path: root/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/polymer/types/lib/mixins/element-mixin.d.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/polymer/types/lib/mixins/element-mixin.d.ts')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/polymer/types/lib/mixins/element-mixin.d.ts b/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/polymer/types/lib/mixins/element-mixin.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..879ca122d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/polymer/types/lib/mixins/element-mixin.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+ *
+ * This file was automatically generated by
+ *
+ *
+ * To modify these typings, edit the source file(s):
+ * lib/mixins/element-mixin.html
+ */
+/// <reference path="../utils/boot.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../utils/settings.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../utils/mixin.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../utils/style-gather.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../utils/resolve-url.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../elements/dom-module.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="property-effects.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="properties-mixin.d.ts" />
+declare namespace Polymer {
+ /**
+ * Element class mixin that provides the core API for Polymer's meta-programming
+ * features including template stamping, data-binding, attribute deserialization,
+ * and property change observation.
+ *
+ * Subclassers may provide the following static getters to return metadata
+ * used to configure Polymer's features for the class:
+ *
+ * - `static get is()`: When the template is provided via a `dom-module`,
+ * users should return the `dom-module` id from a static `is` getter. If
+ * no template is needed or the template is provided directly via the
+ * `template` getter, there is no need to define `is` for the element.
+ *
+ * - `static get template()`: Users may provide the template directly (as
+ * opposed to via `dom-module`) by implementing a static `template` getter.
+ * The getter may return an `HTMLTemplateElement` or a string, which will
+ * automatically be parsed into a template.
+ *
+ * - `static get properties()`: Should return an object describing
+ * property-related metadata used by Polymer features (key: property name
+ * value: object containing property metadata). Valid keys in per-property
+ * metadata include:
+ * - `type` (String|Number|Object|Array|...): Used by
+ * `attributeChangedCallback` to determine how string-based attributes
+ * are deserialized to JavaScript property values.
+ * - `notify` (boolean): Causes a change in the property to fire a
+ * non-bubbling event called `<property>-changed`. Elements that have
+ * enabled two-way binding to the property use this event to observe changes.
+ * - `readOnly` (boolean): Creates a getter for the property, but no setter.
+ * To set a read-only property, use the private setter method
+ * `_setProperty(property, value)`.
+ * - `observer` (string): Observer method name that will be called when
+ * the property changes. The arguments of the method are
+ * `(value, previousValue)`.
+ * - `computed` (string): String describing method and dependent properties
+ * for computing the value of this property (e.g. `'computeFoo(bar, zot)'`).
+ * Computed properties are read-only by default and can only be changed
+ * via the return value of the computing method.
+ *
+ * - `static get observers()`: Array of strings describing multi-property
+ * observer methods and their dependent properties (e.g.
+ * `'observeABC(a, b, c)'`).
+ *
+ * The base class provides default implementations for the following standard
+ * custom element lifecycle callbacks; users may override these, but should
+ * call the super method to ensure
+ * - `constructor`: Run when the element is created or upgraded
+ * - `connectedCallback`: Run each time the element is connected to the
+ * document
+ * - `disconnectedCallback`: Run each time the element is disconnected from
+ * the document
+ * - `attributeChangedCallback`: Run each time an attribute in
+ * `observedAttributes` is set or removed (note: this element's default
+ * `observedAttributes` implementation will automatically return an array
+ * of dash-cased attributes based on `properties`)
+ */
+ function ElementMixin<T extends new (...args: any[]) => {}>(base: T): T & ElementMixinConstructor & Polymer.PropertyEffectsConstructor & Polymer.TemplateStampConstructor & Polymer.PropertyAccessorsConstructor & Polymer.PropertiesChangedConstructor & Polymer.PropertiesMixinConstructor;
+ interface ElementMixinConstructor {
+ new(...args: any[]): ElementMixin;
+ /**
+ * Overrides `PropertyAccessors` to add map of dynamic functions on
+ * template info, for consumption by `PropertyEffects` template binding
+ * code. This map determines which method templates should have accessors
+ * created for them.
+ */
+ _parseTemplateContent(template: any, templateInfo: any, nodeInfo: any): any;
+ /**
+ * Override of PropertiesChanged createProperties to create accessors
+ * and property effects for all of the properties.
