string random: "\uf074"
+ readonly property string rebel: "\uf1d0"
+ readonly property string recycle: "\uf1b8"
+ readonly property string reddit: "\uf1a1"
+ readonly property string redditSquare: "\uf1a2"
+ readonly property string refresh: "\uf021"
+ readonly property string registered: "\uf25d"
+ readonly property string remove: "\uf00d"
+ readonly property string renren: "\uf18b"
+ readonly property string reorder: "\uf0c9"
+ readonly property string repeat: "\uf01e"
+ readonly property string reply: "\uf112"
+ readonly property string replyAll: "\uf122"
+ readonly property string retweet: "\uf079"
+ readonly property string rmb: "\uf157"
+ readonly property string road: "\uf018"
+ readonly property string rocket: "\uf135"
+ readonly property string rotateLeft: "\uf0e2"
+ readonly property string rotateRight: "\uf01e"
+ readonly property string rouble: "\uf158"
+ readonly property string rss: "\uf09e"
+ readonly property string rssSquare: "\uf143"
+ readonly property string rub: "\uf158"
+ readonly property string ruble: "\uf158"
+ readonly property string rupee: "\uf156"
+ readonly property string safari: "\uf267"
+ readonly property string save: "\uf0c7"
+ readonly property string scissors: "\uf0c4"
+ readonly property string search: "\uf002"
+ readonly property string searchMinus: "\uf010"
+ readonly property string searchPlus: "\uf00e"
+ readonly property string sellsy: "\uf213"
+ readonly property string send: "\uf1d8"
+ readonly property string sendO: "\uf1d9"
+ readonly property string server: "\uf233"
+ readonly property string share: "\uf064"
+ readonly property string shareAlt: "\uf1e0"
+ readonly property string shareAltSquare: "\uf1e1"
+ readonly property string shareSquare: "\uf14d"
+ readonly property string shareSquareO: "\uf045"
+ readonly property string shekel: "\uf20b"
+ readonly property string sheqel: "\uf20b"
+ readonly property string shield: "\uf132"
+ readonly property string ship: "\uf21a"
+ readonly property string shirtsinbulk: "\uf214"
+ readonly property string shoppingCart: "\uf07a"
+ readonly property string signIn: "\uf090"
+ readonly property string signOut: "\uf08b"
+ readonly property string signal: "\uf012"
+ readonly property string simplybuilt: "\uf215"
+ readonly property string sitemap: "\uf0e8"
+ readonly property string skyatlas: "\uf216"
+ readonly property string skype: "\uf17e"
+ readonly property string slack: "\uf198"
+ readonly property string sliders: "\uf1de"
+ readonly property string slideshare: "\uf1e7"
+ readonly property string smileO: "\uf118"
+ readonly property string soccerBallO: "\uf1e3"
+ readonly property string sort: "\uf0dc"
+ readonly property string sortAlphaAsc: "\uf15d"
+ readonly property string sortAlphaDesc: "\uf15e"
+ readonly property string sortAmountAsc: "\uf160"
+ readonly property string sortAmountDesc: "\uf161"
+ readonly property string sortAsc: "\uf0de"
+ readonly property string sortDesc: "\uf0dd"
+ readonly property string sortDown: "\uf0dd"
+ readonly property string sortNumericAsc: "\uf162"
+ readonly property string sortNumericDesc: "\uf163"
+ readonly property string sortUp: "\uf0de"
+ readonly property string soundcloud: "\uf1be"
+ readonly property string spaceShuttle: "\uf197"
+ readonly property string spinner: "\uf110"
+ readonly property string spoon: "\uf1b1"
+ readonly property string spotify: "\uf1bc"
+ readonly property string square: "\uf0c8"
+ readonly property string squareO: "\uf096"
+ readonly property string stackExchange: "\uf18d"
+ readonly property string stackOverflow: "\uf16c"
+ readonly property string star: "\uf005"
+ readonly property string starHalf: "\uf089"
+ readonly property string starHalfEmpty: "\uf123"
+ readonly property string starHalfFull: "\uf123"
+ readonly property string starHalfO: "\uf123"
+ readonly property string starO: "\uf006"
+ readonly property string steam: "\uf1b6"
+ readonly property string steamSquare: "\uf1b7"
+ readonly property string stepBackward: "\uf048"
+ readonly property string stepForward: "\uf051"
+ readonly property string stethoscope: "\uf0f1"
+ readonly property string stickyNote: "\uf249"
+ readonly property string stickyNoteO: "\uf24a"
+ readonly property string stop: "\uf04d"
+ readonly property string streetView: "\uf21d"
+ readonly property string strikethrough: "\uf0cc"
+ readonly property string stumbleupon: "\uf1a4"
+ readonly property string stumbleuponCircle: "\uf1a3"
+ readonly property string subscript: "\uf12c"
+ readonly property string subway: "\uf239"
+ readonly property string suitcase: "\uf0f2"
+ readonly property string sunO: "\uf185"
+ readonly property string superscript: "\uf12b"
+ readonly property string support: "\uf1cd"
