path: root/tests/auto/sanity/tst_sanity.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/sanity/tst_sanity.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 692 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/sanity/tst_sanity.cpp b/tests/auto/sanity/tst_sanity.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a19319b3..00000000
--- a/tests/auto/sanity/tst_sanity.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
-** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
-** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
-** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the
-** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
-** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html.
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 2.0 or later as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
-** the packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
-** ensure the GNU General Public License version 2.0 requirements will be
-** met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
-#include <QtTest>
-#include <QtQml>
-#include <QtCore/private/qhooks_p.h>
-#include <QtCore/qpair.h>
-#include <QtCore/qscopedpointer.h>
-#include <QtCore/qset.h>
-#include <QtQml/private/qqmljsengine_p.h>
-#include <QtQml/private/qqmljslexer_p.h>
-#include <QtQml/private/qqmljsparser_p.h>
-#include <QtQml/private/qqmljsast_p.h>
-#include <QtQml/private/qqmljsastvisitor_p.h>
-#include <QtQml/private/qqmlmetatype_p.h>
-#include "../../auto/shared/visualtestutil.h"
-using namespace QQuickVisualTestUtil;
-Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QObjectList, qt_qobjects)
-extern "C" Q_DECL_EXPORT void qt_addQObject(QObject *object)
- qt_qobjects->append(object);
-extern "C" Q_DECL_EXPORT void qt_removeQObject(QObject *object)
- qt_qobjects->removeAll(object);
-class tst_Sanity : public QObject
-private slots:
- void init();
- void cleanup();
- void initTestCase();
- void jsFiles();
- void functions();
- void functions_data();
- void signalHandlers();
- void signalHandlers_data();
- void anchors();
- void anchors_data();
- void attachedObjects();
- void attachedObjects_data();
- void ids();
- void ids_data();
- QMap<QString, QString> sourceQmlFiles;
- QMap<QString, QString> installedQmlFiles;
- QQuickStyleHelper styleHelper;
-void tst_Sanity::init()
- qtHookData[QHooks::AddQObject] = reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(&qt_addQObject);
- qtHookData[QHooks::RemoveQObject] = reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(&qt_removeQObject);
-void tst_Sanity::cleanup()
- qt_qobjects->clear();
- qtHookData[QHooks::AddQObject] = 0;
- qtHookData[QHooks::RemoveQObject] = 0;
-class BaseValidator : public QQmlJS::AST::Visitor
- QString errors() const { return m_errors.join(", "); }
- bool validate(const QString& filePath)
- {
- m_errors.clear();
- m_fileName = QFileInfo(filePath).fileName();
- QFile file(filePath);
- if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
- m_errors += QString("%1: failed to open (%2)").arg(m_fileName, file.errorString());
- return false;
- }
- QQmlJS::Engine engine;
- QQmlJS::Lexer lexer(&engine);
- lexer.setCode(QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll()), /*line = */ 1);
- QQmlJS::Parser parser(&engine);
- if (!parser.parse()) {
- const auto diagnosticMessages = parser.diagnosticMessages();
- for (const QQmlJS::DiagnosticMessage &msg : diagnosticMessages)
- m_errors += QString("%s:%d : %s").arg(m_fileName).arg(msg.loc.startLine).arg(msg.message);
- return false;
- }
- QQmlJS::AST::UiProgram* ast = parser.ast();
- ast->accept(this);
- return m_errors.isEmpty();
- }
- void addError(const QString& error, QQmlJS::AST::Node *node)
- {
- m_errors += QString("%1:%2 : %3").arg(m_fileName).arg(node->firstSourceLocation().startLine).arg(error);
- }
- void throwRecursionDepthError() final
- {
- m_errors += QString::fromLatin1("%1: Maximum statement or expression depth exceeded")
- .arg(m_fileName);
- }
- QString m_fileName;
- QStringList m_errors;
-void tst_Sanity::initTestCase()
- QQmlEngine engine;
- QQmlComponent component(&engine);
- component.setData(QString("import QtQuick.Templates 2.%1; Control { }").arg(15).toUtf8(), QUrl());
- const QStringList qmlTypeNames = QQmlMetaType::qmlTypeNames();
- // Collect the files from each style in the source tree.
