path: root/src/Runtime/Source/runtimerender/resourcemanager/Qt3DSRenderBufferManager.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Runtime/Source/runtimerender/resourcemanager/Qt3DSRenderBufferManager.cpp')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 233 deletions
diff --git a/src/Runtime/Source/runtimerender/resourcemanager/Qt3DSRenderBufferManager.cpp b/src/Runtime/Source/runtimerender/resourcemanager/Qt3DSRenderBufferManager.cpp
index 638e8458..eb23f3d0 100644
--- a/src/Runtime/Source/runtimerender/resourcemanager/Qt3DSRenderBufferManager.cpp
+++ b/src/Runtime/Source/runtimerender/resourcemanager/Qt3DSRenderBufferManager.cpp
@@ -585,19 +585,22 @@ struct SBufferManager : public IBufferManager
return qt3dsimp::SMultiLoadResult();
- virtual NVConstDataRef<QT3DSU8> CreatePackedPositionDataArray(qt3dsimp::SMultiLoadResult *inResult)
+ virtual NVConstDataRef<QT3DSU8> CreatePackedPositionDataArray(
+ const qt3dsimp::SMultiLoadResult &inResult)
// we assume a position consists of 3 floats
- QT3DSU32 vertexCount = inResult->m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Data.size()
- / inResult->m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Stride;
+ QT3DSU32 vertexCount = inResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Data.size()
+ / inResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Stride;
QT3DSU32 dataSize = vertexCount * 3 * sizeof(QT3DSF32);
- QT3DSF32 *posData = (QT3DSF32 *)QT3DS_ALLOC(m_Context->GetAllocator(), dataSize,
- "SRenderMesh::CreatePackedPositionDataArray");
- QT3DSU8 *baseOffset = reinterpret_cast<QT3DSU8 *>(inResult->m_Mesh);
+ QT3DSF32 *posData = static_cast<QT3DSF32 *>(
+ QT3DS_ALLOC(m_Context->GetAllocator(), dataSize,
+ "SRenderMesh::CreatePackedPositionDataArray"));
+ QT3DSU8 *baseOffset = reinterpret_cast<QT3DSU8 *>(inResult.m_Mesh);
// copy position data
if (posData) {
- QT3DSF32 *srcData = (QT3DSF32 *)inResult->m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Data.begin(baseOffset);
- QT3DSU32 srcStride = inResult->m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Stride / sizeof(QT3DSF32);
+ QT3DSF32 *srcData = reinterpret_cast<QT3DSF32 *>(
+ inResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Data.begin(baseOffset));
+ QT3DSU32 srcStride = inResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Stride / sizeof(QT3DSF32);
QT3DSF32 *dstData = posData;
QT3DSU32 dstStride = 3;
@@ -610,257 +613,272 @@ struct SBufferManager : public IBufferManager
srcData += srcStride;
- return toConstDataRef((const qt3ds::QT3DSU8 *)posData, dataSize);
+ return toConstDataRef(reinterpret_cast<const qt3ds::QT3DSU8 *>(posData), dataSize);
return NVConstDataRef<QT3DSU8>();
+ SRenderMesh *createRenderMesh(const qt3dsimp::SMultiLoadResult &result)
+ {
+ SRenderMesh *theNewMesh = QT3DS_NEW(m_Context->GetAllocator(), SRenderMesh)(
+ qt3ds::render::NVRenderDrawMode::Triangles,
+ qt3ds::render::NVRenderWinding::CounterClockwise, result.m_Id,
+ m_Context->GetAllocator());
+ QT3DSU8 *baseAddress = reinterpret_cast<QT3DSU8 *>(result.m_Mesh);
+ NVConstDataRef<QT3DSU8> theVBufData(
+ result.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Data.begin(baseAddress),
+ result.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Data.size());
+ NVRenderVertexBuffer *theVertexBuffer = m_Context->CreateVertexBuffer(
+ qt3ds::render::NVRenderBufferUsageType::Static,
+ result.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Data.m_Size,
+ result.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Stride, theVBufData);
+ // create a tight packed position data VBO
+ // this should improve our depth pre pass rendering
+ NVRenderVertexBuffer *thePosVertexBuffer = nullptr;
+ NVConstDataRef<QT3DSU8> posData = CreatePackedPositionDataArray(result);
+ if (posData.size()) {
+ thePosVertexBuffer
+ = m_Context->CreateVertexBuffer(qt3ds::render::NVRenderBufferUsageType::Static,
+ posData.size(), 3 * sizeof(QT3DSF32), posData);
+ }
+ NVRenderIndexBuffer *theIndexBuffer = nullptr;
+ if (result.m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer.m_Data.size()) {
+ using qt3ds::render::NVRenderComponentTypes;
+ QT3DSU32 theIndexBufferSize = result.m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer.m_Data.size();
+ NVRenderComponentTypes::Enum bufComponentType =
+ result.m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer.m_ComponentType;
+ QT3DSU32 sizeofType
+ = qt3ds::render::NVRenderComponentTypes::getSizeofType(bufComponentType);
+ if (sizeofType == 2 || sizeofType == 4) {
+ // Ensure type is unsigned; else things will fail in rendering pipeline.
