diff options
authorJarek Kobus <>2016-01-28 10:32:05 +0100
committerJarek Kobus <>2016-04-14 10:08:22 +0000
commit14c1090c89bba1af881d568274d4f1b9fe5f8a28 (patch)
parent181928775bb5456c88e0528c639274bc7da259c2 (diff)
Detect clashes in event and state names
Change-Id: I6df9f73965442b7866c8912ac8a0a0858640bb62 Reviewed-by: Ulf Hermann <>
6 files changed, 380 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/src/scxml/qscxmlparser.cpp b/src/scxml/qscxmlparser.cpp
index 63841b9..83cdd7b 100644
--- a/src/scxml/qscxmlparser.cpp
+++ b/src/scxml/qscxmlparser.cpp
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
#include "qscxmlqstates.h"
#include "qscxmldatamodel_p.h"
#include "qscxmlstatemachine_p.h"
+#include "qscxmlstatemachine.h"
#include <QState>
#include <QHistoryState>
@@ -150,9 +151,8 @@ private:
if (!state->id.isEmpty() && !isValidToken(state->id, XmlNCName)) {
error(state->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("'%1' is not a valid XML ID").arg(state->id));
- } else if (m_doc->qtMode && state->type != DocumentModel::State::Initial
- && !DocumentModel::isValidCppIdentifier(state->id)) {
- error(state->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("state id '%1' is not a valid C++ identifier in Qt mode").arg(state->id));
+ } else if (state->type != DocumentModel::State::Initial) {
+ validateStateName(state->xmlLocation, state->id);
if (state->initial.isEmpty()) {
@@ -235,11 +235,10 @@ private:
foreach (const QString &event, transition->events) {
checkEvent(event, transition->xmlLocation, AllowWildCards);
- if (event.contains(QLatin1Char('.')) || event == QLatin1String("*")) {
+ if (!DocumentModel::isEventToBeGenerated(event))
- } else if (m_doc->qtMode && !DocumentModel::isValidCppIdentifier(event)) {
- error(transition->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("event name '%1' is not a valid C++ identifier in Qt mode").arg(event));
- }
+ validateEventName(transition->xmlLocation, event);
@@ -276,8 +275,8 @@ private:
checkEvent(node->event, node->xmlLocation, ForbidWildCards);
- if (m_doc->qtMode && node->type == QStringLiteral("qt:signal") && !DocumentModel::isValidCppIdentifier(node->event)) {
- error(node->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("event name '%1' is not a valid C++ identifier in Qt mode").arg(node->event));
+ if (node->type == QStringLiteral("qt:signal")) {
+ validateEventName(node->xmlLocation, node->event);
checkExpr(node->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("send"), QStringLiteral("eventexpr"), node->eventexpr);
@@ -450,7 +449,8 @@ private:
void checkExpr(const DocumentModel::XmlLocation &loc, const QString &tag, const QString &attrName, const QString &attrValue)
if (m_doc->root->dataModel == DocumentModel::Scxml::NullDataModel && !attrValue.isEmpty()) {
- error(loc, QStringLiteral("%1 in <%2> cannot be used with data model 'null'").arg(attrName, tag));
+ error(loc, QStringLiteral(
+ "%1 in <%2> cannot be used with data model 'null'").arg(attrName, tag));
@@ -471,6 +471,261 @@ private:
return Q_NULLPTR;
+ void validateEventName(const DocumentModel::XmlLocation &location, const QString &name)
+ {
+ if (!m_doc->qtMode)
+ return;
+ if (!isValidCppIdentifier(name))
+ error(location, QStringLiteral(
+ "event name '%1' is not a valid C++ identifier in Qt mode").arg(name));
+ if (!isValidQtIdentifier(name))
+ error(location, QStringLiteral(
+ "event name '%1' is not a valid Qt identifier in Qt mode").arg(name));
+ if (m_stateById.contains(name))
+ error(location, QStringLiteral(
