path: root/webapp/django/contrib/comments
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/django/contrib/comments')
15 files changed, 1255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
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index 0000000000..81ecc699c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+from django.contrib import admin
+from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment, FreeComment
+class CommentAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ fieldsets = (
+ (None, {'fields': ('content_type', 'object_id', 'site')}),
+ ('Content', {'fields': ('user', 'headline', 'comment')}),
+ ('Ratings', {'fields': ('rating1', 'rating2', 'rating3', 'rating4', 'rating5', 'rating6', 'rating7', 'rating8', 'valid_rating')}),
+ ('Meta', {'fields': ('is_public', 'is_removed', 'ip_address')}),
+ )
+ list_display = ('user', 'submit_date', 'content_type', 'get_content_object')
+ list_filter = ('submit_date',)
+ date_hierarchy = 'submit_date'
+ search_fields = ('comment', 'user__username')
+ raw_id_fields = ('user',)
+class FreeCommentAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ fieldsets = (
+ (None, {'fields': ('content_type', 'object_id', 'site')}),
+ ('Content', {'fields': ('person_name', 'comment')}),
+ ('Meta', {'fields': ('is_public', 'ip_address', 'approved')}),
+ )
+ list_display = ('person_name', 'submit_date', 'content_type', 'get_content_object')
+ list_filter = ('submit_date',)
+ date_hierarchy = 'submit_date'
+ search_fields = ('comment', 'person_name')
+, CommentAdmin), FreeCommentAdmin) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/
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index 0000000000..901254f3c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment, FreeComment
+from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed
+from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
+class LatestFreeCommentsFeed(Feed):
+ """Feed of latest free comments on the current site."""
+ comments_class = FreeComment
+ def title(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_site'):
+ self._site = Site.objects.get_current()
+ return u"%s comments" %
+ def link(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_site'):
+ self._site = Site.objects.get_current()
+ return "http://%s/" % (self._site.domain)
+ def description(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_site'):
+ self._site = Site.objects.get_current()
+ return u"Latest comments on %s" %
+ def get_query_set(self):
+ return self.comments_class.objects.filter(site__pk=settings.SITE_ID, is_public=True)
+ def items(self):
+ return self.get_query_set()[:40]
+class LatestCommentsFeed(LatestFreeCommentsFeed):
+ """Feed of latest comments on the current site."""
+ comments_class = Comment
+ def get_query_set(self):
+ qs = super(LatestCommentsFeed, self).get_query_set()
+ qs = qs.filter(is_removed=False)
+ where = ['user_id NOT IN (SELECT user_id FROM auth_users_group WHERE group_id = %s)']
+ params = [settings.COMMENTS_BANNED_USERS_GROUP]
+ qs = qs.extra(where=where, params=params)
+ return qs
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdf34c8997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+import datetime
+from django.db import models
+from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
+from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
+from django.conf import settings
+# Option codes for comment-form hidden fields.
+IS_PUBLIC = 'ip'
+# What users get if they don't have any karma.
+class CommentManager(models.Manager):
+ def get_security_hash(self, options, photo_options, rating_options, target):
+ """
+ Returns the MD5 hash of the given options (a comma-separated string such as
+ 'pa,ra') and target (something like 'lcom.eventtimes:5157'). Used to
+ validate that submitted form options have not been tampered-with.
+ """
+ from django.utils.hashcompat import md5_constructor
+ return md5_constructor(options + photo_options + rating_options + target + settings.SECRET_KEY).hexdigest()
+ def get_rating_options(self, rating_string):
+ """
+ Given a rating_string, this returns a tuple of (rating_range, options).
+ >>> s = "scale:1-10|First_category|Second_category"
+ >>> Comment.objects.get_rating_options(s)
+ ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], ['First category', 'Second category'])
+ """
+ rating_range, options = rating_string.split('|', 1)
+ rating_range = range(int(rating_range[6:].split('-')[0]), int(rating_range[6:].split('-')[1])+1)
+ choices = [c.replace('_', ' ') for c in options.split('|')]
+ return rating_range, choices
+ def get_list_with_karma(self, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Returns a list of Comment objects matching the given lookup terms, with
+ _karma_total_good and _karma_total_bad filled.
+ """
+ extra_kwargs = {}
+ extra_kwargs.setdefault('select', {})
+ extra_kwargs['select']['_karma_total_good'] = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments_karmascore, comments_comment WHERE AND score=1'
+ extra_kwargs['select']['_karma_total_bad'] = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments_karmascore, comments_comment WHERE AND score=-1'
+ return self.filter(**kwargs).extra(**extra_kwargs)
+ def user_is_moderator(self, user):
+ if user.is_superuser:
+ return True
+ for g in user.groups.all():
+ return True
+ return False
+class Comment(models.Model):
+ """A comment by a registered user."""
+ user = models.ForeignKey(User)
+ content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
+ object_id = models.IntegerField(_('object ID'))
+ headline = models.CharField(_('headline'), max_length=255, blank=True)
+ comment = models.TextField(_('comment'), max_length=3000)
+ rating1 = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_('rating #1'), blank=True, null=True)
+ rating2 = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_('rating #2'), blank=True, null=True)
+ rating3 = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_('rating #3'), blank=True, null=True)
+ rating4 = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_('rating #4'), blank=True, null=True)
+ rating5 = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_('rating #5'), blank=True, null=True)
+ rating6 = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_('rating #6'), blank=True, null=True)
+ rating7 = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_('rating #7'), blank=True, null=True)
+ rating8 = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_('rating #8'), blank=True, null=True)
+ # This field designates whether to use this row's ratings in aggregate
+ # functions (summaries). We need this because people are allowed to post
+ # multiple reviews on the same thing, but the system will only use the
+ # latest one (with valid_rating=True) in tallying the reviews.
+ valid_rating = models.BooleanField(_('is valid rating'))
+ submit_date = models.DateTimeField(_('date/time submitted'), auto_now_add=True)
+ is_public = models.BooleanField(_('is public'))
+ ip_address = models.IPAddressField(_('IP address'), blank=True, null=True)
+ is_removed = models.BooleanField(_('is removed'), help_text=_('Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A "This comment has been removed" message will be displayed instead.'))
