path: root/src/plugins/lipi-toolkit/3rdparty/lipi-toolkit/src/reco/shaperec/neuralnet/NeuralNetShapeRecognizer.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/lipi-toolkit/3rdparty/lipi-toolkit/src/reco/shaperec/neuralnet/NeuralNetShapeRecognizer.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1111 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/lipi-toolkit/3rdparty/lipi-toolkit/src/reco/shaperec/neuralnet/NeuralNetShapeRecognizer.h b/src/plugins/lipi-toolkit/3rdparty/lipi-toolkit/src/reco/shaperec/neuralnet/NeuralNetShapeRecognizer.h
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index 6e32002a..00000000
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-/** Include files */
-#include "LTKInc.h"
-#include "LTKTypes.h"
-#include "LTKMacros.h"
-#include "LTKShapeRecognizer.h"
-#include "LTKShapeRecoUtil.h"
-#include "LTKShapeSample.h"
-#include "LTKCheckSumGenerate.h"
-/** Forward declaration of classes */
-class LTKTraceGroup;
-class LTKPreprocessorInterface;
-class LTKShapeSample;
-class LTKShapeFeatureExtractor;
-class LTKShapeFeature;
-#define SUPPORTED_MIN_VERSION "3.0.0"
-typedef int (*FN_PTR_CREATELTKLIPIPREPROCESSOR)(const LTKControlInfo& , LTKPreprocessorInterface** );
-typedef int (*FN_PTR_DELETELTKLIPIPREPROCESSOR)(LTKPreprocessorInterface* );
- * @ingroup NeuralNetShapeRecognizer.h
- * @brief The Header file for the NeuralNetShapeRecognizer
- * @class NeuralNetShapeRecognizer
- *<p> Fully connected feedforward multilayer perceptron
- * backpropogation algorithm used for its training.
- *</p>
- */
-class NeuralNetShapeRecognizer: public LTKShapeRecognizer
- /** @name private data members */
- //@{
- private:
- //Function pointer for deleteLTKLipiPreProcessor
- // preproc lib handle
- void *m_libHandler;
- // feature extractor lib handle
- void *m_libHandlerFE;
- unsigned short m_numShapes;
- /**< @brief Number of shapes
- * <p>
- * It Defines the number of shapes to be recognized
- *
- * DEFAULT: 0
- *
- * Note: If the project is dynamic, then this numShapes is set to 0
- * If the project is not dynamic, then the numShapes is read from project configuration file
- * </p>
- */
- string m_featureExtractorName;
- /**< @brief The Feature Extractor
- * <p>
- *
- * DEFAULT:PointFloat
- *
- * </p>
- */
- bool m_projectTypeDynamic;
- /**< @brief Project Dynamic
- * <p>
- * if projectTypeDynamic = true, then the project is dynamic i.e., the numShapes can take any number of value(s)
- * = false, then the project is not dynamic i.e., the numShapes take value from project.cfg file
- *
- * DEFAULT: false
- * </p>
- */
- LTKPreprocessorInterface *m_ptrPreproc;
- /**< @brief Pointer to preprocessor instance
- * <p>
- * Instance which is used to call the preprocessing methods before recognition
- *
- * </p>
- */
- string m_neuralnetCfgFilePath;
- /**< @brief Full path of NeuralNet configuration file
- * <p>
- * Assigned value in the NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::initialize function
- * </p>
- */
- string m_neuralnetMDTFilePath;
- /**< @brief Full path of Model data file
- * <p>
- * Assigned value in the NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::initialize function
- * </p>
- */
- stringStringMap m_headerInfo;
- /**< @brief Header Information
- * <p>
- * </p>
- */
- LTKShapeRecoUtil m_shapeRecUtil;
- /**< @brief Pointer to LTKShapeRecoUtil class
- * <p>
- * Instance used to call Shape Recognizer Utility functions
- *
- */
- string m_lipiRootPath;
- /**< @brief Path of the Lipi Root
- * <p>
- * DEFAULT: LipiEngine::getLipiPath()
- * </p>
- */
- string m_lipiLibPath;
- /**< @brief Path of the Lipi Libraries
- * <p>
- * DEFAULT: LipiEngine::getLipiPath()
- * </p>
- */
- LTKShapeFeatureExtractor *m_ptrFeatureExtractor;
- /**< @brief Pointer to LTKShapeFeatureExtractor class
- * <p>
- * </p>
- */
- string m_preProcSeqn;
- /**< @brief Preprocessor Sequence
- * <p>
- * This string holds the sequence of preprocessor methods
- * </p>
- */
- vector<stringStringPair> m_preprocSequence;
- /**< @brief Preprocessor Sequence vector
- * <p>
- * This vector of string holds the sequence of preprocessor methods