+ "event name '%1' collides with a state name '%1' in Qt mode").arg(name));
+ const QString changedSuffix(QStringLiteral("Changed"));
+ if (name.endsWith(changedSuffix)) {
+ const QString baseName = name.left(name.count() - changedSuffix.count());
+ if (m_stateById.contains(baseName))
+ error(location, QStringLiteral(
+ "event name '%1' collides with a state name '%2' in Qt mode").arg(name).arg(baseName));
+ }
+ }
+ void validateStateName(const DocumentModel::XmlLocation &location, const QString &name)
+ {
+ if (!m_doc->qtMode)
+ return;
+ if (!isValidCppIdentifier(name))
+ error(location, QStringLiteral(
+ "state name '%1' is not a valid C++ identifier in Qt mode").arg(name));
+ if (!isValidQtIdentifier(name))
+ error(location, QStringLiteral(
+ "state name '%1' is not a valid Qt identifier in Qt mode").arg(name));
+ const QString changedSuffix(QStringLiteral("Changed"));
+ if (name.endsWith(changedSuffix)) {
+ const QString baseName = name.left(name.count() - changedSuffix.count());
+ if (m_stateById.contains(baseName))
+ error(location, QStringLiteral(
+ "state name '%1' collides with a state name '%2' in Qt mode").arg(name).arg(baseName));
+ }
+ }
+ static bool isValidCppIdentifier(const QString &str)
+ {
+ static const QStringList keywords = QStringList()
+ << QStringLiteral("alignas")
+ << QStringLiteral("alignof")
+ << QStringLiteral("asm")
+ << QStringLiteral("auto")
+ << QStringLiteral("bool")
+ << QStringLiteral("break")
+ << QStringLiteral("case")
+ << QStringLiteral("catch")
+ << QStringLiteral("char")
+ << QStringLiteral("char16_t")
+ << QStringLiteral("char32_t")
+ << QStringLiteral("class")
+ << QStringLiteral("const")
+ << QStringLiteral("constexpr")
+ << QStringLiteral("const_cast")
+ << QStringLiteral("continue")
+ << QStringLiteral("decltype")
+ << QStringLiteral("default")
+ << QStringLiteral("delete")
+ << QStringLiteral("double")
+ << QStringLiteral("do")
+ << QStringLiteral("dynamic_cast")
+ << QStringLiteral("else")
+ << QStringLiteral("enum")
+ << QStringLiteral("explicit")
+ << QStringLiteral("export")
+ << QStringLiteral("extern")
+ << QStringLiteral("false")
+ << QStringLiteral("float")
+ << QStringLiteral("for")
+ << QStringLiteral("friend")
+ << QStringLiteral("goto")
+ << QStringLiteral("if")
+ << QStringLiteral("inline")
+ << QStringLiteral("int")
+ << QStringLiteral("long")
+ << QStringLiteral("mutable")
+ << QStringLiteral("namespace")
+ << QStringLiteral("new")
+ << QStringLiteral("noexcept")
+ << QStringLiteral("nullptr")
+ << QStringLiteral("operator")
+ << QStringLiteral("private")
+ << QStringLiteral("protected")
+ << QStringLiteral("public")
+ << QStringLiteral("register")
+ << QStringLiteral("reinterpret_cast")
+ << QStringLiteral("return")
+ << QStringLiteral("short")
+ << QStringLiteral("signed")
+ << QStringLiteral("sizeof")
+ << QStringLiteral("static")
+ << QStringLiteral("static_assert")
+ << QStringLiteral("static_cast")
+ << QStringLiteral("struct")
+ << QStringLiteral("switch")
+ << QStringLiteral("template")
+ << QStringLiteral("this")
+ << QStringLiteral("thread_local")
+ << QStringLiteral("throw")
+ << QStringLiteral("true")
+ << QStringLiteral("try")
+ << QStringLiteral("typedef")
+ << QStringLiteral("typeid")
+ << QStringLiteral("typename")
+ << QStringLiteral("union")
+ << QStringLiteral("unsigned")
+ << QStringLiteral("using")
+ << QStringLiteral("virtual")
+ << QStringLiteral("void")
+ << QStringLiteral("volatile")
+ << QStringLiteral("wchar_t")
+ << QStringLiteral("while");
