path: root/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/src/runtimerender/Qt3DSRenderTextTextureCache.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/src/runtimerender/Qt3DSRenderTextTextureCache.cpp')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime b/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 427fddb50d43aa21a90fc7356ee3cdd8a908df5
diff --git a/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/src/runtimerender/Qt3DSRenderTextTextureCache.cpp b/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/src/runtimerender/Qt3DSRenderTextTextureCache.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8edbecaf..00000000
--- a/src/Runtime/ogl-runtime/src/runtimerender/Qt3DSRenderTextTextureCache.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-** Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation.
-** Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
-** Contact:
-** This file is part of Qt 3D Studio.
-** Commercial License Usage
-** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
-** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
-** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
-** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
-** and conditions see For further
-** information use the contact form at
-** GNU General Public License Usage
-** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version
-** approved by the KDE Free Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3
-** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
-** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
-#include "Qt3DSRenderTextTextureCache.h"
-#include "Qt3DSTextRenderer.h"
-#include "foundation/Qt3DSContainers.h"
-#include "foundation/Qt3DSAtomic.h"
-#include "foundation/Qt3DSFoundation.h"
-#include "foundation/Qt3DSBroadcastingAllocator.h"
-#include "render/Qt3DSRenderTexture2D.h"
-#include "render/Qt3DSRenderContext.h"
-#include "foundation/Qt3DSInvasiveLinkedList.h"
-#include "foundation/Qt3DSPool.h"
-using namespace qt3ds::render;
-namespace eastl {
-template <>
-struct hash<STextRenderInfo>
- size_t operator()(const qt3ds::render::STextRenderInfo &inInfo) const
- {
- size_t retval = hash<size_t>()(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(inInfo.m_Text.c_str()));
- retval = retval ^ hash<size_t>()(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(inInfo.m_Font.c_str()));
- retval = retval ^ hash<float>()(inInfo.m_FontSize);
- retval = retval ^ hash<int>()(static_cast<int>(inInfo.m_HorizontalAlignment));
- retval = retval ^ hash<int>()(static_cast<int>(inInfo.m_VerticalAlignment));
- retval = retval ^ hash<float>()(inInfo.m_Leading);
- retval = retval ^ hash<float>()(inInfo.m_Tracking);
- retval = retval ^ hash<bool>()(inInfo.m_DropShadow);
- retval = retval ^ hash<float>()(inInfo.m_DropShadowStrength);
- retval = retval ^ hash<float>()(inInfo.m_DropShadowOffsetX);
- retval = retval ^ hash<float>()(inInfo.m_DropShadowOffsetY);
- retval = retval ^ hash<float>()(inInfo.m_BoundingBox.x);
- retval = retval ^ hash<float>()(inInfo.m_BoundingBox.y);
- retval = retval ^ hash<int>()(static_cast<int>(inInfo.m_Elide));
- retval = retval ^ hash<int>()(static_cast<int>(inInfo.m_WordWrap));
- retval = retval ^ hash<bool>()(inInfo.m_EnableAcceleratedFont);
- return retval;
- }
-namespace {
-struct STextRenderInfoAndHash
- STextRenderInfo m_Info;
- QT3DSF32 m_ScaleFactor;
- size_t m_Hashcode;
- STextRenderInfoAndHash(const STextRenderInfo &inInfo, QT3DSF32 inScaleFactor)
- : m_Info(inInfo)
- , m_ScaleFactor(inScaleFactor)
- , m_Hashcode(eastl::hash<STextRenderInfo>()(inInfo) ^ eastl::hash<float>()(inScaleFactor))
- {
- }
- bool operator==(const STextRenderInfoAndHash &inOther) const
