path: root/src/qscxml/ecmascriptdatamodel.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qscxml/ecmascriptdatamodel.cpp')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qscxml/ecmascriptdatamodel.cpp b/src/qscxml/ecmascriptdatamodel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8728b8
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+++ b/src/qscxml/ecmascriptdatamodel.cpp
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+ **
+ ** Copyright (c) 2015 Digia Plc
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+ ** NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains
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+ ** Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
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+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "ecmascriptdatamodel.h"
+#include "ecmascriptplatformproperties.h"
+#include "executablecontent_p.h"
+#include <QJsonDocument>
+#include <QtQml/private/qjsvalue_p.h>
+#include <QtQml/private/qv4scopedvalue_p.h>
+using namespace Scxml;
+typedef std::function<QString (bool *)> ToStringEvaluator;
+typedef std::function<bool (bool *)> ToBoolEvaluator;
+typedef std::function<QVariant (bool *)> ToVariantEvaluator;
+typedef std::function<void (bool *)> ToVoidEvaluator;
+typedef std::function<bool (bool *, std::function<bool ()>)> ForeachEvaluator;
+class Scxml::EcmaScriptDataModelPrivate
+ EcmaScriptDataModelPrivate(EcmaScriptDataModel *q)
+ : q(q)
+ {}
+ QString evalStr(const QString &expr, const QString &context, bool *ok)
+ {
+ QString script = QStringLiteral("(%1).toString()").arg(expr);
+ QJSValue v = eval(script, context, ok);
+ if (*ok)
+ return v.toString();
+ else
+ return QString();
+ }
+ bool evalBool(const QString &expr, const QString &context, bool *ok)
+ {
+ QString script = QStringLiteral("(function(){return !!(%1); })()").arg(expr);
+ QJSValue v = eval(script, context, ok);
+ if (*ok)
+ return v.toBool();
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ QJSValue evalJSValue(const QString &expr, const QString &context, bool *ok)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(engine());
+ QString script = QStringLiteral("(function(){'use strict'; return (\n%1\n); })()").arg(expr);
+ return eval(script, context, ok);
+ }
+ QJSValue eval(const QString &script, const QString &context, bool *ok)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(ok);
+ Q_ASSERT(engine());
+ // FIXME: copy QJSEngine::evaluate and handle the case of v4->catchException() "our way"
+ QJSValue v = engine()->evaluate(QStringLiteral("'use strict'; ") + script, QStringLiteral("<expr>"), 0);
+ if (v.isError()) {
+ *ok = false;
+ static QByteArray sendid;
+ table()->submitError(QByteArray("error.execution"),
+ QStringLiteral("%1 in %2").arg(v.toString(), context),
+ sendid);
+ return QJSValue(QJSValue::UndefinedValue);
+ } else {
+ *ok = true;
+ return v;
+ }
+ }
+ void setupDataModel()
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(engine());
+ dataModel = engine()->globalObject();
+ qCDebug(scxmlLog) << "initializing the datamodel";
+ setupSystemVariables();
+ }
+ void setupSystemVariables()
+ {
+ setReadonlyProperty(&dataModel, QStringLiteral("_sessionid"),
+ QStringLiteral("session%1").arg(table()->sessionId()));
+ setReadonlyProperty(&dataModel, QStringLiteral("_name"), table()->name());
+ auto scxml = engine()->newObject();
