path: root/src/Authoring/Studio/_Win/Controls/MFCEditControl.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Authoring/Studio/_Win/Controls/MFCEditControl.cpp')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Authoring/Studio/_Win/Controls/MFCEditControl.cpp b/src/Authoring/Studio/_Win/Controls/MFCEditControl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19b263d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Authoring/Studio/_Win/Controls/MFCEditControl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2002 NVIDIA Corporation.
+** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of Qt 3D Studio.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met:
+// Prefix
+#include "stdafx.h"
+// Includes
+#include "MFCEditControl.h"
+// Implementation
+ : m_Changed(false)
+ , m_HotKeys(nullptr)
+ // This control's window has been destroyed by PlatformEditControl,
+ // so a SigTextCommit is potentially dangerous as it will lead to GetText (below)
+ // which will try to get text from a destroyed window.
+ // However, if this is needed, note that CEdit works, but CRichEditCtrl don't.
+ // Can revert to using CEdit by commenting out the line in MFCEditControl.h
+ // if ( m_Changed )
+ //{
+ // m_Changed = false;
+ // SigTextCommit( );
+ //}
+Q3DStudio::CString CMFCEditControl::GetText()
+ Q3DStudio::CString theResult;
+ getTextLengthEx.flags = GTL_DEFAULT | GTL_USECRLF;
+ getTextLengthEx.codepage = 1200;
+ LRESULT lResult = SendMessage(EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, (WPARAM)&getTextLengthEx, 0);
+ if (lResult > 0) {
+ GETTEXTEX getTextEx;
+ getTextEx.cb = (DWORD)(lResult + 2);
+ getTextEx.codepage = 1200;
+ getTextEx.flags = GT_DEFAULT | GT_USECRLF;
+ getTextEx.lpDefaultChar = nullptr;
+ getTextEx.lpUsedDefChar = nullptr;
+ wchar_t *ws = new wchar_t[lResult / 2 + 1];
+ SendMessage(EM_GETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&getTextEx, (LPARAM)ws);
+ theResult = ws;
+ delete[] ws;
+ }
+ ::CString theWindowText;
+ GetWindowText(theWindowText);
+ // normal gettext, which depends on machine's locale
+ theResult = theWindowText;
+ return theResult;
+void CMFCEditControl::SetText(const Q3DStudio::CString &inText)
+ // The text manipulation is actually already being handled by the CEdit/CWnd
+ // This SetText is called by our custom CPropertyMultilineEdit and screws with the MFC's
+ // own text handling functions.
+ // Essentially, we still need this to set up the initial use of the MFC Edit.
+ if (GetText() == "") {
+ SETTEXTEX setTextEx;
+ setTextEx.codepage = 1200;
+ setTextEx.flags = ST_DEFAULT;
+ SendMessage(EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&setTextEx,
+ (LPARAM)(static_cast<const wchar_t *>(inText)));
+ // normal settext, which depends on machine's locale
+ SetWindowText(inText.GetMulti());
+ }
+BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFCEditControl, CRichEditCtrl)
+// CMFCEditControl message handlers
+void CMFCEditControl::OnEnChange()
+ m_Changed = true;
+ SigTextChanged();
+void CMFCEditControl::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT inSomething, CPoint inPoint)
+ CRichEditCtrl::OnLButtonDblClk(inSomething, inPoint);
+ CEdit::OnLButtonDblClk(inSomething, inPoint);
+ // select all text in this CEdit/CRichEditCtrl
+ SetSel(0, -1);
+void CMFCEditControl::OnSetFocus(CWnd *inWnd)
+ CRichEditCtrl::OnSetFocus(inWnd);
+ CEdit::OnSetFocus(inWnd);
+ m_Changed = false;
+void CMFCEditControl::OnKillFocus(CWnd *inWnd)
+ CRichEditCtrl::OnKillFocus(inWnd);