+ if (keywords.contains(str)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto isNonDigit = [](QChar ch) -> bool {
+ return (ch >= QLatin1Char('A') && ch <= QLatin1Char('Z'))
+ || (ch >= QLatin1Char('a') && ch <= QLatin1Char('z'))
+ || (ch == QLatin1Char('_'));
+ };
+ QChar ch =;
+ if (!isNonDigit(ch)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 1, ei = str.size(); i != ei; ++i) {
+ ch =;
+ if (!isNonDigit(ch) && !ch.isDigit()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (str.startsWith(QLatin1Char('_')) && str.size() > 1) {
+ QChar ch =;
+ if (ch == QLatin1Char('_')
+ || (ch >= QLatin1Char('A') && ch <= QLatin1Char('Z'))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ static bool isValidQtIdentifier(const QString &str)
+ {
+ static const QStringList keywords = QStringList()
+ << QStringLiteral("QObject")
+ << QStringLiteral("event")
+ << QStringLiteral("eventFilter")
+ << QStringLiteral("tr")
+ << QStringLiteral("trUtf8")
+ << QStringLiteral("metaObject")
+ << QStringLiteral("staticMetaObject")
+ << QStringLiteral("objectName")
+ << QStringLiteral("setObjectName")
+ << QStringLiteral("isWidgetType")
+ << QStringLiteral("isWindowType")
+ << QStringLiteral("signalsBlocked")
+ << QStringLiteral("blockSignals")
+ << QStringLiteral("thread")
+ << QStringLiteral("moveToThread")
+ << QStringLiteral("startTimer")
+ << QStringLiteral("killTimer")
+ << QStringLiteral("findChild")
+ << QStringLiteral("findChildren")
+ << QStringLiteral("children")
+ << QStringLiteral("setParent")
+ << QStringLiteral("installEventFilter")
+ << QStringLiteral("removeEventFilter")
+ << QStringLiteral("connect")
+ << QStringLiteral("connect_functor")
+ << QStringLiteral("disconnect")
+ << QStringLiteral("dumpObjectTree")
+ << QStringLiteral("dumpObjectInfo")
+ << QStringLiteral("setProperty")
+ << QStringLiteral("property")
+ << QStringLiteral("dynamicPropertyNames")
+ << QStringLiteral("registerUserData")
+ << QStringLiteral("setUserData")
+ << QStringLiteral("userData")
+ << QStringLiteral("destroyed")
+ << QStringLiteral("objectNameChanged")
+ << QStringLiteral("parent")
+ << QStringLiteral("inherits")
+ << QStringLiteral("deleteLater")
+ << QStringLiteral("sender")
+ << QStringLiteral("senderSignalIndex")
+ << QStringLiteral("receivers")
+ << QStringLiteral("isSignalConnected")
+ << QStringLiteral("timerEvent")
+ << QStringLiteral("childEvent")
+ << QStringLiteral("customEvent")
+ << QStringLiteral("connectNotify")
+ << QStringLiteral("disconnectNotify")
+ << QStringLiteral("d_ptr")
+ << QStringLiteral("staticQtMetaObject")
+ << QStringLiteral("d_func")
+ << QStringLiteral("connectImpl")
+ << QStringLiteral("disconnectImpl")
+ << QStringLiteral("QScxmlStateMachine")
+ << QStringLiteral("running")
+ << QStringLiteral("BindingMethod")
+ << QStringLiteral("EarlyBinding")
+ << QStringLiteral("LateBinding")
+ << QStringLiteral("fromFile")
+ << QStringLiteral("fromData")
+ << QStringLiteral("parseErrors")
+ << QStringLiteral("sessionId")
+ << QStringLiteral("setSessionId")
+ << QStringLiteral("generateSessionId")
+ << QStringLiteral("isInvoked")
+ << QStringLiteral("dataModel")
+ << QStringLiteral("dataBinding")
+ << QStringLiteral("init")
+ << QStringLiteral("isRunning")
+ << QStringLiteral("name")
+ << QStringLiteral("stateNames")
+ << QStringLiteral("activeStateNames")
+ << QStringLiteral("isActive")
+ << QStringLiteral("scxmlEventFilter")
+ << QStringLiteral("setScxmlEventFilter")
+ << QStringLiteral("submitEvent")
+ << QStringLiteral("cancelDelayedEvent")
+ << QStringLiteral("isDispatchableTarget")