- * </p>
- */
- vector<LTKShapeRecoResult> m_vecRecoResult;
- /**< @brief Store Recognize results
- * <p>
- * This vector hold shape ID and its confidance value
- * </p>
- */
- int m_neuralnetRandomNumberSeed;
- /**< @brief Store seed value for random number generator
- *
- * <p>
- * This integer variable hold the seed value of random number generator for initialization of network weights
- *
- * </p>
- */
- float m_neuralnetNormalizationFactor;
- /**< @brief Store the normalisation factor to normalise the input feature component value between (-1 to +1)
- * It is used during genaration of training / testing feature vector
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- float m_neuralnetLearningRate;
- /**< @brief Learning rate of backpropagation algorithm
- *
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- float m_neuralnetMomemtumRate;
- /**< @brief Momentum rate of backpropagation algorithm
- *
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- double m_neuralnetTotalError;
- /**< @brief Store the threshold value of the system error
- * (i.e total error of network response during an epoch)
- *
- * <p>
- * Used for training convergence criterion
- *
- * </p>
- */
- double m_neuralnetIndividualError;
- /**< @brief Store the threshold value of the network response error per
- * inidividual sample
- *
- * <p>
- * Used for training convergence criterion
- *
- * </p>
- */
- int m_neuralnetNumHiddenLayers;
- /**< @brief Number of hidden layers of the neural net
- *
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- int m_neuralnetMaximumIteration;
- /**< @brief Number of iteration
- *
- * <p>
- * Used for upper bound of traning iteration
- *
- * </p>
- */
- bool m_isCreateTrainingSequence;
- /**< @brief If true generate input sequence of feature vectors for training
- *
- * <p>
- *
- * DEFAULT : true
- * </p>
- */
- double2DVector m_connectionWeightVec;
- /**< @brief Store network connection weight
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- double2DVector m_delW;
- /**< @brief Store error derivatives with respect to network weights
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- double2DVector m_previousDelW;
- /**< @brief Store values of m_delW during last but one iteration
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- double2DVector m_outputLayerContentVec;
- /**< @brief Store values of output layer node
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- double2DVector m_targetOutputVec;
- /**< @brief Store values of target output vactor components for each training sample
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- intVector m_layerOutputUnitVec;
- /**< @brief Stores numbere of nodes at different layers of the network
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- bool m_isNeuralnetWeightReestimate;
- /**< @brief If true the neural net is initialised using a previously trained network information
- * this information is obtained from neuralnet.mdt file
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- float m_rejectThreshold;
- /**< @brief Threshold on the confidence to declare a test sample rejected
- * <p>
- * DEFAULT : 0.01
- * </p>
- */
- intVector m_sampleCountVec;
- /**< @brief Number of training samples present in each category
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- LTKCaptureDevice m_captureDevice;
- LTKOSUtil* m_OSUtilPtr;
- /**< @brief Pointer to LTKOSUtil interface
- * <p>
- *
- * </p>
- */
- vector<LTKShapeSample> m_trainSet;
- /**< @brief Store ShapeSampleFeatures for all training samples
- * Used during neuralnet training
- * <p>
- *
- * DEFAULT : 0.01
- * </p>
- */
- string m_MDTFileOpenMode;
- /**< @brief Store the neuralnet.mdt file open mode (Ascii or Binary)
- * <p>
- * Used during open neuralnet.mdt file
- *
- * DEFAULT : Ascii
- * </p>
- */
- //@}
- string m_currentVersion;
- public:
- /** @name Constructors and Destructor */
- //@{
- NeuralNetShapeRecognizer(const LTKControlInfo& controlInfo);
- /**
- * Destructor
- */
- ~NeuralNetShapeRecognizer();
- //@}
- /**
