path: root/src/qscxml/scxmlparser.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qscxml/scxmlparser.cpp')
1 files changed, 1599 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qscxml/scxmlparser.cpp b/src/qscxml/scxmlparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50ac13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qscxml/scxmlparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1599 @@
+ **
+ ** Copyright (c) 2015 Digia Plc
+ ** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at
+ **
+ ** All Rights Reserved.
+ **
+ ** NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains
+ ** the property of Digia Plc and its suppliers,
+ ** if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained
+ ** herein are proprietary to Digia Plc
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+ ** Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
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+ ** from Digia Plc.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "scxmlparser.h"
+#include "executablecontent_p.h"
+#include "nulldatamodel.h"
+#include "ecmascriptdatamodel.h"
+#include <QXmlStreamReader>
+#include <QLoggingCategory>
+#include <QState>
+#include <QHistoryState>
+#include <QEventTransition>
+#include <QSignalTransition>
+#include <QJsonDocument>
+#include <QJsonObject>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QVector>
+#include <private/qabstracttransition_p.h>
+#include <typeinfo>
+namespace Scxml {
+static QString scxmlNamespace = QStringLiteral("");
+static QString qtScxmlNamespace = QStringLiteral("");
+class ScxmlVerifier: public DocumentModel::NodeVisitor
+ ScxmlVerifier(std::function<void (const DocumentModel::XmlLocation &, const QString &)> errorHandler)
+ : m_errorHandler(errorHandler)
+ {}
+ bool verify(DocumentModel::ScxmlDocument *doc)
+ {
+ if (doc->isVerified)
+ return true;
+ doc->isVerified = true;
+ m_doc = doc;
+ foreach (DocumentModel::AbstractState *state, doc->allStates) {
+ if (state->id.isEmpty()) {
+ continue;
+#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
+ } else if (m_stateById.contains(state->id)) {
+ Q_ASSERT(!"Should be unreachable: the parser should check for this case!");
+#endif // QT_NO_DEBUG
+ } else {
+ m_stateById[state->id] = state;
+ }
+ }
+ doc->root->accept(this);
+ return !m_hasErrors;
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::Scxml *scxml) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(scxml->initialStates.isEmpty());
+ if (scxml->initial.isEmpty()) {
+ if (auto firstChild = firstAbstractState(scxml)) {
+ scxml->initialStates.append(firstChild);
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach (const QString &initial, scxml->initial) {
+ if (DocumentModel::AbstractState *s = m_stateById.value(initial))
+ scxml->initialStates.append(s);
+ else
+ error(scxml->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("initial state '%1' not found for <scxml> element").arg(initial));
+ }
+ }
+ m_parentNodes.append(scxml);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void endVisit(DocumentModel::Scxml *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ m_parentNodes.removeLast();
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::State *state) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(state->initialState == nullptr);
+ if (state->initial.isEmpty()) {
+ state->initialState = firstAbstractState(state);
+ } else {
+ Q_ASSERT(state->type == DocumentModel::State::Normal);
+ if (DocumentModel::AbstractState *s = m_stateById.value(state->initial)) {
+ state->initialState = s;
+ } else {
+ error(state->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("undefined initial state '%1' for state '%2'").arg(state->initial, state->id));
+ }
+ }
+ switch (state->type) {
+ case DocumentModel::State::Normal:
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::State::Parallel:
+ if (!state->initial.isEmpty()) {
+ error(state->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("parallel states cannot have an initial state"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::State::Initial:
+ if (transitionCount(state) != 1)
+ error(state->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("an initial state can only have one transition, but has '%1'").arg(transitionCount(state)));
+ if (DocumentModel::Transition *t = firstTransition(state)) {
+ if (!t->events.isEmpty() || !t->condition.isNull()) {
+ error(t->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("the transition in an initial state cannot have an event or a condition"));
+ }
+ if (t->targets.isEmpty()) {
+ error(t->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("the transition in an initial state must have at least one target"));
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (DocumentModel::StateOrTransition *child, state->children) {
+ if (DocumentModel::State *s = child->asState()) {
+ error(s->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("substates are not allowed in initial states"));
+ }
+ }
+ if (parentState() == nullptr) {
+ error(state->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("initial states can only occur in a state"));
+ }
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::State::Final:
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ m_parentNodes.append(state);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void endVisit(DocumentModel::State *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ m_parentNodes.removeLast();
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::Transition *transition) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(transition->targetStates.isEmpty());
+ if (int size = transition->targets.size())
+ transition->targetStates.reserve(size);
+ foreach (const QString &target, transition->targets) {
+ if (DocumentModel::AbstractState *s = m_stateById.value(target)) {
+ if (transition->targetStates.contains(s)) {
+ error(transition->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("duplicate target '%1'").arg(target));
+ } else {
+ transition->targetStates.append(s);
+ }
+ } else if (!target.isEmpty()) {
+ error(transition->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("unknown state '%1' in target").arg(target));
+ }
+ }
+ m_parentNodes.append(transition);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void endVisit(DocumentModel::Transition *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ m_parentNodes.removeLast();
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::HistoryState *state) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ bool seenTransition = false;
+ foreach (DocumentModel::StateOrTransition *sot, state->children) {
+ if (DocumentModel::State *s = sot->asState()) {
+ error(s->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("history state cannot have substates"));
+ } else if (DocumentModel::Transition *t = sot->asTransition()) {
+ if (seenTransition) {
+ error(t->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("history state can only have one transition"));