+ << QStringLiteral("runningChanged")
+ << QStringLiteral("log")
+ << QStringLiteral("reachedStableState")
+ << QStringLiteral("finished")
+ << QStringLiteral("eventOccurred")
+ << QStringLiteral("start")
+ << QStringLiteral("setDataBinding")
+ << QStringLiteral("setService")
+ << QStringLiteral("tableData");
+ if (keywords.contains(str))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
std::function<void (const DocumentModel::XmlLocation &, const QString &)> m_errorHandler;
DocumentModel::ScxmlDocument *m_doc;
@@ -1632,121 +1887,9 @@ bool DocumentModel::isValidQPropertyName(const QString &str)
return !str.isEmpty() && !str.contains(QLatin1Char('(')) && !str.contains(QLatin1Char(')'));
-bool DocumentModel::isValidCppIdentifier(const QString &str)
+bool DocumentModel::isEventToBeGenerated(const QString &event)
- if (str.isEmpty())
- return false;
- static const QStringList keywords = QStringList()
- << QStringLiteral("alignas")
- << QStringLiteral("alignof")
- << QStringLiteral("asm")
- << QStringLiteral("auto")
- << QStringLiteral("bool")
- << QStringLiteral("break")
- << QStringLiteral("case")
- << QStringLiteral("catch")
- << QStringLiteral("char")
- << QStringLiteral("char16_t")
- << QStringLiteral("char32_t")
- << QStringLiteral("class")
- << QStringLiteral("const")
- << QStringLiteral("constexpr")
- << QStringLiteral("const_cast")
- << QStringLiteral("continue")
- << QStringLiteral("decltype")
- << QStringLiteral("default")
- << QStringLiteral("delete")
- << QStringLiteral("double")
- << QStringLiteral("do")
- << QStringLiteral("dynamic_cast")
- << QStringLiteral("else")
- << QStringLiteral("enum")
- << QStringLiteral("explicit")
- << QStringLiteral("export")
- << QStringLiteral("extern")
- << QStringLiteral("false")
- << QStringLiteral("float")
- << QStringLiteral("for")
- << QStringLiteral("friend")
- << QStringLiteral("goto")
- << QStringLiteral("if")
- << QStringLiteral("inline")
- << QStringLiteral("int")
- << QStringLiteral("long")
- << QStringLiteral("mutable")
- << QStringLiteral("namespace")
- << QStringLiteral("new")
- << QStringLiteral("noexcept")
- << QStringLiteral("nullptr")
- << QStringLiteral("operator")
- << QStringLiteral("private")
- << QStringLiteral("protected")
- << QStringLiteral("public")
- << QStringLiteral("register")
- << QStringLiteral("reinterpret_cast")
- << QStringLiteral("return")
- << QStringLiteral("short")
- << QStringLiteral("signed")
- << QStringLiteral("sizeof")
- << QStringLiteral("static")
- << QStringLiteral("static_assert")
- << QStringLiteral("static_cast")
- << QStringLiteral("struct")
- << QStringLiteral("switch")
- << QStringLiteral("template")
- << QStringLiteral("this")
- << QStringLiteral("thread_local")
- << QStringLiteral("throw")
- << QStringLiteral("true")
- << QStringLiteral("try")
- << QStringLiteral("typedef")
- << QStringLiteral("typeid")
- << QStringLiteral("typename")
- << QStringLiteral("union")
- << QStringLiteral("unsigned")
- << QStringLiteral("using")
- << QStringLiteral("virtual")
- << QStringLiteral("void")
- << QStringLiteral("volatile")
- << QStringLiteral("wchar_t")
- << QStringLiteral("while");
- if (keywords.contains(str)) {
- return false;
- }
- auto isNonDigit = [](QChar c) -> bool {
- // NOTE:
- // Although C++11 allows for non-ascii (unicode) characters to be used in identifiers,
- // many compilers forgot to read the spec and do not implement this. Some also don't
- // implement C99 identifiers, because that's "at the implementation's discretion". So,
- // we're stuck with plain old boring identifiers.