- * This method initializes the NeuralNet shape recognizer
- * <p>
- * Semantics
- * - Set the project name in NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::headerInfo with the parameter passed <br>
- * m_headerInfo[PROJNAME] = strProjectName;
- *
- * - Initialize NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::m_neuralnetCfgFilePath <br>
- * m_neuralnetCfgFilePath = NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::m_lipiRootPath + LTKMacros::PROJECTS_PATH_STRING +
- * strProjectName + LTKMacros::PROFILE_PATH_STRING + strProfileName +
- *
- * - Initializes NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::m_neuralnetMDTFilePath <br>
- * m_neuralnetMDTFilePath = NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::m_lipiRootPath + LTKMacros::PROJECTS_PATH_STRING +
- * strProjectName + LTKMacros::PROFILE_PATH_STRING + strProfileName +
- *
- * - Initializes NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::m_projectTypeDynamic with the value returned from LTKShapeRecoUtil::isProjectDynamic
- *
- * - Initialize the preprocessor using LTKShapeRecoUtil::initializePreprocessor and assign
- * default values for
- * -# Normalised size
- * -# Threshold size
- * -# Aspect ratio
- * -# Dot threshold
- *
- * - Initialize the instance variables of neuralnet recognizer with the values given in classifier config file
- *
- * </p>
- * @param strProjectName : string : Holds the name of the Project
- * @param strProfileName : string : Holds the name of the Profile
- *
- * @return int : LTKInc::SUCCESS if initialization done successfully
- * errorValues if initialization has some errors
- *
- * @exception LTKErrorList::ECONFIG_FILE_OPEN Could not open project.cfg
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EINVALID_NUM_OF_SHAPES Negative value for number of shapes
- * @exception LTKErrorList::ELOAD_PREPROC_DLL Could not load preprocessor DLL
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EDLL_FUNC_ADDRESS_CREATE Could not map createPreprocInst
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EDLL_FUNC_ADDRESS_DELETE Could not map destroyPreprocInst
- */
- /**
- * This method calls the train method of the NeuralNet classifier
- *
- */
- int train(const string& trainingInputFilePath,
- const string& mdtHeaderFilePath,
- const string &comment,const string &dataset,
- const string &trainFileType=INK_FILE) ;
- /**
- * This method loads the Training Data of the NeuralNet classifier
- * @param
- * @return LTKInc::SUCCESS : if the model data was loaded successfully
- * @exception
- */
- int loadModelData();
- /**
- * This method unloads all the training data
- * @param none
- * @return LTKInc::SUCCESS : if the model data was unloaded successfully
- * @exception none
- */
- int unloadModelData();
- /**
- * This method sets the device context for the recognition
- *
- * @param deviceInfo parameter to be set
- * @return
- * @exception
- */
- int setDeviceContext(const LTKCaptureDevice& deviceInfo);
- /**
- * Populates a vector of LTKShapeRecoResult consisting of top classes with their confidences
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Validate the input arguments
- * - Extract the features from traceGroup
- * - Compute the confidences of the classes, call computeConfidence()
- * - Check if the first element of resultVector has confidence less than m_rejectThreshold, if so,
- empty the resultVector (reject the sample), log and return.
- * - If the confThreshold value was specified by the user (not equal to -1),
- delete the entries from resultVector with confidence values less than confThreshold
- * - If the numChoices value was specified by the user (not equal to -1),
- update the resultVector with top numChoices entries, delete other values
- *
- * @param traceGroup The co-ordinates of the shape which is to be recognized
- * @param screenContext Contains information about the input sample whether it is written inside a preprinted box
- * or unconstrained continuous writing
- * @param subSetOfClasses A subset of the entire class space which is to be used for
- * recognizing the input shape.
