path: root/tools/qmake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/qmake')
3 files changed, 267 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf b/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
index 43a5f2757..b0e09aca0 100644
--- a/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
+++ b/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
@@ -23,8 +23,20 @@ defineTest(runConfigure) {
isQtMinimum(5, 8) {
QT_FOR_CONFIG += webengine-private
+ qtConfig(pepper-plugins): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_pepper_plugins
+ qtConfig(printing-and-pdf): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_printing use_pdf
qtConfig(proprietary-codecs): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_proprietary_codecs
qtConfig(spellchecker): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_spellchecker
+ qtConfig(webrtc): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_webrtc
+ qtConfig(embedded): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += embedded_build
+ } else {
+ cross_compile: WEBENGINE_CONFIG += embedded_build
+ }
+ isQtMinimum(5, 9) {
+ qtConfig(appstore-compliant): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_appstore_compliant_code
+ linux: !cross_compile: use_gold_linker: WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_gn
+ macos: WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_gn
linux {
@@ -32,14 +44,14 @@ defineTest(runConfigure) {
!config_khr:skipBuild("khronos development headers appear to be missing (mesa/libegl1-mesa-dev)")
REQUIRED_PACKAGES = dbus-1 fontconfig
- !cross_compile: qtConfig(xcb): REQUIRED_PACKAGES += libdrm xcomposite xcursor xi xrandr xscrnsaver xtst
+ !contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, embedded_build): qtConfig(xcb): REQUIRED_PACKAGES += libdrm xcomposite xcursor xi xrandr xscrnsaver xtst
qtConfig(pulseaudio): REQUIRED_PACKAGES += libpulse
qtConfig(system-png): REQUIRED_PACKAGES += libpng
qtConfig(system-harfbuzz) {
packagesExist("\'harfbuzz >= 1.2.0\'"): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_harfbuzz
else: log("System harfbuzz is too old (min. version 1.2). Using Chromium's copy.$${EOL}")
- !cross_compile: REQUIRED_PACKAGES += libpci
+ !contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, embedded_build): REQUIRED_PACKAGES += libpci
for(package, $$list($$REQUIRED_PACKAGES)) {
!packagesExist($$package):skipBuild("Unmet dependency: $$package")
@@ -80,14 +92,11 @@ defineTest(runConfigure) {
WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_bundled_snappy
- !cross_compile {
+ !contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, embedded_build) {
packagesExist(nss): WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_nss
else: log("System NSS not found, BoringSSL will be used.$${EOL}")
- !cross_compile {
- WEBENGINE_CONFIG += enable_pdf
- }
isEmpty(skipBuildReason): {
cache(CONFIG, add, $$list(webengine_successfully_configured))
diff --git a/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/functions.prf b/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/functions.prf
index 52bb5ec00..35607986d 100644
--- a/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/functions.prf
+++ b/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/functions.prf
@@ -373,24 +373,30 @@ defineTest(use?) {
-defineReplace(findOrBuildNinja) {
- # If NINJA_PATH env var is set, prefer that.
- # Fallback to locating our own bootstrapped ninja.
- out = $(NINJA_PATH)
- !exists($$out) {
+defineReplace(ninjaPath) {
src_3rd_party_dir = $$absolute_path("$${getChromiumSrcDir()}/../", "$$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT")
out = $$shadowed($$absolute_path(ninja/ninja, $$src_3rd_party_dir))
win32: out = $${out}.exe
+ return($$out)
+defineReplace(gnPath) {
+ src_3rd_party_dir = $$absolute_path("$${getChromiumSrcDir()}/../", "$$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT")
+ out = $$shadowed($$absolute_path(chromium/tools/gn/out/Release/gn, $$src_3rd_party_dir))
+ win32: out = $${out}.exe
+ return($$out)
- # If we did not find ninja, then we bootstrap it.
- !exists($$out) {
- mkpath($$dirname(out))
- ninja_configure = $$absolute_path(ninja/, $$src_3rd_party_dir)
- system("cd $$system_quote($$system_path($$dirname(out))) && python $$system_quote($$system_path($$ninja_configure)) --bootstrap")
+defineReplace(gnArgs) {
+ linux {
+ contains(WEBENGINE_CONFIG, embedded_build): include($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/src/core/config/embedded_linux.pri)
+ else: include($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/src/core/config/desktop_linux.pri)
- }
- return($$system_path($$out))
+ macos: include($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/src/core/config/mac_osx.pri)
+ win32: include($$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/src/core/config/windows.pri)
+ isEmpty(gn_args): error(No gn_args found please make sure you have valid configuration.)
+ return($$gn_args)
defineTest(skipBuild) {
diff --git a/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/gn_generator.prf b/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/gn_generator.prf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47a218640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/gn_generator.prf
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+defineReplace(getTargetType) {
+ equals(TEMPLATE, "app"):return("executable")
+ equals(TEMPLATE, "lib") {
+ CONFIG(static): return("static_library")
+ return("shared_library")
+ }
+ return("none")
+defineReplace(filter_flag_values) {
+ value_to_check = $$1
+ macos:equals(value_to_check, "$(EXPORT_ARCH_ARGS)") {
+ # EXPORT_ARCH_ARGS comes from qtbase/mkspecs/features/mac/default_post.prf which is a way
+ # to figure out the architectures to pass to the compiler at Makefile time. Because this
+ # variable expansion is not supported by GN, we filter it out. GN takes care of assigning
+ # the architecture itself.
