path: root/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
diff options
authorAllan Sandfeld Jensen <>2017-04-19 11:12:10 +0200
committerAllan Sandfeld Jensen <>2017-05-02 13:57:05 +0000
commit8fb1dbef9c6606b49371f4c7baa8a21419146990 (patch)
treea925e98214dca11851cefda221ce7f176778e208 /tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
parentb53896d1e7f3cad971edd56f303a32058cefde48 (diff)
Move qmake files to standard locations
The tools/qmake directory is a left over from webkit where qmake was but one of many buildsystems. This is not necessary for qtwebengine, so we can instead use the standard locations. Change-Id: I3d126d6627295b113b091f3eabeee25f1c1f6183 Reviewed-by: Kai Koehne <> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf b/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
deleted file mode 100644
index 55a7c45a4..000000000
--- a/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-# Load configure.prf from qtbase first
-defineTest(runConfigure) {
- webengine_successfully_configured: return(true)
- linux:contains(QT_CONFIG,no-pkg-config) {
- skipBuild("pkg-config is required")
- return(false)
- }
- # Ignore the cached config tests results in case they were not successful
- CONFIG += recheck
- #Override the config.tests path
- QMAKE_CONFIG_TESTS_DIR = $$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/tools/qmake/config.tests
- CONFIG_TESTS = $$files($$QMAKE_CONFIG_TESTS_DIR/*.pro, true)
- log("Running configure tests$${EOL}")
- for(test, CONFIG_TESTS) {
- test = $$basename(test)
- test ~= s/\\.pro$//
- qtCompileTest($$test)
- }
- isQtMinimum(5, 8) {
- include($$QTWEBENGINE_OUT_ROOT/qtwebengine-config.pri)
- QT_FOR_CONFIG += webengine-private
- qtConfig(pepper-plugins): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_pepper_plugins
- qtConfig(printing-and-pdf): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_printing use_pdf
- qtConfig(proprietary-codecs): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_proprietary_codecs
- qtConfig(spellchecker): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_spellchecker
- qtConfig(webrtc): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_webrtc
- qtConfig(embedded): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += embedded_build
- qtConfig(optimize_size): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += reduce_binary_size
- qtConfig(system-webp): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_libwebp
- else: WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_bundled_libwebp
- qtConfig(system-opus): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_opus
- else: WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_bundled_opus
- qtConfig(system-ffmpeg): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_ffmpeg
- else: WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_bundled_ffmpeg
- } else {
- cross_compile: WEBENGINE_CONFIG += embedded_build reduce_binary_size
- }
- isQtMinimum(5, 9) {
- qtConfig(appstore-compliant): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_appstore_compliant_code
- }
- linux {
- QT_FOR_CONFIG += gui-private
- !config_khr:skipBuild("khronos development headers appear to be missing (mesa/libegl1-mesa-dev)")
- REQUIRED_PACKAGES = dbus-1 fontconfig
- !contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, embedded_build): qtConfig(xcb): REQUIRED_PACKAGES += libdrm xcomposite xcursor xi xrandr xtst
- qtConfig(pulseaudio): REQUIRED_PACKAGES += libpulse
- qtConfig(system-png): REQUIRED_PACKAGES += libpng
- qtConfig(system-harfbuzz) {
- packagesExist("\'harfbuzz >= 1.2.0\'"): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_harfbuzz
- else: log("System harfbuzz is too old (min. version 1.2). Using Chromium's copy.$${EOL}")
- }
- qtConfig(glib) {
- packagesExist("\'glib-2.0 >= 2.32.0\'"): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_glib
- }
- for(package, $$list($$REQUIRED_PACKAGES)) {
- !packagesExist($$package):skipBuild("Unmet dependency: $$package")
- }
- packagesExist(minizip, zlib): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_minizip use_system_zlib
- else: log("System zlib or minizip not found. Using Chromium's copies.$${EOL}")
- !isQtMinimum(5, 8) {
- packagesExist(libwebp,libwebpdemux): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_libwebp use_system_libwebpdemux
- else: log("System libwebp or libwebpdemux not found. Using Chromium's copies.$${EOL}")
- packagesExist(opus): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_opus
- else: log("System opus not found. Using Chromium's copy.$${EOL}")
- }
- packagesExist(libxml-2.0,libxslt) {
- PKGCONFIG_LIBS_STATIC = $$system($$PKG_CONFIG --libs --static libxml-2.0)
- contains(PKGCONFIG_LIBS_STATIC, -licuuc) {
- WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_libxslt use_system_libxml2
- } else {
- log("System libxml2 is not configured with ICU. Using Chromium's copy.$${EOL}")
- }
- }
- else: log("System libxml2 or libxslt not found. Using Chromium's copies.$${EOL}")
- for(package, $$list("libevent jsoncpp protobuf")) {
