path: root/examples/webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/doc/src/simplebrowser.qdoc
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+** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
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+ \example webenginewidgets/simplebrowser
+ \title WebEngine Widgets Simple Browser Example
+ \ingroup webengine-widgetexamples
+ \brief A simple browser based on Qt WebEngine Widgets
+ \image simplebrowser.png
+ \e {Simple Browser} demonstrates how to use the
+ \l{Qt WebEngine Widgets C++ Classes}{Qt WebEngine C++ classes} to develop a
+ small Web browser application that contains the following elements:
+ \list
+ \li Menu bar for opening stored pages and managing windows and tabs.
+ \li Navigation bar for entering a URL and for moving backward and
+ forward in the web page browsing history.
+ \li Multi-tab area for displaying web content within tabs.
+ \li Status bar for displaying hovered links.
+ \endlist
+ The web content can be opened in new tabs or separate windows. HTTP and
+ proxy authentication can be used for accessing web pages.
+ \include examples-run.qdocinc
+ \section1 Class Hierarchy
+ We start with sketching a diagram of the classes that we are going to
+ implement:
+ \image simplebrowser-model.png
+ \list
+ \li \c{Browser} is a singleton class managing the application windows.
+ \li \c{BrowserWindow} is a \l QMainWindow showing the menu, a navigation
+ bar, \c {TabWidget}, and a status bar.
+ \li \c{TabWidget} is a \l QTabWidget and contains one or multiple
+ browser tabs.
+ \li \c{WebView} is a \l QWebEngineView, provides a view for \c{WebPage},
+ and is added as a tab in \c{TabWidget}.
+ \li \c{WebPage} is a \l QWebEnginePage that represents website content.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Creating the Browser Main Window
+ This example supports multiple main windows that are owned by a
+ \c Browser singleton object. This class could also be used for further
+ functionality, such as downloading files, bookmarks, and history managers.
+ In \c main.cpp, we create the first \c BrowserWindow instance and add it
+ to the \c Browser object. If no arguments are passed on the command line,
+ we open the \l{Qt Homepage}:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/main.cpp
+ \skipto main
+ \printuntil }
+ \section1 Creating Tabs
+ The \c BrowserWindow constructor initializes all the necessary user interface
+ related objects. The \c centralWidget of \c BrowserWindow contains an instance of
+ \c TabWidget. The \c TabWidget contains one or several \c WebView instances as tabs,
+ and delegates it's signals and slots to the currently selected one:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/tabwidget.h
+ \skipto TabWidget :
+ \printuntil {
+ \dots
+ \skipto signals
+ \printuntil triggerWebPageAction
+ \skipto }
+ \dots
+ \printline };
+ Each tab contains an instance of \c WebView:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/tabwidget.cpp
+ \skipto TabWidget::createTab(
+ \printuntil }
+ In \c TabWidget::setupView(), we make sure that the \c TabWidget always forwards
+ the signals of the currently selected \c WebView:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/tabwidget.cpp
+ \skipto TabWidget::setupView
+ \printuntil emit loadProgress
+ \skipto closeTab
+ \skipto });
+ \printline }
+ \dots
+ \printline }
+ \section1 Implementing WebView Functionality
+ The \c WebView is derived from QWebEngineView to support the following
+ functionality:
+ \list
+ \li Downloading favicons
+ \li Displaying error messages in case \c renderProcess dies
+ \li Handling \c createWindow requests
+ \li Adding custom menu items to context menus
+ \endlist
+ First, we create the WebView with the necessary methods and signals:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/webview.h
+ \skipto WebView :
+ \printuntil WebView(
+ \dots
+ \skipto protected:
+ \printuntil handleIconLoaded
+ \skipto }
+ \dots
+ \printline };
+ \section2 Downloading Favicons
+ To download a favicon, we use QNetworkAccessManager and create a
+ QNetworkRequest every time the URL specified by
+ QWebEngineView::iconUrlChanged is emitted:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/webview.cpp
+ \skipto WebView::handleIconUrlChanged(
+ \printuntil }
+ \section2 Displaying Error Messages
+ If the render process is terminated, we display a QMessageBox with an error
+ code, and then we reload the page:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/webview.cpp
+ \skipto WebView::WebView(QWidget *parent)
+ \printuntil {
+ \skipto renderProcessTerminated
+ \dots
+ \printuntil QTimer
+ \printline });
+ \printline }
+ \section2 Managing WebWindows
+ The loaded page might want to create windows of the type
+ QWebEnginePage::WebWindowType, for example, when a JavaScript program
+ requests to open a document in a new window or dialog.
+ This is handled by overriding \c QWebView::createWindow():
+ \skipto WebView::createWindow(
+ \printuntil return nullptr;
+ \printuntil }
+ In case of \c QWebEnginePage::WebDialog, we create an instance of a custom \c WebPopupWindow class:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/webpopupwindow.h
+ \skipto class WebPopupWindow
+ \printuntil };
+ \section2 Adding Context Menu Items
+ We add menu items to the context menu, so that users can right-click a link
+ to have it opened in the same tab, a new window, or a new tab. We override
+ QWebEngineView::contextMenuEvent and use
+ QWebEnginePage::createStandardContextMenu to create a default QMenu with a
+ default list of QWebEnginePage::WebAction actions.
+ The default name for QWebEnginePage::OpenLinkInThisWindow action is
+ \uicontrol Follow. For clarity, we rename it
+ \uicontrol {Open Link in This Tab}. Also, we add the actions for opening
+ links in a separate window or in a new tab:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/webview.cpp
+ \skipto WebView::contextMenuEvent(
+ \printuntil menu->popup
+ \printline }
+ \section1 Implementing WebPage Functionality
+ As mentioned earlier, each \c WebView contains a \c WebPage instance that
+ was created by using QWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile().
+ We implement \c WebPage as a subclass of QWebEnginePage to enable HTTP,
+ proxy authentication, and ignoring SSL certificate errors when accessing web
+ pages:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/webpage.h
+ \skipto WebPage :
+ \printuntil }
+ In all the cases above, we display the appropriate dialog to the user. In
+ case of authentication, we need to set the correct credential values on the
+ QAuthenticator object:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/webpage.cpp
+ \skipto WebPage::handleAuthenticationRequired(
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ \printline }
+ The \c handleProxyAuthenticationRequired signal handler implements the very same
+ steps for the authentication of HTTP proxies.
+ In case of SSL errors, we just need to return a boolean value indicating
+ whether the certificate should be ignored.
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/webpage.cpp
+ \skipto WebPage::certificateError(
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ \section1 Opening a Web Page
+ This section describes the workflow for opening a new page.
+ When the user enters a URL in the navigation bar and presses \uicontrol Enter,
+ \c QLineEdit::returnPressed is emitted, which lets \c BrowserWindow
+ load the requested page:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/browserwindow.cpp
+ \skipto connect(m_urlLineEdit
+ \printuntil });
+ The \c loadPage() method calls the \c setUrl() method of \c TabWidget:
+ \skipto void BrowserWindow::loadPage(const QUrl
+ \printuntil }
+ \printline }
+ The call is forwarded to the currently selected tab:
+ \quotefromfile webenginewidgets/simplebrowser/tabwidget.cpp
+ \skipto TabWidget::setUrl(
+ \printuntil }
+ \printuntil }
+ The \c setUrl() method of \c WebView just forwards the \c url to the associated \c WebPage,
+ which in turn starts the downloading of the page's content in the background.