path: root/src/qdoc/qdoc/src/qdoc/docparser.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/qdoc/qdoc/src/qdoc/docparser.h')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qdoc/qdoc/src/qdoc/docparser.h b/src/qdoc/qdoc/src/qdoc/docparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af2d66616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qdoc/qdoc/src/qdoc/docparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#ifndef DOCPARSER_H
+#define DOCPARSER_H
+#include "atom.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "docutilities.h"
+#include "location.h"
+#include "openedlist.h"
+#include "quoter.h"
+#include "filesystem/fileresolver.h"
+#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
+#include <QtCore/qglobalstatic.h>
+#include <QtCore/qhash.h>
+#include <QtCore/qstack.h>
+#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
+class Doc;
+class DocPrivate;
+class CodeMarker;
+struct Macro;
+class DocParser
+ void parse(const QString &source, DocPrivate *docPrivate, const QSet<QString> &metaCommandSet,
+ const QSet<QString> &possibleTopics);
+ static void initialize(const Config &config, FileResolver& file_resolver);
+ static int endCmdFor(int cmd);
+ static QString cmdName(int cmd);
+ static QString endCmdName(int cmd);
+ static QString untabifyEtc(const QString &str);
+ static int indentLevel(const QString &str);
+ static QString dedent(int level, const QString &str);
+ static int s_tabSize;
+ static QStringList s_ignoreWords;
+ static bool s_quoting;
+ Location &location();
+ QString detailsUnknownCommand(const QSet<QString> &metaCommandSet, const QString &str);
+ void insertTarget(const QString &target);
+ void insertKeyword(const QString &keyword);
+ void include(const QString &fileName, const QString &identifier, const QStringList &parameters);
+ void startFormat(const QString &format, int cmd);
+ bool openCommand(int cmd);
+ bool closeCommand(int endCmd);
+ void startSection(Doc::Sections unit, int cmd);
+ void endSection(int unit, int endCmd);
+ void parseAlso();
+ void appendAtom(const Atom&);
+ void appendAtom(const LinkAtom&);
+ void appendChar(QChar ch);
+ void appendWord(const QString &word);
+ void appendToCode(const QString &code);
+ void appendToCode(const QString &code, Atom::AtomType defaultType);
+ void enterPara(Atom::AtomType leftType = Atom::ParaLeft,
+ Atom::AtomType rightType = Atom::ParaRight, const QString &string = QString());
+ void leavePara();
+ void leaveValue();
+ void leaveValueList();
+ void leaveTableRow();
+ void quoteFromFile(const QString& filename);
+ bool expandMacro();
+ void expandMacro(const QString &def, const QStringList &args);
+ QString expandMacroToString(const QString &name, const Macro &macro);
+ Doc::Sections getSectioningUnit();
+ QString getArgument(bool verbatim = false);
+ QString getBracedArgument(bool verbatim);
+ QString getBracketedArgument();
+ QStringList getMacroArguments(const QString &name, const Macro &macro);
+ QString getOptionalArgument();
+ QString getRestOfLine();
+ QString getMetaCommandArgument(const QString &cmdStr);
+ QString getUntilEnd(int cmd);
+ QString getCode(int cmd, CodeMarker *marker, const QString &argStr = QString());
+ inline bool isAutoLinkString(const QString &word);
+ bool isAutoLinkString(const QString &word, qsizetype &curPos);
+ bool isBlankLine();
+ bool isLeftBraceAhead();
+ bool isLeftBracketAhead();
+ void skipSpacesOnLine();
+ void skipSpacesOrOneEndl();
+ void skipAllSpaces();
+ void skipToNextPreprocessorCommand();
+ static bool isCode(const Atom *atom);
+ static bool isQuote(const Atom *atom);
+ static void expandArgumentsInString(QString &str, const QStringList &args);
+ QStack<qsizetype> m_openedInputs {};
+ QString m_input {};
+ qsizetype m_position {};
+ qsizetype m_backslashPosition {};
+ qsizetype m_endPosition {};
+ qsizetype m_inputLength {};
+ Location m_cachedLocation {};
+ qsizetype m_cachedPosition {};
+ DocPrivate *m_private { nullptr };
+ enum ParagraphState { OutsideParagraph, InSingleLineParagraph, InMultiLineParagraph };
+ ParagraphState m_paragraphState {};
+ bool m_inTableHeader {};
+ bool m_inTableRow {};
+ bool m_inTableItem {};
+ bool m_indexStartedParagraph {}; // ### rename
+ Atom::AtomType m_pendingParagraphLeftType {};
+ Atom::AtomType m_pendingParagraphRightType {};
+ QString m_pendingParagraphString {};
+ int m_braceDepth {};
+ Doc::Sections m_currentSection {};
+ QMap<QString, Location> m_targetMap {};
+ QMap<int, QString> m_pendingFormats {};
+ QStack<int> m_openedCommands {};
+ QStack<OpenedList> m_openedLists {};
+ Quoter m_quoter {};
+ Atom *m_lastAtom { nullptr };
+ static DocUtilities &s_utilities;
+ // KLUDGE: When parsing documentation, there is a need to find
+ // files to resolve quoting commands. Ideally, the system that
+ // takes care of this would be a non-static member that is a
+ // reference that is passed at
+ // construction time.
+ // Nonetheless, with how the current codebase is constructed, this
+ // has proven to be extremely difficult until more changes are
+ // done. In particular, the construction of a DocParser happens in
+ // multiple places at multiple depths and, in particular, happens
+ // in one of Doc's constructor.
+ // Doc itself is built, again, in multiple places at multiple
+ // depths, making it clumsy and sometimes infeasible to pass the
+ // dependency around so that it is available at the required
+ // places. In particular, this stems from the fact that Doc is
+ // holding many responsabilities and is spread troughtout much of
+ // the codebase in different ways. DocParser mostly depends on Doc
+ // and Doc currently depends on DocParser, making the two
+ // difficult to separate.
+ //
+ // In the future, we expect Doc to mostly be removed, such as to
+ // remove this dependencies and the parsing of documentation to
+ // happen near main and atomically from other endevours, producing
+ // an intermediate representation that is consumed by later
+ // phases.
+ // At that point, it should be possible to not have this kind of
+ // indirection while, for now, the only accessible way to pass
+ // this dependency is trough the initialize method which passes
+ // for Doc::initialize.
+ //
+ // Furthemore, as we cannot late-bind a reference, and having a
+ // desire to avoid an unnecessary copy, we are thus forced to use
+ // a different storage method, in this case a pointer.
+ // This too should be removed later on, using reference or move
+ // semantic depending on the required data-flow.
+ static FileResolver* file_resolver;
+#endif // DOCPARSER_H