path: root/git-hooks/gerrit-bot
diff options
authorOswald Buddenhagen <>2017-02-13 21:16:02 +0100
committerOswald Buddenhagen <>2017-06-12 10:17:09 +0000
commit2792c18e1d33594da05914d9d521adc2cc641ad9 (patch)
tree7100e93a723b4749d5020d3fed9e6db7bc00d257 /git-hooks/gerrit-bot
parent59e404b2f2628ca3f4e8104ec55c7409f9db90f3 (diff)
factor out watches and w-i-p handling to separate worker
originally, the idea was to have one gerrit-bot instance per worker, but that would result in an (even greater) flood of comments. so all functionality that didn't fit into sanitize-commit was added to gerrit-bot. at this time it's getting messy, so clean it up by making it a plain launcher/dispatcher again, with the ability to run multiple workers on a single commit. Change-Id: I8c04f449726793b99e9f1ac5c6db330a1f17389f Reviewed-by: Edward Welbourne <> Reviewed-by: Orgad Shaneh <>
Diffstat (limited to 'git-hooks/gerrit-bot')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/git-hooks/gerrit-bot b/git-hooks/gerrit-bot
index 05c444f..2df6d20 100755
--- a/git-hooks/gerrit-bot
+++ b/git-hooks/gerrit-bot
@@ -38,26 +38,20 @@ use Gerrit::REST;
# Base dir for local GIT clones of the projects.
# gitdofetch
# Need to fetch the repos or are they local?
-# worker
-# The worker is run in a local bare clone of the inspected repository.
-# The magic string @SHA@ is replaced by the commit to be checked.
+# workers
+# A space-separated list of workers.
+# They are run in a local bare clone of the inspected repository.
+# There must be a workers.<worker> config entry for each worker
+# (note that these entries are NOT namespaced with the instance).
+# The magic string @SHA1@ is replaced by the commit to be checked;
+# @PROJ@ by the gerrit project the worker is run for.
# It is expected to dump a Gerrit ReviewInput JSON entity to stdout.
+# The output from all workers is merged.
# excluded (optional)
# Space-separated list of exclusions of the form <project> or
# <project>:<branch>.
# maintainers (optional)
# Space-separated list of reviewers to add on "special occasions".
-# watches (optional)
-# Space-separated list of path watches. Each watch requires an own
-# section named watches.<name> with the following keys:
-# projects (default ".*")
-# Regular expression specifying the projects to watch.
-# files
-# Regular expression specifying the filepaths to watch.
-# message (optional)
-# The message to post when this watch triggers.
-# invite (optional)
-# Space-separated list of reviewers to add when this watch triggers.
# verbose (default 0)
# Print progress/result messages.
@@ -98,25 +92,11 @@ my $REST_USER = getcfg 'restuser', undef;
my $REST_PASS = getcfg 'restpass', undef;
my $GIT_BASEDIR = getcfg 'gitbasedir';
my $GIT_DO_FETCH = getcfg 'gitdofetch';
-my $WORKER = getcfg 'worker';
+my $WORKERS = getcfg 'workers';
my %EXCLUDED_PROJECTS = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/, getcfg('excluded', ""));
my @MAINTAINERS = split(/\s+/, getcfg('maintainers', ""));
-my @WATCHES = split(/\s+/, getcfg('watches', ""));
my $verbose = getcfg 'verbose', 0;
-my (%watch_projects, %watch_files, %watch_messages, %watch_invites);
-for my $w (@WATCHES) {
- my $p = $config{'watches.'.$w.'.projects'};
- $watch_projects{$w} = defined($p) ? qr/^$p$/ : undef;
- my $f = $config{'watches.'.$w.'.files'};
- die "watches.$w.files not set.\n" if (!defined($f));
- $watch_files{$w} = qr/^$f$/;
- my $m = $config{'watches.'.$w.'.message'};
- $watch_messages{$w} = defined($m) ? $m."\n\n" : "";
- my $i = $config{'watches.'.$w.'.invite'};
- $watch_invites{$w} = defined($i) ? [ split(/\s+/, $i) ] : [];
my @gerrit = ("ssh", $GERRIT_HOST, "gerrit");
my @gerrit_actor = ("ssh", $GERRIT_ACTOR_HOST, "gerrit");
my $gerrit_rest = Gerrit::REST->new($REST_HOST, $REST_USER, $REST_PASS);
@@ -132,6 +112,34 @@ sub printerr($)
print STDERR $msg.".\n";
+sub merge_hashes($$);
+sub merge_hashes($$)
+ my ($base, $ext) = @_;
+ for my $k (keys %$ext) {
+ my $br = \$$base{$k};
+ my $ev = $$ext{$k};
+ if (!defined($$br)) {
+ $$br = $ev;
+ } else {
+ my $bt = ref($$br);
+ my $et = ref($ev);