+ } else {
+ seenTransition = true;
+ m_parentNodes.append(state);
+ t->accept(this);
+ m_parentNodes.removeLast();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::Send *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ checkExpr(node->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("send"), QStringLiteral("eventexpr"), node->eventexpr);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void visit(DocumentModel::Cancel *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ checkExpr(node->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("cancel"), QStringLiteral("sendidexpr"), node->sendidexpr);
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::DoneData *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ checkExpr(node->xmlLocation, QStringLiteral("donedata"), QStringLiteral("expr"), node->expr);
+ return false;
+ }
+ static int transitionCount(DocumentModel::State *state)
+ {
+ int count = 0;
+ foreach (DocumentModel::StateOrTransition *child, state->children) {
+ if (child->asTransition())
+ ++count;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ static DocumentModel::Transition *firstTransition(DocumentModel::State *state)
+ {
+ foreach (DocumentModel::StateOrTransition *child, state->children) {
+ if (DocumentModel::Transition *t = child->asTransition())
+ return t;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ static DocumentModel::AbstractState *firstAbstractState(DocumentModel::StateContainer *container)
+ {
+ QVector<DocumentModel::StateOrTransition *> children;
+ if (auto state = container->asState())
+ children = state->children;
+ else if (auto scxml = container->asScxml())
+ children = scxml->children;
+ else
+ foreach (DocumentModel::StateOrTransition *child, children) {
+ if (DocumentModel::State *s = child->asState())
+ return s;
+ else if (DocumentModel::HistoryState *h = child->asHistoryState())
+ return h;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ void checkExpr(const DocumentModel::XmlLocation &loc, const QString &tag, const QString &attrName, const QString &attrValue)
+ {
+ if (m_doc->root->dataModel == DocumentModel::Scxml::NullDataModel && !attrValue.isEmpty()) {
+ error(loc, QStringLiteral("%1 in <%2> cannot be used with data model 'null'").arg(attrName, tag));
+ }
+ }
+ void error(const DocumentModel::XmlLocation &location, const QString &message)
+ {
+ m_hasErrors = true;
+ if (m_errorHandler)
+ m_errorHandler(location, message);
+ }
+ DocumentModel::Node *parentState() const
+ {
+ for (int i = m_parentNodes.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if (DocumentModel::State *s =>asState())
+ return s;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ std::function<void (const DocumentModel::XmlLocation &, const QString &)> m_errorHandler;
+ DocumentModel::ScxmlDocument *m_doc;
+ bool m_hasErrors = false;
+ QHash<QString, DocumentModel::AbstractState *> m_stateById;
+ QVector<DocumentModel::Node *> m_parentNodes;
+class StateTableBuilder: public ExecutableContent::Builder
+ StateTable *m_table = nullptr;
+ StateTable *build(DocumentModel::ScxmlDocument *doc)
+ {
+ m_table = nullptr;
+ m_parents.reserve(32);
+ m_allTransitions.reserve(doc->allTransitions.size());
+ m_docStatesToQStates.reserve(doc->allStates.size());
+ doc->root->accept(this);
+ wireTransitions();
+ applyInitialStates();
+ ExecutableContent::DynamicTableData *td = tableData();
+ td->setParent(m_table);
+ m_table->setTableData(td);
+ m_parents.clear();
+ m_allTransitions.clear();
+ m_docStatesToQStates.clear();
+ m_currentTransition = nullptr;
+ return m_table;
+ }
+ using NodeVisitor::visit;
+ using ExecutableContent::Builder::createContext;
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::Scxml *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ m_table = new StateTable;
+ switch (node->binding) {
+ case DocumentModel::Scxml::EarlyBinding:
+ m_table->setDataBinding(StateTable::EarlyBinding);
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::Scxml::LateBinding:
+ m_table->setDataBinding(StateTable::LateBinding);
+ m_bindLate = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ m_table->setName(node->name);
+ m_parents.append(m_table);
+ visit(node->children);
+ m_dataElements.append(node->dataElements);
+ if (node->script || !m_dataElements.isEmpty() || !node->initialSetup.isEmpty()) {
+ m_table->setInitialSetup(startNewSequence());
+ generate(m_dataElements);
+ if (node->script) {
+ node->script->accept(this);
+ }
+ visit(&node->initialSetup);
+ endSequence();
+ }
+ m_parents.removeLast();
+ foreach (auto initialState, node->initialStates) {
+ Q_ASSERT(initialState);
+ m_initialStates.append(qMakePair(m_table, initialState));
+ }
+ switch (node->dataModel) {
+ case DocumentModel::Scxml::NullDataModel:
+ m_table->setDataModel(new NullDataModel(m_table));
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::Scxml::JSDataModel:
+ m_table->setDataModel(new EcmaScriptDataModel(m_table));
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::State *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ QAbstractState *newState = nullptr;
+ switch (node->type) {
+ case DocumentModel::State::Normal: {
+ auto s = new ScxmlState(currentParent());
+ newState = s;
+ if (node->initialState)
+ m_initialStates.append(qMakePair(s, node->initialState));
+ } break;
+ case DocumentModel::State::Parallel: {
+ auto s = new ScxmlState(currentParent());
+ s->setChildMode(QState::ParallelStates);
+ newState = s;
+ } break;
+ case DocumentModel::State::Initial: {
+ auto s = new ScxmlState(currentParent());
+ currentParent()->setInitialState(s);
+ newState = s;
+ } break;
+ case DocumentModel::State::Final: {
+ auto s = new ScxmlFinalState(currentParent());
+ newState = s;
+ s->setDoneData(generate(node->doneData));
+ } break;
+ default:
+ }
+ newState->setObjectName(node->id);
+ m_docStatesToQStates.insert(node, newState);
+ m_parents.append(newState);
+ if (!node->dataElements.isEmpty()) {
+ if (m_bindLate) {
+ qobject_cast<ScxmlState *>(newState)->setInitInstructions(startNewSequence());
+ generate(node->dataElements);
+ endSequence();
+ } else {
+ m_dataElements.append(node->dataElements);
+ }
+ }
+ ExecutableContent::ContainerId onEntry = generate(node->onEntry);
+ ExecutableContent::ContainerId onExit = generate(node->onExit);
+ if (ScxmlState *s = qobject_cast<ScxmlState *>(newState)) {
+ s->setOnEntryInstructions(onEntry);
+ s->setOnExitInstructions(onExit);
+ } else if (ScxmlFinalState *f = qobject_cast<ScxmlFinalState *>(newState)) {
+ f->setOnEntryInstructions(onEntry);
+ f->setOnExitInstructions(onExit);
+ } else {
+ }
+ visit(node->children);
+ m_parents.removeLast();
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::Transition *node) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ QState *parentState = 0;
+ if (QHistoryState *parent = qobject_cast<QHistoryState*>(m_parents.last())) {
+ // QHistoryState cannot have an initial transition, only an initial state.