- QDirIterator it(QQC2_IMPORT_PATH, QStringList() << "*.qml" << "*.js", QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- it.next();
- QFileInfo info = it.fileInfo();
- if (qmlTypeNames.contains(QStringLiteral("QtQuick.Templates/") + info.baseName()))
- sourceQmlFiles.insert(info.dir().dirName() + "/" + info.fileName(), info.filePath());
- }
- // Then, collect the files from each installed style directory.
- const QVector<QPair<QString, QString>> styleRelativePaths = {
- { "quickcontrols2/basic", "QtQuick/Controls/Basic" },
- { "quickcontrols2/fusion", "QtQuick/Controls/Fusion" },
- { "quickcontrols2/material", "QtQuick/Controls/Material" },
- { "quickcontrols2/universal", "QtQuick/Controls/Universal" },
- };
- for (const auto &stylePathPair : styleRelativePaths) {
- forEachControl(&engine, stylePathPair.first, stylePathPair.second, QStringList(),
- [&](const QString &relativePath, const QUrl &absoluteUrl) {
- installedQmlFiles.insert(relativePath, absoluteUrl.toLocalFile());
- });
- }
-void tst_Sanity::jsFiles()
- QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it;
- for (it = sourceQmlFiles.constBegin(); it != sourceQmlFiles.constEnd(); ++it) {
- if (QFileInfo(it.value()).suffix() == QStringLiteral("js"))
- QFAIL(qPrintable(it.value() + ": JS files are not allowed"));
- }
-class FunctionValidator : public BaseValidator
- bool visit(QQmlJS::AST::FunctionDeclaration *node) override
- {
- addError("function declarations are not allowed", node);
- return true;
- }
-void tst_Sanity::functions()
- QFETCH(QString, control);
- QFETCH(QString, filePath);
- FunctionValidator validator;
- if (!validator.validate(filePath))
- QFAIL(qPrintable(validator.errors()));
-void tst_Sanity::functions_data()
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("control");
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("filePath");
- QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it;
- for (it = sourceQmlFiles.constBegin(); it != sourceQmlFiles.constEnd(); ++it)
- QTest::newRow(qPrintable(it.key())) << it.key() << it.value();
-class SignalHandlerValidator : public BaseValidator
- static bool isSignalHandler(QStringView name)
- {
- return name.length() > 2 && name.startsWith(QLatin1String("on")) && name.at(2).isUpper();
- }
- bool visit(QQmlJS::AST::UiScriptBinding *node) override
- {
- QQmlJS::AST::UiQualifiedId* id = node->qualifiedId;
- if ((id && isSignalHandler(id->name)) || (id && id->next && isSignalHandler(id->next->name)))
- addError("signal handlers are not allowed", node);
- return true;
- }
-void tst_Sanity::signalHandlers()
- QFETCH(QString, control);
- QFETCH(QString, filePath);
- SignalHandlerValidator validator;
- if (!validator.validate(filePath))
- QFAIL(qPrintable(validator.errors()));
-void tst_Sanity::signalHandlers_data()
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("control");
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("filePath");
- QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it;
- for (it = sourceQmlFiles.constBegin(); it != sourceQmlFiles.constEnd(); ++it)
- QTest::newRow(qPrintable(it.key())) << it.key() << it.value();
-class AnchorValidator : public BaseValidator
- bool visit(QQmlJS::AST::UiScriptBinding *node) override
- {
- QQmlJS::AST::UiQualifiedId* id = node->qualifiedId;
- if (id && id->name == QStringLiteral("anchors"))
- addError("anchors are not allowed", node);
- return true;
- }
-void tst_Sanity::anchors()
- QFETCH(QString, control);
- QFETCH(QString, filePath);
- AnchorValidator validator;
- if (!validator.validate(filePath))
- QFAIL(qPrintable(validator.errors()));
-void tst_Sanity::anchors_data()
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("control");
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("filePath");
- QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it;
- for (it = sourceQmlFiles.constBegin(); it != sourceQmlFiles.constEnd(); ++it)
- QTest::newRow(qPrintable(it.key())) << it.key() << it.value();
-class IdValidator : public BaseValidator
- IdValidator() : m_depth(0) { }
- bool visit(QQmlJS::AST::UiObjectBinding *) override
- {
- ++m_depth;
- return true;
- }
- void endVisit(QQmlJS::AST::UiObjectBinding *) override
- {
- --m_depth;
- }
- bool visit(QQmlJS::AST::UiScriptBinding *node) override
- {
- if (m_depth == 0)
- return true;
- QQmlJS::AST::UiQualifiedId *id = node->qualifiedId;
- if (id && id->name == QStringLiteral("id"))
- addError(QString("Internal IDs are not allowed (%1)").arg(extractName(node->statement)), node);
- return true;
- }
- QString extractName(QQmlJS::AST::Statement *statement)
- {