+ die "Values for '$k' have different types ($bt, $et).\n" if ($bt ne $et);
+ if ($et eq "HASH") {
+ merge_hashes($$br, $ev);
+ } elsif ($et eq "ARRAY") {
+ push @$$br, @$ev;
+ } elsif ($et eq "") {
+ $$br = $$br."\n\n".$ev;
+ } else {
+ die "Values for '$k' have unsupported type $bt.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
sub process_commit($$$$$)
my ($number, $project, $branch, $ref, $rev) = @_;
@@ -143,12 +151,10 @@ sub process_commit($$$$$)
my $orig_project = $project;
$project =~ s,/$,,; # XXX Workaround QTQAINFRA-381
my $verdict = {};
- my $message = "";
- my $iswip = 0;
my @invite;
if (defined($EXCLUDED_PROJECTS{$project}) || defined($EXCLUDED_PROJECTS{$project.":".$branch})) {
$verbose and print "===== ".strftime("%c", localtime(time()))." ===== excluding commit ".$ref." in ".$project."\n";
- $message = "(skipped)";
+ $$verdict{message} = "(skipped)";
$$verdict{labels}{'Sanity-Review'} = 1;
} else {
$verbose and print "===== ".strftime("%c", localtime(time()))." ===== processing commit ".$ref." in ".$project."\n";
@@ -183,59 +189,36 @@ sub process_commit($$$$$)
$verbose and print "===== ".strftime("%c", localtime(time()))." ===== fetched change\n";
- my $subject;
- my @watches;
- for my $w (@WATCHES) {
- my $wp = $watch_projects{$w};
- push @watches, $w if (!defined($wp) || $project =~ $wp);
- }
- if (@watches) {
- my @touched = `git show --pretty=\%s --name-only --ignore-submodules -C $rev`;
- chop(@touched);
- $subject = shift @touched;
- shift @touched; # empty line
- for my $w (@watches) {
- for my $file (@touched) {
- if ($file =~ $watch_files{$w}) {
- $message .= $watch_messages{$w};
- push @invite, @{$watch_invites{$w}};
- last;
- }
- }
+ for my $w (split(/ /, $WORKERS)) {
+ my $worker = $config{'workers.'.$w};
+ die "workers.$worker not set.\n" if (!defined($worker));
+ $worker =~ s/\@PROJ\@/$project/g;
+ $worker =~ s/\@SHA1\@/$rev/g;
+ my $output;
+ open VERDICT, $worker." 2>&1 |" or die "cannot run worker '$w': ".$!;
+ {
+ local $/;
+ $output = <VERDICT>;
- }
- if (!defined($subject)) {
- $subject = `git show --pretty=\%s -s $rev`;
- chop($subject);
- }
- if ($subject =~ /^[<[]?[Ww]ip\b|\bWIP\b|\*{3}|^(?:squash|fixup)! |^(.)\1*$/) {
- $iswip = 1;
- $message = "Apparently pushing a Work In Progress\n\n".$message;
- }
- my $worker = $WORKER;
- $worker =~ s/\@SHA1\@/$rev/g;
- my $output;
- open VERDICT, $worker." 2>&1 |" or die "cannot run worker: ".$!;
- {
- local $/;
- $output = <VERDICT>;
- }
- close VERDICT;
- die "Worker for commit ".$ref." in ".$project." crashed with signal ".$?.".\n" if ($? & 127);
- die "Worker returned non-zero exit code for commit ".$ref." in ".$project.".\n" if ($?);
- if (length($output) > 50000) {
- $message = "**** Worker produced an unreasonable amount of output. You should ask the bot maintainers for advice.";
- push @invite, @MAINTAINERS;
- } else {
+ close VERDICT;
while ($output =~ s/^([^\{][^\n]*\n)//s) {
- print STDERR "Non-JSON output from worker: $1\n";
+ print STDERR "Non-JSON output from worker '$w': $1\n";
- $verdict = decode_json($output);
- defined($verdict) or die "cannot decode verdict as JSON\n";
- $$verdict{labels}{'Code-Review'} = ($iswip ? -2 : 0);
+ die "Worker '$w' for commit ".$ref." in ".$project." crashed with signal ".$?.".\n" if ($? & 127);
+ die "Worker '$w' returned non-zero exit code for commit ".$ref." in ".$project.".\n" if ($?);
+ my $vd = {};
+ if (length($output) > 50000) {
+ $$vd{message} = "**** Worker '$w' produced an unreasonable amount of output. You should ask the bot maintainers for advice.";
+ push @invite, @MAINTAINERS;
+ } else {
+ $vd = decode_json($output);
+ defined($vd) or die "cannot decode verdict from worker '$w' as JSON\n";
+ if (defined($$vd{invite})) {
+ push @invite, @{$$vd{invite}};
+ delete $$vd{invite};
+ }
+ }
+ merge_hashes($verdict, $vd);
if (@invite) {
@@ -246,9 +229,6 @@ sub process_commit($$$$$)
$verbose and print "Invited @invite to ".$rev." (".$project."/".$ref.")\n";
- if (defined($$verdict{message}) || length($message)) {
- $$verdict{message} = $message.($$verdict{message} || "");
- }
eval {
$gerrit_rest->POST("/changes/$number/revisions/$rev/review", $verdict);