+ return("")
+ }
+ return($$value_to_check)
+isEmpty(GN_FILE): GN_FILE = $$system_path($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/
+GN_CONTENTS += "moc_source_h_files = exec_script(\"$$GN_FIND_MOCABLES_SCRIPT\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " [ \"$$_PRO_FILE_PWD_\","
+for (headerfile, HEADERS): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$GN_SRC_DIR/$$headerfile\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " ], \"list lines\", [\"$$system_path($$_PRO_FILE_)\"]"\
+ ")"
+GN_CONTENTS += "moc_source_cpp_files = exec_script(\"$$GN_FIND_MOCABLES_SCRIPT\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " [ \"$$_PRO_FILE_PWD_\","
+for (sourcefile, SOURCES): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$GN_SRC_DIR/$$sourcefile\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " ], \"list lines\", [\"$$system_path($$_PRO_FILE_)\"]"\
+ ")"
+DEFINES_LIST = $$join(DEFINES, " -D", "-D")
+INCLUDE_LIST = $$join(INCLUDEPATH, " -I", "-I")
+# we don't generate a moc_predef file yet.
+MOC_COMMAND = $$clean_path($$mocCmdBase())
+MOC_COMMAND = $$replace(MOC_COMMAND, $$re_escape("$(DEFINES)"), $$DEFINES_LIST)
+MOC_COMMAND = $$replace(MOC_COMMAND, $$re_escape("$(INCPATH)"), $$INCLUDE_LIST)
+MOC_COMMAND = $$eval($$list($$MOC_COMMAND))
+GN_CONTENTS += "if (moc_source_h_files != []) {"
+GN_CONTENTS += " action_foreach(\"generate_h_mocs\") {"\
+ " script = \"$$GN_RUN_BINARY_SCRIPT\""
+GN_CONTENTS += " sources = moc_source_h_files" \
+ " outputs = [ \"$target_gen_dir/.moc/moc_{{source_name_part}}.cpp\" ]"
+GN_CONTENTS += " inputs = [ \"$$system_path($$_PRO_FILE_)\" ]" \
+ " args = ["
+for(token, MOC_COMMAND): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$replace(token,\",\\\")\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " \"{{source}}\"," \
+ " \"-o\"," \
+ " rebase_path(\"$target_gen_dir/.moc/moc_{{source_name_part}}.cpp\")"\
+ " ]"
+GN_CONTENTS += " }"
+GN_CONTENTS += "if (moc_source_cpp_files != []) {"
+GN_CONTENTS += " action_foreach(\"generate_cpp_mocs\") {"\
+ " script = \"$$GN_RUN_BINARY_SCRIPT\""
+GN_CONTENTS += " sources = moc_source_cpp_files" \
+ " outputs = [ \"$target_gen_dir/.moc/{{source_name_part}}.moc\" ]"
+GN_CONTENTS += " inputs = [ \"$$system_path($$_PRO_FILE_)\" ]" \
+ " args = ["
+for(token, MOC_COMMAND): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$replace(token,\",\\\")\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " \"{{source}}\"," \
+ " \"-o\"," \
+ " rebase_path(\"$target_gen_dir/.moc/{{source_name_part}}.moc\")"\
+ " ]"
+GN_CONTENTS += " }"
+CLEAN_QMAKE_RCC = $$clean_path($$QMAKE_RCC)
+GN_CONTENTS += "action_foreach(\"generate_resources\") {"\
+ " script = \"$$GN_RUN_BINARY_SCRIPT\""
+GN_CONTENTS += " sources = ["
+for (sourcefile, RESOURCES): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$GN_SRC_DIR/$$sourcefile\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " ]" \
+ " outputs = [ \"$target_gen_dir/.rcc/qrc_{{source_name_part}}.cpp\" ]"
+GN_CONTENTS += " inputs = [ \"$$system_path($$_PRO_FILE_)\" ]" \
+ " args = [" \
+ " \"$$replace(CLEAN_QMAKE_RCC,\",\\\")\","
+for(resource_flag, $$QMAKE_RESOURCE_FLAGS): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$resource_flag\""
+GN_CONTENTS += " \"-name\"," \
+ " \"{{source_name_part}}\"," \
+ " \"{{source}}\"," \
+ " \"-o\"," \
+ " rebase_path(\"$target_gen_dir/.rcc/qrc_{{source_name_part}}.cpp\")"\
+ " ]"
+TARGET_TYPE = $$getTargetType()
+!isEmpty(GN_CREATE_PRI): GN_CONTENTS += " create_pri_file = $$GN_CREATE_PRI"
+!isEmpty(GN_IMPORTS) {
+for (imp, GN_IMPORTS): GN_CONTENTS += " import(\"$$imp\")"
+!isEmpty(QMAKE_CFLAGS) {
+ GN_CONTENTS += " cflags = ["
+ for(flag, QMAKE_CFLAGS): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$filter_flag_values($$flag)\","
+ GN_CONTENTS += " ]"
+ GN_CONTENTS += " cflags += ["
+ for(path, QMAKE_FRAMEWORKPATH): GN_CONTENTS += " \"-F$$path\","
+ GN_CONTENTS += " ]"
+# Stop the barrage of unused variables warnings.