- QQmlJS::AST::ExpressionStatement *expressionStatement = static_cast<QQmlJS::AST::ExpressionStatement *>(statement);
- if (!expressionStatement)
- return QString();
- QQmlJS::AST::IdentifierExpression *expression = static_cast<QQmlJS::AST::IdentifierExpression *>(expressionStatement->expression);
- if (!expression)
- return QString();
- return expression->name.toString();
- }
- int m_depth;
-void tst_Sanity::ids()
- QFETCH(QString, control);
- QFETCH(QString, filePath);
- IdValidator validator;
- if (!validator.validate(filePath))
- QFAIL(qPrintable(validator.errors()));
-void tst_Sanity::ids_data()
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("control");
- QTest::addColumn<QString>("filePath");
- QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it;
- for (it = sourceQmlFiles.constBegin(); it != sourceQmlFiles.constEnd(); ++it)
- QTest::newRow(qPrintable(it.key())) << it.key() << it.value();
-typedef QPair<QString, QString> StringPair;
-typedef QSet<StringPair> StringPairSet;
-void tst_Sanity::attachedObjects()
- QFETCH(QStringList, ignoredAttachedClassNames);
- QFETCH(StringPairSet, expectedAttachedClassNames);
- const QString tagStr = QString::fromLatin1(QTest::currentDataTag());
- QStringList styleAndFileName = tagStr.split('/');
- QCOMPARE(styleAndFileName.size(), 2);
- QString style = styleAndFileName.first();
- if (styleHelper.updateStyle(style))
- qt_qobjects->clear();
- QString styleRelativePath = tagStr;
- styleRelativePath[0] = styleRelativePath.at(0).toLower();
- // Get the absolute path to the installed file.
- const QString controlFilePath = installedQmlFiles.value(styleRelativePath);
- QQmlComponent component(styleHelper.engine.data());
- component.loadUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(controlFilePath));
- QScopedPointer<QObject> object(component.create());
- QVERIFY2(object.data(), qPrintable(component.errorString()));
- // The goal of this test is to check that every unique attached type is used only once
- // within each QML file. To track this, we remove expected pairs of class names as we
- // encounter them, so that we know when something unexpected shows up.
- StringPairSet remainingAttachedClassNames = expectedAttachedClassNames;
- // Intentional copy, as QDebug creates a QObject-derived instance which would modify the list.
- const auto qobjectsCopy = *qt_qobjects;
- for (QObject *object : qobjectsCopy) {
- const QString attachedClassName = object->metaObject()->className();
- if (object->parent() == styleHelper.engine.data())
- continue; // allow "global" instances
- // objects without parents would be singletons such as QQuickFusionStyle, and we're not interested in them.
- if ((attachedClassName.endsWith("Attached") || attachedClassName.endsWith("Style")) && object->parent()) {
- QString attacheeClassName = QString::fromLatin1(object->parent()->metaObject()->className());
- const QString qmlTypeToken = QStringLiteral("QMLTYPE");
- if (attacheeClassName.contains(qmlTypeToken)) {
- // Remove the numbers from the class name, as they can change between runs; e.g.:
- // Menu_QMLTYPE_222 => Menu_QMLTYPE
- const int qmlTypeTokenIndex = attacheeClassName.indexOf(qmlTypeToken);
- QVERIFY(qmlTypeTokenIndex != -1);
- attacheeClassName = attacheeClassName.mid(0, attacheeClassName.indexOf(qmlTypeToken) + qmlTypeToken.size());
- }
- const StringPair classNamePair = { attachedClassName, attacheeClassName };
- QVERIFY2(remainingAttachedClassNames.contains(classNamePair), qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1(
- "Found an unexpected usage of an attached type: %1 is attached to %2. Either an incorrect usage was added, or the list of expected usages needs to be updated. Expected attached class names for %3 are:\n %4")
- .arg(attachedClassName).arg(attacheeClassName).arg(tagStr).arg(QDebug::toString(expectedAttachedClassNames))));
- remainingAttachedClassNames.remove(classNamePair);
- }
- }
- QVERIFY2(remainingAttachedClassNames.isEmpty(), qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1(
- "Not all expected attached class name usages were found; the following usages are missing:\n %1")
- .arg(QDebug::toString(remainingAttachedClassNames))));
-void tst_Sanity::attachedObjects_data()
- QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("ignoredAttachedClassNames");
- QTest::addColumn<StringPairSet>("expectedAttachedClassNames");
- QStringList ignoredNames;
- // We used to just check that there were no duplicate QMetaObject class names,
- // but that doesn't account for attached objects loaded by composite controls,
- // such as DialogButtonBox, which is loaded by Dialog.