+ CEdit::OnKillFocus(inWnd);
+ if (m_Changed) {
+ m_Changed = false;
+ SigTextCommit();
+ }
+BOOL CMFCEditControl::PreTranslateMessage(MSG *pMsg)
+ if (pMsg->message >= WM_KEYFIRST && pMsg->message <= WM_KEYLAST) {
+ // Reserve some keys for Studio's hotkeys
+ // This is only a subset of Studio's hotkeys as listed in
+ // CWorkspace::RegisterGlobalKeyboardShortcuts( CHotKeys* inShortcutHandler )
+ // We need to make sure that EditControl's hotkeys won't collide with Studio's hotkeys
+ bool theReservedHotKeys = false;
+ if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN || pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN
+ || pMsg->message == WM_KEYUP || pMsg->message == WM_SYSKEYUP) {
+ if (pMsg->wParam >= CHotKeys::KEY_F1
+ && pMsg->wParam
+ <= CHotKeys::KEY_F12) // F1 to F12 keys, this may fail if not in windows
+ {
+ theReservedHotKeys = true;
+ } else if (CHotKeys::IsKeyDown(VK_CONTROL)) {
+ unsigned int theCharacterCode = ::MapVirtualKey(static_cast<UINT>(pMsg->wParam), 2);
+ switch (theCharacterCode) {
+ case 's':
+ case 'S': // save file / save file as
+ case 'o':
+ case 'O': // open file
+ case 'n':
+ case 'N': // new file
+ theReservedHotKeys = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (theReservedHotKeys) {
+ if (m_HotKeys != nullptr)
+ m_HotKeys->PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
+ } else {
+ // no idea what all that filtering does, since Bug 1695 appears to be working
+ // and it is causing problem with Japanese text input (2639)
+ ::TranslateMessage(pMsg);
+ ::DispatchMessage(pMsg);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ //// This is REALLY bad, but it's basically filtering all the messages that it thinks it
+ ///might want and handles those.
+ // if ((::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x8000) == 0 && (::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) &
+ // 0x8000) == 0)
+ //{
+ // unsigned int theChar = pMsg->wParam;
+ // /*
+ // * VK_0 - VK_9 are the same as ASCII '0' - '9' (0x30 - 0x39)
+ // * 0x40 : unassigned
+ // * VK_A - VK_Z are the same as ASCII 'A' - 'Z' (0x41 - 0x5A)
+ // */
+ // /*
+ // #define VK_OEM_1 0xBA // ';:' for US
+ // #define VK_OEM_PLUS 0xBB // '+' any country
+ // #define VK_OEM_COMMA 0xBC // ',' any country
+ // #define VK_OEM_MINUS 0xBD // '-' any country
+ // #define VK_OEM_PERIOD 0xBE // '.' any country
+ // #define VK_OEM_2 0xBF // '/?' for US
+ // #define VK_OEM_3 0xC0 // '`~' for US
+ // #define VK_OEM_4 0xDB // '[{' for US
+ // #define VK_OEM_5 0xDC // '\|' for US
+ // #define VK_OEM_6 0xDD // ']}' for US
+ // #define VK_OEM_7 0xDE // ''"' for US
+ // #define VK_OEM_8 0xDF
+ // */
+ // if ( theChar == VK_RETURN || theChar == VK_BACK || theChar == VK_MENU ||
+ // ( theChar >= VK_SPACE && theChar < VK_LWIN ) ||
+ // ( theChar >= VK_OEM_1 && theChar <= VK_OEM_8 )
+ // )
+ // {
+ // ::TranslateMessage( pMsg );
+ // ::DispatchMessage( pMsg );
+ // return TRUE;
+ // }
+ //}
+ }
+ return CRichEditCtrl::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
+ return CEdit::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
+BOOL CMFCEditControl::Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID)
+// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
+ BOOL theResult = CRichEditCtrl::Create(dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID);
+ SetEventMask(GetEventMask() | ENM_CHANGE);
+ BOOL theResult = CEdit::Create(dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID);
+ return theResult;