- {
- return m_Info.m_Text == inOther.m_Info.m_Text && m_Info.m_Font == inOther.m_Info.m_Font
- && m_Info.m_FontSize == inOther.m_Info.m_FontSize
- && m_Info.m_HorizontalAlignment == inOther.m_Info.m_HorizontalAlignment
- && m_Info.m_VerticalAlignment == inOther.m_Info.m_VerticalAlignment
- && m_Info.m_Leading == inOther.m_Info.m_Leading
- && m_Info.m_Tracking == inOther.m_Info.m_Tracking
- && m_Info.m_DropShadow == inOther.m_Info.m_DropShadow
- && m_Info.m_DropShadowStrength == inOther.m_Info.m_DropShadowStrength
- && m_Info.m_DropShadowOffsetX == inOther.m_Info.m_DropShadowOffsetX
- && m_Info.m_DropShadowOffsetY == inOther.m_Info.m_DropShadowOffsetY
- && m_Info.m_BoundingBox == inOther.m_Info.m_BoundingBox
- && m_Info.m_WordWrap == inOther.m_Info.m_WordWrap
- && m_Info.m_EnableAcceleratedFont == inOther.m_Info.m_EnableAcceleratedFont
- && m_ScaleFactor == inOther.m_ScaleFactor;
- }
-namespace eastl {
-template <>
-struct hash<STextRenderInfoAndHash>
- size_t operator()(const STextRenderInfoAndHash &inInfo) const { return inInfo.m_Hashcode; }
-namespace {
-struct STextCacheNode
- STextCacheNode *m_PreviousSibling;
- STextCacheNode *m_NextSibling;
- STextRenderInfoAndHash m_RenderInfo;
- TTPathObjectAndTexture m_TextInfo;
- QT3DSU32 m_FrameCount;
- STextCacheNode(const STextRenderInfoAndHash &inRenderInfo,
- const TTPathObjectAndTexture &inTextInfo)
- : m_PreviousSibling(NULL)
- , m_NextSibling(NULL)
- , m_RenderInfo(inRenderInfo)
- , m_TextInfo(inTextInfo)
- , m_FrameCount(0)
- {
- }
-typedef nvhash_map<STextRenderInfoAndHash, STextCacheNode *> TTextureInfoHash;
-IMPLEMENT_INVASIVE_LIST(TextCacheNode, m_PreviousSibling, m_NextSibling);
-struct STextTextureCache : public ITextTextureCache
- typedef Pool<STextCacheNode, ForwardingAllocator> TPoolType;
- NVFoundationBase &m_Foundation;
- volatile QT3DSI32 mRefCount;
- NVScopedRefCounted<ITextRenderer> m_TextRenderer;
- TTextureInfoHash m_TextureCache;
- TTextCacheNodeList m_LRUList;
- TPoolType m_CacheNodePool;
- QT3DSU32 m_HighWaterMark;
- QT3DSU32 m_FrameCount;
- QT3DSU32 m_TextureTotalBytes;
- NVScopedRefCounted<NVRenderContext> m_RenderContext;
- bool m_CanUsePathRendering; ///< true if we use hardware accelerated font rendering
- STextTextureCache(NVFoundationBase &inFnd, ITextRenderer &inRenderer,
- NVRenderContext &inRenderContext)
- : m_Foundation(inFnd)
- , mRefCount(0)
- , m_TextRenderer(inRenderer)
- , m_TextureCache(m_Foundation.getAllocator(), "STextTextureCache::m_TextureCache")
- , m_CacheNodePool(ForwardingAllocator(m_Foundation.getAllocator(),
- "STextTextureCache::m_CacheNodePool"))
- , m_HighWaterMark(0x100000)
- , m_FrameCount(0)
- , m_TextureTotalBytes(0)
- , m_RenderContext(inRenderContext)
- {
- // hardware accelerate font rendering not ready yet
- m_CanUsePathRendering = (m_RenderContext->IsPathRenderingSupported()
- && m_RenderContext->IsProgramPipelineSupported());
- }
- virtual ~STextTextureCache()
- {
- for (TTextCacheNodeList::iterator iter = m_LRUList.begin(), end = m_LRUList.end();
- iter != end; ++iter)
- iter->~STextCacheNode();
- }
- static inline QT3DSU32 GetNumBytes(NVRenderTexture2D &inTexture)
- {
- STextureDetails theDetails(inTexture.GetTextureDetails());
- return theDetails.m_Width * theDetails.m_Height
- * NVRenderTextureFormats::getSizeofFormat(theDetails.m_Format);
- }
- NVScopedRefCounted<NVRenderTexture2D> InvalidateLastItem()
- {
- NVScopedRefCounted<NVRenderTexture2D> nextTexture;
- if (m_LRUList.empty() == false) {
- STextCacheNode &theEnd = m_LRUList.back();
- if (theEnd.m_FrameCount != m_FrameCount) {
- nextTexture = theEnd.m_TextInfo.second.second;
- STextureDetails theDetails = nextTexture->GetTextureDetails();
