path: root/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/accessibility-developer-tools/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/accessibility-developer-tools/')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/accessibility-developer-tools/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/accessibility-developer-tools/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e587f7eae53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/accessibility-developer-tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+## 2.11.0 - 2016-09-14
+### Enhancements
+* Performance enhancements (#263)
+## 2.10.1-rc.0 - 2016-01-13
+### Bug fixes:
+* Escape special characters to be used in a query selector string (PR #267)
+* Fix exception thrown by RoleTooltipRequiresDescribedBy.js (#269)
+## 2.10.0 - 2015-11-13
+## 2.10.0-rc.1 - 2015-10-19
+### Bug fixes:
+* `linkWithUnclearPurpose` should only look at links, not `<a>` without `href`. (#245)
+## 2.10.0-rc.0 - 2015-10-09
+### New rules
+* A tabpanel should be related to a tab via aria-controls or aria-labelledby (`src/audits/UncontrolledTabpanel.js`)
+* A data table must identify row and column headers (`src/audits/TableHasAppropriateHeaders.js`)
+* A tooltip element should have an aria-describedby referring to it (`src/audits/RoleTooltipRequiresDescribedBy.js`).
+### Enhancements
+* Pull DOM-related functionality out into `DOMUtils.js`
+### Bug fixes:
+* Fix `findTextAlternatives` not always correctly ignoring hidden elements (#217).
+* `findTextAlternatives` now honors `alt` attribute of input type image
+* Revert #150 which was causing the extension not to work.
+* AX_HTML_02 (duplicate IDs) now only audits elements that are referenced by an IDREF (#141);
+* Fix #171 by being smarter about finding the composed parent node.
+* Tweak in canScrollTo to handle the (common) case where the container is `document.body` (#243).
+## 2.9.0 - 2015-09-04
+## 2.9.0-rc.0 - 2015-08-21
+### New rules
+* A label element may not have labelable descendants other than its labeled control (`src/audits/MultipleLabelableElementsPerLabel.js`)
+### Enhancements
+* Implement support for specifying audit configuration options through an object when initializing audits (#165).
+* Implement support for AMD loaders.
+### Bug fixes:
+* Fix `badAriaAttributeValue` not correctly handling decimal values (#182).
+* Work around null pointer exception caused by closure compiler issue (#183).
+* Add a special case to handle color `"transparent"` to fix (#180).
+* Fix `matchSelector` not working properly in browser environments without vendor prefixes (#189).
+* Fix false positives on elements with no role for Unsupported ARIA Attribute rule (#178 and #199).
+* Fix ARIA `tablist` and ARIA `tab` scope (#204)
+* Fix link with clear purpose with text alternative (#156);
+* Handle edge cases in number parser, e.g. "+1", ".1", "01"
+* HTML button containing img with alt attribute now passes controlsWithoutLabel (#202)
+* Disabled elements should be ignored by low contrast audit (#205)
+* Fix input of type "text" did not find correct implied role (#225)
+* Hidden links are no longer relevant for meaningful link text rule.
+## 2.8.0 - 2015-07-24
+## 2.8.0-rc.0 - 2015-07-10
+### Enhancements:
+* Pull color code into separate file.
+* Improve color suggestion algorithm.
+* Descend into iframes when collecting matching elements.
+## 2.7.1 - 2015-06-30
+## 2.7.1-rc.1 - 2015-06-23
+### Bug fixes:
+* Check for null `textAlternatives` in `FocusableElementNotVisibleAndNotAriaHidden`'s `relevantElementMatcher` method.
+## 2.7.1-rc.0 - 2015-06-15
+### Enhancements:
+* Rework findTextAlternatives not to return non-exposed text alternatives.
+* Add Bower config (#157)
+### Bug fixes:
+* Check for any text alternatives when assessing unlabeled images (#154).
+## 2.7.0 - 2015-05-15
+### New rules
+* This element does not support ARIA roles, states and properties (`src/audits/AriaOnReservedElement.js`)
+* aria-owns should not be used if ownership is implicit in the DOM (`src/audits/AriaOwnsDescendant.js`)
+* Elements with ARIA roles must be in the correct scope (`src/audits/AriaRoleNotScoped.js`)
+* An element's ID must be unique in the DOM (`src/audits/DuplicateId.js`)
+* The web page should have the content's human language indicated in the markup (`src/audits/HumanLangMissing.js`)
+* An element's ID must not be present in more that one aria-owns attribute at any time (`src/audits/MultipleAriaOwners.js`)
+* ARIA attributes which refer to other elements by ID should refer to elements which exist in the DOM (`src/audits/NonExistentAriaRelatedElement.js` - previously `src/audits/NonExistentAriaLabeledBy.js`)
+* Elements with ARIA roles must ensure required owned elements are present (`src/audits/RequiredOwnedAriaRoleMissing.js`)
+* Avoid positive integer values for tabIndex (`src/audits/TabIndexGreaterThanZero.js`)
+* This element has an unsupported ARIA attribute (`src/audits/UnsupportedAriaAttribute.js`)
+### Enhancements:
+* Add configurable blacklist phrases and stop words to LinkWithUnclearPurpose (#99)
+* Detect and warn if we reuse the same code for more than one rule. (#133)
+* Force focus before testing visibility on focusable elements. (#65)
+* Use getDistributedNodes to get nodes distributed into shadowRoots (#128)
+* Add section to Audit Rules page for HumanLangMissing and link to it from rule (#119)
+* Reference "applied role" in axs.utils.getRoles enhancement (#130)
+* Add warning that AX_FOCUS_02 is not available from (#85)
+### Bug fixes:
+* Incorrect use of nth-of-type against className in utils.getQuerySelectorText (#87)
+* AX_TEXT_01 Accessibility Audit test should probably ignore role=presentation elements (#97)
+* Fix path to audit rules in phantomjs runner (#108)
+* Label audit should fail if form fields lack a label, even with placeholder text (#81)
+* False positives for controls without labels with role=presentation (#23)
+* Fix "valid" flag on return value of axs.utils.getRoles (#131)
+Note: this version number is somewhat arbitrary - just bringing it vaguely in line with [the extension]( since that's where the library originated - but will use semver for version bumps going forward from here.
+## 0.0.5 - 2014-02-04
+### Enhancements:
+* overlapping elements detection code made more sophisticated
+* returns more information about visibility
+* new method with more sophisticated detection of text content
+### Bug fixes:
+* FocusableElementNotVisibleAndNotAriaHidden audit passes on elements which are brought onscreen on focus
+* UnfocusableElementsWithOnclick checks for element.disabled
+* Fix infinite loop when getting descendant text content of a label containing an input
+* Detect elements which are out of scroll area of any parent element, not just the document scroll area
+* findTextAlternatives doesn't throw TypeError if used on a HTMLSelectElement
+## 0.0.4 - 2013-10-03
+### Enhancements:
+* has a new signature: it now takes an options object. Please see method documentation for details.
+* Audit Rule severity can be overridden (per Audit Rule) in AuditConfig.
+### Bug fixes:
+* axs.utils.isLowContrast() now rounds to the nearest 0.1 before checking (so `#777` is now a passing value)
+* MainRoleOnInappropriateElement was always failing due to accessible name calculation taking the main role into account and not descending into content (now just gets descendant content directly)
+* UnfocusableElementsWithOnClick had a dangling if-statement causing very noisy false positives