+ */
+ createProperties(props: any): void;
+ /**
+ * Override of PropertiesMixin _finalizeClass to create observers and
+ * find the template.
+ */
+ _finalizeClass(): void;
+ /**
+ * Creates observers for the given `observers` array.
+ * Leverages `PropertyEffects` to create observers.
+ *
+ * @param observers Array of observer descriptors for
+ * this class
+ * @param dynamicFns Object containing keys for any properties
+ * that are functions and should trigger the effect when the function
+ * reference is changed
+ */
+ createObservers(observers: object|null, dynamicFns: object|null): void;
+ /**
+ * Gather style text for a style element in the template.
+ *
+ * @param cssText Text containing styling to process
+ * @param baseURI Base URI to rebase CSS paths against
+ * @returns The processed CSS text
+ */
+ _processStyleText(cssText: string, baseURI: string): string;
+ /**
+ * Configures an element `proto` to function with a given `template`.
+ * The element name `is` and extends `ext` must be specified for ShadyCSS
+ * style scoping.
+ *
+ * @param is Tag name (or type extension name) for this element
+ */
+ _finalizeTemplate(is: string): void;
+ }
+ interface ElementMixin {
+ _template: HTMLTemplateElement|null;
+ _importPath: string;
+ rootPath: string;
+ importPath: string;
+ root: StampedTemplate|HTMLElement|ShadowRoot|null;
+ $: {[key: string]: _Element};
+ /**
+ * Stamps the element template.
+ */
+ ready(): void;
+ /**
+ * Overrides the default `Polymer.PropertyAccessors` to ensure class
+ * metaprogramming related to property accessors and effects has
+ * completed (calls `finalize`).
+ *
+ * It also initializes any property defaults provided via `value` in
+ * `properties` metadata.
+ */
+ _initializeProperties(): void;
+ /**
+ * Implements `PropertyEffects`'s `_readyClients` call. Attaches
+ * element dom by calling `_attachDom` with the dom stamped from the
+ * element's template via `_stampTemplate`. Note that this allows
+ * client dom to be attached to the element prior to any observers
+ * running.
+ */
+ _readyClients(): void;
+ /**
+ * Provides a default implementation of the standard Custom Elements
+ * `connectedCallback`.
+ *
+ * The default implementation enables the property effects system and
+ * flushes any pending properties, and updates shimmed CSS properties
+ * when using the ShadyCSS scoping/custom properties polyfill.
+ */
+ connectedCallback(): void;
+ /**
+ * Attaches an element's stamped dom to itself. By default,
+ * this method creates a `shadowRoot` and adds the dom to it.
+ * However, this method may be overridden to allow an element
+ * to put its dom in another location.
+ *
+ * @param dom to attach to the element.
+ * @returns node to which the dom has been attached.
+ */
+ _attachDom(dom: StampedTemplate|null): ShadowRoot|null;
+ /**
+ * When using the ShadyCSS scoping and custom property shim, causes all
+ * shimmed styles in this element (and its subtree) to be updated
+ * based on current custom property values.
+ *
+ * The optional parameter overrides inline custom property styles with an
+ * object of properties where the keys are CSS properties, and the values
+ * are strings.
+ *
+ * Example: `this.updateStyles({'--color': 'blue'})`
+ *
+ * These properties are retained unless a value of `null` is set.
+ *
+ * Note: This function does not support updating CSS mixins.
+ * You can not dynamically change the value of an `@apply`.
+ *
+ * @param properties Bag of custom property key/values to
+ * apply to this element.
+ */
+ updateStyles(properties?: object|null): void;
+ /**
+ * Rewrites a given URL relative to a base URL. The base URL defaults to
+ * the original location of the document containing the `dom-module` for
+ * this element. This method will return the same URL before and after
+ * bundling.
+ *
+ * Note that this function performs no resolution for URLs that start
+ * with `/` (absolute URLs) or `#` (hash identifiers). For general purpose
+ * URL resolution, use `window.URL`.
+ *
+ * @param url URL to resolve.
+ * @param base Optional base URL to resolve against, defaults
+ * to the element's `importPath`
+ * @returns Rewritten URL relative to base
+ */
+ resolveUrl(url: string, base?: string): string;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provides basic tracking of element definitions (registrations) and
+ * instance counts.
+ */
+ namespace telemetry {
+ }