path: root/Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
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Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 296 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf b/Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
deleted file mode 100644
index b5fb2aed8..000000000
--- a/Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/configure.prf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This file does basic 'configure' style checks to determine the
-# set of enable/use/have defines and their values.
-# See 'Tools/qmake/README' for an overview of the build system
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This file is read after .qmake.cache, but before command line options,
-# which means we might have a config from a previous build.
- build_drt \
- build_wtr \
- build_imagediff \
- build_test_npapi \
- build_testbrowser \
- build_minibrowser \
- build_qttestsupport
-defineTest(runConfigure) {
- !webkit_configured:!print_defaults {
- log($${EOL}Running configure tests...$${EOL}$${EOL})
- QMAKE_CONFIG_TESTS_DIR = $$ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR/Tools/qmake/config.tests
- CONFIG_TESTS = $$files($$QMAKE_CONFIG_TESTS_DIR/*.pro, true)
- for(test, CONFIG_TESTS) {
- test = $$basename(test)
- test ~= s/\\.pro$//
- qtCompileTest($$test)
- }
- } else {
- CONFIG += skipped_config_tests
- # Save and reset configuration from .qmake.cache, so that we can
- # detect changes to the configuration and abort the build.
- }
- # Running feature detection inside a function ensures that we only
- # export WEBKIT_CONFIG, and don not mess up any other variables.
- detectFeatures()
- # Set up a base list of optional things to build, which we later on
- # sanitize based on constraints of the platform.
- build_webkit1 \
- build_webkit2 \
- build_tests \
- # Sanatize WebKit1/WebKit2, as uses these two options
- # to determine which pro-files to include. The remaining sanitazion
- # is done when finalizing configure.
- !qtHaveModule(widgets) {
- CONFIGURE_WARNINGS += "Missing QtWidgets module, disabling WebKit1"
- WEBKIT_CONFIG -= build_webkit1
- }
- # WebKit2 requires OpenGL TextureMapper, which requires 3D Graphics
- !use?(3d_graphics): WEBKIT_CONFIG -= build_webkit2
- export(CONFIG)
-defineReplace(configEnabled) {
- trueValue = $$2
- isEmpty(trueValue): trueValue = yes
- falseValue = $$3
- isEmpty(falseValue): falseValue = no
- $$1: return($$trueValue)
- return($$falseValue)
-# This is called from default_post, at which point we've also parsed
-# command line options
-defineTest(finalizeConfigure) {
- # Sanitize build options
- !qtHaveModule(testlib) {
- CONFIGURE_WARNINGS += "Missing QtTest module, disabling DumpRenderTree, WebKitTestRunner and tests"
- WEBKIT_CONFIG -= build_drt build_wtr build_tests
- }
- win32|!enable?(NETSCAPE_PLUGIN_API): WEBKIT_CONFIG -= build_test_npapi
- win* {
- WEBKIT_CONFIG -= build_drt
- }
- production_build {
- }
- static {
- CONFIGURE_WARNINGS += "QtWebKitQml will not be build. It is not supported with static linking"
- WEBKIT_CONFIG -= build_webkit2 build_minibrowser build_wtr
- }
- production_build:qnx {
- CONFIGURE_WARNINGS += "QtWebKitQml will not be build. It is not supported on QNX."
- WEBKIT_CONFIG -= build_webkit2 build_minibrowser build_wtr
- }
- # Sanitize clashing options
- sanitizeFeatures()
- print_defaults {
- log(DEFINES: $$configDefines()$${EOL})
- error(Done computing defaults)
- }
- # Sanity checks that would prevent us from building the whole project altogether.
- !config_icu:!osx:!use?(wchar_unicode) {
- addReasonForSkippingBuild("ICU is required.")
- }
- production_build:blackberry {
- addReasonForSkippingBuild("Build not supported on BB10.")
- }
- production_build:android {
- addReasonForSkippingBuild("Build not supported on Android.")
- }
- production_build:contains(QT_CONFIG, mirclient) {
- addReasonForSkippingBuild("Build not supported on Ubuntu Touch.")
- }
- !gnu_thin_archives:!win32-msvc2013:!mingw:contains(QT_CONFIG, static) {
- addReasonForSkippingBuild("QtWebKit cannot be built as a static library on this platform. Check your configuration in qtbase/config.summary.")
- }
- winrt: addReasonForSkippingBuild("QtWebKit is not supported on Windows Phone/Windows RT")
- requiredPrograms = gperf python perl bison ruby flex
- for(program, requiredPrograms): \
- !programExistsInPath($$program): \
- addReasonForSkippingBuild("Missing $$program from PATH")
- requiredModules = gui
- for(module, requiredModules): \
- !qtHaveModule($$module): \
- addReasonForSkippingBuild("QtWebKit depends on $$module for building.")
- # Detect changes to the configuration. Changes need a clean build.
- webkit_configured {
- added_features = $$WEBKIT_CONFIG
- added_features -= $$PREVIOUS_WEBKIT_CONFIG
- removed_features = $$PREVIOUS_WEBKIT_CONFIG
- removed_features -= $$WEBKIT_CONFIG
- !isEmpty(added_features)|!isEmpty(removed_features) {
- CONFIG += configuration_changed
- }
- }
- reconfigureMsg = \
- "Reconfiguration likely requires a clean build. You$${QUOTE}ve been warned!" \
- "You may execute $${QUOTE}make wipeclean$${QUOTE} to wipe the build directory."