+ if (bufComponentType == NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSI16)
+ bufComponentType = NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSU16;
+ if (bufComponentType == NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSI32)
+ bufComponentType = NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSU32;
+ NVConstDataRef<QT3DSU8> theIBufData(
+ result.m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer.m_Data.begin(baseAddress),
+ result.m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer.m_Data.size());
+ theIndexBuffer = m_Context->CreateIndexBuffer(
+ qt3ds::render::NVRenderBufferUsageType::Static, bufComponentType,
+ theIndexBufferSize, theIBufData);
+ } else {
+ QT3DS_ASSERT(false);
+ }
+ }
+ nvvector<qt3ds::render::NVRenderVertexBufferEntry> &theEntryBuffer(m_EntryBuffer);
+ theEntryBuffer.resize(result.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Entries.size());
+ for (QT3DSU32 entryIdx = 0,
+ entryEnd = result.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Entries.size();
+ entryIdx < entryEnd; ++entryIdx) {
+ theEntryBuffer[entryIdx]
+ = result.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Entries.index(baseAddress, entryIdx)
+ .ToVertexBufferEntry(baseAddress);
+ }
+ // create our attribute layout
+ NVRenderAttribLayout *theAttribLayout
+ = m_Context->CreateAttributeLayout(theEntryBuffer);
+ // create our attribute layout for depth pass
+ qt3ds::render::NVRenderVertexBufferEntry theEntries[] = {
+ qt3ds::render::NVRenderVertexBufferEntry(
+ "attr_pos", qt3ds::render::NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSF32, 3),
+ };
+ NVRenderAttribLayout *theAttribLayoutDepth
+ = m_Context->CreateAttributeLayout(toConstDataRef(theEntries, 1));
+ // create input assembler object
+ QT3DSU32 strides = result.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Stride;
+ QT3DSU32 offsets = 0;
+ NVRenderInputAssembler *theInputAssembler = m_Context->CreateInputAssembler(
+ theAttribLayout, toConstDataRef(&theVertexBuffer, 1), theIndexBuffer,
+ toConstDataRef(&strides, 1), toConstDataRef(&offsets, 1),
+ result.m_Mesh->m_DrawMode);
+ // create depth input assembler object
+ QT3DSU32 posStrides = thePosVertexBuffer ? 3 * sizeof(QT3DSF32) : strides;
+ NVRenderInputAssembler *theInputAssemblerDepth = m_Context->CreateInputAssembler(
+ theAttribLayoutDepth,
+ toConstDataRef(thePosVertexBuffer ? &thePosVertexBuffer : &theVertexBuffer, 1),
+ theIndexBuffer, toConstDataRef(&posStrides, 1), toConstDataRef(&offsets, 1),
+ result.m_Mesh->m_DrawMode);
+ NVRenderInputAssembler *theInputAssemblerPoints = m_Context->CreateInputAssembler(
+ theAttribLayoutDepth,
+ toConstDataRef(thePosVertexBuffer ? &thePosVertexBuffer : &theVertexBuffer, 1),
+ nullptr, toConstDataRef(&posStrides, 1), toConstDataRef(&offsets, 1),
+ NVRenderDrawMode::Points);
+ if (!theInputAssembler || !theInputAssemblerDepth || !theInputAssemblerPoints) {
+ QT3DS_ASSERT(false);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ theNewMesh->m_Joints.resize(result.m_Mesh->m_Joints.size());
+ for (QT3DSU32 jointIdx = 0, jointEnd = result.m_Mesh->m_Joints.size();
+ jointIdx < jointEnd; ++jointIdx) {
+ const qt3dsimp::Joint &theImportJoint(