+ // So, work around that by creating an initial state, and add the transition to that.
+ parentState = new ScxmlState(parent->parentState());
+ parent->setDefaultState(parentState);
+ } else {
+ parentState = currentParent();
+ }
+ auto newTransition = new ScxmlTransition(parentState, toUtf8(node->events));
+ if (node->condition) {
+ auto cond = createEvaluatorBool(QStringLiteral("transition"), QStringLiteral("cond"), *node->;
+ newTransition->setConditionalExpression(cond);
+ }
+ parentState->addTransition(newTransition);
+ switch (node->type) {
+ case DocumentModel::Transition::External:
+ newTransition->setTransitionType(QAbstractTransition::ExternalTransition);
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::Transition::Internal:
+ newTransition->setTransitionType(QAbstractTransition::InternalTransition);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ m_allTransitions.insert(newTransition, node);
+ if (!node->instructionsOnTransition.isEmpty()) {
+ m_currentTransition = newTransition;
+ newTransition->setInstructionsOnTransition(startNewSequence());
+ visit(&node->instructionsOnTransition);
+ endSequence();
+ m_currentTransition = 0;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(newTransition->table());
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool visit(DocumentModel::HistoryState *state) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ QHistoryState *newState = new QHistoryState(currentParent());
+ switch (state->type) {
+ case DocumentModel::HistoryState::Shallow:
+ newState->setHistoryType(QHistoryState::ShallowHistory);
+ break;
+ case DocumentModel::HistoryState::Deep:
+ newState->setHistoryType(QHistoryState::DeepHistory);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ newState->setObjectName(state->id);
+ m_docStatesToQStates.insert(state, newState);
+ m_parents.append(newState);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void endVisit(DocumentModel::HistoryState *) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ m_parents.removeLast();
+ }
+private: // Utility methods
+ static QList<QByteArray> toUtf8(const QStringList &l)
+ {
+ QList<QByteArray> res;
+ foreach (const QString &s, l)
+ res.append(s.toUtf8());
+ return res;
+ }
+ QState *currentParent() const
+ {
+ if (m_parents.isEmpty())
+ return nullptr;
+ QState *parent = qobject_cast<QState*>(m_parents.last());
+ Q_ASSERT(parent);
+ return parent;
+ }
+ void wireTransitions()
+ {
+ for (QHash<QAbstractTransition *, DocumentModel::Transition*>::const_iterator i = m_allTransitions.begin(), ei = m_allTransitions.end(); i != ei; ++i) {
+ QList<QAbstractState *> targets;
+ targets.reserve(i.value()->targets.size());
+ foreach (DocumentModel::AbstractState *targetState, i.value()->targetStates) {
+ QAbstractState *target = m_docStatesToQStates.value(targetState);
+ Q_ASSERT(target);
+ targets.append(target);
+ }
+ i.key()->setTargetStates(targets);
+ }
+ }
+ void applyInitialStates()
+ {
+ foreach (const auto &init, m_initialStates) {
+ Q_ASSERT(init.second);
+ auto initialState = m_docStatesToQStates.value(init.second);
+ Q_ASSERT(initialState);
+ init.first->setInitialState(initialState);
+ }
+ }
+ QString createContextString(const QString &instrName) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ if (m_currentTransition) {
+ QString state;
+ if (QState *s = m_currentTransition->sourceState()) {
+ state = QStringLiteral(" of state '%1'").arg(s->objectName());
+ }
+ return QStringLiteral("%1 instruction in transition %2 %3").arg(instrName, m_currentTransition->objectName(), state);
+ } else {
+ return QStringLiteral("%1 instruction in state %2").arg(instrName, m_parents.last()->objectName());
+ }
+ }
+ QString createContext(const QString &instrName, const QString &attrName, const QString &attrValue) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ QString location = createContextString(instrName);
+ return QStringLiteral("%1 with %2=\"%3\"").arg(location, attrName, attrValue);
+ }
+ DataModel *dataModel() const
+ { return m_table->dataModel(); }
+ QVector<QAbstractState *> m_parents;
+ QHash<QAbstractTransition *, DocumentModel::Transition*> m_allTransitions;
+ QHash<DocumentModel::AbstractState *, QAbstractState *> m_docStatesToQStates;
+ QAbstractTransition *m_currentTransition = nullptr;
+ QVector<QPair<QState *, DocumentModel::AbstractState *>> m_initialStates;
+ bool m_bindLate = false;
+ QVector<DocumentModel::DataElement *> m_dataElements;
+ScxmlParser::ScxmlParser(QXmlStreamReader *reader, LoaderFunction loader)
+ : m_currentParent(0)
+ , m_currentState(0)
+ , m_loader(loader)
+ , m_reader(reader)
+ , m_state(StartingParsing)
+{ }
+QString ScxmlParser::fileName() const
+ return m_fileName;
+void ScxmlParser::setFileName(const QString &fileName)
+ m_fileName = fileName;
+DocumentModel::AbstractState *ScxmlParser::currentParent() const
+ DocumentModel::AbstractState *parent = m_currentParent->asAbstractState();
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_currentParent || parent);
+ return parent;
+void ScxmlParser::parse()
+ m_doc.reset(new DocumentModel::ScxmlDocument);
+ m_currentParent = m_doc->root;
+ m_currentState = m_doc->root;
+ while (!m_reader->atEnd()) {
+ QXmlStreamReader::TokenType tt = m_reader->readNext();
+ switch (tt) {
+ case QXmlStreamReader::NoToken:
+ // The reader has not yet read anything.
+ continue;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::Invalid:
+ // An error has occurred, reported in error() and errorString().
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument:
+ // The reader reports the XML version number in documentVersion(), and the encoding
+ // as specified in the XML document in documentEncoding(). If the document is declared
+ // standalone, isStandaloneDocument() returns true; otherwise it returns false.
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::EndDocument:
+ // The reader reports the end of the document.
