path: root/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/src/dm/systems/cores/SimpleDataCore.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/src/dm/systems/cores/SimpleDataCore.h')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 373 deletions
diff --git a/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime b/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 427fddb50d43aa21a90fc7356ee3cdd8a908df5
diff --git a/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/src/dm/systems/cores/SimpleDataCore.h b/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/src/dm/systems/cores/SimpleDataCore.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2664dab4..00000000
--- a/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/src/dm/systems/cores/SimpleDataCore.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-** Copyright (C) 1993-2009 NVIDIA Corporation.
-** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of Qt 3D Studio.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
-#pragma once
-#ifndef DATACOREH
-#define DATACOREH
-#include "Qt3DSDMDataTypes.h"
-#include "Qt3DSDMSignals.h"
-#include "HandleSystemBase.h"
-#include "Qt3DSDMPropertyDefinition.h"
-#include "Qt3DSDMDataCore.h"
-#include "Qt3DSDMStringTable.h"
-#include <unordered_set>
-#include "Qt3DSDMValue.h"
-namespace qt3dsdm {
-struct PropertyValueFlags
- enum Enum {
- // Property values that are set via event propagation should
- // not be serialized to a file. The auto-propagation step
- // is meant to make looking up property values quicker because
- // the the derivation chain doesn't need to be followed to get
- // the latest default value.
- SetViaAutoPropagate = 1,
- };
- int m_Flags;
- PropertyValueFlags()
- : m_Flags(0)
- {
- }
- explicit PropertyValueFlags(int inFlags)
- : m_Flags(inFlags)
- {
- }
- bool IsSetViaAutoPropagation() const { return (m_Flags & SetViaAutoPropagate) > 0; }
-// Pair of property value flags and property value. The property value flags allow
-// us to track metadata that is
-typedef std::pair<PropertyValueFlags, SInternValue> TPropertyValuePair;
-typedef std::unordered_map<int, TPropertyValuePair> TPropertyPairHash;
-// Property pairs are referred to by property handle.
-typedef std::pair<int, TPropertyValuePair> TPropertyPair;
-typedef std::vector<TPropertyPair> TPropertyPairList;
-class CDataModelPropertyDefinitionObject : public CHandleObject
- Qt3DSDMPropertyDefinition m_Definition;
- CDataModelPropertyDefinitionObject(int inHandle, const Qt3DSDMPropertyDefinition &inDefinition)
- : CHandleObject(inHandle)
- , m_Definition(inDefinition)
- {
- }
- CDataModelPropertyDefinitionObject() {}
- static const EHandleObjectType s_Type =
- CHandleObject::EHandleObjectTypeCDataModelPropertyDefinitionObject;
- EHandleObjectType GetType() override { return s_Type; }
-typedef std::unordered_map<int, SInternValue> TIntStringVariantList;
-class CDataModelInstance : public CHandleObject
- typedef std::pair<int, std::shared_ptr<CDataModelInstance>> TInstancePair;
- typedef std::unordered_map<int, std::shared_ptr<CDataModelInstance>> TInstancePairList;
- typedef std::unordered_map<int, bool> TInstanceParentMap;
- TInstancePairList m_Parents;
- mutable TInstanceParentMap m_CachedParents;
- // Properties specific to this class
- TIntList m_Properties;
- TPropertyPairHash m_PropertyValues;
- CDataModelInstance() {}
- CDataModelInstance(int inHandle)
- : CHandleObject(inHandle)
- {
- }
- void ToPropertyPairList(TPropertyPairList &outList) const
- {
- for (TPropertyPairHash::const_iterator iter = m_PropertyValues.begin(),
- end = m_PropertyValues.end();
- iter != end; ++iter)
- outList.push_back(*iter);
- }
- void FromPropertyPairList(const TPropertyPairList &inList)
- {
- m_PropertyValues.clear();
- for (TPropertyPairList::const_iterator iter = inList.begin(), end = inList.end();
- iter != end; ++iter)
- m_PropertyValues.insert(*iter);
- }
- void ClearParentCache() const { m_CachedParents.clear(); }
- bool IsDerivedFrom(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inParent) const
- {
- std::pair<TInstanceParentMap::iterator, bool> theQueryResult =
- m_CachedParents.insert(std::make_pair(inParent.GetHandleValue(), false));
- // If the insert failed, returned what the hashtable already had in it
- if (theQueryResult.second == false)
- return theQueryResult.first->second;
- // Else find a valid answer
- if (m_Parents.find(inParent.GetHandleValue()) != m_Parents.end()) {
- theQueryResult.first->second = true;
- } else {
- for (TInstancePairList::const_iterator iter = m_Parents.begin(), end = m_Parents.end();
- iter != end; ++iter) {
- if (iter->second->IsDerivedFrom(inParent)) {
- theQueryResult.first->second = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Note that we inserted false to begin with. This means that
- // we can return the insert result here safely as if it wasn't
- // supposed to be false, we would have set it above.