- packagesExist($$package): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_$$package
- else {
- log("System $$package not found. Using Chromium's copy.$${EOL}")
- WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_bundled_$$package
- }
- }
- use?(system_protobuf) {
- !system("which protoc > /dev/null") {
- log("Protobuf compiler not found. Using Chromium's copy of protobuf.$${EOL}")
- WEBENGINE_CONFIG -= use_system_protobuf
- WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_bundled_protobuf
- }
- }
- config_libvpx: WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_vpx
- else {
- log("Compatible system libvpx not found. Using Chromium's copy.$${EOL}")
- WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_bundled_libvpx
- }
- config_srtp: WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_libsrtp
- else {
- log("System libsrtp not found. Using Chromium's copy.$${EOL}")
- WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_bundled_srtp
- }
- config_snappy: WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_snappy
- else {
- log("System snappy not found. Using Chromium's copy.$${EOL}")
- WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_bundled_snappy
- }
- !contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, embedded_build) {
- packagesExist(nss): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_nss
- else: log("System NSS not found, BoringSSL will be used.$${EOL}")
- }
- }
- win32 {
- !config_winversion: skipBuild("Needs VS 2015 Update 3 with Cumulative Servicing Release or higher")
- }
- isEmpty(skipBuildReason): {
- cache(CONFIG, add, $$list(webengine_successfully_configured))
- }
- # Set a global WEBENGINE_ARCH for the target architecture we can also read from option(host_build)
- }
- unix:!darwin {
- log("System library dependencies:$${EOL}")
- use?(system_icu) {
- packagesExist("icu-uc icu-i18n") {
- log(" ICU ................................ Using system version$${EOL}")
- } else {
- log(" ICU ................................ System ICU not found$${EOL}")
- skipBuild("Unmet dependencies: icu-uc, icu-i18n")
- }
- } else {
- log(" ICU ................................ Using internal copy (Default, force system ICU with WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_system_icu)$${EOL}")
- WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_bundled_icu
- }
- !isQtMinimum(5, 8) {
- use?(system_ffmpeg) {
- packagesExist("libavcodec libavformat libavutil") {
- packagesExist("libwebp, libwebpdemux, opus, \'vpx >= 1.4\'"){
- log(" FFMPEG ............................. Using system version$${EOL}")
- } else {
- log(" FFMPEG ............................. Conflicting FFMPEG dependencies$${EOL}")
- skipBuild("Unmet dependencies: opus, vpx, libwebp, libwebpdemux")
- }
- } else {
- log(" FFMPEG ............................. System FFMPEG not found$${EOL}")
- skipBuild("Unmet dependencies: libavcodec, libavformat, libavutil")
- }
- } else {
- log(" FFMPEG ............................. Using internal copy (Default, force system FFMPEG with WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_system_ffmpeg)$${EOL}")
- WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_bundled_ffmpeg
- }
- }
- for(config, WEBENGINE_CONFIG) {
- match = $$find(config, "^use_system_")
- !isEmpty(match) {
- use_system += $$replace(match, ^use_system_,)
- }
- match = $$find(config, "^use_bundled_")
- !isEmpty(match) {
- use_bundled += $$replace(match, ^use_bundled_,)
- }
- }
- !isEmpty(use_system): log(" Optional system libraries used ..... $$use_system$${EOL}")
- !isEmpty(use_bundled): log(" Optional bundled libraries used .... $$use_bundled$${EOL}")
- }
- log("Configurable features:$${EOL}")
- use?(proprietary_codecs) {
- log(" Proprietary codecs (H264, MP3) ..... Enabled$${EOL}")
- } else {
- log(" Proprietary codecs (H264, MP3) ..... Not enabled (Default, enable with WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_proprietary_codecs)$${EOL}")
- }
- qtHaveModule(positioning): {
- log(" Geolocation ........................ Enabled$${EOL}")
- } else {
- log(" Geolocation ........................ Not enabled (Requires Qt Positioning module)$${EOL}")
- }
- unix:!darwin {
- use?(nss) {
- log(" Certificate handling ............... Using system NSS$${EOL}")
- } else {
- log(" Certificate handling ............... Using bundled BoringSSL$${EOL}")
- }
- }
- osx {
- use?(appstore_compliant_code) {
- log(" Mac App Store Compliant ............ Enabled$${EOL}")
- } else {
- log(" Mac App Store Compliant ............ Not enabled (Default, enable with WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_appstore_compliant_code)$${EOL}")
- }
- use?(native_spellchecker) {
- log("Native Spellchecker .............. Enabled$${EOL}")
- } else {
- log("Native Spellchecker .............. Not enabled (Default, enable with WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_native_spellchecker)$${EOL}")
- }
- !isMinOSXSDKVersion(10, 10, 3) {
- log(" Force Touch API usage .............. Not enabled (Because the OS X SDK version to be used \"$${WEBENGINE_OSX_SDK_PRODUCT_VERSION}\" is lower than the required \"10.10.3\")$${EOL}")
- }
- }