+ site = models.ForeignKey(Site)
+ objects = CommentManager()
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = _('comment')
+ verbose_name_plural = _('comments')
+ ordering = ('-submit_date',)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return "%s: %s..." % (self.user.username, self.comment[:100])
+ def get_absolute_url(self):
+ try:
+ return self.get_content_object().get_absolute_url() + "#c" + str(
+ except AttributeError:
+ return ""
+ def get_crossdomain_url(self):
+ return "/r/%d/%d/" % (self.content_type_id, self.object_id)
+ def get_flag_url(self):
+ return "/comments/flag/%s/" %
+ def get_deletion_url(self):
+ return "/comments/delete/%s/" %
+ def get_content_object(self):
+ """
+ Returns the object that this comment is a comment on. Returns None if
+ the object no longer exists.
+ """
+ from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+ try:
+ return self.content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=self.object_id)
+ except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+ return None
+ get_content_object.short_description = _('Content object')
+ def _fill_karma_cache(self):
+ """Helper function that populates good/bad karma caches."""
+ good, bad = 0, 0
+ for k in self.karmascore_set:
+ if k.score == -1:
+ bad +=1
+ elif k.score == 1:
+ good +=1
+ self._karma_total_good, self._karma_total_bad = good, bad
+ def get_good_karma_total(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_good"):
+ self._fill_karma_cache()
+ return self._karma_total_good
+ def get_bad_karma_total(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_bad"):
+ self._fill_karma_cache()
+ return self._karma_total_bad
+ def get_karma_total(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_good") or not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_bad"):
+ self._fill_karma_cache()
+ return self._karma_total_good + self._karma_total_bad
+ def get_as_text(self):
+ return _('Posted by %(user)s at %(date)s\n\n%(comment)s\n\nhttp://%(domain)s%(url)s') % \
+ {'user': self.user.username, 'date': self.submit_date,
+ 'comment': self.comment, 'domain':, 'url': self.get_absolute_url()}
+class FreeComment(models.Model):
+ """A comment by a non-registered user."""
+ content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
+ object_id = models.IntegerField(_('object ID'))
+ comment = models.TextField(_('comment'), max_length=3000)
+ person_name = models.CharField(_("person's name"), max_length=50)
+ submit_date = models.DateTimeField(_('date/time submitted'), auto_now_add=True)
+ is_public = models.BooleanField(_('is public'))
+ ip_address = models.IPAddressField(_('ip address'))
+ # TODO: Change this to is_removed, like Comment
+ approved = models.BooleanField(_('approved by staff'))
+ site = models.ForeignKey(Site)
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = _('free comment')
+ verbose_name_plural = _('free comments')
+ ordering = ('-submit_date',)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return "%s: %s..." % (self.person_name, self.comment[:100])
+ def get_absolute_url(self):
+ try:
+ return self.get_content_object().get_absolute_url() + "#c" + str(
+ except AttributeError:
+ return ""
+ def get_content_object(self):
+ """
+ Returns the object that this comment is a comment on. Returns None if
+ the object no longer exists.
+ """
+ from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+ try:
+ return self.content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=self.object_id)
+ except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+ return None
+ get_content_object.short_description = _('Content object')
+class KarmaScoreManager(models.Manager):
+ def vote(self, user_id, comment_id, score):
+ try:
+ karma = self.get(comment__pk=comment_id, user__pk=user_id)
+ except self.model.DoesNotExist:
+ karma = self.model(None, user_id=user_id, comment_id=comment_id, score=score,
+ else:
+ karma.score = score
+ karma.scored_date =
+ def get_pretty_score(self, score):
+ """
+ Given a score between -1 and 1 (inclusive), returns the same score on a
+ scale between 1 and 10 (inclusive), as an integer.
+ """
+ if score is None:
+ return int(round((4.5 * score) + 5.5))
+class KarmaScore(models.Model):
+ user = models.ForeignKey(User)
+ comment = models.ForeignKey(Comment)
+ score = models.SmallIntegerField(_('score'), db_index=True)
+ scored_date = models.DateTimeField(_('score date'), auto_now=True)
+ objects = KarmaScoreManager()
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = _('karma score')
+ verbose_name_plural = _('karma scores')
+ unique_together = (('user', 'comment'),)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return _("%(score)d rating by %(user)s") % {'score': self.score, 'user': self.user}
+class UserFlagManager(models.Manager):
+ def flag(self, comment, user):
+ """
+ Flags the given comment by the given user. If the comment has already
+ been flagged by the user, or it was a comment posted by the user,
+ nothing happens.
+ """
+ if int(comment.user_id) == int(
+ return # A user can't flag his own comment. Fail silently.
