path: root/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/shadycss/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/shadycss/')
1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/shadycss/ b/chromium/third_party/catapult/third_party/polymer2/bower_components/shadycss/
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+# ShadyCSS
+ShadyCSS provides a library to simulate ShadowDOM style encapsulation (ScopingShim), a shim for the proposed CSS mixin `@apply` syntax (ApplyShim), and a library to integrate document-level stylesheets with both of the former libraries (CustomStyleInterface).
+## Requirements
+ShadyCSS requires support for the `<template>` element, ShadowDOM, MutationObserver, Promise, and Object.assign
+## Loading
+ShadyCSS can be used by loading the ScopingShim, ApplyShim, CustomStyleInterface, or any combination of those.
+The most-supported loading order is:
+1. ScopingShim
+1. ApplyShim
+1. CustomStyleInterface
+All libraries will expose an object on `window` named `ShadyCSS` with the following interface:
+ShadyCSS = {
+ prepareTemplate(templateElement, elementName, elementExtension){},
+ styleElement(element){},
+ styleSubtree(element, overrideProperties){},
+ styleDocument(overrideProperties){},
+ getComputedStyleValue(element, propertyName){
+ return // style value for property name on element
+ },
+ nativeCss: Boolean,
+ nativeShadow: Boolean
+## About ScopingShim
+ScopingShim provides simulated ShadyDOM style encapsulation, and a shim for CSS Custom Properties.
+ScopingShim works by rewriting style contents and transforming selectors to enforce scoping.
+Additionally, if CSS Custom Properties is not detected, ScopingShim will replace CSS Custom Property usage with realized values.
+### Example:
+Here's an example of a custom element when Scoping Shim is not needed.
+ <!-- shadow-root -->
+ <style>
+ :host {
+ display: block;
+ }
+ #container slot::slotted(*) {
+ color: gray;
+ }
+ #foo {
+ color: black;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <div id="foo">Shadow</div>
+ <div id="container">
+ <slot>
+ <!-- span distributed here -->
+ </slot>
+ </div>
+ <!-- /shadow-root -->
+ <span>Light</span>
+<style scope="my-element">
+my-element {
+ display: block;
+} > * {
+ color: gray;
+} {
+ color: black;
+<div id="foo">Shadow</div>
+<div id="container">
+ <span>Light</span>
+## About ApplyShim
+ApplyShim provides a shim for the `@apply` syntax proposed at, which expands the definition CSS Custom Properties to include objects that can be applied as a block.
+This is done by transforming the block definition into a set of CSS Custom Properties, and replacing uses of `@apply` with consumption of those custom properties.
+### Status:
+The `@apply` proposal has been abandoned in favor of the ::part/::theme [Shadow Parts spec]( Therefore, the ApplyShim library is deprecated and provided only for backwards compatibility. Support going forward will be limited to critical bug fixes.
+### Known Issues:
+* Mixin properties cannot be modified at runtime.
+* Nested mixins are not supported.
+* Shorthand properties are not expanded and may conflict with more explicit properties. Whenever shorthand notations are used in conjunction with their expanded forms in `@apply`, depending in the order of usage of the mixins, properties can be overridden. This means that using both `background-color: green;` and `background: red;` in two separate CSS selectors
+ can result in `background-color: transparent` in the selector that `background: red;` is specified.
+ ```css
+ #nonexistent {
+ --my-mixin: {
+ background: red;
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ with an element style definition of
+ ```css
+ :host {
+ display: block;
+ background-color: green;
+ @apply(--my-mixin);
+ }
+ ```
+ results in the background being `transparent`, as an empty `background` definition replaces
+ the `@apply` definition.
+ For this reason, we recommend avoiding shorthand properties.
+### Example:
+Here we define a block called `--mixin` at the document level, and apply that block to `my-element` somewhere in the page.
+html {
+ --mixin: {
+ border: 2px solid black;
+ background-color: green;
+ }
+my-element {
+ border: 1px dotted orange;
+ @apply --mixin;
+html {
+ --mixin_-_border: 2px solid black;
+ --mixin_-_background-color: green;
+my-element {
+ border: var(--mixin_-_border, 1px dotted orange);
+ background-color: var(--mixin_-_background-color);
+## About CustomStyleInterface
+CustomStyleInterface provides API to process `<style>` elements that are not inside of
+ShadowRoots, and simulate upper-boundary style scoping for ShadyDOM.
+To add document-level styles to ShadyCSS, one can call `CustomStyleInterface.addCustomStyle(styleElement)` or `CustomStyleInterface.addCustomStyle({getStyle: () => styleElement})`
+An example usage of the document-level styling api can be found in `examples/document-style-lib.js`, and another example that uses a custom element wrapper can be found in `examples/custom-style-element.js`
+### Example:
+<style class="document-style">
+html {
+ --content-color: brown;
+<my-element>This text will be brown!</my-element>
+Another example with a wrapper `<custom-style>` element
+ <style>
+ html {
+ --content-color: brown;
+ }
+ </style>
+class CustomStyle extends HTMLElement {
+ constructor() {
+ CustomStyleInterface.addCustomStyle(this);
+ }
+ getStyle() {
+ return this.querySelector('style');
+ }
+<my-element>This this text will be brown!</my-element>
+Another example with a function that produces style elements
+<my-element>This this text will be brown!</my-element>
+ getStyle() {
+ const s = document.createElement('style');
+ s.textContent = 'html{ --content-color: brown }';
+ return s;
+ }
+## Usage
+To use ShadyCSS:
+1. First, call `ShadyCSS.prepareTemplate(template, name)` on a
+`<template>` element that will be imported into a `shadowRoot`.
