path: root/src/virtualkeyboard/3rdparty/pinyin/include/dicttrie.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/virtualkeyboard/3rdparty/pinyin/include/dicttrie.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 234 deletions
diff --git a/src/virtualkeyboard/3rdparty/pinyin/include/dicttrie.h b/src/virtualkeyboard/3rdparty/pinyin/include/dicttrie.h
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index 86a8ee25..00000000
--- a/src/virtualkeyboard/3rdparty/pinyin/include/dicttrie.h
+++ /dev/null
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- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "./atomdictbase.h"
-#include "./dictdef.h"
-#include "./dictlist.h"
-#include "./searchutility.h"
-#include <QFile>
-namespace ime_pinyin {
-class DictTrie : AtomDictBase {
- private:
- struct ParsingMark {
- size_t node_offset:24;
- size_t node_num:8; // Number of nodes with this spelling id given
- // by spl_id. If spl_id is a Shengmu, for nodes
- // in the first layer of DictTrie, it equals to
- // SpellingTrie::shm2full_num(); but for those
- // nodes which are not in the first layer,
- // node_num < SpellingTrie::shm2full_num().
- // For a full spelling id, node_num = 1;
- };
- // Used to indicate an extended mile stone.
- // An extended mile stone is used to mark a partial match in the dictionary
- // trie to speed up further potential extending.
- // For example, when the user inputs "w", a mile stone is created to mark the
- // partial match status, so that when user inputs another char 'm', it will be
- // faster to extend search space based on this mile stone.
- //
- // For partial match status of "wm", there can be more than one sub mile
- // stone, for example, "wm" can be matched to "wanm", "wom", ..., etc, so
- // there may be more one parsing mark used to mark these partial matchings.
- // A mile stone records the starting position in the mark list and number of
- // marks.
- struct MileStone {
- uint16 mark_start;
- uint16 mark_num;
- };
- DictList* dict_list_;
- const SpellingTrie *spl_trie_;
- LmaNodeLE0* root_; // Nodes for root and the first layer.
- LmaNodeGE1* nodes_ge1_; // Nodes for other layers.
- // An quick index from spelling id to the LmaNodeLE0 node buffer, or
- // to the root_ buffer.
- // Index length:
- // SpellingTrie::get_instance().get_spelling_num() + 1. The last one is used
- // to get the end.
- // All Shengmu ids are not indexed because they will be converted into
- // corresponding full ids.
- // So, given an id splid, the son is:
- // root_[splid_le0_index_[splid - kFullSplIdStart]]
- uint16 *splid_le0_index_;
- uint32 lma_node_num_le0_;
- uint32 lma_node_num_ge1_;
- // The first part is for homophnies, and the last top_lma_num_ items are
- // lemmas with highest scores.
- unsigned char *lma_idx_buf_;
- uint32 lma_idx_buf_len_; // The total size of lma_idx_buf_ in byte.
- uint32 total_lma_num_; // Total number of lemmas in this dictionary.
- uint32 top_lmas_num_; // Number of lemma with highest scores.
- // Parsing mark list used to mark the detailed extended statuses.
- ParsingMark *parsing_marks_;
- // The position for next available mark.
- uint16 parsing_marks_pos_;
- // Mile stone list used to mark the extended status.
- MileStone *mile_stones_;
- // The position for the next available mile stone. We use positions (except 0)
- // as handles.
- MileStoneHandle mile_stones_pos_;
- // Get the offset of sons for a node.
- inline size_t get_son_offset(const LmaNodeGE1 *node);
- // Get the offset of homonious ids for a node.
- inline size_t get_homo_idx_buf_offset(const LmaNodeGE1 *node);
- // Get the lemma id by the offset.
- inline LemmaIdType get_lemma_id(size_t id_offset);
- void free_resource(bool free_dict_list);
- bool load_dict(QFile *fp);
- // Given a LmaNodeLE0 node, extract the lemmas specified by it, and fill
- // them into the lpi_items buffer.
- // This function is called by the search engine.
- size_t fill_lpi_buffer(LmaPsbItem lpi_items[], size_t max_size,
- LmaNodeLE0 *node);
- // Given a LmaNodeGE1 node, extract the lemmas specified by it, and fill
- // them into the lpi_items buffer.
- // This function is called by inner functions extend_dict0(), extend_dict1()
- // and extend_dict2().
- size_t fill_lpi_buffer(LmaPsbItem lpi_items[], size_t max_size,
- size_t homo_buf_off, LmaNodeGE1 *node,
- uint16 lma_len);
- // Extend in the trie from level 0.