+ try:
+ f = self.get(,
+ except self.model.DoesNotExist:
+ from django.core.mail import mail_managers
+ f = self.model(None,,, None)
+ message = _('This comment was flagged by %(user)s:\n\n%(text)s') % {'user': user.username, 'text': comment.get_as_text()}
+ mail_managers('Comment flagged', message, fail_silently=True)
+class UserFlag(models.Model):
+ user = models.ForeignKey(User)
+ comment = models.ForeignKey(Comment)
+ flag_date = models.DateTimeField(_('flag date'), auto_now_add=True)
+ objects = UserFlagManager()
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = _('user flag')
+ verbose_name_plural = _('user flags')
+ unique_together = (('user', 'comment'),)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return _("Flag by %r") % self.user
+class ModeratorDeletion(models.Model):
+ user = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name='moderator')
+ comment = models.ForeignKey(Comment)
+ deletion_date = models.DateTimeField(_('deletion date'), auto_now_add=True)
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = _('moderator deletion')
+ verbose_name_plural = _('moderator deletions')
+ unique_together = (('user', 'comment'),)
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return _("Moderator deletion by %r") % self.user
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11eaa8d00d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/templates/comments/form.html
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+{% load i18n %}
+{% if display_form %}
+<form {% if photos_optional or photos_required %}enctype="multipart/form-data" {% endif %}action="/comments/post/" method="post">
+{% if user.is_authenticated %}
+<p>{% trans "Username:" %} <strong>{{ user.username }}</strong> (<a href="{{ logout_url }}">{% trans "Log out" %}</a>)</p>
+{% else %}
+<p><label for="id_username">{% trans "Username:" %}</label> <input type="text" name="username" id="id_username" /><br />{% trans "Password:" %} <input type="password" name="password" id="id_password" /> (<a href="/accounts/password_reset/">{% trans "Forgotten your password?" %}</a>)</p>
+{% endif %}
+{% if ratings_optional or ratings_required %}
+<p>{% trans "Ratings" %} ({% if ratings_required %}{% trans "Required" %}{% else %}{% trans "Optional" %}{% endif %}):</p>
+<tr><th>&nbsp;</th>{% for value in rating_range %}<th>{{ value }}</th>{% endfor %}</tr>
+{% for rating in rating_choices %}
+<tr><th>{{ rating }}</th>{% for value in rating_range %}<th><input type="radio" name="rating{{ forloop.parentloop.counter }}" value="{{ value }}" /></th>{% endfor %}</tr>
+{% endfor %}
+<input type="hidden" name="rating_options" value="{{ rating_options }}" />
+{% endif %}
+{% if photos_optional or photos_required %}
+<p><label for="id_photo">{% trans "Post a photo" %}</label> ({% if photos_required %}{% trans "Required" %}{% else %}{% trans "Optional" %}{% endif %}):
+<input type="file" name="photo" id="id_photo" /></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="photo_options" value="{{ photo_options }}" />
+{% endif %}
+<p><label for="id_comment">{% trans "Comment:" %}</label><br />
+<textarea name="comment" id="id_comment" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="options" value="{{ options }}" />
+<input type="hidden" name="target" value="{{ target }}" />
+<input type="hidden" name="gonzo" value="{{ hash }}" />
+<input type="submit" name="preview" value="{% trans "Preview comment" %}" />
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/templates/comments/freeform.html b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/templates/comments/freeform.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0d00b91c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/templates/comments/freeform.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+{% load i18n %}
+{% if display_form %}
+<form action="/comments/postfree/" method="post">
+<p><label for="id_person_name">{% trans "Your name:" %}</label> <input type="text" id="id_person_name" name="person_name" /></p>
+<p><label for="id_comment">{% trans "Comment:" %}</label><br /><textarea name="comment" id="id_comment" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea></p>
+<input type="hidden" name="options" value="{{ options }}" />
+<input type="hidden" name="target" value="{{ target }}" />
+<input type="hidden" name="gonzo" value="{{ hash }}" />
+<input type="submit" name="preview" value="{% trans "Preview comment" %}" />
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/templatetags/ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/templatetags/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/templatetags/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..959cec4c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/templatetags/
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment, FreeComment
+from django.contrib.comments.models import MIN_PHOTO_DIMENSION, MAX_PHOTO_DIMENSION
+from django import template
+from django.template import loader
+from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
+from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
+import re
+register = template.Library()
+COMMENT_FORM = 'comments/form.html'
+FREE_COMMENT_FORM = 'comments/freeform.html'
+class CommentFormNode(template.Node):
+ def __init__(self, content_type, obj_id_lookup_var, obj_id, free,
+ photos_optional=False, photos_required=False, photo_options='',
+ ratings_optional=False, ratings_required=False, rating_options='',
+ is_public=True):
+ self.content_type = content_type
+ if obj_id_lookup_var is not None:
+ obj_id_lookup_var = template.Variable(obj_id_lookup_var)
+ self.obj_id_lookup_var, self.obj_id, = obj_id_lookup_var, obj_id, free
+ self.photos_optional, self.photos_required = photos_optional, photos_required
+ self.ratings_optional, self.ratings_required = ratings_optional, ratings_required
+ self.photo_options, self.rating_options = photo_options, rating_options
+ self.is_public = is_public
+ def render(self, context):
+ from django.conf import settings
+ from django.utils.text import normalize_newlines
+ import base64
+ context.push()
+ if self.obj_id_lookup_var is not None:
+ try:
+ self.obj_id = self.obj_id_lookup_var.resolve(context)
+ except template.VariableDoesNotExist:
+ return ''
+ # Validate that this object ID is valid for this content-type.
+ # We only have to do this validation if obj_id_lookup_var is provided,
+ # because do_comment_form() validates hard-coded object IDs.
+ try:
+ self.content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=self.obj_id)
+ except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+ context['display_form'] = False
+ else:
+ context['display_form'] = True
+ else:
+ context['display_form'] = True
+ context['target'] = '%s:%s' % (, self.obj_id)
+ options = []
+ for var, abbr in (('photos_required', PHOTOS_REQUIRED),
+ ('photos_optional', PHOTOS_OPTIONAL),
+ ('ratings_required', RATINGS_REQUIRED),
+ ('ratings_optional', RATINGS_OPTIONAL),
+ ('is_public', IS_PUBLIC)):
+ context[var] = getattr(self, var)
+ if getattr(self, var):
+ options.append(abbr)
+ context['options'] = ','.join(options)
+ if
+ context['hash'] = Comment.objects.get_security_hash(context['options'], '', '', context['target'])
+ default_form = loader.get_template(FREE_COMMENT_FORM)
+ else:
+ context['photo_options'] = self.photo_options
+ context['rating_options'] = normalize_newlines(base64.encodestring(self.rating_options).strip())
+ if self.rating_options:
+ context['rating_range'], context['rating_choices'] = Comment.objects.get_rating_options(self.rating_options)
+ context['hash'] = Comment.objects.get_security_hash(context['options'], context['photo_options'], context['rating_options'], context['target'])
+ context['logout_url'] = settings.LOGOUT_URL
+ default_form = loader.get_template(COMMENT_FORM)
+ output = default_form.render(context)
+ context.pop()
+ return output
+class CommentCountNode(template.Node):
+ def __init__(self, package, module, context_var_name, obj_id, var_name, free):
+ self.package, self.module = package, module
+ if context_var_name is not None:
+ context_var_name = template.Variable(context_var_name)
+ self.context_var_name, self.obj_id = context_var_name, obj_id
+ self.var_name, = var_name, free
+ def render(self, context):
+ from django.conf import settings
+ manager = and FreeComment.objects or Comment.objects
+ if self.context_var_name is not None:
+ self.obj_id = self.context_var_name.resolve(context)
+ comment_count = manager.filter(object_id__exact=self.obj_id,
+ content_type__app_label__exact=self.package,
+ content_type__model__exact=self.module, site__id__exact=settings.SITE_ID).count()
+ context[self.var_name] = comment_count
+ return ''
+class CommentListNode(template.Node):
+ def __init__(self, package, module, context_var_name, obj_id, var_name, free, ordering, extra_kwargs=None):
+ self.package, self.module = package, module
+ if context_var_name is not None:
+ context_var_name = template.Variable(context_var_name)
+ self.context_var_name, self.obj_id = context_var_name, obj_id
+ self.var_name, = var_name, free
+ self.ordering = ordering
+ self.extra_kwargs = extra_kwargs or {}
+ def render(self, context):
+ from django.conf import settings
+ get_list_function = and FreeComment.objects.filter or Comment.objects.get_list_with_karma
+ if self.context_var_name is not None:
+ try:
+ self.obj_id = self.context_var_name.resolve(context)
+ except template.VariableDoesNotExist:
+ return ''
+ kwargs = {
+ 'object_id__exact': self.obj_id,
+ 'content_type__app_label__exact': self.package,
+ 'content_type__model__exact': self.module,
+ 'site__id__exact': settings.SITE_ID,
+ }
+ kwargs.update(self.extra_kwargs)
+ comment_list = get_list_function(**kwargs).order_by(self.ordering + 'submit_date').select_related()
+ if not and settings.COMMENTS_BANNED_USERS_GROUP:
+ comment_list = comment_list.extra(select={'is_hidden': 'user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM auth_user_groups WHERE group_id = %s)' % settings.COMMENTS_BANNED_USERS_GROUP})
+ if not
+ if 'user' in context and context['user'].is_authenticated():
+ user_id = context['user'].id
+ context['user_can_moderate_comments'] = Comment.objects.user_is_moderator(context['user'])
+ else:
+ user_id = None
+ context['user_can_moderate_comments'] = False
+ # Only display comments by banned users to those users themselves.
