path: root/1.4.0/dom/codeGen/1.5/tpl/tpl-class-def.php
diff options
authorOswald Buddenhagen <>2017-10-06 11:50:27 +0000
committerOswald Buddenhagen <>2017-10-06 16:49:51 +0200
commiteee97c048f9cdc1cc05d6a516a3da56a13accd64 (patch)
tree019e374beaed56be3cbeaff3cf202d41ee427d96 /1.4.0/dom/codeGen/1.5/tpl/tpl-class-def.php
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to '1.4.0/dom/codeGen/1.5/tpl/tpl-class-def.php')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/1.4.0/dom/codeGen/1.5/tpl/tpl-class-def.php b/1.4.0/dom/codeGen/1.5/tpl/tpl-class-def.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7447c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.4.0/dom/codeGen/1.5/tpl/tpl-class-def.php
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+* Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
+* Licensed under the MIT Open Source License, for details please see license.txt or the website
+global $meta;
+global $typemeta;
+$needsContents = false;
+// XXX all occurences of 'baseTypeViaRestriction' are ugly hacks to get
+// a working dom for 1.5
+if(isset($bag['baseTypeViaRestriction'])) {
+ print '#include <dom/' .
+ $_globals['prefix'] . ucfirst( $bag['baseTypeViaRestriction'] ) .
+ '.h>'."\n";
+// shorthand:
+$full_element_name = $_globals['prefix'] . ucfirst( $bag['element_name'] );
+if ( array_search( $bag['element_name'], $_globals['elementTypes'] ) === FALSE )
+ $_globals['elementTypes'][] = $bag['element_name'];
+for( $i=0; $i<count( $bag['elements'] ); $i++ )
+ if ( array_search( $bag['elements'][$i], $_globals['elementNames'] ) === FALSE )
+ {
+ $_globals['elementNames'][] = $bag['elements'][$i];
+ }
+if ( $bag['substitution_group'] != '' )
+ //also add this element to the list of elements.
+ if ( array_search( $bag['element_name'], $_globals['elementNames'] ) === FALSE )
+ {
+ $_globals['elementNames'][] = $bag['element_name'];
+ }
+$indent = "";
+for ($i = 0; $i < $GLOBALS['indentNum']; $i++ ) {
+ $indent .= "\t";
+if ( $GLOBALS['indentNum'] > 0 ) { //only print these for the inner classes.. the main classes will have
+ //them defined in a seperate file to avoid circular includes.
+ print $indent."class " . $full_element_name . ";\n\n";
+ print $indent ."typedef daeSmartRef<". $full_element_name ."> ". $full_element_name ."Ref;\n";
+ print $indent ."typedef daeTArray<". $full_element_name ."Ref> ". $full_element_name ."_Array;\n\n";
+if ( isset( $bag['documentation'][ $_globals['language'] ] ) )
+ print applyTemplate( 'DOXYGEN', $bag['documentation'][ $_globals['language'] ] );
+$baseClass = 'daeElement';
+if($bag['substitution_group'] != '')
+ $baseClass = $_globals['prefix'] . ucfirst($bag['substitution_group']);
+ $baseClass = $_globals['prefix'] . ucfirst($bag['base_type']);
+ $baseClass = $_globals['prefix'] . ucfirst($bag['baseTypeViaRestriction']);
+print $indent ."class ". $full_element_name . " : public " . $baseClass . "\n".$indent."{\n";
+print $indent ."public:\n";
+print $indent ."\tvirtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return COLLADA_TYPE::". strtoupper($bag['element_name']) ."; }\n";
+print $indent ."\tstatic daeInt ID() { return ". $_globals['typeID']++ ."; }\n";
+print $indent ."\tvirtual daeInt typeID() const { return ID(); }\n";
+$result = '';
+$inlines = array_keys( $bag['inline_elements'] );
+for( $i=0; $i<count( $inlines ); $i++ )
+ $inner = $bag['inline_elements'][ $inlines[$i] ];
+ if ( !$inner['complex_type'] || $inner['isRestriction'] || $inner['isExtension'] ) {
+ $GLOBALS['indentNum']++;
+ $result .= applyTemplate( 'CLASS', $inner );
+ $GLOBALS['indentNum']--;
+ }
+if ( strlen( $result ) > 0 ) { print $indent ."public:\n$result\n"; }
+if ( $bag['simple_type'] != NULL ) {
+ $typeMeta = $bag['simple_type']->getMeta();
+ //print $typeMeta['type'];
+ if ( count( $typeMeta['enum'] ) > 0 )
+ {
+ //print "has enums";
+ print $indent ."public: //ENUM\n";
+ if ( !$typeMeta['useConstStrings'] ) {
+ //Decided to name mangle the enum constants so they are more descriptive and avoid collisions
+ if ( isset( $typeMeta['documentation']['en'] ) ) {
+ print applyTemplate( 'DOXYGEN', $typeMeta['documentation']['en'] );
+ }
+ print "enum " . $_globals['prefix'] . ucfirst( $typeMeta['type'] ) . "_type {\n";
+ //print "\t" . strtoupper( $typeMeta['type'] ) . "_" . $typeMeta['enum'][0] ." = 1";