+ readonly property string table: "\uf0ce"
+ readonly property string tablet: "\uf10a"
+ readonly property string tachometer: "\uf0e4"
+ readonly property string tag: "\uf02b"
+ readonly property string tags: "\uf02c"
+ readonly property string tasks: "\uf0ae"
+ readonly property string taxi: "\uf1ba"
+ readonly property string television: "\uf26c"
+ readonly property string tencentWeibo: "\uf1d5"
+ readonly property string terminal: "\uf120"
+ readonly property string textHeight: "\uf034"
+ readonly property string textWidth: "\uf035"
+ readonly property string th: "\uf00a"
+ readonly property string thLarge: "\uf009"
+ readonly property string thList: "\uf00b"
+ readonly property string thumbTack: "\uf08d"
+ readonly property string thumbsDown: "\uf165"
+ readonly property string thumbsODown: "\uf088"
+ readonly property string thumbsOUp: "\uf087"
+ readonly property string thumbsUp: "\uf164"
+ readonly property string ticket: "\uf145"
+ readonly property string times: "\uf00d"
+ readonly property string timesCircle: "\uf057"
+ readonly property string timesCircleO: "\uf05c"
+ readonly property string tint: "\uf043"
+ readonly property string toggleDown: "\uf150"
+ readonly property string toggleLeft: "\uf191"
+ readonly property string toggleOff: "\uf204"
+ readonly property string toggleOn: "\uf205"
+ readonly property string toggleRight: "\uf152"
+ readonly property string toggleUp: "\uf151"
+ readonly property string trademark: "\uf25c"
+ readonly property string train: "\uf238"
+ readonly property string transgender: "\uf224"
+ readonly property string transgenderAlt: "\uf225"
+ readonly property string trash: "\uf1f8"
+ readonly property string trashO: "\uf014"
+ readonly property string tree: "\uf1bb"
+ readonly property string trello: "\uf181"
+ readonly property string tripadvisor: "\uf262"
+ readonly property string trophy: "\uf091"
+ readonly property string truck: "\uf0d1"
+ // Reserved word. Use turkishLira
+ // readonly property string try: "\uf195"
+ readonly property string tty: "\uf1e4"
+ readonly property string tumblr: "\uf173"
+ readonly property string tumblrSquare: "\uf174"
+ readonly property string turkishLira: "\uf195"
+ readonly property string tv: "\uf26c"
+ readonly property string twitch: "\uf1e8"
+ readonly property string twitter: "\uf099"
+ readonly property string twitterSquare: "\uf081"
+ readonly property string umbrella: "\uf0e9"
+ readonly property string underline: "\uf0cd"
+ readonly property string undo: "\uf0e2"
+ readonly property string university: "\uf19c"
+ readonly property string unlink: "\uf127"
+ readonly property string unlock: "\uf09c"
+ readonly property string unlockAlt: "\uf13e"
+ readonly property string unsorted: "\uf0dc"
+ readonly property string upload: "\uf093"
+ readonly property string usd: "\uf155"
+ readonly property string user: "\uf007"
+ readonly property string userMd: "\uf0f0"
+ readonly property string userPlus: "\uf234"
+ readonly property string userSecret: "\uf21b"
+ readonly property string userTimes: "\uf235"
+ readonly property string users: "\uf0c0"
+ readonly property string venus: "\uf221"
+ readonly property string venusDouble: "\uf226"
+ readonly property string venusMars: "\uf228"
+ readonly property string viacoin: "\uf237"
+ readonly property string videoCamera: "\uf03d"
+ readonly property string vimeo: "\uf27d"
+ readonly property string vimeoSquare: "\uf194"
+ readonly property string vine: "\uf1ca"
+ readonly property string vk: "\uf189"
+ readonly property string volumeDown: "\uf027"
+ readonly property string volumeOff: "\uf026"
+ readonly property string volumeUp: "\uf028"
+ readonly property string warning: "\uf071"
+ readonly property string wechat: "\uf1d7"
+ readonly property string weibo: "\uf18a"
+ readonly property string weixin: "\uf1d7"
+ readonly property string whatsapp: "\uf232"
+ readonly property string wheelchair: "\uf193"
+ readonly property string wifi: "\uf1eb"
+ readonly property string wikipediaW: "\uf266"
+ readonly property string windows: "\uf17a"
+ readonly property string won: "\uf159"
+ readonly property string wordpress: "\uf19a"
+ readonly property string wrench: "\uf0ad"
+ readonly property string xing: "\uf168"
+ readonly property string xingSquare: "\uf169"
+ readonly property string yCombinator: "\uf23b"
+ readonly property string yCombinatorSquare: "\uf1d4"
+ readonly property string yahoo: "\uf19e"
+ readonly property string yc: "\uf23b"
+ readonly property string ycSquare: "\uf1d4"
+ readonly property string yelp: "\uf1e9"
+ readonly property string yen: "\uf157"
+ readonly property string youtube: "\uf167"
+ readonly property string youtubePlay: "\uf16a"
+ readonly property string youtubeSquare: "\uf166"