path: root/Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/default_post.prf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/default_post.prf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/default_post.prf b/Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/default_post.prf
deleted file mode 100644
index 19313d087..000000000
--- a/Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/default_post.prf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# QtWebKit defaults for qmake. These rules are parsed after the
-# actual project file.
-# See 'Tools/qmake/README' for an overview of the build system
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Flag that we're now done processing the project file. This allows
-# a feature to distinguish between being processed due to a load()
-# or include() and a CONFIG += feature.
-CONFIG += config_step
-# Enable dynamic instead of static libraries for development
-# Avoid it with debug_and_release, it can cause the application to load both the debug and release
-# dependent libraries when using frameworks on Mac.
-!production_build:!debug_and_release:!buildbot:!win*: CONFIG += force_static_libs_as_shared
-# Don't create .prl files for intermediate libraries because their contents get used when linking against
-# them, breaking "-Wl,-whole-archive -lMyIntermediateLib --Wl,-no-whole-archive"
-staticlib: CONFIG -= create_prl
-root_project_file: finalizeConfigure()
-# Sanitize build config for single-configuration builds
-!debug|!release {
- # Removing debug_and_release causes issues with lib suffixes when building debug on Windows.
- # Work around it by only removing build_all, and still create the Makefiles for both configurations.
- win32*: CONFIG -= build_all
- else: {
- CONFIG -= debug_and_release
- # Default to release
- !debug:!release: CONFIG += release
- }
-} else:debug_and_release {
- # Only build a single instance of each application
- contains(TEMPLATE, app):!force_build_all {
- CONFIG -= build_all
- }
-# General default build tweaks
-CONFIG(release, debug|release): DEFINES *= NDEBUG
-DEFINES += $$configDefines()
- $${ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR}/Source \
- $${ROOT_BUILD_DIR}/Source/include
-CONFIG -= warn_on
-gcc: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing
-!compiling_thirdparty_code:*-g++*: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS = \
- -Wall \
- -Wextra \
- -Wreturn-type \
- -Wchar-subscripts \
- -Wformat-security \
- -Wreturn-type \
- -Wno-unused-parameter \
- -Wno-sign-compare \
- -Wno-switch \
- -Wno-switch-enum \
- -Wundef \
- -Wmissing-noreturn \
- -Winit-self \
-# Template configurations
-contains(TEMPLATE, derived) {
- # A (mostly) no-op template
- TEMPLATE = aux
- # Trick qmake into not generating a default $(DEL_FILE) rule
- CONFIG += compile_libtool
- CONFIG -= debug_and_release
- = debug
- fake_debug.depends = first
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += fake_debug
- = release
- fake_release.depends = first
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += fake_release
- # A lot of our code generators require GNU tools, readily available
- # on Linux and Mac OS X. On Windows we do have a convenience copy in
- # Qt5's top-level repository, so let's add that to the PATH if we can
- # find it.
- equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows) {
- GNUTOOLS_DIR=$$[QT_HOST_DATA]/../gnuwin32/bin
- exists($$GNUTOOLS_DIR/gperf.exe) {
- GNUTOOLS = "(set $$escape_expand(\\\")PATH=$$toSystemPath($$GNUTOOLS_DIR);%PATH%$$escape_expand(\\\"))"
- }
- }
- for(generator, GENERATORS) {
- eval($${generator}.CONFIG = target_predeps no_link)
- eval($${generator}.dependency_type = TYPE_C)
- isEmpty($${generator}.output_function) {
- prependEach($${generator}.output, $${GENERATED_SOURCES_DESTDIR}/)
- }
- script = $$eval($${generator}.script)
- eval($${generator}.depends += $$script)
- commands = $$eval($${generator}.commands)
- !isEmpty(commands):!isEmpty(GNUTOOLS) {
- eval($${generator}.commands = $${GNUTOOLS} && $$val_escape($${generator}.commands))
- }
- !isEmpty($${generator}.input) {
- # Compiler-style generator
- QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += $$generator
- DEFAULT_TARGETS += compiler_$${generator}_make_all
- } else {
- # Regular target generator
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += $$generator
- DEFAULT_TARGETS += $$generator
- }
- }
-} else {
- # Make sure the generated sources are compiled as well
- for(generator, GENERATORS) {
- prependEach($${generator}.extra_sources, $${GENERATED_SOURCES_DESTDIR}/)
- SOURCES += $$eval($${generator}.extra_sources)
- isEqual($${generator}.add_output_to_sources, false): next()
- output = $$eval($${generator}.output)
- input = $$eval($${generator}.input)
- input_files = $$eval($$input)
- output_variable = $$eval($${generator}.variable_out)
- isEmpty(output_variable): output_variable = SOURCES
- isEmpty($${generator}.output_function) {
- prependEach(output, $${GENERATED_SOURCES_DESTDIR}/)
- for(input_file, input_files) {
- base = $$basename(input_file)
- base ~= s/\\..+//
- output_file = $$replace(output,\\$\\{QMAKE_FILE_BASE\\}, $$base)
- eval($$output_variable += $$output_file)
- }
- } else {
- function = $$eval($${generator}.output_function)
- for(input_file, input_files) {
- eval(output_file = \$\$$$function\($$input_file\))
- eval($$output_variable += $$output_file)
- }
- }
- }
-contains(QT, webkit)|contains(QT, webkitwidgets):!isEqual(MODULE, webkitwidgets): {
- # In addition to the main shared QtWebKit library we also
- # need to link to any intermediate shared libraries.