+ comment_list = [c for c in comment_list if not c.is_hidden or (user_id == c.user_id)]
+ context[self.var_name] = comment_list
+ return ''
+class DoCommentForm:
+ """
+ Displays a comment form for the given params.
+ Syntax::
+ {% comment_form for [pkg].[py_module_name] [context_var_containing_obj_id] with [list of options] %}
+ Example usage::
+ {% comment_form for lcom.eventtimes with is_public yes photos_optional thumbs,200,400 ratings_optional scale:1-5|first_option|second_option %}
+ ``[context_var_containing_obj_id]`` can be a hard-coded integer or a variable containing the ID.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, free):
+ = free
+ def __call__(self, parser, token):
+ tokens = token.contents.split()
+ if len(tokens) < 4:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires at least 3 arguments" % tokens[0]
+ if tokens[1] != 'for':
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Second argument in %r tag must be 'for'" % tokens[0]
+ try:
+ package, module = tokens[2].split('.')
+ except ValueError: # unpack list of wrong size
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Third argument in %r tag must be in the format 'package.module'" % tokens[0]
+ try:
+ content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label__exact=package, model__exact=module)
+ except ContentType.DoesNotExist:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag has invalid content-type '%s.%s'" % (tokens[0], package, module)
+ obj_id_lookup_var, obj_id = None, None
+ if tokens[3].isdigit():
+ obj_id = tokens[3]
+ try: # ensure the object ID is valid
+ content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=obj_id)
+ except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag refers to %s object with ID %s, which doesn't exist" % (tokens[0],, obj_id)
+ else:
+ obj_id_lookup_var = tokens[3]
+ kwargs = {}
+ if len(tokens) > 4:
+ if tokens[4] != 'with':
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Fourth argument in %r tag must be 'with'" % tokens[0]
+ for option, args in zip(tokens[5::2], tokens[6::2]):
+ option = smart_str(option)
+ if option in ('photos_optional', 'photos_required') and not
+ # VALIDATION ##############################################
+ option_list = args.split(',')
+ if len(option_list) % 3 != 0:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Incorrect number of comma-separated arguments to %r tag" % tokens[0]
+ for opt in option_list[::3]:
+ if not opt.isalnum():
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Invalid photo directory name in %r tag: '%s'" % (tokens[0], opt)
+ for opt in option_list[1::3] + option_list[2::3]:
+ if not opt.isdigit() or not (MIN_PHOTO_DIMENSION <= int(opt) <= MAX_PHOTO_DIMENSION):
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Invalid photo dimension in %r tag: '%s'. Only values between %s and %s are allowed." % (tokens[0], opt, MIN_PHOTO_DIMENSION, MAX_PHOTO_DIMENSION)
+ # VALIDATION ENDS #########################################
+ kwargs[option] = True
+ kwargs['photo_options'] = args
+ elif option in ('ratings_optional', 'ratings_required') and not
+ # VALIDATION ##############################################
+ if 2 < len(args.split('|')) > 9:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Incorrect number of '%s' options in %r tag. Use between 2 and 8." % (option, tokens[0])
+ if re.match('^scale:\d+\-\d+\:$', args.split('|')[0]):
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Invalid 'scale' in %r tag's '%s' options" % (tokens[0], option)
+ # VALIDATION ENDS #########################################
+ kwargs[option] = True
+ kwargs['rating_options'] = args
+ elif option in ('is_public'):
+ kwargs[option] = (args == 'true')
+ else:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag got invalid parameter '%s'" % (tokens[0], option)
+ return CommentFormNode(content_type, obj_id_lookup_var, obj_id,, **kwargs)
+class DoCommentCount:
+ """
+ Gets comment count for the given params and populates the template context
+ with a variable containing that value, whose name is defined by the 'as'
+ clause.
+ Syntax::
+ {% get_comment_count for [pkg].[py_module_name] [context_var_containing_obj_id] as [varname] %}
+ Example usage::
+ {% get_comment_count for lcom.eventtimes as comment_count %}
+ Note: ``[context_var_containing_obj_id]`` can also be a hard-coded integer, like this::
+ {% get_comment_count for lcom.eventtimes 23 as comment_count %}
+ """
+ def __init__(self, free):
+ = free
+ def __call__(self, parser, token):
+ tokens = token.contents.split()
+ # Now tokens is a list like this:
+ # ['get_comment_list', 'for', 'lcom.eventtimes', '', 'as', 'comment_list']
+ if len(tokens) != 6:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires 5 arguments" % tokens[0]
+ if tokens[1] != 'for':
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Second argument in %r tag must be 'for'" % tokens[0]
+ try:
+ package, module = tokens[2].split('.')
