path: root/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tabs.d.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tabs.d.ts')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tabs.d.ts b/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tabs.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d49a5d736b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tabs.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ *
+ * This file was automatically generated by
+ *
+ *
+ * To modify these typings, edit the source file(s):
+ * paper-tabs.html
+ */
+/// <reference path="../polymer/types/polymer.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../iron-icon/iron-icon.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../iron-menu-behavior/iron-menubar-behavior.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../iron-resizable-behavior/iron-resizable-behavior.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../paper-styles/color.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="paper-tabs-icons.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="paper-tab.d.ts" />
+ * Material design: [Tabs](
+ *
+ * `paper-tabs` makes it easy to explore and switch between different views or functional aspects of
+ * an app, or to browse categorized data sets.
+ *
+ * Use `selected` property to get or set the selected tab.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * <paper-tabs selected="0">
+ * <paper-tab>TAB 1</paper-tab>
+ * <paper-tab>TAB 2</paper-tab>
+ * <paper-tab>TAB 3</paper-tab>
+ * </paper-tabs>
+ *
+ * See <a href="?active=paper-tab">paper-tab</a> for more information about
+ * `paper-tab`.
+ *
+ * A common usage for `paper-tabs` is to use it along with `iron-pages` to switch
+ * between different views.
+ *
+ * <paper-tabs selected="{{selected}}">
+ * <paper-tab>Tab 1</paper-tab>
+ * <paper-tab>Tab 2</paper-tab>
+ * <paper-tab>Tab 3</paper-tab>
+ * </paper-tabs>
+ *
+ * <iron-pages selected="{{selected}}">
+ * <div>Page 1</div>
+ * <div>Page 2</div>
+ * <div>Page 3</div>
+ * </iron-pages>
+ *
+ *
+ * To use links in tabs, add `link` attribute to `paper-tab` and put an `<a>`
+ * element in `paper-tab` with a `tabindex` of -1.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * <pre><code>
+ * &lt;style is="custom-style">
+ * .link {
+ * &#64;apply --layout-horizontal;
+ * &#64;apply --layout-center-center;
+ * }
+ * &lt;/style>
+ *
+ * &lt;paper-tabs selected="0">
+ * &lt;paper-tab link>
+ * &lt;a href="#link1" class="link" tabindex="-1">TAB ONE&lt;/a>
+ * &lt;/paper-tab>
+ * &lt;paper-tab link>
+ * &lt;a href="#link2" class="link" tabindex="-1">TAB TWO&lt;/a>
+ * &lt;/paper-tab>
+ * &lt;paper-tab link>
+ * &lt;a href="#link3" class="link" tabindex="-1">TAB THREE&lt;/a>
+ * &lt;/paper-tab>
+ * &lt;/paper-tabs>
+ * </code></pre>
+ *
+ * ### Styling
+ *
+ * The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:
+ *
+ * Custom property | Description | Default
+ * ----------------|-------------|----------
+ * `--paper-tabs-selection-bar-color` | Color for the selection bar | `--paper-yellow-a100`
+ * `--paper-tabs-selection-bar` | Mixin applied to the selection bar | `{}`
+ * `--paper-tabs` | Mixin applied to the tabs | `{}`
+ * `--paper-tabs-content` | Mixin applied to the content container of tabs | `{}`
+ * `--paper-tabs-container` | Mixin applied to the layout container of tabs | `{}`
+ */
+interface PaperTabsElement extends Polymer.Element, Polymer.IronResizableBehavior, Polymer.IronMenubarBehavior {
+ selectable: string|null|undefined;
+ keyBindings: object;
+ /**
+ * If true, ink ripple effect is disabled. When this property is changed,
+ * all descendant `<paper-tab>` elements have their `noink` property
+ * changed to the new value as well.
+ */
+ noink: boolean|null|undefined;
+ /**
+ * If true, the bottom bar to indicate the selected tab will not be shown.
+ */
+ noBar: boolean|null|undefined;
+ /**
+ * If true, the slide effect for the bottom bar is disabled.
+ */
+ noSlide: boolean|null|undefined;
+ /**
+ * If true, tabs are scrollable and the tab width is based on the label
+ * width.
+ */
+ scrollable: boolean|null|undefined;
+ /**
+ * If true, tabs expand to fit their container. This currently only applies
+ * when scrollable is true.
+ */
+ fitContainer: boolean|null|undefined;
+ /**
+ * If true, dragging on the tabs to scroll is disabled.
+ */
+ disableDrag: boolean|null|undefined;
+ /**
+ * If true, scroll buttons (left/right arrow) will be hidden for scrollable
+ * tabs.
+ */
+ hideScrollButtons: boolean|null|undefined;
+ /**
+ * If true, the tabs are aligned to bottom (the selection bar appears at the
+ * top).
+ */
+ alignBottom: boolean|null|undefined;
+ /**
+ * If true, tabs are automatically selected when focused using the
+ * keyboard.
+ */
+ autoselect: boolean|null|undefined;
+ /**
+ * The delay (in milliseconds) between when the user stops interacting
+ * with the tabs through the keyboard and when the focused item is
+ * automatically selected (if `autoselect` is true).
+ */
+ autoselectDelay: number|null|undefined;
+ _step: number|null|undefined;
+ _holdDelay: number|null|undefined;
+ _leftHidden: boolean|null|undefined;
+ _rightHidden: boolean|null|undefined;
+ _previousTab: object|null|undefined;
+ readonly _tabContainerScrollSize: any;
+ created(): void;
+ detached(): void;
+ _activateHandler(): void;
+ ready(): void;
+ _noinkChanged(noink: any): void;
+ _setNoinkAttribute(element: any): void;
+ _removeNoinkAttribute(element: any): void;
+ _computeScrollButtonClass(hideThisButton: any, scrollable: any, hideScrollButtons: any): any;
+ _computeTabsContentClass(scrollable: any, fitContainer: any): any;
+ _computeSelectionBarClass(noBar: any, alignBottom: any): any;
+ _onTabSizingChanged(): void;
+ _onIronSelect(event: any): void;
+ _onIronDeselect(event: any): void;
+ /**
+ * Activates an item after a delay (in milliseconds).
+ */
+ _scheduleActivation(item: any, delay: any): void;
+ /**
+ * Activates the last item given to `_scheduleActivation`.
+ */
+ _delayedActivationHandler(): void;
+ /**
+ * Cancels a previously scheduled item activation made with
+ * `_scheduleActivation`.
+ */
+ _cancelPendingActivation(): void;
+ _onArrowKeyup(event: any): void;
+ _onBlurCapture(event: any): void;
+ _scroll(e: any, detail: any): void;
+ _down(e: any): void;
+ _affectScroll(dx: any): void;
+ _onLeftScrollButtonDown(): void;
+ _onRightScrollButtonDown(): void;
+ _onScrollButtonUp(): void;
+ _scrollToLeft(): void;
+ _scrollToRight(): void;
+ _tabChanged(tab: any, old: any): void;
+ _scrollToSelectedIfNeeded(tabWidth: any, tabOffsetLeft: any): void;
+ _calcPercent(w: any, w0: any): any;
+ _positionBar(width: any, left: any): void;
+ _onBarTransitionEnd(e: any): void;
+interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
+ "paper-tabs": PaperTabsElement;