+ result.m_Mesh->m_Joints.index(baseAddress, jointIdx));
+ SRenderJoint &theNewJoint(theNewMesh->m_Joints[jointIdx]);
+ theNewJoint.m_JointID = theImportJoint.m_JointID;
+ theNewJoint.m_ParentID = theImportJoint.m_ParentID;
+ memCopy(theNewJoint.m_invBindPose, theImportJoint.m_invBindPose,
+ 16 * sizeof(QT3DSF32));
+ memCopy(theNewJoint.m_localToGlobalBoneSpace,
+ theImportJoint.m_localToGlobalBoneSpace, 16 * sizeof(QT3DSF32));
+ }
+ for (QT3DSU32 subsetIdx = 0, subsetEnd = result.m_Mesh->m_Subsets.size();
+ subsetIdx < subsetEnd; ++subsetIdx) {
+ SRenderSubset theSubset(m_Context->GetAllocator());
+ const qt3dsimp::MeshSubset &source(
+ result.m_Mesh->m_Subsets.index(baseAddress, subsetIdx));
+ theSubset.m_Bounds = source.m_Bounds;
+ theSubset.m_Count = source.m_Count;
+ theSubset.m_Offset = source.m_Offset;
+ theSubset.m_Joints = theNewMesh->m_Joints;
+ theSubset.m_Name = m_StrTable->RegisterStr(source.m_Name.begin(baseAddress));
+ theVertexBuffer->addRef();
+ theSubset.m_VertexBuffer = theVertexBuffer;
+ if (thePosVertexBuffer) {
+ thePosVertexBuffer->addRef();
+ theSubset.m_PosVertexBuffer = thePosVertexBuffer;
+ }
+ if (theIndexBuffer) {
+ theIndexBuffer->addRef();
+ theSubset.m_IndexBuffer = theIndexBuffer;
+ }
+ theSubset.m_InputAssembler = theInputAssembler;
+ theSubset.m_InputAssemblerDepth = theInputAssemblerDepth;
+ theSubset.m_InputAssemblerPoints = theInputAssemblerPoints;
+ theSubset.m_PrimitiveType = result.m_Mesh->m_DrawMode;
+ theInputAssembler->addRef();
+ theInputAssemblerDepth->addRef();
+ theSubset.m_InputAssemblerPoints->addRef();
+ theNewMesh->m_Subsets.push_back(theSubset);
+ }
+ // If we want to, we can break up models into sub-subsets.
+ // These are assumed to use the same material as the outer subset but have fewer triangles
+ // and should have a more exact bounding box. This sort of thing helps with using the
+ // frustum culling system but it is really done incorrectly.
+ // It should be done via some sort of oct-tree mechanism and so that the sub-subsets
+ // are spatially sorted and it should only be done upon save-to-binary with the
+ // results saved out to disk. As you can see, doing it properly requires some real
+ // engineering effort so it is somewhat unlikely it will ever happen.
+ // Or it could be done on import if someone really wants to change the mesh buffer
+ // format. Either way it isn't going to happen here and it isn't going to happen this way
+ // but this is a working example of using the technique.
+ Option<qt3ds::render::NVRenderVertexBufferEntry> thePosAttrOpt
+ = theVertexBuffer->GetEntryByName("attr_pos");
+ bool hasPosAttr = thePosAttrOpt.hasValue()
+ && thePosAttrOpt->m_ComponentType == qt3ds::render::NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSF32
+ && thePosAttrOpt->m_NumComponents == 3;
+ for (size_t subsetIdx = 0, subsetEnd = theNewMesh->m_Subsets.size();
+ subsetIdx < subsetEnd; ++subsetIdx) {
+ SRenderSubset &theOuterSubset = theNewMesh->m_Subsets[subsetIdx];
+ if (theOuterSubset.m_Count && theIndexBuffer
+ && theIndexBuffer->GetComponentType()
+ == qt3ds::render::NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSU16
+ && theNewMesh->m_DrawMode == NVRenderDrawMode::Triangles && hasPosAttr) {
+ // Num tris in a sub subset.