- // So now we list all controls and the attached types we expect them to use.
- QTest::newRow("Basic/AbstractButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Action.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ActionGroup.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ApplicationWindow.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/BusyIndicator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Button.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ButtonGroup.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/CheckBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/CheckDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ComboBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Container.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Control.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/DelayButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Dial.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Dialog.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Dialog_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/DialogButtonBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Drawer.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Drawer_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Frame.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/GroupBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/HorizontalHeaderView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ItemDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Label.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Menu.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {
- { "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Menu_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached", "QQuickListView" },
- { "QQuickWindowAttached", "QQuickListView" }
- };
- QTest::newRow("Basic/MenuBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/MenuBarItem.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/MenuItem.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/MenuSeparator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Page.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/PageIndicator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Pane.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Popup.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Popup_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ProgressBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/RadioButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/RadioDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/RangeSlider.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/RoundButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ScrollBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ScrollIndicator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ScrollView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickScrollBarAttached", "ScrollView_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Slider.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/SpinBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/SplitView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/StackView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/SwipeDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/SwipeView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Switch.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/SwitchDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/TabBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/TabButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/TextArea.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/TextField.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ToolBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ToolButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ToolSeparator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/ToolTip.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/Tumbler.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Basic/VerticalHeaderView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/ApplicationWindow.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/BusyIndicator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Button.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/CheckBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/CheckDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/ComboBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/DelayButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Dial.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Dialog.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Dialog_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/DialogButtonBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Drawer.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Drawer_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Frame.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/GroupBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/HorizontalHeaderView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/ItemDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Label.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Menu.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {
- { "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Menu_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached", "QQuickListView" },
- { "QQuickWindowAttached", "QQuickListView" }
- };
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/MenuBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/MenuBarItem.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/MenuItem.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/MenuSeparator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Page.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/PageIndicator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Pane.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Popup.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Popup_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/ProgressBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/RadioButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/RadioDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/RangeSlider.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/RoundButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/ScrollBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/ScrollIndicator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Slider.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/SpinBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/SplitView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/SwipeDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Switch.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/SwitchDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/TabBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/TabButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickTabBarAttached", "TabButton_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/TextArea.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/TextField.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/ToolBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/ToolButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/ToolSeparator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/ToolTip.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/Tumbler.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Fusion/VerticalHeaderView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Material/ApplicationWindow.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "ApplicationWindow_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/BusyIndicator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "BusyIndicator_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/Button.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Button_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/CheckBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "CheckBox_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/CheckDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "CheckDelegate_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/ComboBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "ComboBox_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/DelayButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "DelayButton_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/Dial.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Dial_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/Dialog.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {
- { "QQuickMaterialStyle", "DialogButtonBox_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Dialog_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Dialog_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Label_QMLTYPE" }
- };
- QTest::newRow("Material/DialogButtonBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "DialogButtonBox_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/Drawer.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {
- { "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Drawer_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Drawer_QMLTYPE" }
- };
- QTest::newRow("Material/Frame.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Frame_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/GroupBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "GroupBox_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/HorizontalHeaderView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Material/ItemDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "ItemDelegate_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/Label.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Label_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/Menu.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {
- { "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Menu_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Menu_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached", "QQuickListView" },
- { "QQuickWindowAttached", "QQuickListView" },
- { "QQuickMaterialStyle", "ScrollIndicator_QMLTYPE" }
- };