+ except ValueError: # unpack list of wrong size
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Third argument in %r tag must be in the format 'package.module'" % tokens[0]
+ try:
+ content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label__exact=package, model__exact=module)
+ except ContentType.DoesNotExist:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag has invalid content-type '%s.%s'" % (tokens[0], package, module)
+ var_name, obj_id = None, None
+ if tokens[3].isdigit():
+ obj_id = tokens[3]
+ try: # ensure the object ID is valid
+ content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=obj_id)
+ except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag refers to %s object with ID %s, which doesn't exist" % (tokens[0],, obj_id)
+ else:
+ var_name = tokens[3]
+ if tokens[4] != 'as':
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Fourth argument in %r must be 'as'" % tokens[0]
+ return CommentCountNode(package, module, var_name, obj_id, tokens[5],
+class DoGetCommentList:
+ """
+ Gets comments for the given params and populates the template context with a
+ special comment_package variable, whose name is defined by the ``as``
+ clause.
+ Syntax::
+ {% get_comment_list for [pkg].[py_module_name] [context_var_containing_obj_id] as [varname] (reversed) %}
+ Example usage::
+ {% get_comment_list for lcom.eventtimes as comment_list %}
+ Note: ``[context_var_containing_obj_id]`` can also be a hard-coded integer, like this::
+ {% get_comment_list for lcom.eventtimes 23 as comment_list %}
+ To get a list of comments in reverse order -- that is, most recent first --
+ pass ``reversed`` as the last param::
+ {% get_comment_list for lcom.eventtimes as comment_list reversed %}
+ """
+ def __init__(self, free):
+ = free
+ def __call__(self, parser, token):
+ tokens = token.contents.split()
+ # Now tokens is a list like this:
+ # ['get_comment_list', 'for', 'lcom.eventtimes', '', 'as', 'comment_list']
+ if not len(tokens) in (6, 7):
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires 5 or 6 arguments" % tokens[0]
+ if tokens[1] != 'for':
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Second argument in %r tag must be 'for'" % tokens[0]
+ try:
+ package, module = tokens[2].split('.')
+ except ValueError: # unpack list of wrong size
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Third argument in %r tag must be in the format 'package.module'" % tokens[0]
+ try:
+ content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label__exact=package,model__exact=module)
+ except ContentType.DoesNotExist:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag has invalid content-type '%s.%s'" % (tokens[0], package, module)
+ var_name, obj_id = None, None
+ if tokens[3].isdigit():
+ obj_id = tokens[3]
+ try: # ensure the object ID is valid
+ content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=obj_id)
+ except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag refers to %s object with ID %s, which doesn't exist" % (tokens[0],, obj_id)
+ else:
+ var_name = tokens[3]
+ if tokens[4] != 'as':
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Fourth argument in %r must be 'as'" % tokens[0]
+ if len(tokens) == 7:
+ if tokens[6] != 'reversed':
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "Final argument in %r must be 'reversed' if given" % tokens[0]
+ ordering = "-"
+ else:
+ ordering = ""
+ return CommentListNode(package, module, var_name, obj_id, tokens[5],, ordering)
+# registration comments
+register.tag('get_comment_list', DoGetCommentList(False))
+register.tag('comment_form', DoCommentForm(False))
+register.tag('get_comment_count', DoCommentCount(False))
+# free comments
+register.tag('get_free_comment_list', DoGetCommentList(True))
+register.tag('free_comment_form', DoCommentForm(True))
+register.tag('get_free_comment_count', DoCommentCount(True))
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8275debf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+>>> from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment
+>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
+>>> u = User.objects.create_user('commenttestuser', '', 'testpw')
+>>> c = Comment(user=u, comment=u'\xe2')
+>>> c
+<Comment: commenttestuser: â...>
+>>> print c
+commenttestuser: â...
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/urls/ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/urls/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/urls/
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/urls/ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/urls/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbb4c435b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/urls/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+urlpatterns = patterns('django.contrib.comments.views',
+ (r'^post/$', 'comments.post_comment'),
+ (r'^postfree/$', 'comments.post_free_comment'),
+ (r'^posted/$', 'comments.comment_was_posted'),
+ (r'^karma/vote/(?P<comment_id>\d+)/(?P<vote>up|down)/$', ''),
+ (r'^flag/(?P<comment_id>\d+)/$', 'userflags.flag'),
+ (r'^flag/(?P<comment_id>\d+)/done/$', 'userflags.flag_done'),
+ (r'^delete/(?P<comment_id>\d+)/$', 'userflags.delete'),
+ (r'^delete/(?P<comment_id>\d+)/done/$', 'userflags.delete_done'),
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/views/ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/views/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/views/
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/views/ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/views/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba59cbafc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/views/
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+import base64
+import datetime
+from django.core import validators
+from django import oldforms
+from django.core.mail import mail_admins, mail_managers
+from django.http import Http404
+from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
+from django.template import RequestContext
+from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment, FreeComment, RATINGS_REQUIRED, RATINGS_OPTIONAL, IS_PUBLIC
+from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
+from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
+from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
+from django.utils.text import normalize_newlines
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.utils.translation import ungettext, ugettext as _
+from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
+# TODO: This is a copy of the manipulator-based form that used to live in
+# contrib.auth.forms. It should be replaced with the newforms version that
+# has now been added to contrib.auth.forms when the comments app gets updated
+# for newforms.
+class AuthenticationForm(oldforms.Manipulator):
+ """
+ Base class for authenticating users. Extend this to get a form that accepts
+ username/password logins.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, request=None):
+ """
+ If request is passed in, the manipulator will validate that cookies are
+ enabled. Note that the request (a HttpRequest object) must have set a
+ cookie with the key TEST_COOKIE_NAME and value TEST_COOKIE_VALUE before
+ running this validator.