- MileStoneHandle extend_dict0(MileStoneHandle from_handle,
- const DictExtPara *dep, LmaPsbItem *lpi_items,
- size_t lpi_max, size_t *lpi_num);
- // Extend in the trie from level 1.
- MileStoneHandle extend_dict1(MileStoneHandle from_handle,
- const DictExtPara *dep, LmaPsbItem *lpi_items,
- size_t lpi_max, size_t *lpi_num);
- // Extend in the trie from level 2.
- MileStoneHandle extend_dict2(MileStoneHandle from_handle,
- const DictExtPara *dep, LmaPsbItem *lpi_items,
- size_t lpi_max, size_t *lpi_num);
- // Try to extend the given spelling id buffer, and if the given id_lemma can
- // be successfully gotten, return true;
- // The given spelling ids are all valid full ids.
- bool try_extend(const uint16 *splids, uint16 splid_num, LemmaIdType id_lemma);
-#ifdef ___BUILD_MODEL___
- bool save_dict(FILE *fp);
-#endif // ___BUILD_MODEL___
- static const int kMaxMileStone = 100;
- static const int kMaxParsingMark = 600;
- static const MileStoneHandle kFirstValidMileStoneHandle = 1;
- friend class DictParser;
- friend class DictBuilder;
- public:
- DictTrie();
- ~DictTrie();
-#ifdef ___BUILD_MODEL___
- // Construct the tree from the file fn_raw.
- // fn_validhzs provide the valid hanzi list. If fn_validhzs is
- // NULL, only chars in GB2312 will be included.
- bool build_dict(const char *fn_raw, const char *fn_validhzs);
- // Save the binary dictionary
- // Actually, the SpellingTrie/DictList instance will be also saved.
- bool save_dict(const char *filename);
-#endif // ___BUILD_MODEL___
- void convert_to_hanzis(char16 *str, uint16 str_len);
- void convert_to_scis_ids(char16 *str, uint16 str_len);
- // Load a binary dictionary
- // The SpellingTrie instance/DictList will be also loaded
- bool load_dict(const char *filename, LemmaIdType start_id,
- LemmaIdType end_id);
- bool load_dict_fd(int sys_fd, long start_offset, long length,
- LemmaIdType start_id, LemmaIdType end_id);
- bool close_dict() {return true;}
- size_t number_of_lemmas() {return 0;}
- void reset_milestones(uint16 from_step, MileStoneHandle from_handle);
- MileStoneHandle extend_dict(MileStoneHandle from_handle,
- const DictExtPara *dep,
- LmaPsbItem *lpi_items,
- size_t lpi_max, size_t *lpi_num);
- size_t get_lpis(const uint16 *splid_str, uint16 splid_str_len,
- LmaPsbItem *lpi_items, size_t lpi_max);
- uint16 get_lemma_str(LemmaIdType id_lemma, char16 *str_buf, uint16 str_max);
- uint16 get_lemma_splids(LemmaIdType id_lemma, uint16 *splids,
- uint16 splids_max, bool arg_valid);
- size_t predict(const char16 *last_hzs, uint16 hzs_len,
- NPredictItem *npre_items, size_t npre_max,
- size_t b4_used);
- LemmaIdType put_lemma(char16 /*lemma_str*/[], uint16 /*splids*/[],
- uint16 /*lemma_len*/, uint16 /*count*/) {return 0;}
- LemmaIdType update_lemma(LemmaIdType /*lemma_id*/, int16 /*delta_count*/,
- bool /*selected*/) {return 0;}
- LemmaIdType get_lemma_id(char16 /*lemma_str*/[], uint16 /*splids*/[],
- uint16 /*lemma_len*/) {return 0;}
- LmaScoreType get_lemma_score(LemmaIdType /*lemma_id*/) {return 0;}
- LmaScoreType get_lemma_score(char16 /*lemma_str*/[], uint16 /*splids*/[],
- uint16 /*lemma_len*/) {return 0;}
- bool remove_lemma(LemmaIdType /*lemma_id*/) {return false;}
- size_t get_total_lemma_count() {return 0;}
- void set_total_lemma_count_of_others(size_t count);
- void flush_cache() {}
- LemmaIdType get_lemma_id(const char16 lemma_str[], uint16 lemma_len);
- // Fill the lemmas with highest scores to the prediction buffer.
- // his_len is the history length to fill in the prediction buffer.
- size_t predict_top_lmas(size_t his_len, NPredictItem *npre_items,
- size_t npre_max, size_t b4_used);