+ if (!m_stack.isEmpty() || m_state != FinishedParsing) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("document finished without a proper scxml item"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ }
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement:
+ // The reader reports the start of an element with namespaceUri() and name(). Empty
+ // elements are also reported as StartElement, followed directly by EndElement.
+ // The convenience function readElementText() can be called to concatenate all content
+ // until the corresponding EndElement. Attributes are reported in attributes(),
+ // namespace declarations in namespaceDeclarations().
+ {
+ QStringRef elName = m_reader->name();
+ QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = m_reader->attributes();
+ if (!m_stack.isEmpty() && (m_stack.last().kind == ParserState::DataElement
+ || m_stack.last().kind == ParserState::Data)) {
+ /*switch (m_table->dataModel()) {
+ case StateTable::None:
+ break; // error?
+ case StateTable::Json:
+ case StateTable::Javascript:
+ {
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::DataElement);
+ QJsonObject obj;
+ foreach (const QXmlStreamAttribute &attribute, attributes)
+ obj.insert(QStringLiteral("@").append(, attribute.value().toString());
+ pNew.jsonValue = obj;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ break;
+ }
+ case StateTable::Xml:
+ {
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::DataElement);
+ Q_ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ }*/
+ break;
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("scxml")) {
+ m_doc->root = new DocumentModel::Scxml(xmlLocation());
+ m_doc->root->xmlLocation = xmlLocation();
+ auto scxml = m_doc->root;
+ if (m_state != StartingParsing || !m_stack.isEmpty()) {
+ addError(xmlLocation(), QStringLiteral("found scxml tag mid stream"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ m_state = ParsingScxml;
+ }
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "version|initial,datamodel,binding,name,classname")) return;
+ if (m_reader->namespaceUri() != QLatin1String("")) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("default namespace must be set with xmlns=\"\" in the scxml tag"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (attributes.value(QLatin1String("version")) != QLatin1String("1.0")) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("unsupported scxml version, expected 1.0 in scxml tag"));
+ return;
+ }
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::Scxml);
+ pNew.initialId = attributes.value(QLatin1String("initial")).toUtf8();
+ QStringRef datamodel = attributes.value(QLatin1String("datamodel"));
+ if (datamodel.isEmpty() || datamodel == QLatin1String("null")) {
+ scxml->dataModel = DocumentModel::Scxml::NullDataModel;
+ } else if (datamodel == QLatin1String("ecmascript")) {
+ scxml->dataModel = DocumentModel::Scxml::JSDataModel;
+ } else {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("Unsupported data model '%1' in scxml")
+ .arg(datamodel.toString()));
+ }
+ QStringRef binding = attributes.value(QLatin1String("binding"));
+ if (binding.isEmpty() || binding == QLatin1String("early")) {
+ scxml->binding = DocumentModel::Scxml::EarlyBinding;
+ } else if (binding == QLatin1String("late")) {
+ scxml->binding = DocumentModel::Scxml::LateBinding;
+ } else {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("Unsupperted binding type '%1'")
+ .arg(binding.toString()));
+ return;
+ }
+ QStringRef name = attributes.value(QLatin1String("name"));
+ if (!name.isEmpty()) {
+ scxml->name = name.toString();
+ }
+ QStringRef qtClassname = attributes.value(qtScxmlNamespace, QStringLiteral("classname"));
+ if (!qtClassname.isEmpty()) {
+ scxml->qtClassname = qtClassname.toString();
+ }
+ m_currentState = m_currentParent = m_doc->root;
+ pNew.instructionContainer = &m_doc->root->initialSetup;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("state")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "|id,initial")) return;
+ auto newState = m_doc->newState(m_currentParent, DocumentModel::State::Normal, xmlLocation());
+ if (!maybeId(attributes, &newState->id)) return;
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::State);
+ pNew.initialId = attributes.value(QLatin1String("initial")).toUtf8();
+ m_currentState = m_currentParent = newState;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("parallel")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "|id")) return;
+ auto newState = m_doc->newState(m_currentParent, DocumentModel::State::Parallel, xmlLocation());
+ if (!maybeId(attributes, &newState->id)) return;
+ m_currentState = m_currentParent = newState;
+ m_stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Parallel));
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("initial")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "")) return;
+ if (currentParent()->asState()->type == DocumentModel::State::Parallel) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("Explicit initial state for parallel states not supported (only implicitly through the initial states of its substates)"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ return;
+ }
+ ParserState pNew(ParserState::Initial);
+ auto newState = m_doc->newState(m_currentParent, DocumentModel::State::Initial, xmlLocation());
+ m_currentState = m_currentParent = newState;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("transition")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "|event,cond,target,type")) return;
+ auto transition = m_doc->newTransition(m_currentParent, xmlLocation());
+ transition->events = attributes.value(QLatin1String("event")).toString().split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ transition->targets = attributes.value(QLatin1String("target")).toString().split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ if (attributes.hasAttribute(QStringLiteral("cond")))
+ transition->condition.reset(new QString(attributes.value(QLatin1String("cond")).toString()));
+ QStringRef type = attributes.value(QLatin1String("type"));
+ if (type.isEmpty() || type == QLatin1String("external")) {
+ transition->type = DocumentModel::Transition::External;
+ } else if (type == QLatin1String("internal")) {
+ transition->type = DocumentModel::Transition::Internal;
+ } else {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("invalid transition type '%1', valid values are 'external' and 'internal'").arg(type.toString()));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ break;
+ }
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::Transition);
+ pNew.instructionContainer = &transition->instructionsOnTransition;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("final")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "|id")) return;
+ auto newState = m_doc->newState(m_currentParent, DocumentModel::State::Final, xmlLocation());
+ if (!maybeId(attributes, &newState->id)) return;
+ m_currentState = m_currentParent = newState;
+ m_stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Final));
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("history")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "|id,type")) return;
+ auto newState = m_doc->newHistoryState(currentParent(), xmlLocation());
+ if (!maybeId(attributes, &newState->id)) return;
+ QStringRef type = attributes.value(QLatin1String("type"));