- return theQueryResult.first->second;
- }
- void RemoveCachedValues()
- {
- vector<int> theCachedProperties;
- for (TPropertyPairHash::iterator theProperty = m_PropertyValues.begin(),
- end = m_PropertyValues.end();
- theProperty != end; ++theProperty) {
- if (theProperty->second.first.IsSetViaAutoPropagation())
- theCachedProperties.push_back(theProperty->first);
- }
- for (size_t idx = 0, end = theCachedProperties.size(); idx < end; ++idx)
- m_PropertyValues.erase(theCachedProperties[idx]);
- }
- // CHandleObject
- static const EHandleObjectType s_Type = CHandleObject::EHandleObjectTypeCDataModelInstance;
- EHandleObjectType GetType() override { return s_Type; }
-typedef std::shared_ptr<CDataModelInstance> TDataModelInstancePtr;
-class CSimpleDataCore : public CHandleBase, public IDataCore
- mutable TStringTablePtr m_StringTable;
- CSimpleDataCore(TStringTablePtr strTable)
- : m_StringTable(strTable)
- {
- }
- CSimpleDataCore(const CSimpleDataCore &inOther)
- : CHandleBase(inOther)
- , m_StringTable(inOther.m_StringTable)
- {
- }
- CSimpleDataCore &operator=(const CSimpleDataCore &inOther)
- {
- CHandleBase::operator=(inOther);
- return *this;
- }
- IStringTable &GetStringTable() const override { return *m_StringTable.get(); }
- TStringTablePtr GetStringTablePtr() const override { return m_StringTable; }
- // IHandleBase
- bool HandleValid(int inHandle) const override
- {
- return m_Objects.find(inHandle) != m_Objects.end();
- }
- // IInstancePropertyCore
- Qt3DSDMPropertyHandle GetAggregateInstancePropertyByName(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inInstance,
- const TCharStr &inStr) const override;
- void GetAggregateInstanceProperties(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inInstance,
- TPropertyHandleList &outProperties) const override;
- void GetSpecificInstancePropertyValues(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inHandle,
- TPropertyHandleValuePairList &outValues) override;
- bool HasAggregateInstanceProperty(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inInstance,
- Qt3DSDMPropertyHandle inProperty) const override;
- void CheckValue(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inInstance, Qt3DSDMPropertyHandle inProperty,
- const SValue &inValue) const override;
- bool GetInstancePropertyValue(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inHandle,
- Qt3DSDMPropertyHandle inProperty, SValue &outValue) const override;
- void SetInstancePropertyValue(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inHandle,
- Qt3DSDMPropertyHandle inProperty, const SValue &inValue) override;
- // IDataCore
- //===============================================================
- Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle CreateInstance(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle hdl = Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle()) override;
- void DeleteInstance(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inHandle) override;
- void GetInstances(TInstanceHandleList &outInstances) const override;
- void GetInstancesDerivedFrom(TInstanceHandleList &outInstances,
- Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inParentHandle) const override;
- void DeriveInstance(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inInstance, Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inParent) override;
- void GetInstanceParents(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inHandle,
- TInstanceHandleList &outParents) const override;
- // Returns true if inParent == inInstance || inInstance is derived from inParent somehow.
- // Recursive.
- bool IsInstanceOrDerivedFrom(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inInstance,
- Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inParent) const override;
- Qt3DSDMPropertyHandle AddProperty(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inClass, TCharPtr inName,
- DataModelDataType::Value inPropType) override;
- const Qt3DSDMPropertyDefinition &GetProperty(Qt3DSDMPropertyHandle inProperty) const override;
- void GetInstanceProperties(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inInstance,
- TPropertyHandleList &outProperties) const override;
- void RemoveProperty(Qt3DSDMPropertyHandle inProperty) override;
- void CopyInstanceProperties(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inSrcInstance,
- Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inDestInstance) override;
- void RemoveCachedValues(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inInstance) override;
- bool IsInstance(int inHandle) const override;
- bool IsProperty(int inHandle) const override;
- //===============================================================
- bool GetSpecificInstancePropertyValue(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inInstance,
- Qt3DSDMPropertyHandle inProperty, SValue &outValue) const;
- void GetSpecificInstancePropertyValues(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inInstance,
- TPropertyPairHash &outValues) const;
- static CDataModelPropertyDefinitionObject *GetPropertyDefinitionNF(int inHandle,
- THandleObjectMap &inObjects)
- {
- return const_cast<CDataModelPropertyDefinitionObject *>(
- GetPropertyDefinitionNF(inHandle, static_cast<const THandleObjectMap &>(inObjects)));
- }
- static const CDataModelPropertyDefinitionObject *
- GetPropertyDefinitionNF(int inHandle, const THandleObjectMap &inObjects)
- {
- const CDataModelPropertyDefinitionObject *theClass =
- GetHandleObject<CDataModelPropertyDefinitionObject>(inHandle, inObjects);
- if (theClass)
- return theClass;
- throw PropertyNotFound(L"");
- }
- static TDataModelInstancePtr GetInstance(int inHandle, const THandleObjectMap &inObjects)
- {
- THandleObjectMap::const_iterator theFind(inObjects.find(inHandle));
- // dynamic cast isn't allowed in runtime code as the runtime doesn't enable rtti.
