path: root/webapp/django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields/
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Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields/')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields/ b/webapp/django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1dfa23eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp/django/contrib/gis/db/models/fields/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+from django.contrib.gis import forms
+# Getting the SpatialBackend container and the geographic quoting method.
+from django.contrib.gis.db.backend import SpatialBackend, gqn
+# GeometryProxy, GEOS, and Distance imports.
+from django.contrib.gis.db.models.proxy import GeometryProxy
+from django.contrib.gis.measure import Distance
+# The `get_srid_info` function gets SRID information from the spatial
+# reference system table w/o using the ORM.
+from django.contrib.gis.models import get_srid_info
+#TODO: Flesh out widgets; consider adding support for OGR Geometry proxies.
+class GeometryField(SpatialBackend.Field):
+ "The base GIS field -- maps to the OpenGIS Specification Geometry type."
+ # The OpenGIS Geometry name.
+ _geom = 'GEOMETRY'
+ # Geodetic units.
+ geodetic_units = ('Decimal Degree', 'degree')
+ def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, srid=4326, spatial_index=True, dim=2, **kwargs):
+ """
+ The initialization function for geometry fields. Takes the following
+ as keyword arguments:
+ srid:
+ The spatial reference system identifier, an OGC standard.
+ Defaults to 4326 (WGS84).
+ spatial_index:
+ Indicates whether to create a spatial index. Defaults to True.
+ Set this instead of 'db_index' for geographic fields since index
+ creation is different for geometry columns.
+ dim:
+ The number of dimensions for this geometry. Defaults to 2.
+ """
+ # Setting the index flag with the value of the `spatial_index` keyword.
+ self._index = spatial_index
+ # Setting the SRID and getting the units. Unit information must be
+ # easily available in the field instance for distance queries.
+ self._srid = srid
+ self._unit, self._unit_name, self._spheroid = get_srid_info(srid)
+ # Setting the dimension of the geometry field.
+ self._dim = dim
+ # Setting the verbose_name keyword argument with the positional
+ # first parameter, so this works like normal fields.
+ kwargs['verbose_name'] = verbose_name
+ super(GeometryField, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Calling the parent initializtion function
+ ### Routines specific to GeometryField ###
+ @property
+ def geodetic(self):
+ """
+ Returns true if this field's SRID corresponds with a coordinate
+ system that uses non-projected units (e.g., latitude/longitude).
+ """
+ return self._unit_name in self.geodetic_units
+ def get_distance(self, dist_val, lookup_type):
+ """
+ Returns a distance number in units of the field. For example, if
+ `D(km=1)` was passed in and the units of the field were in meters,
+ then 1000 would be returned.
+ """
+ # Getting the distance parameter and any options.
+ if len(dist_val) == 1: dist, option = dist_val[0], None
+ else: dist, option = dist_val
+ if isinstance(dist, Distance):
+ if self.geodetic:
+ # Won't allow Distance objects w/DWithin lookups on PostGIS.
+ if SpatialBackend.postgis and lookup_type == 'dwithin':
+ raise TypeError('Only numeric values of degree units are allowed on geographic DWithin queries.')
+ # Spherical distance calculation parameter should be in meters.
+ dist_param = dist.m
+ else:
+ dist_param = getattr(dist, Distance.unit_attname(self._unit_name))
+ else:
+ # Assuming the distance is in the units of the field.
+ dist_param = dist
+ if SpatialBackend.postgis and self.geodetic and lookup_type != 'dwithin' and option == 'spheroid':
+ # On PostGIS, by default `ST_distance_sphere` is used; but if the
+ # accuracy of `ST_distance_spheroid` is needed than the spheroid
+ # needs to be passed to the SQL stored procedure.
+ return [gqn(self._spheroid), dist_param]
+ else:
+ return [dist_param]
+ def get_geometry(self, value):
+ """
+ Retrieves the geometry, setting the default SRID from the given
+ lookup parameters.
+ """
+ if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
+ geom = value[0]
+ else:
+ geom = value
+ # When the input is not a GEOS geometry, attempt to construct one
+ # from the given string input.
+ if isinstance(geom, SpatialBackend.Geometry):
+ pass
+ elif isinstance(geom, basestring):
+ try:
+ geom = SpatialBackend.Geometry(geom)
+ except SpatialBackend.GeometryException:
+ raise ValueError('Could not create geometry from lookup value: %s' % str(value))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError('Cannot use parameter of `%s` type as lookup parameter.' % type(value))
+ # Assigning the SRID value.
+ geom.srid = self.get_srid(geom)
+ return geom
+ def get_srid(self, geom):
+ """
+ Returns the default SRID for the given geometry, taking into account
+ the SRID set for the field. For example, if the input geometry
+ has no SRID, then that of the field will be returned.
+ """
+ gsrid = geom.srid # SRID of given geometry.
+ if gsrid is None or self._srid == -1 or (gsrid == -1 and self._srid != -1):
+ return self._srid
+ else:
+ return gsrid
+ ### Routines overloaded from Field ###
+ def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
+ super(GeometryField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name)
+ # Setup for lazy-instantiated Geometry object.
+ setattr(cls, self.attname, GeometryProxy(SpatialBackend.Geometry, self))
+ def formfield(self, **kwargs):
+ defaults = {'form_class' : forms.GeometryField,
+ 'geom_type' : self._geom,
+ 'null' : self.null,
+ }
+ defaults.update(kwargs)
+ return super(GeometryField, self).formfield(**defaults)
+ def get_db_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value):
+ """
+ Returns the spatial WHERE clause and associated parameters for the
+ given lookup type and value. The value will be prepared for database
+ lookup (e.g., spatial transformation SQL will be added if necessary).
+ """
+ if lookup_type in SpatialBackend.gis_terms:
+ # special case for isnull lookup
+ if lookup_type == 'isnull': return [], []
+ # Get the geometry with SRID; defaults SRID to that of the field
+ # if it is None.
+ geom = self.get_geometry(value)
+ # Getting the WHERE clause list and the associated params list. The params
+ # list is populated with the Adaptor wrapping the Geometry for the
+ # backend. The WHERE clause list contains the placeholder for the adaptor
+ # (e.g. any transformation SQL).
+ where = [self.get_placeholder(geom)]
+ params = [SpatialBackend.Adaptor(geom)]
+ if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
+ if lookup_type in SpatialBackend.distance_functions:
+ # Getting the distance parameter in the units of the field.
+ where += self.get_distance(value[1:], lookup_type)
+ elif lookup_type in SpatialBackend.limited_where:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Otherwise, making sure any other parameters are properly quoted.
+ where += map(gqn, value[1:])
+ return where, params
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Field has invalid lookup: %s" % lookup_type)
+ def get_db_prep_save(self, value):
+ "Prepares the value for saving in the database."
+ if value is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return SpatialBackend.Adaptor(self.get_geometry(value))
+# The OpenGIS Geometry Type Fields
+class PointField(GeometryField):
+ _geom = 'POINT'
+class LineStringField(GeometryField):
+ _geom = 'LINESTRING'
+class PolygonField(GeometryField):
+ _geom = 'POLYGON'
+class MultiPointField(GeometryField):
+ _geom = 'MULTIPOINT'
+class MultiLineStringField(GeometryField):
+class MultiPolygonField(GeometryField):
+ _geom = 'MULTIPOLYGON'
+class GeometryCollectionField(GeometryField):