+ """
+ self.request = request
+ self.fields = [
+ oldforms.TextField(field_name="username", length=15, max_length=30, is_required=True,
+ validator_list=[self.isValidUser, self.hasCookiesEnabled]),
+ oldforms.PasswordField(field_name="password", length=15, max_length=30, is_required=True),
+ ]
+ self.user_cache = None
+ def hasCookiesEnabled(self, field_data, all_data):
+ if self.request and not self.request.session.test_cookie_worked():
+ raise validators.ValidationError, _("Your Web browser doesn't appear to have cookies enabled. Cookies are required for logging in.")
+ def isValidUser(self, field_data, all_data):
+ username = field_data
+ password = all_data.get('password', None)
+ self.user_cache = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
+ if self.user_cache is None:
+ raise validators.ValidationError, _("Please enter a correct username and password. Note that both fields are case-sensitive.")
+ elif not self.user_cache.is_active:
+ raise validators.ValidationError, _("This account is inactive.")
+ def get_user_id(self):
+ if self.user_cache:
+ return
+ return None
+ def get_user(self):
+ return self.user_cache
+class PublicCommentManipulator(AuthenticationForm):
+ "Manipulator that handles public registered comments"
+ def __init__(self, user, ratings_required, ratings_range, num_rating_choices):
+ AuthenticationForm.__init__(self)
+ self.ratings_range, self.num_rating_choices = ratings_range, num_rating_choices
+ choices = [(c, c) for c in ratings_range]
+ def get_validator_list(rating_num):
+ if rating_num <= num_rating_choices:
+ return [validators.RequiredIfOtherFieldsGiven(['rating%d' % i for i in range(1, 9) if i != rating_num], _("This rating is required because you've entered at least one other rating."))]
+ else:
+ return []
+ self.fields.extend([
+ oldforms.LargeTextField(field_name="comment", max_length=3000, is_required=True,
+ validator_list=[self.hasNoProfanities]),
+ oldforms.RadioSelectField(field_name="rating1", choices=choices,
+ is_required=ratings_required and num_rating_choices > 0,
+ validator_list=get_validator_list(1),
+ ),
+ oldforms.RadioSelectField(field_name="rating2", choices=choices,
+ is_required=ratings_required and num_rating_choices > 1,
+ validator_list=get_validator_list(2),
+ ),
+ oldforms.RadioSelectField(field_name="rating3", choices=choices,
+ is_required=ratings_required and num_rating_choices > 2,
+ validator_list=get_validator_list(3),
+ ),
+ oldforms.RadioSelectField(field_name="rating4", choices=choices,
+ is_required=ratings_required and num_rating_choices > 3,
+ validator_list=get_validator_list(4),
+ ),
+ oldforms.RadioSelectField(field_name="rating5", choices=choices,
+ is_required=ratings_required and num_rating_choices > 4,
+ validator_list=get_validator_list(5),
+ ),
+ oldforms.RadioSelectField(field_name="rating6", choices=choices,
+ is_required=ratings_required and num_rating_choices > 5,
+ validator_list=get_validator_list(6),
+ ),
+ oldforms.RadioSelectField(field_name="rating7", choices=choices,
+ is_required=ratings_required and num_rating_choices > 6,
+ validator_list=get_validator_list(7),
+ ),
+ oldforms.RadioSelectField(field_name="rating8", choices=choices,
+ is_required=ratings_required and num_rating_choices > 7,
+ validator_list=get_validator_list(8),
+ ),
+ ])
+ if user.is_authenticated():
+ self["username"].is_required = False
+ self["username"].validator_list = []
+ self["password"].is_required = False
+ self["password"].validator_list = []
+ self.user_cache = user
+ def hasNoProfanities(self, field_data, all_data):
+ return
+ return validators.hasNoProfanities(field_data, all_data)
+ def get_comment(self, new_data):
+ "Helper function"
+ return Comment(None, self.get_user_id(), new_data["content_type_id"],
+ new_data["object_id"], new_data.get("headline", "").strip(),
+ new_data["comment"].strip(), new_data.get("rating1", None),
+ new_data.get("rating2", None), new_data.get("rating3", None),
+ new_data.get("rating4", None), new_data.get("rating5", None),
+ new_data.get("rating6", None), new_data.get("rating7", None),
+ new_data.get("rating8", None), new_data.get("rating1", None) is not None,
+, new_data["is_public"], new_data["ip_address"], False, settings.SITE_ID)
+ def save(self, new_data):
+ today =
+ c = self.get_comment(new_data)
+ for old in Comment.objects.filter(content_type__id__exact=new_data["content_type_id"],
+ object_id__exact=new_data["object_id"], user__id__exact=self.get_user_id()):
+ # Check that this comment isn't duplicate. (Sometimes people post
+ # comments twice by mistake.) If it is, fail silently by pretending
+ # the comment was posted successfully.
+ if == today and old.comment == c.comment \
+ and old.rating1 == c.rating1 and old.rating2 == c.rating2 \
+ and old.rating3 == c.rating3 and old.rating4 == c.rating4 \
+ and old.rating5 == c.rating5 and old.rating6 == c.rating6 \
+ and old.rating7 == c.rating7 and old.rating8 == c.rating8:
+ return old
+ # If the user is leaving a rating, invalidate all old ratings.
+ if c.rating1 is not None:
+ old.valid_rating = False
+ # If the commentor has posted fewer than COMMENTS_FIRST_FEW comments,
+ # send the comment to the managers.
+ if self.user_cache.comment_set.count() <= settings.COMMENTS_FIRST_FEW:
+ message = ungettext('This comment was posted by a user who has posted fewer than %(count)s comment:\n\n%(text)s',
+ 'This comment was posted by a user who has posted fewer than %(count)s comments:\n\n%(text)s', settings.COMMENTS_FIRST_FEW) % \
+ {'count': settings.COMMENTS_FIRST_FEW, 'text': c.get_as_text()}
+ mail_managers("Comment posted by rookie user", message)
+ if settings.COMMENTS_SKETCHY_USERS_GROUP and settings.COMMENTS_SKETCHY_USERS_GROUP in [ for g in self.user_cache.groups.all()]:
+ message = _('This comment was posted by a sketchy user:\n\n%(text)s') % {'text': c.get_as_text()}
+ mail_managers("Comment posted by sketchy user (%s)" % self.user_cache.username, c.get_as_text())
+ return c
+class PublicFreeCommentManipulator(oldforms.Manipulator):
+ "Manipulator that handles public free (unregistered) comments"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.fields = (
+ oldforms.TextField(field_name="person_name", max_length=50, is_required=True,
+ validator_list=[self.hasNoProfanities]),
+ oldforms.LargeTextField(field_name="comment", max_length=3000, is_required=True,
+ validator_list=[self.hasNoProfanities]),
+ )
+ def hasNoProfanities(self, field_data, all_data):
+ return
+ return validators.hasNoProfanities(field_data, all_data)
+ def get_comment(self, new_data):
+ "Helper function"
+ return FreeComment(None, new_data["content_type_id"],
+ new_data["object_id"], new_data["comment"].strip(),
+ new_data["person_name"].strip(),, new_data["is_public"],
+ new_data["ip_address"], False, settings.SITE_ID)
+ def save(self, new_data):
+ today =
+ c = self.get_comment(new_data)
+ # Check that this comment isn't duplicate. (Sometimes people post
+ # comments twice by mistake.) If it is, fail silently by pretending
+ # the comment was posted successfully.