- * @param confThreshold Classes with confidence below this threshold are not returned,
- * valid range of confThreshold: (0,1)
- * @param numOfChoices Number of top choices to be returned in the result structure
- * @param resultVector The result of recognition
- *
- * @return SUCCESS: resultVector populated successfully
- * FAILURE: return ErrorCode
- * @exception none
- */
- int recognize(const LTKTraceGroup& traceGroup,
- const LTKScreenContext& screenContext,
- const vector<int>& subSetOfClasses,
- float confThreshold,
- int numChoices,
- vector<LTKShapeRecoResult>& outResultVector);
- /* Overloaded the above function to take vector<LTKShapeFeaturePtr> as
- * input
- */
- int recognize(const vector<LTKShapeFeaturePtr>& shapeFeatureVec,
- const vector<int>& subSetOfClasses,
- float confThreshold,
- int numChoices,
- vector<LTKShapeRecoResult>& resultVector);
- /**
- * This method add Class
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- *
- * @param sampleTraceGroup : LTKTraceGroup : Holds TraceGroup of sample to add
- * @param shapeID : int : Holds shapeID of new Class
- *
- * @return SUCCESS:Shape Class added successfully
- * FAILURE: return ErrorCode
- * @exception none
- */
- int addClass(const LTKTraceGroup& sampleTraceGroup, int& shapeID);
- /**
- * This method add Sample Class for adapt
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- *
- * @param sampleTraceGroup : LTKTraceGroup : Holds TraceGroup of sample to Add
- * @param shapeID : int : Holds shapeID of new Class
- *
- * @return SUCCESS:Shape Class added successfully
- * FAILURE: return ErrorCode
- * @exception none
- */
- int addSample(const LTKTraceGroup& sampleTraceGroup, int shapeID);
- /**
- * This method delete Class
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * @param shapeID : int : Holds shapeID of Shape to be deleted
- *
- * @return SUCCESS: Shape Class deleted successfully
- * FAILURE: return ErrorCode
- * @exception none
- */
- int deleteClass(int shapeID);
- /**
- * This method converts features to TraceGroup
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- *
- * @param shapeID : int : Holds shapeID
- * @param numberOfTraceGroups : int : Maximum number of Trace Groups to populate
- * @param outTraceGroups : vector<LTKTraceGroup> : TraceGroup
- *
- * @return SUCCESS:
- * @exception none
- */
- int getTraceGroups(int shapeID, int numberOfTraceGroups, vector<LTKTraceGroup> &outTraceGroups);
- private:
- /**
- * This function is the method for generation of network architecture,
- * creation of training samples and learning of network weights
- *
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Note the start time for computation of execution time
- *
- * - Call train method depending on the inFileType
- * - NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::trainFromListFile() if inFileType = LTKMacros::INK_FILE
- * - NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::trainFromFeatureFile() if inFileType = LTKMacros ::FEATURE_FILE
- *
- * - Call prepareNeuralNetTrainingSequence method depending on the m_isCreateTratningSequence
- * - NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::prepareNeuralNetTrainingSequence() if m_isCreateTrainingSequence = true
- *
- * - Call NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::prepareNetworkArchitecture()
- *
- * - Update the headerInfo with algorithm version and name using NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::updateHeaderWithAlgoInfo() method
- *
- * - Calculate the checksum.