+2. When the element instance is connected, call `ShadyCSS.styleElement(element)`
+3. Create and stamp the element's shadowRoot
+4. Whenever dynamic updates are required, call `ShadyCSS.styleSubtree(element)`.
+5. If a styling change is made that may affect the whole document, call
+The following example uses ShadyCSS and ShadyDOM to define a custom element.
+<template id="myElementTemplate">
+ <style>
+ :host {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 8px;
+ }
+ #content {
+ background-color: var(--content-color);
+ }
+ .slot-container ::slotted(*) {
+ border: 1px solid steelblue;
+ margin: 4px;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <div id="content">Content</div>
+ <div class="slot-container">
+ <slot></slot>
+ </div>
+ ShadyCSS.prepareTemplate(myElementTemplate, 'my-element');
+ class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
+ connectedCallback() {
+ ShadyCSS.styleElement(this);
+ if (!this.shadowRoot) {
+ this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
+ this.shadowRoot.appendChild(
+ document.importNode(myElementTemplate.content, true));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);
+## Type Extension elements
+ShadyCSS can also be used with type extension elements by supplying the base
+element name to `prepareTemplate` as a third argument.
+### Example
+<template id="myElementTemplate">
+ <style>
+ :host {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 8px;
+ }
+ #content {
+ background-color: var(--content-color);
+ }
+ .slot-container ::slotted(*) {
+ border: 1px solid steelblue;
+ margin: 4px;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <div id="content">Content</div>
+ <div class="slot-container">
+ <slot></slot>
+ </div>
+ ShadyCSS.prepareTemplate(myElementTemplate, 'my-element', 'div');
+ class MyElement extends HTMLDivElement {
+ connectedCallback() {
+ ShadyCSS.styleElement(this);
+ if (!this.shadowRoot) {
+ this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
+ this.shadowRoot.appendChild(
+ document.importNode(myElementTemplate.content, true));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ customElements.define('my-element', MyElement, {extends: 'div'});
+## Imperative values for Custom properties
+To set the value of a CSS Custom Property imperatively, `ShadyCSS.styleSubtree`
+and `ShadyCSS.styleDocument` support an additional argument of an object mapping
+variable name to value.
+When using ApplyShim, defining new mixins or new values for current mixins imperatively is not
+### Example
+<my-element id="a">Text</my-element>
+let el = document.querySelector('my-element#a');
+// Set the color of all my-element instances to 'green'
+ShadyCSS.styleDocument({'--content-color' : 'green'});
+// Set the color my-element#a's text to 'red'
+ShadyCSS.styleSubtree(el, {'--content-color' : 'red'});
+## Limitations
+### Selector scoping
+You must have a selector for ascendants of the `<slot>` element when using the `::slotted`
+You cannot use any selector for the `<slot>` element. Rules like `.foo .bar::slotted(*)` are not supported.
+### Custom properties and `@apply`
+Dynamic changes are not automatically applied. If elements change such that they
+conditionally match selectors they did not previously, `ShadyCSS.styleDocument()`
+must be called.
+For a given element's shadowRoot, only 1 value is allowed per custom properties.
+Properties cannot change from parent to child as they can under native custom
+properties; they can only change when a shadowRoot boundary is crossed.
+To receive a custom property, an element must directly match a selector that
+defines the property in its host's stylesheet.
+### `<custom-style>` Flash of unstyled content
+If `ShadyCSS.applyStyle` is never called, `<custom-style>` elements will process
+after HTML Imports have loaded, after the document loads, or after the next paint.
+This means that there may be a flash of unstyled content on the first load.
+### Mixins do not cascade throught `<slot>`
+Crawling the DOM and updating styles is very expensive, and we found that trying to
+update mixins through `<slot>` insertion points to be too expensive to justify for both
+polyfilled CSS Mixins and polyfilled CSS Custom Properties.
+### External stylesheets not currently supported
+External stylesheets loaded via `<link rel="stylesheet">` within a shadow root or
+`@import` syntax inside a shadow root's stylesheet are not currently shimmed by
+the polyfill. This is mainly due to the fact that shimming them would require
+a fetch of the stylesheet text that is async cannot be easily coordinated with
+the upgrade timing of custom elements using them, making it impossible to avoid
+"flash of unstyled content" when running on polyfill.
+### Document level styling is not scoped by default
+ShadyCSS mimics the behavior of shadow dom, but it is not able to prevent document
+level styling to affect elements inside a shady dom. Global styles defined in
+`index.html` or any styles not processed by ShadyCSS will affect all elements on the page.
+To scope document level styling, the style must be wrapped in the `<custom-style>` element
+found in Polymer, or use the `CustomStyleInterface` library to modify document level styles.
+### Dynamically created styles are not supported
+ShadyCSS works by processing a template for a given custom element class. Only the style
+elements present in that template will be scoped for the custom element's ShadowRoot.