+ QT3DSU32 theSubsetSize = 3334 * 3; // divisible by three.
+ size_t theNumSubSubsets = ((theOuterSubset.m_Count - 1) / theSubsetSize) + 1;
+ QT3DSU32 thePosAttrOffset = thePosAttrOpt->m_FirstItemOffset;
+ const QT3DSU8 *theVertData = result.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Data.begin();
+ const QT3DSU8 *theIdxData = result.m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer.m_Data.begin();
+ QT3DSU32 theVertStride = result.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Stride;
+ QT3DSU32 theOffset = theOuterSubset.m_Offset;
+ QT3DSU32 theCount = theOuterSubset.m_Count;
+ for (size_t subSubsetIdx = 0, subSubsetEnd = theNumSubSubsets;
+ subSubsetIdx < subSubsetEnd; ++subSubsetIdx) {
+ SRenderSubsetBase theBase;
+ theBase.m_Offset = theOffset;
+ theBase.m_Count = NVMin(theSubsetSize, theCount);
+ theBase.m_Bounds.setEmpty();
+ theCount -= theBase.m_Count;
+ theOffset += theBase.m_Count;
+ // Create new bounds.
+ // Offset is in item size, not bytes.
+ const QT3DSU16 *theSubsetIdxData
+ = reinterpret_cast<const QT3DSU16 *>(theIdxData + theBase.m_Offset * 2);
+ for (size_t theIdxIdx = 0, theIdxEnd = theBase.m_Count;
+ theIdxIdx < theIdxEnd; ++theIdxIdx) {
+ QT3DSU32 theVertOffset = theSubsetIdxData[theIdxIdx] * theVertStride;
+ theVertOffset += thePosAttrOffset;
+ QT3DSVec3 thePos = *(
+ reinterpret_cast<const QT3DSVec3 *>(theVertData + theVertOffset));
+ theBase.m_Bounds.include(thePos);
+ }
+ theOuterSubset.m_SubSubsets.push_back(theBase);
+ }
+ } else {
+ SRenderSubsetBase theBase;
+ theBase.m_Bounds = theOuterSubset.m_Bounds;
+ theBase.m_Count = theOuterSubset.m_Count;
+ theBase.m_Offset = theOuterSubset.m_Offset;
+ theOuterSubset.m_SubSubsets.push_back(theBase);
+ }
+ }
+ if (posData.size()) {
+ m_Context->GetAllocator().deallocate(
+ static_cast<void *>(const_cast<qt3ds::QT3DSU8 *>(posData.begin())));
+ }
+ return theNewMesh;
+ }
+ void loadCustomMesh(const QString &name, qt3dsimp::Mesh *mesh) override
+ {
+ if (!name.isEmpty() && mesh) {
+ CRegisteredString meshName = m_StrTable->RegisterStr(name);
+ pair<TMeshMap::iterator, bool> theMesh
+ = m_MeshMap.insert({ meshName, static_cast<SRenderMesh *>(nullptr) });
+ // Only create the mesh if it doesn't yet exist
+ if (theMesh.second) {
+ qt3dsimp::SMultiLoadResult result;
+ result.m_Mesh = mesh;
+ theMesh.first->second = createRenderMesh(result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
SRenderMesh *LoadMesh(CRegisteredString inMeshPath) override
if (inMeshPath.IsValid() == false)
- return NULL;
+ return nullptr;
pair<TMeshMap::iterator, bool> theMesh =
- m_MeshMap.insert(make_pair(inMeshPath, (SRenderMesh *)NULL));
- if (theMesh.second == true) {
- // check to see if this is primitive
+ m_MeshMap.insert(make_pair(inMeshPath, static_cast<SRenderMesh *>(nullptr)));
+ if (theMesh.second) {
+ // Check to see if this is primitive
qt3dsimp::SMultiLoadResult theResult = LoadPrimitive(inMeshPath);
// Attempt a load from the filesystem if this mesh isn't a primitive.