+ if (type.isEmpty() || type == QLatin1String("shallow")) {
+ newState->type = DocumentModel::HistoryState::Shallow;
+ } else if (type == QLatin1String("deep")) {
+ newState->type = DocumentModel::HistoryState::Deep;
+ } else {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("invalid history type %1, valid values are 'shallow' and 'deep'").arg(type.toString()));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ return;
+ }
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::History);
+ m_currentState = m_currentParent = newState;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("onentry")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "")) return;
+ ParserState pNew(ParserState::OnEntry);
+ switch (m_stack.last().kind) {
+ case ParserState::Final:
+ case ParserState::State:
+ case ParserState::Parallel:
+ if (DocumentModel::State *s = m_currentState->asState()) {
+ pNew.instructionContainer = m_doc->newSequence(&s->onEntry);
+ break;
+ }
+ // intentional fall-through
+ default:
+ addError(QStringLiteral("unexpected container state for onentry"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ break;
+ }
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("onexit")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "")) return;
+ ParserState pNew(ParserState::OnExit);
+ switch (m_stack.last().kind) {
+ case ParserState::Final:
+ case ParserState::State:
+ case ParserState::Parallel:
+ if (DocumentModel::State *s = m_currentState->asState()) {
+ pNew.instructionContainer = m_doc->newSequence(&s->onExit);
+ break;
+ }
+ // intentional fall-through
+ default:
+ addError(QStringLiteral("unexpected container state for onexit"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ break;
+ }
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("raise")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "event")) return;
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::Raise);
+ auto raise = m_doc->newNode<DocumentModel::Raise>(xmlLocation());
+ raise->event = attributes.value(QLatin1String("event")).toString();
+ pNew.instruction = raise;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("if")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "cond")) return;
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::If);
+ auto *ifI = m_doc->newNode<DocumentModel::If>(xmlLocation());
+ pNew.instruction = ifI;
+ ifI->conditions.append(attributes.value(QLatin1String("cond")).toString());
+ pNew.instructionContainer = m_doc->newSequence(&ifI->blocks);
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("elseif")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "cond")) return;
+ DocumentModel::If *ifI = m_stack.last().instruction->asIf();
+ Q_ASSERT(ifI);
+ ifI->conditions.append(attributes.value(QLatin1String("cond")).toString());
+ m_stack.last().instructionContainer = m_doc->newSequence(&ifI->blocks);
+ m_stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::ElseIf));
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("else")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "")) return;
+ DocumentModel::If *ifI = m_stack.last().instruction->asIf();
+ Q_ASSERT(ifI);
+ m_stack.last().instructionContainer = m_doc->newSequence(&ifI->blocks);
+ m_stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Else));
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("foreach")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "array,item|index")) return;
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::Foreach);
+ auto foreachI = m_doc->newNode<DocumentModel::Foreach>(xmlLocation());
+ foreachI->array = attributes.value(QLatin1String("array")).toString();
+ foreachI->item = attributes.value(QLatin1String("item")).toString();
+ foreachI->index = attributes.value(QLatin1String("index")).toString();
+ pNew.instruction = foreachI;
+ pNew.instructionContainer = &foreachI->block;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("log")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "|label,expr")) return;
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::Log);
+ auto logI = m_doc->newNode<DocumentModel::Log>(xmlLocation());
+ logI->label = attributes.value(QLatin1String("label")).toString();
+ logI->expr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("expr")).toString();
+ pNew.instruction = logI;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("datamodel")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "")) return;
+ m_stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::DataModel));
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("data")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "id|src,expr")) return;
+ auto data = m_doc->newNode<DocumentModel::DataElement>(xmlLocation());
+ data->id = attributes.value(QLatin1String("id")).toString();
+ data->src = attributes.value(QLatin1String("src")).toString();
+ data->expr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("expr")).toString();
+ if (!data->src.isEmpty()) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("the source attribute in a data tag is unsupported")); // FIXME: use a loader like in <script>
+ }
+ if (DocumentModel::Scxml *scxml = m_currentParent->asScxml()) {
+ scxml->dataElements.append(data);
+ } else if (DocumentModel::State *state = m_currentParent->asState()) {
+ state->dataElements.append(data);
+ } else {
+ }
+ m_stack.append(ParserState(ParserState::Data));
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("assign")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "location|expr")) return;
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::Assign);
+ auto assign = m_doc->newNode<DocumentModel::Assign>(xmlLocation());
+ assign->location = attributes.value(QLatin1String("location")).toString();
+ assign->expr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("expr")).toString();
+ pNew.instruction = assign;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("donedata")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "")) return;
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::DoneData);
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ bool handled = false;
+ if (DocumentModel::State *s = m_currentState->asState()) {
+ if (s->type == DocumentModel::State::Final) {
+ handled = true;
+ if (s->doneData) {
+ addError(QLatin1String("state can only have one donedata"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ } else {
+ s->doneData = m_doc->newNode<DocumentModel::DoneData>(xmlLocation());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!handled) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("donedata can only occur in a final state"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ }
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("content")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "|expr")) return;
+ switch (m_stack.last().kind) {
+ case ParserState::DoneData: {
+ DocumentModel::State *s = m_currentState->asState();
+ Q_ASSERT(s);
+ s->doneData->expr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("expr")).toString();
+ } break;
+ case ParserState::Send: {
+ DocumentModel::Send *s = m_stack.last().instruction->asSend();
+ Q_ASSERT(s);
+ s->content = attributes.value(QLatin1String("expr")).toString();
+ } break;
+ default:
+ addError(QStringLiteral("unexpected parent of content %1").arg(m_stack.last().kind));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ }
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::Content);
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("param")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "name|expr,location")) return;
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::Param);
+ auto param = m_doc->newNode<DocumentModel::Param>(xmlLocation());
+ param->name = attributes.value(QLatin1String("name")).toString();
+ param->expr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("expr")).toString();
+ param->location = attributes.value(QLatin1String("location")).toString();
+ switch (m_stack.last().kind) {
+ case ParserState::DoneData: {
+ DocumentModel::State *s = m_currentState->asState();
+ Q_ASSERT(s);
+ Q_ASSERT(s->doneData);
+ s->doneData->params.append(param);
+ } break;
+ case ParserState::Send: {
+ DocumentModel::Send *s = m_stack.last().instruction->asSend();
+ Q_ASSERT(s);
+ s->params.append(param);
+ } break;
+ case ParserState::Invoke: {
+ DocumentModel::Invoke *i = m_stack.last().instruction->asInvoke();
+ Q_ASSERT(i);
+ i->params.append(param);
+ } break;
+ default:
+ addError(QStringLiteral("unexpected parent of param %1").arg(m_stack.last().kind));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ }
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("script")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "|src")) return;
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::Script);
+ auto *script = m_doc->newNode<DocumentModel::Script>(xmlLocation());
+ script->src = attributes.value(QLatin1String("src")).toString();
+ pNew.instruction = script;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("send")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "|event,eventexpr,id,idlocation,type,typeexpr,namelist,delay,delayexpr,target,targetexpr")) return;
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::Send);
+ auto *send = m_doc->newNode<DocumentModel::Send>(xmlLocation());
+ send->event = attributes.value(QLatin1String("event")).toString();
+ send->eventexpr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("eventexpr")).toString();
+ send->delay = attributes.value(QLatin1String("delay")).toString();
+ send->delayexpr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("delayexpr")).toString();
+ send->id = attributes.value(QLatin1String("id")).toString();
+ send->idLocation = attributes.value(QLatin1String("idlocation")).toString();
+ send->type = attributes.value(QLatin1String("type")).toString();
+ send->typeexpr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("typeexpr")).toString();
+ send->target = attributes.value(QLatin1String("target")).toString();
+ send->targetexpr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("targetexpr")).toString();
+ if (attributes.hasAttribute(QLatin1String("namelist")))
+ send->namelist = attributes.value(QLatin1String("namelist")).toString().split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ pNew.instruction = send;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("cancel")) {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "|sendid,sendidexpr")) return;
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::Cancel);
+ auto *cancel = m_doc->newNode<DocumentModel::Cancel>(xmlLocation());
+ cancel->sendid = attributes.value(QLatin1String("sendid")).toString();
+ cancel->sendidexpr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("sendidexpr")).toString();
+ pNew.instruction = cancel;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("invoke")) {
+ if (true) {
+ addError(xmlLocation(), QStringLiteral("<invoke> is not supported"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ } else {
+ if (!checkAttributes(attributes, "|event,eventexpr,id,idlocation,type,typeexpr,namelist,delay,delayexpr")) return;
+ ParserState pNew = ParserState(ParserState::Invoke);
+ auto *invoke = m_doc->newNode<DocumentModel::Invoke>(xmlLocation());
+ invoke->src = attributes.value(QLatin1String("src")).toString();
+ invoke->srcexpr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("srcexpr")).toString();
+ invoke->id = attributes.value(QLatin1String("id")).toString();
+ invoke->idLocation = attributes.value(QLatin1String("idlocation")).toString();
+ invoke->type = attributes.value(QLatin1String("type")).toString();
+ invoke->typeexpr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("typeexpr")).toString();
+ QStringRef autoforwardS = attributes.value(QLatin1String("autoforward"));
+ if (QStringRef::compare(autoforwardS, QLatin1String("true"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0
+ || QStringRef::compare(autoforwardS, QLatin1String("yes"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0
+ || QStringRef::compare(autoforwardS, QLatin1String("t"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0
+ || QStringRef::compare(autoforwardS, QLatin1String("y"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0
+ || autoforwardS == QLatin1String("1"))
+ invoke->autoforward = true;
+ else
+ invoke->autoforward = false;
+ invoke->namelist = attributes.value(QLatin1String("namelist")).toString().split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ pNew.instruction = invoke;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ }
+ } else if (elName == QLatin1String("finalize")) {
+ ParserState pNew(ParserState::Finalize);
+ auto invoke = m_stack.last().instruction->asInvoke();
+ Q_ASSERT(invoke);
+ pNew.instructionContainer = &invoke->finalize;
+ m_stack.append(pNew);
+ } else {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("unexpected element %1").arg(elName.toString()));
+ }
+ if (m_stack.size()>1 && ! {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("invalid child"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement:
+ // The reader reports the end of an element with namespaceUri() and name().
+ {
+ ParserState p = m_stack.last();
+ m_stack.removeLast();
+ switch (p.kind) {
+ case ParserState::Scxml:
+ if (m_state == ParsingScxml) {
+ m_state = FinishedParsing;
+ } else {
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ }
+ return;
+ case ParserState::State:
+ case ParserState::Parallel:
+ case ParserState::Initial:
+ case ParserState::Final:
+ case ParserState::History:
+ Q_ASSERT(m_currentParent->parent);
+ m_currentState = m_currentParent = m_currentParent->parent;
+ break;
+ case ParserState::Transition:
+ case ParserState::OnEntry:
+ case ParserState::OnExit:
+ case ParserState::ElseIf:
+ case ParserState::Else:
+ break;
+ case ParserState::Script:
+ {
+ DocumentModel::Script *scriptI = p.instruction->asScript();
+ if (!p.chars.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
+ scriptI->content = p.chars.trimmed();
+ if (!scriptI->src.isEmpty())
+ addError(QStringLiteral("both scr and source content given to script, will ignore external content"));
+ } else if (!scriptI->src.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!m_loader) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("cannot parse a document with external dependencies without a loader"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ } else {
+ bool ok;
+ QByteArray data = m_loader(scriptI->src, ok, this);
+ if (!ok) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("failed to load external dependency"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ } else {
+ scriptI->content = QString::fromUtf8(data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // very intentional fallthrough!
