path: root/Studio/Content/Models Library/Automotive/Cluster/Backgrounds/gauge_round_background.dae
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Studio/Content/Models Library/Automotive/Cluster/Backgrounds/gauge_round_background.dae')
-rw-r--r--Studio/Content/Models Library/Automotive/Cluster/Backgrounds/gauge_round_background.dae227
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/Studio/Content/Models Library/Automotive/Cluster/Backgrounds/gauge_round_background.dae
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+ </mesh>
+ <extra>
+ <technique profile="OpenCOLLADAMaya">
+ <originalMayaNodeId sid="originalMayaNodeId">qt_gauge_background_round_Shape1</originalMayaNodeId>
+ <double_sided sid="double_sided">1</double_sided>
+ </technique>
+ </extra>
+ </geometry>
+ </library_geometries>
+ <library_visual_scenes>
+ <visual_scene id="VisualSceneNode" name="qt_cluster_template">
+ <node id="_qt_gauge_background_round_1" name="qt_gauge_background_round_1" type="NODE">
+ <matrix sid="transform">1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1</matrix>
+ <instance_geometry url="#qt_gauge_background_round_Shape1">
+ <bind_material>
+ <technique_common>
+ <instance_material symbol="lambert2SG" target="#background_1">
+ <bind_vertex_input semantic="TEX0" input_semantic="TEXCOORD" input_set="0"/>
+ </instance_material>
+ </technique_common>
+ </bind_material>
+ </instance_geometry>
+ <extra>
+ <technique profile="OpenCOLLADAMaya">
+ <originalMayaNodeId sid="originalMayaNodeId" type="string">qt_gauge_background_round_1</originalMayaNodeId>
+ </technique>
+ </extra>
+ </node>
+ </visual_scene>
+ </library_visual_scenes>
+ <scene>
+ <instance_visual_scene url="#VisualSceneNode"/>
+ </scene>
+ <extra>
+ <technique profile="COLLADA">
+ <source_data_base_uri>file:///C:/Users/tetammin/Documents/maya/projects/default/</source_data_base_uri>
+ </technique>
+ </extra>
+</COLLADA> \ No newline at end of file