+ for( $i = 0; $i < count( $typeMeta['enum'] ); $i++ ) {
+ //print ",";
+ print "\t" . strtoupper( $typeMeta['type'] ) . "_" . $typeMeta['enum'][$i] .",";
+ if ( isset( $typeMeta['enum_documentation'][$i] ) ) {
+ print "\t\t/**< ". $typeMeta['enum_documentation'][$i] ." */";
+ }
+ //print "\n\t" . strtoupper( $typeMeta['type'] ) . "_" . $typeMeta['enum'][$i];
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ //if ( isset( $typeMeta['enum_documentation'][count( $typeMeta['enum'] )-1] ) ) {
+ // print "\t\t/**< ". $typeMeta['enum_documentation'][count( $typeMeta['enum'] )-1] ." */";
+ //}
+ print "\t". strtoupper( $typeMeta['type'] ) . "_COUNT";
+ print "\n};\n\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ //if ( isset( $typeMeta['documentation']['en'] ) ) {
+ // $_globals['constStrings'][] = applyTemplate( 'DOXYGEN', $typeMeta['documentation']['en'] );
+ //}
+ for( $i = 0; $i < count( $typeMeta['enum'] ); $i++ ) {
+ //print "static const daeString ". strtoupper( $typeMeta['type'] ) . "_" . $typeMeta['enum'][$i];
+ //print " = \"". $typeMeta['enum'][$i] ."\";\n";
+ if ( isset( $typeMeta['enum_documentation'][$i] ) ) {
+ $_globals['constStrings'][] = "/**\n * ". $typeMeta['enum_documentation'][$i] ."\n */\n";
+ }
+ $conststrnm = strtoupper( $typeMeta['type'] ) . "_" . $typeMeta['enum'][$i];
+ $conststr = "\"". $typeMeta['enum'][$i] ."\";\n";
+ $_globals['constStrings'][$conststrnm] = $conststr;
+ }
+ $_globals['constStrings'][] = "\n";
+ }
+ }
+if ( ( count( $bag['attributes'] ) > 0 || $bag['useXMLNS'] ) /*&& !isset($bag['baseTypeViaRestriction'])*/ )
+ print $indent ."protected: // Attribute". (count( $bag['attributes'] ) > 1 ? 's' : '') ."\n";
+ if ( $bag['useXMLNS'] ) {
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * This element may specify its own xmlns.\n". $indent ."\t */\n";
+ print $indent ."\txsAnyURI attrXmlns;\n";
+ }
+ foreach( $bag['attributes'] as $attr_name => & $a_list )
+ {
+ $type = $a_list['type'];
+ $pre = '';
+ getTypeNameAndPrefix($type, $pre);
+ if ( $type == '' )
+ {
+ $type = "String";
+ }
+ if ( isset( $a_list['documentation'] ) ) {
+ print applyTemplate( 'DOXYGEN', $a_list['documentation'] );
+ }
+ print $indent ."\t" . $pre . ucfirst( $type ) . " attr" . ucfirst($attr_name) .";\n";
+ }
+if ( count( $bag['attributes'] > 0 ) ) { print "\n"; }
+printElements($bag, $needsContents, $indent);
+printAccessorsAndMutators($bag, $needsContents, $indent);
+// NOTE: special casing any element with 'mixed' content model to ListOfInts type _value
+if ( ( ($bag['content_type'] != '' || $bag['mixed']) && !$bag['abstract'] ) && !isset($bag['baseTypeViaRestriction']) )
+ print $indent ."protected: // Value\n";
+ $content_type = $bag['content_type'];
+ $pre = '';
+ getTypeNameAndPrefix($content_type, $pre);
+ if ( $bag['parent_meta']['inline_elements'] != NULL && array_key_exists( $content_type, $bag['parent_meta']['inline_elements'] ) ) {
+ $pre = '::' . $pre;
+ }
+ print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * The " . $pre . ucfirst( $content_type ) ." value of the text data of this element. ";
+ print "\n". $indent ."\t */\n";
+ $valueType = $pre . ucfirst($content_type);
+ if($meta[$content_type]['isAComplexType'])
+ $valueType = $valueType . "Ref";
+ print $indent ."\t". $valueType ." _value;\n";
+printConstructors( $full_element_name, $bag, $baseClass, $indent );
+print "\n".$indent ."public: // STATIC METHODS\n";
+print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Creates an instance of this class and returns a daeElementRef referencing it.\n";
+print $indent ."\t * @return a daeElementRef referencing an instance of this object.\n". $indent ."\t */\n";
+print $indent ."\tstatic DLLSPEC ". $_globals['meta_prefix'] ."ElementRef create(DAE& dae);\n";
+print $indent ."\t/**\n". $indent ."\t * Creates a daeMetaElement object that describes this element in the meta object reflection framework.";
+print "\n". $indent ."\t * If a daeMetaElement already exists it will return that instead of creating a new one. \n";
+print $indent ."\t * @return A daeMetaElement describing this COLLADA element.\n". $indent ."\t */\n";
+print $indent ."\tstatic DLLSPEC ". $_globals['meta_prefix'] ."MetaElement* registerElement(DAE& dae);\n";
+print $indent ."};\n\n";