- QTest::newRow("Material/MenuBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "MenuBar_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/MenuBarItem.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "MenuBarItem_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/MenuItem.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "MenuItem_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/MenuSeparator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "MenuSeparator_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/Page.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Page_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/PageIndicator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Material/Pane.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Pane_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/Popup.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {
- { "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Popup_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Popup_QMLTYPE" }
- };
- QTest::newRow("Material/ProgressBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "ProgressBar_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/RadioButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "RadioButton_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/RadioDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "RadioDelegate_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/RangeSlider.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "RangeSlider_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/RoundButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "RoundButton_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/ScrollBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "ScrollBar_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/ScrollIndicator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "ScrollIndicator_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/Slider.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Slider_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/SpinBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "SpinBox_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/SplitView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Material/StackView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Material/SwipeDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "SwipeDelegate_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/SwipeView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Material/Switch.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {
- { "QQuickMaterialStyle", "SwitchIndicator_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickMaterialStyle", "Switch_QMLTYPE" }
- };
- QTest::newRow("Material/SwitchDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {
- { "QQuickMaterialStyle", "SwitchDelegate_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickMaterialStyle", "SwitchIndicator_QMLTYPE" }
- };
- QTest::newRow("Material/TabBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "TabBar_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/TabButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "TabButton_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/TextArea.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "TextArea_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/TextField.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "TextField_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/ToolBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "ToolBar_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/ToolButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "ToolButton_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/ToolSeparator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "ToolSeparator_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/ToolTip.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickMaterialStyle", "ToolTip_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Material/Tumbler.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Material/VerticalHeaderView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/ApplicationWindow.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "ApplicationWindow_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/BusyIndicator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "BusyIndicator_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Button.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Button_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/CheckBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "CheckBox_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/CheckDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "CheckDelegate_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/ComboBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "ComboBox_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/DelayButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "DelayButton_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Dial.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Dial_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Dialog.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {
- { "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Dialog_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Label_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Dialog_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickUniversalStyle", "DialogButtonBox_QMLTYPE" }
- };
- QTest::newRow("Universal/DialogButtonBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "DialogButtonBox_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Drawer.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {
- { "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Drawer_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Drawer_QMLTYPE" }
- };
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Frame.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Frame_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/GroupBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "GroupBox_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/HorizontalHeaderView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/ItemDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "ItemDelegate_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Label.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Label_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Menu.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {
- { "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Menu_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Menu_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickScrollIndicatorAttached", "QQuickListView" },
- { "QQuickWindowAttached", "QQuickListView" },
- { "QQuickUniversalStyle", "ScrollIndicator_QMLTYPE" }
- };
- QTest::newRow("Universal/MenuBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "MenuBar_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/MenuBarItem.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "MenuBarItem_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/MenuItem.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "MenuItem_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/MenuSeparator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "MenuSeparator_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Page.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Page_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/PageIndicator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Pane.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Pane_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Popup.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {
- { "QQuickOverlayAttached", "Popup_QMLTYPE" },
- { "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Popup_QMLTYPE" }
- };
- QTest::newRow("Universal/ProgressBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "ProgressBar_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/RadioButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "RadioButton_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/RadioDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "RadioDelegate_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/RangeSlider.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "RangeSlider_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/RoundButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "RoundButton_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/ScrollBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "ScrollBar_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/ScrollIndicator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "ScrollIndicator_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Slider.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Slider_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/SpinBox.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "SpinBox_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/SplitView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/StackView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/SwipeDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "SwipeDelegate_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Switch.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "Switch_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/SwitchDelegate.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "SwitchDelegate_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/TabBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "TabBar_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/TabButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "TabButton_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/TextArea.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "TextArea_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/TextField.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "TextField_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/ToolBar.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "ToolBar_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/ToolButton.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "ToolButton_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/ToolSeparator.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "ToolSeparator_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/ToolTip.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {{ "QQuickUniversalStyle", "ToolTip_QMLTYPE" }};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/Tumbler.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
- QTest::newRow("Universal/VerticalHeaderView.qml") << ignoredNames << StringPairSet {};
-#include "tst_sanity.moc"