- m_TextureTotalBytes -= GetNumBytes(*nextTexture.mPtr);
- m_LRUList.remove(theEnd);
- // copy the key because the next statement will destroy memory
- m_TextureCache.erase(theEnd.m_RenderInfo);
- theEnd.~STextCacheNode();
- m_CacheNodePool.deallocate(&theEnd);
- }
- }
- return nextTexture;
- }
- TTPathObjectAndTexture RenderText(const STextRenderInfo &inText, QT3DSF32 inScaleFactor) override
- {
- STextRenderInfoAndHash theKey(inText, inScaleFactor);
- TTextureInfoHash::iterator theFind(
- m_TextureCache.find(theKey));
- STextCacheNode *retval = NULL;
- if (theFind != m_TextureCache.end()) {
- retval = theFind->second;
- m_LRUList.remove(*retval);
- } else {
- NVScopedRefCounted<NVRenderTexture2D> nextTexture;
- if (m_TextureTotalBytes >= m_HighWaterMark && m_LRUList.empty() == false)
- nextTexture = InvalidateLastItem();
- if (nextTexture.mPtr == NULL)
- nextTexture = m_RenderContext->CreateTexture2D();
- NVScopedRefCounted<NVRenderPathFontItem> nextPathFontItemObject;
- NVScopedRefCounted<NVRenderPathFontSpecification> nextPathFontObject;
- // HW acceleration for fonts not supported
- //if (m_CanUsePathRendering && inText.m_EnableAcceleratedFont) {
- // nextPathFontItemObject = m_RenderContext->CreatePathFontItem();
- // nextPathFontObject = m_RenderContext->CreatePathFontSpecification(inText.m_Font);
- //}
- STextRenderInfo theTextInfo(inText);
- theTextInfo.m_FontSize *= inScaleFactor;
- STextTextureDetails theDetails;
- // HW acceleration for fonts not supported
- //if (!m_CanUsePathRendering || !inText.m_EnableAcceleratedFont)
- theDetails = m_TextRenderer->RenderText(theTextInfo, *nextTexture.mPtr);
- //else
- // theDetails = m_TextRenderer->RenderText(theTextInfo, *nextPathFontItemObject.mPtr,
- // *nextPathFontObject.mPtr);
- if (fabs(inScaleFactor - 1.0f) > .001f) {
- TTPathObjectAndTexture theCanonicalDetails = RenderText(inText, 1.0f);
- theDetails.m_ScaleFactor.x =
- (QT3DSF32)theDetails.m_TextWidth / theCanonicalDetails.second.first.m_TextWidth;
- theDetails.m_ScaleFactor.y =
- (QT3DSF32)theDetails.m_TextHeight / theCanonicalDetails.second.first.m_TextHeight;
- }
- retval = m_CacheNodePool.construct(
- theKey, TTPathObjectAndTexture(
- TPathFontSpecAndPathObject(nextPathFontObject, nextPathFontItemObject),
- TTextTextureDetailsAndTexture(theDetails, nextTexture)),
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- TTextureInfoHash::iterator insert =
- m_TextureCache.insert(eastl::make_pair(theKey, retval)).first;
- if (!m_CanUsePathRendering)
- m_TextureTotalBytes += GetNumBytes(*(retval->m_TextInfo.second.second.mPtr));
- }
- retval->m_FrameCount = m_FrameCount;
- m_LRUList.push_front(*retval);
- return retval->m_TextInfo;
- }
- // We may have one more texture in cache than this byte count, but this will be the limiting
- // factor.
- QT3DSU32 GetCacheHighWaterBytes() const override { return m_HighWaterMark; }
- // default cache size is 10 MB.
- void SetCacheHighWaterBytes(QT3DSU32 inByteCount) override { m_HighWaterMark = inByteCount; }
- void BeginFrame() override {}
- void EndFrame() override
- {
- // algorithm is resistant to rollover.
- ++m_FrameCount;
- // Release any texture that put us over the limit.
- // This almost guarantees thrashing if the limit is set too low. Enable at your
- // own risk at *TEST CAREFULLY*
- /*
- while( m_TextureTotalBytes >= m_HighWaterMark && m_LRUList.empty() == false )
- InvalidateLastItem();
- */
- }
-ITextTextureCache &ITextTextureCache::CreateTextureCache(NVFoundationBase &inFnd,
- ITextRenderer &inTextRenderer,
- NVRenderContext &inRenderContext)
- return *QT3DS_NEW(inFnd.getAllocator(), STextTextureCache)(inFnd, inTextRenderer, inRenderContext);