- if (theResult.m_Mesh == NULL) {
+ if (!theResult.m_Mesh) {
m_PathBuilder = inMeshPath;
TStr::size_type pound = m_PathBuilder.rfind('#');
QT3DSU32 id = 0;
if (pound != TStr::npos) {
- id = atoi(m_PathBuilder.c_str() + pound + 1);
+ id = QT3DSU32(atoi(m_PathBuilder.c_str() + pound + 1));
m_PathBuilder.erase(m_PathBuilder.begin() + pound, m_PathBuilder.end());
NVScopedRefCounted<IRefCountedInputStream> theStream(
if (theStream) {
- theResult = qt3dsimp::Mesh::LoadMulti(m_Context->GetAllocator(), *theStream, id);
+ theResult = qt3dsimp::Mesh::LoadMulti(
+ m_Context->GetAllocator(), *theStream, id);
- if (theResult.m_Mesh == NULL)
+ if (!theResult.m_Mesh)
qCWarning(WARNING, "Failed to load mesh: %s", m_PathBuilder.c_str());
if (theResult.m_Mesh) {
- SRenderMesh *theNewMesh = QT3DS_NEW(m_Context->GetAllocator(), SRenderMesh)(
- qt3ds::render::NVRenderDrawMode::Triangles,
- qt3ds::render::NVRenderWinding::CounterClockwise, theResult.m_Id,
- m_Context->GetAllocator());
- QT3DSU8 *baseAddress = reinterpret_cast<QT3DSU8 *>(theResult.m_Mesh);
- theMesh.first->second = theNewMesh;
- NVConstDataRef<QT3DSU8> theVBufData(
- theResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Data.begin(baseAddress),
- theResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Data.size());
- NVRenderVertexBuffer *theVertexBuffer = m_Context->CreateVertexBuffer(
- qt3ds::render::NVRenderBufferUsageType::Static,
- theResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Data.m_Size,
- theResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Stride, theVBufData);
- // create a tight packed position data VBO
- // this should improve our depth pre pass rendering
- NVRenderVertexBuffer *thePosVertexBuffer = NULL;
- NVConstDataRef<QT3DSU8> posData = CreatePackedPositionDataArray(&theResult);
- if (posData.size()) {
- thePosVertexBuffer =
- m_Context->CreateVertexBuffer(qt3ds::render::NVRenderBufferUsageType::Static,
- posData.size(), 3 * sizeof(QT3DSF32), posData);
- }
- NVRenderIndexBuffer *theIndexBuffer = NULL;
- if (theResult.m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer.m_Data.size()) {
- using qt3ds::render::NVRenderComponentTypes;
- QT3DSU32 theIndexBufferSize = theResult.m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer.m_Data.size();
- NVRenderComponentTypes::Enum bufComponentType =
- theResult.m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer.m_ComponentType;
- QT3DSU32 sizeofType =
- qt3ds::render::NVRenderComponentTypes::getSizeofType(bufComponentType);
- if (sizeofType == 2 || sizeofType == 4) {
- // Ensure type is unsigned; else things will fail in rendering pipeline.
- if (bufComponentType == NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSI16)
- bufComponentType = NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSU16;
- if (bufComponentType == NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSI32)
- bufComponentType = NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSU32;
- NVConstDataRef<QT3DSU8> theIBufData(
- theResult.m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer.m_Data.begin(baseAddress),
- theResult.m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer.m_Data.size());
- theIndexBuffer = m_Context->CreateIndexBuffer(
- qt3ds::render::NVRenderBufferUsageType::Static, bufComponentType,
- theIndexBufferSize, theIBufData);
- } else {
- QT3DS_ASSERT(false);
- }
- }
- nvvector<qt3ds::render::NVRenderVertexBufferEntry> &theEntryBuffer(m_EntryBuffer);
- theEntryBuffer.resize(theResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Entries.size());
- for (QT3DSU32 entryIdx = 0,
- entryEnd = theResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Entries.size();
- entryIdx < entryEnd; ++entryIdx) {
- theEntryBuffer[entryIdx] =
- theResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Entries.index(baseAddress, entryIdx)
- .ToVertexBufferEntry(baseAddress);
- }
- // create our attribute layout
- NVRenderAttribLayout *theAttribLayout =
- m_Context->CreateAttributeLayout(theEntryBuffer);
- // create our attribute layout for depth pass
- qt3ds::render::NVRenderVertexBufferEntry theEntries[] = {
- qt3ds::render::NVRenderVertexBufferEntry(
- "attr_pos", qt3ds::render::NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSF32, 3),
- };
- NVRenderAttribLayout *theAttribLayoutDepth =
- m_Context->CreateAttributeLayout(toConstDataRef(theEntries, 1));
- // create input assembler object
- QT3DSU32 strides = theResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Stride;
- QT3DSU32 offsets = 0;
- NVRenderInputAssembler *theInputAssembler = m_Context->CreateInputAssembler(
- theAttribLayout, toConstDataRef(&theVertexBuffer, 1), theIndexBuffer,
- toConstDataRef(&strides, 1), toConstDataRef(&offsets, 1),
- theResult.m_Mesh->m_DrawMode);
- // create depth input assembler object
- QT3DSU32 posStrides = (thePosVertexBuffer) ? 3 * sizeof(QT3DSF32) : strides;
- NVRenderInputAssembler *theInputAssemblerDepth = m_Context->CreateInputAssembler(
- theAttribLayoutDepth,
- toConstDataRef((thePosVertexBuffer) ? &thePosVertexBuffer : &theVertexBuffer,
- 1),
- theIndexBuffer, toConstDataRef(&posStrides, 1), toConstDataRef(&offsets, 1),
- theResult.m_Mesh->m_DrawMode);
- NVRenderInputAssembler *theInputAssemblerPoints = m_Context->CreateInputAssembler(
- theAttribLayoutDepth,
- toConstDataRef((thePosVertexBuffer) ? &thePosVertexBuffer : &theVertexBuffer,
- 1),
- NULL, toConstDataRef(&posStrides, 1), toConstDataRef(&offsets, 1),
- NVRenderDrawMode::Points);
- if (!theInputAssembler || !theInputAssemblerDepth || !theInputAssemblerPoints) {
- QT3DS_ASSERT(false);
- return NULL;
- }
- theNewMesh->m_Joints.resize(theResult.m_Mesh->m_Joints.size());
- for (QT3DSU32 jointIdx = 0, jointEnd = theResult.m_Mesh->m_Joints.size();
- jointIdx < jointEnd; ++jointIdx) {
- const qt3dsimp::Joint &theImportJoint(
- theResult.m_Mesh->m_Joints.index(baseAddress, jointIdx));
- SRenderJoint &theNewJoint(theNewMesh->m_Joints[jointIdx]);
- theNewJoint.m_JointID = theImportJoint.m_JointID;
- theNewJoint.m_ParentID = theImportJoint.m_ParentID;
- memCopy(theNewJoint.m_invBindPose, theImportJoint.m_invBindPose,
- 16 * sizeof(QT3DSF32));
- memCopy(theNewJoint.m_localToGlobalBoneSpace,
- theImportJoint.m_localToGlobalBoneSpace, 16 * sizeof(QT3DSF32));
- }
- for (QT3DSU32 subsetIdx = 0, subsetEnd = theResult.m_Mesh->m_Subsets.size();
- subsetIdx < subsetEnd; ++subsetIdx) {
- SRenderSubset theSubset(m_Context->GetAllocator());
- const qt3dsimp::MeshSubset &source(
- theResult.m_Mesh->m_Subsets.index(baseAddress, subsetIdx));
- theSubset.m_Bounds = source.m_Bounds;
- theSubset.m_Count = source.m_Count;
- theSubset.m_Offset = source.m_Offset;
- theSubset.m_Joints = theNewMesh->m_Joints;
- theSubset.m_Name = m_StrTable->RegisterStr(source.m_Name.begin(baseAddress));
- theVertexBuffer->addRef();
- theSubset.m_VertexBuffer = theVertexBuffer;
- if (thePosVertexBuffer) {
- thePosVertexBuffer->addRef();
- theSubset.m_PosVertexBuffer = thePosVertexBuffer;
- }
- if (theIndexBuffer) {
- theIndexBuffer->addRef();
- theSubset.m_IndexBuffer = theIndexBuffer;
- }
- theSubset.m_InputAssembler = theInputAssembler;
- theSubset.m_InputAssemblerDepth = theInputAssemblerDepth;
- theSubset.m_InputAssemblerPoints = theInputAssemblerPoints;
- theSubset.m_PrimitiveType = theResult.m_Mesh->m_DrawMode;
- theInputAssembler->addRef();
- theInputAssemblerDepth->addRef();
- theSubset.m_InputAssemblerPoints->addRef();
- theNewMesh->m_Subsets.push_back(theSubset);
- }
-// If we want to, we can an in a quite stupid way break up modes into sub-subsets.