+gcc|clang {
+ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += "-Wno-unused-parameter"
+ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += "-Wno-unused-variable"
+ GN_CONTENTS += " cflags_cc = ["
+ for(flag, QMAKE_CXXFLAGS): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$filter_flag_values($$flag)\","
+ GN_CONTENTS += " ]"
+GN_CONTENTS += " if (!defined(defines)) {"\
+ " defines = []"\
+ " }"
+GN_CONTENTS += " defines += ["
+# Remove single quotes around function macro defines, so that GN doesn't escape them, thus breaking
+# the macro.
+# Also add a layer of escaping for double quotes.
+for (define, DEFINES): {
+ define = $$replace(define,\",\\\")
+ define = $$replace(define,\',)
+ GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$define\","
+ GN_CONTENTS += " \"QT_LIBDIR_EGL=\\\"$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}$$relative_path($$QMAKE_LIBDIR_EGL, $$[QT_SYSROOT])\\\"\","
+ GN_CONTENTS += " \"QT_LIBDIR_GLES2=\\\"$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}$$relative_path($$QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL_ES2, $$[QT_SYSROOT])\\\"\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " ]"
+# Source files to compile
+GN_CONTENTS += " sources = ["
+for (sourcefile, SOURCES): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$GN_SRC_DIR/$$sourcefile\","
+for (headerfile, HEADERS): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$GN_SRC_DIR/$$headerfile\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " ]"
+# Add Sources generated by rcc from qrc files.
+!isEmpty(RESOURCES): GN_CONTENTS += " sources += get_target_outputs(\":generate_resources\")"
+GN_CONTENTS += " if (!defined(include_dirs)) {"\
+ " include_dirs = []"\
+ " }"
+GN_CONTENTS += " include_dirs += ["
+for (path, INCLUDEPATH): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$path\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " rebase_path(\"$target_gen_dir/.moc/\")"
+GN_CONTENTS += " ]"
+GN_CONTENTS += " if (!defined(ldflags)) {"\
+ " ldflags = []"\
+ " }"
+GN_CONTENTS += " ldflags += ["
+for (flag, QMAKE_LFLAGS): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$filter_flag_values($$flag)\","
+for (flag, GN_FLAGS): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$flag\","
+ macos: GN_CONTENTS += " \"-Wl,-rpath,$${QMAKE_RPATHDIR}\","
+ else:unix: GN_CONTENTS += " \"-Wl,-rpath=$${QMAKE_RPATHDIR}\","
+!isEmpty(QMAKE_RPATHLINKDIR): GN_CONTENTS += " \"-Wl,-rpath-link=$${QMAKE_RPATHLINKDIR}\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " ]"
+GN_CONTENTS += " if (!defined(lib_dirs)) {"\
+ " lib_dirs = []"\
+ " }"
+GN_CONTENTS += " lib_dirs += ["
+lib_dirs = $$find(LIBS, ^-L.*)
+lib_dirs = $$unique(lib_dirs)
+for (lib_dir, lib_dirs): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$replace(lib_dir, -L, )\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " ]"
+GN_CONTENTS += " if (!defined(libs)) {"\
+ " libs = []"\
+ " }"
+GN_CONTENTS += " libs += ["
+for (lib, GN_LIBS): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$lib\","
+libs = $$find(LIBS, ^-l.*)
+libs = $$unique(libs)
+for (lib, libs): GN_CONTENTS += " \"$$replace(lib, -l, )\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " ]"
+GN_CONTENTS += " if (!defined(deps)) {"\
+ " deps = []"\
+ " }"
+GN_CONTENTS += " deps += ["
+!isEmpty(RESOURCES): GN_CONTENTS += " \":generate_resources\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " ]"
+GN_CONTENTS += " if (moc_source_h_files != []) {"
+GN_CONTENTS += " deps += ["
+GN_CONTENTS += " \":generate_h_mocs\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " ]"
+# Add moc output files to compile
+GN_CONTENTS += " sources += get_target_outputs(\":generate_h_mocs\")"
+GN_CONTENTS += " }"
+GN_CONTENTS += " if (moc_source_cpp_files != []) {"
+GN_CONTENTS += " deps += ["
+GN_CONTENTS += " \":generate_cpp_mocs\","
+GN_CONTENTS += " ]"
+GN_CONTENTS += " }"
+!isEmpty(GN_INCLUDES) {
+ for (inc, GN_INCLUDES): GN_CONTENTS += $$cat($$inc,lines)
+build_pass|!debug_and_release: write_file($$GN_FILE, GN_CONTENTS)
+# The generated Makefile shouldn't build anything by itself, just re-run qmake if necessary