- force_static_libs_as_shared {
- WEBKIT += wtf javascriptcore webcore
- build?(webkit1): WEBKIT += webkit1
- build?(webkit2): WEBKIT += webkit2
- }
- # FIXME: Replace this with putting the intermediate libraries in the prl file
-defineTest(needToLink) {
- # The main module dynamic library always needs to link in the intermediate libraries
- isEqual(MODULE, webkit): return(true)
- force_static_libs_as_shared {
- # So do the individual libraries if they are dynamic
- contains(libraries, $$TARGET): return(true)
- # Or anything that uses QtWebKit in this special config
- contains(QT, webkit)|contains(QT, webkitwidgets): return(true)
- }
- # Lastly, we allow apps (jsc) to link directly to the intermediate
- # libraries intead of using the exported symbols from QtWebKit.
- contains(TEMPLATE, app):!contains(QT, webkit):!contains(QT, webkitwidgets): return(true)
- # Anything else should just get include paths, etc, not link
- return(false)
-# Make sure we have loaded the relevant modules, so the include paths,
-# etc, are correct, and we can use below.
-# We might need to link against the WebKit intermediate libraries
-needToLink() {
- for(library, WEBKIT) {
- library_identifier = $$lower($$library)
- linkAgainstLibrary($$library, $$eval(WEBKIT.$${library_identifier}.root_source_dir))
- LIBS += $$eval(WEBKIT.$${library_identifier}.dependent_libs)
- }
- posix:!darwin: LIBS += -lpthread
-creating_module {
- # Sanitize LIBS, as we don't want any of these libraries
- # to end up in as public API dependenices in the QtWebKit prl file.
- unset(LIBS)
- # Copy Qt module dependencies from QT to QT_PRIVATE to ensure the
- # Qt libraries are linked after the private static libraries that
- # depend on them
- # The root WebKit project file is the only one that allows
- # you to pass a set of subtargets on the comand line.
-# Remove subdirs that do not exist
-for(subdir, SUBDIRS) {
- path = $$eval($${subdir}.file)
- isEmpty(path): path = $$eval($${subdir}.subdir)
- isEmpty(path): path = $${subdir}
- !exists($${_PRO_FILE_PWD_}$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}$${path}) {
- #message(Removing invalid subtarget $${subdir} $${path})
- #SUBDIRS -= $${subdir}
- }
-root_project_file {
- # Tweak documentation rules so that we only get documentation
- # for the QtWebKit subdir, which means we don't have to run
- # qmake_all and generate all the derived sources, just to
- # build documentation.
- previous_subdir =
- doc_targets = docs install_docs uninstall_docs prepare_docs generate_docs
- for(subdir, SUBDIRS) {
- equals(subdir, QtWebKit) {
- for(doc_target, doc_targets) {
- # Since we use CONFIG += ordered, we need to provide a fake dummy
- # doc-target for the immediate dependency of the QtWebKit target.
- dummy_target = sub-$$replace($${previous_subdir}.file, [^a-zA-Z0-9_], -)-$${doc_target}_ordered
- $${dummy_target}.target = $${dummy_target}
- QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += $${dummy_target}
- }
- } else {
- previous_subdir = $$subdir # Save for later
- # For all the other subdirs, we disable docs the regular way
- for(doc_target, doc_targets): $${subdir}.CONFIG += no_$${doc_target}_target
- }
- }
- = incremental
-incremental.commands = $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) qmake_all && $(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE)
-QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += incremental
-contains(TEMPLATE, lib) {
- # Triggers the right export macros for WebKit internals
- # (don't set for Qt modules; qt_module.prf does it)
- !creating_module: DEFINES += BUILDING_$${TARGET}
- # Triggers the right export macro for the QtWebKit API (see qwebkitglobal.h)
- !contains(QT, webkit)|equals(MODULE, webkitwidgets): DEFINES += BUILDING_WEBKIT
- # Prevent name clashes when building both debug and release. Qt5's module
- # system already takes care of this for the top level QtWebKit library.
- !qt_install_module:debug_and_release: TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget($$TARGET)
- staticlib:gnu_thin_archives {
- # Replace the hardcoded archiver command line
- # options to use GNU ar's thin archive format.
- AR_COMMAND = $$split(QMAKE_AR, " ")
- QMAKE_AR = $$member(AR_COMMAND, 0) cruT
- }
- isEmpty(DESTDIR): DESTDIR = $$targetSubDir()
- !plugin {
- contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_exports):CONFIG += hide_symbols
- unix:contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_relocations):CONFIG += bsymbolic_functions
- }
-# Remove duplicated sources
-SOURCES = $$unique(SOURCES)
-# Someone might remove a header from the tree without touching
-# the corresponding project file, for example if the project
-# file never had the header in HEADERS. In that case we don't
-# want warnings from make about "No rule to make target". = %.h
-ignore_missing_headers.commands = $${MAKEFILE_NOOP_COMMAND}
-QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += ignore_missing_headers
-# Override default target = all
-else: = first
-for(target, $$list($$unique(DEFAULT_TARGETS))) {
- default_target.depends += $$target
-!isEmpty(default_target.depends): QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += default_target
-# Qt's debug_and_release config will replace every occurance of
-# Release or Debug in the destination dir. This fails when the
-# desination dir is absolute and contains a static path component
-# that also contains either of those two words, so we make DESTDIR
-# relative.
-load(default_post) # Load Qt's defaults