- *
- * - Call NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::writePrototypeSetToMDTFile()
- *
- * - Note the termination time for execution time computation
- *
- *
- * @param inputFilePath :string : Path of trainListFile / featureFile
- * @param strModelDataHeaderInfoFile : string : Holds the Header information of Model Data File
- * @param inFileType : string : Possible values ink / featureFile
- *
- * @return LTKInc::SUCCESS : if the training done successfully
- * @return errorCode : if it contains some error training fails
- */
- int trainNetwork(const string& trainingInputFilePath,
- const string& mdtHeaderFilePath,
- const string& trainFileType);
- /**
- * This method maps between the module names and respective function names from the cfg file
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Read the Preprocess Sequence from the neuralnet.cfg file
- *
- * - Split the sequence into tokens with delimiter LTKMacros::DELEMITER_SEQUENCE using LTKStringUtil::tokenizeString
- *
- * - Split each token with delimiter LTKMacrosDELEMITER_FUNC using LTKStringUtil::tokenizeString
- * to get the Module name and Function name
- *
- * - Store the Module name and the Function name into a structure
- *
- *
- * @param none
- * @return LTKInc::SUCCESS : if functions are successfully mapped,
- * @return errorCodes : if contains any error
- * @exception none
- */
- int mapPreprocFunctions();
- /**
- * This method will assign default values to the members
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Assign Default values to all the data members
- *
- *
- * @param none
- *
- * @return none
- */
- void assignDefaultValues();
- /** Reads the NeuralNet.cfg and initializes the instance variable of the classifier with the user defined
- * values.
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Open the NeuralNet.cfg using LTKConfigFileReader
- *
- * - In case of file open failure (NeuralNet.cfg), default values of the classifier parameters are used
- *
- * - The valid values of the classifier parameters are cached into the class data members
- * LTKConfigFileReader::getConfigValue is used to get the value for a key defined in the config file
- *
- * - Exception is thrown if the user has specified an invalid value for a parameter
- *
- *
- * @param none
- * @return SUCCESS : If the Config file is read successfully
- * @return errorCode : If it contains some error
- * @exception LTKErrorList::ECONFIG_FILE_RANGE The config file variable is not within the correct range
- */
- int readClassifierConfig();
- /**
- * This method creates a custom feature extractor instance and stores it's address in
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- *
- * - Intialize the NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::m_ptrFeatureExtractor with address of the feature extractor instance created
- * using LTKShapeFeatureExtractorFactory::createFeatureExtractor
- *
- * @param none
- *
- * @return 0 on LTKInc::SUCCESS and 1 on LTKInc::FAILURE
- *
- * @exception none
- */
- int initializeFeatureExtractorInstance(const LTKControlInfo& controlInfo);
- /**
- * This method trains the classifier from the file containing train list whose path is passed as a paramater
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Open the trainListFile for reading
- *
- * - Open the mdt file for writing
- *
- * - Write header information to the mdt file
- * - NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::m_numShapes
- * - NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::m_traceDimension
- * - NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::m_flexibilityIndex
- *
- * - Get a valid line from the train list file
- * - Skip commented lines
- * - Skip lines where number_of_tokens != 2
- * - Throw error LTKErrorList::EINITSHAPE_NONZERO, if the first shape in the list file is not zero
- * - Throw error LTKErrorList::EINVALID_ORDER_LISTFILE if the shapes are not in sequential order
- *
- * - For every valid line get the ShapeSample from the ink file using NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::getShapeSampleFromInkFile
- * - Read ink from UNIPEN ink file
- * - Skip if the trace group is empty
- * - Pre process the trace group read from the ink file
- * - Extract features
- *
- * - Push all the ShapeSamples corresponding to a shape into a vector of ShapeSample ShapeSamplesVec
- *
- *
- * @param listFilePath : string : Holds the path for train list file
- *
- * @return none
- *
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EFILE_OPEN_ERROR : Error in Opening a file (may be mdt file or list file)
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EINVALID_NUM_OF_SHAPES : Invalid value for number of shapes
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EINVALID_ORDER_LISTFILE: Invalid order of shapeId in List file
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EINITSHAPE_NONZERO : Initial shapeId must not be zero
- */
- int trainFromListFile(const string& listFilePath);
- /**
- * This method trains the classifier from the feature file whose path is passed as paramater
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- *
- * @param featureFilePath : string : Holds the path of Feature file
- *
- * @return none
- */
- int trainFromFeatureFile(const string& featureFilePath);
- /**
- * This method is used to store the preprocess parameter for header of the .mdt file
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- *
- * @param headerSequence : stringStringMap : Holds header value of .mdt file
- *
- * @return none
- */
- int PreprocParametersForFeatureFile(stringStringMap& headerSequence);
- /**
- * This method returns the ShapeSample by using the ink file path as input
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Call the LTKShapeRecoUtil::readInkFromFile() method (Utility Method) to read the ink file
- * By reading this file, an inTraceGroup is generated
- *
- * - Preprocess the inTraceGroup and get the preprocessed trace group
- * LTKTraceGroup preprocessedTraceGroup
- *
- * - Extract features from the preprocessed trace group to get the ShapeSamples.