- if (theFind != inObjects.end())
- return std::static_pointer_cast<CDataModelInstance>(theFind->second);
- return TDataModelInstancePtr();
- }
- static TDataModelInstancePtr GetInstanceNF(int inHandle, const THandleObjectMap &inObjects)
- {
- TDataModelInstancePtr retval = GetInstance(inHandle, inObjects);
- if (retval)
- return retval;
- throw InstanceNotFound(L"");
- }
- static inline bool InstancePairMatches(int inHandle,
- const CDataModelInstance::TInstancePair &inInstancePair)
- {
- return inHandle == inInstancePair.first;
- }
- // if inInstance doesn't exists in inObjects, it will push back NULL instead of throwing
- // exception
- static inline void UncheckAddInstancePair(CDataModelInstance::TInstancePairList &outInstances,
- Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inInstance,
- THandleObjectMap &inObjects)
- {
- outInstances.insert(
- std::make_pair(inInstance, CSimpleDataCore::GetInstance(inInstance, inObjects)));
- }
- static inline bool InstancePropertyMatches(int inProp, const TPropertyPair &inPropPair)
- {
- return inProp == inPropPair.first;
- }
- static bool CheckParentPropertyExistenceWithFail(const TDataModelInstancePtr inInstance,
- int inProperty,
- const THandleObjectMap &inObjects);
- static void CheckPropertyExistence(const TDataModelInstancePtr inInstance, int inProperty,
- const THandleObjectMap &inObjects);
- static inline void FindRelatedItemsForDelete(int inInstance, TIntList &outProperties,
- TIntList &outChildInstances,
- const std::pair<int, THandleObjectPtr> &inPair)
- {
- using namespace std;
- if (inPair.second->GetType() == CHandleObject::EHandleObjectTypeCDataModelInstance) {
- TDataModelInstancePtr theInstance =
- static_pointer_cast<CDataModelInstance>(inPair.second);
- // No longer a parent class.
- if (find_if(theInstance->m_Parents.begin(), theInstance->m_Parents.end(),
- std::bind(InstancePairMatches, inInstance, std::placeholders::_1))
- != theInstance->m_Parents.end())
- outChildInstances.push_back(inPair.first);
- } else if (inPair.second->GetType()
- == CHandleObject::EHandleObjectTypeCDataModelPropertyDefinitionObject) {
- const CDataModelPropertyDefinitionObject *theProperty =
- static_cast<const CDataModelPropertyDefinitionObject *>(inPair.second.get());
- if (theProperty->m_Definition.m_Instance.GetHandleValue() == inInstance)
- outProperties.push_back(inPair.first);
- }
- }
- bool IsInstanceOrDerivedFromHelper(const TDataModelInstancePtr inInstance,
- Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inParent) const;
- void AddInstanceIfDerivedFrom(const std::pair<int, THandleObjectPtr> &inItem,
- TInstanceHandleList &outInstances,
- Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inParentHandle) const;
- bool GetInstancePropertyValueHelper(const TDataModelInstancePtr inInstance,
- Qt3DSDMPropertyHandle inProperty, SValue &outValue) const;
- // Create an instance *at* this specific handle position
- // This is used for special cases of serialization
- Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle CreateInstanceWithHandle(int inHandle);
- Qt3DSDMPropertyHandle AddPropertyWithHandle(int inHandle, Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inClass,
- TCharPtr inName, DataModelDataType::Value inPropType);
- void UncheckedSetSpecificInstancePropertyValue(Qt3DSDMInstanceHandle inInstance,
- Qt3DSDMPropertyHandle inProperty,
- const SValue &inValue,
- PropertyValueFlags inIsUserSet);
-typedef std::shared_ptr<CSimpleDataCore> TSimpleDataCorePtr;