- return (c >= QLatin1Char('a') && c <= QLatin1Char('z')) ||
- (c >= QLatin1Char('A') && c <= QLatin1Char('Z')) ||
- c == QLatin1Char('_');
- };
- QChar ch =;
- if (!isNonDigit(ch)) {
- return false;
- }
- for (int i = 1, ei = str.size(); i != ei; ++i) {
- ch =;
- if (!isNonDigit(ch) && !ch.isDigit()) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (str.startsWith(QLatin1Char('_')) && str.size() > 1) {
- QChar ch =;
- if (ch == QLatin1Char('_')
- || (ch >= QLatin1Char('A') && ch <= QLatin1Char('Z'))) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
+ return !event.contains(QLatin1Char('.'));
diff --git a/src/scxml/qscxmlparser_p.h b/src/scxml/qscxmlparser_p.h
index 87f5a29..e090bac 100644
--- a/src/scxml/qscxmlparser_p.h
+++ b/src/scxml/qscxmlparser_p.h
@@ -547,6 +547,7 @@ public:
Q_SCXML_EXPORT bool isValidCppIdentifier(const QString &str);
Q_SCXML_EXPORT bool isValidQPropertyName(const QString &str);
+Q_SCXML_EXPORT bool isEventToBeGenerated(const QString &event);
} // DocumentModel namespace
diff --git a/tests/auto/parser/qtmode.scxml b/tests/auto/parser/qtmode.scxml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5df8b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/parser/qtmode.scxml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the QtScxml module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met:
+<!-- enable-qt-mode: yes -->
+<scxml xmlns="" version="1.0"
+ name="test1">
+ <state id="a">
+ <transition event="a"/>
+ <transition event="void"/>
+ <transition event="aChanged"/>
+ <transition event="finished"/>
+ <transition event="done.state.a"/>
+ <transition event="done.state.double"/>
+ </state>
+ <state id="int"/>
+ <state id="objectName"/>
+ <state id="foo"/>
+ <state id="fooChanged"/>
diff --git a/tests/auto/parser/tst_parser.cpp b/tests/auto/parser/tst_parser.cpp
index 68ca9db..e00b8b6 100644
--- a/tests/auto/parser/tst_parser.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/parser/tst_parser.cpp
@@ -49,28 +49,64 @@ void tst_Parser::error_data()
QTest::addColumn<QVector<QScxmlError> >("expectedErrors");
QVector<QScxmlError> errors;
- errors << QScxmlError(QString(":/tst_parser/test1.scxml"), 34, 46,
- QString("unknown state 'b' in target"));
- QTest::newRow("test1") << QString(":/tst_parser/test1.scxml") << errors;
- QTest::newRow("namespaces 1") << QStringLiteral(":/tst_parser/namespaces1.scxml")
- << QVector<QScxmlError>();
- QTest::newRow("IDs 1") << QStringLiteral(":/tst_parser/ids1.scxml") << QVector<QScxmlError>();
- QTest::newRow("IDs 2") << QStringLiteral(":/tst_parser/ids2.scxml") << (QVector<QScxmlError>()
- << QScxmlError(":/tst_parser/ids2.scxml", 33, 25,
- "state id '' is not a valid C++ identifier in Qt mode")
- << QScxmlError(":/tst_parser/ids2.scxml", 34, 25,
- "state id 'foo-bar' is not a valid C++ identifier in Qt mode")
- << QScxmlError(":/tst_parser/ids2.scxml", 36, 19, "'1' is not a valid XML ID")
- );
- QTest::newRow("eventnames") << QStringLiteral(":/tst_parser/eventnames.scxml")
- << (QVector<QScxmlError>()
- << QScxmlError(":/tst_parser/eventnames.scxml", 50, 38, "'.invalid' is not a valid event")
- << QScxmlError(":/tst_parser/eventnames.scxml", 51, 38, "'invalid.' is not a valid event")
- << QScxmlError(":/tst_parser/eventnames.scxml", 39, 36, "'.invalid' is not a valid event")
- << QScxmlError(":/tst_parser/eventnames.scxml", 40, 36, "'invalid.' is not a valid event")
- << QScxmlError(":/tst_parser/eventnames.scxml", 41, 36, "'in valid' is not a valid event")
- );
+ QString filename;
+ filename = QLatin1String(":/tst_parser/test1.scxml");
+ errors.clear();
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 34, 46,
+ QLatin1String("unknown state 'b' in target"));
+ QTest::newRow("test1") << filename << errors;
+ filename = QLatin1String(":/tst_parser/namespaces1.scxml");
+ errors.clear();
+ QTest::newRow("namespaces 1") << filename << errors;
+ filename = QLatin1String(":/tst_parser/ids1.scxml");
+ errors.clear();