+ for old_comment in FreeComment.objects.filter(content_type__id__exact=new_data["content_type_id"],
+ object_id__exact=new_data["object_id"], person_name__exact=new_data["person_name"],
+ submit_date__year=today.year, submit_date__month=today.month,
+ if old_comment.comment == c.comment:
+ return old_comment
+ return c
+def post_comment(request, extra_context=None, context_processors=None):
+ """
+ Post a comment
+ Redirects to the `comments.comments.comment_was_posted` view upon success.
+ Templates: `comment_preview`
+ Context:
+ comment
+ the comment being posted
+ comment_form
+ the comment form
+ options
+ comment options
+ target
+ comment target
+ hash
+ security hash (must be included in a posted form to succesfully
+ post a comment).
+ rating_options
+ comment ratings options
+ ratings_optional
+ are ratings optional?
+ ratings_required
+ are ratings required?
+ rating_range
+ range of ratings
+ rating_choices
+ choice of ratings
+ """
+ if extra_context is None: extra_context = {}
+ if not request.POST:
+ raise Http404, _("Only POSTs are allowed")
+ try:
+ options, target, security_hash = request.POST['options'], request.POST['target'], request.POST['gonzo']
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Http404, _("One or more of the required fields wasn't submitted")
+ photo_options = request.POST.get('photo_options', '')
+ rating_options = normalize_newlines(request.POST.get('rating_options', ''))
+ if Comment.objects.get_security_hash(options, photo_options, rating_options, target) != security_hash:
+ raise Http404, _("Somebody tampered with the comment form (security violation)")
+ # Now we can be assured the data is valid.
+ if rating_options:
+ rating_range, rating_choices = Comment.objects.get_rating_options(base64.decodestring(rating_options))
+ else:
+ rating_range, rating_choices = [], []
+ content_type_id, object_id = target.split(':') # target is something like '52:5157'
+ try:
+ obj = ContentType.objects.get(pk=content_type_id).get_object_for_this_type(pk=object_id)
+ except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+ raise Http404, _("The comment form had an invalid 'target' parameter -- the object ID was invalid")
+ option_list = options.split(',') # options is something like 'pa,ra'
+ new_data = request.POST.copy()
+ new_data['content_type_id'] = content_type_id
+ new_data['object_id'] = object_id
+ new_data['ip_address'] = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
+ new_data['is_public'] = IS_PUBLIC in option_list
+ manipulator = PublicCommentManipulator(request.user,
+ ratings_required=RATINGS_REQUIRED in option_list,
+ ratings_range=rating_range,
+ num_rating_choices=len(rating_choices))
+ errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
+ # If user gave correct username/password and wasn't already logged in, log them in
+ # so they don't have to enter a username/password again.
+ if manipulator.get_user() and not manipulator.get_user().is_authenticated() and 'password' in new_data and manipulator.get_user().check_password(new_data['password']):
+ from django.contrib.auth import login
+ login(request, manipulator.get_user())
+ if errors or 'preview' in request.POST:
+ class CommentFormWrapper(oldforms.FormWrapper):
+ def __init__(self, manipulator, new_data, errors, rating_choices):
+ oldforms.FormWrapper.__init__(self, manipulator, new_data, errors)
+ self.rating_choices = rating_choices
+ def ratings(self):
+ field_list = [self['rating%d' % (i+1)] for i in range(len(rating_choices))]
+ for i, f in enumerate(field_list):
+ f.choice = rating_choices[i]
+ return field_list
+ comment = errors and '' or manipulator.get_comment(new_data)
+ comment_form = CommentFormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors, rating_choices)
+ return render_to_response('comments/preview.html', {
+ 'comment': comment,
+ 'comment_form': comment_form,
+ 'options': options,
+ 'target': target,
+ 'hash': security_hash,
+ 'rating_options': rating_options,
+ 'ratings_optional': RATINGS_OPTIONAL in option_list,
+ 'ratings_required': RATINGS_REQUIRED in option_list,
+ 'rating_range': rating_range,
+ 'rating_choices': rating_choices,
+ }, context_instance=RequestContext(request, extra_context, context_processors))
+ elif 'post' in request.POST:
+ # If the IP is banned, mail the admins, do NOT save the comment, and
+ # serve up the "Thanks for posting" page as if the comment WAS posted.
+ if request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] in settings.BANNED_IPS:
+ mail_admins("Banned IP attempted to post comment", smart_unicode(request.POST) + "\n\n" + str(request.META))
+ else:
+ manipulator.do_html2python(new_data)
+ comment =
+ return HttpResponseRedirect("../posted/?c=%s:%s" % (content_type_id, object_id))
+ else:
+ raise Http404, _("The comment form didn't provide either 'preview' or 'post'")
+def post_free_comment(request, extra_context=None, context_processors=None):
+ """
+ Post a free comment (not requiring a log in)
+ Redirects to `comments.comments.comment_was_posted` view on success.
+ Templates: `comment_free_preview`
+ Context:
+ comment
+ comment being posted
+ comment_form
+ comment form object
+ options
+ comment options
+ target
+ comment target
+ hash
+ security hash (must be included in a posted form to succesfully
+ post a comment).