+ case ParserState::Raise:
+ case ParserState::If:
+ case ParserState::Foreach:
+ case ParserState::Log:
+ case ParserState::Assign:
+ case ParserState::Send:
+ case ParserState::Cancel:
+ case ParserState::Invoke: {
+ DocumentModel::InstructionSequence *instructions = m_stack.last().instructionContainer;
+ if (!instructions) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("got executable content within an element that did not set instructionContainer"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ return;
+ }
+ instructions->append(p.instruction);
+ p.instruction = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ParserState::Finalize:
+ case ParserState::DataModel:
+ case ParserState::DataElement:
+ case ParserState::DoneData:
+ case ParserState::Param:
+ case ParserState::None:
+ break;
+ case ParserState::Content:
+ if (!p.chars.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
+ Q_ASSERT(!m_stack.isEmpty());
+ switch (m_stack.last().kind) {
+ case ParserState::DoneData: // see test529
+ m_currentState->asState()->doneData->contents = p.chars.simplified();
+ break;
+ case ParserState::Send: // see test179
+ m_stack.last().instruction->asSend()->content = p.chars.simplified();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case ParserState::Data: {
+ DocumentModel::DataElement *data = nullptr;
+ if (auto state = m_currentParent->asState()) {
+ data = state->dataElements.last();
+ } else if (auto scxml = m_currentParent->asNode()->asScxml()) {
+ data = scxml->dataElements.last();
+ } else {
+ }
+ if (!data->src.isEmpty() && !data->expr.isEmpty()) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("data element with both 'src' and 'expr' attributes"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!p.chars.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
+ if (!data->src.isEmpty()) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("data element with both 'src' attribute and CDATA"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ return;
+ } else if (!data->expr.isEmpty()) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("data element with both 'expr' attribute and CDATA"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ data->expr = p.chars.simplified();
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
+ } // parser state
+ } // QXmlStreamReader::EndElement
+ case QXmlStreamReader::Characters:
+ // The reader reports characters in text(). If the characters are all white-space,
+ // isWhitespace() returns true. If the characters stem from a CDATA section,
+ // isCDATA() returns true.
+ if (m_stack.isEmpty())
+ break;
+ if (m_stack.last().collectChars())
+ m_stack.last().chars.append(m_reader->text());
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::Comment:
+ // The reader reports a comment in text().
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::DTD:
+ // The reader reports a DTD in text(), notation declarations in notationDeclarations(),
+ // and entity declarations in entityDeclarations(). Details of the DTD declaration are
+ // reported in in dtdName(), dtdPublicId(), and dtdSystemId().
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::EntityReference:
+ // The reader reports an entity reference that could not be resolved. The name of
+ // the reference is reported in name(), the replacement text in text().
+ break;
+ case QXmlStreamReader::ProcessingInstruction:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_reader->hasError()
+ && m_reader->error() != QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("Error parsing scxml file"));
+ addError(m_reader->errorString());
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ }
+DocumentModel::XmlLocation ScxmlParser::xmlLocation() const
+ return DocumentModel::XmlLocation(m_reader->lineNumber(), m_reader->columnNumber());
+DocumentModel::ScxmlDocument *ScxmlParser::scxmlDocument()
+ if (!m_doc)
+ return nullptr;
+ auto handler = [this](const DocumentModel::XmlLocation &location, const QString &msg) {
+ this->addError(location, msg);
+ };
+ if (ScxmlVerifier(handler).verify(
+ return;
+ else
+ return nullptr;
+StateTable *ScxmlParser::table()
+ if (DocumentModel::ScxmlDocument *doc = scxmlDocument())
+ return StateTableBuilder().build(doc);
+ else
+ return nullptr;
+void ScxmlParser::addError(const QString &msg, ErrorMessage::Severity severity)
+ m_errors.append(ErrorMessage(m_fileName,
+ m_reader->lineNumber(),
+ m_reader->columnNumber(),
+ severity,
+ msg));
+ if (severity == ErrorMessage::Error)
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+void ScxmlParser::addError(const DocumentModel::XmlLocation &location, const QString &msg)
+ m_errors.append(ErrorMessage(m_fileName,
+ location.line,
+ location.column,
+ ErrorMessage::Error,
+ msg));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+bool ScxmlParser::maybeId(const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, QString *id)
+ Q_ASSERT(id);
+ QString idStr = attributes.value(QLatin1String("id")).toString();
+ if (!idStr.isEmpty()) {
+ if (m_allIds.contains(idStr)) {
+ addError(xmlLocation(), QStringLiteral("duplicate id '%1'").arg(idStr));
+ } else {
+ m_allIds.insert(idStr);
+ *id = idStr;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool ScxmlParser::checkAttributes(const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, const char *attribStr)
+ QString allAttrib = QString::fromLatin1(attribStr);
+ QStringList attrSplit = allAttrib.split(QLatin1Char('|'));
+ QStringList requiredNames, optionalNames;
+ requiredNames = attrSplit.value(0).split(QLatin1Char(','), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ optionalNames = attrSplit.value(1).split(QLatin1Char(','), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ if (attrSplit.size() > 2) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("Internal error, invalid attribStr in checkAttributes"));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ }
+ foreach (const QString &rName, requiredNames)
+ if (rName.isEmpty())
+ requiredNames.removeOne(rName);
+ foreach (const QString &oName, optionalNames)
+ if (oName.isEmpty())
+ optionalNames.removeOne(oName);
+ return checkAttributes(attributes, requiredNames, optionalNames);
+bool ScxmlParser::checkAttributes(const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, QStringList requiredNames, QStringList optionalNames)
+ foreach (const QXmlStreamAttribute &attribute, attributes) {
+ QStringRef ns = attribute.namespaceUri();
+ if (!ns.isEmpty() && ns != scxmlNamespace && ns != qtScxmlNamespace) {
+ foreach (const QString &nsToIgnore, m_namespacesToIgnore) {
+ if (ns == nsToIgnore)
+ continue;
+ }
+ m_namespacesToIgnore << ns.toString();
+ addError(QStringLiteral("Ignoring unexpected namespace %1").arg(ns.toString()),
+ ErrorMessage::Info);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const QString name =;