- *
- *
- * @param path : string : The path for Ink file
- * @param ShapeSample : ShapeSample : The ShapeSample generated after feature extraction
- *
- * @return SUCCESS : If the ShapeSample is generated successfully
- * @return FAILURE : Empty traces group detected for current shape
- *
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EINKFILE_EMPTY : Ink file is empty
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EINK_FILE_OPEN : Unable to open unipen ink file
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EINKFILE_CORRUPTED : Incorrect or corrupted unipen ink file
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EEMPTY_TRACE : Number of points in the trace is zero
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EEMPTY_TRACE_GROUP : Number of traces in the trace group is zero
- */
- int getShapeFeatureFromInkFile(const string& inkFilePath,
- vector<LTKShapeFeaturePtr>& shapeFeatureVec);
- /**
- * This method will Update the Header information for the MDT file
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Copy the version number to a string
- *
- * - Update the version info and algoName to NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::m_headerInfo, which specifies the
- * header information for MDT file
- *
- *
- * @param none
- *
- * @return none
- * @exception none
- */
- void updateHeaderWithAlgoInfo();
- /**
- * This method do preprocessing for input trace group
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * @param inTraceGroup : LTKTraceGroup : Store unipen ink file
- outPreprocessedTraceGroup : LTKTraceGroup : Store preprocess ink of input ink
- * @return
- * @exception
- */
- int preprocess (const LTKTraceGroup& inTraceGroup, LTKTraceGroup& outPreprocessedTraceGroup);
- /**
- * This method write training results to the mdt file
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - If mdt file open mode is ASCII
- * - Write the number of Shape
- * - Write the connection weight
- * - Write the derivative of connection weight
- *
- * - If mdt file open mode is BINARY
- * - Write the number of Shape
- * - Write the connection weight
- * - Write the connection weight vector size
- * - Write the derivative of connection weight
- *
- * @param none
- * @return
- * @exception
- */
- int writeNeuralNetDetailsToMDTFile();
- /**
- * This method will writes training results to the mdt file
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - If mdt file open mode is ASCII
- * - Write the number of Shape
- * - Write the connection weight
- * - Write the derivative of connection weight
- *
- * - If mdt file open mode is BINARY
- * - Write the number of Shape
- * - Write the connection weight
- * - Write the connection weight and derivative of connection weight vectors size
- * - Write the derivative of connection weight
- *
- *
- * @param resultVector : double2DVector : A vector of weight or weight derivative created as a result of training
- * mdtFileHandle : ofstream : Specifies the outut stream
- * isWeight : bool : If true then resultVector contain weight, if false then resultVector contain weight derivative
- *
- * @return none
- *
- * @exception none
- */
- int appendNeuralNetDetailsToMDTFile(const double2DVector& resultVector, const bool isWeight, ofstream & mdtFileHandle);
- int deleteFeatureExtractorInstance();
- /**
- * This method computes the confidences for underlying classes of a test sample
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Compute the confidence based on the values of m_outputLayerContentVec (output layer value of each node)
- * - Populate the resultVector
- * - Sort the resultVector
- *
- * @param none
- *
- * @return SUCCESS: resultVector populated
- * FAILURE: return ErrorCode
- * @exception none
- */
- int computeConfidence();
- /**
- * The comparison function object of STL's sort() method, overloaded for class LTKShapeRecoResult, used to sort the vector of LTKShapeRecoResult based on the member variable confidence
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Compare the values of two objects
- * - Return true or false
- * -
- *
- * @param x : LTKShapeRecoResult : First object for comparison
- * @param y : LTKShapeRecoResult : Second object for comparison
- *
- * @return true: If x.confidence > y.confidence
- * false: If x.confidence <= y.confidence
- * @exception none
- */
- static bool sortResultByConfidence(const LTKShapeRecoResult& x, const LTKShapeRecoResult& y);
- /** This method is used to initialize the PreProcessor
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Load the preprocessor DLL using LTKLoadDLL().