+ """
+ if extra_context is None: extra_context = {}
+ if not request.POST:
+ raise Http404, _("Only POSTs are allowed")
+ try:
+ options, target, security_hash = request.POST['options'], request.POST['target'], request.POST['gonzo']
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Http404, _("One or more of the required fields wasn't submitted")
+ if Comment.objects.get_security_hash(options, '', '', target) != security_hash:
+ raise Http404, _("Somebody tampered with the comment form (security violation)")
+ content_type_id, object_id = target.split(':') # target is something like '52:5157'
+ content_type = ContentType.objects.get(pk=content_type_id)
+ try:
+ obj = content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=object_id)
+ except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+ raise Http404, _("The comment form had an invalid 'target' parameter -- the object ID was invalid")
+ option_list = options.split(',')
+ new_data = request.POST.copy()
+ new_data['content_type_id'] = content_type_id
+ new_data['object_id'] = object_id
+ new_data['ip_address'] = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
+ new_data['is_public'] = IS_PUBLIC in option_list
+ manipulator = PublicFreeCommentManipulator()
+ errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
+ if errors or 'preview' in request.POST:
+ comment = errors and '' or manipulator.get_comment(new_data)
+ return render_to_response('comments/free_preview.html', {
+ 'comment': comment,
+ 'comment_form': oldforms.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors),
+ 'options': options,
+ 'target': target,
+ 'hash': security_hash,
+ }, context_instance=RequestContext(request, extra_context, context_processors))
+ elif 'post' in request.POST:
+ # If the IP is banned, mail the admins, do NOT save the comment, and
+ # serve up the "Thanks for posting" page as if the comment WAS posted.
+ if request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] in settings.BANNED_IPS:
+ from django.core.mail import mail_admins
+ mail_admins("Practical joker", smart_unicode(request.POST) + "\n\n" + str(request.META))
+ else:
+ manipulator.do_html2python(new_data)
+ comment =
+ return HttpResponseRedirect("../posted/?c=%s:%s" % (content_type_id, object_id))
+ else:
+ raise Http404, _("The comment form didn't provide either 'preview' or 'post'")
+def comment_was_posted(request, extra_context=None, context_processors=None):
+ """
+ Display "comment was posted" success page
+ Templates: `comment_posted`
+ Context:
+ object
+ The object the comment was posted on
+ """
+ if extra_context is None: extra_context = {}
+ obj = None
+ if 'c' in request.GET:
+ content_type_id, object_id = request.GET['c'].split(':')
+ try:
+ content_type = ContentType.objects.get(pk=content_type_id)
+ obj = content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=object_id)
+ except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+ pass
+ return render_to_response('comments/posted.html', {'object': obj},
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request, extra_context, context_processors))
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/views/ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/views/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c0e284ae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/views/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+from django.http import Http404
+from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
+from django.template import RequestContext
+from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment, KarmaScore
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
+def vote(request, comment_id, vote, extra_context=None, context_processors=None):
+ """
+ Rate a comment (+1 or -1)
+ Templates: `karma_vote_accepted`
+ Context:
+ comment
+ `comments.comments` object being rated
+ """
+ if extra_context is None: extra_context = {}
+ rating = {'up': 1, 'down': -1}.get(vote, False)
+ if not rating:
+ raise Http404, "Invalid vote"
+ if not request.user.is_authenticated():
+ raise Http404, _("Anonymous users cannot vote")
+ try:
+ comment = Comment.objects.get(pk=comment_id)
+ except Comment.DoesNotExist:
+ raise Http404, _("Invalid comment ID")
+ if ==
+ raise Http404, _("No voting for yourself")
+, comment_id, rating)
+ # Reload comment to ensure we have up to date karma count
+ comment = Comment.objects.get(pk=comment_id)
+ return render_to_response('comments/karma_vote_accepted.html', {'comment': comment},
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request, extra_context, context_processors))
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/comments/views/ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/views/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91518dc5dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/comments/views/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404
+from django.template import RequestContext
+from django.http import Http404
+from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment, ModeratorDeletion, UserFlag
+from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
+from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
+from django.conf import settings
+def flag(request, comment_id, extra_context=None, context_processors=None):
+ """
+ Flags a comment. Confirmation on GET, action on POST.
+ Templates: `comments/flag_verify`, `comments/flag_done`
+ Context:
+ comment
+ the flagged `comments.comments` object
+ """
+ if extra_context is None: extra_context = {}
+ comment = get_object_or_404(Comment,pk=comment_id, site__id__exact=settings.SITE_ID)
+ if request.POST:
+ UserFlag.objects.flag(comment, request.user)
+ return HttpResponseRedirect('%sdone/' % request.path)
+ return render_to_response('comments/flag_verify.html', {'comment': comment},
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request, extra_context, context_processors))
+flag = login_required(flag)
+def flag_done(request, comment_id, extra_context=None, context_processors=None):
+ if extra_context is None: extra_context = {}
+ comment = get_object_or_404(Comment,pk=comment_id, site__id__exact=settings.SITE_ID)
+ return render_to_response('comments/flag_done.html', {'comment': comment},
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request, extra_context, context_processors))
+def delete(request, comment_id, extra_context=None, context_processors=None):
+ """
+ Deletes a comment. Confirmation on GET, action on POST.
+ Templates: `comments/delete_verify`, `comments/delete_done`
+ Context:
+ comment
+ the flagged `comments.comments` object
+ """
+ if extra_context is None: extra_context = {}
+ comment = get_object_or_404(Comment,pk=comment_id, site__id__exact=settings.SITE_ID)
+ if not Comment.objects.user_is_moderator(request.user):
+ raise Http404
+ if request.POST:
+ # If the comment has already been removed, silently fail.
+ if not comment.is_removed:
+ comment.is_removed = True
+ m = ModeratorDeletion(None,,, None)
+ return HttpResponseRedirect('%sdone/' % request.path)
+ return render_to_response('comments/delete_verify.html', {'comment': comment},
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request, extra_context, context_processors))
+delete = login_required(delete)
+def delete_done(request, comment_id, extra_context=None, context_processors=None):
+ if extra_context is None: extra_context = {}
+ comment = get_object_or_404(Comment,pk=comment_id, site__id__exact=settings.SITE_ID)
+ return render_to_response('comments/delete_done.html', {'comment': comment},
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request, extra_context, context_processors))