- # Add target for reconfiguring the build
- = reconfigure
- double_quote = $$escape_expand(\")
- reconfigure.commands = echo > .qmake.cache && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) qmake $$EOC
- reconfigure.commands += @echo $${double_quote}WARNING: $$join(reconfigureMsg,\\n,,)\\n$${double_quote}
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += reconfigure
- export(
- export(reconfigure.commands)
- # Add target for wiping clean the build
- = wipeclean
- win_cmd_shell: wipeclean.commands = FOR /D %%p IN (*) DO rmdir "%%p" /s /q
- else: wipeclean.commands = $(COPY_FILE) $(MAKEFILE) .$(MAKEFILE) && rm -Rf * && $(MOVE) .$(MAKEFILE) $(MAKEFILE)
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += wipeclean
- export(
- export(wipeclean.commands)
- # Print a prettified dump of the configuration, for easier debugging
- !webkit_configured|configuration_changed|buildbot {
- skipped_config_tests {
- log($${EOL}Skipping configure tests. Execute $${QUOTE}make reconfigure$${QUOTE} to re-run.$${EOL})
- }
- leftoverConfig = $$WEBKIT_CONFIG
- for(config, WEBKIT_CONFIG) {
- match = $$find(config, "^build_")
- !isEmpty(match) {
- build += $$replace(match, ^build_,)
- leftoverConfig -= $$config
- next()
- }
- match = $$find(config, "^have_")
- !isEmpty(match) {
- have += $$replace(match, ^have_,)
- leftoverConfig -= $$config
- next()
- }
- match = $$find(config, "^use_")
- !isEmpty(match) {
- use += $$replace(match, ^use_,)
- leftoverConfig -= $$config
- }
- }
- scripts_dir = $$toSystemPath($$ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR/Tools/Scripts)
- features = $$system(perl -I $${scripts_dir} -I $${scripts_dir}$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}webkitperl $$toSystemPath($$ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR/Tools/qmake/
- for(feature, features) {
- parts = $$split(feature, =)
- desc = $$member(parts, 0, 0)
- desc ~= s/_/ /
- value = $$member(parts, 1, 1)
- contains(WEBKIT_CONFIG, $$value) {
- leftoverConfig -= $$value
- value = yes
- } else {
- value = no
- }
- featureConfiguration += "$$desc $$value$${EOL}"
- }
- log($${EOL}Final configuration:$${EOL}$${EOL})
- debug:release:debug_and_release: buildConfig = debug+release
- else: CONFIG(debug, debug|release): buildConfig = debug
- else: buildConfig = release
- log(Build ......................... $$build$${EOL})
- log(Configuration ................. $$buildConfig$${EOL})
- log(All-in-one files .............. $$configEnabled(use_all_in_one_files)$$EOL)
- log(GNUmake ....................... $$configEnabled(GNUmake)$$EOL)
- log(Static libs as shared ......... $$configEnabled(force_static_libs_as_shared)$$EOL)
- log(Static libs as thin archives .. $$configEnabled(gnu_thin_archives)$$EOL)
- log(Production build .............. $$configEnabled(production_build)$$EOL)
- log($$EOL)
- log(Have .......................... $$have$${EOL})
- log(Use ........................... $$use$${EOL})
- log(Features ...................... $${leftoverConfig}$${EOL})
- log($$EOL)
- for(feature, featureConfiguration) {
- log($$feature)
- }
- log("$${EOL}Encountered $$size(CONFIGURE_WARNINGS) configuration warning(s):$${EOL}$${EOL}")
- log(" ! $$warn$${EOL}")
- }
- }
- !isEmpty(skipBuildReason) {
- log("$${EOL}The WebKit build was disabled for the following reasons: $$skipBuildReason $${EOL}$${EOL}")
- export(SUBDIRS)
- } else {
- log("$${EOL}WebKit is now configured for building. Just run 'make'.$${EOL}$${EOL}")
- }
- configuration_changed {
- log(WARNING: The configuration was changed since the last build:$${EOL}$${EOL})
- !isEmpty(added_features): log($${TAB}Added feature(s): $${added_features}$${EOL})
- !isEmpty(removed_features): log($${TAB}Removed feature(s): $${removed_features}$${EOL})
- log($$join(reconfigureMsg,$${EOL},$${EOL},$${EOL}$${EOL}))
- }
- }
- # Cache the result for all the other project files, and for
- # the next build, so we can detect changes to the config.
- !webkit_configured|configuration_changed {
- !configuration_changed: cache(CONFIG, add, $$list(webkit_configured))
- msg = "$${EOL}$${LITERAL_HASH} Configuration changed $$_DATE_"
- write_file($$_QMAKE_CACHE_, msg, append)
- !configuration_changed {
- } else {
- !isEmpty(added_features): cache(WEBKIT_CONFIG, add, added_features)
- !isEmpty(removed_features): cache(WEBKIT_CONFIG, sub, removed_features)
- }
- }