- *
- * - Get the proc address for creating and deleting the preprocessor instance.
- *
- * - Create preprocessor instance.
- *
- * - Start the logging for the preprocessor module.
- *
- * @param preprocDLLPath : string : Holds the Path of the Preprocessor DLL,
- * @param errorStatus : int : Holds SUCCESS or Error Values, if occurs
- * @return preprocessor instance
- *
- * @exception ELOAD_PREPROC_DLL Could not load preprocessor DLL
- * @exception EDLL_FUNC_ADDRESS_CREATE Could not map createPreprocInst
- * @exception EDLL_FUNC_ADDRESS_DELETE Could not map destroyPreprocInst
- */
- int initializePreprocessor(const LTKControlInfo& controlInfo,
- LTKPreprocessorInterface** preprocInstance);
- /** This method is used to delete the PreProcessor instance
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Call deleteLTKPreprocInst from the preproc.dll.
- *
- * - Unload the preprocessor DLL.
- *
- * @param ptrPreprocInstance : Holds the pointer to the LTKPreprocessorInterface
- * @return none
- * @exception none
- */
- int deletePreprocessor();
- /** This method is used to unload the preprocessor DLL.
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - If m_libHandler != NULL, unload the DLL
- * LTKUnloadDLL(m_libHandler);
- * m_libHandler = NULL;
- *
- * @param none
- * @return none
- * @exception none
- */
- int unloadPreprocessorDLL();
- /** This method is used to check the preprocess parameter are specified correcty in cfg file
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- *
- * @param headerSequence : stringStringMap :
- * @return
- * @exception
- */
- int validatePreprocParameters(stringStringMap& headerSequence);
- /**
- * MLP is trained by backpropagation algorithm. Training samples (feature vector representation) from underlying
- * classes are presented in an alternative sequence. Error for each such pattern is calculated at the output layer
- * Error is propagated backward for top-to-bottom layer weight adjustments
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Call feedForward method for bottom-to-top propagation of training feature
- *
- * - Calculate the error at output layer for each nuron
- *
- * - Calculate weight adjustment amount for each sample presented
- *
- * @param : outptr : double2DVector : Hold the conteint of each node after forward propagation of a sample
- * errptr : double2DVector : Hold intermediate error values used for computation of error derivatives
- * at hidden & output layer
- * ep : doubleVector : Hold output layer absolute error for individual samples
- *
- * @return SUCCESS: successfully complete
- * FAILURE: return ErrorCode
- *
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EEMPTY_VECTOR Vector which are used in this method is empty
- */
- int adjustWeightByErrorBackpropagation(double2DVector& outptr,double2DVector& errptr,doubleVector& ep);
- /** This method is used to arrange training samples in an alternate sequence required for effective application of backpropagation algorithm
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - If the number of training samples for each class is unequal, then it repeats samples of those classes
- * which have fewer samples in the training set
- *
- * - If m_trainSet is empty it returns error and stop training process.
- *
- * @param none
- * @return SUCCESS: successfully complete
- * FAILURE: return ErrorCode
- * @exception
- */
- int prepareNeuralNetTrainingSequence();
- /** This method is used to prepare architecture of neural network
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Call constractNeuralnetLayeredStructure method
- * - For creating input, hidden, and output layer structure
- *
- * - Call initialiseNetwork method.
- *
- * - Call adjustWeightByErrorBackpropagation method.