-// These are assumed to use the same material as the outer subset but have fewer tris
-// and should have a more exact bounding box. This sort of thing helps with using the frustum
-// culling
-// system but it is really done incorrectly. It should be done via some sort of oct-tree mechanism
-// and it
-// so that the sub-subsets spatially sorted and it should only be done upon save-to-binary with the
-// results
-// saved out to disk. As you can see, doing it properly requires some real engineering effort so it
-// is somewhat
-// unlikely it will ever happen. Or it could be done on import if someone really wants to change
-// the mesh buffer
-// format. Either way it isn't going to happen here and it isn't going to happen this way but this
-// is a working
-// example of using the technique.
- Option<qt3ds::render::NVRenderVertexBufferEntry> thePosAttrOpt =
- theVertexBuffer->GetEntryByName("attr_pos");
- bool hasPosAttr = thePosAttrOpt.hasValue()
- && thePosAttrOpt->m_ComponentType == qt3ds::render::NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSF32
- && thePosAttrOpt->m_NumComponents == 3;
- for (size_t subsetIdx = 0, subsetEnd = theNewMesh->m_Subsets.size();
- subsetIdx < subsetEnd; ++subsetIdx) {
- SRenderSubset &theOuterSubset = theNewMesh->m_Subsets[subsetIdx];
- if (theOuterSubset.m_Count && theIndexBuffer
- && theIndexBuffer->GetComponentType()
- == qt3ds::render::NVRenderComponentTypes::QT3DSU16
- && theNewMesh->m_DrawMode == NVRenderDrawMode::Triangles && hasPosAttr) {
- // Num tris in a sub subset.
- QT3DSU32 theSubsetSize = 3334 * 3; // divisible by three.
- size_t theNumSubSubsets =
- ((theOuterSubset.m_Count - 1) / theSubsetSize) + 1;
- QT3DSU32 thePosAttrOffset = thePosAttrOpt->m_FirstItemOffset;
- const QT3DSU8 *theVertData = theResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Data.begin();
- const QT3DSU8 *theIdxData = theResult.m_Mesh->m_IndexBuffer.m_Data.begin();
- QT3DSU32 theVertStride = theResult.m_Mesh->m_VertexBuffer.m_Stride;
- QT3DSU32 theOffset = theOuterSubset.m_Offset;
- QT3DSU32 theCount = theOuterSubset.m_Count;
- for (size_t subSubsetIdx = 0, subSubsetEnd = theNumSubSubsets;
- subSubsetIdx < subSubsetEnd; ++subSubsetIdx) {
- SRenderSubsetBase theBase;
- theBase.m_Offset = theOffset;
- theBase.m_Count = NVMin(theSubsetSize, theCount);
- theBase.m_Bounds.setEmpty();
- theCount -= theBase.m_Count;
- theOffset += theBase.m_Count;
- // Create new bounds.
- // Offset is in item size, not bytes.
- const QT3DSU16 *theSubsetIdxData =
- reinterpret_cast<const QT3DSU16 *>(theIdxData + theBase.m_Offset * 2);
- for (size_t theIdxIdx = 0, theIdxEnd = theBase.m_Count;
- theIdxIdx < theIdxEnd; ++theIdxIdx) {
- QT3DSU32 theVertOffset = theSubsetIdxData[theIdxIdx] * theVertStride;
- theVertOffset += thePosAttrOffset;
- QT3DSVec3 thePos = *(
- reinterpret_cast<const QT3DSVec3 *>(theVertData + theVertOffset));
- theBase.m_Bounds.include(thePos);
- }
- theOuterSubset.m_SubSubsets.push_back(theBase);
- }
- } else {
- SRenderSubsetBase theBase;
- theBase.m_Bounds = theOuterSubset.m_Bounds;
- theBase.m_Count = theOuterSubset.m_Count;
- theBase.m_Offset = theOuterSubset.m_Offset;
- theOuterSubset.m_SubSubsets.push_back(theBase);
- }
- }
- if (posData.size())
- m_Context->GetAllocator().deallocate((void *)posData.begin());
+ theMesh.first->second = createRenderMesh(theResult);