+ scxml.setProperty(QStringLiteral("location"), QStringLiteral("#_scxml_%1").arg(table()->sessionId()));
+ auto ioProcs = engine()->newObject();
+ setReadonlyProperty(&ioProcs, QStringLiteral("scxml"), scxml);
+ setReadonlyProperty(&dataModel, QStringLiteral("_ioprocessors"), ioProcs);
+ auto platformVars = PlatformProperties::create(engine(), table());
+ dataModel.setProperty(QStringLiteral("_x"), platformVars->jsValue());
+ dataModel.setProperty(QStringLiteral("In"),
+ engine()->evaluate(QStringLiteral("function(id){return _x.In(id);}")));
+ }
+ void assignEvent(const ScxmlEvent &event)
+ {
+ QJSValue _event = engine()->newObject();
+ QJSValue dataValue = eventDataAsJSValue(event);
+ _event.setProperty(QStringLiteral("data"), dataValue.isUndefined() ? QJSValue(QJSValue::UndefinedValue)
+ : dataValue);
+ _event.setProperty(QStringLiteral("invokeid"), event.invokeid().isEmpty() ? QJSValue(QJSValue::UndefinedValue)
+ : engine()->toScriptValue(QString::fromUtf8(event.invokeid())));
+ if (!event.origintype().isEmpty())
+ _event.setProperty(QStringLiteral("origintype"), engine()->toScriptValue(event.origintype()));
+ _event.setProperty(QStringLiteral("origin"), event.origin().isEmpty() ? QJSValue(QJSValue::UndefinedValue)
+ : engine()->toScriptValue(event.origin()) );
+ _event.setProperty(QStringLiteral("sendid"), event.sendid().isEmpty() ? QJSValue(QJSValue::UndefinedValue)
+ : engine()->toScriptValue(QString::fromUtf8(event.sendid())));
+ _event.setProperty(QStringLiteral("type"), engine()->toScriptValue(event.scxmlType()));
+ _event.setProperty(QStringLiteral("name"), engine()->toScriptValue(QString::fromUtf8(;
+ _event.setProperty(QStringLiteral("raw"), QStringLiteral("unsupported")); // See test178
+ // TODO: document this
+ setReadonlyProperty(&dataModel, QStringLiteral("_event"), _event);
+ }
+ QJSValue eventDataAsJSValue(const ScxmlEvent &event) const
+ {
+ if (event.dataNames().isEmpty()) {
+ if (event.dataValues().size() == 0) {
+ return QJSValue(QJSValue::UndefinedValue);
+ } else if (event.dataValues().size() == 1) {
+ auto dataValue = event.dataValues().first();
+ if (dataValue == QVariant(QMetaType::VoidStar, 0)) {
+ return QJSValue(QJSValue::NullValue);
+ } else {
+ QString data = dataValue.toString();
+ QJsonParseError err;
+ QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data.toUtf8(), &err);
+ if (err.error == QJsonParseError::NoError)
+ return engine()->toScriptValue(doc.toVariant());
+ else
+ return engine()->toScriptValue(data);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return QJSValue(QJSValue::UndefinedValue);
+ }
+ } else {
+ auto data = engine()->newObject();
+ for (int i = 0, ei = std::min(event.dataNames().size(), event.dataValues().size()); i != ei; ++i) {
+ data.setProperty(event.dataNames().at(i), engine()->toScriptValue(event.dataValues().at(i)));
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ }
+ StateTable *table() const
+ { return q->table(); }
+ QJSEngine *engine() const
+ {
+ if (jsEngine == nullptr) {
+ jsEngine = new QJSEngine(table());
+ }
+ return jsEngine;
+ }
+ void setEngine(QJSEngine *engine)
+ { jsEngine = engine; }
+ QString string(ExecutableContent::StringId id) const
+ { return table()->tableData()->string(id); }
+ StateTable::BindingMethod dataBinding() const
+ { return table()->dataBinding(); }
+ bool hasProperty(const QString &name) const