- * - For neuralnet training
- *
- * @param none
- * @return SUCCESS: successfully complete
- * FAILURE: return ErrorCode
- * @exception none
- */
- int prepareNetworkArchitecture();
- /** This method is used to initialise neuralnet parameters
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Check specified network architecture during reestimation of network weights
- *
- * - Generally the network weights are initialised by random numbers
- *
- * - During reestimation of network (weights, prevDelW) neuralnet parameters are initialised by previously
- * train network
- * - Call loadModelData method
- *
- *
- * @param
- * @return SUCCESS: successfully complete
- * FAILURE: return ErrorCode
- *
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EINVALID_NETWORK_LAYER Network layer are not specified correctly
- */
- int initialiseNetwork(double2DVector& outptr,double2DVector& errptr);
- /**
- * Feedforward input training sample
- * Bottom up calculation of response at each node of network for a specific input pattern
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - It checks whether necessary vectors are empty
- *
- * - Normalise the featurte vector so that each feature component should be in the range 0 to 1
- *
- * - Calculate hidden and output layer node activation values using
- * calculateSigmoid method
- *
- * - Call NeuralNetShapeRecognizer::calculateSigmoid() method for sigmoid units, the output varies
- * continuously but not linearly as the input changes <br>
- * Sigmoid units bear a greater resemblance to real neurones than do linear or threshold units <br>
- * Also, sigmoidal transfer function being derivable, it is
- * useful for calculation of the error derivatives in backpropagation algorithm
- *
- * @param : shapeFeature : vector<LTKShapeFeaturePtr> : Hold feature representation of input sample
- outptr : double2DVector : Hold the output layer content
- * currentIndex : const int : Hold index of current sample
- *
- * @return SUCCESS: successfully complete
- * FAILURE: return ErrorCode
- *
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EEMPTY_VECTOR Vector which is used in this method is empty
- * LTKErrorList::ENON_POSITIVE_NUM Normalised factor should be positive
- */
- int feedForward(const vector<LTKShapeFeaturePtr>& shapeFeature,double2DVector& outptr,const int& currentIndex);
- /** This method is used to take dissection for terminating training process if network converge or maximum itaretion reach
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Check if individual error set for each neuron are empty
- *
- * - Check if current error is negative
- *
- * - Check if training iteration is negative
- *
- * - If criteria for convergence or maximum training iteration is reached
- * - terminate else training process continue
- *
- * @param ep : const doubleVector : Hold output layer absolute error for individual neuron
- * currentError : const double : Hold the current error
- * currentItr : const int : Itaretion number
- * outConvergeStatus : int : Status of iterative learning after each iteration
- *
- * @return SUCCESS: successfully complete
- * FAILURE: return ErrorCode
- *
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EEMPTY_VECTOR Empty individual error set
- * @exception LTKErrorList::ENEGATIVE_NUM Current error can't be nagative
- * @exception LTKErrorList::ENEGATIVE_NUM Itaretion can't be nagative
- */
- int introspective(const doubleVector& ep, const double currentError,const int& currentItr, int& outConvergeStatus);
- /** This method is used to construct the layered structure of network.
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - It initialise input layer and output layer nodes
- *
- * @param none
- * @return SUCCESS: successfully complete
- *
- * @exception LTKErrorList::EEMPTY_VECTOR If the feature set is empty
- * LTKErrorList::EINVALID_NUM_OF_INPUT_NODE If input layer nodes are not correctly specified
- * LTKErrorList::EINVALID_NUM_OF_OUTPUT_NODE If output layer nodes are not correctly specified
- */
- int constractNeuralnetLayeredStructure();
- /** This method is used to check if the network architecture parameters are specified correctly or not
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * - Check network cofig parameters
- *
- * @param none
- * @return SUCCESS: successfully complete
- * FAILURE: return ErrorCode
- * @exception
- */
- int validateNeuralnetArchitectureParameters(stringStringMap& headerSequence);
- /** This method is used to calculate sigmoid value of input value to a node
- *
- * Semantics
- *
- * @param
- * @return
- * @exception
- */
- double calculateSigmoid(double inNet);
- int getShapeSampleFromString(const string& inString, LTKShapeSample& outShapeSample);