path: root/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfScrollablePageView.qml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfScrollablePageView.qml')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfScrollablePageView.qml b/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfScrollablePageView.qml
index 55aa44bbf..6076e57df 100644
--- a/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfScrollablePageView.qml
+++ b/src/pdf/quick/qml/PdfScrollablePageView.qml
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ Flickable {
property alias status: image.status
property alias selectedText: selection.text
+ function selectAll() {
+ selection.selectAll()
+ }
function copySelectionToClipboard() {
@@ -101,6 +104,7 @@ Flickable {
// implementation
id: root
+ PdfStyle { id: style }
contentWidth: paper.width
contentHeight: paper.height
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
@@ -175,63 +179,76 @@ Flickable {
rotation: root.pageRotation
anchors.centerIn: parent
property real pageScale: image.paintedWidth / document.pagePointSize(navigationStack.currentPage).width
- }
- Shape {
- anchors.fill: parent
- opacity: 0.25
- visible: image.status === Image.Ready
- ShapePath {
- strokeWidth: 1
- strokeColor: "cyan"
- fillColor: "steelblue"
- scale: Qt.size(image.pageScale, image.pageScale)
- PathMultiline {
- paths: searchModel.currentPageBoundingPolygons
+ Shape {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ visible: image.status === Image.Ready
+ ShapePath {
+ strokeWidth: -1
+ fillColor: style.pageSearchResultsColor
+ scale: Qt.size(image.pageScale, image.pageScale)
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: searchModel.currentPageBoundingPolygons
+ }
- }
- ShapePath {
- strokeWidth: 1
- strokeColor: "orange"
- fillColor: "cyan"
- scale: Qt.size(image.pageScale, image.pageScale)
- PathMultiline {
- paths: searchModel.currentResultBoundingPolygons
+ ShapePath {
+ strokeWidth: style.currentSearchResultStrokeWidth
+ strokeColor: style.currentSearchResultStrokeColor
+ fillColor: "transparent"
+ scale: Qt.size(image.pageScale, image.pageScale)
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: searchModel.currentResultBoundingPolygons
+ }
- }
- ShapePath {
- fillColor: "orange"
- scale: Qt.size(image.pageScale, image.pageScale)
- PathMultiline {
- paths: selection.geometry
+ ShapePath {
+ fillColor: style.selectionColor
+ scale: Qt.size(image.pageScale, image.pageScale)
+ PathMultiline {
+ paths: selection.geometry
+ }
- }
- Repeater {
- model: PdfLinkModel {
- id: linkModel
- document: root.document
- page: navigationStack.currentPage
- }
- delegate: Rectangle {
- color: "transparent"
- border.color: "lightgrey"
- x: rect.x * image.pageScale
- y: rect.y * image.pageScale
- width: rect.width * image.pageScale
- height: rect.height * image.pageScale
- MouseArea { // TODO switch to TapHandler / HoverHandler in 5.15
- anchors.fill: parent
- cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
- onClicked: {
- if (page >= 0)
- navigationStack.push(page, Qt.point(0, 0), root.renderScale)
- else
- Qt.openUrlExternally(url)
+ Repeater {
+ model: PdfLinkModel {
+ id: linkModel
+ document: root.document
+ page: navigationStack.currentPage
+ }
+ delegate: Shape {
+ x: rect.x * image.pageScale
+ y: rect.y * image.pageScale
+ width: rect.width * image.pageScale
+ height: rect.height * image.pageScale
+ ShapePath {
+ strokeWidth: style.linkUnderscoreStrokeWidth
+ strokeColor: style.linkUnderscoreColor
+ strokeStyle: style.linkUnderscoreStrokeStyle
+ dashPattern: style.linkUnderscoreDashPattern
+ startX: 0; startY: height
+ PathLine { x: width; y: height }
+ }
+ MouseArea { // TODO switch to TapHandler / HoverHandler in 5.15
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
+ onClicked: {
+ if (page >= 0)
+ navigationStack.push(page, Qt.point(0, 0), root.renderScale)
+ else
+ Qt.openUrlExternally(url)
+ }
+ DragHandler {
+ id: textSelectionDrag
+ acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
+ target: null
+ }
+ TapHandler {
+ id: tapHandler
+ acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
+ }
PinchHandler {
@@ -243,32 +260,31 @@ Flickable {
enabled: image.sourceSize.width < 5000
if (!active) {
+ var centroidInPoints = Qt.point(pinch.centroid.position.x / root.renderScale,
+ pinch.centroid.position.y / root.renderScale)
+ var centroidInFlickable = root.mapFromItem(paper, pinch.centroid.position.x, pinch.centroid.position.y)
var newSourceWidth = image.sourceSize.width * paper.scale
var ratio = newSourceWidth / image.sourceSize.width
+ if (root.debug)
+ console.log("pinch ended with centroid", pinch.centroid.position, centroidInPoints, "wrt flickable", centroidInFlickable,
+ "page at", paper.x.toFixed(2), paper.y.toFixed(2),
+ "contentX/Y were", root.contentX.toFixed(2), root.contentY.toFixed(2))
if (ratio > 1.1 || ratio < 0.9) {
+ var centroidOnPage = Qt.point(centroidInPoints.x * root.renderScale * ratio, centroidInPoints.y * root.renderScale * ratio)
paper.scale = 1
- root.renderScale *= ratio
+ paper.x = 0
+ paper.y = 0
+ root.contentX = centroidOnPage.x - centroidInFlickable.x
+ root.contentY = centroidOnPage.y - centroidInFlickable.y
+ root.renderScale *= ratio // onRenderScaleChanged calls navigationStack.update() so we don't need to here
+ if (root.debug)
+ console.log("contentX/Y adjusted to", root.contentX.toFixed(2), root.contentY.toFixed(2))
+ } else {
+ paper.x = 0
+ paper.y = 0
- // TODO adjust contentX/Y to position the page so the same region is visible
- paper.x = 0
- paper.y = 0
grabPermissions: PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromAnything
- DragHandler {
- id: pageMovingMiddleMouseDrag
- acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
- acceptedButtons: Qt.MiddleButton
- snapMode: DragHandler.NoSnap
- }
- DragHandler {
- id: textSelectionDrag
- acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
- target: null
- }
- TapHandler {
- id: tapHandler
- acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse | PointerDevice.Stylus
- }