+ if (!requiredNames.removeOne(name) && !optionalNames.contains(name)) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("Unexpected attribute '%1'").arg(name));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!requiredNames.isEmpty()) {
+ addError(QStringLiteral("Missing required attributes: '%1'")
+ .arg(requiredNames.join(QLatin1String("', '"))));
+ m_state = ParsingError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ScxmlParser::LoaderFunction ScxmlParser::loaderForDir(const QString &basedir)
+ return [basedir](const QString &path, bool &ok, ScxmlParser *parser) -> QByteArray {
+ ok = false;
+ QFileInfo fInfo(path);
+ if (fInfo.isRelative())
+ fInfo = QFileInfo(QDir(basedir).filePath(path));
+ if (!fInfo.exists()) {
+ parser->addError(QStringLiteral("src attribute resolves to non existing file (%1)").arg(fInfo.absoluteFilePath()));
+ } else {
+ QFile f(fInfo.absoluteFilePath());
+ if ( {
+ ok = true;
+ return f.readAll();
+ } else {
+ parser->addError(QStringLiteral("Failure opening file %1: %2")
+ .arg(fInfo.absoluteFilePath(), f.errorString()));
+ }
+ }
+ return QByteArray();
+ };
+bool Scxml::ParserState::collectChars() {
+ switch (kind) {
+ case Content:
+ case Data:
+ case Script:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool ParserState::validChild(ParserState::Kind child) const {
+ return validChild(kind, child);
+bool ParserState::validChild(ParserState::Kind parent, ParserState::Kind child)
+ switch (parent) {
+ case ParserState::Scxml:
+ switch (child) {
+ case ParserState::State:
+ case ParserState::Parallel:
+ case ParserState::Final:
+ case ParserState::DataModel:
+ case ParserState::Script:
+ case ParserState::Transition:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ case ParserState::State:
+ switch (child) {
+ case ParserState::OnEntry:
+ case ParserState::OnExit:
+ case ParserState::Transition:
+ case ParserState::Initial:
+ case ParserState::State:
+ case ParserState::Parallel:
+ case ParserState::Final:
+ case ParserState::History:
+ case ParserState::DataModel:
+ case ParserState::Invoke:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ case ParserState::Parallel:
+ switch (child) {
+ case ParserState::OnEntry:
+ case ParserState::OnExit:
+ case ParserState::Transition:
+ case ParserState::State:
+ case ParserState::Parallel:
+ case ParserState::History:
+ case ParserState::DataModel:
+ case ParserState::Invoke:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ case ParserState::Transition:
+ return isExecutableContent(child);
+ case ParserState::Initial:
+ return (child == ParserState::Transition);
+ case ParserState::Final:
+ switch (child) {
+ case ParserState::OnEntry:
+ case ParserState::OnExit:
+ case ParserState::DoneData:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ case ParserState::OnEntry:
+ case ParserState::OnExit:
+ return isExecutableContent(child);
+ return false;
+ case ParserState::History:
+ return (child == ParserState::Transition);
+ case ParserState::Raise:
+ return false;
+ case ParserState::If:
+ return (child == ParserState::ElseIf || child == ParserState::Else
+ || isExecutableContent(child));
+ case ParserState::ElseIf:
+ case ParserState::Else:
+ return false;
+ case ParserState::Foreach:
+ return isExecutableContent(child);
+ case ParserState::Log:
+ return false;
+ case ParserState::DataModel:
+ return (child == ParserState::Data);
+ case ParserState::Data:
+ return (child == ParserState::DataElement);
+ case ParserState::DataElement:
+ return (child == ParserState::DataElement);
+ case ParserState::Assign:
+ return (child == ParserState::DataElement);
+ case ParserState::DoneData:
+ return (child == ParserState::Content || child == ParserState::Param);
+ case ParserState::Send:
+ return (child == ParserState::Param || child == ParserState::Content
+ || isExecutableContent(child));
+ case ParserState::Content:
+ case ParserState::Param:
+ case ParserState::Cancel:
+ case ParserState::Invoke:
+ case ParserState::Finalize:
+ return isExecutableContent(child);
+ break;
+ case ParserState::Script:
+ case ParserState::None:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool Scxml::ParserState::isExecutableContent(Scxml::ParserState::Kind kind) {
+ switch (kind) {
+ case Raise:
+ case Send:
+ case Log:
+ case Script:
+ case Assign:
+ case If:
+ case Foreach:
+ case Cancel:
+ case Invoke:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+void DocumentModel::DataElement::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ visitor->visit(this);
+void DocumentModel::Param::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ visitor->visit(this);
+void DocumentModel::DoneData::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ if (visitor->visit(this)) {
+ foreach (Param *param, params)
+ param->accept(visitor);
+ }
+ visitor->endVisit(this);
+void DocumentModel::Send::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ if (visitor->visit(this)) {
+ visitor->visit(params);
+ }
+ visitor->endVisit(this);
+void DocumentModel::Invoke::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ if (visitor->visit(this)) {
+ visitor->visit(params);
+ visitor->visit(&finalize);
+ }
+ visitor->endVisit(this);
+void DocumentModel::Raise::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ visitor->visit(this);
+void DocumentModel::Log::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ visitor->visit(this);
+void DocumentModel::Script::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ visitor->visit(this);
+void DocumentModel::Assign::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ visitor->visit(this);
+void DocumentModel::If::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ if (visitor->visit(this)) {
+ visitor->visit(blocks);
+ }
+ visitor->endVisit(this);
+void DocumentModel::Foreach::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ if (visitor->visit(this)) {
+ visitor->visit(&block);
+ }
+ visitor->endVisit(this);
+void DocumentModel::Cancel::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ visitor->visit(this);
+void DocumentModel::State::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ if (visitor->visit(this)) {
+ visitor->visit(dataElements);
+ visitor->visit(children);
+ visitor->visit(onEntry);
+ visitor->visit(onExit);
+ if (doneData)
+ doneData->accept(visitor);
+ }
+ visitor->endVisit(this);
+void DocumentModel::Transition::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ if (visitor->visit(this)) {
+ visitor->visit(&instructionsOnTransition);
+ }
+ visitor->endVisit(this);
+void DocumentModel::HistoryState::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ if (visitor->visit(this)) {
+ if (Transition *t = defaultConfiguration())
+ t->accept(visitor);
+ }
+ visitor->endVisit(this);
+void DocumentModel::Scxml::accept(DocumentModel::NodeVisitor *visitor)
+ if (visitor->visit(this)) {
+ visitor->visit(children);
+ visitor->visit(dataElements);
+ if (script)
+ script->accept(visitor);
+ visitor->visit(&initialSetup);
+ }
+ visitor->endVisit(this);
+} // namespace Scxml