+ QTest::newRow("IDs 1") << filename << errors;
+ filename = QLatin1String(":/tst_parser/ids2.scxml");
+ errors.clear();
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 33, 25,
+ QLatin1String("state name '' is not a valid C++ identifier in Qt mode"));
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 34, 25,
+ QLatin1String("state name 'foo-bar' is not a valid C++ identifier in Qt mode"));
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 36, 19,
+ QLatin1String("'1' is not a valid XML ID"));
+ QTest::newRow("IDs 2") << filename << errors;
+ filename = QLatin1String(":/tst_parser/eventnames.scxml");
+ errors.clear();
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 50, 38,
+ QLatin1String("'.invalid' is not a valid event"));
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 51, 38,
+ QLatin1String("'invalid.' is not a valid event"));
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 39, 36,
+ QLatin1String("'.invalid' is not a valid event"));
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 40, 36,
+ QLatin1String("'invalid.' is not a valid event"));
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 41, 36,
+ QLatin1String("'in valid' is not a valid event"));
+ QTest::newRow("eventnames") << filename << errors;
+ filename = QString(":/tst_parser/qtmode.scxml");
+ errors.clear();
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 35, 31,
+ QLatin1String("event name 'a' collides with a state name 'a' in Qt mode"));
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 36, 34,
+ QLatin1String("event name 'void' is not a valid C++ identifier in Qt mode"));
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 37, 38,
+ QLatin1String("event name 'aChanged' collides with a state name 'a' in Qt mode"));
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 38, 38,
+ QLatin1String("event name 'finished' is not a valid Qt identifier in Qt mode"));
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 42, 21,
+ QLatin1String("state name 'int' is not a valid C++ identifier in Qt mode"));
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 43, 28,
+ QLatin1String("state name 'objectName' is not a valid Qt identifier in Qt mode"));
+ errors << QScxmlError(filename, 45, 28,
+ QLatin1String("state name 'fooChanged' collides with a state name 'foo' in Qt mode"));
+ QTest::newRow("qtmode") << filename << errors;
void tst_Parser::error()
diff --git a/tests/auto/parser/tst_parser.qrc b/tests/auto/parser/tst_parser.qrc
index 3c6c944..9073f0d 100644
--- a/tests/auto/parser/tst_parser.qrc
+++ b/tests/auto/parser/tst_parser.qrc
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
+ <file>qtmode.scxml</file>
diff --git a/tools/qscxmlc/scxmlcppdumper.cpp b/tools/qscxmlc/scxmlcppdumper.cpp
index a522c58..d78d213 100644
--- a/tools/qscxmlc/scxmlcppdumper.cpp
+++ b/tools/qscxmlc/scxmlcppdumper.cpp
@@ -448,9 +448,13 @@ protected:
const QString tName = transitionName(node);
if (m_qtMode) {
foreach (const QString &event, node->events) {
- if (isValidCppIdentifier(event)) {
- m_knownEvents.insert(event);
- }
+ if (!DocumentModel::isEventToBeGenerated(event))
+ continue;
+ // If the event name is not filtered out, is was already validated inside:
+ // bool ScxmlVerifier::visit(DocumentModel::Transition *transition)
+ // by a call to: validateEventName();
+ m_knownEvents.insert(event);
@@ -732,13 +736,6 @@ private:
std::sort(knownEventsList.begin(), knownEventsList.end());
if (m_qtMode) {
foreach (const QString &event, knownEventsList) {
- if (event.startsWith(QStringLiteral("done.")) || event.startsWith(QStringLiteral("qsignal."))
- || event.startsWith(QStringLiteral("qevent."))) {
- continue;
- }
- if (event.contains(QLatin1Char('*')))
- continue;
clazz.publicSlotDeclarations << QStringLiteral("void ") + event + QStringLiteral("(const QVariant &eventData = QVariant());");
clazz.publicSlotDefinitions << QStringLiteral("void ") + clazz.className
+ QStringLiteral("::")