+ { return dataModel.hasProperty(name); }
+ QJSValue property(const QString &name) const
+ { return; }
+ void setProperty(const QString &name, const QJSValue &value, const QString &context, bool *ok)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(ok);
+ QString msg;
+ switch (setProperty(&dataModel, name, value)) {
+ case SetPropertySucceeded:
+ *ok = true;
+ return;
+ case SetReadOnlyPropertyFailed:
+ msg = QStringLiteral("cannot assign to read-only property %1 in %2");
+ break;
+ case SetUnknownPropertyFailed:
+ msg = QStringLiteral("cannot assign to unknown propety %1 in %2");
+ break;
+ case SetPropertyFailedForAnotherReason:
+ msg = QStringLiteral("assignment to property %1 failed in %2");
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ *ok = false;
+ static QByteArray sendid;
+ table()->submitError(QByteArray("error.execution"), msg.arg(name, context), sendid);
+ }
+private: // Uses private API
+ static void setReadonlyProperty(QJSValue *object, const QString& name, const QJSValue& value)
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"setting read-only property"<<name;
+ QV4::ExecutionEngine *engine = QJSValuePrivate::engine(object);
+ Q_ASSERT(engine);
+ QV4::Scope scope(engine);
+ QV4::ScopedObject o(scope, QJSValuePrivate::getValue(object));
+ if (!o)
+ return;
+ if (!QJSValuePrivate::checkEngine(engine, value)) {
+ qWarning("EcmaScriptDataModel::setReadonlyProperty(%s) failed: cannot set value created in a different engine", name.toUtf8().constData());
+ return;
+ }
+ QV4::ScopedString s(scope, engine->newString(name));
+ uint idx = s->asArrayIndex();
+ if (idx < UINT_MAX) {
+ return;
+ }
+ s->makeIdentifier(scope.engine);
+ QV4::ScopedValue v(scope, QJSValuePrivate::convertedToValue(engine, value));
+ o->defineReadonlyProperty(s, v);
+ if (engine->hasException)
+ engine->catchException();
+ }
+ enum SetPropertyResult {
+ SetPropertySucceeded,
+ SetReadOnlyPropertyFailed,
+ SetUnknownPropertyFailed,
+ SetPropertyFailedForAnotherReason,
+ };
+ static SetPropertyResult setProperty(QJSValue *object, const QString& name, const QJSValue& value)
+ {
+ QV4::ExecutionEngine *engine = QJSValuePrivate::engine(object);
+ Q_ASSERT(engine);
+ if (engine->hasException)
+ return SetPropertyFailedForAnotherReason;
+ QV4::Scope scope(engine);
+ QV4::ScopedObject o(scope, QJSValuePrivate::getValue(object));
+ if (o == nullptr) {
+ return SetPropertyFailedForAnotherReason;
+ }
+ QV4::ScopedString s(scope, engine->newString(name));
+ uint idx = s->asArrayIndex();
+ if (idx < UINT_MAX) {
+ return SetPropertyFailedForAnotherReason;
+ }
+ QV4::PropertyAttributes attrs = o->query(s);
+ if (attrs.isWritable() || attrs.isEmpty()) {
+ QV4::ScopedValue v(scope, QJSValuePrivate::convertedToValue(engine, value));
+ o->insertMember(s, v);
+ if (engine->hasException) {
+ engine->catchException();
+ return SetPropertyFailedForAnotherReason;
+ } else {
+ return SetPropertySucceeded;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return SetReadOnlyPropertyFailed;
+ }
+ }
+ EcmaScriptDataModel *q;
+ mutable QJSEngine *jsEngine = nullptr;
+ QJSValue dataModel;
+EcmaScriptDataModel::EcmaScriptDataModel(StateTable *table)
+ : DataModel(table)
+ , d(new EcmaScriptDataModelPrivate(this))
+ delete d;
+void EcmaScriptDataModel::setup()
+ d->setupDataModel();
+ bool ok;
+ QJSValue v(QJSValue::UndefinedValue); // See B.2.1, and test456.
+ int count;
+ ExecutableContent::StringId *names = table()->tableData()->dataNames(&count);
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ d->setProperty(d->string(names[i]), v, QStringLiteral("<data>"), &ok);
+QString EcmaScriptDataModel::evaluateToString(EvaluatorId id, bool *ok)
+ const EvaluatorInfo &info = table()->tableData()->evaluatorInfo(id);
+ return d->evalStr(d->string(info.expr), d->string(info.context), ok);
+bool EcmaScriptDataModel::evaluateToBool(EvaluatorId id, bool *ok)
+ const EvaluatorInfo &info = table()->tableData()->evaluatorInfo(id);
+ return d->evalBool(d->string(info.expr), d->string(info.context), ok);
+QVariant EcmaScriptDataModel::evaluateToVariant(EvaluatorId id, bool *ok)
+ const EvaluatorInfo &info = table()->tableData()->evaluatorInfo(id);
+ return d->evalJSValue(d->string(info.expr), d->string(info.context), ok).toVariant();
+void EcmaScriptDataModel::evaluateToVoid(EvaluatorId id, bool *ok)
+ const EvaluatorInfo &info = table()->tableData()->evaluatorInfo(id);
+ d->eval(d->string(info.expr), d->string(info.context), ok);
+void EcmaScriptDataModel::evaluateAssignment(EvaluatorId id, bool *ok)
+ Q_ASSERT(ok);
+ const AssignmentInfo &info = table()->tableData()->assignmentInfo(id);
+ static QByteArray sendid;
+ QString dest = d->string(info.dest);
+ if (hasProperty(dest)) {
+ QJSValue v = d->evalJSValue(d->string(info.expr), d->string(info.context), ok);
+ if (*ok)
+ d->setProperty(dest, v, d->string(info.context), ok);
+ } else {
+ *ok = false;
+ table()->submitError(QByteArray("error.execution"),
+ QStringLiteral("%1 in %2 does not exist").arg(dest, d->string(info.context)),
+ sendid);
+ }
+bool EcmaScriptDataModel::evaluateForeach(EvaluatorId id, bool *ok, std::function<bool ()> body)
+ Q_ASSERT(ok);
+ static QByteArray sendid;
+ const ForeachInfo &info = table()->tableData()->foreachInfo(id);
+ QJSValue jsArray = d->property(d->string(info.array));
+ if (!jsArray.isArray()) {
+ table()->submitError("error.execution", QStringLiteral("invalid array '%1' in %2").arg(d->string(info.array), d->string(info.context)), sendid);
+ *ok = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString item = d->string(info.item);
+ if (engine()->evaluate(QStringLiteral("(function(){var %1 = 0})()").arg(item)).isError()) {
+ table()->submitError("error.execution", QStringLiteral("invalid item '%1' in %2")
+ .arg(d->string(info.item), d->string(info.context)), sendid);
+ *ok = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ const int length ="length")).toInt();
+ QString idx = d->string(info.index);
+ QString context = d->string(info.context);
+ const bool hasIndex = !idx.isEmpty();
+ for (int currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < length; ++currentIndex) {
+ QJSValue currentItem =<quint32>(currentIndex));
+ d->setProperty(item, currentItem, context, ok);
+ if (!*ok)
+ return false;
+ if (hasIndex) {
+ d->setProperty(idx, currentIndex, context, ok);
+ if (!*ok)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!body())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void EcmaScriptDataModel::setEvent(const ScxmlEvent &event)
+ d->assignEvent(event);
+QVariant EcmaScriptDataModel::property(const QString &name) const
+ return d->property(name).toVariant();
+bool EcmaScriptDataModel::hasProperty(const QString &name) const
+ return d->hasProperty(name);
+void EcmaScriptDataModel::setStringProperty(const QString &name, const QString &value, const QString &context, bool *ok)
+ Q_ASSERT(hasProperty(name));
+ d->setProperty(name, QJSValue(value), context, ok);
+EcmaScriptDataModel *EcmaScriptDataModel::asEcmaScriptDataModel()
+ return this;
+QJSEngine *EcmaScriptDataModel::engine() const
+ return d->engine();
+void EcmaScriptDataModel::setEngine(QJSEngine *engine)
+ d->setEngine(engine);